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Empire of the Stars / Re: Empire of the Stars - Comments Thread
« Last post by doodle_sm on Today at 12:42:04 PM »
Empire of the Stars has been informative and a joy to read. I never thought I'd be so invested in characters like Kurosawa Rai and Suzuki Saya.
Humanity First / Re: Humanity First Comments Thread
« Last post by Kurt on Yesterday at 08:14:44 AM »
That was a nailbiter of a battle! Good job preserving most of the fleet.

Yes it was!  It was probably the closest I've come to actually losing my primary fleet in all of my campaigns.  That would probably have been survivable, since the Swarm doesn't seem to rapidly follow up, but it took a long time to build the fleet and I was really sweating it for a while.  When I realized I had made a major mistake by not engaging them on the LaGrange point, I also realized that the LaGrange point was my only hope. 
Empire of the Stars / Re: Empire of the Stars - Comments Thread
« Last post by Garfunkel on Yesterday at 05:56:57 AM »
That sounds amazing!

And also, what an epic string of updates!
Empire of the Stars / Re: Empire of the Stars - Comments Thread
« Last post by Steve Walmsley on Yesterday at 04:32:16 AM »


It's the first time I have done comms this way. Usually I assume I can transit using the stable jump network, but not outside it. This approach does make life easier for large campaigns.

I used to build carriers with two reloads too, but I realised the battle was often won or loss bt the time I needed the second reload, so I decided for this campaign to go with a single reload, and use colliers if necessary.

This does raise an interesting facet of campaign play style.  The NPR's and Spoilers are assumed to have instant FTL like you are using now, I assume.  A player race could use one of several methods to communicate between systems.  No inter-system comms at all, like my current campaign.  Light speed comms between system, like Starfire, with buoys at the jump points assumed to be using small jump-capable torpedoes.  And instant comms, like you are using.  In a multi-player race, with different player races using different comms methods, it might introduce interesting situations, although the instant FTL comms using race would have a significant strategic advantage. 

For the carriers, I find two reloads to be useful in engaging the swarm, as they tend to use large numbers of small ships and this gives my carriers the ability to deal with them effectively with multiple strikes.  The recent engagements have strongly motivated me to up my support ship game.  My flagship, the Andromeda, an 80,000 ton dreadnought, survived a close encounter with the swarm, but was almost gutted by acid damage after the battle.  The ship's crew managed to repair a lot of systems, but ran out of maintenance supplies.  And my carriers ran out of missiles before they ran out of targets.  I failed to effectively coordinate my attack with the support units, and my UNREP ships were slow and ungainly, meaning it took time to catch up with the fleet and were hideously vulnerable to attack by the enemy.

I really need to catch up with your campaign and others. I've been too busy playing and developing :)

I'm currently working on adding the ability to drop a large, very high tech and fully developed NPR with many systems into the middle of an existing campaign, without any immediate connection between the NPR systems and the existing systems.
Humanity First / Re: Humanity First Comments Thread
« Last post by Garfunkel on October 20, 2024, 07:59:49 PM »
That was a nailbiter of a battle! Good job preserving most of the fleet.
Empire of the Stars / Re: Empire of the Stars - Comments Thread
« Last post by Kurt on October 20, 2024, 04:08:35 PM »


It's the first time I have done comms this way. Usually I assume I can transit using the stable jump network, but not outside it. This approach does make life easier for large campaigns.

I used to build carriers with two reloads too, but I realised the battle was often won or loss bt the time I needed the second reload, so I decided for this campaign to go with a single reload, and use colliers if necessary.

This does raise an interesting facet of campaign play style.  The NPR's and Spoilers are assumed to have instant FTL like you are using now, I assume.  A player race could use one of several methods to communicate between systems.  No inter-system comms at all, like my current campaign.  Light speed comms between system, like Starfire, with buoys at the jump points assumed to be using small jump-capable torpedoes.  And instant comms, like you are using.  In a multi-player race, with different player races using different comms methods, it might introduce interesting situations, although the instant FTL comms using race would have a significant strategic advantage. 

For the carriers, I find two reloads to be useful in engaging the swarm, as they tend to use large numbers of small ships and this gives my carriers the ability to deal with them effectively with multiple strikes.  The recent engagements have strongly motivated me to up my support ship game.  My flagship, the Andromeda, an 80,000 ton dreadnought, survived a close encounter with the swarm, but was almost gutted by acid damage after the battle.  The ship's crew managed to repair a lot of systems, but ran out of maintenance supplies.  And my carriers ran out of missiles before they ran out of targets.  I failed to effectively coordinate my attack with the support units, and my UNREP ships were slow and ungainly, meaning it took time to catch up with the fleet and were hideously vulnerable to attack by the enemy. 
Empire of the Stars / Re: Empire of the Stars - Comments Thread
« Last post by Steve Walmsley on October 20, 2024, 01:26:17 PM »
Just finished wading through your massive set of updates.  Great writeups! The massive scale of your campaign continues to impress. 

The communications issue continues to intrigue me.  Your assumption of instantaneous comms across the length and breadth of your empire simplifies matters greatly, not only allowing the coordination of forces across multiple systems, but allowing you, the gamer, to not have to deal with light speed delays, or comms that depend on courier traffic.  It makes it easier for you to control your empire and perceive the big picture, and also gives your campaign a more "modern-day" feel, as you have nearly instantaneous comms between ships and worlds.  Whereas in my campaign, with no FTL comms, communication is limited to light speed within a system and to courier or other ship speeds between systems. 

My campaign is much smaller than yours at this point, but communication takes much longer, obviously.  The times (by courier) are as follows:

Terra to Victory Base in Groombridge (14.6 billion kilometers): 17 days
Terra to Shield Base in Monoceri (9.32 billion): 10.9 days
Terra to Bastion Base in Chi Draconis, beyond the frontier(12.1 billion kilometers): 14.1 days
Terra to Omega Ceti system, new swarm location (22.6 billion kilometers): 26 days

Compared to your campaign, my campaign has a more World War I or even 19th century feel to it, as comms are limited and frontline commanders have great latitude and independence to do what they see fit without referring to higher command. 

To be honest, I'm not sure I could manage this setup in a campaign the size of yours.  The complexity of tracking who knows what and when they knew it would likely become unmanageable in short order. 

I noticed that in your first post from yesterday, one of your carriers launched an attack using its missile equipped fighters.  I was particularly interested in this as this is a major issue I'm dealing with in my campaign.  The Imperial Terran Fleet's initial design concept was large beam-armed combatants, supported by smaller specialized escorts and patrol craft.  The demands of engaging the swarm have forced me into deploying carriers with small fast fighters equipped with missiles.  I have struggled to design carriers that carry sufficient fighters and large enough magazines to rearm to the fighters for additional attacks.  Currently my carriers have magazines large enough to rearm their fighters twice, giving them a capacity for three strikes before needing to reload at a colony or munitions ship.  I keep thinking I'm doing something wrong and that I should be able to have larger magazines, but after reading about your carrier strike I realized that I'm probably just channeling a previous version of Aurora in thinking I could cram more magazines into the design.     

It's the first time I have done comms this way. Usually I assume I can transit using the stable jump network, but not outside it. This approach does make life easier for large campaigns.

I used to build carriers with two reloads too, but I realised the battle was often won or loss bt the time I needed the second reload, so I decided for this campaign to go with a single reload, and use colliers if necessary.
Humanity First / Humanity First: Omega Ceti Campaign, Note
« Last post by Kurt on October 20, 2024, 12:10:28 PM »
I just noticed that on one of the pictures in the post above it had ship class names for the alien ships that were different than the class names used in the write-up.  At some point in the write-up I decided I didn't like the auto-assign class names and changed them, but it must have been after taking the screen shot. 

