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Offline ardem (OP)

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« on: October 09, 2011, 01:12:09 AM »
Please put your empire below, even directly copy and past from your other post. For those that are returning on this adventure.

Offline shadenight123

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Re: Empires
« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2011, 03:06:34 AM »
Note: i might continue adding things as i think about it.

The Meritocracy of the Original

Where there is many, there is weakness
Different ideas, different thoughts, different way of solving problems, thats weak. It's so weak it make me want to puke. Cit. from "Thoughts on the next mastermind of the century"

After the complete and utter idiocy of the Italian government *tm* during the assault of the machines discovered in the geological sites in mexico, italians had to recoup there losses in some way. That way was found by a prominent biology engineer, a certain unnamed individual, who's name has thoroughly been erased from any written history and who is now called "The Original".
He's revitilizing agent brought the italian population back to it's old numbers, but at a cost, a cost hidden to the government, that puny and sick government who couldn't move a finger while it's citizens were slaughtered and butchered. Each new born had black eyes and black hair, even if blond, or red, or other colours should have been there. The biologist passed it off as a necessary price, for the fertilizing agent to work.
Truth be told, when in the end not a single of the baby being born started to resemble their parents in the slightest, but all took after the biologist, everyone realised, though to late to stop it, that through advanced biologic engineering he had broken through a couple of taboos...he had cloned himself, into every new born child.
Italy stopped being a democracy, when the clones reached eighteen years and were ready to vote, everyone voted the BIologist as unconditional leader.
He had complete and utter power, and the democracy became a Dictatorship. Namely called "Dictator" behind the old romans ways of dictatorship, italy prospered, and it's economy reflourished thanks to the cuts made in the government department...really really heavy cuts. especially on the lives of the previous governments and ministers.
The new borns were smart, and those born from them were smarter still. It was all for the benefit of the meritocracy. For the benefit of the original.
After the machines were driven off, expeditions were sent to uncover and grab what was possible. The Original didn't like to be stopped by a mere thing as "mortality" after all.
Oh and i was nearly forgetting. The original takes no prisoners. It costs too much to keep them in prisons. They are shot on the spot. But still, nobody would attack the Original. Since, after all, he cares only for his country and his people, and as long as they are safe, he wouldn't move even if next door there would nuclear bombardments on routes. After all...
Science is what is needed to win wars. And if you find yourself losing just need more science "thoughts from the mastermind of the century"

Italy has always been poor in two things:
food and energy.
this changed after the discovery that, in the end, all you needed was just to make animals and fish produce more offsprings then normal, and to make plants grow faster.
and science, genetical science, did that. A harvest of a thousand crops became of ten thousands, a fish who laid hundreds of eggs had them all fertilized and produced. The meditterean sea started to be filled with fishes, genetically or not. Since reduction in the number of living beings had increased animal populations, and reduced many cities to ashes.
the concept of "wall-street" of "international economy" of "debt" did not stand well with the Original, and still does not stand well. Everything goes to the original, or it's subordinate, it is then given down the chain to everyone else, depending on their needs. thus there is no increase in wealth for the single being, but for the entire community.
Shops are built if necessary, not to increase one's wealth.
Thieveries are non existent, since you can't actually steal something from yourself, or from someone who actually owns nothing of his.
Crimes are reduced to the really minimum, but it's to be noted how adulteries have increased. after all, all males and females DO look the same...
the sense of self is completely and utterly ignored, like the gain of wealth, so there is no currency and no money for any of the empire. the original has it all, and he decides how to spend it and on what, and usually, it's to pay inferior foreign scientists to move to his advanced country.
they tend to never return though.

