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Re: Empire of the Stars - Updates Thread
« Reply #15 on: July 23, 2024, 08:17:15 AM »
13th December 1975
On the Scimitaran home world, there is considerable resistance to the occupation and unrest is rapidly increasing. While there were sufficient ground forces to force the original surrender, they are insufficient to quell rebellion among the populace. The environmental problems caused by the Imperial Navy bombardments are exacerbating the situation. In the days after the invasion, Imperial Naval Intelligence estimated that the productivity of the population would be approximately twenty percent of normal in the subsequent months and would potentially require many years to return to its pre-war level.  INI now estimates that productivity to be only five percent of normal due to the widespread unrest and it is continuing to fall. It is proving extremely difficult to construct labour camps with such minimal construction capacity, especially when the building of the camps seems to further infuriate the population.

The Imperial Army was crippled by the successful invasion of the Scimitaran home world and is likely to take many years to rebuild. Even dedicating every new regiment to the Scimitaran occupation will not solve the problem quickly. A new solution is required. There is an existing organization within the Empire of Japan, known as the Kempeitai, that fulfils the military police function of the Imperial Japanese Army and civilian secret police duties. While its methods can be distasteful to some within the Imperial Japanese Navy, it has proved undeniably effective. Therefore, after consultation with the Emperor, Daigensui-Kaigun-Taisho Takagi decides to expand the role of the Kempeitai to include suppression of the rebels on the Scimitaran home world and any other conquered alien worlds.

A new type of formation, designated as the Kempeitai Occupation Force, will be trained for counter-insurgency operations. Comprising eight thousand personnel armed with light personal weapons, it will require the same  transport capacity as an Imperial Army regiment, yet it will be thirty percent cheaper to train and should be twice as effective in suppressing unrest. In pure cost terms, it will be almost three times more effective compared to the deployment of Imperial Army units. Training of the first Kempeitai Occupation Force will begin immediately.

29th December 1975
Takamatsu II, an ideal habitable world that produces more than forty percent of the Gallicite used by the Empire of Japan, has reached its maximum population capacity.  The tide-locked dwarf planet is 2000 km in diameter and can only sustain a population of sixty million before overcrowding becomes a problem. Four hundred and sixty mines and two hundred and thirty-five automated mines are in operation on the surface. Future colonisation efforts in the system will focus on the sixth moon of Takamatsu III, which has already been terraformed. While the moon does not have the same accessibility of Gallicite, it does have a substantial accessible deposit of Boronide, the supply of which is becoming a concern for the Empire.

Takamatsu II Survey Report
Duranium:   1,518,042   0.80
Neutronium:   267,897   0.90
Tritanium:   282,842   0.80
Mercassium:   223,086   0.70
Vendarite:   453,031   0.60
Uridium:   197,831   0.60
Gallicite:   867,897   0.90

Takamatsu II
Population: 60.26m
Construction Factory: 34
Mine: 460
Automated Mine: 235
Maintenance Facility: 5
Deep Space Tracking Station: 1
Refuelling Station: 1
Ordnance Transfer Station: 1
Cargo Shuttle Station: 1

Takamatsu III - Moon 6 Survey Report
Duranium:   793,800   0.80
Tritanium:   2,025   0.80
Boronide:   385,641   0.90
Vendarite:   571,536   0.60
Uridium:   81   0.90
Corundium:   480,249   0.80
Gallicite:   492,804   0.60

29th January 1976
The survey cruiser Harukaze, returning home after conducting surveying operations within the chain of systems containing the Followers of Zharov, detects a massive Zharovian fleet on the Iturup – Kharimkhotan jump point. There are forty-six ships, ranging in size from 5,238 tons to 83,772 tons, with a single outlier at 180,267 tons. Four of the ships, two Sverdlovs at 17,344 tons and two Bakus at 8,669 tons have active shields.

There was nothing in the survey of Kharimkhotan to suggest such importance to the Followers of Zharov, with just two asteroids, two comets and a pair of stable outward jump points, yet to be explored by the Imperial Navy. The older survey cruiser Fubuki is still in Kharimkhotan, finishing the last two survey locations before probing the jump points. Harukaze leaves her last sensor buoy on the jump point before heading home for resupply and overhaul.

25th April 1976
Hyūga and Ise are refitted to the Nagato II class. All four battleships have now completed their modernisation, along with the four Takao class heavy cruisers and the two Taiho class carriers. Daigensui-Kaigun-Taisho Takagi considers sending this force to begin eliminating Zuijin-held systems but decides to wait until sufficient Akagi class carriers are upgraded with magneto-plasma drives. Besides, the Empire of Japan is currently focused on subduing the Scimitaran home world and absorbing its resources.

13th May 1976
The survey cruiser Fubuki probes the two stable, outward jump points in Kharimkhotan. The first leads to Shikotan, a red dwarf system with five unremarkable planets, over eighty moons and a large asteroid belt. The second connects to Atlasov, which has an orange K1-V primary, nine planets and over a hundred moons. Atlasov III is a large, high gravity terrestrial world with a dense nitrogen-oxygen atmosphere of over 3 atm and a surface temperature of -50C. Fubuki’s commander, Kaigun-Chusa Tsujimoto Masakatsu, believes this could be the Zharovian home world, so he orders the launch of a Gekkō reconnaissance drone.

The drone discovers eleven ships in orbit of Atlasov III, but they are Zuijin, not Zharovian. The fleet comprises Devastator and Terror class bases, two Ravager class escort cruisers, three 28,907-ton Vengeance class ships, detected only in Kagoshima prior to this point, a 22,318-ton Intimidator and three 59,785-ton Retributions. The latter two types have never been seen before. The entry jump point is stable, but there is no wreckage in the system or any other sign of combat. Fubuki begins a gravitational survey.

18th June 1976
A Kyushu M1W 'Shiragiku' arrives in Shikotan to conduct a geological survey and detects a fleet of Zharovian ships on the Kharimkhotan jump point. Seventeen are 83,772-ton Breznev class, which are probably some form of commercial vessel. They are escorted by two 17,344-ton Sverdlovs and a single Baku at 8,669 tons, all of which have shield emissions. Moments after arrival, the fleet asks the M1W to leave the system. Instead, she proceeds in-system, keen to discover what the Zharovians wish to protect.

27th October 1976
A substantial Zuijin fleet of almost three hundred and fifty thousand tons is discovered in the Ōmagari system, six transits from Sol in the Mitaka Cluster, an area of space surrounding the Mitaka system and its eight jump points. Unlike the other large Zuijin forces in Kagoshima and Beta Hydri, this force is primarily mobile, with only two bases. There are now ten known Zuijin systems, but Daigensui-Kaigun-Taisho Takagi continues to wait for refits and a series of new ships before launching any assaults.

29th November 1976
The Kyushu M1W 'Shiragiku' in Shikotan detects a large fleet of twenty-seven 56,900-ton Jakutsk class ships in orbit of Shikotan IV, accompanied by a single 13,263-ton Vyborg. Both are new types and given their location in orbit of a gas giant, they are likely to be fuel harvesters with a warship escort. This may be why the jump point force was asking the small Imperial Navy vessel to leave the system several months earlier. A similar request is made now that the M1W is on Zharovian sensors again. As more exploration is conducted in Zharovian space, Imperial Naval Intelligence continues to increase their estimate of the Zharovian fleet size and economy. There are no signs of the Followers home world, or any major colonies.

20th December 1976
Two jumps outward from New Osaka is the Zuijin-occupied Matsuyama system. The survey cruiser Asakaze is exploring beyond Matsuyama’s outward jump point and has so far discovered a chain of four systems, the last of which is Ashikaga, a red dwarf with two terrestrial planets. As the second planet has liquid oceans, albeit with an atmosphere of CO2 and nitrogen, she launches a Shūsui Reconnaissance Drone from her internal magazine to check for signs of life. The drone finds the largest Zuijin fleet encountered to date, with four hundred and fifty thousand tons of warships, including eight orbital bases.

3x Vengeance class Heavy Cruiser (armament unknown). 28,907 tons.
3x Terror class Orbital Defence Base (75 Railguns). 19,426 tons.
3x Devastator class Missile Defence Base (91 Light Missile Launchers). 19,228 tons.
2x Vanquisher class Orbital Missile Platform (40 Laser Torpedo Launchers). 19,405 tons
1x Ravager class Escort Cruiser (42 Light Missile Launchers). 19,287 tons.
3x Conqueror class Light Cruiser (9 Particle Lances). 19,164 tons.
2x Enforcer class Destroyer (armament unknown). 9,649 tons
4x Raptor class Destroyer (3 Particle Beams). 9,620 tons.
4x Avenger class Escort (16 Railguns). 9,622 tons
4x Ghost class FAC -  emissions contact only.

As the Empire of Japan expands known space, it is discovering an increasing number of Zuijin system with a total fleet size and level of technology that dwarfs the recently conquered Scimitar Empire. It is fortunate for humanity that the Zuijin seem tied to their planets and their ancient ruins. What increasingly concerns Daigensui-Kaigun-Taisho Takagi, is the nature of the cataclysm that overwhelmed what was almost certainly the galaxy’s dominant civilization. The younger races, such as humanity, the Velsharoon, the Zharovians and the Xiamen, appeared to have risen among the ashes of that fallen civilization, probably explaining why they are now meeting on relatively equal terms.

The nightmare scenario for Takagi, is that the Zuijin were defeated by an even more powerful race and that enemy could return one day. Some Japanese scientists theorise it was the Mizuchi and their living ships and that the Empire of Japan has not yet seen their full power, or the briefly encountered Wokou Raiders, but Takagi does not believe either poses an existential threat. There is the unknown race lurking in Sapporo, beyond the Zuijin-held Kagoshima system, but if they were the ancient enemy of the Zuijin, the fleet in Kagoshima would not stop them. For now, the Imperial Japanese Navy can only remain watchful. while Takagi hopes the Zuijin civilization collapsed amid some internal conflict and his worst fears will not be realised.

16th January 1977
The deployment of six Kempeitai occupation forces to the Scimitar home world, along with a temporary pause in the construction of new labour camps, has improved the situation considerably. The rebels, rioters, dissidents and general malcontents have all been either silenced or eliminated. Imperial Naval Intelligence estimates that productivity has risen to forty percent of the pre-war level and the population can be judged as subjugated, rather than simply conquered. Labour camp construction can now resume.

21st January 1977
The Taiho class carrier Hiyō (a falcon flying away) is launched from the Yokosuka Dockyards orbital shipyard. Hiyō has several improvements over the Taiho II class, including more fuel efficient engines, a sensor jammer and an upgraded sensor suite. She is the first new carrier to be constructed in six years. Her strikegroup includes the first thirty-six Nakajima B2N 'Tenzan' (heavenly mountain) Carrier Strike craft, designed as a replacement for the B1Ns on the Taihō and Junyō.

Taihō II-Ro class Carrier      54,000 tons       922 Crew       7,438.6 BP       TCS 1,080    TH 6,912    EM 0
6400 km/s      Armour 1-127       Shields 0-0       HTK 242      Sensors 8/11/0/0      DCR 26-4      PPV 0
Maint Life 1.54 Years     MSP 4,738    AFR 897%    IFR 12.5%    1YR 2,281    5YR 34,221    Max Repair 576 MSP
Hangar Deck Capacity 24,000 tons     Magazine 867 / 0   
Kaigun-Taisa    Control Rating 3   BRG   AUX   PFC   
Intended Deployment Time: 6 months    Flight Crew Berths 480    Morale Check Required   

Koga-Murakama KM-1152-BE Magneto-Plasma Drive (6)    Power 6912    Fuel Use 38%    Signature 1152    Exp 12%
Fuel Capacity 2,619,000 Litres    Range 22.6 billion km (40 days at full power)

Rakurai Anti-ship Missile (72)    Speed: 31,250 km/s    Range: 8m km    WH: 12    Size: 12    TH: 125/75/37

Type 35 Go-71D Fighter Detection (1)     GPS 210     Range 18.5m km    Resolution 10
Type 35 Go-21D Missile Detection (1)     GPS 11     Range 6.1m km    MCR 545.7k km    Resolution 1
Type 35 Go-11D Search Sensor (1)     GPS 11340     Range 89.7m km    Resolution 120
Type 33 Go-53C Passive Sensor (1)     Sensitivity 8     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  22.4m km
Type 35 Go-63C Passive Sensor (1)     Sensitivity 11     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  26.2m km
Electronic Warfare Jammers:   Sensor 2    Missile 3   

Strike Group
1x Aichi E1A3 Scout   Speed: 7502 km/s    Size: 5
36x Mitsubishi A3M 'Hayabusa' Fighter   Speed: 15829 km/s    Size: 5.56
36x Nakajima B2N 'Tenzan' Carrier Strike   Speed: 12801 km/s    Size: 7.5

Nakajima B2N 'Tenzan' class Carrier Strike      375 tons       1 Crew       73.2 BP       TCS 7    TH 96    EM 0
12801 km/s      Armour 1-4       Shields 0-0       HTK 3      Sensors 0/0/0/0      DCR 0-0      PPV 3.6
Maint Life 1.80 Years     MSP 25    AFR 75%    IFR 1.0%    1YR 10    5YR 144    Max Repair 48 MSP
Magazine 24 / 0   
Kaigun-Shōsa    Control Rating 1   
Intended Deployment Time: 0.6 days    Morale Check Required   

Koga-Murakama KM-96-DB Magneto-Plasma Drive (1)    Power 96    Fuel Use 620%    Signature 96    Explosion 20%
Fuel Capacity 7,300 Litres    Range 0.57 billion km (12 hours at full power)

Type 23 Fixed Missile Launcher (2)     Missile Size: 12    Hangar Reload 173 minutes    MF Reload 28 hours
Type 36 Go-44D Missile Fire Control (1)     Range 26.7m km    Resolution 120   ECCM-2
Rakurai-Ro Anti-ship Missile (2)    Speed: 31,250 km/s    Range: 8m km    WH: 12    Size: 12    TH: 125/75/37

Type 36 Go-14D Small Strike Sensor (1)     GPS 252     Range 13.4m km    Resolution 120

6th February 1977
The survey cruiser Fubuki is halfway through her survey of the Zuijin system of Atlasov, deep in Zharovian space, when she detects a jump point close to her position. Kaigun-Chusa Tsujimoto decides to investigate immediately, rather than waiting until the survey is complete. Fubuki transits and detects a fleet of fifteen Zharovian ships stationed on her exit jump point. All the alien ships have active shields and are between 8,669 tons and 17,382 tons.

The system comprises a yellow G8-V primary, orbited by nine planets and eighty-six moons. The fourth planet is an ideal habitable world with a stable orbit. Larger than Earth at 15,000 km, it has gravity of 0.98G, a surface temperature of 19C and a nitrogen-oxygen atmosphere of 0.8 atm, with 0.15 atm of oxygen. Oceans cover half the surface and the rest is dominated by Steppe. The third planet also has liquid oceans and a thin nitrogen-oxygen atmosphere. Eight wrecks of unknown origin, four each of 971 tons and 73,109 tons, are located in a single group between the orbits of the fourth and fifth planets. Given the strong potential for an alien presence, Fubuki holds position on the jump point and launches a pair of reconnaissance drones.

The first drone is targeted on the habitable planet, which has a Zharovian population with thermal signature of almost 80,000, twenty percent greater than Earth, plus a large orbital shipyard and a ground forces contact of 300,000 tons. This is almost certainly the Zharovian home world. Another population is present on the third planet with has a large ground forces contact and a thermal signature similar to the Japanese Takamatsu II colony, which has a population of sixty million and seven hundred mines. The two planets have twenty-one and fifteen ships in orbit respectively, which is fairly low given the obvious importance of the system, but there are fifteen more ships on the entry jump point and many more previously detected throughout Zharovian space.

With the location of the Zharovian home world now identified, Fubuki returns to her survey of Atlasov to avoid a major diplomatic incident. It is very interesting to Imperial Naval Intelligence that a Zuijin system lies between the home world and a large area of Zharovian territory, yet there are no wrecks in Atlasov. This is especially puzzling considering that the Zharov and Kharimkhotan jump points are located on opposite sides of the system, which would result in any direct course passing close to the Zuijin fleet. Perhaps the Zharovians have found a different route past Atlasov. There is also the mystery of the wrecks in Zharov, which do not match any known Zuijin or Zharovian classes.

Once the many higher priorities are addressed, Daigensui-Kaigun-Taisho Takagi intends to build up the Fiji colony as a major base to support significant survey, reconnaissance and, if necessary, military operations in Zharovian territory. It is also time for the Imperial Navy to develop a stealthy scout ship to monitor events in alien systems while minimising the risk of detection and any associated diplomatic difficulties.

19th May 1977
The Aichi E1A scout and its variants are being replaced by the new Aichi E2A, which has improved sensors and more than twice the range. One E2A will be deployed on each carrier and Shimakaze class survey cruiser.

Aichi E2A class Scout      250 tons       3 Crew       56.7 BP       TCS 5    TH 40    EM 0
8002 km/s    JR 3-50      Armour 1-3       Shields 0-0       HTK 2      Sensors 0/1/0/0      DCR 0-0      PPV 0
Maint Life 0 Years     MSP 0    AFR 49%    IFR 0.7%    1YR 4    5YR 53    Max Repair 25.2 MSP
Kaigun-Shōsa    Control Rating 1   
Intended Deployment Time: 1 months    Morale Check Required   

Komatsu KMS-25-B Jump Drive     Max Ship Size 250 tons    Distance 50k km     Squadron Size 3
Koga-Murakama KM-40-B Magneto-Plasma Drive (1)    Power 40    Fuel Use 234%    Signature 40    Explosion 12%
Fuel Capacity 44,200 Litres    Range 13.6 billion km (19 days at full power)

Type 35 Go-13D Navigation Sensor (1)     GPS 2520     Range 42.3m km    Resolution 120
Type 33 Go-55C Passive Sensor (1)     Sensitivity 0.8     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  7.1m km
Type 35 Go-65C Minimal Passive Sensor (1)     Sensitivity 1.1     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  8.3m km

13th June 1977
The carrier Zuiho delivers sixty Mitsubishi A2M2 'Shinden' fighters and a single Aichi E2A scout to the Truk Naval base, on the edge of Covenant space. This force will be stationed permanently at the base and known as the ‘Truk Kōkūtai’, or Truk Air Group. This is the first in a series of deployments to make use of older, but still effective, air groups as they are replaced on their carriers by the Mitsubishi A3M 'Hayabusa'. Most of the older A1M ‘Raiden’ models will be scrapped.

10th July 1977
Japanese scientists and engineers have combined to develop a new kind of warrior, known as the Kazuma Raiden (true thunder and lightning). Each Kazuma Raiden is genetically enhanced, protected by power armour, equipped with a weapon equivalent to the Nambu Type 36 Machine Gun and trained in boarding combat. They will be formed into squadrons of forty, known as Raiden Sentai (thunder and lightning squadron), led by a Raiden Shōsa, and deployed on Nagara class light cruisers as they complete their refits to the Nagara III design, replacing the existing naval landing forces.

31st July 1977
All seven Akagi class carriers have been refitted to the Akagi III design, replacing the ion engines with magneto-plasma drives and upgrading the sensor suites.

5th August 1977
Chūyō (sea hawk), the fourth Taihō class carrier, joins the Imperial Navy. There are now eleven carriers in service with over seven hundred fighters and strike craft embarked.

Taihō II class Carrier: Junyō, Taihō
Taihō II-Ro class Carrier: Chūyō, Hiyō
Akagi III class Carrier: Akagi, Hiryu, Kaga, Ryujo, Soryu, Zuiho, Zuikaku

16th August 1977
The Takao II-Ro class heavy cruisers Ashigara, Haguro, Myōkō and Nachi are completed in Earth orbit, doubling the number of heavy cruisers in service with the Imperial Japanese Navy. The Ro variant of the Takao II has more fuel efficient engines, laminate composite armour, faster tracking laser turrets and improved sensors. There are no plans to refit the four Takao IIs to this design due to the limited combat benefits relative to the high refit cost. The new heavy cruisers will be used on combat operations against the Zuijin, which will begin in early 1978.

Takao II-Ro class Heavy Cruiser      27,000 tons       864 Crew       5,702.5 BP       TCS 540    TH 3,456    EM 4,260
6400 km/s    JR 3-50      Armour 5-80       Shields 142-532       HTK 169      Sensors 16/22/0/0      DCR 14-5      PPV 145
Maint Life 2.05 Years     MSP 3,348    AFR 417%    IFR 5.8%    1YR 1,066    5YR 15,994    Max Repair 576 MSP
Kaigun-Taisa    Control Rating 4   BRG   AUX   ENG   CIC   
Intended Deployment Time: 10 months    Morale Check Required   

Komatsu KMJ-270-B Jump Drive     Max Ship Size 27000 tons    Distance 50k km     Squadron Size 3
Koga-Murakama KM-1152-BE Magneto-Plasma Drive (3)    Power 3456    Fuel Use 38%    Signature 1152    Exp 12%
Fuel Capacity 1,033,000 Litres    Range 17.8 billion km (32 days at full power)
Shīrudo-71A Shield Generator (2)     Recharge Time 532 seconds (0.3 per second)

Kentaro-Sakura KS-25A Far Ultraviolet Laser (10)    Range 320,000km     TS: 6,400 km/s     Power 16-4     ROF 20       
Twin Kentaro-Sakura KS-12B Laser Turret (6x2)    Range 200,000km     TS: 20000 km/s     Power 8-8    ROF 5       
Type 32 Go-31E Laser Fire Control (2)     Max Range: 320,000 km   TS: 6,500 km/s    ECCM-2   
Type 32 Go-31E Turret Fire Control (2)     Max Range: 80,000 km   TS: 20,000 km/s    ECCM-2   
R-35B Stellarator Fusion Reactor (3)     Total Power Output 107.3    Exp 5%

Type 35 Go-21D Missile Detection (1)     GPS 11     Range 6.1m km    MCR 545.7k km    Resolution 1
Type 35 Go-11D Search Sensor (1)     GPS 11340     Range 89.7m km    Resolution 120
Type 35 Go-71D Fighter Detection (1)     GPS 210     Range 18.5m km    Resolution 10
Type 33 Go-51C Passive Sensor (1)     Sensitivity 16     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  31.6m km
Type 35 Go-61C Passive Sensor (1)     Sensitivity 22     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  37.1m km
Electronic Warfare Jammers:   Fire Control 2    Missile 3   

10th September 1977
A Kyushu M1W ‘Shiragiku’ is conducting a survey of Beta Hydri, four transits from Sol via Proxima, Koga and Delta Pavonis, while trying to avoid the huge Zuijin fleet in orbit of the third planet. Unexpectedly, she discovers four Ravager class escort cruisers, a 22,128-ton Intimidator class and six 59,785-ton Retribution class ships in orbit of the first planet – a moonless superjovian. Based on this report, sent just before the M1W was struck by a salvo of light missiles and contact was lost, Imperial Naval Intelligence classifies the Retribution as a fuel harvester. This is the first indication that the Zuijin conduct non-combat operations beyond the orbit of their protected worlds.

5th October 1977
The survey cruiser Yugiri is conducting a survey of Onekotan, deep in Zharovian territory and five transits out from Fiji, the closest Imperial system, via Sakhalin, Paramushir, Iturup and Kunashir. Onekotan is also five transits from the Zharovian home world, which is reached via a different route from Iturup. This is the first system discovered in Zharovian space that is not yet connected to the Followers stable jump network. Onekotan is unremarkable, except for an unusually large asteroid belt between one and two billion kilometres from the G8-V primary.

Yugiri moves toward the inner system, where there also a scattering of asteroids within the orbit of the first of five planets, and detects active emissions from the two Basra class ships of the Covenant of Velsharoon in orbit of one of the asteroids. She investigates and finds two groups of Covenant ships. The smaller group comprises a Sidon class escort cruiser of 16,270 tons and three other types of unknown capability, one of a similar size and two of 8,140 tons. The other group is larger, with three Sidons, four 8,147 ton Salt class, a Dubai of 16,295 tons and seven Basra class ships of 24,419 tons.

None of the Covenant ships have ever been observed in motion, so it is unknown whether they have military or commercial engines. However, given that Imperial Naval Intelligence has previously classed the Sidon as a warship and the ships are relatively small compared to normal commercial design, they are probably all military vessels. The burning question is what this force, which appears to be a Covenant battle fleet, is doing deep in Zharovian space, especially as no Velsharoon ships have ever been detected in the systems along the route between Fiji and Onekotan. Imperial Naval Intelligence believes the most likely explanation is a connection from Onekotan to the rest of Covenant space and therefore a border between the Covenant and the Followers of Zharov. Determining the situation and the relations between the two alien powers is give a high priority for the survey forces of the Imperial Navy.

