Author Topic: 2043-2044  (Read 2424 times)

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Offline Panopticon (OP)

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« on: September 11, 2011, 05:57:07 AM »
The new year is met with the announcement of the PSCR as a TN power, they mostly seem to keep to themselves, but speak cordially to any who interact with them.

The various nations continue their plans, though relations between Japan and the NZDL are still tense, and mid way through the year the envoys from New Canada and Japan get into a fistfight at Chinxlub and are separated by force, neither party explains why in public... yet.

The NZDL and Canada conclude a years long research project by beginning construction of the 19300 ton Shared class troopship, currently only NZDL has a shipyard capable of building it however.

Neo Italy and Inuk join the spacefaring world in March with the launch of the Italian Cavour class, and the lighter Gall class out of Inuk, both survey vessels begin their duties immediately.

In April, for reasons unknown [ooc]Seriously I don't know why they did that[/ooc] the NZDL provides the training and equipment knowledge for garrison brigades to the PSCR, perhaps an offer of alliance?

Inuk remains silent on all matters of world debate, with barely a presence at Chinxlub. [ooc]If I don't hear from this player soon I am going to put the faction up for adoption or... other uses[/ooc]

In December the CM announces it has finished the survey of the system, and provides general information to all who wish to peruse it, without actually surveying the bodies themselves the exact location on the worlds or asteroids of mineral deposits is still a mystery however, they offer to rent their survey vessels to interested parties once they finish overhaul.

To open the year of 2044 the NZDL announces their intention to move troops through the South West USA with the goal of annexing the population and shipping centers of California, the operation will begin in exactly one months time, February 1st.

[ooc]Not mentioned, the little cargo ships launched by several factions, no civilian industry yet though. players feel free to email me for specific info you might want, new post coming up with mineral locations.  [/ooc]


Offline Vynadan

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Re: 2043-2044
« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2011, 09:17:03 AM »
In 2042 surprising events happened in the Japanese Alliance.

In the late spring of 2042 a rather intensive police operation took place in the political capitol of the Japanese Alliance, Tokyo. Only few outside of Japan and Korea would get to hear about it, although the local media reported about it excessively for a day. Safe for those interested in the topic very few would hear about the details: A fairly well equiped force of polemen and -women had stormed five seperate appartments around the metropolis that Tokyo was and all five of these operations turned into firefights which died as quick as they had started. What few eye witnesses were interviewed describeda police force equiped with state-of-the-art military armament. Less than a year before a similiar police operation had occured, although without firefirghts and even less attention from the public eye. No official statements were made about the incident.

Shortly thereafter things started to move on the internal political stage of the Japanese Alliance, recentering the attention of the media on these events anyway: Korean demands for a larger say in international politics were heeded and the say in national affairs was increased also. Japanese Alliance officials decided to split the ministries and relocate several of them to Seoul. Among those moved were the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare as well as the Ministry of the Environment. Remaining in Tokyo and its numerous districts were the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism and the Ministry of Defense.
The relocated ministries were incorporated in the largely self-governing Korean 'provincial' politics and had sister-ministries remaining in Tokyo to perform micromanagemend for the Japanese isles. The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology was deemed too important and split into the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports and the Ministry of Science and Technology. The former was also relocated to Seoul while all information about the latter was withheld, essentially rendering the Ministry of Science and Technology a ghost in the public eye.
Critics claimed this to be no more than a burden for Korean bureaucracy and due to the sister-ministries remaining in Tokyo no actual admittance to the demands of Korea, but the general public celebrated this event as a deeper cooperation between the Korean and Japanese people nevertheless.

Going in hand with this was a Korean ambassador sent to the Chicxulub embassy of the Japanese Alliance. While technically ambassador Masakiyo was still the official representative there he often confered with his Korean peer. Later in the summer of 2042 an envoy of the Japanese Alliance who was tasked to bring an important letter to the embassy of New Canada was caught in a bar fight with an official of New Canada and dishonourably sent back to Japanese Alliance territory - He was of Korean origin, but the officials made sure not to let too much information slip about this subject.

Prior to 2042 and its events the Japanese Alliance had seen more political infights but only little progress.

Only the topic of a shared currency had seen any progress at all, albeit it was still widely debated. The current political tendency was towards an equalisation of the Won's and Yen's worth, while remaining their respective name - and national identity. The economy would easily adopt to the equal acceptance of both 'currencies' once their value was identical, at least in the opinion of the politicians. The South Korean politicians had already announced a tax for North Korean citizen since their Won was worth eight times the South Korean Won. This was to ensure internal authenticity and was initially met with North Korean protests - which got promptly cut short by military still openly patroling every inch of North Korea.
« Last Edit: September 11, 2011, 09:18:54 AM by Vynadan »

Offline ardem

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Re: 2043-2044
« Reply #2 on: September 13, 2011, 02:29:16 AM »
The PSCR Chairman Shen Tian stamps his approval on an open letter to all countries. The open letter explains that the PSCR has had longer exposure to the TN technology then most countries acknowledge or a willing to acknowledge. This has given them not some much advances in the technology but how to quickly leverage that technology. The PSCR government is willing to trade that knowledge (Research 240 BP) for a single research centre and their next agreed major discovery (non-component research). They are also willing to discuss opportunities for another member state or states to have exclusive rights for a period of time if they so wish.

