Author Topic: PC: Month 140 Update  (Read 2266 times)

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PC: Month 140 Update
« on: November 20, 2006, 08:17:26 PM »
Month 140 Update
ASR and Allies (True People, Xanti Protectorate)

Current Income (all sources): 1,128,000
Current Maintenance: 571,000

Total Inhabited Systems: 302
Total Population: 1,069 Billion

The ASR?s central government is reeling in the wake of a series of scandals involving the manipulation of critical information to mold public opinion, a cardinal sin in Gorandan society.  The scandals, all relating to the war in the Colmar Sector, came in the wake of the previous administration?s successful campaign to increase the power of the central government at the expense of the racial governments.  One of the Act of Unification?s most important effects was to nationalize the various racial fleets into a unified national fleet capable of coordinating its actions across the entire ASR.  The irony is that those in charge of the central government finally achieved their goal and increased their power just in time to lose it.  

The ASR?s economy has stagnated over the last five months.  Although there has been some exploration and colonization, and the population of already colonized planets has grown, these increases have been offset by immense expenditures on the war effort.  In the last several months the ASR has spent in excess of 1,500,000 MCr?s to equip its fleet with the latest munitions, including advanced anti-matter warheads and capital bombardment missiles.  These huge expenditures could only be balanced by selling off long-term investments, which has decreased the ASR?s income by an amount that is almost equal to its growth over the five-month period.  The only reason the current income amount above is larger than the figure from five months ago (approximately 1,070,000) is because the Xanti Protectorate is now counted as an ally.  

One of the key effects of the Act of Unification has been the creation of Administrative Areas (AA?s), which are functionally equivalent to the Empire?s Sectors.  The Administrative Areas are based on the old racial borders, and the new Administrative Area Governments (AAG) are based on the old national governments.  Under the Act, the AAG?s have significantly increased internal autonomy, while at the same time losing much of their veto power over the central government, as well as their control over the newly organized national military.  The ASR?s new Administrative Areas are listed below:  

Capital AA: This AA contains the Gorandan home world as well as the Capital System of the ASR.  This Area is currently the smallest in the ASR.  The 1st (Capital) Fleet is primarily intended to be a strategic reserve for the ASR, and has been drained over the last several years to provide units for the Colmar conflicts.  Primary racial population: Gorandan (ST); Secondary racial population: Thranx (T)

Colmar AA: Due to damage caused by the war in the Colmar System, this AA?s capital has been moved from the Colmar system to the Le Harve System.  The Evarid home world and colonies are also a part of this AA, a decision which was made after the Evarid refused an ASR offer to form their own AA as they currently have very few Evarid-only colonies.  Instead, the Evarid home world acts as a second capital for the AA and provides administrative support for the small Evarid colonial empire and for nearby Gorandan colonies.  The 6th Fleet is currently assigned to the Colmar AA, and is the largest single concentration of military units in the ASR.  The 6th is currently split into multiple forces guarding against further Eater incursions in Cholet, assisting the Xanti, invading Axon territory, moving against the Antarans, and guarding the Le Harve and Evarid systems.  Primary racial population: Gorandan (ST); Secondary racial population: Thranx (T)/Evarid (ST)

Confederation AA: The Confederation AA?s capital is the Confederation twin home worlds in the Algol system.  The AA also includes the Ayoun home world and colonies, which continue to be governed by Confederation administrators while the Ayoun population is re-educated by Gorandan social engineers.  The bulk of the 3rd (Confederation) Fleet is currently stationed in the Algol System.  3rd Fleet patrol units are stationed in the Ayoun Nexus, which is adjacent to both the Algol system and the Ayoun home system.  A garrison group from the 3rd Fleet is stationed in the Ayoun home system to ensure their cooperation with the Gorandan re-education corps units deployed to Ayoun worlds.  The 3rd Fleet is a powerful force in spite of the number of units it has dispatched to the Colmar AA.  Primary racial population: Human (T)/Alar (ST); Secondary racial population: Ayoun (ST)/Gorandan (ST)

Thranx AA: The Thranx AA is one of the fastest growing Sectors in the ASR, and Thranx colonists are spreading throughout the ASR to populate the numerous type T planets discovered by Gorandan and D?nax survey ships.  All 4th Fleet units are currently deployed to the Thranx home system.  Primary racial population: Thranx (T); Secondary racial population: Gorandan (ST)

