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Off Topic / Re: Forum Display
« Last post by paolot on August 02, 2023, 09:30:18 AM »
With http://..., the forum is OK.
With https://..., icons and images are gone.
Off Topic / Re: Forum Display
« Last post by serger on August 02, 2023, 08:26:23 AM »
No issues I can catch sight of.
Off Topic / Forum Display
« Last post by Steve Walmsley on August 02, 2023, 06:54:01 AM »
Anyone else having issues with how the forum is displayed? Icons seem to be replaced with text and screenshots are not displaying.

Just checking if it is me, or a general issue.
Off Topic / Re: A "documentary" video series about a hypothetical WW3
« Last post by the-isz on July 20, 2023, 01:45:48 PM »
Episode 3 release!

World War 3 Episode 3: Massacre at Rēzekne
Off Topic / Re: A "documentary" video series about a hypothetical WW3
« Last post by the-isz on July 06, 2023, 11:07:14 PM »
Thanks for the feedback and watching. All good points and issues that were knocking around in my head from the start, prior to writing. Though I completely agree that the idea of Russia launching a surprise attack against anyone, let alone NATO, is highly unlikely anytime soon (or not soon) - one can never completely dismiss the ability for us, the good guys (NATO, EU, US, etc.) to know something but not believe. Or to know (or strongly believe), but not act. One could easily get in a spiral of "I see what I see but if I increase my readiness, if I shift forces in response, if I mobilize, I could escalate into conflict. Maybe its a bluff. Maybe..." And then it's too late. Not beyond the realm of possibility. As for Russia having the teeth to conduct such an act by 2032... this is where I really had to throw a dart, story-wise, that kept it a close enough date to be relatable, but not so close that it's science fiction.

I guess I'll leave with this... as crazy as the story may seem... I keep in mind of how many times in the past twenty-ish years I have heard analysts describe recent events as 'unprecedented'. In short... who knows what's coming!

On starting the story with China: this was a straight-up story/flow decision rather than a geopolitical/military realism one. All about escalating tension and stakes. A war in the Baltics against Russia is problematic. A war with a powerful China over Taiwan could be catastrophic.  Don't lead with the money shot. :)

Again, thanks for watching it and will be posting new episodes soon.
Off Topic / Re: A "documentary" video series about a hypothetical WW3
« Last post by Garfunkel on June 28, 2023, 07:58:30 PM »
I understand that it needs to happen to make the story happen, but it just stretches my suspension of disbelief that just few years after the disastrous Ukraine war, Russia could pose any sort of credible threat to NATO or that it could launch a surprise attack without Western intelligence services acquiring information about it happening. I mean, Russia did everything possible to hide their 2022 invasion of Ukraine, which was the main reason for some of their problems during the initial invasion, yet Washington knew about it well before the Russian frontline commanders did.

However, your technical and artistic prowess in putting this together is phenomenal and I'll definitely continue watching it! It just might have been better to start things off with China and then have Russia take advantage of the situation once Western capabilities are focused in Asia-Pacific.
Off Topic / Re: A "documentary" video series about a hypothetical WW3
« Last post by Vastrat on June 27, 2023, 02:12:24 PM »
This is excellent work keep it up and can't wait to see how the unfolds.
Off Topic / Re: A "documentary" video series about a hypothetical WW3
« Last post by the-isz on June 26, 2023, 04:14:05 PM »
Thanks! Just wrapping up the script for episode 3. High effort, but having fun.
Off Topic / Re: A "documentary" video series about a hypothetical WW3
« Last post by Zap0 on June 25, 2023, 11:53:05 PM »
Wow, thats certainly some high-effort stuff. Eager to see how your story turns out.
Off Topic / A "documentary" video series about a hypothetical WW3
« Last post by the-isz on June 25, 2023, 04:25:51 PM »
Been a while since I've posted in here (though still playing Aurora4x).

For those interested in something more near-future, I just created the first two episodes of a World War 3 series.

EP1: Invasion of the Baltics

EP2: Disaster Upon Disaster

I originally got my inspiration for the series from reading the book "The Third World War", written in 1978 by Sir John Hackett. As a child of the cold war, that book (and the non-fiction style it was written in) fascinated me.

Wanting to create my own story, I turned to games like ARMA, CMO and DCS as the tools to create this video series. With the events taking place in Russia and Ukraine today, my hypothetical 'what if' story is feeling more relevant by the moment. I am already hard at work on Episode 3.

Hope you enjoy them! Like this group did years ago when I wrote a scifi book and shared it here, your input is always welcome.
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