Author Topic: Cold Sun - Part 1: The Trans-Newtonian Age  (Read 2121 times)

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Offline Steve Walmsley (OP)

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Cold Sun - Part 1: The Trans-Newtonian Age
« on: February 03, 2019, 06:27:00 PM »
Continuing disagreements regarding adequate military funding, plus the formation of a European Union army, caused the breakup of NATO in 2023. The United States, Canada, the United Kingdom and Norway formed the North Atlantic Alliance, while the European Union began the integration of national armed forces into the new supra-national EU Army, Navy and Air Force. Russia took full advantage of the Western disunity to launch a full-scale invasion of Ukraine and to annex both Belarus and Moldova. After assuring the European Union that no further advances would be made in the west unless there was interference in future Russian operations, Russia moved into Central Asia, steadily absorbing all the former Soviet Republics.
In the Far East, a Taiwanese declaration of independence in 2024 resulted in a naval clash between the People’s Republic of China on one side and the United States, Australia and Japan on the other. Casualties were heavy on both sides and the allied force was unable to intervene in a PRC invasion of Taiwan. While tactically inconclusive, the battle was a strategic victory for the People’s Republic and paved the way for a series of Chinese military adventures in the following two decades. Japan, Australia and New Zealand joined the now-inappropriately-named North Atlantic Alliance and all member nations of the Alliance began a military build up to counter the continuing rise of China and a resurgent Russia.
In South America, Venezuela completed its descent into a failed state. A newly militaristic Brazil invaded and annexed the country, framing it as a humanitarian mission. There was little international condemnation following news broadcasts of Brazilian soldiers handling out food to starving Venezuelan children. Even so, the actions of Brazil created instability in the region, leading to a succession of South American wars. Brazil emerged from this period of conflict in a dominant position, significantly increasing its territory and assuming effective leadership of South America.
In the 2020s, India continued its rapid industrial growth, alongside an expansion in the strength and capability of its military. A Chinese invasion of Vietnam in 2029 sparked Indo-Chinese proxy wars throughout South-East Asia that resulted in Laos and Cambodia becoming part of the growing Chinese Empire, while Thailand and Burma allied with India. In order to avoid any strategic complications on its western border during a potential future direct clash with China, India invaded and absorbed Bangladesh. Pakistan sabre-rattled but, conscious of the potential for conflict with Russia in Central Asia, did not intervene.

By 2039, six well-armed powers dominated the world, The People’s Republic of China and the North Atlantic Alliance were the most powerful, with the Alliance having an edge in industrial strength of about 10%, while China had almost double the population of its rival. India, the Russian Federation and the European Union were relatively equal in industrial power, although India had a huge population advantage, while Brazil was the weakest of the six with about half the economic power of the Alliance. China, Russia and Brazil had digested their most recent conquests and were prepared for the next advances, while India, the EU and the Alliance were preparing for what they believed would be the inevitable superpower showdown. That was all changed by two momentous discoveries in late 2039.

The first discovery was that the energy output of the sun had suddenly begun to decrease and scientists predicted the output would continue to fall at approximately 2% per year, with dire consequences for the Earth. Even as world leaders were beginning to absorb the full impact of this news, CERN announced the discovery of Trans-Newtonian physics, the existence of the Aether and the presence of Trans-Newtonian elements that could be accessed on Earth. Given the existential threat to humanity posed by the cooling sun, the research was distributed to all the major powers.

A summit of the leaders of the six power blocs was organised and an agreement was reached to suspend all current conflicts. With humanity itself under threat of extinction, fighting each other for control of a planet that would turn to ice within a few short years was a futile waste of resources. Instead, knowledge of the new Trans-Newtonian elements would be used to rapidly transform industry and construct shipyards and spacecraft. Scientists in all nations believed this was a new era for science and a method of interstellar travel could be found within a few years. If and when that happened, the nations of the Earth needed to be ready to mount an Exodus from the Sol system.

As a result of the new drive for interstellar colonisation, the North Atlantic Alliance took steps to amalgamate the governments of the member countries to ensure a coordinated approach. The Alliance also took the opportunity to adopt a name more suitable to the global nature of the organisation. From this point forward, it would become the Colonial Alliance.

Starting Situation – January 1st 2040
Colonial Alliance: 800m Pop, 1200 CI, 15 RL.
PRC: 1500m Pop, 1100 CI, 14 RL
Russian Federation: 600m Pop, 800 CI, 12 RL
Republic of India: 1500m Pop, 800 CI, 12 RL
European Union: 600m Pop, 800 CI, 12 RL
Brazil: 600m Pop, 600 CI, 10 RL.

