Author Topic: Idea for Speeding Up Aurora  (Read 13430 times)

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Offline Nathan_

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Re: Idea for Speeding Up Aurora
« Reply #60 on: January 20, 2015, 11:27:13 PM »
1) No detection
2) Automatic detection

Interested to hear comments and feedback

I'd have to say roll randomly for detection based on distance(via empire tech maybe? and if something is detected have it stay detected) is the simplest thing to do. How does aurora's sensor model work by the way?
« Last Edit: January 20, 2015, 11:33:44 PM by Nathan_ »

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Re: Idea for Speeding Up Aurora
« Reply #61 on: January 21, 2015, 11:33:08 AM »
Best advice i can give anyone for keeping your game fast. Gen another empire, give then 1 or 2 destroyers, and stick them in some dead end system that isnt worth much. Then every couple years, have them fly out and start culling your civilian shipping fleet. Personally i do this by genning the empire in sol, having them make a colony on 2009 y sedna. And throw a bit of minerals on there for them. Then periodically go out hunting. Specifically i try to take out all the small and medium ships, the only 1s allowed to live are the large and huges.

Made the terrible mistake in my current game of turning the 7x10^6 duranium that genned on luna into infrastructure/underground infs.

Took a while, but you often have a lot of spare time early on in conventional starts. Then i went and put human colonies on every asteroid, several dwarf planets. Now i have a single shipping line, 39 colony ships, 25 freighters, 19 fuel harvesters, and 2 "luxury liners". And the slowdown is definitely substantial.

Offline rcj33

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Re: Idea for Speeding Up Aurora
« Reply #62 on: January 22, 2015, 11:03:40 AM »
Clean examination there. :) Glad it worked out, but strange that troop transports may not work in orbit like the cryos do. As far as I can see in your data, there is only one test with Luna needed where all the troops you used in the test are neither in PDC or TT, but on the colony itself. If that results in larger loading times than the 3.4s you had for the split, then the problem comes indeed from the list length, and TTs may still help a bit when being in orbit.(as would PDCs)

Yeah, I believe that would've been the last test after unloading all the troops to Luna from the TT (since they're supposed to be there in the actual campaign). I didn't feel much like doing it at the time though ::)
The good news is that the results are in from this morning:

Luna, troops half in PDC and half dead from bombardment elsewhere (much faster than click and wait X 200, and no risk of database corruption - should've done this instead): 1.3s
Luna, 19 divisions present on colony (half in PDC): 3.1s
Luna, 19 divisions present: 3.9s

So it seems like splitting where your troops are to increase the speed at which Aurora can deal with them might work to some extent (inconclusive due to human error of ~ +-.5s), but I can't be sure without using way more divisions. 10x would do it for sure but for obvious reasons I won't be trying that without database access  :P It doesn't seem to make much difference for me, though. The good news is the ~4x faster load time without all those units on the colony, which is even better than I thought, though YMMV depending on your troop count. Feel free to point out any mistakes or make suggestions - I've done what I could but my STEM skills have gotten a bit rusty.

edit:I forgot to mention that I arrived at the error figure by waiting until the stopwatch said 4 seconds had passed and then pressing averaged to about 4.25s, which I doubled for safety
« Last Edit: January 22, 2015, 11:34:53 AM by rcj33 »

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Re: Idea for Speeding Up Aurora
« Reply #63 on: January 23, 2015, 03:10:04 AM »
Ok, thank you for the completion. The data with half troops dead and other half in PDC seems off, because that is essentially the same as having half in PDC and half taken away by leaving transports like in one of the tests before, which had different results. But the rest seems to be good indication that the split up does something, so it may be the sorting problem.
I will soon have a great PDC HQ in my current game too, so I may add to that data. Though I currently only have around 10-11 divisions strength, which makes testing inaccurate, but there should be something to see still.
Another thing that I will test is assigning all those troops from their division, and see how that makes a difference or not. If it noticeably does, then this would be proof too.
playing Aurora as swarm fleet: Zen Nomadic Hive Fantasy

Offline rcj33

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Re: Idea for Speeding Up Aurora
« Reply #64 on: January 23, 2015, 10:52:39 AM »
I'm a bit hazy on why I did that myself ;D  Let me know if you find anything