I Do not care what happens around me, or how many millions get killed. But know this. Wound one of my one, and i will demand payment. Kill one of my own, and be prepared for my wrath, for i shall not stop until your entire, pathetic, miserable, worthless nation and it's inhabitant are destroyed to CINDERS! For the rest, feel free to kill each others how you see fit. "Words of ascensions" (phamplet which was made manifest and circled around a lot in the after match against the machine invaders)

Isolationism at it's peak wouldn't be this closed.
the Original, and Neo-italy, as it has been recalled, does not, actually, care about anything else but it's own land, and it's own country. Should we ever colonize an asteroid, even if worthless, we shall keep it. no sharing! On the other hand, we are the perfect neighbours, since we do not actually care at all about increasing our share of land at the damage of others. Since war does tend to make people die, and since neo-italians are actually the sons and daughters of the Original, would you actually send your own sons and daughters to war? knowing you'd certainly have some of them killed?
we "did" claim a little bit more territory after the battles, since, after all, there was nobody near them, so we have switzerland and a piece of france (a tiny piece! i swear! it's just the cote d'azur!) but that is all. For the vast majority, the Original takes care to remove any leftover influence of the old and worthless democratic government. Only his will shall remain.

Science focusers
Immortality, if only through Ambrosia, the sweet nectar of gods, can you be reached, what purpose do you serve? if not "true" immortality, a mask of it, i'd like to have it, a sip, a taste, a tiny speckle. And i have a way, at least, i think i do... "

Naming type/officer: Italy
Empire name: Neo-italy
people die all the time, it's not a problem.
it is if you're sending them to die.
i'm not. they just need to learn to be better.
they need NOT TO CARE!
my blog (updated 17/12/2011) (updated every saturday):

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Re: Empires
« Reply #2 on: October 09, 2011, 04:02:10 AM »
National Animal:
Spoken Languages:
Official Languages:
Antarctican Harbour
Prime Minister Avaron Romenel
Antarctica, several exclaves
Antarctican Dollar (AD)
Emperor Penguin
English, Spanish, Portugese, Russian, Chinese, Norwegian, Swedish
Englisch, Spanish

Antarctica is the coldest and southernmost continent of Earth. From April to August, the sun doesn't rise and for the rest of the year she shines for short periods of time only. During the Antarctican winter temperatures drop as low as -87°C, yet an ecosystem could develop in this harsh environment. While emperor penguins are the widest known native inhabitants of Antarctica, the seas surrounding the continent are rich in fish and several unique types of lichen and fungi can be found around the glaciers and frozen wasteland.
Mineral deposits were assumed under the one kilometre thick sheet of ice covering most of the continent, but no mines were ever eracted due to its hazardous nature and the Antarctic Treaty of 1959. The Antarctic Treaty regulated the claims of land, exploitation and military maneuvers that could take place, essentially rendering the continent a neutral territory and protected landscape. The treaty was expanded upon to further limit tourism and other activities, until only scientific operations were allowed. By the end of 2010 over four thousand scientists frequented these research facilities during the summer, their number waning to less than one thousand during the long winters. The cold weather allowed for some experiments be conducted only here, and the weakened ozone layer above Antarctica and its high altitude due to the ice sheet allowed for uncomparable ideal circumstances to study space.

The war left Antarctica surprisingly unscathed. The tiny and thinly spread 'population' didn't attract any Invader troops and no vaults opened on the cold continent. Nations located closer to Antarctica saw it as a viable refuge, resulting in governments and corporations evacuating their more critical personnel or civilian populace to the research stations located in Antarctica. Ultimately, Invader troops noticed and followed these transports, but no large force ever arrived. Their scouts often fell back as they apparently deemed the weather too harsh for humankind to survive in or their troops were busy fighting nations and more important targets elsewhere - Regardless of the reason, Antarctica remained a mostly safe heaven.

The settling of Antarctica commenced parallel to the war. The more destruction was caused by the Invaders around the globe, the more nations saw Antarctica as their rescue and soon enough the capacity of the research facilities were reached. Corporations as much as governments mobilised their every ressource to expand on the infrastructure necessary to survive the climate, and some bases actually strifed, becoming small domed cities or heat isolated buildings connected by tunnels and tubes.
However, the cold took its toll and shipping was hazardous due to floating ice and ships freezing on the open sea - particularly during the winter months many a crew met its doom, their ships only to be discovered in the following summer.