D?nax AA: The D?nax were the first race to join the old GDO, before it became the ASR, and while their AA not the largest or the richest, it is close to the Capital Sector and is heavily populated.  Because of their status as ?co-founders? of the ASR, the D?nax enjoy a high level of prestige that is only exceeded by the Gorandans.  The 2nd Fleet is deployed at the D?nax home world.  Primary racial population: D?nax (ST); Secondary racial population: Thranx (T)/Human (T)

Alliance AA: The Alliance AA contains the Brrralk and the Free Republic member states.  During the wrangling to determine the AA borders both the Brrralk and the Humans of the Free Republic fought over dividing their territory into separate Human and Brrralk Sectors, however, the task proved impossible given the manner in which the Brrralk and Human colonies are haphazardly interpenetrated.   Ultimately the Brrralk and Human leadership agreed to form a jointly ruled AA that comprised their common holdings.  Human-Brrralk relations continue to be rocky and the ASR press is sure to be closely watching the ongoing attempts to organize the new AA government.  The 5th Fleet is divided between the Brrralk and Free Republican capitals, the Proxima system, and the Marathon system.   Because of the Free Republic?s preoccupation with the Empire, the 5th Fleet?s primary responsibility is the defense of the AA from Imperial aggression.  Primary racial population: Human (T)/Brrralk (ST); Secondary racial population: none

ASR Fleet
The continuing fighting in the Colmar Administrative Area has caused the ASR to build up its Navy to unprecedented levels.  In the two years since the start of the fighting in the Colmar Sector, in spite of heavy losses, the ASR Navy has increased in size by 50% in terms of hull spaces.  The number of fleet carriers has quintupled, the number of capital ships has nearly doubled, and the balance of capital ships has shifted from superdreadnoughts to monitors.  

This dramatic increase in the size of the Navy, coupled with a near complete cessation of exploration and colonization at the start of the war has strained the ASR?s economy, as can been seen by the lack of overall economic growth.  The ambitious building program initiated at the start of the war has led to huge maintenance requirements that are gobbling up the Navy?s budget, as evidenced by the fact that in the last four months there has been nearly no new construction.  Naval budgets have been devoted entirely to upgrading the fleet with the latest technology and re-equipping the fleet?s magazines with the latest missiles.  The only new construction has been to round out incomplete data groups and to increase fortifications in critical locations.  

Given this state of affairs it should be no surprise that an increasing number of Representatives in the ASR?s Assembly are calling for an expansion of the Exploration Corps and a significant re-direction of funds to economic expansion.  With the Eater incursion destroyed, the Xanti cowed, and the Axons defeated, the proponents of a diversion of resources to economic matters are gaining support.  The proponents of this diversion of resources are calling for the mothballing of major fleet units that are located at fleet bases far away from the current fighting as a method of reducing the Navy?s maintenance budget.  

ASR Navy Deployments
Pursuant to the Act of Unification, the ASR Navy is currently undergoing a complete reorganization that mirrors the ongoing reorganization of the ASR government.  The continuing troubles of the Colmar AA have demonstrated to all of the member races of the ASR that in order to respond efficiently and effectively to the threats that the ASR faces the Navy must have a unified command structure and coordinated building plan.  

The new organization plan creates a unified command structure and ranks throughout all of the member state navies, and, in essence, nationalizes those navies.  In the short term the changes are minor, but in the long term the effect will be to change the orientation of the racial navies from a local focus to a national focus.  As per the reorganization plan, each racial fleet will become a numbered fleet, commanded by a Area Marshal, who also commands the ground forces present in the Sector.  The Area Fleet will be in administrative control of all military forces present in the Administrative Area, with the exception of forces temporarily detailed into the Sector from other Sectors.  The Area Fleet will usually be broken down into sub-units designated as groups, for instance, Battle Groups, Occupation Groups, Carrier Groups, Patrol Groups, and so on.  Senior or Junior Group Admirals will be in command, depending on the size and/or strength of the unit in question.  