Indomita = Osiris in the writeup
Delfin = Anubis in the writeup
Mocovi = Mors
Humanity First / Humanity First: Omega Ceti Campaign, Part 2
« Last post by Kurt on October 20, 2024, 12:06:00 PM »
Admiral McCullick realized that his strategy had failed.  The aliens were out of range again, and while his fleet could duck through the LaGrange point again, the aliens would just begin chasing the retreating carriers again.  And positioned as they were, they would be getting farther away from the LaGrange point, not closer, so he couldn’t mousetrap them again.  His eyes drifted to the carriers.  The aliens were fast enough to chase them down and destroy them before they could reach the jump point.  But…he could use them to draw the aliens into a position he wanted.  He issued orders for the carriers to come about and move in nearly the opposite direction as they had been traveling.  At the same time, he ordered his fleet to come about and begin moving in roughly the same direction as the carriers, in an attempt to draw the aliens into a better position for his next move. 

Even as the terran fleet turned the aliens fired on the Andromeda again, reducing her shields to 64%.  For thirty seconds the fleets danced, and then Admiral McCullick ordered his fleet back to the LaGrange point.  Just before transiting the Andromeda was hit again, reducing her constantly recharging shields to 63%.  After that the fleet slipped through the LaGrange point. 

Admiral McCullick waited for twenty seconds at the far LaGrange point, and then ordered the fleet back through the LaGrange point to the inner system.  They caught the alien fleet at 133,000 kilometers.  Both sides started firing as soon as the first terran ship appeared.  The aliens targeted the flagship, hitting the big dreadnought thirty-six times, knocking her shields out and shredding her armor.  While her passive defenses stopped most of the damage, the Andromeda lost an engine, reducing her to the fleet standard speed of 7,500 km/s.  In response the terran fleet targeted one of the Anubis class ships, hitting it twenty-six times, penetrating its armor four times and reducing its speed to 10,997 km/s. 

With one of the alien ships slowed, McCullick ordered the bulk of the fleet’s firepower to be focused on a different Anubis class ship, and ordered the fleet into pursuit to keep them in range for as long as possible.  The alien lasers were silent as they ran ahead of the terran fleet, trying to open the range, presumably recharging.  The alien fleet left its damaged ship behind while it tried to open the range.  The Terrans scored eight hits on the second Anubis, getting one penetration, but it continued on at the same speed as its consorts. 

On board the Andromeda the situation was critical.  The damage inflicted by the aliens appeared to have an acid-based component, and it continued doing damage, taking out another engine, reducing the Andromeda to half speed.  Admiral McCullick, knowing he couldn’t slow the fleet down to the flagship’s speed, ordered the Andromeda back through the LaGrange point while the fleet continued to engine. 

The fleet continued firing on the aliens as the fled, continuing to target the same Anubis class ship, which just stubbornly continued to soak up damage.  The aliens fired on the Andromeda again before she could reach the LaGrange point, but only got one hit that was absorbed by the ship’s armor, and then again just as she slipped through the point, destroying a crew compartment.  The Terrans got another penetrating hit on the Anubis, but were forced to refocus their fire on the slower Anubis as the other ships were nearly out of range. 

Just before the Andromeda jumped, Admiral McCullick ordered the carriers to go into EMCON mode in the hopes that they would drop off the alien’s sensors.  Fifteen seconds after the Andromeda jumped out, the aliens targeted the BB Pride of Sol with their long-range lasers, dropping her shields to 86%.  The Terrans had continued to bombard the lagging Anubis with their lasers getting multiple hits and several penetrations, but the stubborn ship just continued on as if the damage meant nothing.  The next long range laser attack from the aliens dropped the Pride of Sol’s shields to 81%. 

On the far side of the jump point the Andromeda continued to suffer damage from the corrosive acid, losing her jump drive and another engine leaving her at a quarter of her maximum speed.  With the aliens slipping out of range, Commodore Sessions, in command of the fleet with Admiral McCullick on the far side of the system, ordered the fleet back to the LaGrange point.  Meanwhile, the Andromeda continued to suffer, losing her last engine, a laser emplacement, and a fuel tank.  The fleet jumped out at 1125 to find the Andromeda drifting near the LaGrange point, powerless. 

The aliens didn’t hesitate, after the fleet jumped out, they turned and set out for the carriers.  The carrier force immediately activated their engines and began running.  The carriers wouldn’t get far, though, with the far faster aliens in pursuit.  At their current speed the aliens would run the carriers down in 887 seconds, or just under fifteen minutes, long before they could reach the jump point or any place important. 

Sixty seconds after the fleet jumped to the outer system the acid finally stopped eating away at the Andromeda.  The ship was a near wreck.  Her engines were inoperative, as were two thirds of her shield generators and crew quarters, and her tanks had been breached and the fuel lost.  Her jump drive was gone, and her weapons had been severely damaged.  If the aliens came through the LaGrange point, she wouldn’t last five seconds, although her active shield generators were recharging.  At Commodore Sessions’ urging, Admiral McCullick transferred to the Battleship Antares, leaving the crippled flagship behind. 

While the fleet was focused on the Andromeda’s problems, the aliens had split up.  One Anubis class ship, the damaged and slowed ship, was pursuing the carriers, while the other seven ships were on a reciprocal course towards an unknown target.  They were passing the LaGrange point, but were out of weapons range of the point and would not get any closer on their current point.  Captain Brennan, commander of the detached carriers, felt some relief.  Her crews were reloading the fighters with their remaining missiles, but it would take time.  While they didn’t have enough to take out the entire alien fleet, or load all of the fighter’s racks, they did likely have enough to take out one alien ship, even one of the tough Anubis.  The problem was time.  The Anubis would catch them before they could reload the fighters. 

Two minutes passed.  The main alien fleet was 1.7 mkm’s from the LaGrange point, while the lone Anubis was 2.2 mkm’s from the LaGrange Point in the opposite direction.  At McCullick’s order, the fleet jumped back to the inner system in an attempt to distract the alien ships from the retreating carriers.  Inexplicably, the alien ships continued on their original courses, ignoring the fleet sitting on the LaGrange point.  This left McCullick in a difficult position. 

If he did nothing the Anubis class ship would overtake the carriers before they could rearm their fighters with their remaining missiles.  If he ordered his fleet to pursue the Anubis, they wouldn’t be able to catch it before it reached the carriers, and the main alien fleet could turn and trap them away from the LaGrange point, which would be disastrous.   

In the end, having no real choice, McCullick ordered his fleet to remain on the LaGrange point and sent a transmission to the carriers informing them that they were on their own. 

1134 hours:  The Retribution Fleet remained on the inner LaGrange point.  The main alien fleet was now 6.9 mkm’s away and speeding towards an unknown location, perhaps an unplotted jump point.  The Retribution Fleet’s carrier group was 9.3 mkm’s away in the opposition direction, on course for the jump point and the force stationed there to secure it.  The lone Anubis class ship pursuing the carriers was 3.3 mkm’s from the carriers and closing at nearly 3,500 km/s, meaning it would reach weapons range of the carriers in 858 seconds.  That was approximately fifty minutes before the carrier group’s fighters would be rearmed. 

Playing her last card, Captain Brennan ordered the China to launch her fighters.  The China’s fighters had no missiles as their carrier’s magazines had run dry after the last strike, but in spite of this Captain Brennan had a mission for them.  The fighters immediately streaked away from the three carriers on a tangent towards the Anubis class ship.  The twenty-eight fighters were much faster than either their carriers or the alien ship, and soon arrived at a waypoint offset from the alien ship’s course. 

Two minutes later the fighters were 1.5 mkm’s from the alien ship, off to one side.  They then turned towards the Anubis with orders to close to within 300,000 kilometers from the alien ship, theoretically within range of its long-range lasers.  One minute later they reached 300,000 kilometers from the alien ship and the fighter group slowed down to 10,700 km/s, just under the alien ship’s speed. 