When fighting died down people evacuated to Antarctica remained in fear. Telephone or internet was available thanks to satellites and the high-tech equipment of the research stations, but the world lay in chaos and the available information flow was limited at best. Communication and cooperation between the various bases grew as the outside became quiet and when the war finally ended, people were convinced to stay in 'exile' on Antarctica.
Some of the research bases were located on glaciers or solid ice above the sea - Inhabitants weren't confident enough to eract permanent settlements here, so many locations were slowly moved inwards and old installments salvaged. The scientific equipment was used to invent means by which the landscape could be crossed either just below the surface or even aboveground, but shipping the cold fields of ice remained the only option for the years to come.
Ships were send back towards the formerly civilised world to gather ressources - The populace had to survive and the ressource availble on Antarctica's surface were insufficient at best. Exclaves were founded in the southern hemisphere, their goal to harvest ressources and provide food for the Antarctican mainland. Often, these expeditions were met by one of the various new threats: Be it Invader remnants, startled survivors of the war or rogue bands of raiders from ravaged nations. These hostilities startled the Antarctican people, as their main enemy had been the climate, not people or Invader, but low on food and construction material they had little choice and adopted a more rigid handling of locals out of necessity.

Since then Antarctica kept growing and developing slow, but steadily. The old stations allowed for access to the satellite network spanning Earth and infrastructure has improved. Capabilities of the Antarctican Harbour include a comparably large but mostly unarmed fleet of ships, many planes and helicopters - the latter of whom often having difficulties to operate in the harsh climate, however - and Tunnels are being dug just below the surface to allow for ship- and planeless transportation between the cities. Military means can't compete with any nation from before the war, but government brought some of their forces there, rendering Antarctica not entirely defenseless. Tensions are there, but their situation pressed them into a cooperation that slowly begins to prosper.

Population is dense in the cities, but virtually non-existant further into the continent. The Heartlands are the only national territory without shore access and contains only two cities of small size compared to the rest. Yet these cities are an important factor in the economy of Antarctica, as mining operations are conducted everywhere to pierce the kilometre of ice seperating the surface from the soil. Future constructions incorporate a new design of cities sunk into the ice instead of eracted upon it.

The cities are largely self governing, but a unified government and capitol have been created. Democratic elecations take place and each city sends three representatives to Sanae, the now-capitol located south of Africa.

Academic training, or education as such plays a large role for every man and woman in Antarctica. High-tech and knowledge are necessary to sustain life on the continent and many of the procedures applied for construction of the dome cities are a novelty - and as such suspectable to errors and oversights that every inhabitant needs to be capable of dealing with. The school system is rigid and pupils are tought to be calm, disciplined and contemplative when dealing with technology or new experiences from an early age. Yet, progression is displayed as both necessary and benevolent if its knowledge base is well understood.
Secondary schools aren't mandatory by law, but almost every job in the Antarctican economy requires specialised or scientific knowledge that has to be obtained either by colleges, universities or very specialised apprenticeship schools. Thus, the average Antarctican of the new generation is educated and well-versed in his field of employment out of necessity.

The military plays a special role in Antarctica, as the sole reason for its colonisation was a conflict against superior opponents. Basic training among Antarctican forces contains analysis of alien technology as used by the Invaders, survival training in cold and hot (although maneuvers for hot-climate survival are possible in exclaves at best) environments and the handling of social situations with angered citizen and foreign military forces outside of direct combat situations.
A maneuver conductd on Antarctican ground often involves an ill-equiped team with the need to improvise and remain flexible. A questionable or perhaps immoral action during a simulation is accepted and even encouraged if the outcome is good, but scarce availability of ressources dictates a smart use of all given tools. Reckless behaviour isn't well received and punished during maneuvers or simulations.

Conflict during the establishment phase of Antarctic exclaves made the military adopt a pragmatic outlook on dire situations: Antarctica needed the exclaves to survive, so native inhabitants were evicted where necessary and all sources of serious trouble eliminated. Unnecessary slaughter happened once during the establishment of the Brazilian Exclave as citizens revolted against the occupants, but the bloody answer of the exclave troops was penalised by the mainland - Civilians are expandable if the situation requires it, but neither targets nor holy sanctuaries. After this incident the schooling for verbal conflicts was incorporated into basic training routines.