In the meantime, Yugiri abandons her immediate survey to do a check of other bodies in the system. Within a few hours she detects two Zarqa class ships of 34,251 tons and a Sur class of 35,153 tons, all motionless in different locations, but not in orbit of any asteroids. Their motivations are unknown.

9th October 1977
Yugiri detects a Velsharoon ground forces signature of 1800 tons on one of the inner system asteroids, then moves to the asteroids with the two warship groups and detects signatures of 37,900 tons on both, including emissions from probable surface-to-orbit weapons. This appears to be a Velsharoon system, rather than a long-range battle fleet deployment, further reinforcing the theory of an unknown connection to Covenant space.

13th October 1977
The size of the Zuijin armada continues to grow, with the discovery of a massive fleet in the Takeda system, seven transits from Sol at the end of the Aomori Chain. There are ten orbital bases and fifteen Obliterator class heavy cruisers of 28,923 tons, supported by twenty-six other warships and twenty Ghost fast attack craft. The total tonnage is over nine hundred thousand tons, more than double that of any other Zuijin fleet. Whatever this immense force is guarding, it must be extremely important to the Zuijin.

15x Obliterator class Heavy Cruiser (armament unknown). 28,923 tons.
4x Terror class Orbital Defence Base (75 Railguns). 19,426 tons.
4x Devastator class Missile Defence Base (91 Light Missile Launchers). 19,228 tons.
2x Vanquisher class Orbital Missile Platform (40 Laser Torpedo Launchers). 19,405 tons
2x Ravager class Escort Cruiser (42 Light Missile Launchers). 19,287 tons.
7x Decapitator Light Cruiser (armament unknown). 19,260 tons
3x Conqueror class Light Cruiser (9 Particle Lances). 19,164 tons.
7x Enforcer class Destroyer (armament unknown). 9,649 tons
2x Impaler class Destroyer (8 Laser Torpedo Launchers). 9,628 tons.
2x Razor class Destroyer (8 Laser Torpedo Launchers). 9,628 tons.
2x Hunter class Destroyer (8 Laser Torpedo Launchers). 9,628 tons.
1x Avenger class Escort (16 Railguns). 9,622 tons
20x Ghost class FAC.

25th November 1977
The Kyushu M1W 'Shiragiku' in Shikotan discovers a small Zharovian colony on an asteroid. Once again, the Followers send a request for the survey vessel to leave the system.

24th January 1978
The battleship Yamato joins the Imperial Japanese Navy. Yamato is the largest and most expensive ship ever constructed by the Empire of Japan and the first ship to be armed with 30cm lasers. As well as the twenty-four lasers of her main armament, she has a single 45cm spinal laser and twelve twin 12cm laser turrets. Yamato is one third larger than the preceding Nagato class, but has sixty percent greater shield strength and seventy percent more armour volume. She also has flag accommodations so command of the fleet will no longer fall to the senior ship commander. With her sister ship Musashi, which will be completed in mid-February, Yamato will serve at the heart of the Kido Butai when its sets out on its mission to eliminate every Zuijin fleet in the Empire of Japan.

Yamato class Battleship      72,000 tons       2,280 Crew       15,175 BP       TCS 1,440    TH 9,216    EM 17,040
6400 km/s    JR 3-50      Armour 7-154       Shields 568-532       HTK 451     Sensors 16/22/0/0     DCR 42-5     PPV 385
Maint Life 1.93 Years     MSP 8,032    AFR 987%    IFR 13.7%    1YR 2,807    5YR 42,110    Max Repair 720 MSP
Kaigun-Taisa    Control Rating 5   BRG   AUX   ENG   CIC   FLG   
Intended Deployment Time: 10 months    Morale Check Required   

Komatsu KMJ-720-B Jump Drive     Max Ship Size 72000 tons    Distance 50k km     Squadron Size 3
Koga-Murakama KM-1152-BE Magneto-Plasma Drive (8)    Power 9216    Fuel Use 38%    Signature 1152    Exp 12%
Fuel Capacity 2,721,000 Litres    Range 17.6 billion km (31 days at full power)
Shīrudo-71A Shield Generator (8)     Recharge Time 532 seconds (1.1 per second)

Kentaro-Sakura KS-45A Spinal Laser (1)    Range 320,000km     TS: 6,400 km/s     Power 53-5     ROF 55       
Kentaro-Sakura KS-30A Far Ultraviolet Laser (24)    Range 320,000km     TS: 6,400 km/s     Power 24-5     ROF 25       
Twin Kentaro-Sakura KS-12B Laser Turret (12x2)    Range 200,000km     TS: 20000 km/s     Power 8-8    ROF 5       
Type 32 Go-31E Turret Fire Control (3)     Max Range: 80,000 km   TS: 20,000 km/s    ECCM-2   
Type 32 Go-31E Laser Fire Control (3)     Max Range: 320,000 km   TS: 6,500 km/s    ECCM-2   
R-35B Stellarator Fusion Reactor (7)     Total Power Output 250.5    Exp 5%

Type 35 Go-12D Capital Ship Sensor (1)     GPS 30240     Range 146.5m km    Resolution 120
Type 35 Go-21D Missile Detection (1)     GPS 11     Range 6.1m km    MCR 545.7k km    Resolution 1
Type 35 Go-71D Fighter Detection (1)     GPS 210     Range 18.5m km    Resolution 10
Type 33 Go-51C Passive Sensor (1)     Sensitivity 16     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  31.6m km
Type 35 Go-61C Passive Sensor (1)     Sensitivity 22     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  37.1m km

Electronic Warfare Jammers:   Sensor 2    Fire Control 2    Missile 3   

Offline Steve Walmsley (OP)

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Re: Empire of the Stars - Updates Thread
« Reply #16 on: July 27, 2024, 06:20:43 AM »
7th March 1978
The Fleet Support Vessel Hayasui is the first of two planned ships that will support the campaign of the Kido Butai against the Zuijin. Each ship carries twenty-one million litres of fuel, twenty thousand maintenance supplies and a hundred and fifty Rakurai anti-ship missiles. The Hayasui, which is also equipped with ten thousand cryogenic berths to house prisoners recovered from life pods, will join salvage ships, freighters and eventually a repair ship in a new Support Fleet that will form part of the Kido Butai, enabling more sustained operations.

Hayasui class Fleet Support Vessel      90,000 tons       571 Crew       2,662.7 BP       TCS 1,800    TH 5,760    EM 0
3200 km/s    JR 3-50(C)      Armour 1-178       Shields 0-0       HTK 167      Sensors 8/11/0/0      DCR 1-0      PPV 0
MSP 20,018    Max Repair 180 MSP
Magazine 1,800 / 0    Cryogenic Berths 10,000    Cargo Shuttle Multiplier 8   
Kaigun-Chūsa    Control Rating 1   BRG   
Intended Deployment Time: 3 months   

Komatsu KMC-900-B Jump Drive     Max Ship Size 90000 tons    Distance 50k km     Squadron Size 3
Koga-Murakama KC-384-B Magneto-plasma Drive (15)    Power 5760    Fuel Use 2.48%    Signature 384    Exp 4%
Fuel Capacity 21,009,000 Litres    Range 1,695.2 billion km (6131 days at full power)
Refuelling Capability: 60,000 litres per hour     Complete Refuel 350 hours

Rakurai-Ha Anti-ship Missile (150)    Speed: 40,000 km/s    End: 3.3m     Range: 8m km    WH: 12    Size:

Type 35 Go-13D Navigation Sensor (1)     GPS 2520     Range 42.3m km    Resolution 120
Type 33 Go-53C Passive Sensor (1)     Sensitivity 8     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  22.4m km
Type 35 Go-63C Passive Sensor (1)     Sensitivity 11     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  26.2m km

13th March 1978
In the past, the Kido Butai (mobile force) has been a fleet formed for each individual operation and then disbanded afterwards. With the availability of new ships, built with the resources gained from the Scimitaran Conquest, the Kido Butai will now become a permanent formation, assigned the task of attacking and destroying those Zuijin fleets and ground forces to which the Empire of Japan has direct access. To enable more sustained operations, the Kido Butai is organised into four different formations, each with its own commander, while the overall fleet is commanded by Kaigun-Shōshō Kurosawa Rai from the flag bridge of the Yamato.

Kido Butai – Kaigun-Shōshō Kurosawa Rai

Main Force – Kaigun-Taisa Sakubara Kogo
Yamato class Battleship: Musashi*, Yamato**
Nagato II class Battleship: Hyūga, Ise, Mutsu, Nagato
Takao II class Heavy Cruiser: Atago, Chōkai, Maya, Takao
Takao II-Ro class Heavy Cruiser: Ashigara, Haguro, Myōkō, Nachi

Carrier Striking Force – Kaigun-Taisa Fujimoto Kinhira
Taihō II class Carrier: Junyō, Taihō*
Taihō II-Ro class Carrier: Chūyō, Hiyō
Akagi III class Carrier: Kaga, Zuikaku
Nagara III-Ro class Light Cruiser: Kiso, Nagara, Yahagi, Yoshino
72x Nakajima B1N 'Ryūsei' class Carrier Strike:
72x Nakajima B2N 'Tenzan' class Carrier Strike:
264x Mitsubishi A3M 'Hayabusa' class Fighter:
7x Aichi E2A class Scout:

Occupation Force – Kaigun-Taisa Kido Hoshi
Kongo II class Battlecruiser: Kirishima*
Sagami Maru class Troop Transport: Keizan Maru, Sagami Maru, Tatukami Maru
Shinshu Maru class Troop Transport: Mayasan Maru, Tamatsu Maru
2nd Division, 3rd (Armoured) Division, 6th Division
2x Xenoarchaeological Regiment

Support Force  - Kaigun-Taisa Suzuki Saya
Kongo II class Battlecruiser: Hiei*,
Hayasui class Fleet Support Vessel: Hayasui
Akatsuki Maru class Replenishment Ship: Kenyo Maru, Toho Maru
Shokai-Ro Maru class Tug: Seikai Maru
Kasashima-Ro class Salvager: Kamakura Maru, Kasuga Maru
4x Kansai Maru class Freighter

** Fleet Flag, * Force Flag

Kaigun-Shōshō Kurosawa’s first senior assignment was in 1962, as executive officer of the 9000-ton survey cruiser Fubuki with the rank of Kaigun-Shōsa. In 1966, he was given his first command – a 1000 ton Kawanishi H1K ‘Saiun’ patrol craft. After four years on long-range deployments, mostly involving the deployment of sensor buoys, he was promoted to Kaigun-Chūsa and served with distinction as executive officer of the battlecruiser Kirishima before being given command of the light cruiser Jintsū in 1971. Two years later, he was promoted to Kaigun-Taisa and entrusted with the brand new battleship Hyūga. In 1973, he was responsible for the destruction of seven enemy warships in the battle of Scimitar, totalling over 200,000 tons, and the elimination of five hundred inbound missiles. As a result he was awarded the Order of the Rising Sun with Silver Rays. In 1975, he was promoted to Kaigun-Shōshō and assigned to the Osaka Area Fleet, his first administrative command. Finally, on March 1st 1978, Kaigun-Shōshō Kurosawa was informed that he had been given the great honour of commanding the Kido Butai from the flag bridge of the Yamato.

The Main Force of the Kido Butai is responsible for direct combat and has is almost doubled in size from previous operations, with the addition of four heavy cruisers and both Yamato class battleships. Once again, it is under the command of Kaigun-Taisa Sakubara Kogo, although instead of his beloved heavy cruiser Takao, which he has captained for five years and declined promotion twice during that time, he will command the Main Force from the 72,000-ton battleship Musashi – a prize that finally tempted Kaigun-Taisa away from Takao.

The Carrier Striking Force, now with four 54,000-ton Taihō class carriers and two smaller 36,000-ton Akagi class, is under the command of Kaigun-Taisa Fujimoto Kinhira, a position he has held intermittently since 1970 when he took command of the Taihō after serving as executive officer on the Shokaku. The promotion proved doubly fortunate as the Shokaku remains the only carrier lost on combat operations. Kaigun-Taisa Fujimoto commanded the entire Kido Butai during the Takahama operation, during which fifty-six fighters were lost due to the Zuijin focusing their light missile fire on the fighter screen. Since he took command of the Taiho, its strikegroup has destroyed almost two and a half thousand missiles and destroyed 70,000 tons of warships.

For the first time, the Carrier Striking Force is assigned a permanent screen of light cruisers, with four Nagara III-Ro serving in that role initially. The two Kongo class battlecruisers, which protected the carrier striking force during the battles in the Scimitar system, have not been refitted, so they cannot maintain the 6400 km/s speed of the upgraded carriers. Instead, one battlecruiser is assigned to protect each of the other two forces. Kirishima will maintain guard over the Occupation Force and its five troop transports, containing the three divisions that finally conquered Scimitar Prime, plus two Xenoarchaeological regiments. Hiei is assigned to the Support Force, which comprises the new fleet support vessel Hayasui, two older replenishment ships, a tug, the salvage ships Kamakura Maru and Kasuga Maru and four Kansai Maru class freighters.

The captains of the two battlecruisers, Kaigun-Taisa Kido Hoshi and Kaigun-Taisa Suzuki Saya respectively, will be in command of the Occupation and Support forces. Kaigun-Taisa Kido began his career as a fighter pilot in 1962, flying an Mitsubishi A1M2 ‘Raiden’. In 1967 he was promoted to Kaigun-Chūsa and moved into the battle fleet. As with Kaigun-Shōshō Kurosawa, he served for a year as executive officer of the Kirishima, before being given his own command: the jump-capable light cruiser Kasagi. In 1970, he had the most exciting moments of his career during what became known as the Tarawa incident. Kasagi transited a newly discovered jump point in Xiamen space and found fifty thousand tons of Zuijin warships stationed on the jump point and already launching missiles. Instead of running or assigning point defence, Kaigun-Taisa Kido opened fire on the Zuijin with every available weapon. Despite being hit by eighty missiles and suffering massive armour damage, the Kasagi damaged one of the Zuijin ships and escaped through the jump point to Makin when her jump shock wore off. Since then, Kaigun-Taisa Kido has found it difficult to buy his own drinks. As a result of his actions, he was awarded the Order of the Sacred Treasure with Silver Rays. He returned to the Kirishima in 1972 as her commanding officer.

In comparison to some of the other force commanders, Kaigun-Taisa Suzuki Saya had had a relatively quiet career, except for two distinguishing characteristics. She is female and only twenty-six years old. She initially served as commander of an Aichi E3A scout craft, but her exceptional leadership skills were quickly noted and she received a swift promotion to Kaigun-Chūsa, serving as executive officer on the battleship Hyūga while Kaigun-Shōshō Kurosawa was in command. On his recommendation, she was assigned to command his old ship, the light cruiser Jintsu, which meant she missed the action in the Scimitar system by only three weeks. After an exemplary two years on the Jintsu, she took command of the Hiei, making her the only female commander of a capital ship, and one of the youngest Kaigun-Taisas in the Imperial Japanese Navy. Despite her impressive progress and the deep respect of her crew, she is still to be tested in combat.

There are twelve known Zuijin systems, three of which - Kolombangara, Kwajalein and Tarawa - are beyond the territory of the People’s Republic of Xiama and a fourth, Atlasov, is in Zharovian space. The initial contact system of Kagoshima lies between the Empire of Japan and the Sapporo aliens, so Daigensui-Kaigun-Taishō decides that will continue as a buffer system, at least for now. Of the seven remaining system, Ashikaga, Beta Hydri and Ōmagari have substantial Zuijin fleets between 350,000 and 450,000 tons while Takeda has an immense force close to a million tons. Matsuyama and Sakata both have all three orbital bases, plus a small fleet in the 50-60,000 -tons range. Finally, a Zuijin fleet of three destroyers and an escort cruiser destroyed the survey cruiser Usugumo near the entry jump point to the Kokura system, but the inner system forces are unknown.

Daigensui-Kaigun-Taishō designates Matsuyama as the first target. Lying two transits out from Osaka, Matsuyama  has one of the smallest Zuijin fleets and is the second closest to Earth, after Kokura, plus eliminating the Zuijin will provide a forward base for a subsequent attack on the much larger fleet in Ashikaga, three transits further out along the same chain of systems. Due to their much slower speed, the Support Force and Occupation force depart first and will arrive at the Shōbara - Matsuyama  jump point in fifty-five days.

12th May 1978
The Kido Butai arrives in Matsuyama, where the Main Force and the Carrier Striking Force refuel from the fleet support vessel Hayasui before heading in-system. The Support Force and the Occupation force remain at the Shōbara jump point, guarded by Kirishima and Hiei. Kenyo Maru and Toho Maru begin transferring their fuel to Hayasui so they can return home for resupply.

The Zuijin planet, the second of five orbiting the M2-V red dwarf primary, has a breathable atmosphere, but is a cold world, dominated by tundra and with small ice caps. The warships of the Kido Butai jump from the Lagrange point of the fifth planet to the third, placing them just under a hundred million from Matsuyama II, where they detect the Zuijin fleet. As expected, there are Terror, Vanquisher and Devastator class bases, plus a force of four Raptor class destroyers armed with particle beam and a pair of Avenger class escorts. The overwhelming might of the new Kido Butai should easily crush the Zuijin, but overconfidence resulted in the loss of the carrier Shokaku, so Kaigun-Shōshō Kurosawa is determined not to repeat past failures. The Main Force sets a course directly for the Zuijin force in orbit of Matsuyama II. The six carriers of the Striking Force hold position and launch their Mitsubishi A3M 'Hayabusa' fighters, which take up station a hundred thousand kilometres ahead of the Main Force.

The first wave of forty laser torpedoes from the Vanquisher missile base arrives with the Main Force still forty-three million kilometres from the planet. Kaigun-Taisa Sakubara is under orders from Kaigun-Shōshō Kurosawa to avoid wearing out his fleet’s weapon unless necessary, so he leaves the defence against this wave to the fighter screen. Only seven torpedoes survive to detonate and only two of those score hits, easily absorbed by the shields of the battleship Mutsu. The A3M ‘Hayabusa’ is twice as fast the A1M ‘Raiden’, which formed the majority of the fighter screen in previous engagements, and one third faster than the more recent A2M ‘Shinden’, making it far more effective in the point defence role.

The second wave is equally ineffective. A third wave of only thirty missiles bypasses the fighter screen and detonates at 65,000 km. The warships of the Main Force are not setup for point defence, except for the main armament of the Mutsu, Nagato and Takao, which shoot down eight missiles between them. Mutsu is struck by fifteen strength-3 laser torpedo hits. Even that momentary lapse is not critical, as her shields are still at eighty-seven percent. The source of the third wave was likely a squadron of Ghost class fast attack craft, which are known to use a different type of laser torpedo. A further five waves arrive every few minutes, none of which seriously threaten the Main Force.

As the fleet moves within two million kilometres of Matsuyama II, the fighters move into close formation with the battleships and heavy cruisers and await the onslaught of light missiles from the Devastator. At one point two million kilometres, the Devastator launches its first wave of ninety-one missiles. This is a noticeably shorter distance for the opening salvo than in previous engagements, and ensures that the Main Force cannot easily repeat its previous tactic of moving in and out of light missile range. As his force is much stronger now, Kaigun-Taisa Sakubara decides to press on toward the planet.

The Zuijin focus the first missile wave on the screen, perhaps to reduce the fleet’s point defence strength. Fifty-three missiles are shot down by the fighters. Three of the A3Ms suffer internal damage and drop out of formation. Six more suffer armour damage. Kaigun-Taisa Sakubara orders his ships to use their 12cm laser turrets to support the fighter screen, as consuming maintenance is cheaper than losing fighters. All the subsequent waves focus on the Mutsu, trying to wear down her shields. However, with the addition of the laser turrets, the number of hits scored from each wave is between five and ten, which is barely enough to beat the shield recharge rate of the battleship. The rate of closure is higher than in previous engagements, due to the 6400 km/s speed of the Main Force, and the bases opening fire at a shorter range than before, to prevent the Main Force from soaking up fire and retreating. By the time the fleet enters weapon range, it has faced only fifteen waves of light missiles and Mutsu’s shields are still at ninety-three percent.

At 296,000 km, the Main Force opens fire on the Devastator and Vanquisher, scoring fourteen strength-2 hits from 25cm lasers and three strength-4 hits from the 30cm lasers of Musashi. Yamato fires a few seconds later than the other battleships, inflicting six strength-4 hits, one of which penetrate the armour of the Devastator. The fleet halts at 245,000 km, remaining outside the range of the particle lances of the Raptor class destroyers and any surface-based batteries. Another wave of light missiles arrives, this time numbering only fifty-three, and inflicts three shields hits on the Yamato. Plainly, the single internal hit from Yamato did considerable damage to the Devastator. The Vanquisher launches a partial salvo of twenty-six laser torpedoes, which is not attacked by point defence, and achieves twelve strength-3 hits on Yamato. The battleship’s impressive shields are at ninety-four percent.

The Main Force fires again, inflicting multiple internal hits on the Devastator, which ceases fire. A third salvo blows it to pieces. The once feared Vanquisher and Devastator, at least when encountered alone, are no longer a match for the Kido Butai. The heavy cruisers continue firing on the Vanquisher, while the battleships engage the four Raptor class destroyers, causing them to charge and attack. The Kido Butai is now faster than the Zuijin ships and outranges them, but Kaigun-Taisa Sakubara decides to hold his position. The Main Force absorbs the particle beam hits on shields and returns fire on the Raptors as the range falls, rapidly destroying all four. From that point on, the battle is simply a massacre, as the main force wipes out the remaining Zuijin ships.

The Main Force moves closer to Matsuyama II and comes under fire from sixteen surface-based particle lances. Musashi takes two strength-18 shield hits. The fleet returns fire and quickly eliminates the STO weapons before they can fire again. A second lance battery opens fire at 90,000 km and is also swiftly wiped out. The Main Force moves into orbit of Matsuyama II after a textbook operation. The Zuijin defenders were simply outclassed and overwhelmed.  Once the planet is secured, the Kido Butai will continue down the chain to the significantly more difficult target of Ashikaga, defended by the second largest Zuijin fleet in known space.

15th May 1978
A Kawanishi H1K ‘Saiun’ patrol craft deploys a sensor buoy at the Zharov – Atlasov jump point, allowing the Empire of Japan to maintain a watch on the Zharov system, without causing a diplomatic incident. There is a fleet of twenty-two Zharovian ships on the jump point to the Zuijin-occupied Atlasov system, including seven encountered for the first time. Of far more immediate interest, is the increased number of wrecks at a location near the inner system, accompanied by a single life pod that suggests very recent combat. Given that the twenty-five wrecks are unknown types and all in the same location, Imperial Naval Intelligence concludes this is likely the location of a jump point through which a hostile, unknown alien race is attempting to attack the Zharov system.

The current survey focus near Zharovian territory is on Onekotan, which appears to be part of the Covenant of Velsharoon. Once the link between that system and known Covenant territory is established, the Imperial Navy will attempt to covertly survey the Zharov system and gain some sensor coverage of the events near the inner system.

25th May 1978
The Occupation Force of the Kido Butai unloads the 2nd Division, 3rd (Armoured) Division and 6th Division on the surface of Matsuyama II. The Zuijin ground force comprises approximately two and a half thousand robots and mechs of various types. After two days of intense combat, the Zuijin are annihilated, with the Imperial Army losing a thousand infantry and nine medium tanks. A subsequent survey of Matsuyama II discovers a ruined colony and, more importantly, vast deposits of accessible Duranium and Gallicite. While the Gallicite accessibility at 0.7 is not as high as Takamatsu II, there are almost nine million tons, which will supply the Empire of Japan for many decades, and the planet can support a population of over two billion. Terraforming will be required to increase the temperature and increase the hydro extent from twelve percent, but the atmosphere is already breathable. There is also scope for a ground survey that could reveal additional deposits.

Matsuyama II Survey Report
Duranium:   14,644,872   0.90
Neutronium:   25,826,724   0.10
Corbomite:   16,208,676   0.10
Tritanium:   18,404,100   0.10
Mercassium:   627,264   0.10
Vendarite:   28,579,716   1.00
Sorium:   39,312,900   0.20
Uridium:   15,681,600   0.10
Gallicite:   8,820,900   0.70

4th June 1978
After the Main Force and the Carrier Striking Force have been fully refuelled and resupplied by Hayasui, the warships of the Kido Butai break orbit of Matsuyama II and head for Ashikaga, with Hayasui following in their wake. Unfortunately, the Occupation Force cannot follow as its three Sagami Maru troop transports are not jump capable and the Empire of Japan does not possess a vessel with a jump drive large enough escort them. Now this oversight has come to life, it will be correctly as soon as possible. In the meantime, the salvage ships of the Support Force are recovering the wreckage of the Zuijin ships, under the watchful eyes of Hiei and Kirishima.

22nd June 1978
The two Xenoarchaeology Regiments from the Occupation Force complete their survey of the ruins on Matsuyama II and find seventy-six sites of interest.