Unfortunately, the alien ship did not take the bait.  Instead, it continued on course and began firing at long-range.  Ten seconds after slowing two fighters exploded.  The commander of the strike group, Lt Commander Hsieh Hui Guo, and orphaned survivor of the Raid Years and the destruction of China, knew that it was only his fighters that stood between the vulnerable carriers and destruction, so he ordered his group to full speed and closed on the alien ship.  Perhaps if they got close enough, they could distract the alien ship from its target. 

Twenty seconds later the fighters were ninety thousand kilometers from the alien when it fired again, destroying two more fighters with powerful laser blasts that simply vaporized the small ships.  The alien continued on course towards the carriers.  At this point, Captain Brennan did the only thing she could and ordered the carriers to split up.  Five seconds later the Anubis fired a massively powerful laser that vaporized another fighter.  Seeing the fighters’ valiant charge was futile, Captain Brennan ordered them back to the China. 

The Anubis destroys four more fighters before they can get out of range, and appears to be chasing the China.  It soon becomes clear that the Anubis is angling to move between the China and America in a bid to engage both.  Captain Brennan orders the Phobos to join the China, and for the China to change course further away from the America, as the China is the only carrier with fighters capable of engaging the alien ship, if they can be rearmed.  Unfortunately, the alien ship changes course to pursue the America.   Knowing that the America’s time is limited, Captain Brennan orders the America’s strike group to launch and transfer to the China, which will continue its rearming.  She then orders the China’s strike group to join with the Phobos, and for the Phobos to take a course radically divergent from the China’s, in the hopes that the alien will chase the Phobos next. 

1146 hours: While still at 462,000 kilometers range, the Anubis opened fire on the America with twelve lasers, a stunning feat of technology.  Fortunately, they all missed, but Brennan knew that wouldn’t last with the aliens closing on her ship.  She was tempted to order her crew to abandon ship, in the hopes that at least some of them would survive, but she needed to distract the alien ship from the other carriers for as long as possible.  In addition, she wasn’t sure the Imperial Fleet would be returning to this system any time soon, so a quick death was probably preferable to lingering in a life pod that would never be picked up. 

The pursuit continued.  The smaller alien lasers fired again in twenty seconds, at 392,000 kilometers, scoring one hit that penetrated the America’s thin armor and destroyed a hanger deck.  The next salvo, twenty seconds later and seventy thousand kilometers closer, scored five hits, all of which penetrated.  Two more hangar decks were destroyed, but so far, the America’s engines were undamaged and she could continue drawing the alien ship away from the other carriers.  Fortunately, when the alien ship fired its large and powerful laser again, five seconds later, it missed, but the acid damage from the previous hits had begun eating away at the America’s interior, causing additional damage.  The next salvo, fifteen seconds later, caused massive damage to the carrier, but her engines were still intact and she kept running, pulling the aliens further away from the other carriers. 

1148 hours: The next salvo at the America was the beginning of the end.  Ten powerful lasers struck the carrier, destroying her engines and leaving her drifting.  Ten seconds later the Anubis’s powerful spinal laser carved the valiant carrier in two, gutting the ship.  Captain Brennan died on the ship’s bridge, fighting her ship to the last. 

The alien Anubis class ship overran the hulk of the America and kept going, running towards nothing that could be seen on any Terran plot or sensor, moving farther away from the two remaining carriers every second.  Meanwhile, the main alien fleet was twenty million kilometers away from the LaGrange point and moving further away as well. 

1232 hours: The China launches America’s rearmed strike group, and the twenty-six fighters and two sensor fighters raced away on an interception course for the lone Anubis. 

1350 hours: The America’s fighters reach their launch point and in seconds one hundred and seventy-six missiles are in space and racing towards the Anubis.  Twenty seconds later the missiles slammed into the Anubis, stripping her armor and scoring twenty-seven penetrating hits and reducing the tough ship to 1,832 km/s.  The remaining missiles attacked again, and this time they took out the alien ship once and for all.   

With the America’s destruction, they no longer had a mother ship to return to.  However, the Fleet’s fighter losses had been bad enough that there were enough for them to return to.  So, the squadron split up.  Twelve headed for the strike carrier Phobos, to land on her empty decks.  Eight headed for the China, to replace her lost fighters.  And the remaining six fighters and two sensor fighters headed for the Retribution Fleet and the LaGrange point, so they could land on the Andromeda’s bays in the outer system.  The two remaining carriers, the CV China and the CVS Phobos, set their course for the main fleet’s location on the LaGrange point. 

1655 hours: The carriers have rejoined the fleet and the fighters have landed.  The alien fleet is crossing the orbit of Omega Ceti V and is still headed out-system at full speed. 

1710 hours: Just as the alien fleet reaches the orbit of Omega Ceti V they turn back and begin heading in-system again. 

1810 hours: The Andromeda’s crew successfully repairs one of the DN’s engine rooms.  The crippled ship immediately moves away from the LaGrange point on a course for the jump point.  It will take the flagship nearly three days to reach the jump point at its current speed.  With an engine repaired, her damage control teams begin working on her hangar bays, so the fighters from America that were diverted to her location can finally land.

1910 hours: For some unknown reason the alien fleet has turned again, and is heading out-system. 

February 1, 2148, 0824 hours: The alien fleet continues to move aimlessly back and forth, ranging from 240 to 300 mkm’s from the Retribution Fleet.  This is not far enough from the Retribution Fleet to allow them to run directly for the jump point, and the Andromeda is still limping towards the jump point from the outer LaGrange point.  Once the Andromeda reaches the jump point the main fleet will be able to jump back to the outer LaGrange point and proceed from there to the jump point without being concerned that the alien fleet could run it down before it reaches the jump point.  The Andromeda is still twenty-one hours from the jump point. 

1848 hours: The main alien fleet has returned to the inner system and is headed for the LaGrange point and the Retribution Fleet’s location.  It is now 110 mkm’s out and closing.  Strangely, it reaches 100 mkm’s and then turns and begins heading for the outer system.  Admiral McCullick has begun to wonder if the aliens are trying to tempt him away from the LaGrange point. 

February 2, 2148, 0003 hours: The aliens are now 280 mkm’s away and about as far as they usually get before turning back, so Admiral McCullick orders his fleet through the LaGrange point.  Once through they settle on the LaGrange point to see what the aliens will do.  Admiral McCullick doesn’t want to get too far away from the La Grange point until he knows where the alien fleet is going. 

0505 hours: The Andromeda has reached the jump point and joined with the five destroyers and escort destroyers left there to guard the jump point.  Unfortunately, the Andromeda’s crew ran out of maintenance supplies for repairs during the trip, and were unable to repair the ship’s jump drive, meaning the ship cannot jump point of the system.  They did manage to get the ship up to half speed, and repaired most of her bays, so most of the fighters were able to land.  In the inner system the aliens have passed the innermost LaGrange point and are headed towards the outer system, on a course that will take them in between the outer LaGrange point and the jump point. 

Unexpectedly, when the alien fleet reaches the orbit of Omega Ceti II it comes to a halt, 15 mkm’s from the second planet’s LaGrange point.  Admiral McCullick is now in a difficult position.  If he moves towards the jump point, the aliens have enough speed to intercept him before he can reach the jump point. 

With the Andromeda unable to make the jump out of the system, the fleet is effectively trapped.  A support squadron is due to arrive in the system in approximately 40 days. The support group carries fuel, maintenance supplies, but no missiles for the carriers, as the UNREP ships were taken from locations away from the solar system and thus had no stocks of missiles to draw from.  A second support group was en route, but was several weeks behind the first group. 