ASR Fleet: 1xCVB, 158xCV, 19xCVL, 39xCVS, 134xCVE, 155xML, 75xSD, 41xBB, 136xBC, 311xCA, 87xCL, 330xDD, 32xFG, 89xCT, 69xEX
Total HS: 105,817
ASR Fortification Command: 39xBS5, 97xBS4, 92xBS3, 45xBS2, 199xBS1, 96xBS0, 6xAF
Total HS: 37,788

Total Shipyard Capacity: 366xSY, 11,712 HS per Month
Current Capacity in use: 55%

ASR wide construction:
Under Construction: 6xCV, 1xMN, 6xML, 8xFG, 1xBS6, 18xBS5, 213xIDEW-La, 36xGBP, 144xF3, 152xcutter, 420xMF

Refits: 34xCV, 10xCVE, 51xML, 18xSD, 13xBB, 26xBC, 7xCA, 7xCL, 4xDD, 16xBS3

2nd Empire of Man
The Empire is currently engaged in two wars in the Pax Sector.  Both wars are currently going well.  Admiral Hideoshi and the 3rd Fleet have run off the cyborg fleet that destroyed the colonies in the Kitakyushu system.  After leaving behind units to secure the system Admiral Hideoshi has set out in pursuit of the cyborgs but has not yet been able to find them.  

The Imperial 7th Fleet is at long last advancing against the Axons, now that the Axons have withdrawn most of their fleet into the interior of their territories to fight the long anticipated ASR invasion.  Up to now this war has not gone well, and the commanding officer of the 7th Fleet was forced to resign after the Axons bombed the Breen home world rather than surrender them.  The Axon?s subsequent bombardment of the Andalon home planet was not surprising.  Both races have welcomed Imperial troops as liberators and leaders from both races have expressed an interest in forming an alliance against the Axons.  

The Imperial Fleet units that were formerly stationed in the Antaran home system have retreated to the Contact System, where they have reinforced the fortifications in that system.  Scout units have been stationed in the CS-021 system, which is located in between the Contact system and the Antaran home system.  Once the ASR?s anticipated invasion of the Antaran system is resolved, the commanding officer of the fleet presence in the Contact system has been ordered to offer to the ASR a return to the previous borders between the two nations that were established after the ASR?s liberation of the Antarans.  Under the original treaty the CS-021 system was designated as a neutral zone that could be patrolled by both nations but which could be garrisoned by neither.  

The Imperial Navy is currently developing new systems that will soon be ready for deployment to the fleet.  These systems include advanced point defense, anti-fighter missiles, and improved shields.  These systems will require a new round of refits that will likely begin in the next several months.  Given the recent refit of the carrier fleet it is likely that the recently refitted carriers will be excluded from this upcoming refit.  

The Empire has always depended heavily on the Fortress Command for internal security and border defense, and the FC is seen as being fully equivalent to the Fleet in most circles.  Both the Fleet and the Fortress Command are constantly vying for resources, but of late the Fortress Command has been winning most of the battles in the Imperial Senate and is looking at a significant increase in its strength over the next six to twelve month period.  In particular, the core systems of New Chicago and New America will be re-tasking much of their shipyard capacity towards increasing both their orbital defenses and their warp point defenses.  

Current Income: 931,000
Current Maintenance: 341,000

Total Inhabited Systems: 241
Total Population: 582 Billion

Imperial Naval Fleet Strength:
13xCV, 2xCVL, 315xCVS, 24xCVE, 86xML, 27xSD, 38xBB, 176xBC, 169xCA, 113xCL, 236xDD, 30xFG, 58xCT, 187xEX
Total HS: 76,902

Imperial Fortress Command Strength:
4xBS5, 152xBS4, 171xBS3, 507xBS1
Total HS: 46,170

Total Shipyard Capacity: 257xSY, 7,710 HS per Month
Current Capacity in use: 96.5%
Nine mobile shipyards are en route to the Kitakyushu system and account for the less than 100% usage.  

