Author Topic: Neutrino Hose  (Read 2834 times)

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Offline mavikfelna

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Re: Neutrino Hose
« Reply #15 on: April 07, 2010, 11:57:22 AM »
You're not going to find the loophole these guys missed.
*Whis simply says: There is no stealth in space!

Except we're not dealing with the Newtonian physics they were. The TN drives are some sort of dimensional shunt producing a field effect that encloses the ship and allows it to move through Newtonian space without quite fully interacting with it.

For some reason, with the current model, this field boundary radiates more heat than EM/Gravitic energy by a large margin. So it make sense that the thermal reduction tech is finding some way to drain this heat into the alternate dimension from which it's pulling it's motive effect.

Since the model is non-Newtonian I personally have no problem with that. And I think cloaking is just an extension of the thermal reduction tech.


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Re: Neutrino Hose
« Reply #16 on: April 07, 2010, 12:20:34 PM »
Quote from: "The Shadow"
Andrew:  Thermodynamics says that any attempt at "directed heat discharge" is going to produce more (undirected) waste heat.  The second law can get really annoying at times. :)

Holding shrouds in place faces the problem that the shrouds themselves will heat up and produce a thermal signature - though, true, perhaps a more diffuse one if they're really big.  (More diffuse, but then also larger in area - somewhat of a wash.)

Not quite.  The second law is a global statement: the entropy of the universe is monotonically increasing.  You can cheat locally by consuming "free energy" (which is a technical term in thermodynamics - it basically means "energy which is available to do work without violating the 2nd law").  This is what an air conditioner does - it makes the coolant colder and the radiator fins warmer at the cost of burning fuel/consuming electricity which results in the warm radiator fins needing to also absorb the waste heat from the burning/consuming and therefor becoming even warmer.

The way this applies to a "directed heat discharge" is to imagine having a spaceship with a really good refrigerator, a really good battery to run it, and a refrigerated spherical shell with a hole punched in it (to radiate the heat).  You probably also want the interior of the shell to have a high reflectance/low absorbance so that not much interior heat leaks into it (you could also insulate it really really well) which cuts down on the work the refrigerator has to do.  You use the refrigerator to keep the shell cooled to 3 degrees kelvin (background temp).  This makes the ship (inside the shell) heat up more and more - as it heats up, it glows and will radiate thermal energy.  Most of this energy will be reflected by the walls of the shell, except where you've punched the hole in it, where it escapes to space.  The problem with this technique is that you lose radiation efficiency as you make the hole smaller/more directed.  One way to to get around this would be to stick a (refrigerated) parabolic "mirror" outside the shell, with a radiator at the focal point of the mirror, and with the mirror having high reflectivity in the vicinity of the peak of the black body spectrum for the radiators operating temperature.  This would allow you to get (almost) 4pi solid angle of radiation from your radiator, while directing the radiation into a "beam" that the bad guys would need to be lucky to intercept.

The upshot of this is that, as long as you have a free energy source (i.e. fuel) you can selectively refrigerate parts of your ship so that they don't show up like a spotlight on the bad guys' thermal sensors, unless the bad guys happen to be looking "up your kilt".  This does not violate the 2nd law in the same way that the refrigerator in your kitchen doesn't.


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Re: Neutrino Hose
« Reply #17 on: April 09, 2010, 09:26:58 AM »
If you're using anything for propulsion that uses propellant(pretty much everything but pure photonic drives), then you're leaving a trail of brightly glowing gas, radiating infrared or higher in all directions, which is pointing straight at your ship.

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Re: Neutrino Hose
« Reply #18 on: April 09, 2010, 11:58:16 AM »
Well, despite the engine type names, Aurora Engines seem to be more of a Warp field.

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Re: Neutrino Hose
« Reply #19 on: April 09, 2010, 12:13:43 PM »
Quote from: "UnLimiTeD"
Well, despite the engine type names, Aurora Engines seem to be more of a Warp field.

Well yes, in a game all bets are off, since real life is only as relevant as you want it to be.

Offline praguepride

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Re: Neutrino Hose
« Reply #20 on: April 20, 2010, 04:20:48 PM »
Perfect cloaking device? No problem, just call your resident wizard.

He casts a spell and your perfectly cloaked :D

It's the answer to all of the sci-fi mysteries: A wizard did it!