February 3, 2148, 0854 hours: The wreck of a Forward II class fighter disappears from the fleet’s sensors, in the location where the alien fleet is sitting.  That explains what the alien fleet is doing.  Admiral McCullick has begun to wonder if the aliens can see him in the outer system, but leaving the LaGrange point is risky.  If he leaves the point and the aliens can see him, they will be in the perfect position to jump in behind him and run his fleet down in deep space, then destroy the entire fleet from beyond their own range.  At least now he knows what they are doing.  Admiral McCullick orders shields lowered and sensors off, then orders the fleet to proceed to the jump point. 

February 4, 2148: The Retribution Fleet has reached the jump point.  While the Andromeda is still not able to jump out, the fleet is reassembled and ready to be reloaded once the support ships arrive. 

February 5, 2148: Another fighter wreck disappears from the fleet’s sensors. 

March 12, 2148: The long-awaited support group jumps into the system.  The group is composed of five tankers and three UNREP ships loaded with supplies.  Admiral McCullick orders the jump-capable tanker that conveyed the group to the Omega Ceti system to jump back and rendezvous with the second support group, which is carrying the missiles desperately needed by his fleet.  Meanwhile, the UNREP ships begin transferring supplies to the Andromeda so that she can continue repairs, and the tankers begin refueling the rest of the fleet. 

While the fleet waited for the support group, the alien fleet in the inner system salvaged all of the wrecked fighters, and was now working on the wreck of the America. 

Immediately after receiving the much-needed maintenance supplies, the Andromeda’s crew finished their repairs of the flagship’s hangar bays, meaning that the America’s two long-suffering sensor fighters could finally come on board. 

March 14, 2148: As the crew of the Andromeda frantically works to repair her systems, in particular her jump drive, a new alien contact appears on the fleet’s thermal sensors.  It is a single contact of a new class of ship, coming in from the general direction of the alien fleet, although somewhat offset.  Its speed is 13,972 km/s, and current distance is just over 200 mkm’s.  Fortunately, it is not headed directly towards the fleet, but rather across the system towards some unknown point.  Several hours later the contact disappears from the fleet’s sensors, perhaps indicating it powered down.  The contact then reappeared, but remained stationary approximately 152 mkm’s from the fleet. 

March 16,2148, 0615 hours: The alien fleet in Omega Ceti’s inner system suddenly leaves its position and heads for the jump point and the Retribution Fleet.  Three hours pass and the alien fleet, now composed of the large Osiris class ship, two Anubis class, and four destroyer-sized Mors class ships, reaches 200 mkm’s.  Admiral McCullick orders the support group to jump out to the 111 Virginis system, and for the Andromeda, which has not managed to repair its jump engines yet, to begin moving directly away from the jump point. 

When the alien fleet reaches 154 mkm’s from the jump point it turns and begins heading back into the system, away from the fleet.  It then begins vacillating between 150 and 190 mkm’s, as if its commander cannot make up its mind.  Admiral McCullick decides to take a risk, and orders his jump cruiser through the jump point to bring the jump tanker and an UNREP ship back to escort the Andromeda.  If they can transfer enough supplies to the Andromeda, the ship’s crew may be able to repair its jump drive and the fleet can leave the system. 

1201 hours: The Andromeda has come to a halt one million kilometers from the jump point, on the far side from the alien fleet, waiting for the support ships to return.  At this point the alien fleet blows past its previous turn point and continues towards the jump point.  The alien fleet closes to 125 mkm’s then turns away yet again. 

1349 hours: The alien fleet is now 220 mkm’s from the fleet and is apparently headed back in-system, towards the two remaining wrecks. 

March 18, 2148: The alien fleet headed back into the inner system several days ago, and ultimately dropped off of the fleet’s sensors.  The lone alien ship within range of the jump point, tentatively ID’d as a scout, has been gradually inching closer to the jump point over the last several days, and is now 118 mkm’s from the fleet.  The Andromeda is accumulating enough maintenance supplies to attempt a repair on her jump drive. 

March 20, 2148: The Andromeda’s crew finally repairs her jump drive.  The ship is still reduced to half speed, and has several other systems that need to be repairs, but she is finally jump capable.  Admiral McCullick orders her to return to the jump point and rejoin the fleet.  There is even better news that arrives through the jump point shortly after the Andromeda completed her jump drive repairs.  A jump transport dispatched from the Monoceri naval base arrived in the Sigma Eridani system and escorted the UNREP ships carrying the fleet’s missile resupply through the jump point into the 111 Virginis system, and the UNREP ships were now speeding towards the jump point to the Omega Ceti system.  They would arrive in eleven days.

At this point there are no alien ships within detection range, as the small alien ship that had been hovering in the fleet’s vicinity disappeared off its sensors some time ago.  Admiral McCullick decides to wait on the jump point for the arrival of the support ships. 

March 24, 2148: The alien Osiris class flagship reappears on the fleet’s sensors 918 mkm’s away, far out in the outer system.  The ship moves in-system jumps through the outer LaGrange point, and then begins heading towards the fleet and the jump point.  When it appears in the inner system the fleet’s sensors reacquire the other six ships escorting the large flagship. 

For a times the alien fleet heads towards the Retribution fleet, but then it turns away and begins its vacillating course again, turning towards the fleet and away again. 

March 25, 2148: The alien fleet jumps back through the inner LaGrange point to the outer system, and begins moving across the system, in the general direction of a suspected jump point.  It then turns back and returns to the inner system.   

March 26, 2148, 0449 hours: For the last thirty hours the alien fleet had been cruising back and forth between the inner system and the jump point that the Retribution fleet was located at.  Now, that has changed.  During its current run the alien fleet blew past all previous turning points, and is now just over five million kilometers from the jump point and the Terran fleet. 

Admiral McCullick orders the Andromeda, which still has not been able to repair all of its engines, and the remaining support ships and carriers, to jump to 111 Virginis.  Once through the jump point the carriers and support ships accelerate away from the jump point, while the Andromeda remains on station.     

The alien fleet approaches to four point nine million kilometers and then turns away, back towards the inner system.  Admiral McCullick sends a ship through the jump point to recall the support ships, so that the resupply and refueling of the Andromeda could continue.  The carrier group continues away from the jump point to meet the missile resupply ships. 

March 28, 2148: The carrier group meets the UNREP ships carrying the fleet’s missile resupply, and both groups turn towards the jump point to Omega Ceti.  While they travel towards the jump point, the UNREP ships begin transferring missiles the China and the Phobos.  Crews on the carriers immediately begin rearming their fighters. 

March 31, 2148: The carrier group and its attendant UNREP ships join the Andromeda on the jump point to Omega Ceti.  The UNREP ships immediately start filling the dreadnought’s magazines, so that its fighter complement can be rearmed.  The Andromeda still has not been able to repair one of its engines, but is capable of the fleet standard speed.  All of its other damage has been repaired, aside from the gouges in its armor belt. 

At 1517 hours the Andromeda and the UNREP ships and tanker jumps into the Omega Ceti system and joins the fleet on the jump point.  Once the UNREP ships and the tanker are through the jump point, the ships of the Retribution Fleet line up to begin resupplying and refueling.  The alien fleet is on the far side of the system and out of sensor range. 

1759 hours: The refueling and resupply is not yet complete, but the aliens are rising out of the inner system again.  Admiral McCullick orders every strike fighter in the fleet to be launched for a strike on the alien ships.  In short order forty-four strike fighters streak away from the fleet towards the oncoming alien ships. 

The unpredictable alien ships almost immediately turn away, although they almost certainly could not detect the fighters at a distance of 260 million kilometers.  Sure enough, the alien ships reach the inner system and then turn back towards the oncoming fighters. 

2126 hours: The strike group has reached attack range.  As one they fired off their missiles at the hated alien ships.  The missiles were targeted on the two Anubis class ships, which had given the fleet so much trouble, and on one of the Mors class destroyers.  Thirty seconds later the three hundred and fifty-two missiles slammed into the alien ships.  The first attack caused armor hits on all three targets, but no penetrations.  The second attack also caused armor damage, but there were again no penetrations.  The third and last attack was stopped by alien point defense fire with no hits.  The results were astounding. 

