Author Topic: Gaseous Clouds and You. Craft in hanger affect nebula speed?  (Read 2097 times)

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Offline madpraxis (OP)

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Gaseous Clouds and You. Craft in hanger affect nebula speed?
« on: November 27, 2011, 02:38:31 PM »
I think. . . this is not working as intended. . . my fancy new carrier designed with 12 armour and over 3km/s. . . is going 500.  Why is this? Because it has in its hangers a horde of 250 ton fighters. . .  with 1 armour.  Apparently, all my guys are not too bright (or this is a bug) and are driving through the nebula with all the windows down to feel the splatter of gas clouds on their faces.  Someone else should try flying a heavily armoured craft through a nebula with something with tissue paper for armour in its hanger to see if I'm just being stupid about something, or if it is really a bug.
If it is a bug, I get to eat it.

Offline Thiosk

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Re: Gaseous Clouds and You. Craft in hanger affect nebula speed?
« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2011, 05:17:41 PM »
Im gonna guess bug.  What is the level of the nebula?

Offline madpraxis (OP)

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Re: Gaseous Clouds and You. Craft in hanger affect nebula speed?
« Reply #2 on: November 27, 2011, 05:36:51 PM »
That one was.  .  .  5.   500km/s.   Which is why I found it odd.   It lists my carrier speed capped at 500N.  .  .  which would make sense, if I had only 1 layer of armour.   Except, it was at 12 or so.   Only other thing in the task group was the 1 armour fighters, which where all docked.   21 ships total.   1 carrier, 20 fighters in hanger. 
It was scooting along at its max speed just fine, till I realized that I forgot to add fighters.   So I added fighters, then started scooting off again.   Then realized how slow I was going and figured maybe I should.  .  .  you know.  .  .  stick them in the hanger :D
So I did, and then much to my surprise, my speed didn't go back up.   I figure I either did something stupid or it was a bug.   Broad range of choices there :D I say someone should try and recreate my hiccup and see if they get the same results. 

*edit* I went insane and deleted the game.  I need to stop doing that, but my laptop died a horrible death and I'm using somebody elses laptop. . . . that has like no room on the hard drive, so I get neurotic about deleting everything the second I'm done with it.  Which means my aurora games when I get twitchy.
« Last Edit: November 27, 2011, 05:39:18 PM by madpraxis »

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Re: Gaseous Clouds and You. Craft in hanger affect nebula speed?
« Reply #3 on: November 27, 2011, 06:26:38 PM »
Might as well post this here as long as the thread exists, what is the reasoning behind more armor columns letting you move closer to your max speed in a nebula? It doesn't quite make sense to me.

Offline HaliRyan

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Re: Gaseous Clouds and You. Craft in hanger affect nebula speed?
« Reply #4 on: November 27, 2011, 07:15:03 PM »
After sticking them in the hangar, did you change your task group's speed to max in the task group orders screen? Sometimes I've noticed if a group's speed gets set lower it won't automatically go back to maximum when the problem is fixed.

Offline madpraxis (OP)

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Re: Gaseous Clouds and You. Craft in hanger affect nebula speed?
« Reply #5 on: November 27, 2011, 08:10:31 PM »
Yes, bu that was the problem.   It stated my max speed was 500N, not my 3000N like it should of been ;) And I neurotically check that stupid max speed too.  Usually have all my conditionals filled so every time one of my ships leaves the nebula zone for some reason I usually pop over there to bump the speed back up to real max

