Author Topic: Most epic battle you ever had  (Read 2680 times)

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Offline Drgong (OP)

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Most epic battle you ever had
« on: July 23, 2016, 06:35:23 PM »
Two come to mind (Not much combat experience.)

>Watching my 53 ship fleet get crushed by 4 enemy ships due do design flaws on my ships. 
>fighting the swarm as they jumped into sol.  Fought the Momma and her angry kids in the gravity well of Neptune.  First battle I got crushed, 2nd time I crushed the swarm. 
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Offline AL

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Re: Most epic battle you ever had
« Reply #1 on: July 23, 2016, 07:44:21 PM »
Most of my combat has been against spoilers since NPR's seem to be exceedingly rare in all of my games.
A fairly notable battle was engaging the star swarm's FAC's with my laser-armed fighters in a massive dogfight. IIRC I had committed ~40 fighters against their ~50 FAC's so the numbers were about even, but they out-tonned me by a bit more than 2 times. Due to the AI only targeting one of my ships at a time they always had massive overkill, while I was able to dedicate just enough firepower at each target to mission-kill (or outright destroy if I got a lucky detonation) each bogey in a single salvo before moving on. Even being somewhat outnumbered in the beginning, my "superior tactics" crippled their fleet before they could destroy mine. After disabling or destroying the last of their able ships, it was just a matter of sweeping up the cripples that had been left behind in the flow of battle, and picking up lifepods.
Of course, I fully do not endorse fighting swarm FAC's with short-ranged beam ships if you are looking for efficient play. Missiles with onboard sensors would be able to mop up that mess with no loss of life, but I was after the flavour of a big dogfight.

Offline MarcAFK

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Re: Most epic battle you ever had
« Reply #2 on: July 24, 2016, 12:57:11 AM »
That's a pretty serious bug actually, Steve pls fix thx. Mind putting that into the appropriate bug thread?
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Offline GodEmperor

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Re: Most epic battle you ever had
« Reply #3 on: July 24, 2016, 06:39:28 AM »

1st - ~50 Jump Point Fortresses guarding only JP to Sol vs almost 1k FACs of a hostile NPR ( not spoiler ). Absolute knifefight in a phonebooth with carronades, lasers and railguns flying all over damn place. Whole thing was like 5 minutes long but boy it was intense as frakk.

2nd - not so epic but definetly the biggest when it came to tonnage destroyed : Two of my MIRV equipped destroyers ambushing the ( same as with first battle ) hostile NPR colonization fleet heading for Mars. Also known as the Massacre of Ceres - no human losses, 200 colonization ships destroyed, ~2 milion dead xenos.
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Offline AL

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Re: Most epic battle you ever had
« Reply #4 on: July 24, 2016, 08:01:54 AM »
That's a pretty serious bug actually, Steve pls fix thx. Mind putting that into the appropriate bug thread?
Posted in 7.10 thread.

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Re: Most epic battle you ever had
« Reply #5 on: July 24, 2016, 09:41:11 AM »
A multi-system campaign with a heavy battlegroup pushing through 3 enemy systems after fighting a defensive battle for the previous year in Sol. After about 100 or so enemy ships over 10,000 tons have been destroyed, I pushed into their systems killing about 50 ships in each. I then proceeded to bombard their homeworld until they surrendered.
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Offline Andrew

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Re: Most epic battle you ever had
« Reply #6 on: July 25, 2016, 02:43:19 AM »
61 Cygni, the system of Doom.
Adjacent to Sol it was infested with a serious case of precursors , and I have met a friendly NPR there, fairly certain it is not their home system. After 18 years and the destruction of 2 Battle fleets (14 and 22 ships respectively), my 3rd fleet goes in and wipes them out with the expenditure of 90% of its missiles , then as I don't have a jump ship for the 3rd generation large ships (20,000 tons) they retreat to the JP to wait for a Gate ship to build a gate. Survey ships enter and salvagers as there are a lot of wrecks here. First Survey ship jumps out to Wolf XX and encounters the Invaders and a lot of wrecks (I suspect this may be the friendly NPR's homesystem oops), so runs away . 5 days before the jump gate to Sol is finished 3 invader ships enter the system and wipe out my fleet 18 ships who can't put up any realistic defense as they have no missiles left and 20cm lasers on the 2 energy combatants stand no chance against Invaders and their ECM.
A 4th fleet is under construction in Sol in the hope that it will be finished before the invaders arrive, apart form that I have 2 Hab 0 planets in Alpha Centauri and 61 Cygni and a bunch of other planets which could be terraformed and excellent mineral deposits in several systems near Sol.

There are plenty of spare missiles on Earth, probably not enough to kill Invaders in an open space battle but enough so my fleet would have died fighting, of course no Missile collier had been built and most of the missiles were fired from Box launchers so no practical way to rearm the fleet in 61 Cygni

Fortunatly the Invaders never got around to invading Sol instead they have built up a huge fleet (123 ships) in 61 Cygni .  (All orbiting an uninhabited world, I have no idea what they were interested in but they spent years their letting me build a fleet) After a few encounters with groups of their ships I have built up to a fleet of 158 ships backed by 140 fighters (ranging from 18000-50000 tons) and have gone after them. So far I no damage has been done but I believe I have survived all their long range missiles and am currently shooting my way through their AMM salvo's 511 missiles per salvo , no hits so far as I have a lot of Gauss cannon. When they have run out of missiles we will see if I have enough missiles to kill them, if I don't then their 50cm lasers will probably cut my fleet to pieces.
I think this is the largest battle I have fought so far , the scaling effect is interesting I don't think any previous fleet of mine could have survived the AMM bombardment as I just would not have had enough guns to shoot them all down.

I lost 2 ships in the battle both to ramming attacks, my missiles killed all their beam armed ships. I would probably not have managed that if they had held their antimissiles back to shoot down my missiles. However the combination of fast ships, ECCM and heavy armour made them difficult to kill with lasers and gauss cannon. My losses were limited to 2 ships as I had 5 Decoy ships along (200k commercial hulls stuffed with armour) I had meant them to absorb missile fire but they were largly ignored . But they absorbed ramming attacks by most of the enemy missile ships.

Interestingly a couple of the armoured ball ships survived ramming attacks and gained a crew quality in the 90's because they took so much damage. Sadly I lost the database not long after the battle (I was setting up another game at the same time, and cleaned out a couple of mistaken setups AND my ongoing game by accident )


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Re: Most epic battle you ever had
« Reply #7 on: July 25, 2016, 06:05:41 AM »
Had an invader fleet roll into Sol, they destroyed Mars, Venus, and killed about 2/3s of the human population on Earth before being destroyed.  I am about 50 years in the future and Earth still has not fully recovered.