Anubis 05: 24 hits
Anubis 06: 22 hits
Mors 01: 20 hits

An Imperial destroyer, approximately the same size as the alien Mors class ship, had armor that could possibly withstand twenty hits from Imperial Sparrow II ASM’s, but it would almost certainly suffer burn throughs.  And the two Anubis had been attacked multiple times over the last month.  How they would withstand the new attack was unknown.  The fighters turned away to rearm. 

The alien fleet followed the fighters for over an hour then turned away towards the inner system.  The fighters landed on their carriers and rearming began at 0054 hours on the 1st. 

By 0221 hours the fighters were rearmed, and the unknown class of alien ship tentatively ID’d as a scout was approaching the fleet from the general direction of Omega Ceti V.  It was 103 mkm’s out when Admiral McCullick ordered the Andromeda to launch its six strike fighters to intercept.  The fighters raced away from the fleet towards the contact, which was suspected to be small, as it was well within the active range of the fleet scout’s active sensors, but was only showing on the fleet’s thermal sensors. 

Sure enough, when the fighters closed to forty-three million kilometers their sensitive active sensors determined that the alien ship was 3,246 tons, and was designated as a Charon class unit by the fleet’s tactical department.  The fighters launched their forty-eight missiles at one point five million kilometers.  The alien ship managed to intercept one missile, and took twenty-one hits before a massive internal explosion ripped it apart. 

April 1, 2148, 0609 hours: The Terran fleet launches a second strike on the alien fleet, still vacillating just outside the inner system.  The Andromeda’s fighters only have a partial load, but the two carrier’s fighter strike groups are fully loaded with missiles. 

1240 hours: The fighters have closed to 750,000 kilometers, well within their missile’s range, as the alien fleet is fleeing directly away from the fighters.  They launch as one, with all of the missiles targeted on the two Anubis class ships.  Three hundred and twelve missiles streak away from the fighters and race towards the alien fleet. 

The missile wave reaches the alien fleet, and one hundred and thirty are blown out of space before they can reach their targets.  Forty-two hit the two Anubis class ships, and the remainder come around for a second attack.  One hundred and two were shot down short of their targets, and only nine hit their targets, but one penetrated one of the Anubis’s armor.  The remaining missiles were shot down before they could hit their targets. The damaged Anubis showed no signs of slowing. 

Anubis 05: 29 armor hits
Anubis 06: 21 armor hits, 1 penetration

The fighters turned back towards their carriers.  The land at 1713 hours, and by that time Admiral McCullick has made his decision.  The carriers have enough missiles to rearm their fighters for one last strike, but he has decided against it.  The previous strikes have shown little results, and while a change of targets might show improved results, McCullick decides that leaving the fleet with no long-range striking power in exchange for negligible gain.  It is clear to Admiral McCullick that the alien ships were equipped with some sort of regenerating armor, as the two remaining Anubis class ships had been subjected to repeated attacks that should have destroyed them several times over. 

Admiral McCullick orders the fleet to continue refueling from the tankers in preparation for leaving the system. 

The fleet leaves the Omega Ceti system at 1136 hours on the 2nd of April. 
Humanity First / Humanity First: Omega Ceti Campaign, Part 1
« Last post by Kurt on October 20, 2024, 12:04:31 PM »
The Omega Ceti Campaign
December 9, 2147: The courier from Terra Nova arrives in the solar system, causing an uproar in Fleet Command, and subsequently in the Senate.  The Navy almost immediately proposed sending a major fleet to probe the Omega Ceti system, along with survey support, as the aliens were obviously not from that system.  Although some in the senate are concerned about either a major show of force, or sending a large fleet so far away from the center of the empire, in the end, with the emperor’s support, the Navy gets approval to send the fleet to the Omega Ceti system. 

The Imperial 1st Fleet will consist of 1xDN, 2xBB, 2xCV, 1xCVS, 4xBC, 1xCJ, 9xDD, 2xFSC, 11xDDE, 52xStrike Fighters, 20xAttack Fighters, 6xSensor Fighters, and is commanded by Rear Admiral Tyrell McCullick.  Their ETA to the 111 Virginis system, adjacent to the Omega Ceti system, is twenty-six days.  At the same time, groups of slower support ships set out from both Terra and later from Shield Base in the Monoceri system to rendezvous in the Lalande system. 

January 16, 2148: The Retribution Fleet is assembled in the 111 Virginis system, at the jump point to the Omega Ceti system, the system where the new aliens were discovered.  Admiral McCullick, ever cautious, ordered The Mars II’s battle group, reinforced by a jump cruiser, and the battleship group to jump to the far side of the jump point and determine the situation on the far side.  The two battleships, battlecruiser, jump cruiser, two destroyers and two destroyer escorts of the probe force jumped through at 2137 hours. 

They emerged on the far side of the jump point to find thirty small ships in close proximity to the jump point.  The Mars II and her escorts were closest to the jump point, having appeared just 22,000 kilometers from the ships on the jump point, while the battleship group appeared 227,000 kilometers away.  Captain Boddy of the Mars II immediately ordered his group to move away to join the battleships.  His cruisers had their shields up, but under their current rules of engagement they could not fire unless fired upon.  Commodore Sessions, the CO of the battleship group, was very unhappy with the situation.  The ships assembled on the jump point were all small, under 760 tons, and strongly reminded him of the swarm fleet encountered in Chi Draconis. 

The situation deteriorated immediately.  Five seconds after entering the system, the aliens opened fire on the human ships.  Both groups of ships were attacked, with a destroyer in the battleship group receiving fourteen minor hits on its armor, and a destroyer attached to the Mars Battle Group getting hit by six strange weapons that directly attacked its electronics, bypassing its armor.  That destroyer lost its fire controls, some of its EW systems, and its sensors. 

The alien group was composed of three different classes of ships.  Twenty were 750 tons and designated as the Eshu class, six were also 750 tons, designated as the Hecate class, and four were 550 tons and designated as the Aqen class.  Admiral McCullick, after confirming that the six 750 tons ships were the origin of the six electronics destroying weapons hits on the Mars group, ordered the fleet to concentrate their fire on those six ships first. 

The aliens continued bombarding the two destroyers, but the DD in the battleship group continued to shrug off the low power hits to its armor, while the DD in the Mars group had little electronics left to damage.  Only the BB Antares got off shots with their lasers, as the other ships were still recovering from transit effects and the shock of the immediate attack.  The Antares hit one of the small ships mounting what were now confirmed to be high powered microwave weapons, doing some damage to its armor. 

Commodore Sessions ordered his battleship group to begin moving away, to try to keep some distance between them and the aliens.  He knew it was futile, as the aliens were more than twice as fast as his ships, but if they could delay them closing to point blank range even for a bit it would help.  He hadn’t forgotten the boarding tactics the swarm in Chi Draconis had used, and even though his ships carried marine boarders to counter that tactic, he had no desire to test their defenses.  All of the alien ships focused their fire on the Antares, but her shields were strong and even after a full salvo they were at 86% of full strength.  In return the Antares got ten hits with its lasers on one of the small microwave armed ships, getting four penetrations and leaving it drifting. 

The Antares was once again the focus of all of the alien’s fire, but fortunately the alien’s microwave weapons couldn’t penetrate shields and as a result the formidable BB remained unscathed.  Finally, though, more of the Terran ship’s weapons were online and all but the two cruisers were able to fire on the aliens.  As a result, one of the small microwave-equipped ships was completely destroyed and the other four took armor damage. 

The aliens continued focusing their fire on the Antares, whose shields were now down to 69%.  By now, all of the Terran ships were in action, and the results were devastating to the microwave armed Hecates.  After the next Terran laser and plasma barrage, only one Hecate class unit remained.  The fleet now shifted fire to the other alien ships and began dismantling the alien fleet. 