The chairman is satisfied with the proposal, others believe he may be over reaching but he knows any person who wish to enhance their research must spend 3 years on this research, and on nothing else. There can be some quick gains for people. Also a research centre can be built in 1-2 years dependant on priorities. He believe this to be a fair bargain. Also knowing it one of his few bargaining chips to help his people thrive.

He press sent and the email is delivered to the state printing press to be sent to the various countries, with all the legal and contract paperwork attached.

Offline shadenight123

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Re: 2043-2044
« Reply #3 on: September 13, 2011, 10:03:43 AM »
Somewhere the italian neighbourhood...secret transmissions fly through the wireless...
"team 1, report"
"team 1, ready to go"
"safe channel?"
"safer than ever".
"infrastructures inbound, ready to grab, eta, ZZ.YY.XX"
"got it. We are preparing caches for recoveries"
"do hide them well team 1"
"overlord 1 out"
*connection terminated*

somewhere near the italian Dictator's desk

"what's this? mails of adoring fans, mails of adoring childrens, mails of...adoring daughters? sheesh, we're bound by blood, they can't go on asking me to marry them!"
"well, they have been genetically altered to love you deeply haven't they?"
"you are right Original n°2"
"thank you, father"
"now, on to the new topic, what do we do with the pscr message?"
"it's an exponential problem. if we were the only one to catch the bargain, we could alway throw to them useless tech and grab their own...problem being that the research lab given, one is not much, but if all nations were to agree..."
"you see the point, we agree, they get forward in science and you do know that..."
"knowledge is power"
"good lad! so, what do we do?"
"well, we did say we would never intervene nor do anything to neighbourhood countries as long as we would be left in peace"
"precisely. and so you know what we are going to do with all this paper?"
"send it back?"
"burn it in the chimney and forget it arrived"
"'re testing me aren't you?"
"who knows..." *With a wide grin*
"well, we could, instead, send a nice "sorry, but no" back, written in Legal-ese, and politic-esque, and then find a way to make other nations refuse the offer, while not directly involving ourselves."
"and how do you think we could do that?"
"i...don't know father"
"well my child, it's fairly easy. you aim at the people. no government wants to show himself weak to it's own people. that's make the people Hear out the problem, and you feed them the solution subconsciously..."
"and how do we do that father?"
"oh come on...FILMS! now go and ask the studios to start sending on the air science-fiction films were it's said that it is a really bad idea to give away technology to an alien race in fear for retaliation. and games! deliver a little bit around copies of galactic civilization, with a phamplet that states "the terran federation gave hyperspace to everyone, that didn't turn to peace did it?" and so on...come on, you are my son right?"
"yes father. i'll see to that"
"oh...and do it MORE SUBTLY than what i told you"
"yes father" and with a light bow Original n°2 left the secret headquarters in the depth of the vesuvio.
"good child, a little bit on the experimental side, but he'll be fine...yes..." sipping a glass of liquor, as he stared at his palm.
it's so sad to age, isn't it? will eternity ever be reached? i have high hopes for you, my child, do not fail me. none of my childrens will fail me...that i hope...

(yes, i am soo enjoying getting on the nerves of those who have no clue what i am talking about, panopticon however is certainly rotfling. >.>)
people die all the time, it's not a problem.
it is if you're sending them to die.
i'm not. they just need to learn to be better.
they need NOT TO CARE!
my blog (updated 17/12/2011) (updated every saturday):

Offline ardem

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Re: 2043-2044
« Reply #4 on: September 14, 2011, 06:43:56 PM »
PSCR Chairman talk on his weekly broadcast to his people, how the PSCR are working with the various international countries and once again have brought trade negotiations to the forefront of international politics and relations. He also discussed that the PSCR has signed a deal with another member state for the research technology (this information and all trades have a non disclosure clause, so there was no mention or hint of who), although the PSCR could of kept this technology themselves it and leveraged it fast. The PSCR felt that to start good relations was important to the PSCR and the Chinese people.

It then discussed the Dutch claim on Taiwan, and the PSCR will free our brothers and sisters from this tyranny. The Chinese people will be whole again, we will not trade what is rightfully ours. We hope the Dutch will see reason, if not eventually we will take it by force if necessary.

Some internal issues were discussed but that was all on the international front of his broadcast.

Offline Napoleon XIX

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Re: 2043-2044
« Reply #5 on: September 15, 2011, 04:28:36 AM »
The Yahoo? Coalition announced itself to the world on the 4th of January 2044 as follows:

"Ladies and Gentlemen of the world, the Yahoo? Coalition has, at the request of the inhabitants of Californya, come into being. We are a gathering, an alliance of the leaders of the people, called in this hour to defend Californyan freedoms and liberties from the encroachments of hostile forces.

FYI, we have both the means and the will to achieve this. We will employ all weaponry at our disposal, weaponry that stood up even to the unholy might of the Invaders.

Thus, we call on the New Zion Defense League not to commence futile and wasteful hostilities. However, we call upon the other nations of the world to persuade the aforementioned country to abide by international law, respecting our sovereignty.


Wayne Meier
Spokesperson to the first gathering of the Yahoo? Coalition"

Offline Dutchling

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Re: 2043-2044
« Reply #6 on: September 15, 2011, 12:26:00 PM »
I posted (or am going to post, depending on when you read this..) a response to your announcement on the crates debate thread as that seemed the proper thread for something like this. Please correct me if I'm wrong with that.