Author Topic: Fleet Planner Spreadsheet: Plan TG Composition, Maintenance Cycles, Speeds, & Sh  (Read 14684 times)

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Offline JordanRL (OP)

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So I wanted to just look at some data from a game of mine and plan a new fleet I was going to put together.  Naturally, I broke out my spreadsheet skills.

It. . .  got a bit out of hand.  In the end though, I ended up with a spreadsheet that I know other people will be interested in.  Please read the instructions in this post, there are no instructions in the spreadsheet.

Here's the link, please open it in another tab to follow along as I explain:

This document has two sheets on it.  The first one is your fleet composition, and each row represents one Task Group.  You simply fill in the task group with the number of each ship as shown in the example.

To the right of each Task Group row you are given:

- The total build points to construct this task group.
- The total tonnage of the task group.
- The maintenance cycle of the task group, assuming that you overhaul the whole TG instead of splitting off individual ships for maintenance.
- The maximum speed the Task Group will fly at.

The boxes containing the number of ships in each task group will automatically color code depending on the number, from light blue to deeper red in groups of two (1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-10, and 11+).

To the bottom right you are given the total build points and tonnage of the WHOLE fleet.

Then, at the bottom of the sheet, you can see the TOTAL number of each type of ship this fleet requires, allowing you to plan how to allocate your shipyards.

If you fill in numbers in the "In Service" area, they will be subtracted from the "Build Order" number.

If you have questions or suggestions, please let me know.

You CANNOT edit the document in the link.  To edit it, select File > Make a Copy. . .  from the menu at the top.

So how can this sheet know what numbers to use? Easy, that's on the Class Info sheet.  Select that tab at the bottom of the window.

You will see dummy information that I filled in to show examples.  Simply fill it in with your own info.

Please Note: If you change the names on the Class Info tab, the names will be updated on the Fleet tab.  To do more that one fleet, simply press the plus button, select the ENTIRE sheet on the Example Fleet tab, copy it, and paste it into the new tab.

I considered including a column for TG range in billions of km, but decided against it as most people have tankers around that they use to extend range as needed.

This version of the document has space for 11 classes of ships, mostly because that was the number that were in the fleet I was designing and I couldn't think of anything else I could add.
« Last Edit: August 03, 2016, 08:18:01 AM by Erik Luken »
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Very cool.  I look forward to playing with it.
This is Excel-in-Space, not Wing Commander - Rastaman