Author Topic: Are military space stations (star forts) feasible?  (Read 3120 times)

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Offline Jorgen_CAB

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Re: Are military space stations (star forts) feasible?
« Reply #15 on: August 31, 2020, 07:57:28 PM »
In my opinion using large defensive space stations are quite efficient as bigger simply are more survivable. A 100.000t defensive stations is far more survivable than ten 10.000t stations. The question simply is one of logistics and needs.

Using some long range beam weapons on a station probably is good if it is stationed in space and not at a planet. It is probably far more effective to build an STO on the planet rather than putting them on a station. Even of you can't dictate range you can still use them as a deterrence as death by a thousand cuts from a far will rarely work on a large well shielded station in C# anyway. You will just burn through MSP too fast for any real damage done to the station.

Offline Droll

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Re: Are military space stations (star forts) feasible?
« Reply #16 on: August 31, 2020, 08:39:00 PM »
I use a modular approach - chances are if you are putting a station that big in deep space, say near a JP then you can probably afford to do what I do:

Create a space station design that's just a maintenance module - build them with factories and then tug them over one by one to where you want them. Do this until you are happy with the amount of military tonnage it can maintain
Create another design thats just a rec facility and also tug it there

At this point you've basically got a military checkpoint going, the station will be maintained and you don't have to waste space with long deployments due to the rec facility thats in the same fleet - this has the added bonus of being able to station actually mobile military ships for indefinite periods of time so you don't have to rotate patrols in and out.

Optional add ons would be a fuel depot as a fuel hub that can be a deep space fuel stop, maintenance storage (to reduce micro, just fill it with many years worth of MSP and your gucci for a while), if you want it to act as a reload point you can also get a large ammo depot as an ordnance hub going (use commercial magazines on it though).

This allows you to tow military stations and such back and forth to points of interest that you want to defend in deep space without too much micro trying to remember what needs to be supplied.

It does however require some sort of supply ship for MSP at the minimum and with the extra modules you could be dealing with colliers and tankers/harvesters too.

I now notice that a bunch of similar replies have been posted, screw it

Offline Droll

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Re: Are military space stations (star forts) feasible?
« Reply #17 on: August 31, 2020, 08:43:45 PM »
I have been using a modular design for military space stations lately and am pretty pleased with the results.  Instead of trying to build and deploy a single large station, I have sensor modules, hanger modules, defense modules, etc.  Technically they are all separate units, but I just picture them as all connected :)  For additional RP realism I fit them all with a tractor beam and tractor them together.
It is also convenient when it comes to upgrades.  If I get new sensor tech I don't have to replace a 200K space station, just the sensor module. Also kind of nice to be able to put your magazines in their own module to minimize explosions.

Each of these modules is usually a little weaker defensively probably than a single monolithic station, but I compensate for this with redundancies for critical modules like sensors.

Biggest issue I have with stations is that guns don't work particularly well for offense since you have no ability to dictate range, so I rely on fighters and missiles for offense.

The great thing about being able to outsource the magazines is that you can get away with a small "combat" magazine and designate the large magazine as a ordnance hub collier - not only is it a viable ammo depot for your mobile assets but it allows the station to keep firing missiles between multiple and regular engagements without risking mobile colliers. Even a small break in the fighting will replenish a good chunk of the combat magazines on the actual battle module.