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Multivitamin's Community Game / Re: Empire Recruitment and Forum Format
« Last post by Red Dot on May 02, 2019, 07:21:55 AM »

Do you have what it takes to stand with the Herd?
The Maian Heritage Research Agency is looking for brave saurians of all background to help in the quest for our original home.  Now that we have managed to find a way to leave the boundaries of Maia, we can finally answer the questions that have been haunting all of us since the Elders left us on Maia. What has happened to the planet of our foresaurians? We collectively remember leaving this blue jewel of a planet but its current fate is unknown. We need to ascertain the presence of our brethren on the Original Home and bring them back into the Herd.

The Supreme Master Herder has decreed that the search for the Original Home will be the primary focus of the Herd for the next generations and all members of the Herd are required to support this effort in their own ways.

Volunteers for special duties are required to provide their résumés at the nearest office of the Maian Heritage Research Agency.

Seek the Original Home!
Multivitamin's Community Game / Re: Empire Recruitment and Forum Format
« Last post by Bughunter on May 01, 2019, 08:27:33 AM »
I'd like to join the Terran Federation. Not sure how active I will be in this, but definitely want to follow what happens.
Multivitamin's Community Game / Re: Empire Recruitment and Forum Format
« Last post by Garfunkel on April 30, 2019, 12:04:11 PM »


Would you like to know more?

After the destruction and chaos caused by the corrupt political elites of the 20th and 21st centuries, the veterans of those wars rose up to safeguard the human civilisation against all threats, internal and external. No longer would political elites, insulated from the population, be allowed to waste resources in their meaningless games. Terran Federation has achieved true unity across Earth and enabled peace and prosperity on a scale never seen before. All this thanks to its primary philosophy - that something gained for free is worthless. Thus only citizens can vote and only service to the state guarantees citizenship.

But there is more!

Now that Earth has been pacified, it is time for the human race to expand to the stars. Growth and expansion are natural instincts of Man, and the light of civilisation shall be brought to the numerous planets of the galaxy. With the endless resources available, scarcity and poverty will truly become things of the past.

Sign up now for the Terran Survey Corps, the Terran Fleet or the Mobile Infantry! Service guarantees citizenship!
Multivitamin's Community Game / Re: Houserules and Game Information
« Last post by MultiVitamin on April 27, 2019, 06:52:47 PM »
Re: House Rule #1:

Will rebelling colonies be given to other board members to run?  Or even a group of board members?  I can see a fair bit of fun in Popular-Peoples'-Front-of-Judea vs Judean-Peoples'-Front - vs Judean-Communist-Party shenanigans.

Rebelling Colonies can be given to board members, or a group of them, if they believe they can commit to it.

Alongside this, i'll post the rules for Espionage/Sabotage if it does happen (I'm holding off on it for now until players meet eachother/NPCs)
Multivitamin's Community Game / Re: Houserules and Game Information
« Last post by Father Tim on April 27, 2019, 05:45:01 PM »
Re: House Rule #1:

Will rebelling colonies be given to other board members to run?  Or even a group of board members?  I can see a fair bit of fun in Popular-Peoples'-Front-of-Judea vs Judean-Peoples'-Front - vs Judean-Communist-Party shenanigans.
Multivitamin's Community Game / Re: Empire Recruitment and Forum Format
« Last post by Red Dot on April 27, 2019, 08:08:51 AM »
I would like to join the Maian Herd. I am interested in seeing how Panopticon will develop them and possibly give him my support.
Multivitamin's Community Game / Empire Recruitment and Forum Format
« Last post by MultiVitamin on April 26, 2019, 08:22:50 PM »
Members of this forum can choose to join a faction of their liking by posting here, indicating which faction they'd like to join in their post. Members of that faction are the only ones that can see said factions Sub-forum. Once you've joined a faction and gain access to it's sub-forum, you can feel free to make your own RP based posts as you like in reaction to events that happen in that players empire, keeping in mind that these posts won't really affect anything in game (unless the Player of that Empire wants it to). A factions Sub Forum is where you will find more in detail information of/for that Empire. The Public forums will have abbreviated versions of the AAR posts in that factions sub forum.

The Empires

The Maian Herd

Basically herbivorous herd dinosaurs transplanted from Earth a hundred million or so years ago to a new world and modified for greater intelligence:

The dominant species of the planet/system known as Home are not native to it, but one could be forgiven for not knowing that. Some hundred million Terran years ago a race known only as The Elders visited the third planet of a modestly sized yellow sun in the western spiral arm of the Milky Way galaxy, it was notable at the time for the rarest thing in the universe, life, in the form of megafauna and their assorted relatives. The Elders took a great many samples, and then departed, stopping only to nudge a large asteroid into a slightly different orbit.

The next system they stopped in became Home, it didn't originally posses a life bearing planet but that was of no consequence to the Elders, who simply made one themselves and seeded it with the life they took from their previous stop, millions of species were planted in their new world, and then modified in various ways.