9th July 1978
After refuelling once more from Hayasui at the entry jump point in Ashikaga, the Kido Butai heads in-system to confront the Zuijin fleet, two point five billion kilometres away in orbit of Ashikaga II. The known force, based on sensor contacts established by the survey cruiser Asakaze in December 1976, comprises eight orbital bases, including two Vanquishers and three Devastators, three 29,000 ton heavy cruisers, four ships of 19,000 tons and ten destroyers of approximately 9600 tons.

Zuijin ships detected by Asakaze in December 1976
3x Vengeance class Heavy Cruiser (armament unknown). 28,907 tons.
3x Terror class Orbital Defence Base (75 Railguns). 19,426 tons.
3x Devastator class Missile Defence Base (91 Light Missile Launchers). 19,228 tons.
2x Vanquisher class Orbital Missile Platform (40 Laser Torpedo Launchers). 19,405 tons
1x Ravager class Escort Cruiser (42 Light Missile Launchers). 19,287 tons.
3x Conqueror class Light Cruiser (9 Particle Lances). 19,164 tons.
2x Enforcer class Destroyer (armament unknown). 9,649 tons
4x Raptor class Destroyer (3 Particle Beams). 9,620 tons.
4x Avenger class Escort (16 Railguns). 9,622 tons
4x Ghost class FAC -  emissions contact only.

The Main Force and the Carrier Striking Force are still seven hundred and fifty million kilometres from Ashikaga II when they detect two Enforcer class ships entering sensor range. The armament of the Enforcer is unknown, but based on size it was previously classified as a destroyer by Imperial Naval Intelligence. When the two Zuijin ships retreat at 8700 km/s, they are reclassified as scouts.

Kaigun-Shōshō Kurosawa orders the launch of a dozen A3M2 ‘Hayabusa’ fighters, with orders to run down the Zuijin ships. It is not a straightforward task as the Enforcers are already one hundred and twenty-five million kilometres away and move out of shipboard sensor range within three hours. The A3Ms continue toward the planet and manage to reacquire contact after a further two hours, finding the Enforcers on a slightly divergent course. Five strafing runs are sufficient to destroy both ships.

10th July 1978
The Kido Butai halts eighty million kilometres from Ashikaga II. Active sensors confirm the same number and type of Zuijin ships reported by Asakaze. The Carrier Striking Force holds position and the six carriers launch their entire strikegroups. The two hundred and sixty-four A3M ‘Hayabusa’ fighters will screen the Main Force as it moves toward the planet, while the one hundred and forty-four carrier strike craft – a mix of B1N ‘Ryusei’ and B2N ‘Tenzan’ - will accompany the Main Force until they are close enough to launch their Rakurai-Ro anti-ship missiles.

Forty-five million kilometres from the planet, the Main Force detects an inbound wave of one hundred and fifty-eight laser torpedoes, each of which has multiple decoys. This will be a serious test for the Kido Butai, even with its improved point defence. All six battleship and eight heavy cruisers link their laser turrets to their long-range fire control systems, rather than the short-range point defence fire controls. While this reduces their tracking speed, it enables them to engage missile targets at over one hundred thousand kilometres. As the laser torpedoes draw closer, Kaigun-Shōshō Kurosawa notes in his log that the next generation of Imperial Navy designs should include a fire control that has both long range and high tracking speed, despite the increased size and cost of such a system.

Two and hundred and thirty-nine hits are registered by the Japanese point defence fire, although only sixty-four missiles are destroyed. Almost all the hits were by the fighter screen, positioned a hundred thousand kilometres ahead of the fleet, with the ship-mounted laser turrets accounting for just three. The remaining hits were on decoys. Ninety-four laser warheads detonate, inflicting thirty-four hits on Mutsu, dropping her shields by thirty percent and six on Nagato. The Main Force has endured the large salvo remarkably well, thanks to the defensive capabilities of the Mitsubishi A3M ‘Hayabusa, plus the increasing speed and electronic warfare capabilities of Japanese warships.

The second and third wave of laser torpedoes achieve similar results. A fourth wave of sixty torpedoes, arriving less than a minute after the third and almost certainly launched by a group of twenty Ghost fast attack craft, detonates at sixty thousand kilometres, bypassing the fighter screen, and scores sixteen hits on Hyūga. The fifth wave, once again a hundred and fifty-eight laser torpedoes, unexpectedly closes to 82,500 km before detonating. Fortunately, that is still within range of the fighters’ cannon but their accuracy is reduced. Fifty-eight torpedoes strike Nagato and Hyūga and their damage is increased to strength-4 due to the reduced range. Nagato’s shields are down to almost half strength. If the attack had been focused on one of the heavy cruisers, the damage would have been considerable. Somehow, the Zuijin have modified their torpedoes to detonate at varying ranges. Kaigun-Shōshō Kurosawa orders the fighters to drop to 90,000 km ahead of the Main Force.

The sixth wave detonates at 105,000 km, closer to the fighter screen. There is sufficient time between waves for the battleships’ shields to recharge, so thirty-six hits on Mutsu only reduces her shields by a third. Wave seven reaches 65,000 km before detonating and achieves fifty strength-5 hits. The previous generation of Imperial Navy warships would be in serious trouble at this point. However, third generation missile jammers are very likely reducing the accuracy of the Zuijin torpedoes, as Zuijin wreckage has contained only second generation ECCM, while the introduction of magneto-plasma drives has made the Japanese warships harder to hit.

Kaigun-Taisa Sakubara orders his ships to transfer their laser turrets from long-range to fast-tracking fire controls. This will prevent them from targeting the inbound torpedoes at long-range, but considerably improves their accuracy at short-range, where the torpedoes are more dangerous and the fighters are less effective. Wave eight detonates at 80,000 km, close to the fighter screen, and drops Mutsu’s shields to half strength. There is no ninth wave. Despite several concerning moments, the Main Force appears to have come through the laser torpedo envelope unscathed.

The three Devastator class bases and the single Ravager class escort cruiser can generates waves of over three hundred light missiles every ten seconds, which is a frightening prospect. Therefore, Kaigun-Shōshō Kurosawa authorises a strike against the Devastators by the one hundred and forty-four strike craft accompanying the Main Force. Ninety-six Rakurai-Ro anti-ship missiles are targeted on each base. As the Rakurai close on their targets at 31,250 km/s, they are intercepted by wave after wave of light missiles. Almost three hundred and fifty strength-1 detonations are recorded by Japanese sensors, along with a hundred energy weapon impacts at point-blank range. Even with all that defensive firepower, only eighty-two Rakurai are destroyed. A further one hundred and eight are distracted by decoys launched by the three bases.

The surviving missiles reach their targets and detonate their strength-12 warheads. One Devastator is completely destroyed. The other two suffer eight and fifteen internal hits respectively. While the missile strike is a success, the Kido Butai just expended enough wealth and resources to build a heavy cruiser. The B1N ‘Ryusei’ and B2N ‘Tenzan’ strike craft head back to their carriers to reload, while the Main Force advances on the planet with the A3M ‘Hayabusa’ fighters in close formation. A wave of eighty laser torpedoes, presumably from a partial reload, is fired soon after the strike, but achieves only seventeen shield hits.

At one point two million kilometres, the fleet is attacked by a wave of one hundred and fifty-five light missiles, which is targeted on the fighter screen. Almost a hundred are shot down, but the remainder destroy two fighters, disable three more and inflict armour damage on nine others. The follow-up waves are just forty-two missiles each, presumably from the Ravager escort cruiser, and are easily handled by the Main Force’s defences. The most likely explanation is that the two damaged Devastators lost their magazines in the missile strike and could only use the missiles already loaded into their remaining undamaged launchers.

The fleet closes to 245,000 km, just outside Zuijin particle lance range, and focuses fire on the Ravager, which is quickly destroyed. After eliminating the damaged Devastators, Japanese attention turns to the three Conqueror class light cruisers and four Raptor class destroyers, all of which are armed with particle lances. As they start to take hits, they charge the Main Force, scoring several long-range hits on Yamato with particle lances but not seriously troubling the battleship’s shields. They do not get chance to fire again. Within thirty seconds, all seven ships are obliterated by a hail of laser fire. The once-feared particle lances are no longer a major threat, as they are out-ranged by Japanese lasers and the Zuijin ships mounting the weapons are too slow to close the range unless the Imperial Navy allows it. Even those that do hit are absorbed by shields, rather than penetrating armour.

The Main Force of the Kido Butai systematically wipes out every remaining Zuijin ship and base. The four Avenger class escorts attempt to close and even the missile-armed Vengeance class heavy cruisers break orbit, possibly in an attempt to ram, but the firepower of over half a million tons of Imperial Navy battleships and heavy cruisers is overwhelming. The Zuijin ships are blown to pieces.

With orbital space filled only by wreckage, the Main Force closes to within particle lance range of the planet. Forty-eight surface-based particle lances, three times the normal amount, open fire and score eight strength-18 hits on Musashi. Her powerful shields are still at seventy-five percent. The fleet returns fire and wipes out the particle lances in less than two minutes. Yamato and Musashi close on the planet, checking for the existence of a second, shorter-ranged battery. Twenty-four additional particle lances fire at 90,000 km, targeting Musashi once more, with similar results. The new battery is swiftly eliminated by a second surface bombardment.

The swift elimination of two different Zuijin fleets in the same operation is a significant victory for the Imperial Japanese Navy, especially given the size of the fleet in Ashikaga, and bodes well for the clearance of the remaining Zuijin-held systems. Although only two fighters have been lost, two hundred and eighty-eight anti-ship missiles were expended and almost a hundred million litres of fuel will have been consumed by the time the Kido Butai returns to Earth. Those numbers are not sustainable over the long-term unless both ordnance and fuel production are increased. Except for two light cruisers left in orbit of Ashikaga to protect salvage operations, the Main Force and the Carrier Striking Force move to the Waisei Yon jump point, where they await the arrival of replenishment ships before setting course for home. The Occupation Force will remain in orbit of the recently conquered Matsuyama II, until the jump points between Matsuyama and Ashikaga can be stabilised.

30th September 1978
The Kido Butai returns to Earth, except for Yamato and Musashi which remain in Matsuyama awaiting the arrival of an additional replenishment ship. After refuelling, there are only thirty million litres of fuel remaining in the Earth-based stockpile. A further thirty million litres remain on the Scimitaran home world and over a hundred million litres are stored at the rapidly-growing Japanese colony on the first moon of Scimitar II, known as the Scimitar Naval Base. All forty-four Imperial Navy fuel harvesters are in orbit of Scimitar I, having been transferred from Neptune. The captured Scimitaran Goshawk class tanker is on a continuous cycle between the fuel harvesters and the naval base, building up a stockpile that can be transferred to Earth.

There are other fuel depots throughout the Empire of Japan, with twenty million litres on New Osaka, twenty-five million at the Truk Naval Base and fifteen million litres each at Fiji and Takamatsu. In total, the amount of fuel stored at colonies is three hundred million litres. However, five of the nine replenishment ships currently in service, including Hayasui, are currently empty and two more are at forty percent fuel. Another seventy million litres will be required to refuel them. There are currently ninety freighters and sixty-two colony ships of less than 50,000 tons and twenty-one freighters and six colony ships of 230,000 tons, with a combined total fuel storage of one hundred and forty-three million tons. Most of these ships are currently in transit and have less then maximum fuel. In short, while the Empire of Japan appears to have a reasonable fuel stockpile, it is being consumed rapidly and is only sufficient to fill seventy-five percent of the fuel capacity of the entire fleet, excluding fuel harvesters.

The Main Force and the Carrier Striking Force require approximately two point five million litres of fuel for every billion kilometres travelled, so maintaining the campaign against the Zuijin with current force levels is going to make the situation worse, especially against more distant targets. Either the current use of freighters and colony ships is curtailed, which does not make economic sense given the large number of installations still on the surface of Scimitar Prime and the recent discovery of vast Duranium and Gallicite deposits on Matsuyama II, or the deployment of the Kido Butai will have to be managed around available fuel supplies.

Offline Steve Walmsley (OP)

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Re: Empire of the Stars - Updates Thread
« Reply #17 on: July 30, 2024, 11:07:50 AM »
14th October 1978
An Aichi E2A scout with a volunteer crew is dispatched to the Zuijin-held Kagoshima to check if the Tsushima jump point is now clear. Several such reconnaissance missions have been mounted over the last few years and all have ended badly for the scout crews. On this occasion, the scout transits into Kagoshima system without incident and finds there are several new wrecks, four of which are on the Sapporo jump point, with two closer to the inner system. Five of the six are known designs of the Sapporo aliens, based on previous detections by a sensor buoy on the Sapporo – Kagoshima jump point. A Kawanishi H1K ‘Saiun’ is dispatched to Kagoshima to emplace a sensor buoy on the Tsushima jump point.

19th October 1978
Earth is out of fuel. A combination of refuelling replenishment ships and commercial vessels, plus new freighter construction, has exhausted the remaining stockpile. The replenishment ships currently at Earth will unload their fuel for emergency use.

30th October 1978
The situation on Scimitar Prime is now relatively stable, with the population productivity at sixty percent of normal. Nine Kempeitai Occupation Forces are on the moon, along with two full Imperial Army divisions. One hundred and seventy-four labour camps have been constructed, forty-three of which are construction camps.

16th November 1978
The survey cruiser Harukaze discovers a jump point in Onekotan, a system on the far side of Zharovian territory that has ships and small colonies from the Covenant of Velsharoon. An E2A scout from Harukaze probes the stable jump point and emerges in the Covenant home system of Velsharoon. Zharovian ships have been detected in Onekotan, so this is an active border between the Covenant and the Followers. It will be interesting to see how that situation develops, given the proximity to the Velsharoon home world. The Covenant also has borders with the People’s Republic of Xiama and the Empire of Japan, with the latter located at the Palau – Truk jump point.

21st November 1978
The survey cruiser Shirakumo completes a survey of Ashikaga II and discovers a deserted but intact colony on the surface. Apart from ground forces and minimal installations to support the orbital fleet, this is the first time that anything other than a ruin has been found on the surface of a Zuijin planet, which probably explains the size of the defending force. There is also an ancient construct on the surface, the fourth such object to be discovered so far. Detailed analysis by Imperial Naval Intelligence has revealed that the constructs are much older than the remains of the Zuijin colonies and were most likely built by an even earlier civilization. Japanese research colonies have been established at the construct sites on Takahama-B II and Osaka-B I, with eight research facilities in operation at each colony, so it seems likely the Zuijin established their own settlements at the sites for similar reasons. A surface survey of the Zuijin colony and the construct will not be possible until the Zuijin ground forces, with a signature of 40,000 tons, have been removed.  A ground invasion will take place once the necessary jump points have been stabilised.

25th January 1979
Koshu Maru, a stabilisation ship is midway through stabilising the jump point from Kokura, a Zuijin system where the survey cruiser Usugumo was destroyed, to the adjacent system of Uchigō. This preparation is to avoid any further issues with the Sagami Maru class troop transports being too large for the jump drives of the Chitose class tenders. There is still no confirmation of the total forces in this system, as Usugumo was destroyed close to the jump point by a Ravager class escort cruiser and three destroyers.

Unfortunately, Koshu Maru draws the attention of the Zuijin and detects the approach of three Conqueror class light cruisers and a pair of Vengeance class missile cruisers. Plainly, Kokura is home to a more significant Zuijin fleet than the previous encounter suggested. Koshu Maru cannot run, because she has no jump drive and her work is not complete. Her crew can only watch as the thermal signatures from an inbound salvo of twenty-six Zuijin laser torpedoes close on the jump point. They detonate at just 53,000 km, generating numerous strength-6 hits that completely destroy the ship.

4th February 1979
A ground survey of Matsuyama II increases the accessibility of Duranium and Neutronium to 1.0 and 0.2  respectively and reveals four million tons of Mercassium, albeit at minimal accessibility. A colony of four million has already been established on the planet and terraforming operations are underway.

Matsuyama II Survey Report
Duranium:   14,644,868   1.00
Neutronium:   25,826,723   0.20
Corbomite:   16,208,676   0.10
Tritanium:   18,404,100   0.10
Mercassium:   4,460,544   0.10
Vendarite:   28,579,711   1.00
Sorium:   39,312,899   0.20
Uridium:   15,681,600   0.10
Gallicite:   8,820,897   0.70

12th February 1979
A survey of the Fomalhaut system, four transits from Sol via Bernard’s Star, Tamba and Shibetsu, reveals a total of nine jump points, a record for a single system. Fomalhaut also has almost five hundred asteroids, many of which are potential sites for small mining colonies, orbital mining or civilian outposts. One of the asteroids, less than a thousand kilometres in diameter, has sufficient gravity for humans, so a small base will be established to aid future expansion in the system.

14th February 1979
The first pair of Yasukuni Maru class troop transports are completed in Earth orbit. This is a larger vessel than the Sagami Maru, albeit with the same troop capacity, and is designed for rapid troop deployment using its drop bays. This will allow the Imperial Navy to deploy multiple waves to a planet more quickly than before.

Yasukuni Maru class Troop Transport     214,507 tons     1,148 Crew      6,285 BP      TCS 4,290    TH 10,752    EM 0
2506 km/s      Armour 1-319       Shields 0-0       HTK 342      Sensors 8/8/0/0      DCR 1-0      PPV 0
MSP 18    Max Repair 800 MSP
Troop Capacity 100,000 tons     Drop Capable    Cargo Shuttle Multiplier 20   
Kaigun-Shōsa    Control Rating 1   BRG   
Intended Deployment Time: 3 months   

Koga-Murakama KC-384-B Magneto-plasma Drive (28)    Power 10752    Fuel Use 2.48%    Signature 384    Exp 4%
Fuel Capacity 2,000,000 Litres    Range 67.7 billion km (312 days at full power)

Type 25 Go-13B Navigation Sensor (1)     GPS 1920     Range 31.5m km    Resolution 120
Type 26 Go-63B Passive Sensor (1)     Sensitivity 8     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  22.4m km
Type 33 Go-53C Passive Sensor (1)     Sensitivity 8     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  22.4m km

18th March 1979
Hoshi Maru and Hikari Maru are launched from the Kotara Graving Dock orbital shipyard. The 22,246-ton ships are jump tenders equipped with the new Komatsu KMC-2400-B jump drive, which has sufficient capacity to allow commercial-engined ships of up to 240,000 tons to transits. Hikari Maru is immediately dispatched to Matsuyama to rendezvous with the Occupation Force of the Kido Butai.

Hoshi Maru class Jump Tender      22,436 tons       185 Crew       996.3 BP       TCS 449    TH 1,536    EM 0
3423 km/s    JR 3-50(C)      Armour 1-70       Shields 0-0       HTK 46      Sensors 8/11/0/0      DCR 1-0      PPV 0
MSP 27    Max Repair 480 MSP
Kaigun-Chūsa    Control Rating 1   BRG   
Intended Deployment Time: 3 months   

Komatsu KMC-2400-B Jump Drive     Max Ship Size 240000 tons    Distance 50k km     Squadron Size 3
Koga-Murakama KC-384-B Magneto-plasma Drive (4)    Power 1536    Fuel Use 2.48%    Signature 384    Exp 4%
Fuel Capacity 500,000 Litres    Range 161.8 billion km (547 days at full power)

Type 35 Go-13D Navigation Sensor (1)     GPS 2520     Range 42.3m km    Resolution 120
Type 33 Go-53C Passive Sensor (1)     Sensitivity 8     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  22.4m km
Type 35 Go-63C Passive Sensor (1)     Sensitivity 11     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  26.2m km

21st March 1979
The sensor buoy deployed in the Zharov system detects numerous weapon impacts near the location of the existing wrecks. There are twenty-five wrecks in the same location, all of unknown type, totalling over a million tons. Separately, there is a single wreck of an Incheon class ship of the Wokou Raiders. Imperial Naval Intelligence requests that additional intelligence gathering assets be deployed to the Zharov system, as close as possible to the location of the wrecks.

29th March 1979
On the edge of known space, seven transits from Sol in the Amateratsu system, a small Zuijin ruin was discovered several months ago, without any guardian fleet. The troop transport Kaimei Maru brought a Xenoarchaeological regiment to investigate and has remained in orbit while the survey was conducted. Kaimei Maru detects thermal emissions from an Incheon class raider and attempts to run, to no avail. The raider rapidly closes the range and destroys the transport in a hail of railgun fire. A second transport, Sakito Maru, left the planet only a day earlier carrying a geosurvey regiment. As she heads to the jump point, Sakito Maru observes the life pods disappearing. After a couple of weeks, the wreck vanishes too. Apparently, the Wokou raiders have salvage vessels.

10th April 1979
The survey cruiser Amagiri transits an unexplored jump point in Fomalhaut and discovers the Kashima system, comprising an orange K5-V primary and a single barren world with a surface temperature of a thousand degrees. Approximately a billion kilometres from the primary, and a similar distance from the jump point, is a strange phenomenon, appearing as a great rift in space ten million kilometres in diameter. There is nothing else like it in known space. Daigensui-Kaigun-Taishō Takagi raises the priority of the planned outpost in Fomalhaut as he wishes to maintain an observation of the rift.

11th April 1979
As the Zuijin have ignored the Aichi E2A scout deployed on the Kagoshima - Tsushima jump point, and the Zuijin planet is on the far side of the primary, four further Imperial Navy ships have entered the Kagoshima system. A diplomatic ship, escorted by a jump tender, is moving in a wide circle around the inner system in an attempt to reach Sapporo and make contact with the aliens encountered in that system. Meanwhile, the salvage ship Kimikawa Maru and a Kansai-Ha class freighters have already salvaged their counterparts lost during a previous incursion and one of the Sapporo alien ships, designated as Pasht class. The recovered components include geological survey sensors, an EM sensor comparable to current Japanese technology and a thermal sensor that is one generation ahead.

2nd May 1979
A Kyushu M1W 'Shiragiku' geosurvey craft is conducting a survey of Moriguchi, seven transits from Sol in an area of space known as the Koga Chain – a group of twenty systems beyond Proxima’s second jump point. The 1000-ton survey craft is closing on Moriguchi I, a superjovian with ten moons, when it detects active emissions from numerous alien ships of a previously unknown race. It takes only moment for the tactical computer on the M1W to classify the ships as biological, similar in general form to the Mizuchi, but different enough to be classified as a new species.

Three different ship types are initially identified. Twelve Orchids, seven designated as Huntsman class and a single Crab Spider. Two of the Orchids head directly for the M1W 'Shiragiku' at the disturbing speed of 14,385 km/s, Even the fastest Mizuchi ship only had a speed of 8800 km/s. The M1W reverses course and runs, but it is designed for long-range survey, not speed. As the Orchids move within active sensor range, a further seven ships are identified in the same group - three Tarantulas and four Wolf Spiders, all of which are 834 tons. The Orchid is 667 tons. The Wolf Spiders open fire from 200,000 with the same acid-laser weapons as the Mizuchi. They are joined at 70,000 km by the Tarantulas, firing microwave weapons. The small survey ship has no chance and is quickly destroyed.

This new, apparently higher technology, species of the Mizuchi is designated as the Mizuchi-Ro. They are not an immediate threat, as there are no Imperial colonies in the Koga Chain and the only route to Earth passes through Beta Hydri, which is occupied by a sizeable Zuijin fleet of 375,000 tons, including eight orbital bases. Even so, that threat may grow, so Daigensui-Kaigun-Taishō Takagi adds yet another high priority task for the Imperial Japanese Navy; assess the capabilities of the Mizuchi-Ro, identify a suitable place to attack them and establish the necessary basing facilities and logistical support for that attack.

8th May 1979
A Hosho class diplomatic ship transits from Kagoshima into Sapporo, with the aid of Kamoi, a jump tender. There are no ships of the Sapporo aliens within sensor range. Kamoi will move to the only outward jump point, which leads to a black hole, in an effort to locate them.

10th May 1979
The People’s Republic of Xiama enters Truk for the first time from Palau, which lies in Covenant space. After a request to leave, they accept Imperial sovereignty over Truk. Both the Xiamen and the Covenant have recently expressed a desire for friendly relations and a trade agreement. While the Empire of Japan is not yet prepared to issue a declaration of friendship to any alien race, it has agreed to trade relations. Trading will improve intelligence on both Empires, helping to prepare the ground for an eventual invasion.

1st June 1979
After entering the system with the assistance of the new jump tender Hikari Maru, the Occupation Force of the Kido Butai unloads the 2nd Division, 3rd (Armoured) Division and 6th Division on the surface of Ashikaga II. The battle is extremely fierce, with more defending Zuijin robots and mechs than in any previous engagement. Almost two thousand infantry and fifty tanks are lost within the first eight hours. By end of the first day, that total has reached five thousand and one hundred and fifty respectively, including sixty Ju-I heavy tanks. Two regiments are so badly mauled, they are broken up to provide replacement for other units. In response, a thousand Zuijin warrior bots and a hundred and seventy of the larger Mechs have been destroyed by Japanese forces. For the veterans of the Imperial Army, the combat is reminiscent of the worst days of the invasion of Scimitar Prime.

