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Posted by: Alsadius
« on: Yesterday at 03:29:27 PM »

Static Army Recruitment Bonuses for Colony Worlds

Similar to how ruins work what about if when discovering a habitable world there is a chance for that colony to give a static army recruitment bonus to units created on it.
Bonuses like 5% to defense or a boost in breakthrough and similar bonuses to the already existing fighting mechanics.

Taught behind it is as Auroras spoilers are mostly based on 40K Xenos it would be cool for RP reasons to be able to have armies or legions that have unique bonus to them based on the worlds they come from like the Space Marines have.
It would also encourage players to build colonies on those worlds regardless of their position in the galaxy, Some might even be on border systems and see a lot of fighting like 40Ks Cadia.

I'd probably structure this as those worlds being able to build units with the normal terrain bonuses ("Desert Warfare", "High Gravity", etc.), but without needing to pay the extra costs for those, or with a reduced cost penalty. Probably a lot easier to track in the code, and doesn't break the current design balance, but still has the same feel. That high-G, high-pressure hot desert mountain world that's a pain in the arse to live on suddenly gets a lot more appealing when you can use it to churn out Sardaukar. Normally, Extreme Pressure + High G + Extreme Temp + Mountain + Desert is a cost multiplier of 2*1.5*1.5*1.25*1.25 = 7.03. Even if it just halves the penalties, you're suddenly looking at a multiplier of 1.5*1.25*1.25*1.125*1.125 = 2.97 instead, which is less than half the final cost.

Not sure if it's balanced, but I think that's your best shot at making it work.
Posted by: Steve Walmsley
« on: Yesterday at 02:05:03 PM »

Hi Steve,

Is it possible to add a "Current location" to the "Movement orders" "Bodies?" list?
Or if that is not possible. Add the body that you are currently orbiting to the "Bodies?" list.

Thanks in advance.

The body you are orbiting will already be on the bodies list. If it already has a population, it will be in the list of populations that appears before the list of bodies.
Posted by: MinuteMan
« on: Yesterday at 01:23:00 PM »

Hi Steve,

Is it possible to add a "Current location" to the "Movement orders" "Bodies?" list?
Or if that is not possible. Add the body that you are currently orbiting to the "Bodies?" list.

Thanks in advance.
Posted by: Ush213
« on: September 22, 2024, 06:09:24 AM »

Static Army Recruitment Bonuses for Colony Worlds

Similar to how ruins work what about if when discovering a habitable world there is a chance for that colony to give a static army recruitment bonus to units created on it.
Bonuses like 5% to defense or a boost in breakthrough and similar bonuses to the already existing fighting mechanics.

Taught behind it is as Auroras spoilers are mostly based on 40K Xenos it would be cool for RP reasons to be able to have armies or legions that have unique bonus to them based on the worlds they come from like the Space Marines have.
It would also encourage players to build colonies on those worlds regardless of their position in the galaxy, Some might even be on border systems and see a lot of fighting like 40Ks Cadia.

Posted by: Kaiser
« on: September 20, 2024, 05:26:35 AM »

Steve, small suggestion, would it be possible to add a small legenda in the galactic map that explain what coloured circle indicates what? I know it is dumb maybe, because they are not that much, I do not know the other guys, but personally I tend to forget what a single circle indicates and I have to check and uncheck the box to figure out so, having a written legenda could give an immediate visual association between color and purposes.
Posted by: Froggiest1982
« on: September 19, 2024, 05:12:08 PM »

New planetary building: Trading Station or any other suitable name

Basically, civilians will trade only between bodies that have the Trading Station. I let your imagination run wild of the whys


EDIT: Of course, also having the ability to move trading goods with player controlled ships is an evergreen (but OT)
Posted by: paolot
« on: September 19, 2024, 04:45:57 PM »

In the Naval Organization window, Movement Orders tab, would it be possible to have different colours for jump points stabilised by different races? or, at least, a different colour for JPs stabilised by someone else than me?
And have the same colour for the JP in the Orders tab and for the box around the JP in the map?
Posted by: Black
« on: September 19, 2024, 10:48:36 AM »

Could we get a checkbox for ground force formations that would make them not visible when we are selecting troops to be picked up by transports?
Posted by: ty55101
« on: September 16, 2024, 10:15:18 AM »