One of these, and eventually the most successful, would be known in another world as the Maiasaur, a generally placid family of herbivores, the formed strong communal bonds and gravitated towards group action, they became the masters of the world but were always aware of their origins thanks to a kind of genetic memory implanted by the Elders, every Maia grew up knowing they weren't native to their Home, and that the Elders had changed them in many ways. Technological progress was rapid, but their exploration never got out of their system until they discovered the Elder datacore, a relic forgotten(or purposefully left behind) that contained the secrets of Trans-Newtonian technology and theories of interstellar travel utilizing wormholes.

The Vorghal Federation

The Vorghal Federations are the collective of alien federations that have heavy autonomy and self determinism. All of these autonomous nations are known Federations and all have a say in the Federation Diet. The Vorghal are ruled by the Hierarch who is elected by the separate Federations.

The Terran Federation

Terran Federation - Safeguarding Humanity (Will be changed eventually).
Multivitamin's Community Game / Houserules and Game Information
« Last post by MultiVitamin on April 26, 2019, 08:15:17 PM »
The Game Setup

There are currently 3 player empires.

The Vorghal Federations (Played by Doodle_SM)

The Terran Federation (Played by Garfunkel)

The Maian Herds (Played by Panopticon)

Real Stars: No

Star Swarm: Yes

Precursors: Yes

Invaders: No (But will be enabled later if players aren't challenged enough)

Use Commander Political Bonuses: No


Primitives: Yes (Primitives are of my own creation, they're an NPC empire I create, if they do spawn, that are conventional but do not progress at all technology wise)

Maximum Number of Systems: 1000 (Might be changed in order to allow players to meet earlier)

NPC Empires: 2 (Empires played by me)

The House Rules
Through a series of votes between the 3 current players and myself, we've come to an agreement for 3 House Rules.

House Rule 1: Unrest and Rebellion

Whenever Unrest is building in an empire somewhere, if it reaches above 75% then a roll will happen every 6 in game months, at the end of said month). The roll will be a d20, and it'll get a +1 to the roll for every 5% of Unrest above 75%. If the result equals 20, then a Rebellion will happen. If Unrest reaches 100%, then a Rebellion will happen immediately.

If a Rebellion happens then the planet that it happens on will spawn Rebel ships (though tech won't be exactly equal), any ships owned by the original Empire in orbit of the planet will be immediately destroyed, 25% of the planets Total Population will be converted to Rebels, and 25% of all industry on that planet will be converted to Rebel industry.

A Rebellion can be suppressed by either killing all of them, or lowering the Unrest on the planet below 10%. However, if the Rebels manage to Colonize a new Planet, then the player now has to deal with a living Rebel faction of which you can only get rid of by killing or suppressing all of it's territory.

Capital planets can spawn Rebels, but instead of spawning ships, destroying orbiting ships and converting part of the population to Rebels, Capital planets instead get a higher chance for Rebel events to happen, which can destroy infrastructure, kill population, cause diplomatic problems with other empires, leak tch/political/military info, and a variety of all kinds of other things I can think of.

House Rule 2: Events

Whenever something noteworthy happens in the game in relation to a player empire, a d20 will be rolled, with a modifier depending on how major the event itself was, will be rolled. Alongside this, a d10 will also be rolled to decide how many Events overall will happen in the next 5 years, alongside a d12 roll and d30 roll to decide when, and a d6 to decide what kind of event (d7 if Rebel events are active. Only "Planned" events lower the amount of "Events happening in the next 5 years".

If a Rebel faction spawns somewhere else, then Rebel events have a chance of happening anywhere in that players empire so long as those Rebels exist.

When an event happens, the player of that empire can make an RP post of their leader addressing it, and depending on how it goes (decided via debate) can enhance or diminish the effect of it.

As decided upon by player vote, Events can be as limiting as I want them to be, so long as it doesn't fully stop the player from progressing forward.

Event Table:
1 - Military
2 - Industry
3 - Population
4 - Politics
5 - Science
6 - Commerce
(Only when Rebels are active)
7 - Rebel

House Rule 3: Turns

Once every player has input their orders, they will then decide what kind of Turn will take place. The normal turns are:

Combat Turn - 5 Seconds
Normal Turn - 5 Days
Long Turn - 30 Days
Extended Turn - 60 Days

If a player requests a shorter turn in comparison to what the other players want, if they give a valid reasoning as to why then that shorter turn will take place. Turns can also be any amount of time the players agree on, these are just the standard turns.
Drgong's Community Game / Re: Last call
« Last post by Bughunter on June 25, 2018, 09:07:34 AM »
I didn't get around to finish any summary. But had a good time while it lasted. Maybe mother Russia will rise again one day  ;D
Drgong's Community Game / Re: Last call
« Last post by Drgong on January 29, 2018, 09:06:28 PM »
True, but that would mean me having to edit out all my other games from it!  ;D

Also, since the game is long dead, you can when you want let anyone see the two teams forums...
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