Author Topic: AI Aide 1915  (Read 4200 times)

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Offline Erik L (OP)

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AI Aide 1915
« on: April 23, 2019, 08:58:23 PM »
Functionally the same as 1903.

Download: or

Code: [Select]
Global Changes
Updated build version to 1915

Database Changes

Specific Changes

New Features

A-5: Import ComponentMaster to Player Components on game creation. (AI_Aide)
A-4: Update database (AICore_Launcher)
A-3: Localize text fields (AICore_Race)
A-11: Show Component Design Window (AICore_Research)
A-6: Read table for specified system ID and fill form (AICore_System)
A-7: Account for user preference when determining minerals (AICore_System)
A-8: Read the database for colonies (AI_Aide)
A-9: Figure out how to validate database integrity.
A-10: Fix orbit grid from resetting when adding an orbit in custom systems (AICore_System)
Expand voice responses.

A-12: Manually edit/enter system info.
A-13: Create Sol system.

A-1: On a new game creating a new system, the last stellar component overwrites the rest.

Global Changes
Updated build version to 1903

Database Changes
Completed ResearchMaster_Insert.sql data entry.
Added ShipComponents table.
Added ShipComponents to SQL_Index.txt.
Began work on ShipComponentMaster_Insert.sql (master list of non-designable components)

Specific Changes
AICore_Race.dll (
Reordered Advantages/Disadvantages to align with book order.
Added missing Decreased Growth -5% disadvantage.
Renamed certain advantages/disadvantages to reflect name changes in the book.

AICore_Research.dll (
Added starting technology form called from New Game window.

AI_Aide.exe (
Added Starting Technology option on New Game window.
Added drop list for technology starts (normal 5k, low 3k, high 7k)
Fixed a bug that could cause a CTD when clicking whitespace in the log viewer.

New Features

Import ComponentMaster to Player Components on game creation. (AI_Aide)
Update database (AICore_Launcher)
Localize text fields (AICore_Race)
Show Component Design Window (AICore_Research)
Read table for specified system ID and fill form (AICore_System)
Account for user preference when determining minerals (AICore_System)
Read the database for colonies (AI_Aide)
Figure out how to validate database integrity.
Fix orbit grid from resetting when adding an orbit in custom systems (AICore_System)
Expand voice responses.

Manually edit/enter system info.
Create Sol system.

On a new game creating a new system, the last stellar component overwrites the rest.

Global Changes
Updated build version to 1849

Database Changes

Specific Changes

New Features

Update database (AICore_Launcher)
Localize text fields (AICore_Race)
Show Component Design Window (AICore_Research)
Read table for specified system ID and fill form (AICore_System)
Account for user preference when determining minerals (AICore_System)
Read the database for colonies (AI_Aide)
Figure out how to validate database integrity.
Fix orbit grid from resetting when adding an orbit in custom systems (AICore_System)
Expand voice responses.

Manually edit/enter system info.
Create Sol system.

On a new game creating a new system, the last stellar component overwrites the rest.

Global Changes
Updated build version to 1827
Added Drop Table statements to table sql files.

Database Changes
Race table
Added field for racial color
Added field for name pattern used in random name generation.

Added data for Embassy.

Alphabetized list of star names.

Fixed typo in PersonalityName (was PersonaltyName)
Changed datatype of Alive from INTEGER to BOOLEAN
Added field for GameID

Added table. Used to track history of personality assignments. Might need tweaking to account for ship captains.

Added field for GameID

Specific Changes
AICore_Data.dll (
Added UpdateDatabase function. Used by the launcher to update the database.
Updated crudRace to handle the race color field (RGB in the database), RaceColor in code to prevent collision with RGB function.
Fixed missing quote bug in crudPersonalities
Fixed wrong table name in crudPersonalities (table is Personality, not Personalities)
Fixed typo in crudPersonalities (CreatePersonality had Aggressivness instead of Aggressiveness)
Need '' around the data for the Alive column (It's a boolean! wtf?)
Added ReadPersonalitiesByGameID to crudPersonalities
Added field for GameID to crudTeams
Added ReadTeamsByGameID to crudTeams
Updated crudRaces to handle NamePattern.
Added crudFacilities to handle the Facilities table.