Officers are taught to analyse the situation as pragmatic as possible and retreat if necessary. Teachings take the evacuation to Antarctica as an example: A retreat is a viable option if reinforcements are unavailable and the opposing force is overwhelming or superior. However, a retreat is always a tactical option and not an emotional answer - Returning alive provides valuable information for the motherland and better equipment for the next attempt.
As self efficient as the Antarctican cities are, so are the higher ranking officers taught to rely on their own judgement and analysis or that of the best-versed officer available to make their own decision regarding the next action.
"War has many faces and a battlefield is never the same. Your orders are your orders and nothing more: It is your goal to accomplish it and you were given tools as well as guidelines. The actual work, however, is your own to do: You yourself must find a way to achieve this goal and stay within the guidelines if possible. Noone else sees the battlefield as you do, Captain, so only you can decide the best course." - Final statement said to the commanding officers of the first exclave founding expedition to Brazil."

Society and culture are limited by the little space the cities provide for their citizen. The snow desert they live in only allows for but two conditions to be true: People are either inside the cramped interior working in the laboratories, greenhouses, and few factories that exist, or they are outside in the wastes, trying to satiate the lust for growth and prosperity by adding to the cities, constructing infrastructure towards the other far-away bases or tending to the deep shafts into the ice and their machinery. Socialists and isolationists both may be satisified by these circumstances, but neither could live confident as life is still a struggle at the South Pole. Despite - or even because of the harsh environment - unemployment is nearly unheard of.

Many jobs are done day and night, regardless of calendar and holidays. This does not imply a strict working discipline or rigid governmental handling, but the machines need to run throughout the day, week and year. Because of this, noise is ever present, but damped whereever possible. While rooms are designed so every familiy can have an apartment, singles often have to share. Kitchens aren't supplied for all such apartments but rather once per living block, combined with a dining hall to save space, material and costs.

Freetime activites are limited, but every city facilliates at least one gym or larger halls for sports. Manual work, especially done outside, provides sufficient "training" for most citizen, however. Libraries aren't uncommon, but informative books are a rare find among the salvage groups of the exclaves and most knowledge is stored digitally. Greenhouses are often still under construction, but smaller trees or other plants are positioned around public areas in almost every city for decoration as much as air respiration. All in all, computational industries are overly well represented for both economic and pleasure uses. Artists, philosophers and other non-scientific, non-economic fields of work are a privilege reserved for those unfit for any other work or exceptional performance in these areas - Ressources are rarely spent for larger projects without a pragmatic use.

Exclave personnel usually consist of patriots of the new nation, people sick of the ice and night, pragmatists or those that hope to one day return home. All in all these types don't make up a good representation of the society back on the mainland, but they left Antarctica for their job - and they're good at it. Exclaves always contain a sizable military presence and virtually every member of an exclave can be expected to be either workforce or military - or both. The rare exception are politicians from the Antarctica or well-off tourists spending their precious vacation in warmer areas. These however are confined or escorted on their leaves for safety reasons.

Exclaves of Antarctica are small controled areas away from the mainland. Their main priority is to gather necessary ressource not (yet) available on Antarctican soil and their infrastructure is similiar to the their motherland. Structures are often domed or connected to one another by tunnels or enclosed tubes, although heavier fortified than Antarctican cities. These structures "rule" over the general area surrounding them, sending patrols on a daily basis and salvaging as much as they can. Agriculture and small, cramped meat production is commenced closer or surrounded by their bases, while the always armed patrols often react harsh but not violent to local inhabitants. Immigration to Antarctica has since been limited and all people headed for the mainland have to go through an exclave for visitational rights or migration.