Proposal: Increase size of reactors and decrease size of energy weapons

Why: Currently there is little gameplay decisions regarding reactors and it is mostly a possibility of them getting destroyed in combat. With the comparative size and power of a reactor to an energy weapon there is very little reason for a player to design a ship with reactors with less power than what the energy weapons need. If reactors were comparatively larger then it would be a viable decision to put more lasers and less reactors in order to increase alpha strike and reduce DPI. I think a good size between them would be a reactor being twice as large as the energy weapon it can power.
Posted by: alex_brunius
« on: September 16, 2024, 07:24:33 AM »

I would support this. IIRC, we had this in VB6 and it was lost or removed in the C# transition. I suspect the idea may have been to make population management more important, but what I see people do in practice is just shuffle facilities to an unimportant nearby colony (e.g., Luna) to free up population, which is just added micromanagement for the same result. In this case I think the VB6 approach was better.

I liked the VB6 approach of having the option to shut of almost any area of Industry, but then if you want to turn it on again there was IIRC a 180 day delay (so you could prioritize manufacturing workers but was a serious decision with some consequences)
Posted by: nuclearslurpee
« on: September 15, 2024, 10:13:57 PM »

What: Have shipyards, ground force construction centers, maintenance facilities, research facilities, etc only use population when they're actually performing work. This could/should have a lower limit, e.g. perhaps 25% of max when doing no work (i.e. the workforce required to "keep the lights on") up to 100% when the facility is operating at peak capacity.

Why: Right now you can toggle on or off construction of MSP, you can use part of the industrial capacity, etc, but terraforming facilities and shipyards and GFCCs always use maximum population. This can be a strain on colonies, and right now the only way to prioritize one occupation over another is to move the facility to an unoccupied local moon. It would also add some element of gameplay choice as to how you prioritize use of the workforce when a given colony is workforce constrained. We already have wealth consumption occurring in this fashion, so why not population usage?

I would support this. IIRC, we had this in VB6 and it was lost or removed in the C# transition. I suspect the idea may have been to make population management more important, but what I see people do in practice is just shuffle facilities to an unimportant nearby colony (e.g., Luna) to free up population, which is just added micromanagement for the same result. In this case I think the VB6 approach was better.
Posted by: nakorkren
« on: September 15, 2024, 09:54:52 PM »

What: Have shipyards, ground force construction centers, maintenance facilities, research facilities, etc only use population when they're actually performing work. This could/should have a lower limit, e.g. perhaps 25% of max when doing no work (i.e. the workforce required to "keep the lights on") up to 100% when the facility is operating at peak capacity.

Why: Right now you can toggle on or off construction of MSP, you can use part of the industrial capacity, etc, but terraforming facilities and shipyards and GFCCs always use maximum population. This can be a strain on colonies, and right now the only way to prioritize one occupation over another is to move the facility to an unoccupied local moon. It would also add some element of gameplay choice as to how you prioritize use of the workforce when a given colony is workforce constrained. We already have wealth consumption occurring in this fashion, so why not population usage?
Posted by: nakorkren
« on: September 14, 2024, 04:30:51 PM »

What: Could the Naval Organization tree show which ship is being towed by which in some fashion? Whether it's similar to how ships that are landed show the ship they're landed on in brakcets after the name e.g. Disabled Ship ABC (Tug 001) or even the other way around e.g. Tug 001 (Disabled Ship ABC). Either way, or in some other way, what ever is easiest.

Why: It would be helpful when you have more than one ship being towed by other ships within a fleet and you want to separate some but not others. If you use a lot of tugs and stations, this would be pretty helpful.
Posted by: nakorkren
« on: September 14, 2024, 04:18:08 PM »

On the mining tab next to the Mass Driver Destination setting, below where it shows estimated trip time, could we please see mass diver capacity/year (just 5000 x number of mass drivers present).

Would be nice to have it here on the tab where we can see how much minerals we're generating on our minining colony vs how much we can export via mass driver, rather than having to go check number of mass drivers on the Civilian/Stockpiles tab and then mentally multiply by 5000.
Posted by: nakorkren
« on: September 13, 2024, 10:32:30 PM »

Would it be possible to implement an option on the map that lets fleet/wreck/lifepod/salvo names only be shown when you mouse over them? This would really declutter the map while still letting you check names when necessary.