Under Construction: 58xCVS, 34xML, 3xSD, 8xBB, 28xBC, 8xCA, 10xCL, 13xDD, 12xCT, 8xBS5, 19xBS4, 14xBS3, 4xBS1, 47xGBP, 147xF3, 1249xMF

Refits: 2xCVS, 3xBC, 2xCA, 2xCL, 6xBS3, 4xBS1

The Atong Union
The Atong Union is currently re-evaluating their entire Fleet engagement and deployment strategy.   The original Atong fleet was composed of large capital ships equipped with heavy beam weapons, supported by smaller units as necessary.  After their war with the Izzians, the Atong decided that missiles were a necessary evil and changed their capital ship design to include missile launchers.  The Atong never really accepted missile tactics and given their latest technical developments they have decided to revert to all-beam equipped capital ships supported by fast missile cruisers and carriers.  The Union is in the last stages of development of cloaking devices, and the Union Fleet anticipates that cloaking technology will allow them to approach to within effective beam range of a missile-armed enemy fleet, thus negating their range disadvantage.  Fighters will continue to be used in a support role.  

The Union has always emphasized the construction of mobile units over static defenses.  Currently, the Union only maintains moderate fixed defenses around a few important planets, such as home worlds and their attendant shipyards.   Warp point defenses are considered nothing more than a roadblock to slow down advancing enemy forces.  They are not intended to stop enemy fleets in and of themselves, and they generally consist of automated weapons control units and fighter bases.  The Union Defense Command, unlike the Fleet, is retaining missiles as their primary weapons for their larger bases.  Their stated reason is that the slight range advantage of modern missiles necessitates their use on bases, which cannot choose their engagement range.  While this makes perfect sense, the more likely reason is that the Fleet has gone back to the traditional beam weapons, and the Defense Command wishes to differentiate itself from the ?Senior Service?.      

Efforts in the Artifact System are moving forward steadily, if unspectacularly.  Pressure from the military to speed up the survey and analysis of the artifact have met with determined resistance from the Union Scientific Directorate, which steadfastly maintains the position that only slow and deliberate analysis of the artifact will result in useable data.  To date the Union Military Directorate has been unsuccessful in its attempts to transfer control of the artifact to its own scientific establishment.  

Scientific Directorate teams have established that two of the installations discovered so far appear to be control stations for the entire installation.  The third is definitely some sort of manufacturing installation, while the fourth contains storage and some sort of repair and or maintenance facilities.  The teams have positively established the fact that the installations are still active and under some sort of central control.  Several instances of automated activity that appear to be routine maintenance have been observed to date, and extra care has been taken to avoid interfering with the automated systems of the Artifact.  

Current Income: 297,464
Current Maintenance: 106,780

Total Inhabited Systems: 70
Total Population: 375.66 Billion

Fleet Strength: 21xCVB, 4xCVS, 20xCVE, 28xMN, 6xML, 3xSD, 3xBB, 51xBC, 39xCA, 71xCL, 20xDD, 38xCT, 101xEX

Mothball Fleet: 1xCV, 1xCVL, 1xCVE, 8xMN, 9xML, 5xSD, 6xBC, 3xCA, 3xCL, 6xDD

Total HS: 26,815

Fortress Command Strength: 1xBS5, 39xBS4, 32xBS3

Total HS: 7,580

Total Shipyard Capacity: 119xSY, 3,808 HS per month
Current Capacity in use: 0% (The Union is in the final phases of developing new tech, and has cleared the yards in anticipation of a massive round of refits.  

The Eater Fleet is currently building up for a second suppression mission against the chaos species that recently defeated and destroyed an entire Chaos Elimination Fleet.  In addition, forces are being built up to counter a recent incursion into hive space by another chaos species.  All reserves have been activated and efforts to modernize the fleet are well underway.  

A significant effort is underway to examine the recent defeat of the Chaos Elimination Fleet by Chaos Species 019 and to determine if new strategies and designs are needed to counter their advanced technology, or if the hive can rely on the standard strategy of applying overwhelming force.  A new Chaos Elimination Force has been assembled to renew the attack on Chaos Species 019, the chaos species that completely destroyed a smaller Chaos Elimination Fleet.  This new fleet consists of 208 light monitors, 81 superdreadnoughts, 19 battleships, 296 battlecruisers, 33 cruisers, 5 light cruisers, 211 destroyers, 45 explorers, 6,165 anti-fighter small craft, and 2, 055 armed pinnaces.  In addition, heavy defenses are being set up in the system that connects to the Chaos Species? system as a fallback point in case the second mission is compromised and the location of the closed warp point into the Chaos Species territory is discovered by the enemy.   Construction has begun on a force of supply ships that will be capable of carrying enough supplies to support the entire CEF for six months without relying on ships transiting through the closed warp point.  Once complete these ships will ensure that the CEF will not need to reveal the location of the closed warp point until the system has been secured or until it has become clear that the cause is lost.      