AICore_Launcher.exe (
Finished the UpdateDatabase functionality.
Added support for 30 second, 1 minute, 5 minute, 15 minute, 30 minute, 1 hour, 3 hour, 6 hour, 12 hour, 1 day, 3 day, 1 week, 2 week, and 1 month turns on the toolbar. UI is a drop-list on the toolbar.
Changed Update box to show website.

AICore_Race.dll (
Added support for racial color
Added in extra advantages and disadvantages that were added to rules.
Added saving race colors to database.
Added support for # (number 0-9) and - in random name generation.
Added pattern elements C (consonants) and X (entire alphabet) to random name generator

AI_Aide.exe (
Added button to randomly generate an empire name. Procedure accounts for having created a race prior or not. Race name does not carry into the new race form.
Added save functionality to economics/personality tab.
Personality name pattern defaults to racial name pattern.

AICore_General.dll (
Added RGB (RaceColor) to the uRace structure.
Added Empire name to the uRace structure.
Added NamePattern to the uRace structure.

New Features

Update database (AICore_Launcher)
Localize text fields (AICore_Race)
Show Component Design Window (AICore_Research)
Read table for specified system ID and fill form (AICore_System)
Account for user preference when determining minerals (AICore_System)
Read the database for colonies (AI_Aide)
Figure out how to validate database integrity.
Fix orbit grid from resetting when adding an orbit in custom systems (AICore_System)
Expand voice responses.

Manually edit/enter system info.
Create Sol system.

On a new game creating a new system, the last stellar component overwrites the rest.

Global Changes
Updated build version to 1823
Upadted to .NET 4.6
Changed voice response to ASync.

Database Changes
Added Personalities table
Added DROP Statements to SQL statements.
Added Teams table.

Specific Changes
AICore_Race.dll (
Added a default pattern for the random name generator.
Added handling for a space in the name. This would allow for multiple names (i.e. Given Name + Surname)
Added handling for an apostrophe in the name.
Changed capitalization of names to handle multiple name parts
Finished localization of the race form.

AICore_Data.dll (
Fixed some datatype errors in crudRaces
Added crudPersonalities to handle Personalities table
Added crudTeams to handle Teams table.

AI_Aide.exe (
Added support for commandline arguments. Currently only supports -debug:on/off.
View Logs now fully functional. Send email logs works.
Default location for zipped files set to "Zips"
Creation of default folders (Zips, Database, Logs) performed as part of the initialization process if the folders are not present.
Fixed error with Options not saving in Program Options.
Added a pause when using the "EXIT" console command to prevent error.
Hardened the REPT command.
Added PERS command. This calls the create personality routine. Display is for verification and debugging purposes, none of the info is saved.
Alarm check added.
Added LSTP command. This lists personalities created with PERS. List does not persist between sessions.
Added CLRP command. This clears the in-memory personality list.
Added start of Teams tab on the Economics screen.
Added Ledger tab to the Economics screen.
Teams can be saved now. Still need to link the Leader droplist with the personalities.
Personalities age every year. (TODO: add a birthday to the personality, have them age on that date.)
Personalities will check for retirement at 60+. Chance is 1% cumulative per year over 60.
Personalities have a birthdate equal to game date they are created. They age on that day.
Fixed bug causing lockup on program options save.

AICore_Launcher (
Added the following:
Ftp connectivity
Download of manifest.
Download of updated files.
Incorporation of updated files.
Clean up of .ToDelete files both pre- and post-update.
Removal of manifest.dat remotely and locally. The presence of this file is a flag that there is an update.