At this point the aliens, perhaps recognizing that they had lost the advantage, turned away and began running.  They continued their attack on the Antares, but the big BB’s shields held firm.  The Terrans, in exchange, pummeled the retreating ships with laser fire as long as they could, destroying one of the fleeing ships. 

The aliens opened the range to 187,000 kilometers, and then hovered there and continued to attack the Antares.  The pursuit continued, with the aliens pummeling the Antares’ shields, and the Terrans taking the small alien ships apart one by one. 

After twenty seconds of running, the remaining twenty alien ships came to a halt, perhaps to cluster around a damaged ship.  Commodore Sessions gave the order for the fleet to close to 50,00 kilometers.  At this point the Antares shields were at 56%.  The carnage was incredible as the Terran lasers speared ship after ship out of space. 

Finally, four minutes after entering the system, the battle was over and the jump point was clear.  The only damage to the Terran squadron was to the DD hit early in the battle by the microwave weapons, and a second DD that had suffered minor armor damage.  By the end of the battle the Antares shields were down to 38%, but they had held.  Battle analysis by the intel section showed that the most numerous class of enemy ship, designated the Eshu class, were armed with lasers. 

In the battle’s aftermath, Commodore Sessions ordered his jump cruiser to return to the fleet and inform them that the jump point was clear.  The DD that had suffered the armor damage, the Joseph Campbell, continued to suffer damage as the alien weapons continued to eat at her armor sheath.

Disturbingly, the destroyed alien ships rapidly melted away, leaving no wreckage and little for the intel teams to examine.  Several bodies were discovered floating near the locations of the destroyed ships, and their discovery caused consternation throughout the fleet.  They were clearly a version of the familiar swarm warriors, although different enough that they clearly weren’t the same species, but closely related.   

Once the fleet was assembled on the jump point, it set out for the inner system.  The Joseph Campell continued to suffer damage, however, the acid stopped before the DD’s armor was compromised.  Two hours after entering the system, Admiral McCullick ordered his strike carrier to launch a sensor fighter to probe the inner system ahead of the fleet. 

January 17, 2148: The sensor fighter reaches the innermost planet and finds nothing.  The fighter waits for the fleet to arrive and lands on its carrier to replenish its fuel and allow its pilot to rest, before being launched again to probe the system’s fourth planet. 

January 18, 2148: The Retribution Fleet, orbiting the innermost planet of the Omega Ceti system, detects five small alien ships, all from the same classes as those encountered at the jump point.  The ships are 26 mkm’s from the fleet’s location, and are moving at 15,814 km/s, more than twice the fleet’s top speed.  Admiral McCullick orders the America to launch her strike group and eliminate the alien ships.  The alien ships turn and run, but the fighters are faster.  One hundred and four minutes later, five fighters from the America’s strike group launched their missiles, each targeting a different alien ship.  They were unable to target one of the alien ships, which had been designated by the intel section as the Aqen class, as it was smaller than the other ships and the fighters would have to be closer.   

The missile strike killed four of the five alien ships, leaving only the Aqen class ship left, but upon the demise of its squadron mates it accelerated to 20,587 km/s, which was over 1,000 km/s faster than the pursuing fighters.  The last alien ship outpaced the fighters and soon drew away, out of range of their weapons.  The fighters continued to follow in the hopes that it would lead them to another group of ships.  For twenty-five minutes the small alien ship ran, but then it turned back towards the fighters, closing to the point that the strike group was able to launch missiles at it.  The missile strike destroyed the small ship, at which time the fighters returned to their carriers. 

January 21, 2148: The Retribution Fleet’s sensors pick up a large group of alien ships close to where the first group appeared.  This group is composed of seventy ships, forty-two of which are known classes, and twenty-eight of which are a new class.  All of them are moving at 15,814 km/s.  Admiral McCullick, who is beginning to suspect that there is a jump point at the location that the alien ships are appearing at, orders his carriers to launch their strike fighters.  The America and the China launch their fifty-two strike fighters at the alien group, which is moving away from the inner system.  The pursuit moved out of the inner system and it soon became clear that the alien ships were heading in the general direction of the jump point that the fleet had used to enter the system.  Admiral McCullick had left three destroyers, two destroyer escorts, and a fleet scout to secure the jump point, including the destroyer that had been damaged in the fight to enter the system.  That destroyer’s crew had used the time productively, and had repaired all of the damage inflicted by the enemy’s microwave weapons. 

When the enemy reached 100 mkm’s from the jump point, the enemy group turned back towards the pursuing fighters, which had closed to 7.3 mkm’s.  Three minutes later the aliens had closed to within three million kilometers, theoretically within range of the fighter’s missiles, however, the fighter’s fire controls couldn’t lock on to the enemy small craft so they continued to close.  Thirty-five seconds later the fighters were close enough, and the strike group launched 416 Sparrow III ASM’s at the alien small craft. 

Thirty seconds later the missile wave crashed over the alien ships.  The missiles that missed reacquired their targets and tried to hit them again, and again.  When the explosions cleared, there were thirty-six alien ships left, now traveling at 18,000 km/s.  Most of the alien ships remaining were of the new class, designated as the Myrkul class, weighing in at 650 tons. 

The fighters turned back towards their carriers, and the alien ships turned towards their original target, the jump point.  Admiral McCullick ordered the jump point force to retreat away from the oncoming aliens and go into low emissions mode, in the hopes that they wouldn’t be seen.  In the meantime, he ordered the fleet to advance on the suspected jump point location and take up a standoff position two million kilometers from the jump point.   

One hour and forty minutes later the alien force stops at the jump point, assuming a protective ring around the point.  Nearly simultaneously, a group of four alien ships appear on the fleet’s sensors, six hundred and seventy-four thousand kilometers away.  The four ships are of a new type, and are moving at 14,663 km/s. 

At 0213 hours on the 22nd, the strike group lands on its carriers and begins to rearm.  Ninety minutes later the carriers launch their fighters, again targeted on the group occupying the jump point.  In the meantime, the four new contacts, which are cruising across the outer system, aimed at nothing the Terran sensors could detect, will have to wait, as the attack fighters remaining with the fleet are too slow to catch them. 

0515 hours: The fighter strike group, which had been moving to create an offset from a direct course to the jump point, to prevent the possibility of the aliens fleeing directly into the hiding jump point watch force, detect the alien ships leaving the jump point and heading back in-system.  The fighter groups immediately turn to close with the alien ships.  The aliens apparently detect the fighters at 0603 hours and turn back towards the jump point.  Over the next several minutes the aliens will make several course changes, alternating between their original course back into the inner system and back towards their original location at the jump point. 

The twenty-six strike fighters of the China space group launch first, targeting twenty-six of the small alien ships.  The missiles are devastating.  Ten alien ships are destroyed by the initial strike, eleven more when the remaining missiles retarget, and five by the last few missiles that remained after the last two attacks.  There were now ten alien ships left. 

Ten fighters of America’s space group then launched, targeting the remaining ten alien ships.  This proved to be enough to wipe out the last ten alien ships.  Their mission accomplished, the fighters turned back to their carriers. 

As the fighters are returning, the four alien ships in the outer system perform an in-system jump using a la grange point associated with the fifth planet in the outer system, jumping in behind the fleet into the inner system.  This is problematic, as one of the fleet scouts had been left in orbit over the innermost planet when the fleet departed to picket the suspected jump point.  Leaving the carriers behind to recover their fighters, the Retribution fleet goes into the pursuit of the four ships and Admiral McCullick orders the scout to run from the aliens.  The four alien ships have been designated as the Anubis class, and are 20,583 tons and are currently moving at 14,633 km/s, almost twice as fast as the scout. 

