Mass Modifier for Jump Points
The distance from the system primary to the outer ring of survey locations and the number of points to survey each location is modified by the mass of the system primary. The maximum distance for a jump point is the same as the outer ring.
In v1.13, this modifier is the square root of the primary mass in solar masses. Sol is the basis, with 400 points per location and 40 AU (6b km) as the max distance of the outer ring of survey locations.
For example, a star like Altair, with 3.1 solar masses, would require 704 points per location with a max jump point distance of 70 AU. Ras Alhague with nine point six solar masses would be 1239 points and 123 AU, while Rigel, at 21 solar masses would be 1833 points and 183 AU.
For v2.0, this modifier is changing to the cube root for any stars greater than one solar mass. For example, Altair will now be 583 points and 58 AU, Ras Alhague will be 850 points and 85 AU (18.6b km) and Rigel will be 1103 point and 110 AU.
This is to make very large systems easier to survey, although still a considerable effort.