Exclaves, their description and imports:
Chilenian Exclave
Imports: All kinds of metals
The Chilenian Exclave is the largest exclave of Antarctica territory-wise. It is located on the southern most part of Chile's long coastline and consists of various smaller ports, warehouses and living hubs scattered across its length. The main purpose of this exclave is to supply Antarctica with various metals mined from the Chilenian mountains and due to the ragged shoreline a large number of ships are present in the area, patroling and transporting goods between the ports and Antarctica. While large, the Chileanian Exclave employs the fewest personnel if ship crews are left unaccounted for, as no to little raids and land patrols are made and mines heavily aided by machinery or fully automated.
Brazilian Exclave
Imports: Small amounts of timber and food, scavanged materials
The Brazilian Exclave of Antarctica spans a small portion of Santa Catarina, one of the southern states of Brazil. Its headquarters are located close to Florianópolis, the former capitol of the region. Santa Catarina used to be a tourist attraction and trade hub and partially still fulfills this function under Antarctic rule. This exclave stands out for its large military presence and small native populace that is tolerated close to the headquarters, acting as the main foreign trades centre for the Antarctic Harbour. Citizens live in safety from the outside, but under a harsh rule and poverty. The toll of military patrols and their scavanging operations are visible in both close and remote locations of the exclave as every unoccupied building or former public archives and libraries have been stripped of high-tech, books and anything deemed valuable by the Antarctic military. Occasionally incursions are made towards the moist forests deeper inside the country for wood.
Gabon Exclave
Imports: Large amounts of timber, food, oil and smaller amounts of metals (namely iron)
The Gabon or Gabonese Exclave was eracted to harness the large offshore oil deposits of the region and the extensive timber industry already present. As the most labour intensive exclave, Gabon provides Antarctica with most of its food, oil for fuel and plastics as well as timber. Once an area is cleared of trees, farms are placed in their stead. Large iron and other metal deposits were assumed below the surface and exploited by the newly built mines. Military presence is moderate as previous to the Invader attacks only 1.5 million people inhabitat Gabon.
Tanzanian Exclave
Imports: Food, rare and precious metals (gold, uranium, ...)
The Tanzanian Exclave is on the opposite site of Africa compared to the Gabon Exclave and fulfills similiar roles. The exclave also shares many characteristics in terms of military personnel and workforce due to same requirements. The majority of imports from Tanzania are food products coming from the extensive pre-war agricultural industry and a broad range of rare and precious metals. Efforts are underway to exploit the natural gas deposits of the Songo Songo island by repairing the conveying equipment from before the war.

Aurora Information
Empire Theme:
Hull Design:
Commander Names:
Secondary Commander Names:
Nations of Earth
Rigid Democracy
United States
« Last Edit: October 09, 2011, 01:57:39 PM by Vynadan »

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Re: Empires
« Reply #3 on: October 09, 2011, 06:58:50 AM »
The New Southern Commonwealth

Main Information
Empire:The New Southern Commonwealth
Government:Democracy / Corporatocracy
Leader:Governor-General Marian Kelsey
Regions:Australia, Tasmania, New Zealand and over 8,000 islands in the Indian and Pacific Ocean (including Melville Island, Kangaroo Island, Groote Eylandt, Bathurst Island, Fraser Island, Flinder's Island, King Island, Mornington Island: Australian Islands, New Zealand Islands)
Capital City:Canberra

Secondary Information
Largest Cities:1. Canberra, 2. Melbourne, 3.Brisbane
Official Language:English, Maori (NZ)
Currency:Australian Dollar (AUD), New Zealand Dollar (NZD)

Government Information
Executive:Governor-General and Ministries
Legislature:The Southern Commonwealth Parliament
Judiciary:The High Court of the Southern Commonwealth
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Tourism and Immigration:Run by Government
Ministry of Education, Health and Families:Influenced by Rixon & Smith Pharmaceuticals
Ministry of Development, Infrastructure and Transport:Influenced by Detanor International
Ministry of Defence:Influenced by Ember Arms Company (EAC)
Ministry of Finance:Run by Government
Ministry of Science, Industry and Innovation:Influenced by Primus Industries
Ministry of Environment, Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry:Run by Government