June 2nd 1979
On the second day of the invasion, the Imperial Army loses another seven thousand infantry. Armoured losses are lighter at sixty-two tanks, including fourteen Ju-I. More regiments are broken up and the force is consolidated into two divisions, with a comparable drop in overall strength. Zuijin losses are estimated at nine hundred bots and a hundred mechs, with perhaps forty percent losses overall.

June 4th 1979
By the fourth day, Imperial Army losses have finally started to ease, although fighting strength has been reduced to approximately half of the initial invasion force. The Zuijin are stubbornly, but steadily, retreating, with Imperial armoured formations achieving local breakthroughs.

9th June 1979
The Jyūrokujō-Kyokujitsu-ki is raised over Ashikaga II. Every last Zuijin mech has been hunted down and destroyed, allowing three Xenoarchaeology regiments to land and begin work on the ruins and the dormant construct. Casualties among the Imperial Army units were extremely heavy. The remnants of the engaged regiments have been formed into a new, slightly-oversized division, designated as the ‘Scimitar Division’ and comprising what remains of the eight Imperial Army Divisions that conquered Scimitar Prime, Matsuyama II and now Ashikaga II. The soldiers of the Scimitar Division are the only survivors from every Imperial Army unit trained before 1975.

Since 1975, a new divisional structure has been used, comprising three infantry regiments and a single heavy tank regiment. The infantrymen have been equipped with powered armour and upgraded rifles, while the anti-tank guns and light howitzers were replaced by additional machine guns, giving a regimental strength of 3600 infantry, 360 machine guns and 180 supply sections, plus the regimental HQ. The 1975-model tank regiment comprises one hundred and twenty Ju-Ro heavy tanks, with a larger calibre cannon than the Ju-I, plus eighty supply sections and a Chi-Ha command tank.

In 1976, the development of laminate composite armour resulted in a new round of upgrades and the deployment of the 1976-model division, which had the same structure but with updated armour for the infantry units and the introduction of the Ju-Ha heavy tank. Two 1975-model divisions have been trained, and are currently based on Scimitar Prime, while a single 1976-model division is on Earth. A second 1976-model division is currently being trained. This new-model Imperial Army will fight the majority of future battles, although given the success of the Ju series heavy tank, an even heavier design is planned.

Due to its history and composition, the Scimitar Division has been given a unique organization. All two hundred and twenty-one remaining Ju-I heavy tanks have been assigned to the 1st Heavy Tank Brigade. The surviving medium and light tanks, comprising four hundred and thirty-five Chi-Ro and Chi-Ha battle tanks and five hundred and fifty Ke-Ro and Ke-Ha light tanks, have been grouped into the 1st and 2nd Cavalry Brigades, with the older model tanks in the 1st Brigade. Finally, the four and a half thousand infantry, plus nineteen 72mm anti-tank guns, form the Scimitar Infantry Regiment. With the divisional assets, that creates a force requiring a transport capacity of 110,000 tons, about 12,000 tons more than the new model divisions and with a much higher density of armour, albeit with less capable designs.

9th July 1979
Study of the ancient construct on Ashikaga II suggests it will improve power and propulsion research conducted at the colony by up to thirty percent.

14th July 1979
The sensor buoy in the Zharov system detects over a hundred energy weapon impacts near the wreckage field, about forty percent of which are strength-10. A new wreck appears, along with life pods. Weapon fire continues with strength-1 impacts for another ten seconds, before another wreck appears and the fighting ceases. There is still no clue as to the identity of the hostile race attempting to enter Zharov.

16th September 1979
The recently emplaced sensor buoys in Kagoshima detect explosions and energy weapon impacts in deep space, over a hundred and fifty billion kilometres from the star, followed by the appearance of a wreck of a Bastet class from the Sapporo aliens. Imperial Naval Intelligence can only theorise what has happened. The Bastet class is capable of 6,865 km/s, based on the recent observation of a ship entering Sapporo, although that cannot be the same ship that was destroyed, given the time elapsed. Assuming the Bastet ran and the Zuijin pursued, despite not being fast enough to catch, it may eventually have run out of fuel, or failed to detect the Zuijin before they launched. The cause will likely remain a mystery, but it shows the determination of the Zuijin when they detect an intruder and likely explains why recent Imperial Navy activity in Kagoshima has proceeded without incident. The salvage ship Kimikawa Maru has now returned to Earth after salvaging several wrecks from the Sapporo aliens, albeit without learning anything of consequence.

The brief engagement also means that a Zuijin force is in deep space and will take approximately ten months to return to the inner system. If the Kido Butai wishes to move against Kagoshima, there will never be a better time. However, Daigensui-Kaigun-Taishō Takagi has been using the Zuijin as a buffer against the Sapporo aliens while the Imperial Navy focuses on building up the colony in Matsuyama, establishing a base in Fomalhaut, exploiting the ruins in Ashikaga - once they have been surveyed - and increasing the size of the research colonies in Osaka and Takahama, not to mention survey and reconnaissance operations in Zharovian and Covenant space and protecting all the existing colonies. Setting up and defending another colony in Kagoshima, in order to claim the system before the Sapporo aliens could exploit it, would further stretch the Imperial Navy’s limited resources.

In any event, the Occupation Force is still in Matsuyama awaiting a replenishment ship, so an invasion cannot be mounted until the troop transports return to Earth. Takagi decides to reassess the situation once all the necessary assets are available. In the meantime, the Imperial Navy will take advantage of the Zuijin’s distraction to send one or more survey cruisers into Sapporo and beyond in an attempt to find the home world of the Sapporo aliens.

21st September 1979
The Taihō II-Ro class carriers Shinyō and Unryū are completed by the Yokosuka Dockyards in Earth orbit. There are now six Taiho-series carriers in the Imperial Japanese Navy, along with seven Akagi III class. Shinyō and Unryū will replace the two Akagi class carriers currently assigned to the Kido Butai, making them available for general operations. Each new carrier has a Kōkūtai (strikegroup) of thirty-six Nakajima B2N2 'Tenzan’ class strike craft, thirty-six Mitsubishi A3M2 'Hayabusa' class fighters and two Aichi E2A class scouts.

19th December 1979
The survey cruiser Minekaze enters Kagoshima, taking advantage of the Zuijin absence from the jump point, to cross the system and join Shirayuki  in surveying the black hole beyond Sapporo. As she travel, Minekaze launches a Shusei reconnaissance drone to check on Kagoshima III. Compared to the initial contact, three destroyers and a Ravager class escort cruiser are missing, which are probably the ships involved in the recent distant conflict, but almost three hundred thousand tons of ships and bases remain in orbit.

« Last Edit: July 30, 2024, 11:28:25 AM by Steve Walmsley »

Offline Steve Walmsley (OP)

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Re: Empire of the Stars - Updates Thread
« Reply #18 on: July 31, 2024, 06:13:11 AM »
Map of the Empire - 3rd January 1980

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Offline Steve Walmsley (OP)

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Re: Empire of the Stars - Updates Thread
« Reply #19 on: July 31, 2024, 07:58:18 AM »
In January 1980, twenty years after the Empire first ventured into space, known space extends to one hundred and ninety-five systems, including the territory currently occupied by the Zuijin, the People’s Republic of Xiama, the Followers of Zharov, the Covenant of Velsharoon, the Sapporo aliens and the Mizuchi-Ro. The total population of the Empire is two point eight billion humans, plus one point three billion Scimitarans, spread across twenty inhabited planets, moons and asteroids. A hundred and thirty-two research facilities are in operation, along with seven thousand mines and factories of various types and over eight hundred labour camps. The current distribution of industrial and mining operations is not ideally suited to the needs of the Empire, so a considerable transportation operation is underway to remedy that problem.

The Imperial Japanese Navy has never been stronger, with thirteen carriers, six battleships, two battlecruisers, eight heavy cruisers, thirty-one light cruisers and almost twelve hundred combat craft. They are supported by sixteen survey cruisers, fourteen troop transports, two hundred commercial-engined ships of various types and over a hundred orbital stations. Seventeen light cruisers are stationed outside the Sol system, guarding various colonies. A detailed breakdown of the colonies of the Empire of Japan and the ships of the Imperial Japanese Navy is shown below.

Population: 2.38 billion
Naval Shipyard Capacity: 573,928 tons
Commercial Shipyard Capacity: 3,427,600 tons
Repair Yard Capacity: 162,000 tons
Maintenance Capacity: 1,792,000 tons
Research Facility: 111
Ground Force Construction Complex: 21
Construction Factory: 1893
Fighter Factory: 551
Ordnance Factory: 424
Mines: 292
Automated Mine: 50
Financial Centre: 220

Earth Survey Report
Duranium:   25,116   0.23
Vendarite:   36,495   0.25
Sorium:   41,409   0.27
Corundium:   131,220   0.39

Population: 21.5m
Financial Centre: 192

Population: 8.48m

Scimitar Prime
Population: 1.27 billion (Scimitaran)
Naval Shipyard Capacity: 2,000 tons
Commercial Shipyard Capacity: 260,000 tons
Repair Yard Capacity: 35,265 tons
Maintenance Capacity: 248,400 tons
Construction Factory: 420
Ordnance Factory: 239
Mine: 772
Fuel Refinery: 622
Financial Centre: 434
Forced Labour Construction Camp: 125
Forced Labour Mining Camp: 230
Note: 60% production

Scimitar Prime Survey Report
Duranium:   1,295,437   1.00
Neutronium:   125,041   0.78
Corbomite:   344,546   0.70
Tritanium:   320,182   0.60
Boronide:   203,055   0.40
Mercassium:   81,425   0.55
Vendarite:   596,482   0.60
Sorium:   291,960   0.80
Uridium:   137,355   0.40
Corundium:   96,018   0.50
Gallicite:   118,878   0.81

Scimitar Naval Base
Population: 65.6m
Maintenance Capacity: 88,000 tons
Financial Centre: 572

Scimitar II - Moon 3
Automated Mine: 115

Scimitar II - Moon 3 Survey Report
Uridium:   44,597   0.91
Gallicite:   35,255   0.77

New Osaka:
Population: 88m
Maintenance Capacity: 80,000 tons
Construction Factory: 180
Forced Labour Construction Camp: 15
Forced Labour Mining Camp: 459
Mine: 350
Automated Mine: 60
Fuel Refinery: 29

New Osaka Survey Report
Duranium:   646,721   0.90
Neutronium:   122,274   0.58
Corbomite:   97,795   0.47
Tritanium:   31,732   0.33
Boronide:   322,847   0.60
Mercassium:   53,432   0.45
Vendarite:   433,205   0.70
Sorium:   356,105   0.70
Uridium:   285,089   0.50
Corundium:   22,800   0.30
Gallicite:   73,935   0.37

Osaka-B I
Population: 25.3m
Research Facility: 12

Takamatsu II
Population: 60.3m
Maintenance Capacity: 82,000 tons
Construction Factory: 40
Mine: 500
Automated Mine: 265

Takamatsu II Survey Report
Duranium:   1,462,360   0.80
Neutronium:   205,255   0.90
Tritanium:   227,160   0.80
Mercassium:   174,365   0.70
Vendarite:   411,270   0.60
Uridium:   156,070   0.60
Gallicite:   805,255   0.90

Takamatsu III - Moon 6
Population: 17.7m
Mine: 60

Takamatsu III - Moon 6 Survey Report
Duranium:   791,899   0.80
Tritanium:   389   0.37
Boronide:   383,503   0.90
Vendarite:   570,111   0.60
Corundium:   478,348   0.80
Gallicite:   491,379   0.60

Tsushima II
Population: 42.63m
Mine: 281

Tsushima II Survey Report
Duranium:   13,080,902   0.70
Neutronium:   12,956,243   0.10
Corbomite:   54,165,843   0.10
Tritanium:   3,093,843   0.10
Boronide:   28,725,843   0.10
Uridium:   44,085,843   0.10
Corundium:   22,274,643   0.10

Matsuyama II
Population: 23.6m
Maintenance Capacity: 88,000 tons
Mine: 248
Automated Mine: 74

Matsuyama II Survey Report
Duranium:   14,641,516   1.00
Neutronium:   25,826,053   0.20
Corbomite:   16,208,340   0.10
Tritanium:   18,403,764   0.10
Mercassium:   4,460,209   0.10
Vendarite:   28,576,360   1.00
Sorium:   39,312,229   0.20
Uridium:   15,681,264   0.10
Gallicite:   8,818,551   0.70

Takahama-B II
Population: 19.8m
Maintenance Capacity: 74,000 tons
Research Facility: 9

Truk Naval Base
Population: 18.67m
Maintenance Capacity: 178,000 tons
Financial Centre: 131

Fiji Naval Base
Population: 4.03m
Maintenance Capacity: 146,000 tons
Financial Centre: 23

Hadano Naval Base
Population: 3m
Maintenance Capacity: 92,000 tons
Financial Centre: 34

Comet #3 - Aomori
Automated Mine: 257

Comet #3 Survey Report
Duranium:   129,047   1.00
Tritanium:   15,662   0.44
Boronide:   443   0.13
Corundium:   11,041   0.40
Gallicite:   116,447   0.70

Minor Colonies
Sakura III: 3.0m
Sirius-A I: 2.9m
Kapteyn’s Star I: 2.6m
Draconis Naval Base: 1.4m

Imperial Japanese Navy

Taihō II-Ro class Carrier: Chūyō, Hiyō, Shinyō, Unryū
Taihō II class Carrier: Junyō, Taihō
Akagi III class Carrier: Akagi, Hiryu, Kaga, Ryujo, Soryu, Zuiho, Zuikaku

Capital Ships
Yamato class Battleship: Musashi, Yamato
Nagato II class Battleship: Hyūga, Ise, Mutsu, Nagato
Kongo II class Battlecruiser: Hiei, Kirishima

Takao II-Ro class Heavy Cruiser: Ashigara, Haguro, Myōkō, Nachi
Takao II class Heavy Cruiser: Atago, Chōkai, Maya, Takao
Nagara III-Ha class Light Cruiser: Jintsū, Kinu, Kiso, Kitakami, Naka
Nagara III-Ro class Light Cruiser: Nagara, Natori, Noshiro, Ōyodo, Sendai, Tama, Tatsuta, Tenryū, Yahagi, Yoshino, Yura
Nagara III class Light Cruiser: Abukuma, Agano, Isuzu, Kashii, Kashima, Kashiwara, Katori, Kuma, Niitaka, Niyodo, Sakawa
Kasagi class Light Cruiser: Itsukushima, Kasagi, Matsushima, Takasago

Survey Cruisers
Shimakaze class Survey Cruiser: Asakaze, Harukaze, Minekaze, Shimakaze, Yamakaze
Asagiri II class Survey Cruiser: Amagiri, Asagiri, Fubuki, Miyuki, Murakumo, Oboro, Sagiri, Shinonome, Shirakumo, Shirayuki, Yugiri

Fighters and Strike Craft – all numbers include variants
556x Mitsubishi A3M 'Hayabusa' class Fighter
234x Mitsubishi A2M 'Shinden' class Fighter
120x Mitsubishi A1M 'Raiden' class Fighter
144x Nakajima B2N 'Tenzan' class Carrier Strike
77x Nakajima B1N 'Ryūsei' class Carrier Strike
48x Mitsubishi G1M 'Donryu' class Long Range Strike
3x Nakajima J1N 'Toryu' class Interceptor

Utility Craft
26x Aichi E2A class Scout
4x Aichi E1A class Scout
2x Kawanishi H2K 'Seiku' class Long Range Patrol
2x Kawanishi H1K 'Saiun' class Long Range Patrol
4x Kyushu M1W 'Shiragiku' class Geological Survey Craft
1x Mitsubishi E2M 'Shiun' class Reconnaissance Craft

Troop Transports
2x Yasukuni Maru class Troop Transport
3x Sagami Maru class Troop Transport
9x Shinshu Maru class Troop Transport

18x Omurosan-Ro Maru class Freighter
6x Omurosan Maru class Freighter
36x Kansai-Ha Maru class Freighter
32x Kansai-Ro Maru class Freighter
30x Kansai Maru class Freighter

Colony Ships
4x Hikawa-Ro Maru class Colony Ship
2x Hikawa Maru class Colony Ship
12x Asama-Ha Maru class Colony Ship
30x Asama-Ro Maru class Colony Ship
20x Asama Maru class Colony Ship

Orbital Stations
15x Fukurokuju class Orbital Habitat
18x Okuninushi-Ro class Fuel Harvester
38x Okuninushi class Fuel Harvester
11x Yokosuka class Maintenance Base
42x Amateratsu class Terraforming Station

Support Ships
2x Shokai-Ha Maru class Tug
2x Shokai-Ro Maru class Tug
2x Shokai Maru class Tug
2x Eikai Maru class Tug

2x Hayasui class Fleet Support Vessel
2x Akatsuki-Ro Maru class Replenishment Ship
6x Akatsuki Maru class Replenishment Ship
1x Goshawk class Tanker

5x Koshu-Ro Maru class Stabilisation Ship
1x Koshu Maru class Stabilisation Ship
3x Kasashima-Ro class Salvager
2x Hoshi Maru class Jump Tender
6x Chitose class Jump Tender
2x Hosho II class Diplomatic Ship
2x Hosho class Diplomatic Ship

Offline Steve Walmsley (OP)

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Re: Empire of the Stars - Updates Thread
« Reply #20 on: August 08, 2024, 08:04:14 AM »
9th January 1980
A survey of the deserted colony on Ashikaga II identifies five hundred and seventy-six locations of interest, which is far more than at any previous Zuijin outpost. Recovery work begins immediately.

30th January 1980
Six F1M 'Kanmuri Tori' (Crowned Bird) Observer craft are completed in Earth orbit. They are designed to monitor alien populations without being detected, allowing the Empire of Japan to learn more about those alien races that are not immediately hostile. In addition to their small size, they have thermal suppression on their engines. Three F1Ms depart immediately, heading for the capital systems of the Covenant, the People’s Republic and the Followers, although the latter will require support from a replenishment ship due to the distance involved.

F1M 'Kanmuri Tori' class Observer      2,000 tons       55 Crew       456.7 BP       TCS 40    TH 34    EM 0
2400 km/s      Armour 1-14       Shields 0-0       HTK 20      Sensors 8/12/0/0      DCR 2-10      PPV 0
Maint Life 6.54 Years     MSP 285    AFR 16%    IFR 0.2%    1YR 11    5YR 172    Max Repair 120 MSP
Kaigun-Shōsa    Control Rating 1   BRG   
Intended Deployment Time: 36 months    Morale Check Required   

Koga-Murakama KM-96-T Magneto-Plasma Drive (1)    Power 96    Fuel Use 77.46%    Signature 33.6    Expl 10%
Fuel Capacity 206,000 Litres    Range 23.9 billion km (115 days at full power)

Type 35 Go-13D Navigation Sensor (1)     GPS 2520     Range 42.3m km    Resolution 120
Type 33 Go-53C Passive Sensor (1)     Sensitivity 8     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  22.4m km
ELINT Module (2)     Sensitivity 12     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  27.4m km

27th February 1980
Another substantial engagement takes places in the Zharov system. The total number of wrecks at the suspected jump point has risen to twenty-nine.

16th April 1980
An F1M 'Kanmuri Tori' observer craft transits into Guadalcanal, home system of the Xiamen, and detects a diplomacy ship of the Covenant of Velsharoon on the Eniwetok jump point, along with five Xiamen ships. The presence of the Velsharoon ship in Guadalcanal suggests a close relationship between the two alien races.

28th June 1980
The Yamato-Ro class battleships Katsuragi and Shinano are launched in Earth orbit. The class is a minor update to the Yamato, adding third generation fire control jammers, tokamak fusion reactors and an extra shield generator. Yamato and Musashi will be refitted to the same specification.

12th July 1980
A newly discovered connection between Fomalhaut and Kobe transforms the map of known space, placing Fomalhaut and its nine jump points just two transits from Mitaka and its eight jump points. More worryingly, it brings the mysterious rift in Kashima much closer to the heart of the Empire and only four transits from the colonies in Takamatsu, Hadano and Sakura.

30th August 1980
The survey cruiser Yugiri transits a jump point in Espiritu Santo, one transit out from the Fiji Naval Base, and emerges in the Velsharoon home system. As there have been no sightings of Velsharoon ships in Espiritu Santo, it is possible this was a dormant jump point and the Covenant is unaware of its existence, which makes it potentially very valuable in the event of a decision to attack the system.

30th September 1980
Intelligence gained by the F1M 'Kanmuri Tori' in Velsharoon provides complete gravitational data for the system. There is a single unexplored jump point, in addition to the known jump points to Bikini, Espiritu Santo and Onekotan. The survey cruiser Yugiri is already in the system, attempting a stealthy survey so she immediately heads for the new jump point and discovers a connection to Rota, a known Covenant system. In addition to the survey data, the study of the Velsharoon home world estimates the population at 3.94 billion, sixty percent greater than Earth, with nine thousand installations.

31st October 1980
The F1M 'Kanmuri Tori' in Guadalcanal, home system of the People’s Republic of Xiama, gains technical data on the latest Xiamen terraformer design, revealing that they have Inertial Fusion Drives, a propulsion technology that is two generations ahead of the Magneto-plasma drives used by the Imperial Japanese Navy. This is an extremely serious situation and elevates the People’s Republic to the greatest current threat to the Empire of Japan. Analysis of the Xiamen home world estimates the population at three point six billion with eight thousand installations.

30th November 1980
The survey cruiser Fubuki, operating discreetly in the Zharov system, confirms the presence of a jump point at the site of the wrecks and conducts a probe. She emerges in a system with a yellow G5-V primary, five planets and a small asteroid belt. Two moons of the second planet have nitrogen-oxygen atmospheres, one of which is breathable. Both have substantial ice sheets and surface temperatures of -50C and -120C respectively. Twenty-four wrecks are scattered around the orbit of the second planet, many of which are known Zharovian designs. Fubuki is five billion kilometres from the two moons, so she heads in-system to launch recon drones. The system is named Mauritius. Subsequent systems in the chain will follow a nomenclature of Indian Ocean islands.

2nd December 1980
During the efforts to locate the jump point and support surveying beyond it, the replenishment ship Kyokuto Maru transited across the Zharov system, resulting in two separate communications from the Followers demanding the ship leave their home system immediately. There was no threat of force, so diplomatic relations appear to be intact, although perhaps significantly weakened. Kyokuto Maru is now in Mauritius to provide support to Fubuki and any other Imperial Navy ships that make it this far. The Zharov – Mauritius jump point is forty-five billion kilometres from Sol and thirty billion from the Fiji Naval Base, which is the closest Japanese system. A second replenishment ship will be required somewhere along the route, within Zharovian territory, if exploration of this area is to be sustained. Daigensui-Kaigun-Taishō Takagi authorises the deployment of Akatsuki Maru to an asteroid in the Kharimkotan system, roughly equidistant from Fiji and Mauritius, where she will act as a covert refuelling point.

19th December 1980
In Mauritius, Fubuki is surveying as she moves sunward, making the most efficient use of her fuel. One of the wrecks in the inner system suddenly disappears, meaning there are active alien ships in the system, or this is another Mizuchi system. Finding out becomes more urgent than saving fuel.

January 1st 1980
A Gekko reconnaissance drone from Fubuki detects a large alien population on the third moon of Mauritius II, with a thermal signature slightly larger than Earth. A large shipyard complex is in orbit, along with twelve ships between 20.875 tons and 26,151 tons in size. This is plainly another major alien race, with its home world in an adjacent system to the Followers of Zharov. Another wreck was salvaged while Fubuki was moving into drone range, so the current wrecks in Zharov and Mauritius are unlikely to represent the full extent of the battles so far. Fubuki will have to tread carefully, as the Mauritius aliens will not welcome an intruding alien ship in their home system. Daigensui-Kaigun-Taishō Takagi begins to consider the possibilities for attacking the Zharovians while they are distracted by the current war. Before that happens, he decides to eliminate the Zuijin in Kagoshima and determine the status of the Sapporo aliens before committing to any major operations against the Followers of Zharov.

8th January 1981
The Kido Butai arrives at the Tsushima – Kagoshima jump point. As the jump point on the Kagoshima side is only a hundred million kilometres from the Zuijin fleet in orbit of Kagoshima III, there is no need for the Carrier Striking Force or the Occupation Force to transit into the system until the engagement is over. The Support Force is not needed as the target is only six billion kilometres from Earth. The Main Force transits, along with the fighters and strike craft of the six Taiho class carriers, and heads for the planet.

