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Posted by: Steve Walmsley
« on: Today at 05:19:23 AM »

The "SM Part Refuel" button allows us to set the fuel level of a ship.
I often want to add or subtract a specific amount, so I have to find the current amount, do the mental math, remember the result, go back to the Misc tab, and use the button.

Suggestion: a new button "SM Add Fuel Amt" that allows us to skip the math part. Just add a given amount.
Respect max capacity of ship.
Allow negative input (but don't set current amount below zero, obviously).

This existing change for v2.6 will allow specific refuelling of fleets..
Posted by: skoormit
« on: Today at 05:02:15 AM »

The "SM Part Refuel" button allows us to set the fuel level of a ship.
I often want to add or subtract a specific amount, so I have to find the current amount, do the mental math, remember the result, go back to the Misc tab, and use the button.

Suggestion: a new button "SM Add Fuel Amt" that allows us to skip the math part. Just add a given amount.
Respect max capacity of ship.
Allow negative input (but don't set current amount below zero, obviously).
Posted by: skoormit
« on: Today at 04:53:20 AM »

A contact update event will interrupt for a hostile contact, but not for a neutral or friendly contact.
I often have current contacts for a given NPR (whom I don't consider hostile) that are updating so often that setting the NPR to hostile would cause interrupts every single increment.
At the same time, I would like to closely watch some subset of those contacts, and be able to respond immediately if any of them change.

So, not really a solid suggestion here, just me expressing a wish that we had some way to specify individual contacts as interrupting if they change, regardless of the NPR relationship setting.
Posted by: Antonin1957
« on: October 19, 2024, 05:59:06 PM »

Could agriculture someday be added to the game as a strategic commodity that can be transported and used to stimulate colony population? I see that the "summary" tab in "Economics" shows the percent of the population doing agriculture and environmental jobs.

Every time I re-read the first three books of Asimov's "Foundation" series, I'm always intrigued by the lines:

"Sergeant Mori Luk made an ideal soldier of the ranks. He came from the huge agricultural planets of the Pleiades where only army life could break the bond to the soil and the unavailing life of drudgery..."

And of course:

"Twenty agricultural worlds were granary of Trantor."

And in real life history, as the Roman Empire grew, Rome itself came to depend more and more on grain shipments from Africa.

Just a thought...
Posted by: skoormit
« on: October 18, 2024, 08:33:13 AM »

Currently, transponders can only be activated or deactivated as a movement order.
So, if you want to change the transponder status of a moving fleet, you have to clear the current orders, make a waypoint, execute the transponder order, and then restore the original orders.

Suggestion: Add buttons to change transponder status (per ship and/or per fleet), similar to the one for toggling active sensors.
Posted by: lumporr
« on: October 14, 2024, 06:46:29 AM »

The ability to "unchart" jump points would be nice, in order to replicate the temporary loss of certain jump routes, which must be rediscovered via survey. This would help with setting up certain RP scenarios in which rediscovery is a theme, and I think it can be accomplished by setting the Explored and Charted columns in the RaceJumpPointSurvey table to 0 for the desired jump points, but that's a little cumbersome.

Specifically, I'd like to be able to mechanically represent the "Shadow in the Warp" effect of the Tyranids in 40k by temporarily removing jump point access to certain systems, without having to access the DB during gameplay or houserule it using military restricted/alien controlled flags and manually removing any orders to or from the system in question.
Posted by: Alsadius
« on: October 13, 2024, 07:20:38 AM »

Just saw this in an old wiki article, about VB6. Can we get this feature back for C#? (At least, I don't see it anywhere in the F4 fleet info window.)

> On individual Ship Summaries {{key|F6}}, the Annual Failure Rate and IFR will be based on the ship's actual maintenance clock.
Posted by: paolot
« on: October 06, 2024, 08:37:06 AM »

In the Galactic Map, is it possible to show also the locations of the bodies marked as colonies?
A coloured dot next a system can be enough.
Adding also the number of the colonies in each system would be perfect.
Posted by: paolot
« on: October 06, 2024, 08:12:55 AM »

In several tabs (e.g. Shipyards, Shipyard Tasks and Wealth/Trade in the Economics window, or most of the ones in the Naval Organization window), when selecting one row only the item in the first column is highlighted.
Is it possible to always highlight all the row, as already happening in most of the other tabs and windows?
Posted by: nakorkren
« on: October 06, 2024, 07:27:40 AM »

Regarding mineral shortages:

Right now you get a separate event announcing a mineral shortage for each task that is stopped. It would better (and more concise in the event log) to get a single event per colony and mineral, e.g. "Earth is out of Duranium, impacting the following tasks: Shipyard task - Build F-57 Starfire, Construction Task - Construction Factory"
Posted by: Steve Walmsley
« on: October 06, 2024, 05:26:53 AM »

In the missile design window, the four default speeds against which the "% chance to hit" is shown (1, 3, 5 and 10k km/s) are never relevant for AMMs and become irrelevant for fighters quickly and for ships by mid to late game tech.

Instead, show the speeds at which you have 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% chance to hit. That way the info is guaranteed to always be relevant regardless of what tech level you're at.

Good idea. I have implemented as target speeds for 100%/50%/25% chances to hit on both the missile design screen and for missiles on the class summary, including the explanatory text at the end. I'll post it on the changes list later today.
Posted by: nakorkren
« on: October 05, 2024, 04:40:36 PM »

In the missile design window, the four default speeds against which the "% chance to hit" is shown (1, 3, 5 and 10k km/s) are never relevant for AMMs and become irrelevant for fighters quickly and for ships by mid to late game tech.

Instead, show the speeds at which you have 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% chance to hit. That way the info is guaranteed to always be relevant regardless of what tech level you're at.

Posted by: nakorkren
« on: October 05, 2024, 03:36:47 PM »

Option (check box) to automatically scrap any modules at or below your tech level that result from scrapping a ship. This way you don't have to manually go through the resulting pile of components and scrap them all individually.
Posted by: nakorkren
« on: October 05, 2024, 03:00:51 PM »

it would be nice to see, and be able to filter on, the total accessibility of a body in the mineral search screen.

This, this, a thousand times this! Sometimes you're searching for specific mineral type due to bottleneck, but sometimes you're just looking for efficient deposits to park lots of AMs/OMs on.

Ideally both ways, i.e.
A) Sum of (accessibility * deposit size) across mineral types
B) Sum of accessibility across mineral types
Posted by: relmz32
« on: October 05, 2024, 01:54:03 PM »

it would be nice to see, and be able to filter on, the total accessibility of a body in the mineral search screen.