Current Income: 2,270,000
Current Maintenance: 721,895

Total Inhabited Systems: 219
Total Population: 3,017 Billion

Fleet Strength: 432xML, 141xSD, 36xBB, 650xBC, 60xCA, 60xCL, 524xDD, 183xCT, 574xEX
Total HS: 174,176

Fortress Command Strength: 1xBS6, 133xBS5, 136xBS4, 1107xBS2, 39xSS, 31xAF
Total HS: 119,660 (not including SS)

Total Shipyard Capacity: 621xSY, 16,146 HS per month
Current Capacity in use: 100%
Under Construction: 99xML, 24xSD, 78xBB, 105xBC, 7xCA, 9xDD, 34xBS6, 9xBS4, 51xBS2, 8xAF, 7239xMF

Refits: 34xML

That's it for now.  The Month 140 events will be posted tomorrow.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Kurt »

Offline TrueZuluwiz

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« Reply #1 on: November 21, 2006, 09:18:41 PM »
Thanks for the update Kurt.

One thing bothers me about Starfire: Each turn equals one month, but to me it seems like it should be a year. Travel time and such might come out right for a month, but population growth and shipbuilding times always seem to come out like it's been a year or so. Just my opinion.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by TrueZuluwiz »
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Offline coldsteel

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« Reply #2 on: November 21, 2006, 10:32:27 PM »
Quote from: "TrueZuluwiz"
Thanks for the update Kurt.

One thing bothers me about Starfire: Each turn equals one month, but to me it seems like it should be a year. Travel time and such might come out right for a month, but population growth and shipbuilding times always seem to come out like it's been a year or so. Just my opinion.

true, but it's compressed for 'playability'...  8)
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by coldsteel »
ziggy zoggy ziggy zoggy oi oi oi!
ziggy zoggy ziggy zoggy oi oi oi!
ziggy zoggy ziggy zoggy oi oi oi!

Offline Kurt (OP)

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« Reply #3 on: November 21, 2006, 10:38:38 PM »
Quote from: "TrueZuluwiz"
Thanks for the update Kurt.

One thing bothers me about Starfire: Each turn equals one month, but to me it seems like it should be a year. Travel time and such might come out right for a month, but population growth and shipbuilding times always seem to come out like it's been a year or so. Just my opinion.

The economic and population growth portions have been greatly compressed, to make it possible to build large empires in reasonable numbers of game turns.  

Currently, the Phoenix Campaign has reached turn 140, which is 11 years, 8 months.  In that time the major races have established colonies that now have billions of citizens.  Obviously, the time factor is out of whack.  The problem is, if you change a "turn" to make it a year, but keep everything else the same, then ships either become ludicrously slow, or incredibly fast, depending on how you deal with their movement.  

The time factor is glossed over in both my campaign reports and Steve's Rigellian campaign, because there really is no way to reconcile it with reality.  IIRC, this very discrepancy is one of the problems that motivated Steve to create a game that was more realistic.  

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Kurt »

Offline Father Tim

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« Reply #4 on: November 21, 2006, 11:37:12 PM »
I went for unrealistically slow ships and made each turn one year instead of one month.  It fit my 'mental model' better, even if moving line-of-battle ships to the front lines sometimes took four years.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Father Tim »

Offline Steve Walmsley

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« Reply #5 on: November 22, 2006, 01:15:45 PM »
Quote from: "Kurt"
Quote from: "TrueZuluwiz"
The time factor is glossed over in both my campaign reports and Steve's Rigellian campaign, because there really is no way to reconcile it with reality.  IIRC, this very discrepancy is one of the problems that motivated Steve to create a game that was more realistic.  Kurt

That's true. One of my aims with Aurora was to have an Empire grow over decades or centuries. While it was usually possible to forget about timescales while playing Starfire it did keep coming back to nag at me on a regular basis. Before I ended up with a complete new game, I was looking at ways to extend the time factor in Starfire, mainly by much lower build rates and pop growth rates.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Steve Walmsley »