Kido Butai – Kaigun-Shōshō Kurosawa Rai

Main Force - Kaigun-Taisa Sakubara Kogo
Yamato-Ro class Battleship: Katsuragi, Musashi*, Shinano, Yamato**
Nagato II class Battleship: Hyūga, Ise, Mutsu, Nagato
Takao II class Heavy Cruiser: Atago, Chōkai, Maya, Takao
Takao II-Ro class Heavy Cruiser: Ashigara, Haguro, Myōkō, Nachi

Carrier Striking Force - Kaigun-Taisa Daishi Toru
Taihō II class Carrier: Junyō*, Taihō
Taihō II-Ro class Carrier: Chūyō, Hiyō, Shinyō, Unryū
72x Nakajima B1N 'Ryūsei' class Carrier Strike:
144x Nakajima B2N 'Tenzan' class Carrier Strike:
216x Mitsubishi A3M 'Hayabusa' class Fighter:
8x Aichi E2A class Scout:

Occupation Force – Kaigun Taisa Kido Hoshi
Kongo II class Battlecruiser: Kirishima*
Yasukuni Maru class Troop Transport: Hachiman Maru, Yasukuni Maru
Sagami Maru class Troop Transport: Keizan Maru, Sagami Maru, Tatukami Maru
Shinshu Maru class Troop Transport: Mayasan Maru

The Zuijin fleet comprises five bases – two Devastators, two Terrors and a Vanquisher – plus three Vengeance class missile cruisers, three Conqueror class light cruisers armed with particle beams, two Ravager escort cruisers, three destroyers, two escorts and two scouts. The scouts, the destroyers and one Ravager break orbit and head directly toward the Main Force.

Two small waves of laser torpedoes are shot down, then Kaigun-Shōshō Kurosawa dispatches six A3M ‘Hayabusa’ fighters to deal with the two Enforcers. Both are quickly eliminated. Several more waves of sixteen missiles arrive, presumably from the approaching destroyers, with minimal hits on the Japanese shields, then a wave of twenty-four arrives, a third of which attack and destroy a B1N ‘Ryusei’. Kurosawa orders a dozen strike craft to launch against the Ravager escorting the destroyers, as soon as they move within range. Twelve armour hits are achieved, so Kurosawa orders a second, similar attack. The Ravager suffers multiple armour penetration and disintegrates amid two large secondary explosions. Twelve A3Ms are released to accelerate and attack the Zuijin destroyers.

The destroyers, one each of the Hunter, Impaler and Razor classes, try to run as the fighters approach, but the A3Ms have a 10,000 km/s speed advantage. They close to point-blank range and open fire. All three Zuijin ships are overwhelmed before they can launch again. With the initial skirmishes over, and the Zuijin losing six ships in exchange for forty-eight Rakurai-Ha missiles and a B1N strike craft, the path to the planet is open for the Main Force.

A new, far larger wave of one hundred and eighteen laser torpedoes approaches, most likely launched by the Vanquisher and the three Vengeance class missile cruisers. The fighters shoot down fifty-two, along with a hundred and forty-three decoys. Mutsu is struck by thirty-seven lasers, reducing her shields to sixty percent. Two further waves arrive, with all hits absorbed by shields. The fourth large wave is preceded by a faster wave of sixty missiles, which means twenty Ghost class FACs are also in Kagoshima. Mutsu drops to fifty percent shields but is in no real danger. Three further waves are either shot down or absorbed before the Zuijin cease fire.

Once within five million kilometres of Kagoshima III, the one hundred and forty-four B2N ‘Renzan’ strike craft of the 1st Air Fleet take the next step of what is becoming a well-rehearsed dance for the Kido Butai, launching their anti-ship missiles at both Devastators and the remaining Ravager. The remaining forty-seven B1N ‘Ryusei’ retain their missiles for now. Only fifty-four missiles fail to reach their targets. The rest destroy both Devastator class light missile bases and inflict seven internal hits on the Ravager. In response, the Vanquisher and the Vengeance class cruisers launch a partial laser torpedo wave of seventy-four missiles. Twenty-seven strike Mutsu’s shields.

The fighter screen moves into close formation for the final approach to Kagoshima III. At one point two million kilometres, the damaged Ravager launches thirty-six light missiles, so Kaigun-Shōshō Kurosawa orders nine of the remaining B1N ‘Ryusei’ to return fire. The light missiles are targeted on the launching strike craft, but they get their own missiles away before three are hit and take armour damage. There is no further launch from the Ravager, which is destroyed by the small Japanese missile wave.

The Main Force halts 245,000 km from the planet and opens fire on the three Conqueror class light cruisers. The Conquerors and the Vengeance class cruisers charge the Main Force with predictable results. The Japanese heavy cruisers and battleship massacre the remaining Zuijin orbital forces, then move closer and engage the ground defences, with the same outcome. The twenty Ghost class FACs attempt to run, but do not get far. Apart from the Zuijin ground forces on Kagoshima III, the system is secure. A remarkably straightforward victory for the Kido Butai.

14th January 1981
Two Bransk class ships of the Followers of Zharov transit into Mauritius. The Bransk is 10,000 tons and capable of 9000 km/s, so it is probably some form of scout, although that is not yet confirmed.

21st January 1981
All five Imperial Army divisions, including the Scimitar Division, land on Kagoshima III. The Zuijin defending force is the standard combination of warrior bots and mechs and is well fortified in the planet’s desert mountains. The invading force is more numerous than during the recent bloodbath on Ashikaga II, has both improved armour protection and more advanced weapons and includes a higher density of armoured vehicles. Despite their defensive advantages, the Zuijin defenders are completely overwhelmed within twenty-four hours. Japanese casualties are seven hundred infantry and a handful of tanks. The challenge now will be to quickly secure the planet and the system before the Sapporo aliens can exploit the absence of the Zuijin.

4th February 1981
The survey cruiser Murakumo discovers a partially intact, but deserted, Zuijin colony on Kagoshima III.

10th February 1981
The survey cruiser Asagiri detects two Zuijin bases, a Devastator and a Terror, in orbit of Suzuka II, one transit outward from the rift in the Kashima system.

2nd March 1981
Wrecks continue to disappear from sensors in both Zharov and Mauritius.

3rd March 1981
Before the attack on Kagoshima, fuel reserves on Earth had been increased to almost a hundred million litres, mainly by stripping Scimitar Prime and Scimitar Naval Base of all reserves. With the Kido Butai now refuelled after its relatively short-range operation, except for four heavy cruisers that remain as a guard force in Kagoshima, the reserve is down to fifty million litres. The constant demands of freighters and colony ships are restricting military operations, so further commercial construction will be halted until the fuel supply situation improves.

14th March 1981
The partially intact colony on Kagoshima III has been surveyed. Three hundred and nineteen sites of interest have been identified. The task now is to establish communications with the Sapporo aliens, build up a significant population on Kagoshima III and claim the system, before the Sapporo aliens explore though Tsushima and discover both Sol and Scimitar.

22nd March 1981
Analysis of emissions from the Zharovian home world indicate it has a population of two point eight billion and has seven thousand installations.

24th March 1981
A Pasht class geosurvey ship of the Sapporo aliens begins a survey of Kagoshima III. Attempts at communication are underway, but with no success thus far.

25th March 1981
Exploration of a jump point in Santa Isabel, two jumps outward from Fiji, reveals a connection to the Sapporo system, one jump outward from Kagoshima, completely transforming the map of known space. The Fiji Naval Base is now just over four billion kilometres from the centre of the Sapporo system and ten from the black hole system one jump further out. Earth is eighteen and twenty-five respectively, while even Kagoshima III is twelve and twenty respectively. While Fiji itself is sixteen billion kilometres from Earth, it does provide an existing naval base close to the frontier with the new race. In addition, Sapporo is now only three jumps from the Velsharoon home world, via Santa Isabel and Espiritu Santo, and four from Zharovian territory via the same two systems plus Fiji. Astropolitics just became considerably more complex.

23rd April 1981
A Kawanishi H2K 'Seiku' makes the long journey from Sol to Fiji and onward from there to Zharov, refuelled en route by a pre-placed replenishment ship in Kharimkotan. The H2K emplaces a sensor buoy on both sides of the Zharov – Mauritius jump point, before being refuelled again, this time by Kyokuto Maru, which is positioned on the Mauritius side of the jump point. Next, the H2K moves in-system to a jump point discovered by Fubuki and places a third buoy, before transiting that jump point to discover a binary system of two K-class stars, with three terrestrial planets orbiting each component. The system is designated as Réunion.

The second and third planets of Réunion-B have nitrogen-oxygen atmospheres and liquid oceans, with the latter very close to breathable. There are ten wrecks of unknown type in orbit of Réunion-B II, ranging in size between 81,000 and 111,000 tons, with a single outlier at 16,236 tons. The H2K 'Seiku' places its last buoy on the entry jump point, which immediately detects two ships of the Mauritius aliens only five million kilometres away. Both ships are 16,243 tons, very close in size to the smallest of the unknown wrecks.

As the companion system is only three hundred million kilometres away, the H1K heads directly toward it, with the intention of moving within range of its small active sensor. The alien ships, designated as Eurasian Lynx and Serval classes, remain stationary. As the Japanese patrol craft reaches two hundred million kilometres from the jump point, a Bransk class ship of the Followers of Zharov transits into Réunion. The two Mauritian ships do not react, which is extremely odd given the number of wrecks littering both their home systems. In fact, after scanning the new Mauritian designs, five of the wrecks on the Zharov-Mauritius jump point are identified as those two classes. After a few minutes, the Bransk transits back into Mauritius.

The Kawanishi H2K 'Seiku' moves to Réunion-B II and detects a Zharovian population with a thermal signature just under five percent of Earth, plus 10,000 tons of ground forces, including surface-to-orbit weapons. A second, smaller Zharovian population is on Réunion-B III, along with a further twenty-five thousand tons of ground forces. The Followers of Zharov are not having a great deal of astrographic fortune, with the Zuijin system of Atlasov adjacent to their home world, separating them a large part of their territory, and now a major alien race beyond another jump point from their home world, separating them from their Réunion colonies.

30th April 1981
An Incheon class ship of the Wokou Raiders appears in Tsushima at the worst possible time. The system is full of commercial shipping travelling between Sol and Kagoshima, including freighters, colony ships, troop transports and salvage ships. Civilian traffic is en route to Scimitar, along with a tug towing a new fuel harvester. There is no military presence, except for two old shore batteries at the colony on Tsushima II.

Combined Fleet Headquarters on Earth immediately dispatches the carrier Akagi and two light cruisers, but they will not be in the system for 24 hours. All commercial traffic is ordered to head away from the inner system and toward the Scimitar jump point, except for the tug Kokai Maru which turns back toward Sol. The raider disappears from an hour, then reappears on a direct course for the colony on Tsushima II. The two shore batteries comprise a total of sixteen Kentaro-Sakura KS-20A ultraviolet lasers and twenty Takashi Kinetics TK-10A railguns, the latter with only a 10,000 km range. The surface-based lasers attempt to engage the raider at just under 300,000 km, albeit without success. They fire again at 220,000 and score three strength-1 armour hits.

The raider continues to close on Tsushima II, which is home to forty-three million settlers and two hundred and eighty manned mining complexes. At 145,000 km, the shore batteries fire for the third time, inflicting three hits of strength-2, all of which penetrate armour. Unfortunately, the Incheon fires its railguns at the same moment. All twelve shots hit the colony, missing the laser batteries but killing four thousand civilians and damaging the planet’s infrastructure. The Japanese lasers recycle before the Wokou railguns and fire at 68,000 km/s. Multiple strength-5 impacts are followed by a strength-65 secondary explosion, completely obliterating the Incheon.

Despite the destruction of the raider, this is the first time that Japanese civilians have been killed by aliens. The resulting outcry leads to a decision to increase the defences of all colonies, which will require additional shore batteries and the permanent assignment of warships. Currently, Ashikaga, Fomalhaut and Hadano are guarded by a single Nagara-series light cruiser, while Matsuyama, Osaka, Scimitar, Takahama and Takamatsu have a pair of cruisers. Fiji and Truk each have three, including a jump-capable Kasagi class. Planetary Kōkūtai, usually older fighters that have been replaced on carriers, are present at Fomalhaut, Osaka, Scimitar and Truk, while the 1st and 2nd Hiko Sentai are based at Osaka and Truk respectively. Several major colonies have shore batteries, but not all.

Daigensui-Kaigun-Taishō orders the construction of additional shore batteries, even in preference to new Imperial Army divisions, and orders the establishment of bases at colonies that currently lack mobile protection. Akagi and her escorts continue onward to Tsushima, in case further Wokou raiders appear.

1st May 1981
In Reunion, the H1K checks the planets of the primary and discovers a small colony of the Mauritius aliens, which means the two opposing alien races both have colonies in the same system – perhaps the cause of their mutual antagonism.

22nd August 1981
A Tikatha class diplomatic ship of the Covenant of Velsharoon is destroyed on the Guadalcanal – Eniwetok jump point in the home system of the People’s Republic of Xiama. A F1M 'Kanmuri Tori' Observer craft monitoring the Xiamen home world detects the simultaneous missile detonations and energy weapon impacts, suggesting a laser torpedo salvo. Unfortunately, there is no sensor buoy on the jump point so the assailant cannot be determined. However, if the Tikatha was indeed destroyed by the Xiamen, these could be the first shots in a catastrophic war for both sides. If that war happens, the Imperial Japanese Navy must take full advantage. Initially through observation of the combatants and salvaging any wrecks, and eventually perhaps taking advantage of any resulting weakness from either side.

24th August 1981
The survey cruiser Harukaze discovers multiple Velsharoon populations in the Saipan system, two jumps outward from the Covenant home world. An asteroid colony has twenty commercial ships in orbit, most likely miners, totalling one point five million tons, escorting by seven warships, including a pair of Sidon escort cruisers. A second asteroid  colony has a third Sidon, plus five other ships, while the inner planet of the system has fifteen probable warships.

31st August 1981
ELINT data gained from the Velsharoon home world reveals the existence of a system named Foxglove, which comprises a planetless K0-V star and two jump points. Its location is unknown.

20th September 1981
A 5,238-ton Novgorod class ship of the Followers of Zharov is destroyed in orbit of a comet in Reunion, presumably by the Mauritius aliens.

3rd November 1981
Since the destruction of the Covenant diplomatic ship in Guadalcanal, there have been no further signs of conflict between the two alien races, although the ships of both races have yet to be detected in the same locations, despite both being present at different times in several systems. A series of sensor buoys have been emplaced in systems close to Guadalcanal, and in the Xiamen home system, to monitor for further signs of conflict. Salvage ships and fleet support vessels, under the protection of the battlecruiser Hiei, have been forward deployed to the Hadano Naval Base, the only colony in the Empire where the population is housed in orbital habitats.

11th November 1981
Four military-engined Xiamen ships are on a jump point in the Eniwetok system, adjacent to Guadalcanal, with a Covenant diplomatic ship only 40,000 km away. There is no sign of hostilities. Given that a Covenant ship was destroyed less than three months ago, it seems unlikely that neither side would react to the presence of the other, unless some unknown third party destroyed the Tikatha in Guadalcanal. It is a complete mystery to Imperial Naval Intelligence. In an attempt to gain more information, two survey cruisers are dispatched to Guadalcanal to discreetly survey the home system of the People’s Republic.

14th November 1981
An Aichi E2A scout from the survey cruiser Shimakaze probes a jump point in Santa Isabel, a system that was recently connected to Sapporo and is only two jumps from Kagoshima, the Fiji Naval Base and the Velsharoon home world. The system itself, named Vanikoro, is unremarkable: a planetless red dwarf orbited by sixteen comets. However, it is home to another rift, similar to that in Kashima. 

Japanese scientists have named the phenomenon an Aether Rift, as they believe it creates a hole, or perhaps a passageway, through the Aether to another dimension. The new rift is ten million kilometres in diameter, the same size as the rift in Kashima when it was discovered April 1979. Since its discovery, the Kashima rift has grown by twenty-five percent. For now, the scientists cannot determine the cause or effect of the Aether Rift, or even whether they are natural or artificial. The colony in Fomalhaut provides a base from which to monitor the Kashima rift. Kagoshima and Fiji will fulfil the same function for the rift in Vanikoro.

16th November 1981
The survey cruiser Yamakaze probes the only outward jump point in Sigma Tucanae, one jump out from Fomalhaut, and discovers the system of Ryūgasaki. The orange K7-V primary has five moonless planets, two of which are close to being ideal habitable worlds. Ryūgasaki IV has a breathable atmosphere, a surface temperature of 1C and small seas covering sixteen percent of the surface, giving it a colony cost of just 0.4. Ryūgasaki III is colder at -9C, has an atmosphere that would become breathable with the addition of 0.01 atm of oxygen and has liquid oceans covering just over a fifth of its surface area. The two planets are dominated by cold steppe and boreal forest respectively.

As Yamakaze is out of reconnaissance drones, she dispatches her E1A3 scout to investigate the two planets. Both appear to be uninhabited. As the scout is about to head back to Yamakaze, still in the outer system, she detects the approach of a 3,549-ton ship travelling at 10,280 km/s. Sensors quickly identify it as another new species of Mizuchi, designated as the Mizuchi-Ha. The scout immediately disengages its active sensor and runs for the jump point.

Imperial Navy Intelligence is confident the original Mizuchi are no longer a strategic threat, even though some ships remain at large near Sigma Draconis. The second species, the Mizuchi-Ro, is on the fringes of known space in Moriguchi, seven transits from Sol. While they appear to be significantly more advanced than the Mizuchi, they are also far away, with the Zuijin system of Beta Hydri between them and all colonies of the Empire of Japan. However, the Mizuchi-Ha, which are of unknown size and capability, are two jumps from the key naval base of Fomalhaut, established to guard against any threat from the Aether Rift in the adjacent Kashima system and provide a survey base for exploration of the seven outward jump points. If Fomalhaut falls, they would break out via the two inward jump points to Kobe and Shibetsu and soon thereafter become a threat to half of known space.

Daigensui-Kaigun-Taishō orders  the Kido Butai to deploy to Fomalhaut, ignoring for now the strange situation between the Xiamen and the Velsharoon. Two Yamato class battleships and four heavy cruisers are undergoing refits to add new fire controls and upgraded laser turrets, while two more heavy cruisers are still in Kagoshima. The rest of the fleet will proceed without them. The fleet support vessels currently in Hadano will remain in place and replenishment ships will transport fuel and maintenance supplies to Fomalhaut.

Offline Steve Walmsley (OP)

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Re: Empire of the Stars - Updates Thread
« Reply #21 on: September 06, 2024, 05:48:34 AM »
Note: This is the 1st of 4 posts today

3rd December 1981
The Aichi E1A3 scout running to the jump point in Ryūgasaki runs out of fuel. Yamakaze’s captain, Kaigun-Chusa Onohara Sadako, was executive officer of the carrier Hiryu during the Kido Butai’s battle against the Mizuchi in Sigma Draconis and refuses to leave the scout behind. He takes Yamakaze in-system until the scout can enter the survey cruiser’s hangar using only manoeuvring thrusters. As there is no sign of Mizuchi-Ha ships and Yamakaze is near a survey location, he decides to survey it en route back to the jump point. As Yamakaze moves within range, she detects a Mizuchi-Ha ship at the same location, designated as Python class. Apparently, the Mizuchi need to conduct gravitational surveys to locate jump points, which is a useful item of intelligence.

Kaigun-Chusa Onohara orders Yamakaze’s pair of Mitsubishi A2M3 'Shinden' fighters to launch and attempt to engage the Python. Simultaneously, the survey cruiser launches a Rakurai anti-ship missile from its internal launcher. Two energy impacts are registered close to the Mizuchi ship and the missile vanishes. The fighters follow up and begin strafing the Python without any defensive fire, so the missile was probably destroyed by some form of close-in weapon system. The Python attempts to run, but has a maximum speed of 4500 km/s and is soon destroyed by the fighters. Yamakaze immediately recovers her fighters and sets a course for the outer system.

12th January 1982
A Zharovian commercial-engined Moskva class of 17,600 ton is destroyed by light missiles, two million kilometres from the home world of the Mauritius aliens. A few hours later, the Followers of Zharov detect an Imperial Navy salvage ship crossing their home system en route to Mauritius, and issue a demand for it to leave immediately.

5th February 1982
Intelligence gained from the ELINT craft monitoring the home world of the People’s Republic of Xiama reveals the Xiamen have a negative, but not hostile, relationship with the Covenant of Velsharoon. Based on this new information, Imperial Naval Intelligence believes that the Covenant diplomatic ship was destroyed by the Xiamen, as previously thought, but the two races have managed to improve relations sufficiently from that low point to avoid an all-out war. It was likely a fortunate happenstance that neither side had any additional ships in close contact at the moment of the diplomatic ship’s destruction, giving them time to negotiate a truce.

7th February 1982
After refuelling at the Fomalhaut Naval Base, the Kido Butai arrives in Ryūgasaki. The survey cruiser Yamakaze is still in the outer system, conducting a gravitational survey. Kaigun-Shōshō Kurosawa Rai orders a trio of Aichi E2A scouts to probe the planets, moons and comets of the inner system in search of the Mizuchi-Ha. Meanwhile, the Support Force has been diverted from Hadano and is holding position in Sigma Tucanae at the  Ryūgasaki jump point.

Kido Butai – Kaigun-Shōshō Kurosawa Rai

Main Force - Kaigun-Taisa Sakubara Kogo
Yamato-Ro class Battleship: Musashi*, Yamato**
Nagato II class Battleship: Hyūga, Ise, Mutsu, Nagato
Takao II class Heavy Cruiser: Chōkai, Maya

Carrier Striking Force - Kaigun-Taisa Daishi Toru
Taihō II class Carrier: Junyō*, Taihō
Taihō II-Ro class Carrier: Chūyō, Hiyō, Shinyō, Unryū
Akagi III class Carrier: Soryu
216x Nakajima B2N 'Tenzan' class Carrier Strike
216 Mitsubishi A3M 'Hayabusa' class Fighter
3x Nakajima J1N 'Toryu' class Interceptor
40x Mitsubishi A2M3 'Shinden' class Fighter:
9x Aichi E2A class Scout

Support Force – Kaigun Taisa Suzuki Saya
Kongo II class Battlecruiser: Hiei*
Hayasui class Fleet Support Vessel: Harutsuyu, Hayashio, Hayasui

12th February 1982
As an E2A scout approaches Ryūgasaki V, it detects eight Mizuchi-Ha ships in orbit. Four are 11,293-tons and designated as Krait class. Three more designated as Mamba class and a single ship designated as Anaconda class are only detected by their powerful active sensor emissions. Two groups of seven ships, each consisting of three Sidewinders and three Rattlesnakes, all of 787 tons, plus a 667-ton Widowmaker, have closed on the scout from behind at 15,243 km/s, which is only fractionally slower than the Mitsubishi A3M ‘Hayabusa’. The Sidewinders open fire at 178,000 km, damaging the scout.

As the Mizuchi-Ha attack craft have a much greater weapon range than Japanese fighters, trying to pursue them with A3Ms would be very ill-advised. Due to the minimal speed advantage, they would be under constant fire for over three minutes before they could return fire. The Nakajima B2N2 'Tenzan’ carrier strike craft are slower and would quickly be run down and destroyed. If the alien attack craft cannot be lured into range, faster fighter and strike craft designs will be required.

The E2A is destroyed by a second volley without being able to determine anything further about the larger Mizuchi ships in orbit of Ryūgasaki V. The nightmare scenario for Kaigun-Shōshō Kurosawa is for the alien warships to be faster than his own battleships and possess longer-ranged weapons. Given the obvious high technology of the Mizuchi attack craft, that is a very real possibility. The other two E2As in the inner system are given the task of determining the size and speed of the Mamba and Anaconda classes, as they probe the other bodies in Ryūgasaki.

Two hours after the destruction of the first scout, an E2A detects two more Krait class ships and two 20,950-ton ships of a new type, designated as Diamondback class, in orbit of a comet over a billion kilometres from the primary. The scout stays well clear of the comet and heads in-system toward its next target.

Kaigun-Shōshō Kurosawa orders the Kido Butai in-system on a course for the Kraits and Diamondbacks. To avoid interception in deep space, Kurosawa instructs all ships to deactivate shields and active sensors. Three E2A scouts with active sensors are deployed in an ninety-degree arc, forty-five million kilometres ahead of the fleet.

14th February 1982
An E2A scout approaching Ryūgasaki III detects the same 3,549-ton Viper class ship that was originally detected by Yamakaze’s E1A3 in November 1981. The Viper is tentatively classed as a geological survey vessel. After moving past the alien ships, the E2A heads for Ryūgasaki I. En route, it detects active emissions from two new Widowmaker class attack craft on an intercept course at 15,243 km/s. The scout deactivates its sensor and runs.