New Features

Update database (AICore_Launcher)
Localize text fields (AICore_Race)
Show Component Design Window (AICore_Research)
Read table for specified system ID and fill form (AICore_System)
Account for user preference when determining minerals (AICore_System)
Read the database for colonies (AI_Aide)
Figure out how to validate database integrity.
Fix orbit grid from resetting when adding an orbit in custom systems (AICore_System)
Expand voice responses.

Manually edit/enter system info.
Create Sol system.

On a new game creating a new system, the last stellar component overwrites the rest.

Global Changes
Updated build version to 1629.
Updated database schema version.
Changed change log to a single file.

Database Changes

Specific Changes
AICore_Combat.dll (
Began work on the DAC.

AI_Aide.exe (
Fixed error with saving current date.
Added routine to actually store race info in memory for use.
Added default text to select a race prior to continuing.
Added a playtime alarm to program options. Configurable from 1 minute to 60.

New Features

Add the alarm check and react (AI_Aide)
Check versions and update (AICore_Launcher)
Localize text fields (AICore_Race)
Show Component Design Window (AICore_Research)
Read table for specified system ID and fill form (AICore_System)
Account for user preference when determining minerals (AICore_System)
Read the database for colonies (AI_Aide)
Figure out how to validate database integrity.
Fix orbit grid from resetting when adding an orbit in custom systems (AICore_System)
Expand voice responses.

Manually edit/enter system info.
Create Sol system.

On a new game creating a new system, the last stellar component overwrites the rest.

Global Changes
Updated build version to 1614.
Updated database schema version.

Database Changes

Specific Changes
AICore_Combat.dll (
Added some common functions that will be used in combat.

AI_Aide.exe (
Fixed a bug that prevented a new game from being created.
Fixed an error in the localization code for Game Options that prevented a couple of labels from
displaying properly.

AICore_Data.dll (
Fixed an error in the Atmosphere SQL statement that was causing errors.
Fixed an error in the where clause for RaceGame SQL.

AICore_Race.dll (
Fixed an error in the Atmosphere SQL where clause that was causing errors.

New Features

Check versions and update (AICore_Launcher)
Localize text fields (AICore_Race)
Show Component Design Window (AICore_Research)
Read table for specified system ID and fill form (AICore_System)
Account for user preference when determining minerals (AICore_System)
Read the database for colonies (AI_Aide)
Figure out how to validate database integrity.
Fix orbit grid from resetting when adding an orbit in custom systems (AICore_System)
Expand voice responses.

Manually edit/enter system info.
Create Sol system.

On a new game creating a new system, the last stellar component overwrites the rest.

Global Changes
Updated build version to 1606.
Updated database schema version.
Changed Build Output directory to a common folder.

Database Changes

Specific Changes
AI_Aide.exe (
Changed buttons on toolbar

New Features

Check versions and update (AICore_Launcher)
Localize text fields (AICore_Race)
Show Component Design Window (AICore_Research)
Read table for specified system ID and fill form (AICore_System)
Account for user preference when determining minerals (AICore_System)
Read the database for colonies (AI_Aide)
Figure out how to validate database integrity.
Fix orbit grid from resetting when adding an orbit in custom systems (AICore_System)
Expand voice responses.

Manually edit/enter system info.
Create Sol system.


Global Changes
Updated build version to 1538.
Updated database schema version.

Database Changes
Changed the database file name to

Specific Changes

New Features
Began work on a custom display control for the launcher.
Integrates a web display; Cancel, Update, and Launch buttons; Progress bar; and
a status list box.
Custom control replicates all current functionality of the launcher.
Added an option to provide for a custom database name. The program will regenerate the database
with the new name, though no data is currently transferred.

Check versions and update (AICore_Launcher)
Localize text fields (AICore_Race)
Show Component Design Window (AICore_Research)
Read table for specified system ID and fill form (AICore_System)
Account for user preference when determining minerals (AICore_System)
Read the database for colonies (AI_Aide)
Figure out how to validate database integrity.
Fix orbit grid from resetting when adding an orbit in custom systems (AICore_System)
Expand voice responses.

