Author Topic: Year 2035  (Read 1168 times)

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Offline ardem (OP)

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Year 2035
« on: October 11, 2011, 09:56:33 PM »
This year has finished let welcome in Year 2036, public information will be posted below shortly, the year that once was will be programmed shortly please await it viewing (Destra's news station)

Any local news feel free to post below as well.

Offline Destra

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Re: Year 2035
« Reply #1 on: October 11, 2011, 11:56:45 PM »
 The evening news broadcast comes on, the intro theme plays just like the old news broadcast from before the fall. A young looking female lead anchor appears with a dirty blond hair and well tanned skin. "Good morning peoples of earth. Welcome to the first broadcast of the Earth Intersetellar New Service or EINS as people refer to us, my name is Amanda West. We have a good lot of information to cover today and i hope you will stay with us."

 The camera moves in a little and she sets her papers straight," First on our list today are geological reports from various countries, while for most of our views it might seem boring to talk about rocks and metals, for earth as a whole to reach for the stars, these metals will be our tools to get there. It seems that the NSC has found roughly 100,000 tons of a metal called Bronoite under the earths crust. While some of the deposits are under the ocean, and quite a few in what is considered neutral territory, they are confident that these deposits can fuel the economy of various nations for years to come. A short time later the NZDL announced a smaller set of deposits, roughly 20,000 tons of Gallacite was also discovered. These geological teams state that they feel there are no more unknown minerals to discover on earth."

 Flicking a few strands of fallen hair from her face, she switches papers to the next item. "Now onto something a little less ... concrete. There have been some rumors flying around the cities and countries of the world. First, that cannot be confirmed as a whole but it seems most nations have severe crisis of minerals, no one seems to have enough to run their economies at full strength, hopefully with these new deposits that may take some strain off but for the near future, it seems everyone will have their issues."

 "There have also been interesting rumors that the governments of the NDR and ENC have been growing quite close, perhaps even talk of an alliance has passed their comm channels? We shall have to keep an eye on this development and will bring you any late breaking news as we get it."

 "And last on our list of "rumors" and "hearsay" we have reports of group of civilians, some say they were americans, some say russians, chinese, even antarticans, but all the rumors are about the same topic. It appears that there is talk around the world, with many groups of intrepid explorers out treasure seeking, that there is an unopened vault. One said to possess startling technological discoveries just waiting for someone to find. It has sparked a world wide gold rush for people to be the first to find it. While it is unlikely that such a thing exists, try telling that to treasure hunters."

 "Well that is all the time we have for today, this is Amanda West, signing off."