The Invaders had a clear advantage when the invasion started, since nobody knew where their vaults were. Australia was actually quite well off. Only two vaults opened on the continent, one in Sydney and one near Ayers Rock.
Sydney was destroyed in mere days, shocking the whole nation, who's attention shifted to this disaster. All military forces were mobilized to fight in the ruins of the once trademark city of Australia.
New Zealand was even luckier. No vaults opened on the island, keeping all the kiwi's safe. With the downfall of all major communications and the strong bond between New Zealand and Australia, they soon fought together to protect Australia's beauty.

After the initial attack both Australia and New Zealand realised that the whole world was fighting for survival. Cut off from anyone else, they decided to strengthen their bond and formed the New Southern Commonwealth. They did not want to abandon their principles, but simply grow stronger in these dangerous times.
At the same time satellite images revealed that a couple of vaults opened on smaller islands around the two nations. The military forces were split up severely and the war on the invaders switched to some sort of guerrilla war with invader forces and New Southern Commonwealth forces always on the move, fighting only small skirmishes.

The New Southern Commonwealth's endurance in this fight soon proved to dwindle. Their forces took some casualties, even though they were highly trained, and especially moving their forces around all the islands and delivering supplies proved to be difficult. The government was at its limit with all the battles going on. At this point, new players entered the stage.
The EAC, Ember Arms Company, was the first one to approach the government. They made a lot of progress with salvaged Invader technology, not stating how exactly they got their hands on it, but made an offer: They get an official contract with the Ministry of Defence, access to all military related technology and in return supply the military with the newest tech, vehicles and money. Their offer was accepted.
With the additional funds, armor, and aircrafts the New Southern Commonwealth soon had the upper hand in the war against the invaders.
Soon after the government was contacted by other big companies: Rixon & Smith Pharmaceuticals, Detanor International, Primus Industries and some smaller companies that offered their help as well.

Thanks to the additional help the New Southern Commonwealth got back on track. New homes were built for refugees and since Sydney was in ruins and uninhabitable, the seat of the government, Canberra, was expanded to accommodate more people and seats for all the companies helping the government.
When the invader incursion was basically over, the companies demanded more say in the governments actions. In return for their help they demanded seats in the congress and the ministries, to have an impact on the New Southern Commonwealth's decisions. It was an opportunistic time at the brink of new discoveries and they had pumped a lot of money into the nation, so they wanted more in return.
With all the damage done the government had no choice but to accept, giving the major companies seats in the government and allowing them to have an impact on future decision making. In the rebuilding process this often switched the government's decisions to favor the companies success, increase profit and deepen trade relations. Even though this helped the New Southern Commonwealth's funds, it sometimes came to the disadvantage of the people.

In the aftermath the New Southern Commonwealth was quite a wealthy nation and the whole war had only strengthened the union between Australia and New Zealand. They both remained their own identity, although talks started about a unified currency.
Primus Industries turned one of their factories into the first Shipyard of the New Southern Commonwealth, stationed outside Melbourne.
Plans were made for a reconstruction of Sydney, with ideas about making the most glorious tourist attraction in the world. This was especially important since Ayers Rock was now a research facility and closed off from the public, because of the invader vault.

The NSC Companies
Rixon & Smith Pharmaceuticals

The leading company in the pharma industries in the NSC, they supply research centers with relevant data to progress medical knowledge.
Facilities: Scattered around Australia, main office in Canberra.
Goals: Further medical knowledge, improve quality of life

Detanor International

They are a major supplier for transport vehicles and they control the public transport network across the NSC. They usually fund the expansion of infrastructure. Together with the EAC they work on logistic technologies.
Facilities: Offices in all major cities in Australia and New Zealand, main office in Canberra.
Goals: Expanding transport network and technology, expand and establish trade routes.