And why armour in nebula? Because.  .  .  .  armour on ships is good in normal 'empty' space.   Because its really not that empty.   There are all sorts of little things zipping around, not to mention the radiation which could hit you from any which where in any kind of flavour you feel like :D
Now, imagine space filled with crap.   Lots of crap.   That would be a nebula.   Which could be anything.   From the remnants of a star that ate its face, to a cloud of diamond dust (hey, we can hope.   There is a giant ass star out there that is a diamond.   And its cold! time to start building a tug ship in RL) to some primordial ooze trying to evolve.  .  .  except it forgot its in space.   Now we get to the point : think of a ship on the water and all the effort they put into making sure the hull does what it is supposed to and not fail when you hit x speed from the force of the water on it.   Now go REALLY REALLY REALLY fast compared to that boat :D You can only bounce off things so fast before you start to take damage, so more armour = more hull plating for things to bounce off of. 
Er.  .  .  lecture mode off.   Short version, nebula are not a friendly place.   Some of them look darn pretty though! Note that this is just my opinion, but it should be the theory behind whatever the bossman used to come up with it. 

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Re: Gaseous Clouds and You. Craft in hanger affect nebula speed?
« Reply #6 on: November 27, 2011, 08:41:12 PM »
But in RL, nebulae are thinner than industrial vacuums.
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Offline madpraxis (OP)

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Re: Gaseous Clouds and You. Craft in hanger affect nebula speed?
« Reply #7 on: November 27, 2011, 11:19:43 PM »
I'm still sticking with my theory of 'stuff' space as compared to 'not stuff' space :D
And yes, nebula are . . . er. . . very nebulous. . . Awesome, I'm just happy I got to describe something by using it to describe itself!

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Re: Gaseous Clouds and You. Craft in hanger affect nebula speed?
« Reply #8 on: November 28, 2011, 03:57:53 AM »
But in RL, nebulae are thinner than industrial vacuums.
In space opera nebulas are uncomfortably energetic.

Offline Charlie Beeler

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Re: Gaseous Clouds and You. Craft in hanger affect nebula speed?
« Reply #9 on: November 28, 2011, 07:23:36 AM »
This is the basis of nebula's in Aurora,965.0.html
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Re: Gaseous Clouds and You. Craft in hanger affect nebula speed?
« Reply #10 on: November 29, 2011, 09:26:15 PM »
Might as well post this here as long as the thread exists, what is the reasoning behind more armor columns letting you move closer to your max speed in a nebula? It doesn't quite make sense to me.

Not columns - rows.  The higher level of armor you've got, the faster you can go.

On the OP - fighters in a hanger shouldn't slow the TG down.  Bug.


Offline Girlinhat

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Re: Gaseous Clouds and You. Craft in hanger affect nebula speed?
« Reply #11 on: November 30, 2011, 04:46:04 AM »
I can sorta understand the justification.  Imagine that you're piloting a ship.  If you've got a toy sailboat and you're going against waves, you can't go very fast or else the waves will rip you apart.  If you're in a battleship, then you've got a lot more structural integrity, you can withstand a wave crashing broadside and never lose speed.  Moving at high speed in space, the superthin "vacuum" becomes a hurricane of wind.  If the "vacuum" is thicker, then the hurricane force is stronger.  If you've got the armor to bully through it that's great, but if you're on the fragile side then you'll want to slow down and do the best you can.

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Re: Gaseous Clouds and You. Craft in hanger affect nebula speed?
« Reply #12 on: November 30, 2011, 05:38:24 AM »
I agree, at high speed, even small particles will impact with the force of a 16 inch shell.

If my math is not too badly off, if your ship travels at 3.000 km/s and hits a 1 gram particle, that particle will impact with a force of 4.5 billion joules or about 1 ton of TNT. That´s nothing to lough at!

E = 1/2m x V x V  --> 0.0005kg x 3,000,000 m/s x 3,000,000 m/s = 4,500,000,000 j 

1 gram of TNT equals 4184 joules --> 4,500,000,000 j / 4148 j/g = 1,075,525 g  or about 1 ton of TNT

Yes, even in a dense nebula, particles of that size will be very rare, but even a particle a thousand times smaller will hit like 1 kg of TNT and those will be a lot more common. I sure wouldn´t want to go through something like this in a tincan at anything but dead-slow speed.
Ralph Hoenig, Germany