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Game/Book Reviews / Re: Eversion
« Last post by Mayne on May 16, 2023, 07:36:50 AM »
I really enjoyed Revelation Space by the same author, so I'll probably take you up on your recommendation.  Thanks!
Game/Book Reviews / Eversion
« Last post by vorpal+5 on May 14, 2023, 11:40:37 AM »
eversion by alastair reynolds ...

Probably one of the best book I read in many years! I warmly recommend it.

Eversion is a superb, original Gothic SF novel. A small group of intrepid explorers are in search of a remote and mysterious artefact. It's a well-funded expedition, well organised, which is lucky as they're sailing north of Bergen on the schooner Demeter, searching for a narrow inlet which will lead them to a vast uncharted lake - and their goal­­­--

Until disaster strikes.

It starts as a kind of XVIIIth century maritime voyage tale and then you discover progressively some Gothic/horror sci-fi stuff meshed with that. Reynolds writes very, very well. Plus he is in "hard sci-fi". What's not to like? :-)
Forum Issues / Re: unable to see board icons
« Last post by boolybooly on March 28, 2023, 08:11:13 AM »
hold your horses I seem to have just fixed it my end using a tip from stack overflow

Type in: chrome://net-internals/#hsts in address bar of chrome. At the bottom place the domain to delete from HSTS.,domain%20to%20delete%20from%20HSTS.&text=Save%20this%20answer.,-Show%20activity%20on

the domain name is ""

I just entered that in the bottom field, exited Chrome via the three dots top right and restarted Chrome and bingo it worked!

PS I think what happened is I used an old bookmark with https in the URL and it rejigged Chrome back to https and borked, so now I am checking and editing my bookmarks to use http only for
Forum Issues / Re: unable to see board icons
« Last post by boolybooly on March 28, 2023, 08:03:59 AM »
see below see above, Chrome Win10 switches randomly from being able to see images to not being able to see them without my doing anything, currently if I set the URL to http://~ it still loads https://

dont know why for sure but maybe its because Chrome responds to something serverside forcing HTTPS

on the HSTS preload checker site, currently gets a warning for unecessary HSTS header and two other error warnings which are related to not redirecting to HTTPS which is probably what we need but I wonder if the unecessary HSTS header might be triggering Chrome to go HTTPS, or something ?

I think there must have been a recent server adjustment of some kind which reverted it to how it was before whatever tweak made it work again, I havent done anything, am hoping it can be tweaked back

My Chrome has no problem staying on the http version :o

Neither did mine until a few days ago :( It automatically reverts to HTTPS whatever I do. Is OK in Incognito though if I remove the s.

Query of in Chrome Domain Security Policy page for HSTS/PKP returns a list of policies including ...

"dynamic_upgrade_mode: FORCE_HTTPS"

Delete function does not work, meaning it is preloaded.

So if admins want to do something about that it looks like you can remove a domain from the preloading list. Scroll down for the removal form link.
Forum Issues / Re: unable to see board icons
« Last post by Zap0 on March 27, 2023, 05:28:23 AM »
Are you accessing over http or https?

Last Thread about this
Forum Issues / Re: unable to see board icons
« Last post by boolybooly on March 27, 2023, 03:38:56 AM »
If anyone is reading it seems to have broken again.

I have no idea why. Everything has stayed the same at my end.
Forum Issues / Re: Need help recovering password
« Last post by Garfunkel on March 03, 2023, 12:08:25 PM »
Erik, help needed!  :o
Forum Issues / Need help recovering password
« Last post by eric_I_need_help on February 24, 2023, 11:57:47 AM »
Eric, I can't seem to reset my password OR post as a guest.  When I ask to reset password, I never get an email.  When I try to post as a guest, it gets flagged as spam.  Please help!
Forum Issues / Re: unable to see board icons
« Last post by Gyrfalcon on February 22, 2023, 02:09:52 AM »
Nothing I did, but I appreciated that you dug up a possible solution for Erik. No idea if he went ahead and implemented it, though.
Forum Issues / Re: unable to see board icons
« Last post by boolybooly on February 22, 2023, 01:02:55 AM »
wow it is working again...  ;D

was that something you did Gyrfalcon ? (Or was it a delayed post-reboot result of pressing delete button?)
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