The other remaining E2A has scouted Ryūgasaki II and is approaching Ryūgasaki V from the direction of the primary, attempting to learn more about the Mambas and Anaconda when it detects a further two Widowmakers, so it adopts the same strategy. Both scouts manage to evade their pursuers, then circle back to approach  Ryūgasaki V from two different directions, trying to get within range before using their active sensors.

15th February 1982
One E2A engages its active sensor and attracts the attention of the same Widowmakers, but manages to get close enough to Ryūgasaki V to achieve an active contact on the Mambas, which are 22,260 tons. They remain in orbit so there is no way to determine their speed. There is no sign of the Anaconda.

The first scout turns to run, while the second continues toward the planet from a different direction with sensors offline, finally engaging them at twenty million kilometres and finding the Mambas and the Widowmakers in orbit. With no sign the Mambas are going to leave their position, both scouts retreat and begin working their way back to the Kido Butai. A few hours later, the wreck of the E2A destroyed the previous day vanishes, which suggests that the Anaconda was the ship carrying out the salvage.

16th February 1982
The ELINT vessel operating in the Covenant home system gains complete intelligence on a Velsharoon missile destroyer class, including the capability of its missiles. While smaller than Imperial Navy ships, the El Dorado III appears to be extremely capable. The engine design is a generation ahead of Japanese technology, while the jammers are comparable to the most up-to-date Japanese designs . It is equipped with both shields and decoys and armed with twelve missile launches for Vindicator Anti-Ship Missiles. The Vindicator is faster than the latest Imperial Navy missile, the Rakurai-Ho, and has a much longer range.

El Dorado III class Missile Destroyer      11,601 tons       218 Crew       2,189.2 BP       TCS 232    TH 1,760    EM 1,590
7585 km/s      Armour 4-45       Shields 53-331       HTK 63      Sensors 11/0/0/0      DCR 3-2      PPV 32.4
Maint Life 0.44 Years     MSP 353    AFR 359%    IFR 5.0%    1YR 810    5YR 12,150    Max Repair 440 MSP
Magazine 746 / 84   
Sheikh    Control Rating 1   BRG   
Intended Deployment Time: 12 months    Morale Check Required   

Magnetic Fusion Drive  EP880 (2)    Power 1760    Fuel Use 19.07%    Signature 880    Explosion 10%
Fuel Capacity 450,000 Litres    Range 36.6 billion km (55 days at full power)
Theta S53 / R331 Shields (1)     Recharge Time 331 seconds (0.2 per second)

Size 21 Decoy Launcher (4)     Decoy Size: 21    Hangar Reload 229 minutes    MF Reload 38 hours
Size 9 Missile Launcher (30.0% Reduction) (12)     Missile Size: 9    Rate of Fire 720
Missile Fire Control FC116-R112 (2)     Range 116.9m km    Resolution 112   ECCM-3
Devastator Ship Decoy (4)    Signature: 4200 tons    ECM-3    Size: 21
Vindicator Anti-Ship Missile (82)    Speed: 42,400 km/s    Range: 94.1m km    WH: 9.001    Size: 9    TH: 186/111/55

Active Search Sensor AS101-R112 (1)     GPS 14112     Range 101.2m km    Resolution 112
Thermal Sensor TH1-11 (1)     Sensitivity 11     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  26.2m km
Electronic Warfare Jammers:   Fire Control 3    Missile 3   

18th February 1982
In Ryūgasaki, the E2A preceding the Kido Butai detects the two Krait and two Diamondback class ships, running away from the comet where they were detected a few days previously at a speed of 2,982 km/s. This is so much slower than any other Mizuchi-Ha ship that Kaigun-Shōshō Kurosawa believes the Diamondbacks may be some form of Mizuchi commercial vessel. Based on the size of the Krait and its appearance in both fleets detected so far, he suspects it is an escort vessel, similar to the Barracuda class of the original Mizuchi, which had only short-range weapons.

The Kido Butai splits into two, with the Main Force closing on the fleeing Mizuchi ships and the Carrier Striking Force falling half a million kilometres astern. At 320,000 km, the Main Force opens fire on the two Kraits. The inaccuracy of that initial fire reveals the Mizuchi-Ha have fourth generation fire control jammers. One Krait suffers two strength-2 hits and immediately breaks formation to charge toward the Kido Butai at 10,875 km/s. The speed of its approach confirms Kaigun-Shōshō Kurosawa’s concerns about the danger posed by this new species of Mizuchi.

Kurosawa orders a course reversal to reduce the rate of closure, while all ships focus on the single Krait class. With the entire Main Force firing, it is blown to pieces by two salvos, with the second at a range of 140,000 km. At no point did the Krait open fire, which reinforces Kurosawa’s belief it is an escort vessel. The fleet reverses course once again and closes on the three remaining Mizuchi ships. The second Krait also reacts by breaking formation and survives long enough to open fire at 114,000 km, scoring four strength-1 hits on Yamato. It is destroyed by simultaneous fire from the same battleship. With both escorts eliminated, the two Diamondbacks are easily run down and destroyed, without any sign of defensive fire.

Given the fourth-generation jammers and high speed of the Kraits, Kaigun-Shōshō Kurosawa believes the chance of a being attacked by Mizuchi-Ha warships that can outrun and outrange his own battleships is significant. However, the Kido Butai has both fighters and carrier strike craft which could engage such enemies if they move within range. Also, with the fuel shortages plaguing the Empire of Japan, Kurosawa does not wish to expend precious resources without confronting the threat. Therefore, he decides to take the Kido Butai to Ryūgasaki V and attempt to engage the Mizuchi force near that planet. As before, the fleet will proceed with inactive sensors and shields, relying on the E2As to provide sensor readings.

19th February 1982
With the Kido Butai still over half a billion kilometres away, an E2A sneaks within twenty-five million kilometres of Ryūgasaki V and activates its sensors. The Anaconda has returned and the Mizuchi fleet has grown to four Kraits of 11,293 tons, five Mambas of 22,660 tons, plus the single Anaconda of 67,782 tons, almost as large as the Yamato class. Given the similarity of the Mizuchi-Ha Kraits to the Mizuchi Barracuda, Kaigun-Shōshō Kurosawa believes the Mambas may fulfil the same role as the Mizuchi Mako, which was armed with nineteen long-range acid-lasers.

All the Mizuchi warships suddenly break orbit, moving away at 10,839 km/s, while active emissions begin from two Widowmakers. The E2A disengages its sensors and runs, before circling around to approach the planet from the opposite direction. Twelve hours after the previous activation, the scout conducts another brief sensor sweep and finds that all the Mizuchi ships are back in orbit. Apparently they moved away from a potential threat, but returned once the threat vanished. The E2A slips away again and takes up a position sixty million kilometres away.

Taking a calculated risk, Kaigun-Shōshō Kurosawa orders the three E2As preceding the Kido Butai to disengage their sensors. Two are dispatched ahead to positions surrounding the planet, while the third drops back into the main formation. Meanwhile, the entire Kido Butai proceeds blindly toward Ryūgasaki V. With the fleet less than two hundred million kilometres away, sensor emissions from the Anaconda are detected moving toward the lurking scout.

The scout attempts to move out of the way, but is slower than the approaching ships. Shortly thereafter, the emissions of the Widowmakers return. They are considerably closer and on an intercept course. This time, the scout cannot escape. A large fleet of attack craft, comprising twenty Rattlesnakes, eleven Sidewinders, four Widowmakers and fourteen of a new type, designated as Asp class, are detected via their thermal emissions, less than four million kilometres away. They close in an destroy the fragile E2A with a single volley.

The Kido Butai arrives at Ryūgasaki V, where Yamato briefly activates her active sensor. There is no sign of any Mizuchi ships. Kaigun-Shōshō Kurosawa takes the fleet to the wreck of the scout to rescue the sole surviving crew member, then the Kido Butai sets course for the jump point. Just like in Sigma Draconis, the Mizuchi will not be lured or forced into an engagement. On this occasion, Kaigun-Shōshō Kurosawa does not want to replicate the tactics of Kaigun-Taisa Nakamura eleven years earlier, when he split the Kido Butai and attacked the Mizuchi from two directions. The Mizuchi-Ha are considerably more advanced, their attack craft are almost as fast as the Japanese fighters and the Kido Butai is missing two Yamato class battleships and six cruisers.

The Imperial Japanese Navy needs to develop new ships and tactics to counter the Mizuchi-Ha. In the meantime, the Fomalhaut Naval Base will be reinforced to deal with any Mizuchi-Ha that move from Ryūgasaki through Sigma Tucanae into Fomalhaut.

15th March 1982
A population of the Mauritius aliens is detected on a comet in the Reunion system. There are now two known colonies of the Mauritius aliens in the system, plus two Zharovian colonies.

16th March 1982
The first Fukuju class Repair Ship is completed in Earth orbit. The Fukuju will allow the repair of ships up to 54,000 tons at forward bases and will become part of the Support Force of the Kido Butai.

Fukuju class Repair Ship      175,524 tons       3,196 Crew       9,311.5 BP       TCS 3,510    TH 7,680    EM 0
2187 km/s      Armour 1-279       Shields 0-0       HTK 294      Sensors 8/11/0/0      DCR 1-0      PPV 0
MSP 33    Max Repair 120 MSP
Kaigun-Shōsa    Control Rating 1   BRG   
Intended Deployment Time: 3 months   
Repair Capacity: 54000 tons

Koga-Murakama KC-384-B Magneto-plasma Drive (20)    Power 7680    Fuel Use 2.48%    Signature 384    Exp 4%
Fuel Capacity 1,500,000 Litres    Range 62 billion km (328 days at full power)

Type 35 Go-13D Navigation Sensor (1)     GPS 2520     Range 42.3m km    Resolution 120
Type 35 Go-63C Passive Sensor (1)     Sensitivity 11     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  26.2m km
Type 33 Go-53C Passive Sensor (1)     Sensitivity 8     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  22.4m km

26th April 1982
The survey cruiser Oboro transits a newly discovered jump point in Guadalcanal, the home system of the People’s Republic of Xiama, and discovers Rua Sura, a system comprising a red dwarf star, two unremarkable planets and a scattering of asteroids.

27th April 1982
A significant exchange of fire is detected close to the home world of the Mauritius aliens, with almost a thousand energy weapon impacts detected within a few seconds. A number of Zharovian ships were detected entering Mauritius from both Zharov and Reunion within the past few days, but there is no sign of either a wreck or life pods, which is unexpected after such a fierce engagement. The observing ship is Kimikawa Maru, a Japanese salvage ship accompanied by two freighters, which has been testing the limits of the planet’s detection capabilities. It is currently waiting out of sensor range until the planet orbits far enough away to allow salvage of four Zharovian wrecks left behind from a previous engagement.

Within a few seconds of the first exchange of fire, a further seven hundred energy weapon impacts are detected, along with thirteen hundred strength-1 detonations. There are still no life pods. Finally, after yet another thousand detonations and several hundred impacts, the 165,880 ton wreck of a Zharovian Stavropol class ship appears, along with accompanying life pods. Given its size, the amount of punishment it was able to take and previous observation of its commercial engines, it is possible the Stavropol is a large, armoured troop transport. If so, it may have successfully landed ground forces on the Mauritian home world.

Explosions and energy weapon impacts continue, but moving away from the planet. After a minute of sustained fire, four more Stavropol wrecks have appeared, each one further from the planet than the previous wrecks. If they were troop transports, they are likely to have already delivered their cargo. As the planet orbits away from the scene of the battle, Kimikawa Maru dispatches one of her freighters to pick up the Zharovian life pods.

As a result of questioning the Zharovian survivors, intelligence is gained on the Chefornak III class troop transport. Once again, an alien race has superior engine technology to the Empire of Japan. In addition, if the larger Stavropol is indeed a troop transport, this could even be an obsolete design.

Chefornak III class Troop Transport      128,797 tons       680 Crew       5,501.3 BP       TCS 2,576    TH 5,400    EM 0
2096 km/s      Armour 8-227       Shields 0-0       HTK 303      Sensors 11/11/0/0      DCR 1-0      PPV 0
MSP 26    Max Repair 200 MSP
Troop Capacity 60,000 tons     Drop Capable    Cargo Shuttle Multiplier 4   
Lieutenant Commander    Control Rating 1   BRG   
Intended Deployment Time: 3 months   

Commercial Magnetic Fusion Drive  EP360.0 (15)    Power 5400    Fuel Use 0.80%    Signature 360    Explosion 3%
Fuel Capacity 1,250,000 Litres    Range 217 billion km (1198 days at full power)

CIWS-200 (2x10)    Range 1000 km     TS: 20,000 km/s     ROF 5       
Thermal Sensor TH1-11 (1)     Sensitivity 11     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  26.2m km
EM Sensor EM1-11 (1)     Sensitivity 11     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  26.2m km

13th May 1982
Full communications are established with the Mauritius aliens, due to the work of a diplomatic ship orbiting an one of their colonies in the Reunion system. The aliens are humanoid in shape, resembling lean, but muscular felines with dark skin and orange fur and refer to themselves as the Bloodclaw, with the name of their polity being the Bloodclaw Dominion. Their demeanour is arrogant and aggressive, despite suffering attacks on their home world by the Followers of Zharov. Before communications were established, the diplomatic ship received several unintelligible communications, which were interpreted as demands to leave the Reunion system. Two similar communications were received by Kimikawa Maru in Mauritius.

26th May 1982
The survey cruiser Miyuki transits a jump point in New Georgia, four transits out from Hadano on the far side of known Xiamen space, and discovers the Rabaul system. The yellow G8-V primary is orbited by seven planets, two of which have breathable atmospheres and liquid water. Miyuki investigates. While she finds no sign of life and no significant mineral deposits, she does discover an ancient construct on Rabaul II.  A pair of troop transports with Xenoarchaeological regiments depart Earth orbit on a seven month journey to the system.

20th June 1982
Once again, Kimikawa Maru attempts to salvage Zharovian wrecks in Mauritius. She receives a communication from the Bloodclaw Dominion to leave the system or be fired upon. As there has been no recent sign of Bloodclaw ships, outside the orbit of their home world, she is given permission to continue with the salvage. The potential technology gains from the Zharovian wrecks is greater than the threat from an alien race well outside Japanese territory. The diplomatic ship in the adjacent Reunion system moves to a safe distance from the Bloodclaw colony, while three Nagara III-Ni class light cruisers are dispatched from Sol to Fiji, on the first leg of a journey through Zharovian space to support the salvage operation.

26th July 1982
Intelligence gained from ELINT observation of the Zharovian home world provides gravitational survey data on Ekarma, a system six jumps outward from Fiji with six jump points. The survey cruiser Asakaze was already at work in the system, so she immediately begins probing the new jump points.

9th September 1982
ELINT data gained from the home world of the Bloodclaw Dominion reveals the existence of a system named Lancia, which has an ideal habitable world and several wrecks. It’s location is unknown. The data also provides information on the home world itself, which had a population of 2.13 million and 4700 installations, smaller than the home worlds of the other known major alien powers.

10th September 1982
A survey of the ancient construct in the Naha system, two jumps out from Fomalhaut, reveals it will boost research into sensor systems by up to ninety percent. There is already an ancient construct on Osaka-B I with an eighty percent boost and twenty research facilities in operations. Given the distance of Naha, it is not worth the logistical challenges to relocate from Osaka, but a small colony will be established to activate the construct, which will add a small boost to sensor research across the Empire.

22nd September 1982
The light cruisers Nagara, Naka and Yura arrive in the Mauritius system, after refuelling three times en route; once at Fiji and twice at pre-positioned replenishment ships. The Bloodclaw Dominion ceased demands to withdraw several weeks ago, despite Kimikawa Maru salvaging nine Zharovian wrecks within sensor range of their home world, which suggests they already regard the Empire of Japan as a hostile power. The three light cruisers close in on two Bloodclaw ships, designated as Serval and European Lynx classes, recently detected near the Reunion jump point. Both ships have been moving at only 1 km/s for some time, suggesting they are badly damaged. All three cruisers launch their boarding troops, comprising two Raiden Sentai and a Naval Landing Force, against the Lynx, but they find the armour to be undamaged. After blasting through it with breaching charges, boarding combat begins. If the Bloodclaw Dominion didn’t previously view itself as being at war with the Empire of Japan, it does now.

The ship is secured four minutes after the armour is breached, with the loss of three marines and one of the Kazuma Raiden. There is no apparent damage except for the breached armour, but the ship is entirely out of fuel. Fortunately, Kyokuto Maru, a Japanese replenishment ship already in Mauritius, supporting the salvage operation at extreme range from Earth. The Eurasian Lynx is a 16,244 ton missile ship with magneto-plasma drives that has expended all its ordnance, presumably against the Followers of Zharov. Once refuelled, it will travel to Earth for dismantling.

Eurasian Lynx class Missile Destroyer      16,244 tons       301 Crew       2,444.8 BP       TCS 325    TH 1,696    EM 0
5220 km/s      Armour 5-57       Shields 0-0       HTK 89      Sensors 8/0/0/0      DCR 5-3      PPV 69.3
Maint Life 0.47 Years     MSP 470    AFR 422%    IFR 5.9%    1YR 1,004    5YR 15,061    Max Repair 424 MSP
Magazine 1,362 / 52   
Kaigun-Chūsa    Control Rating 1   BRG   
Intended Deployment Time: 12 months    Morale Check Required   

Magneto-plasma Drive  EP848 (2)    Power 1696    Fuel Use 21.72%    Signature 848    Explosion 10%
Fuel Capacity 600,000 Litres    Range 30.6 billion km (67 days at full power)

Size 26 Decoy Launcher (2)     Decoy Size: 26    Hangar Reload 255 minutes    MF Reload 42 hours
Size 7 Missile Launcher (30.0% Reduction) (33)     Missile Size: 7    Rate of Fire 795
Missile Fire Control FC89-R120 (1)     Range 89.1m km    Resolution 120   ECCM-2

Active Search Sensor AS77-R120 (1)     GPS 11520     Range 77.1m km    Resolution 120
Thermal Sensor TH1-8 (1)     Sensitivity 8     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  22.4m km
Electronic Warfare Jammers:   Sensor 2    Fire Control 2    Missile 2   

The three light cruisers recover their boarding troops and launch a new assault on the Serval. This time, they find easy access through the armour as the ship is badly damaged. Four marines and three Kazuma Raiden are lost in action before the ship is secured. The Serval is also a missile ship, but with a fire control and active sensor designed to detect and engage fighters. As with the Lynx, all its fuel and ordnance has been expended, along with its maintenance supplies. The damage is extensive, with both engines disabled and two thirds of the missile launchers inoperative. The Bloodclaw Dominion may appear to be losing its war against the Followers of Zharov, but it is not going down without a fight.

Serval class Missile Destroyer      16,244 tons       301 Crew       2,444.8 BP       TCS 325    TH 1,696    EM 0
5220 km/s      Armour 5-57       Shields 0-0       HTK 89      Sensors 8/0/0/0      DCR 5-3      PPV 69.3
Maint Life 0.47 Years     MSP 470    AFR 422%    IFR 5.9%    1YR 1,004    5YR 15,061    Max Repair 424 MSP
Magazine 1,362 / 52   
Kaigun-Chūsa    Control Rating 1   BRG   
Intended Deployment Time: 12 months    Morale Check Required   

Magneto-plasma Drive  EP848 (2)    Power 1696    Fuel Use 21.72%    Signature 848    Explosion 10%
Fuel Capacity 600,000 Litres    Range 30.6 billion km (67 days at full power)

Size 26 Decoy Launcher (2)     Decoy Size: 26    Hangar Reload 255 minutes    MF Reload 42 hours
Size 7 Missile Launcher (30.0% Reduction) (33)     Missile Size: 7    Rate of Fire 795
Missile Fire Control FC30-R5 (1)     Range 30.9m km    Resolution 5   ECCM-2

Active Search Sensor AS26-R5 (1)     GPS 480     Range 26.7m km    Resolution 5
Thermal Sensor TH1-8 (1)     Sensitivity 8     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  22.4m km
Electronic Warfare Jammers:   Sensor 2    Fire Control 2    Missile 2   

While Kyokuto Maru can provide fuel and maintenance, the Serval cannot repair its own engines, so a tug will be required to conduct a hundred billion kilometre round trip to bring the Serval back to Earth. Given the recent developments in Mauritius, Daigensui-Kaigun-Taishō Takagi decides that if a tug is going to be heading there anyway, it may as well bring a maintenance base to establish a permanent outpost, either in the system or nearby. He also orders the Akagi class carrier Zuiho and the repair ship Fukuju to be forward deployed to Fiji.

1st January 1983
A large battle near the home world of the Bloodclaw Dominion has resulted in the destruction of seven Zharovian ships; two 155,866-ton, commercial-engined Dzerzinsk class, two 17,382 Saransk class and three 13,523-ton Bratsk class. The salvage ship Kimikawa Maru has no accompanying freighters as both are en route to Fiji to deliver minerals and ship components from previous salvage operations. New freighters are en route to Mauritius, along with the salvage ship Kasuga Maru. Additional freighters and a colony ship are transporting infrastructure and colonists to establish a small colony on Mauritius I, while the Occupation Force of the Kido Butai is moving through Zharovian territory with ground forces, surface to orbit weapon batteries and several engineer regiments. The Imperial Japanese Navy will soon be able to establish a permanent presence in the Mauritius system.

8th January 1983
Another battle takes place at the Bloodclaw Dominion home world, with the Zharovians losing two more Dzerzinsk class and a pair of 21,674 ton Archangelsk class ships. If the Dzerzinsk are troop transports, like the Stavropol class ships destroyed in April 1982, the Followers of Zharov are making a serious effort to land ground forces. The defences appear to be primarily light missile armed bases, backed by short-range energy weapons. While the Zharovians are taking heavy losses, the Dominion may eventually run out of ordnance.

The Japanese diplomatic ship in Mauritius rescues the survivors of the battle, once the planet has moved away. Interrogations reveal that the two jump points discovered in the Zharov system by a partial survey are the only two that exist, removing any need to risk a diplomatic incident by completing the survey.

4th March 1983
Two new commercial-engined ships of the Bloodclaw Dominion, a 19,000-ton Jungle Cat and a 32,000-ton Sri Lankan Leopard, are launched from its home world and head straight for the Reunion system. As soon as they enter, they are both destroyed by a group of Zharovian warships waiting on the far side of the jump point.

25th March 1983
There has been no sign of any ships from the Sapporo aliens for some time. The black hole system beyond Sapporo has been surveyed and four outward jump points explored. There has been no sign of colonies, ships or even stable jump points. Therefore, a resurvey of Sapporo is authorised to check for the presence of a previously dormant jump point.

8th May 1983
The survey cruiser Fubuki has been destroyed by the Bloodclaw Dominion in the Reunion system. Fubuki, along with the larger survey cruiser Asakaze, was conducting a survey of the system and encountered a Bloodclaw colony on a comet. Surface-to-orbit weapons based at the colony opened fire and destroyed the Imperial Navy ship. Until this point, the limit of the Bloodclaw’s aggression was harsh language. Now their actual hostility is confirmed, the Dominion colonies in Reunion will be attacked, once the Imperial Navy base in their home system is established. Twenty-four hours later, Asakaze narrowly avoids a similar fate when she detects another Dominion population as she approaches a different comet.

4th June 1983
The tug Rokkai Maru arrives at Mauritius I to deliver a Yokosuka class maintenance base, completing a fifty-four billion kilometre journey from Earth, most of which was through Zharovian territory, including their home system. Other vessels that made the long journey, refuelling at Fiji and again at a covert refuelling point in the Kharimkotan system, include a dozen freighters, a colony ship, three large troop transports, two replenishment ships, the fleet support vessel Hayasui, two salvage ships and the old battlecruiser Kirishima. Three Nagara class light cruisers and a diplomatic ship were already in place. The Followers of Zharov issued several warnings as the various ships transited their home system en route to Mauritius, instructing them to leave immediately.

Mauritius I now supports a population of 500,000 and has a maintenance capacity of 90,000 tons – sufficient for Kirishima and the light cruisers. The freighters also brought minerals so that four engineer regiments can construct additional infrastructure. Four surface-to-orbit batteries were delivered, comprising a total of twenty-four 30cm lasers and twenty-four quick-firing 20cm lasers. The Imperial Navy now has a solid presence in the Dominion home system and a base from which it can launch raids against Bloodclaw shipping and Dominion colonies in the adjacent Reunion system. The Bloodclaw home world is the third moon of Mauritius II and is sufficiently close to Mauritius I for an F1M 'Kanmuri Tori' ELINT craft to monitor it while remaining in orbit of the new base.

