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Other Games / Re: Hawks European Warfare Mod (For American Conquest:FB)
« Last post by Nappy on Today at 11:44:11 AM »
Other Games / Re: Hawks European Warfare Mod (For American Conquest:FB)
« Last post by Nappy on September 17, 2024, 06:47:12 PM »

News: The creator of the mod, Gex, has decided to return to the mod to create a new official patch, info can be found here:

Other Games / Re: Hawks European Warfare Mod (For American Conquest:FB)
« Last post by Nappy on September 13, 2024, 11:44:09 AM »
Other Games / Re: Hawks European Warfare Mod (For American Conquest:FB)
« Last post by Nappy on September 02, 2024, 05:34:40 PM »

Here is another recent vid.
Other Games / Re: Hawks European Warfare Mod (For American Conquest:FB)
« Last post by Nappy on August 26, 2024, 11:09:44 AM »
Also Adding some older videos here for the sake of it:



Some of these videos are REALLY old, lol.
Other Games / Re: Hawks European Warfare Mod (For American Conquest:FB)
« Last post by Nappy on August 22, 2024, 08:56:42 PM »
Also, here are a few videos for the civil war mod:




Other Games / Hawks European Warfare Mod (For American Conquest:FB)
« Last post by Nappy on August 22, 2024, 04:18:01 PM »
I was wondering where to post a thread about this rather ancient game, so I guess I'll put it here.

Hawks European Warfare is a rather ancient mod for an old Cossacks spin off called American Conquest. The mod is mainly focused on historical battles such as Borodino, Austerlitz, etc., where players can fight to the death with their historically matched armies, a few examples can be found here:

t=721s  (A 2v1 Borodino match)

t=1349s (A 1v1 Heilsburg match)

t=1137s (A 3v2, a rather brutal assault at Arcis Sur Aube)
(Channels are not mine, I'm rather new to the game myself)

I came upon this game randomly when one of the videos popped up in my feed, and it has been extremely enjoyable. The old group of players that used to play this game have largely disappeared over the last 10 years, but a couple of veteran players were keeping it alive, and now it is experiencing a revival in interest.

The video's by "derp" or "Sul" have download instructions in their video descriptions, but I can link a more comprehensive download manual here:

We also play a civil war mod for AC: Divided Nation, which is also loads of fun, if anyone would like to play with us, we can be contacted at the forum or here:

If you would like to find us at the American Conquest Discord, it can be found here (link wont expire now):

Cheers!  :)

Geoffroy's 4X project / Re: (Antimatter) 2023-2024 Video Devlog
« Last post by Kiero on May 15, 2024, 09:35:21 AM »

Also I will be explaining soon the distinction between private ownership and control over organisation's assets which explain even more how these two scope connect.

Space for corruption cooperation I mean.
Geoffroy's 4X project / Re: (Antimatter) 2023-2024 Video Devlog
« Last post by Geoffroypi on May 11, 2024, 08:52:48 AM »
I did not get one thing, is antimatter focused on a solo ship journey or is it a 4X gamę with empire creation and all the stuff that come with?

My neighbors above said it all  ;D

Also I will be explaining soon the distinction between private ownership and control over organisation's assets which explain even more how these two scope connect.
Geoffroy's 4X project / Re: (Antimatter) 2023-2024 Video Devlog
« Last post by vorpal+5 on May 07, 2024, 12:21:25 AM »
From what I understand too, it's always player-centric. Perhaps a better comparison would be that it is akin to Starsector. i.e. even if you control an entire fleet or colonies, you are still a captain in a ship (or in a land team, exploring!)
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