Ember Arms Company (EAC)

The first company to join the NSC government, they supply the military with the latest equipment. Many of their employees are also important scientists and technicians working across the NSC on new weapon and logistics tech.
Facilities: Research and testing facilities in uninhabited places across the NSC, especially uninhabited islands. Main office in Canberra, smaller office in Auckland.
Goals: Improve weapon and armor technologies, expand the military forces.

Primus Industries

Primus Industries is the major research oriented company in the NSC. They supply and maintain the research facilities and oversee plans for new stations. They are also responsible for plans regarding innovative new structures, facilities and for example the renovating plan for Sydney. They also oversee industrial expansion and resource management.
Facilities: Around the NSC with offices in the largest cities.
Goals: Further technological advance and innovations.

Aurora Information
Empire Title:The New Southern Commonwealth
Government Type:Corporate Government
Main Empire Theme:Australia
Commander Theme:English
Secondary Commander Theme:Indonesian (10%)
« Last Edit: October 13, 2011, 07:27:13 AM by FGRaptor »
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Re: Empires
« Reply #4 on: October 09, 2011, 09:00:38 AM »
Important Information
Empire:   The New Dutch Republic (NDR)
Government:    Thalassocracy / Republic
Leadership:   Chamber of Aristocrats
Capital:   Amsterdam
Location of the Chamber: The Hague


Again, the map excluding orange and green dots.

Secondary Information
Official Languages:   Dutch
'Local' Languages: English, French, Ambonese Malay
Currency: Euro (USD is widely used in oversea areas)

After four years of negotiations, the people of Belgium decided to split the country in two: Flanders, the Dutchspeaking part and Wallonia. Wallonia however still called itself Belgium.
When the euro-crisis only became worse and worse, Flanders started negotiations with the Dutch for a possible political unification. After months of negotiations they made a deal.
They would form the New Dutch Republic, The Flemish and Dutch monarch were demoted. A new ruling council, the Chamber of Aristocrats would now rule the empire and they were all princes of the NDR. When the invaders attacked Earth, the NDR decided to defend Belgium and Luxembourg, with them joining the NDR in return.
When it was clear the US was defeated and no longer capable of acting like the world police force, the Dutch quickly claimed all of their earlier colonial holdings.
Most of the oversea territories were quickly captured with the Dutch superior navies, except for New York.
However, when a new invader vault opened in Luxembourg, the Dutch army proved incompetent and because it was still recovering from earlier losses in the first battle it quickly lost most of its forces.
This vault was more than ten times as large than the first vaults that were threatening Belgium and Luxembourg.

After many years however, the NDR is ready to join the world major powers. They have formed an alliance with the Empire of New Canade and received New Amsterdam (former New York) as a sign of trust.

The country is ruled be the Chamber of Aristocrats. It consists of a variable amount of rich people, usually close to a thousand, who rule the republic.
Every twelve years, all Dutch citizens can vote on a 'Grand Merchant'. The 10,000 Grand Merchants with the highest value of votes (votes are worth more in richer, western areas) can than sell his or her vote to the highest bidder.
People who are able to buy enough votes, can than replace someone with fewer votes in the Chamber of Aristocrats.

Aurora Information
Empire Title:   New Dutch Republic
Government Type:   Republic
Main Empire Theme:   Netherlands
Commander Theme:   Dutch
Secondary Commander Themes:   French (20%), American (15%), Indonesian (15%), Afrikaans (10%)

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Re: Empires
« Reply #5 on: October 09, 2011, 11:57:14 AM »
The Empire of New Canada

In the wake of the invader war Canada was in chaos.  The government had fallen and towns and neighborhoods were ruled by whatever petty thug had the most muscle.

In the midst of this the leader of a band of resistance fighters declared himself emperor of Canada, and began a campaign of reunification. 

While he gained a reputation for crushing his enemies without mercy, his subjects soon found he brought order and justice where it hadn't been before. 

Some sources claim the emperor is obsessed with the invaders, however others say he is merely concerned and taking precautions to protect humanity. 

