Author Topic: No AI? And other confusions..  (Read 1870 times)

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Offline Kraftwerk (OP)

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No AI? And other confusions..
« on: April 23, 2012, 01:31:00 PM »
Been playing about 2 or 3 weeks, have started up and played out a few games past 40-50 years. . . but I have yet to run into an AI.  So I think, ill just make a galaxy with just 2 systems, surely then ill run into someone.  That appears to be impossible to do.  It starts the AI or at least I can tell it creates a system (above and beyond the maximum 2 i set, very annoying, real stars turned off) but none of Sols jump points connect to it, infact they spawn new systems above the maximum I set, and then connect back to themselves. 

I attempt to use space master to add more AI, it adds more systems, I sim 100 months, and still no contact with anyone.  I can see in the list of systems that its creating randomly numbered systems, then adding more systems close to the same number, I assume, as teh AI is expanding. . . but we never bump into each other.

Also I get DAO errors everytime I create a game.  Have uninstalled, reinstalled, tried new directories, followed the tutorial to the T, and still get the errors.  The only other errors I get is when I tell someone to do something they cant do, like pick up something that doesnt exist, or survey somewhere that there arent any survey points.

And apparently no one can play the game past 50-75 years? Is this due to errors, slowness, or what? If its just slowness, is there some way to actually LIMIT the number of systems? Or game settings that can be used to keep lower tech, smaller AIs around longer to avoid the slow downs?

So far my aurora experience has been an amazing first few days, then a cascading failure.  The game doesnt seem peculiarly, as hard as claimed, a more detailed Space Empires IV, but I seem to be quite challenged by the game itself :P

Id like 10 systems max, ever, 4 AI, reasonably even starts, and I can figure it out from there, but getting it set up seems to be totally impossible.


Offline Kraftwerk (OP)

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Re: No AI? And other confusions..
« Reply #1 on: April 23, 2012, 01:33:40 PM »
And for some reason, while trying to figure this out, I appear to have turned off Event Messages. . . . and things that used to cause interrupts, like finishing a survey or traversing a jump point, no longer seem to.

Im a mess. . . I know.  Any help would be appreciated.

Offline xeryon

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Re: No AI? And other confusions..
« Reply #2 on: April 23, 2012, 02:49:41 PM »
For me I have run a few games out in the 60 years or so length and I just loose interest.  Other people note slowdowns due to excessive civilian activity and others due to the generation of too many computer controlled races, ships and systems being calculated and causing the game to slow down.  The management aspect starts to grow exponentially after a while as well.  Steve is implementing a couple new task force orders that will alleviate some of this though.  The ability to set reserve mineral levels (already exists) coupled with TF commands that will automatically load/unload to reserve levels will make supply logistics much easier.

Your system generation issues are odd and I have nothing to add there, but for individual alien races there is a generation % you set in initial game setup that may fix part of your problem.  Instead of 20 or 30% defaults? set it to 80 or 90%.

I get similar DAO errors on game generation and then never again.  I have no idea but the game tends to work fine otherwise as long as I avoid empire and commander themes which have extra spaces in the names.

Offline Kraftwerk (OP)

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Re: No AI? And other confusions..
« Reply #3 on: April 23, 2012, 06:04:15 PM »
I found I was missing a dll, and have solved the AI problem, but I still cant find a solution for the expanding universe.  Is there a way any one knows to set a hard cap on systems, or jump points?

Offline xeryon

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Re: No AI? And other confusions..
« Reply #4 on: April 23, 2012, 09:15:20 PM »
Jump points yes.  You can define max per Sol but I think that's it.

What DLL?  Come to think of it I haven't found an NPR in a long time.

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Re: No AI? And other confusions..
« Reply #5 on: April 23, 2012, 11:31:30 PM »
Alien populations are a funny thing.

You see, this game wasn't even originally designed to be played.  It started out as a management program for what is essentially a pen and paper strategy RPG.  Steve built the management program, and eventually that evolved away from the pen and paper game into aurora we have before us.

I've not found the various NPR style aliens to be particularly interesting.  There is the SM mode ability to create civilizations, but its a rather hollow conflict.

You know, playing things like dwarven fortress, which I don't play, I wonder what the game would be like if we turned up the monsters to the n'th power.  Instead of having to track actual civilizations, all enemies are swarm, precursor, invader like-- monsters that can generate in various places and then come hunting for you.  Need more types too.  Maybe a slaving race thats main goal is to kidnap and depopulate planets (rather than utterly destroy) or some insanely powerful species that requires tithing in return for not blowing up Sol.  A mix of conflicts would make it a lot more interesting.  The classic 4x modality of a bunch of races that start at the same time and race to conquer the galaxy has gotten a mite old.


Offline Kraftwerk (OP)

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Re: No AI? And other confusions..
« Reply #6 on: April 24, 2012, 01:15:43 AM »
MSSTDMFT. DLL I believe is what it wanted.

And yeah dwarf fortress is great, a real challenge from start to finish.  All that game needs is a bit more interaction with other civilizations, and the ability to take your squads to other areas than the area you settle.

This "game" too is great, but just lacking a few components to keep it from spiraling out of control processing wise, and some game set up options that allow you to tailor a challenging game.  Hopefully this aurora II will be something to behold.  Theres a real void in the 4x scene atm. 

PC gaming is definitly headed back to the garage and basement where it started, which is good to see.  I hope people keep it up.  Between Stone Soup, Aurora, Dominions 3, Dwarf Fortress, Megamek and Minecraft, I could die happily if they werent all missing that little extra something that pushes them over the edge.  AI and processing speed is really holding all these projects back too.  Save for Stone Soup, which for a rougelike you dont need a brilliant ai.  Really shows how the PC industry only paid attention to graphics for the past 15 years.  Crysis 2 flies on my PC, but accessing a simple DB still takes as long as it took for my packets to get to quakeworld and back in 1996. . . snails seem speedy by comparison. 

And id love to see a 4x where you start well after the other races, and the diplomacy game plays a more central role.  Maybe "crisis" events come up ala Pride of Nations, and all the races can weigh in on them, the more they stake on the crisis, theres more of a chance of war.  That would be a nice change of pace from the usual, we all start at the same time, mass colonize, then pound each others heads in until the steam roll of production starts, then you stop playing rather than finish out what youve already won.  Not being able to choose to go to war, instead relying on the will of the population and the political atmosphere would surely be cooler than funneling money to the strongest AI to keep them happy, while you eat up all the smaller AI while the AI youre paying sits idly by and lets you win.

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Re: No AI? And other confusions..
« Reply #7 on: April 24, 2012, 10:00:44 AM »
Do a conventional start with large population on Earth and increase the NPR chance to 80% or so. All the AI NPRs will automatically have a TN-start so the early ones will out-tech you. Don't turn the Swarm or Invaders on at beginning so they won't crowd the database while you're gearing up. Finally, clean off old civilian ships through SM every now and then to remove the ships that are three-four generations behind tech as there's bound to be dozens or hundreds of them and they are just slowing everything down. When you have subjugated/exterminated enough NPRs, turn the spoiler races on and keep fingers crossed that both appear nearby.

That should give you a more hectic and challenging game. DF can be extremely boring and easy if you select a nice safe spot in World Gen and then play it safe while building the fort.