Unfortunately, with the fleet still 40 mkm’s away from the main fleet, the aliens overrun the scout and wipe it out in a barrage of laser fire.  The alien ships then head away from the fleet, towards the outer system.  Knowing that they can’t catch the fleeing ships, Admiral McCullick orders the fleet to rescue the survivors of the scout and then to picket the inner LaGrange point.  Contact with the alien ships is lost at 1121 hours.  Admiral McCullick orders the scout with the jump point watch force to join the main fleet in the inner system.   

At 1136 hours the four alien ships are reacquired moving back towards the inner system.  At 1200 hours, when the carriers have rejoined the fleet, Admiral McCullick orders a strike launched against the four alien ships, which are now 172 mkm’s away and moving inwards towards the fleet.  In short order the strike fighters are away and racing towards the alien ships. 

The alien ships apparently detect the oncoming fighters at around 47 mkm’s, because they turn and begin running.  The strike fighters continue their pursuit. 

1335 hours: The four alien ships suddenly come to a halt, allowing the fighters to rapidly close.  At 1350 they suddenly accelerate towards the oncoming fighters.  The fighters launch an alpha strike, four hundred and sixteen ASM’s, targeted on the four alien ships at 1357 hours.  It took the ASM’s forty-five seconds to cross the distance between the fighters and the alien ships, and then the alpha strike washed across the alien formation.  Eighty-seven missiles hit their targets, more or less evenly distributed across the four ships, causing only armor damage.  The surviving missiles came around again, and this time the aliens used their lasers to defend themselves, shooting down twenty-eight missiles, leaving seventy to hit the four ships.  This time there were penetrating hits on three of the four ships.  Sixty-nine missiles hit on the third pass, causing penetrating hits to all four ships, leaving one drifting.  The fourth pass got forty hits, again causing penetrating hits to all four ships.  One of the alien ships was drifting, and two were reduced to half speed.  Forty-five missiles hit on the fifth pass, killing one of the alien ships and leaving the other three at reduced speed.  The sixth attack left two alien ships to be the focus of the remaining twenty ASM’s.  The last two ships absorbed all twenty ASM’s and kept running, however they were reduced to 3,665 km/s and 5,498 km/s respectively.   

In the aftermath of the strike, Admiral McCullick ordered his flagship and the strike carrier to launch their laser armed attack fighters, to run down the remaining alien ships.  The strike fighters would continue shadowing the alien ships to maintain contact until the attack fighters arrived. 

The two alien ships split up, with the faster ship pursuing the Terran strike fighters, and the slower ship running for the outer system. 

1556 hours: The twenty attack fighters of the strike group opened fire with their 15 cm lasers at 50,000 kilometers, scouring three hits, all of which penetrated.  The next salvo took place at point blank range, and obliterated the alien ship.  The strike group continued on towards the other alien ship while the strike fighters turned back towards their carriers. 

1737 hours: The attack fighters open fire on the last alien ship at 150,000 kilometers, scouring five hits, one of which penetrates.  It takes two more salvoes from their rapid firing 15 cm lasers to destroy the alien ship, which did not fire back.  The attack fighters turn back towards the fleet. 

Omega Ceti Aliens (OC Aliens until proper name determined)
Five known ship classes
Aqen: Spd 20,587, Tonnage 550, Weaponry Unknown
Hecate: Spd 15,814, Tonnage 750, Weaponry 1xHigh Power Microwave
Anubis: Spd 20,583, Tonnage 20,583, Weaponry 1xLaser (72 damage), 14xLaser (32 damage)
Eshu: Spd 15,814, Tonnage 750, Weaponry 1xLaser (3 damage)
Myrkul: Spd 18,030, Tonnage 650, Weaponry unknown

Of particular concern are the high-powered microwave weaponry of the Hecate class, which effectively disabled an Imperial destroyer in one salvo.  The microwave weaponry proved less effective against a shielded ship, fortunately.  In addition, the laser weaponry used by the Anubis class ships is extremely powerful, with their primary weapon capable of causing 50% more damage than an Imperial 45cm far ultraviolet spinal laser mount. 

The continuing analysis of the debris left behind in the jump point battle has revealed evidence that the Omega Ceti aliens bear a significant resemblance to the Swarm first encountered in the Chi Draconis system.  While they use different weaponry and ship classes, the physical resemblance is uncanny, and their behavior is similar. 

The possibility that this is another swarm race disturbs Admiral McCullick greatly.  His carriers have reloaded his primary striking force, the strike fighters, but they have no additional missiles, meaning the next strike will be the last until reloads arrive.  The support fleet, at least the portion that is jump capable, should still be assembling in the Lalande system, and won’t be in the Omega Ceti system for some time, perhaps a month. 

Admiral McCullick prepares a report for Fleet Command.  McCullick takes full responsibility for the loss of the fleet scout, and recommends the development and deployment of a ship capable of deploying the newly developed sensor buoys in support of active fleet operations. 

January 30, 2148 
The Retribution Fleet in the Omega Ceti system detects a new class of alien ship 831 mkm’s out, beyond the location where they first detected the four large ships several days ago.  The new ship is moving at 14,663 km/s.  One day later the contact has grown to four ships, the original ship and three additional Anubis class ships.  The group is on course for the outer LaGrange point used by the earlier group to jump into the inner system. 

Admiral McCullick orders the fleet to take up a position three million kilometers from the LaGrange Point, with the carriers positioned one million kilometers behind the fleet.  Once in position, at Admiral McCullick’s orders the carriers to launch their fighters, with the strike fighters remaining with the carrier group, and the laser-equipped attack fighters moving in close to the LaGrange point.  He does not want his capital ships too close to the LaGrange point as the aliens would be able to engage them before they could fire back. 

At 0900 hours on the 31st, the alien group had closed to 370 mkm’s as it closed on the LaGrange Point, and the ship count had grown to eight, with four additional ships of a new class appearing.  With the ship count increasing, Admiral McCullick ordered the strike fighters to move forward to the Fleet’s location.  If the alien squadron proved to have a large number of as-yet unobserved small craft with it, Admiral McCullick wanted the missile armed fighters with his fleet to thin their ranks before the aliens closed on the fleet.  In addition, he ordered the attack fighters to withdraw to the fleet’s location, so that they would present the aliens with a united front when they jumped in, and could attack simultaneously.  With the updated sensor readings, Admiral McCullick has realized that they may be in over their heads.  The contact first detected, designated as the Osiris class, has a thermal sensor reading 80% greater than that of the monstrous flagship of the original swarm that massed 130,000 tons.  It is too late to run, though.  Already, the alien fleet is close enough that it will catch the Terrans if they run for the jump point, so Admiral McCullick decides to remain in position. 

Admiral McCullick ordered the strike fighters to launch their missiles when the alien ships jumped in.  If the alien fleet numbers remained consistent, then the fighters were to target the Anubis class ships as their primary target, as their powerful lasers were a threat to the larger ships of his fleet.  If the larger alien ships were accompanied by smaller ships that weren’t showing up on their sensors because of the range, then the fighters were to attack the alien small craft, to prevent them from swarming the fleet. 

1112 hours: The alien fleet appeared on the LaGrange point, three million kilometers from the fleet.  The fleet numbers remained stable.  There was one Osiris class, massing 61,591 tons, three Anubis class, massing 20,583 tons each, and four Mors class, massing 10,153 tons each.  Or, in Imperial terms, One heavy battleship, three battlecruisers, and four destroyers.  Immediately after they appeared they accelerated towards the Imperial fleet.

As planned, the strike fighters accompanying the Retribution Fleet launched their missiles soon after the aliens appeared, with thirteen fighters targeting each of the Anubis class ships, and thirteen targeting the Osiris.  As soon as they launched, they turned and set out for their carriers, which were hovering one million kilometers behind the battleline.  The carriers themselves turned and began running for the jump point, putting space between themselves and the aliens.  The missiles reached the alien fleet forty-five seconds after launch.  The alien fleet put up a spirited defense, with numerous energy weapons being discharged at the incoming missile wave.  In twenty seconds, the attack was over, with the aliens succeeding in shooting down most of the missiles.  The missile attack scored no penetrating hits, but did armor damage on all four targeted ships. 