All nations are conventional and start with Trans-Newtonian Technology already researched.

Earth Survey Report
Duranium:   520,000   1.00
Neutronium:   353,200   0.80
Corbomite:   286,900   0.80
Tritanium:   274,900   0.70
Boronide:   286,100   0.70
Mercassium:   356,500   0.70
Vendarite:   271,200   0.70
Sorium:   306,050   0.70
Uridium:   290,400   0.60
Corundium:   314,700   0.80
Gallicite:   332,600   0.80

1st January 2042
It is two years since the beginning of the Trans-Newtonian Age. All six nations are well into the process of converting their industry to Trans-Newtonian technology, although several have run into financial difficulties and have had to concentrate on boosting their wealth output. Within those two years, the surface temperature of Earth has fallen by three degrees, adding extra impetus to the industrial effort.

SM Note: I changed Conventional Industry from 1/20th to 1/10th of a Financial Centre at this point

15th January 2043
A further year has passed and the surface temperature of Earth is 9.7C, a drop of 4.3C since the Sun began cooling. Conversion of industry to Trans-Newtonian technology continues and in most cases the early financial difficulties have been resolved, at least for the moment.

5th January 2044
The surface temperature of Earth is 8.3C. Conversion of industry to Trans-Newtonian technology continues..

4th May 2044
India is the first nation to develop Nuclear Thermal Engine technology. Russia follows in early July.

4th January 2045
The surface temperature of Earth is 6.9C and has fallen more than seven degrees in the last five years. The state of industry conversion is as follows:

The scientific communities in each nation specialise in different area. The most effective science teams in each area are noted below:

Probably the most important contributor to each nation’s efforts in preparation for Exodus, is the planetary governor responsible for all industrial output. The key areas in which the skills of each governor boost the national output are listed below:

25th March 2045
The European Union becomes the third nation to develop nuclear thermal engine technology. The Colonial Alliance and Brazil both complete their own research by mid-April.

20th December 2045
The People’s Republic of China is the first nation to convert all of its conventional industry into Trans-Newtonian installations. It is followed ten days later by the European Union.

4th January 2046
The surface temperature of Earth is 5.5C and has fallen eight point five degrees, which is already one more than one third of the temperature drop that can be tolerated before Earth is longer an ideal habitable world for humanity. Considering that no nation is even close to building its first spacecraft, time is running out very quickly. The current state of industry conversion is as follows:

5th March 2046
The Russian Federation becomes the third nation to convert all of its industry.

24th April 2046
The People’s Republic of China is the last nation to develop nuclear thermal engine technology. Several of the other nations are already researching pebble bed reactors with an intention to develop nuclear pulse technology before building their first ships. Even with the time constraints, the general consensus is that faster ships will be more effective during the Exodus and it is better to have more capable ships later than slow ships now. China may be an exception in this regard due to its lack of effective propulsion scientists.

4th May 2046
The Colonial Alliance completes the conversion of its industry. As with the nations that have already completed the conversion, the priority is additional shipyard complexes.

16 September 2046
Brazil lays down the first Trans-Newtonian ship; a Tridente class freighter

Tridente class Freighter      43,350 tons       191 Crew       555.9 BP       TCS 867    TH 744    EM 0
858 km/s      Armour 1-109       Shields 0-0       HTK 74      Sensors 5/0/0/0      DCR 1      PPV 0
MSP 8    Max Repair 50 MSP
Cargo 25,000    Cargo Shuttle Multiplier 3   
Capitão-tenente    Control Rating 1   BRG 
Intended Deployment Time: 3 months   

Commercial Nuclear Thermal Drive (12)    Power 744    Fuel Use 10.06%    Signature 62    Explosion 5%
Fuel Capacity 500,000 Litres    Range 20.6 billion km   (278 days at full power)
Commercial Thermal Sensor (1)     Sensitivity 5     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  17.7m km

6th October 2046
India completes conversion of its conventional industry

13th February 2047
Brazil is the final nation to complete conversion of its industry. At this point, the surface temperature of Earth is 4C and there are still no colony ships laid down. Currently Brazil is building two freighters and two geosurvey ships and the People’s Republic of China is also building two geological survey ships. No other nations have begun shipbuilding, although several have constructed additional shipyards and expansion is underway. Time is running out.

Note: So far very happy with the new wealth changes. I had to tweak conventional industry from 5% of a financial centre to 10% after a couple of years but fine apart from that. Wealth growth feels very natural and has been a consideration throughout, which has not been the case for previous conventional starts. I will see how it progresses.
« Last Edit: February 03, 2019, 06:30:04 PM by Steve Walmsley »