26th June 1983
Two troop transports and ten freighters cross the Zharov system on their way back to Earth from Mauritius. They receive a warning to leave immediately, or be fired upon. This threat of hostile action is new and indicates that relations with the Followers have reached a new low, no doubt due to repeated Japanese violations of their territory. While the Imperial Japanese Navy will deal with the Followers at the appropriate time, that time is not now, so Daigensui-Kaigun-Taishō Takagi places a temporary ban on entry to the Zharov system. For the moment, the Imperial Navy forces in the Mauritius system are on their own.

A Zharovian salvage ship is competing with Kimikawa Maru in Mauritius to salvage the wrecks in that system and is requesting that the Japanese salvage ship leave the system. This was upgraded from a suggestion to a request at the same time as the threat in the Zharov system. This will be ignored unless the warning becomes more strident, but is another indication that the situation in Zharovian space is deteriorating.
« Last Edit: September 06, 2024, 06:09:39 AM by Steve Walmsley »
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Re: Empire of the Stars - Updates Thread
« Reply #22 on: September 06, 2024, 05:58:36 AM »
This is the 2nd of 4 posts today.

21st July 1983
A sensor buoy stationed on the Ryūgasaki jump point in Sigma Tucanae, a single jump from Fomalhaut, detects a Python class survey ship of the Mizuchi-Ha transiting into the system. Also stationed on the jump point is a single Kawanishi H3K 'Shoki' (Demon Slayer) class Long Range Patrol craft. The function of the Shoki is long-range, long-term deployment as a picket or raider, targeting unarmed hostile ships. Only twelve have been constructed, of which six are based at Fomalhaut Naval Base, including the picket in Sigma Tucanae and a second picket on the Fomalhaut- Kashima jump point, watching for anything that might emerge from the rift in Kashima and attempt to enter Fomalhaut.

Kawanishi H3K 'Shoki' class Long Range Patrol      500 tons       12 Crew       100.7 BP       TCS 10    TH 80    EM 0
8001 km/s    JR 3-50      Armour 1-5       Shields 0-0       HTK 4      Sensors 0/1/0/0      DCR 0-0      PPV 0.98
Maint Life 5.30 Years     MSP 37    AFR 20%    IFR 0.3%    1YR 2    5YR 33    Max Repair 40 MSP
Kaigun-Shōsa    Control Rating 1   
Intended Deployment Time: 24 months    Morale Check Required   

Komatsu KSJ-50-B Jump Drive     Max Ship Size 500 tons    Distance 50k km     Squadron Size 3
Koga-Murakama KM-80-B Magneto-Plasma Drive (1)    Power 80    Fuel Use 165%    Signature 80    Explosion 12%
Fuel Capacity 90,300 Litres    Range 19.6 billion km (28 days at full power)

MK II Light Cannon (1)    Range 20,000km     TS: 8,001 km/s     Power 0.75-0.75     ROF 5       
Type 42 Go-34F Patrol Craft Fire Control (1)     Max Range: 48,000 km   TS: 8,125 km/s    ECCM-3   
R-0B Tokamak Fusion Reactor (1)     Total Power Output 0.8    Exp 15%

Type 42 Go-14E Small Strike Sensor (1)     GPS 336     Range 17.4m km    Resolution 120
Type 42 Go-24E Fighter Sensor (1)     GPS 3     Range 3.5m km    MCR 317.9k km    Resolution 1
Type 35 Go-65C Minimal Passive Sensor (1)     Sensitivity 1.1     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  8.3m km
Type 33 Go-55C Minimal Passive Sensor (1)     Sensitivity 0.8     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  7.1m km

The Python is capable of 9000 km/s, faster than the H3K by 1000 km/s. Even so the H3K pursues, attempting to damage the Mizuchi ship while still in range. As soon as the 4000-ton Python is struck, it turns on its pursuer and makes continuous attempts to ram the much smaller vessel. The H3k maintains fire for over three minutes, first slowing the Python and eventually destroying it, then returns to its picket position. The Imperial Navy is waiting on new engine technology to be available before confronting the advanced ships of the Mizuchi-Ha, so the destruction of the Python buys a little more time before the Mizuchi can survey Sigma Tucanae and advance into the key Fomalhaut system.

24th July 1983
In Ryūgasaki, a fleet of eighty-eight Mizuchi-Ha attack craft arrives on the Sigma Tucanae jump point and destroys a Zuiun-Ro sensor buoy. The H3K stationed on the Sigma Tucanae side is ordered to retreat to a new picket position on the Fomalhaut – Sigma Tucanae jump point, leaving only a sensor buoy to track any further transits by the attack craft.

5th August 1983
The survey of Reunion has revealed one jump point so far, leading to the planetless Amirante system, which was probed by Asakaze in early July. ELINT data from the Zharovian home world reveals that Amirante has two outward jump points, so Asakaze temporarily abandons her survey in Reunion to investigate them.

16th September 1983
The survey cruiser Minekaze finds a previously undetected jump point during the resurvey of Sapporo, probably confirming the theory that the Sapporo aliens, with whom communication has yet to be established, arrived in the system via a dormant jump point. Minekaze conducts a probe and discovers a red dwarf system with four unremarkable planets. There is no sign of any alien presence. The system is named Ascension, based on the newly designated nomenclature of Atlantic islands for all discoveries beyond the new Sapporo jump point.

8th October 1983
While recent attention has been focused on the Mizuchi-Ha, the second species of Mizuchi to be discovered, the Mizuchi-Ro, have been present in the Koga Chain for over four years. The Mizuchi-Ro were originally discovered in the Moriguchi system, but were ignored as they were seven transits from Earth, which was the nearest Japanese population to their location, plus they would first encounter the large Zuijin fleet in Beta Hydri, three jumps from Moriguchi, on their route to Sol.

To monitor their expansion, several H3K 'Shoki' long range patrol craft are dispatched past Beta Hydri, supported by Shinzan Maru, a specialised tender ship designed to support a small force of small craft. The tender provides maintenance support, refuelling and resupply, plus spare buoys and drones for those small craft equipped with launch rails. One H3K is stationed at the Beta Hydri – Kariya jump point and a second at the Kariya – Katagami jump point. After a third H3K performs a sweep of the inner system in Katagami, directly adjacent to Moriguchi, Shinzan Maru enters that system.

Shinzan Maru class Small Craft Tender      60,000 tons      534 Crew      1,999.7 BP       TCS 1,200    TH 3,072    EM 0
2560 km/s    JR 3-50(C)      Armour 1-136       Shields 0-0       HTK 118      Sensors 8/14/0/0      DCR 1-0      PPV 0
MSP 10,020    Max Repair 120 MSP
Hangar Deck Capacity 2,000 tons     Magazine 500 / 0    Cargo Shuttle Multiplier 3   
Kaigun-Chūsa    Control Rating 1   BRG   
Intended Deployment Time: 3 months    Flight Crew Berths 40   
Maintenance Modules: 4 module(s) capable of supporting ships of 10,000 tons

Komatsu KCJ-600-B Jump Drive     Max Ship Size 60000 tons    Distance 50k km     Squadron Size 3
Koga-Murakama KC-384-B Magneto-plasma Drive (8)    Power 3072    Fuel Use 2.48%    Signature 384    Expl 4%
Fuel Capacity 2,926,000 Litres    Range 354.1 billion km (1601 days at full power)
Refuelling Capability: 60,000 litres per hour     Complete Refuel 48 hours

Zuiun-Ha Sensor Buoy (32)    Speed: 0 km/s    End: 0m     Range: 0m km    WH: 0    Size: 12
Shūsui Reconnaissance Drone (8)    Speed: 5,200 km/s    End: 10d     Range: 4,499.2m km    WH: 0    Size: 12
Ordnance Transfer Rate: 40 MSP per hour     Complete Transfer 12.5 hours

Type 42 Go-13E Navigation Sensor (1)     GPS 3360     Range 55.1m km    Resolution 120
Type 33 Go-53C Passive Sensor (1)     Sensitivity 8     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  22.4m km
Type 42 Go-63D Passive Sensor (1)     Sensitivity 14     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  29.6m km

The captain of Shinzan Maru, Kaigun-Chusa Shirahata Toshiharu, orders the H3K in Katagami is to probe the other two jump points in the system before transiting into Moriguchi. The H3K transits into Nu Reticuli, a planetless brown dwarf system, and discovers a 2,591-ton Mizuchi-Ro ship of a new type, designated as Redback class. As it is suffering from jump shock, the H3K is unable to fire immediately, but pursues the Redback anyway. After running for a short time, the Redback doubles back and transits into Katagami, where it moves away at 9264 km/s, faster than the pursuing H3K, in the general direction of the Kariya jump point. The H3K maintains the pursuit until the Redback moves out of sensor range, then sets course for Kariya. Shinzan Maru, currently heading toward the Katagami inner system, reverses courses and heads back to the Kariya jump point.

16th October 1983
Shinzan Maru return safely to Kariya and takes up position in orbit of a comet, which is the only body in the entire system. The H3K sees no further sign of the Mizuchi-Ro ship before also arriving in Kariya and taking up station at the Kariya – Nabari jump point, in case the Mizuchi have already moved through Kariya and are present in other areas of the Koga Chain. Once a suitable ship or patrol craft is available, sensor buoys will be laid throughout the area to determine the extent of the Mizuchi-Ro penetration into known space.

23rd October 1983
The People’s Republic of Xiama occasionally passes on geological survey data to demonstrate their desire for peaceful relations, although this is not too common as Imperial Naval Intelligence believes their survey ships have moved out beyond known space. On this occasion however, an item of survey data regarding minimal deposits on a tiny moon, has far wider implications. The moon is in Tarawa, a Zuijin system adjacent to Makin - which is on the border between the Xiamen and Velsharoon - and three jumps from both the Truk and Hadano naval bases.

Imperial Naval Intelligence requests an update on the system, which is provided by an E2A scout operating from Truk. The Imperial Navy’s previous visit to Tarawa was in 1970 by the light cruiser Kasagi, commanded by Kaigun-Chusa Kido Hoshi, which ran into a Zuijin squadron on the Makin jump point and managed to escape after a brief engagement. Kido, now a Kaigun-Taisa, is currently commanding the battlecruiser Kirishima at the base in the Bloodclaw home system of Mauritius.

The E2A finds the orbit of Tarawa II littered with Zuijin wrecks, including Devastator and Terror class base, three destroyers, a Ravager escort cruiser and ten Ghost fast attack craft. Also present are two Xiamen wrecks and a single Velsharoon wreck. The scout heads in-system to check for any surviving Zuijin ships. The salvage vessel Kamakura Maru is already in Hadano, due to the recent tension between the Xiamen and Velsharoon, and is immediately dispatched to Tarawa. Two survey ships, one recently overhauled in Fomalhaut and a second currently operating in Xiamen space, are ordered to abandon their current assignments and head to Tarawa, although they will take several months to arrive.

The E2A proceeds in-system and finds no sign of any Zuijin ships. A single 10,000-ton Nanjing class ship of the People’s Republic of Xiama is in orbit of Tarawa II, while a small Zuijin ground force remains on the surface, with a signature of only 3,100 tons. The presence of the ground force strongly suggests that neither the Xiamen nor the Velsharoon have surveyed any ruins that might lie on the surface, providing a opportunity for the Imperial Navy to gain an advantage over its alien rivals.

15th November 1983
The People’s Republic of Xiama provides survey data for Tarawa II, including the existence of a ruined colony on the surface, plus a hundred and eighty million tons of accessibility 0.8 Duranium. Although Tarawa II has a gravity of 2.4G, making it unsuitable for human colonisation, the ground forces of the Imperial Army are able to operate in almost any environment. Three Sagami class troop transports, escorted by the light cruiser Jintsu, are already en route to Truk, where they will refuel before proceeding to Tarawa.

The Nanjing class ship that was in orbit of Tarawa II departed just before the survey information was received, so Imperial Naval Intelligence designates the ship as a geological survey vessel. It has a speed of over 10,000 km/s, once again demonstrating the considerable advantage of the Xiamen in the field of propulsion research.

Tarawa II Survey Report
Duranium:   185,281,250   0.80
Tritanium:   56,250,000   0.10
Boronide:   156,250,000   0.10
Mercassium:   10,562,500   0.80
Sorium:   132,250,000   0.10
Uridium:   2,250,000   0.10
Corundium:   43,890,625   0.10

16th November 1983
An E1A3 scout from Minekaze probes a jump point in Ascension, adjacent to Sapporo, and discovers Saint Helena, a system with a yellow-white F8-V primary, eight planets, almost sixty moons and a moderate-sized asteroid belt. The second planet is a mountainous super-terrestrial world with a dense nitrogen-oxygen atmosphere. There are two identical groups of unknown wrecks within the inner system, outside the orbits of the second and fourth planets respectively. Each group comprises two wrecks over 150,000 tons, plus several smaller wrecks between 7,000 and 31,000 tons. There is also a single identifiable wreck: a 7,211 ton Thoth class of the Sapporo aliens.

Minekaze transits into Saint Helena and launches a Shūsui Reconnaissance Drone at the second planet, which reveals a large Zuijin fleet in orbit, massing over a quarter of a million tons. If this system does lie on the direct route between the Empire of Japan and the territory of the Sapporo aliens, it would explain why there has been only minimal contact so far. However, it also presents an opportunity. If this Zuijin fleet could be eliminated and the planet secured, it would serve as an excellent forward base for the Imperial Navy. The timing is far from ideal, as fusion drives have recently been developed, the Kido Butai is about to commence a round of refits, most of the large troop transports are either returning from Mauritius, or heading to Tarawa, plus there are numerous other threats and commitments. Even so, Daigensui-Kaigun-Taishō Takagi orders planning for an operation to secure Saint Helena as soon as the necessary resources are available.

23rd November 1983
The wreck of a Zuijin destroyer vanishes in Tarawa. The E2A in orbit of Tarawa II moves to investigate and find three Xiamen ships at the site: a commercial-engined Nanchang class, which is likely a salvage vessel, and two military-engined Kaifeng class ships of 13,000 tons. Kamakura Maru is still two weeks away from Tarawa and the only other two Imperial Navy salvage ships have been stuck in Mauritius since the ban on transiting the Zharov system, so with wrecks in both Tarawa and Saint Helena available for salvage, Daigensui-Kaigun-Taishō Takagi authorises Kasuga Maru and two accompanying freighters to make a run through Zharov. She is threatened with being fired upon, but no actual hostile act takes place.

1st December 1983
Asakaze discovers a small Bloodclaw colony on a comet in the Socotra system, two jumps outward from Reunion and three from the Dominion home system in Mauritius. Meanwhile, at the Imperial Navy base at Mauritius I, the three Nagara class light cruisers and the battlecruiser Kirishima have taken turns to conduct overhauls. Now these are complete, they will begin a series of assaults on the Bloodclaw colonies in Reunion and eventually at the newly discovered comet colony in Socotra.

17th December 1983
The Nagara III-Ni class light cruisers Nagara, Naka and Yura move within 360,000 km of the Bloodclaw Dominion’s comet-based colony in Reunion, which used surface-to-orbit weapons to destroy the Imperial Navy survey cruiser Fubuki six months earlier. Remaining outside of STO weapon range, the light cruisers use their fast-firing Kentaro-Sakura KS-20B Far Ultraviolet Lasers to eliminate the ground-based weapons, then move into orbit to await Kirishima and the troop transport Yasukuni Maru.

30th December 1983
Yasukuni Maru combat drops the 1st Kurogane (Black Iron) Samurai division on to the Bloodclaw colony. This is the combat debut of an entirely new Imperial Army ground force, comprising two regiments of Kaenryu (Blazing Dragon) Combat Mechs and two regiments of Gekiryū (Furious Dragon) Combat Mechs. The Kaenryu is fifteen metres tall and armed with a super-heavy cannon, plus two heavy autocannon. The Gekiryū is smaller, at eleven metres, and armed with three heavy anti-infantry weapons. Seventy-two Kaenryu or one hundred and twenty Gekiryū comprise one regiment, so the entire Kurogane Samurai division includes three hundred and eighty-eight mechs, plus sixty 180mm artillery pieces at the divisional level.

The Bloodclaw ground force has a signature of 5200 tons, so even accounting for the effects of fortification on detection, they are severely out-massed. Within the first few hours of combat, it becomes obvious the defenders are mainly an infantry force, supported by a few tanks and with limited anti-armour capability. The powerful Kaenryu combat mechs are overkill against such light targets, so the Gekiryū are employed in hunting down the elusive infantry. The minimal gravity and extreme cold are more of a problem than the defensive fire, affecting targeting sensors and generally reducing the combat effectiveness of both sides.

13th January 1984
Ground combat has been underway on the Reunion comet colony for two weeks, with most of the Bloodclaw force destroyed. Perhaps a quarter still survives and is evading the Imperial Army mechs. The Kaenryu and Gekiryū have proven extremely effective from a survival point of view, with no mechs lost in combat. What is lacking is an ability to rapidly eliminate a large number of weak targets that is commensurate with their cost, although the conditions on the comet are not ideal. Gekiryū and Kaenryu regiments cost as much as five and six infantry regiments respectively. On the plus side, the Kurogane Samurai division is a survivable and effective formation, when time is not a factor, that can travel on a single troop transport, making them ideal for employment in situations where limited lift capability is a factor, such as at Mauritius Base. The combat experience in Reunion suggests that a complementary formation is required. More capable and survivable than normal infantry, but with a greater output of anti-personnel fire than the equivalent mass of combat mechs.

While combat continues, the battlecruiser Kirishima moves to the known Dominion colony on Reunion-A III. While the battlecruiser is larger than the light cruisers, it has not been refitted for some time and is still equipped with ion engines and fire controls with a maximum range of 256,000 tons. It will use its advantage of greater armour mass to draw fire, so the light cruisers can target any defences from long-range.

Kirishima comes under fire at 128,000 km, suffering nine strength-4 hits. She immediately reverses course and returns fire, halting at 185,000 km where she appears to be out of range, but can still engage with both her primary armament of 25cm lasers and her secondary 12cm turrets. Once those STOs that can be detected have been eliminated, she moves closer to the planet and takes a barrage of fire at 15,000 kms, which inflicts forty-eight strength-1 hits. Kirishima opens the range and begins firing once again, swiftly eliminating the new threat. Her armour is damaged, but not critical, with only a single penetration deeper than forty percent of her armour belt.

20th January 1984
The comet colony falls to the Kurogane Samurai division, without the loss of any combat mechs, although the regiments have exhausted their supplies.

25th January 1984
As one invasion ends, another begins. The 2nd Kurogane Samurai division, the only other combat mech formation in the Imperial Army, is unloaded on Tarawa II to confront the Zuijin defenders. Although the Xiamen may have eliminated the Zuijin fleet in Tarawa, the real prize is on the surface. The opposing force appears to be relatively small, with a signature of 3,100 tons. However, the dominant terrain is jungle-covered mountains, making this a difficult environment in which to fight and one in which an well-fortified opponent is well-concealed, both from detection and targeting scanners. The real size of the Zuijin ground force is likely to be many times larger.

The environment proves as difficult as feared. Within the first twenty-four hours, the invading force fails to destroy a single Zuijin bot or mech, while losing a Kaenryu combat mech to hostile fire. There are four infantry divisions that could support the assault on Tarawa, but two are already en route to the Saint Helena system to support a planned attack by the Kido Butai. The other two are available, but restricted by a lack of transport capacity.

The Imperial Japanese Navy has six large troop transports capable of transporting a division: three drop-capable Yasukuni class and three older Sagami Maru class. One Yasukuni is in Reunion, after transporting the 1st Kurogane Samurai Division to the Bloodclaw comet colony, and the other two are transporting the two divisions en route to Saint Helena. The three Sagami Maru class ships are already in Tarawa: one transported the 2nd Kurogane Samurai Division and the other two still holding three engineer regiments, three xenoarchaeology regiments and two shore batteries for deployment on Tarawa II after it is secured.

There is also the Shinshu Maru class of nine small troop transports, which have capacity for a single regiment, but are still equipped with gas core drives and capable of only 1500 km/s. They are used for lower priority tasks, such as delivering shore batteries or geosurvey regiments. Five are in Earth orbit, with the other four already assigned to various tasks. These five ships are ordered to load the 2nd Infantry Division, plus additional logistics units, and proceed to Tarawa, but will not arrive for four months. Two of the three Sagami Maru ships in Tarawa are ordered to drop off their transported formations to a temporary base on Tarawa III and return to Earth. One will remain in case a decision is made to withdraw the 2nd Kurogane Samurai Division.

Meanwhile, salvage operations have been underway in the Tarawa system, with Kamakura Maru competing with a much smaller Xiamen vessel. Three larger wrecks and several Ghost class FACs have been salvaged by the Xiamen ship, while Kamakura Maru has salvaged the rest, including two Xiamen ships and a single Covenant wreck, albeit of older technology.

26th January 1984
Asakaze investigates a jump point in Amirante, one transit outward from Reunion. As the Bloodclaw Dominion is hostile and Asakaze does not have an Aichi scout in her hangar, a A2M3 ‘Shinden’ fighter conducts the transit, while Asakaze holds the jump point open. The fighter emerges in a system with a planetless F5-V star, designated as Zanzibar, and discovers a large fleet of over thirty Bloodclaw ships stationed on the jump point, ranging in size from 34,000 tons to 180,000 tons, plus a single ship of 9,100 tons, designated as Indochinese Leopard class. There is no immediate hostile fire,, so assuming that the 9000-ton ship is the only likely warship, the fighter locks on target and waits for jump shock to wear off.

Moments later the entire Dominion fleet transits into Amirante. Asakaze launches her other fighter and her single Nakajima B1N 'Ryūsei' with orders to attack the Leopard, while requesting help from the adjacent Reunion system. All three Nagara light cruisers break orbit of the recently captured comet colony and set a course for the Amirante jump point. The Bloodclaw ships cannot re-transit due to jump shock, so they run, with the Indochinese Leopard leading the way at 5583 km/s. It is the only ship with military engines and presumably a missile ship that is out of ordnance, or perhaps a scout design.

The second A2M3 gives chase, while the first cannot yet return due to jump shock. The B1N launches a pair of first generation Rakurai anti-ship missiles, one of which inflicts a strength-12 hit on the Leopard, penetrating its armour and reducing its speed by a third. The ease with which the ship was damaged, suggests it is more likely a scout than a missile combatant. The pursuing A2M3 ‘Shinden’ continues to fire on the Leopard. The other A2M3 finally recovers from jump shock and transits into Amirante, choosing a 36,518-ton Bornean Bay class as its target, due to the fact it is the fastest of the commercial-engined ships, although it cannot yet fire due to new jump shock effects.

Both the Indochinese Leopard and the Bornean Bay reverse course, attempting to return to the Zanzibar system. Neither makes it. The Indochinese Leopard suffers a large secondary explosion and disintegrates, while the Bornean Bay surrenders after coming under attack. After the loss of the Leopard, every Dominion ship changes course and heads back toward Zanzibar

Bornean Bay class Freighter      36,518 tons       105 Crew       435 BP       TCS 730    TH 1,000    EM 0
1369 km/s      Armour 1-98       Shields 0-0       HTK 40      Sensors 0/0/0/0      DCR 1-0      PPV 0
MSP 7    Max Repair 50 MSP
Cargo 25,000    Cargo Shuttle Multiplier 3   
Kaigun-Shōsa    Control Rating 1   BRG   
Intended Deployment Time: 3 months   

Dafor P200.00 Civilian Drive (5)    Power 1000    Fuel Use 3.04%    Signature 200    Explosion 4%
Fuel Capacity 150,000 Litres    Range 24.4 billion km (205 days at full power)

The two fighters do their best to slow the progress of the Bloodclaw ships, but they have limited firepower and every remaining ship manages to transit. One A2M3 transits into Zanzibar, while the other remains in Amirante. They will remain in their respective systems to avoid further issues with jump shock while they try to damage as many ships as they can while their weapons hold out. The three light cruisers from Reunion are nine days away.

The fighter in Zanzibar destroys a 36,000 ton Cheetah class ship before it runs out of maintenance supplies and is forced to return to Amirante and land on Asakaze. The other fighter transits into Zanzibar and continues the attack, achieving the destruction of a 66,000 ton Cougar before suffering a weapon failure and also returning to Asakaze. For some reason, possibly the destruction of their comrades in Amirante, the Bloodclaw ships do not attempt another transit and instead runs into the depths of the Zanzibar system.

After repairing their weapons in Asakaze’s small hangar bay and replenishing their maintenance supplies, the two fighters conduct another attack, destroying two ships before resupplying once. This cycle continues, moving further from the jump point, until all but fourteen Cougar class ships of 66,000 tons remains. The Cougars are fleeing at only 363 km/s, except for one crippled vessel near the jump point, which suggest they may be some type of resource-gathering ship, Asakaze monitors their position, but they are otherwise left alone until the light cruisers arrive, as they have boarding capability.