Manually edit/enter system info.
Create Sol system.


Global Changes
Changed build number to 1536.
Started to move localization efforts to a Localize subroutine

Database Changes
Updated ProgramInfo with current versions.

Specific Changes

New Features
Added neural net code to AICore_AI. (AICore_AI)
The program will now respond to various stimuli with audio voice. This requires
Voice system responds to console commands.
Voice system announces system initialization.

Check versions and update (AICore_Launcher)
Localize text fields (AICore_Race)
Show Component Design Window (AICore_Research)
Read table for specified system ID and fill form (AICore_System)
Account for user preference when determining minerals (AICore_System)
Read the database for colonies (AI_Aide)
Figure out how to validate database integrity.
Fix orbit grid from resetting when adding an orbit in custom systems (AICore_System)
Expand voice responses.

Manually edit/enter system info.
Create Sol system.


Global Changes
Changed build number to 1533.
Started to move localization efforts to a Localize subroutine

Database Changes
Updated ProgramInfo with current versions.

Specific Changes
ManifestGenerator.exe (
Completed UI changes. Added "Check All" checkbox.
Manifest file generation mostly complete.
Need to trim the path portion to only the appropriate parts.
*NOTE* This file will not be in the distribution. It is for internal usage only.
Added Database version field to screen and to manifest.
Modified the manifest generation to save only the subdirectory

AICore_Launcher.exe (
Layed out flow for ftp connection, manifest retrieval and comparison, updating, and database
Note: Updating will be optional.
Added reading the remote manifest into memory.
Added check for database updates.

AICore_Data.dll (
Added some additional error trapping for missing files in RegenerateDatabase.

New Features
Manifest Files
This functionality is purely backend. It allows for the creation of a manifest file
that the AICore_Launcher.exe will read and use as an index for creation, updating,
and deletion of files.

The current format is four lines per entry:
File Name = The file the operation is going to be conducted on.
File Path = The path the file is to be saved to locally.
File Version = The version of the file. If the local version = remote version,
no copy needed.
File Hash = A SHA512 hash of the file for integrity purposes.

Check versions and update (AICore_Launcher)
Localize text fields (AICore_Race)
Show Component Design Window (AICore_Research)
Read table for specified system ID and fill form (AICore_System)
Account for user preference when determining minerals (AICore_System)
Read the database for colonies (AI_Aide)
Figure out how to validate database integrity.
Fix orbit grid from resetting when adding an orbit in custom systems (AICore_System)

Manually edit/enter system info.
Create Sol system.


Global Changes
Changed build number to 1531.
Started to move localization efforts to a Localize subroutine

Database Changes
Updated ProgramInfo with current versions.

Specific Changes
AICore_Components.dll (
Fixed scrollbar issue in aiStellarSystemInfo
AI_Aide.exe (
Added an option to toggle Debug Mode
Added DBUG toggle to console commands.
Added value for [INFO] to resource files.
AICore_General.dll (
Added a global variable to store Debug Mode status
Added logging support for a debug log. This log contains the date embedded in the filename.
Added a specific WriteDebugLog function.
AICore_Race.dll (
Added localization on ViewRace.
Added Debug support on ViewRace.

New Features
Debug Mode:
Debug mode is a troubleshooting mode that will log additional messages to log files.
Currently there is limited functionality for debug mode.
Planned support for debug mode will be shifting the SQL statements run to this log file. Most
likely will include game state info on turns.

Check versions and update (AICore_Launcher)
Localize text fields (AICore_Race)
Show Component Design Window (AICore_Research)
Read table for specified system ID and fill form (AICore_System)
Account for user preference when determining minerals (AICore_System)
Read the database for colonies (AI_Aide)
Figure out how to validate database integrity.

Manually edit/enter sytem info.
Create Sol system.

AICore_Components.aiStellarSystemInfo (
*F* Scroll bars do not appear when needed.
« Last Edit: April 23, 2019, 09:00:34 PM by Erik Luken »