Author Topic: The Terran-Numerian War: The Dark Hand of Destiny  (Read 3092 times)

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The Terran-Numerian War: The Dark Hand of Destiny
« on: May 07, 2009, 10:55:15 PM »

How or even when the Vikingr arrived on Migardr is still a mystery, even to them.  No official records survived Ragnarök so only folk law and word of mouth has kept any semblance of history alive.   Thralls had, surprisingly, kept a fair amount to prior history alive but this had mainly pertained to legends within their own culture.   Thrall legends talk of the landing of the Sky boat in the ocean off the coast of Eikinskialdi.  It was from this boat, that the 4 tribes were cast out and doomed to wander the seas.   Some thralls insist that this alone is proof that the inhabitants of Migardr were in fact colonists from another world but the Vikingr nobility scoff at this idea and point out that extensive searching has yet to provide any evidence of such a craft, so the matter was put to rest.  
Of the four nations on the planet, the Vikingr were the only ones strong enough to survive the massive war that was known as Ragnarök. Varangians, Ruus and the Vinlanders all fell to the weapons of the Vikingr.  Whole cities were slaughtered.  Men, woman and children were all put to death in the name of the Vikingr pagan gods, the “Dark Ones” and those who manage to survive were taken as thralls and forced into a life of hard labour.


Brief History

Vikingr history is broken into three Sagas’, each detailing a specific timeframe in their history.

Saga Forn Eins (Story of the Old Ones)
This saga looks back at the achievements of the Vikingr during the times of old.  It details the battles they fought with the Varangians, Ruus and the Vinlanders and the rise of the Volva Council. It also shows their progression from simple barbarian raiders to a viable city state with a standing army.

Saga Triumfere (Story of the Triumph)
This period of history describes the implementation of industrialization and the technological advances that turned each state into modern nations.   As each nation grew in power, it was foreseen that a final battle would be fought between each cuture in which only one would emerge victorious.   This final war was known as Ragnarök.  The Vikingr realized that they did not have the population to wage an extended war and chose to strike first against all three other nations.  The Ruus and the Vinlanders both fell quickly and forces that were committed against them were able to be redirected to face the formidable Varangians.  The Varangians were just as brutal and warlike as the Vikingr and they possessed Nuclear weapons.   The Saga details this mighty clash and gives the credit of victory to the timely intervention of the Dark Ones.   The last chapters of the saga tell of the ongoing insurgencies, the ethnic cleansing and slavery of the survivors.  About fifty years after the start of Ragnarök, the Volvas declared that the Vikingr had achieved victory in the name of the Dark Powers.  

Saga Fremtidig Skjebne (Story of Future Destiny)
This Saga tells of the reconstruction and the technological discoveries that enabled the Vikingr to reach into space and beyond their own system. The saga is still considered a work in progress

The Vikingr System of Government

The Vikingr system of Government is considered an Elective Monarchy.   The Next King is chosen by the Council of the Volva by ways of omens and visions.   This happens in no set time period but rarely happens before 10 years.  In an instance of the death or incapacitation, the Volva will step in until a successor has been identified.  
The Vikingr still exhibit some forms of a Feudal society.   Each planetary region is governed by a Jarl.   The Position is normally awarded to military members who have shown bravery in combat and loyalty to the King, but academics have been awarded positions in the past.   The title is considered hereditary and is normally passed to an appropriate heir.  If an heir is not available or not suitable, the King will appoint a new Jarl.  
The Jarl is responsible for the running of his region, including the supply of a draft of men to fill gaps in military recruitment.  The Jarl is also permitted to raise military formations as body guards.   In times of conflict, the Jarls are expected to offer their “Huscarls” for service to the King.

The Volva

The Council of the Volva represent the most talented of the Vikingr witches.   Consisting of ten members with equal power, the Volva are considered to be vessels of the Dark ones themselves.  How the members are chosen is still a mystery, but there has never been a vacancy in the council yet and in fact no one knows what even happens to previous members.


The Trygghet Tjenestegjør

The Trygghet Tjenestegjør (Security Service) is the internal and external security for the King.   Their main concern is to maintain the security of the nation and ensure that the population (and the Jarls) remain loyal to the King.  They are known for their heavy handed tactics and their frequent use of overwhelming firepower to deal with domestic trouble.  

The Vikingr Military System

The Kongelig Vikingr Militær Stiftelse (KVMS - Royal Vikingr military establishment) consists of five services.

The Hær is the regular ground army which includes any wet naval and aerospace assets.  This is basically the Kings Army. Recruitment is open to members in all regions and when the recruitment level is not sufficient, each Jarl is required to provide a levy to make up the deficiency.

The Fyrd is the militia and reserve forces of the King’s military.  Every ex soldier is required to serve an additional 5 years service in the reserves after completing their terms of service in the Hær.  The Militia is made up of hastily trained civilians and is only raised in times of planetary invasion and direct threats to a Vikingr world.

The Verdensrom Våpen (Space Force) is the Space borne Navy, including Orbital Marines.  It also includes specialist raiding formations.

The Trygghet Tjenestegjør also has dedicated combat formations which can assist elements of the military by order of the King.

The Huscarls are private Military formations of the Jarls which can include ground, naval, air or space units.  The King can request use of these formations but the Jarls are under no obligation to accept this request, so far no Jarl has ever denied a request by the King.

Life in the Realm

For the normal citizens, as long as you remain loyal to the King, life is pretty good.  Due to a small population and an ever expanding industry, unemployment is rare and usually only for short periods.  The citizens are encouraged to pursue a wide variety of extra curricular activities, the favourite being sport and music.  Life seems rosy on the surface but one just has to look a little deeper to see some of the unsavoury aspects of life in the realm.  Free speech is an illusion; speakers who criticize the King, Government policy or the Volva often wind up missing.  Workers unions are permitted but are carefully scrutinized by the Trygghet Tjenestegjør with strikes quickly subdued by force and ring leaders reduced to Thralldom.
The Thralls are decedents of other nations conquered by the Vikingr during Ragnarök and criminals whose crimes warrant banishment.  The life of a Thrall is hard.  Most work in the massive mining complexes on the Munarvágr and Ingófr islands. Spending 12 to 14 hours a day in poor conditions has all but guarantee a short life span for the average Thrall.   Despite harsh working conditions, poor diet and substandard housing, the Thrall population has been steady in its numbers, ranging from 3 to 4 million.  Once designated as a Thrall, there is no hope of returning to a normal life.  Thralls also provide a source for medical experiments and sacrifice for the Volva.
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