Alpha Strike Results (All hits strength 6)
Osiris: 30 hits on armor
Anubis 05: 14 hits on armor
Anubis 06: 25 hits on armor
Anubis 07: 31 hits on armor

The results were disappointing.  Based on the prior engagement against the four Anubis class ships, Admiral McCullick had anticipated his missile strike to knock out the three Anubis class ships with this fleet, however, that did not happen and indeed, the Terran missiles got no penetrations. 

By the time the last missile was shot down, the alien fleet was just 1.4 mkm’s from the Terran fleet.  Admiral McCullick ordered his fleet to begin retrograding from the alien fleet once they entered long range.  The fleet wouldn’t be able to maintain the range against the faster alien fleet, but he could delay the aliens from getting into optimal range for their weapons.  In addition, he orders his fleet to target a single Anubis class unit, hoping that he can destroy them before they can get into firing range.  With their weakened armor, the Terran fleet should have a good change of wounding or destroying them at long range. 

1115 hours: The alien fleet opens fire at 410,000 kilometer’s range, which is almost 100,000 kilometers beyond the fleet’s own range.  The Osiris and two and of the Anubis fire lasers at the battleship Pride of Sol, getting multiple hits and reducing her shields to 91%.  Disturbingly, the alien lasers are doing significant damage, even at extreme damage.  Admiral McCullick immediately realizes that he has made a critical mistake.  By positioning his force away from the LaGrange point, he has given the alien fleet a crucial advantage.  The alien fleet outranges and can out run the Terran fleet.  Admiral McCullick immediately orders the fleet to pursue and close on the alien fleet, including the fleet’s 20 Forward II attack fighters. 

The two fleets streak towards each other with a combined closing speed of over 22,000 km/s.  There is a brief lull as the aliens recharge their lasers and the humans try to close to weapons range.  Ten seconds after the aliens hit the Pride of Sol, the attack fighters hit one of the Anubis with their 10 cm lasers, causing armor damage.  At that point the aliens turned and began running ahead of the human fleet. 

As the alien fleet began pulling away from the humans, the human fleet opened fire, but only scored four hits on one of the Anubis.   In return, the aliens hit the Pride of Sol with three strength six shots from 270,000 kilometers. 

The Terran Fleet quickly fell out of range of its weapons. The fighters, which were closer, could still fire on the retreating alien fleet, but they were finding it difficult to hit the alien ships.  The DDE’s were launching AMM’s at the Anubis as well, but between their defensive fire, their speed, and their EW systems, the alien fleet was difficult to hit.  For their next salvo, the aliens switched targets to the largest human warship, the DN Andromeda.  The Andromeda’s shields shrugged off the laser fire, but Admiral McCullick knew they wouldn’t last forever, and the aliens were now beyond his fleet’s range. 

It didn’t take McCullick long to come to the conclusion that the aliens were going to pick his fleet apart from beyond their own weapons range if they didn’t do something.  And there was little he could do, given the fact that the aliens were twice as fast as his fleet.  In fact, there was really only one option.  He keyed the all-ships channel.

“McCullick to fleet.  The fleet will change course on the flagship’s mark.  The fleet’s fighters will continue the pursuit.   The new course will be to the LaGrange point at maximum speed!”  He closed a channel and keyed in a message to his flag captain to make the course change immediately. 

That done, he turned to the plot in the center of his flag bridge.  The inner LaGrange point was 2.6 million kilometers away.  At their current speed it would take his fleet 5.7 minutes to reach the point and jump through.  They were going to take a lot of damage in that time, but it was their only hope of forcing the aliens into their own range.  After jumping across the system, the aliens would be forced to turn back and jump themselves, and that would leave them at point blank range of the fleet’s weapons. 

The pursuit continued.  The alien fleet was in between the Retribution fleet and the LaGrange point, and the fleet’s fighters were in between the two fleet’s and were trying to close on the aliens.  If the alien ships wanted to remain in weapons range of the human fleet, they would have to allow the human fighters to close.  In the meantime, the fleet’s anti-missile escorts continued pelting the alien fleet with missile fire, which was largely ineffective but did serve to at least inflict some damage. 

The human fighters soon pushed the alien fleet out of range of the main fleet.  The aliens remained just out of range of the fighter’s lasers, but also seemed to be just out of their own range as well.  That illusion as dispelled when the Anubis class ships opened fire and shot six fighters out of space, smashing them with their devastating lasers.  The pursuit continued.  Every twenty seconds the aliens smashed another six fighters, while periodically being attacked by human AMM’s, most of which didn’t get through their defenses. 

The next time the alien lasers recharged they only hit three human fighters, destroying all three.  The fighter force was reduced to five attack fighters and two sensor fighters.  The next attack took out the two sensor platforms, leaving four fighters to pursue the alien fleet.  At this point, for some reason, the aliens stopped firing on the human fighters.  Until a minute later, when one of the four remaining fighters was swatted from space, leaving three. 

At 1119 hours the alien force running ahead of the Terran fleet passed the LaGrange point with the fighters in hot pursuit.  Fifteen seconds later the fighters passed the LaGrange point.  Ten seconds later the aliens swatted another fighter from space, leaving two to pursue the alien fleet.  Forty-five seconds later another fighter exploded, and the fighter force was down to one.  Forty-five seconds later the last fighter exploded.  At this point the Retribution Fleet was 650,000 kilometers from the LaGrange point, and at its current speed it would reach the point in 87 seconds. 

With the fighters gone, the alien fleet turned around and began racing back towards the Terran Fleet.  McCullick’s fleet is now 1.6 mkm’s from the LaGrange point, and will require 109 seconds to reach the point.  It’s now a race.  The DDE’s kept spitting out missiles as they approached the LaGrange point until Admiral McCullick called a halt as they were on final approach.  At this point the DDE’s were down to under 50% on their missiles. 

At 1122 hours the fleet slipped through the LaGrange point just as the alien fleet reached its weapons range.  Once on the far side the fleet stopped on the LaGrange point and waited.  Admiral McCullick distributed a firing plan that targeted the fleet’s weapons on the Anubis class ships.  The fleet’s sensors could still see the alien fleet, but unexpectedly, it had changed course to pursue the fleeing carriers, now seven million kilometers distant.  Admiral McCullick’s frustration soared.  He had hoped that the aliens would pursue him through the LaGrange point, so he could force a closer range engagement, or that they would approach and picket the far side of the LaGrange point, allowing him to launch an attack by jumping into the inner system.  By pursuing the carriers they were going to force him to try to distract them.  Seeing no other choice, he ordered the fleet back through the LaGrange point. 

The Terran fleet appeared just over 200,000 kilometers from the alien fleet, and both sides started firing immediately.  The aliens concentrated their fire on the Andromeda, reducing her shields to 70% in one shot with their heavy lasers.  The humans, who had been planning on attacking at point blank range when the aliens came through the jump point, spread their fire ineffectively amongst the alien Anubis class ships, getting a number of armor hits.  Admiral McCullick ordered the carrier group to turn directly away from the alien force and run at top speed. 

The human fleet immediately set out in pursuit of the alien fleet, which turned away to maintain the range.  Admiral McCullick ordered all ships to target a single Anubis, in the hopes of knocking out at least one while within range of the fleet’s weapons.  The range was opening up, though, and the human ships were finding it hard to hit the elusive alien targets.  The aliens got one hit on the Andromeda’s shields, reducing them to 67%, and in return the humans got five low power hits on the Anubis’s armor.  The next round of fire, at 278,000 mkm’s, got four hits on the Anubis’s armor, but the aliens had succeeded in slipping out of range.   
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