Empire name: The Empire of New Canada
Leader: Emperor Gregor I
Territory:the Canadian provinces and portions of the northern United States
Government type: imperial monarchy
Theme: Canada
Commander names: English
Secondary: French 25%
Hull: narn cruiser

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Re: Empires
« Reply #6 on: October 09, 2011, 02:00:32 PM »
Empire: The Shadow Veil
Leader: High Command , An unknown figure or figures that have never been seen in public
Territory: Old Germany and Sweden
Capitol: Berlin
National Animal:Cat
Spoken Languages: German
Official Languages: German


 The Veil was formed during the great invader war, with the collapse of the german nation, military leaders banded together and created a safe heaven. In the early days there were some rumors of the use of invader tech to help in this but they were never confirmed and quickly fell to the wayside as more pressing matters were attended to. Things were quickly put to order and new technologies developed to fight off the invaders. It was a hard struggle from the beginning but as invader forces were damaged and destroyed things got more peaceful and significant progress was made at securing the lands around Berlin.

 The leaders or leader of the Veil, High Command, has never been seen in public, no one truely knows if he she they are male or female, how many or who they are. Only high ranking officals are ever permitted within the council chambers and anyone else who has tried so far has never been seen from again.
« Last Edit: November 20, 2011, 02:15:11 PM by Destra »

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Re: Empires
« Reply #7 on: October 09, 2011, 06:10:18 PM »
The New Zion Defense League

The Defense League grew out of the mountain states of the western US. The natural defenses of the tough Rocky Mountains and many hidden valleys and caves helped keep the survivors alive through the worst of the invasion. As the situation stabilized and the invaders were driven out and destroyed, those that survived banded together again with the vow that never again would their children suffer the depredations that had built their nation.

A new Latter-day Saint prophet arose with the new nation and declared them the New Zion that would rise as a beacon to the world and help take the people of Earth to the danger and safety to be found among the stars.

President: Leon Anderson
Vice President: Emily Webster
Department of Defense Chief of Staff: William Bertoli
Senior Senator: Robert Smith, New Democratic Party

Aurora Data
 Empire Name:           New Zion Defense League
 Government:             Republic, unicameral legislature, independent executive (President) and judicial branches
 Main Empire Theme:  US
 Commander Theme:  US
 Secondary Themes:   Spanish (20%)

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Re: Empires
« Reply #8 on: October 10, 2011, 02:13:57 AM »
The American Dominion

When the Invaders attacked, they focused initially on population centers. In the USA the heavily populated major cities were reduced to ghost towns and much of the population fled to the countryside, this did not work out ideally for most, as desperate refugees who had never lived off the land before found it harder than expected, those who lived in the country did their best, but quickly found themselves overwhelmed and were forced to turn many away, especially as it became clear that the Invaders were more likely to target large populations.

In the South East United States, the situation was slightly better, the climate while ordinarily quite hot, at least did not freeze much, and enabled those who lived in the area to survive for a time. As the years progressed and the Invader forces weakened, elements of the US navy units based out of Virginia began making a presence felt in the area, the Invaders had no water based forces and comparatively little air power, and thus oceangoing units sustained surprisingly little damage, but only compared to ground forces, of the US naval power, their supercarriers were reduced to one: The USS Gerald R. Ford and lighter classes similarly damaged. However this left a significant source of manpower and technology, and their marines began moving through the country, training and equipping the locals and engaging in guerrilla warfare whenever they could.

As the situation began to stabilize, rebuilding began, and new factions sprang up around the world, and on US soil, it became clear to the commanders that the USA they knew was gone, never to return. Their thoughts turned to the future and to protect what they could, starting from their home and Capital of Virginia, they went South and West, absorbing all communities into the new organization, whether they liked it or not, most liked it fine.

Today the American Dominion consists of Virginia and all states South of it, as well as all states East of Texas. It makes no secret of its desire for more of the country, but at present wishes to keep some distance between itself and the NZDL to the West and Dutch controlled New York (Which is what the AD still insists on calling it.)

Empire Name: American Dominion
Government: Military Dictatorship, with local commanders governing the territory they are stationed in.
Empire Theme: US
Commander Theme: US