4th February 1984
The light cruisers Nagara, Naka and Yura arrive in Zanzibar. Two have Raiden Sentai detachments, comprising forty Kazuma Raiden boarding troops, equipped with powered armour and the Nambu Type 36 Machine Gun. Nagara has a detachment of unarmoured marines, with older weapons, which she dispatches to board the damaged Cougar near the jump point, while the other two ships head after the thirteen Cougars still fleeing the area.

Resistance to the marines is unexpectedly heavy. The detachment was understrength anyway, with only thirty-four personnel. Within three minutes of boarding the Bloodclaw vessel, fifteen are dead and so are sixty-one of the crew. The other two light cruisers reverse course and head back to assist. By the time the Kazuma Raiden join the marines, there are only eleven remaining.

The arrival of the two Raiden Sentai detachment completely transforms the boarding operation. Within two minutes of arriving, they have killed two hundred crew and captured the ship without suffering a single loss. The Cougar turns out to be a small civilian fuel harvester. As the forces at Mauritius Base are effectively cut-off from the rest of the Empire of Japan, due to deteriorating relations with the Followers of Zharov, the securing of a local fuel production capability will be extremely welcome, although as yet no suitable gas giant in the area has been discovered. The Raiden Sentai return to Naka and Yura and prepare for a series of further boarding actions to secure the undamaged Cougars. As Nagara no longer possesses an effective boarding detachment, she returns to Reunion to provide support for the planned assault on the Bloodclaw colony on Reunion-A III. Asakaze also heads for Reunion to continue her gravitational and geological surveys.

5th February 1984
Boarding operations have been underway for several hours, with two more harvesters captured for the loss of six Kazuma Raiden, when events in the Zanzibar system take an unexpected turn. Sensor emissions are detected from an alien ship of a previously unknown race, located approximately equidistant from the jump point and the boarding operations. The ship, designated as Sigurd class, is travelling at 6000 km/s on a direct course for the Amirante jump point. Nagara, already in the Amirante system, reverses course and heads back to the Zanzibar jump point. Asakaze is heading for the same jump point from the Zanzibar side and is just over a hundred million kilometres from the alien ship. She launches one of her fighters on an intercept course.

Despite initial occasional contact, the alien ship vanishes for several hours and the fighter is unable to locate it, so it moves to the jump point and waits. Eventually, ten hours after initial contact, the Sigurd class ship moves within the fighter’s limited sensor range as it closes on the jump point. In that time, Naka and Yura have captured a further four Bloodclaw fuel harvesters. Asakaze and Nagara are still heading to the jump point from either side, but neither is in sensor range yet. After remaining on the jump point for approximately ninety minutes, the Sigurd transits into Amirante, where it is detected by a buoy left by Asakaze.

Six hours after transiting, the Sigurd class ship departs the jump point on an apparent course for the Reunion jump point. By this point, Nagara is within active sensor range, so she begins shadowing the alien ship. Meanwhile, in Zanzibar, Naka and Yura complete the capture of the remaining ships, although the Raiden Sentai suffer forty percent casualties in total during the many boarding actions. Both light cruisers head for the Amirante jump point, while the survey cruiser Asakaze begin a survey of Zanzibar to locate the entry jump point of the Sigurd. The Reunion survey will be resumed afterwards. The captured fuel harvesters are all out of fuel, so will have to remain in Zanzibar until the replenishment ship Kyokuto Maru arrives from Mauritius Base.

A few hours later, the Sigurd reaches the position of the captured Bornean Bay class freighter, then reverses course and heads back to the Zanzibar jump point. It appears that rather than moving to the Reunion jump point, the alien ship was investigating the freighter, which happened to be on a course to Reunion. This suggests the alien ship is a scout and Amirante might be the furthest point to which the new alien race has explored. If they do find Reunion, that will put them in contact with both the Bloodclaw Dominion and the Followers of Zharov, both of which have colonies in the system, although the ownership of the Dominion colonies may change in the near future.

10th February 1984
The Sigurd returns to Zanzibar and moves to the captured harvesters, presumably continuing its investigation of recent sensor contacts. Nagara continues to shadow the alien ships, but is down to fifty percent fuel so will not be able to maintain the pursuit indefinitely. While the aliens have shown willingness to attempt communication with the Japanese light cruiser, progress has been extremely limited.

20th February 1984
Due to concerns over fuel, Nagara lost contact with the Sigurd several days ago and took up station on the Zanzibar – Amirante jump point. A second ship of the Zanzibar aliens, designated as Edda class, is detected in Zanzibar on a heading for the Amirante jump point. The Edda, 6,100 tons and moving at 5,527 km/s, appeared from the same direction as the initial contact with the Sigurd. Asakaze is attempting to locate their entry jump point. The Edda transits into Amirante and holds position on the jump point.

21st February 1984
The Kido Butai arrives in the Saint Helena system and sets course for the Zuijin fleet in orbit of the second planet. Due to refits and other commitments, no heavy cruisers are available and the Akagi class carriers Kaga and Zuikaku have replaced the Taihō and Junyō, reducing the number of strike craft by a third but adding an extra forty-eight Mitsubishi A3M 'Hayabusa' class fighters. The fleet has refuelled twice en route to reach Saint Helena. All fourteen ships proceed to within a hundred million kilometres of the planet, then the Carrier Striking Force holds position while the Main Force proceeds onwards, escorted by the carrier strikegroups.

Main Force
Yamato-Ha class Battleship: Katsuragi, Musashi, Shinano, Yamato
Nagato II class Battleship: Hyūga, Ise, Mutsu, Nagato

Carrier Striking Force
Taihō II-Ro class Carrier: Chūyō, Hiyō, Shinyō, Unryū
Akagi III class Carrier: Kaga, Zuikaku
144x Nakajima B2N 'Tenzan' class Carrier Strike
264x Mitsubishi A3M 'Hayabusa' class Fighter
8x Aichi E2A class Scout

On approach, the Main Force deals with several waves of sixteen laser torpedoes and a single wave of thirty. Once within five million kilometres, the B2N ‘Tenzan’ strike craft launch two hundred and eighty-eight Rakurai anti-ship missiles, targeting a Devastator class base and a Ravager escort cruiser, which are the only Zuijin ships armed with light missiles. Both targets are blown to pieces. The B2Ns head back to their carriers, while the Main Force closes on the Zuijin fleet.

Although the Zuijin defenders are theoretically powerful, with over 200,000 tons of warships, their missile ships cannot effectively penetrate the Kido Butai’s point defence, their light missile ships have been eliminated and their energy-weapon combatants are slower and have shorter range weapons. The Zuijin attempt to attack the Japanese battleships, but unlike the early days of Japanese expansion, they are now completely outclassed. The battle is a massacre. Once every last Zuijin warship has been hunted down and destroyed, the Main Force wipes out the surface-to-orbit weapons on Saint Helena II, leaving the planet open to ground assault.

26th February 1984
ELINT data from the Xiamen home world reveals that the People’s Republic is at war within the Sapporo aliens. This is very surprising as the two races are at least six transits apart, based on known detections, and the available routes pass through either the Velsharoon home world or via both Fiji and Truk. Either the systems beyond Saint Helena and Ascension connect to Xiamen space, or there is some other unknown route. The resurvey of the Sapporo system was abandoned after the Ascension jump point was located, but that survey will be completed to ensure there are no more back doors into the Empire of Japan.
« Last Edit: September 06, 2024, 06:09:24 AM by Steve Walmsley »
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Re: Empire of the Stars - Updates Thread
« Reply #23 on: September 06, 2024, 06:14:53 AM »
This is the 3rd of 4 posts today

2nd March 1984
Asakaze discovers a jump point in Zanzibar, close to the F5-V primary. It is not in the area from which the two ships of the Zanzibar aliens appeared, so she continues her survey while the light cruiser Yura, recently refuelled in Amirante by Kyokuto Maru, moves to the new jump point. Although Yura does not have a jump drive, the jump point is stable, so she transits with the hope that the far side is also stable and she doesn’t require the assistance of Asakaze in returning to Zanzibar.

Yura emerges two billion kilometres from a planetless, orange K3-V star, designated as Svalbard. A warning blares on the bridge as her sensors detect two hostile contacts at point-blank range. Fortunately, they are both commercial-engined ships of the Bloodclaw Dominion: a 36-500-ton Amur Leopard class, seven of which were destroyed by Asakaze’s fighters in Zanzibar, plus a 180,000-ton Lion class, a type not previously seen. Yura launches her Raiden Sentai, albeit severely reduced in strength, against the Amur Leopard and targets the Lion. As soon as her weapons recover from jump shock, the Lion is destroyed by a single salvo. The Kazuma Raiden capture the Leopard, apparently a civilian freighter, without loss. This brief action was conducted at the furthest point from Sol that the Imperial Japanese Navy has reached: sixteen transits and almost sixty-five billion kilometres.

Amur Leopard class Freighter      36,518 tons       105 Crew       395 BP       TCS 730    TH 800    EM 0
1095 km/s      Armour 1-98       Shields 0-0       HTK 40      Sensors 0/0/0/0      DCR 1-0      PPV 0
MSP 6    Max Repair 50 MSP
Cargo 25,000    Cargo Shuttle Multiplier 3   
Kaigun-Shōsa    Control Rating 1   BRG   
Intended Deployment Time: 3 months   

T’plar P160.0 Civilian Drive (5)    Power 800    Fuel Use 3.54%    Signature 160    Explosion 4%
Fuel Capacity 150,000 Litres    Range 20.9 billion km (220 days at full power)

3rd March 1984
A Hosho III diplomatic ship that was originally deployed to Mauritius to negotiate with the Bloodclaw Dominion arrives at the Amirante – Zanzibar jump point, where the Edda class ship of the Zanzibar aliens has remained since transiting into the system. Kaigun-Taisa Kimiyama Masago is in command of the Hosho, a linguistics expert that previously commanded the battleship Hyūga in two engagements against the Zuijin before being seconded to the Diplomatic Corps.

In the adjacent Reunion system, the 1st Kurogane Samurai division is dropped on the Bloodclaw colony on the third planet and immediately engages the defenders. Once again the defenders are mostly infantry, perhaps 2500 in total, but with a gravity of 0.6G and cold but tolerable temperatures, the Kaenryu and Gekiryū combat mechs find it far easier to locate and eliminate targets than during the recent comet battle.. Both Kurogane Samurai divisions are now engaged simultaneously, as the low-level combat still continues on Tarawa II with minimal losses on both sides.

6th March 1984
The Bloodclaw defenders are annihilated in less than four days of fighting. Due to the orbital bombardment of the shore batteries and subsequent collateral damage from the ground fighting, any original Dominion population has apparently been wiped out, leaving a few installations and sufficient infrastructure to support 900,000 colonists. The installations are an eclectic mix, including one each of construction, fighter and ordnance factories, several mines and maintenance facilities, a financial centre and an ordnance transfer station. There is also a stockpile of twenty-four million litres of fuel, without a way to access it, and six thousand maintenance supplies. Kaigun-Taisa Kido Hoshi, overseeing the invasion from the battlecruiser Kirishima, suspects this was once a Zuijin outpost and the scattered installations were recovered from ruins. An orbital survey could confirm that theory, if anything of the original Zuijin ruin remains.

10th March 1984
Two of the original three Dominion colonies in Reunion have now fallen to the Empire of Japan. Kirishima approaches a comet that holds the third to engage the surface defences. Fortunately, some have already been exposed, probably due to a previous engagement, so she opens fire from beyond their maximum range. Once those are eliminated, Kirishima moves closer and encounters a second, shorter-ranged battery that opens fire at 90,000 km and inflicts several strength-4 hits on her armour. She pulls back and destroys them, before advancing once again and coming under fire at 19,000 km. Kirishima’s armour suffers another thirty-nine hits, leading to a seventy-five percent penetration in one location and moderate damage across the whole belt.

The third and final battery suffers the same fate as the first two, although Kirishima is close to weapon failure with only five percent of her maintenance supplies remaining. Kirishima heads for Reunion-A III to resupply from the recently captured maintenance stockpile. Her commander, Kaigun-Taisa Kido Hoshi is awarded the Order of the Rising Sun with Silver Rays for his actions in Reunion.

15th March 1984
The troop transport Yasukuni Maru drops the 1st Kurogane Samurai division on the Bloodclaw colony. This will be a far more difficult battle, as the ground force signature is 33,500-tons, six times larger than the forces on the other two colonies in Reunion. In fact, the attacking force is likely out-massed and the defenders are well-fortified but there are no other Imperial Army formations within fifty billion kilometres. The Kaenryu and Gekiryū combat mechs will have to rely on quality, not quantity.

16th March 1984
Within twenty-four hours of landing, the 1st Kurogane Samurai division has identified approximately a hundred Dominion tanks of various types and up to ten thousand infantry and other troops. Combat is difficult for both sides due to the minimal gravity and temperatures of minus two hundred degrees. Three days after landing, a decisive engagement takes place, when half the Bloodclaw armour is destroyed by Kaenryu combat mechs within eight hours of fighting, significantly reducing the Dominion’s ability to defeat the Imperial Army mechs.

20th March 1984
The survey cruiser Shirayuki finds another dormant jump point in Sapporo. The original survey discovered only two jump points, the entry point from Kagoshima and an outward jump point to a black hole. Since then, a jump point in Santa Isabel, two jumps from Fiji, connected to a dormant jump point in Sapporo, then a resurvey found  a second dormant jump point leading to Ascension. After the news that the Sapporo aliens were at war with the Xiamen, the resurvey continued and has now found a third previously dormant jump point.

Shirayuki probes the new jump point and discovers Bermuda, a G5-IV sub-giant star orbited by four terrestrial worlds. Bermuda III, a cold desert world with small seas and a nitrogen-oxygen atmosphere, would be an ideal habitable world, if not for 0.06 atm of carbon dioxide. The survey cruiser launches a reconnaissance drone and finds no sign of life.

8th April 1984
The survey cruiser Minekaze completes a geological survey of the four planets and fifteen moons in Ascension and heads for the Saint Helena jump point to survey the Zuijin planet in that system. As she is leaving orbit of Ascension II, she detects the transit of a Pasht class geosurvey ship of the Sapporo aliens through a previously unknown jump point, less than twenty million kilometres away.

Minekaze transits the new jump point and discovers a huge black hole with a hundred and twenty solar masses. Over thirty billion kilometres away on the far side of the system are ten Xiamen wrecks, including eight 160,000-ton commercial-engined Zhangzhou class. This system could be the link between the Sapporo aliens and the territory of the People’s Republic of Xiama. Minekaze lays her last two sensor buoys either side of the new jump point then returns to Ascension, transits into Saint Helena and heads for the Zuijin world.

10th April 1984
Full communication is established with the alien race recently encountered in Zanzibar. They are known as the Helgrim Protectorate and are humanoid in general appearance, although their true form is unknown as they wear suits of ornate metal armour, including full helms. While ancient in appearance, the armour is presumably of modern construction and ceremonial in nature. Only two small ships have been encountered so far, so the technology and military strength of the enigmatic Helgrim remains a mystery.

25th April 1984
The 1st Kurogane Samurai division completes the conquest of the Bloodclaw comet colony. The only loss was a single Gekiryū Combat Mech, although the division has consumed all its supplies and there are no replacements available. Fifty automated mines are captured.

28th April 1984
Full communication is finally established with the mysterious alien race that has been occasionally encountered in the systems around Sapporo for the last fourteen years. The aliens, which are tall, thin humanoids, with grey skin, very large black eyes and triangular-shaped bony heads, refer to themselves as Capellans and their polity as the Capella Imperium. A total of twenty-one Capellan ships have been detected over the years, all of which have military engines and mass less than ten thousand tons. As with the Helgrim Protectorate, the strength of the Capella Imperium and the extent of their territory is unknown.

4th May 1984
Ground combat between the 2nd Kurogane Samurai division and the Zuijin defenders hidden in the jungle-covered mountains of Tarawa II has been underway for over four months. Five Kaenryu combat mechs have been lost and less than ten percent of the Zuijin force has been eliminated. Approximately eleven hundred Zuijin bots and over a hundred larger mechs are estimated to remain somewhere in the dense foliage. The reconstituted 2nd Division of the Imperial Army, comprising ten thousand infantry and one hundred and twenty Ju-Ro heavy tanks, is unloaded on the planet to provide assistance. While the infantry is nowhere near as powerful as the huge Kaenryu and Gekiryū combat mechs, it significantly increases the number of units and weapons available to hunt down the Zuijin.

9th May 1984
Ten transits from Tarawa, the 3rd and 4th Divisions of the Imperial Army are dropped on Saint Helena II, another Zuijin planet. This planet also has mountains, but they are not covered in jungle. In orbit are the battleships Hyūga and Ise, left behind to protect the planet after the rest of the Kido Butai departed, the survey cruiser Minekaze, conducting a geological survey of the planet and searching for ruins, and a Pasht class geosurvey ship of the Capella Imperium. The presence of the Capellan ship could soon lead to a rival ground force competing for whatever ruins are located on Saint Helena II.

16th May 1984
The Zuijin defenders of Saint Helena II are eliminated after a week of intense combat. Imperial Army losses are relatively light, with approximately seven hundred infantry killed and six tanks destroyed. Unfortunately, due to the extreme shortage of troop transport capacity, it will be almost three months before a pair of Xenoarchaeological regiments arrive to study whatever ruins are found by the orbital survey. As the two divisions that secured the planet are fully combat effective, they will be transported to Tarawa II to join the epic struggle on that world.

28th May 1984
Minekaze finds a ruined colony on Saint Helena II. There are no mineral deposits worthy of note.

3rd June 1984
A buoy emplaced in the recently discovered black hole system adjacent to Ascension detects weapons fire near the ten Xiamen wrecks in the system. There is no sign of further wrecks or life pods.

28th June 1984
The 1st Division of the Imperial Army is unloaded on Tarawa II, joining the 2nd Division and the 2nd Kurogane Samurai. The conflict has lasted six months and a little more than half of the original Zuijin force remains. The addition of the 2nd Division in early May helped considerably, with the infantry able to operate more effectively than the huge combat mechs in the steep jungle terrain. The arrival of the 1st Division will double the infantry force. The two divisions from the recent battle in Saint Helena are en route but several months away.

12th July 1984
Three 966-ton Bloodclaw Dominion ships of a new type, designated as Bobcat class, transit into Reunion from Mauritius. All three are instantly destroyed by the Zharovian picket squadron on the jump point, which comprises three ships totalling 85,000 tons. Two Magadan class ships of 21,300 tons are detected firing 20cm lasers and a single 25cm laser. The same Zharovian squadron occasionally issues requests to leave the system when any Imperial Navy ship is nearby.

The salvage operations in Zanzibar are complete and Kimikawa Maru has returned to Mauritius Base, as have Kirishima, the troop transport Yasukuni Maru and the 1st Kurogane Samurai division. The captured fuel harvesters have recently transited from Amirante into Reunion and are making their way very slowly across the latter system. There is still no ultimate destination, as a suitable gas giant has not been found, but they will eventually arrive at Mauritius base where they will be easier to protect. One of the three light cruisers remains in Zanzibar, in contact with an Edda class ship of the Helgrim, a second is at the captured Bloodclaw colony in Reunion and the third is being overhauled at Mauritius Base. The survey cruisers Harukaze and Asakaze are conducting surveys of Reunion and Zanzibar respectively. All of this activity is a long way from the nearest naval base in the Fiji system and with the ban on transiting the Zharov system, there is no further help for Mauritius Base or its assigned forces for the foreseeable future.

16th July 1984
Emissions from two more of the new Bobcat class are detected a hundred and forty million kilometres from Mauritius Base, moving at almost 13,000 km/s. The old Kongo II class battlecruiser Kirishima and the Nagara III-Ni light cruiser Yura are at the base, but even the latter has less than half the speed of the Bloodclaw ships. Given their size and speed, they could be some form of missile platform, or maybe even a large attack craft similar to those of the Mizuchi. Fortunately, they appear to be on a course for the Zharov jump point, rather than moving to attack the Japanese base. Upon hearing the news regarding the activity of the Bloodclaw, Daigensui-Kaigun-Taishō Takagi considers that a new run through Zharov might be required to reinforce the most distant outpost of the Empire.

The Bobcats reappear a few hours later on approach to the Reunion jump point, after presumably changing course somewhere beyond the detection range of the tracking station at Mauritius Base, but now detected by a sensor buoy on the jump point. There are three Bobcats in total, which ignore the buoy and transit into Reunion where they are obliterated by the Zharovian ships. Kimikawa Maru transits into Reunion and salvages the wreckage, finding several fixed missile launchers and a missile fire control.

25th July 1984
Asakaze probes a newly discovered jump point in Zanzibar, located in the general direction from which the only two known ships of the Helgrim Protectorate approached the Zanzibar – Amirante jump point. She discovers a white dwarf system with an unmarkable dwarf planet, orbited by a tiny moon. The system is named Havelock, following the theme of Indian Ocean islands for systems beyond the Zharovian home world, the first of which is Mauritius, home system of the Bloodclaw Dominion.

27th July 1984
A Viper class geological survey ship of the Mizuchi-Ha enters Sigma Tucanae from Ryūgasaki, detected by a sensor buoy emplaced on the jump point. The Kawanishi H3K 'Shoki' that was previously picketing the jump point was withdrawn to Fomalhaut due to the arrival of a large force of Mizuchi-Ha attack craft on the Ryūgasaki side. A second H3K is dispatched from Fomalhaut Naval Base, with orders to locate the Viper during its survey mission and eliminate it.

Ninety minutes later that order is rescinded when a force of seven Mizuchi warships, totalling over 150,000 tons and including the 68,000 ton Anaconda class, follows the Viper into Sigma Tucanae, placing them a single transit from Fomalhaut. They destroy the sensor buoy before heading in-system. Based on the buoy readings just before its destruction, the two 22,660-ton Mamba class ships in the Mizuchi-Ha force are each armed with fifteen 35cm acid-lasers and a single 52cm acid-laser, giving them formidable firepower. The Anaconda also has a 52cm acid-laser, plus almost fifty twin turrets, while the four 11,293-ton Kraits each have ten twin turrets.

The forces on station at the Fomalhaut Naval Base include the light cruiser Tenryu, sixty A3M2 ‘Hayabusa’ fighters, forty A2M3 ‘Shinden’ fighters, three experimental Nakajima J1N 'Toryu’ (Dragonslayer) interceptors, which are the only craft of their type in existence, and three Kawanishi H3K 'Shoki' patrol craft. Three further H3Ks are deployed at nearby jump points. Two shore batteries are present on the surface, comprising a dozen 30cm lasers and an equal number of 20cm lasers.

Nakajima J1N 'Toryu' class Interceptor      2,000 tons       27 Crew       615.4 BP       TCS 40    TH 499    EM 0
12480 km/s      Armour 1-14       Shields 0-0       HTK 14      Sensors 0/0/0/0      DCR 0-0      PPV 15
Maint Life 1.98 Years     MSP 598    AFR 128%    IFR 1.8%    1YR 202    5YR 3,037    Max Repair 249.6 MSP
Kaigun-Chūsa    Control Rating 1   BRG   
Intended Deployment Time: 2.1 days    Morale Check Required   

Koga-Murakama KM-500-DB Magneto-Plasma Drive (1)    Power 499.2    Fuel Use 252%   Signature 499    Exp 19%
Fuel Capacity 53,700 Litres    Range 1.92 billion km (42 hours at full power)

Kentaro-Sakura KS-45A Spinal Laser (1)    Range 320,000km     TS: 12,480 km/s     Power 53-5     ROF 55       
Type 34 Go-34E Laser Fire Control (1)     Max Range: 320,000 km   TS: 12,500 km/s    ECCM-2   
R-5B Stellarator Fusion Reactor (1)     Total Power Output 5.1    Exp 10%
Type 33 Go-74B Fighter Detection (1)     GPS 16     Range 4.3m km    Resolution 10

With the deadly, high-tech Mizuchi-Ha encroaching on the territory of the Empire of Japan, the Fomalhaut naval base requires urgent reinforcement. The light cruiser Kuma, recently upgraded to the new Nagara IV class with fusion drives, longer-ranged railguns and improved sensors, is dispatched from the nearby Hadano system, on the border of Xiamen space, leaving behind the old light cruiser Kasagi to provide a tripwire defence should the Xiamen suddenly turn hostile. The battleships Nagato and Mutsu, not yet scheduled for an upgrade to the latest technology, are dispatched from Sol. Together, these ships comprise the maximum size of force that the base can support until its maintenance capacity is improved.

Nagara IV class Light Cruiser      18,000 tons       618 Crew       4,669.8 BP       TCS 360    TH 2,880    EM 0
8000 km/s      Armour 6-61       Shields 0-0       HTK 122      Sensors 16/28/0/0      DCR 10-5      PPV 108
Maint Life 1.91 Years     MSP 2,121    AFR 259%    IFR 3.6%    1YR 754    5YR 11,303    Max Repair 720 MSP
Troop Capacity 500 tons     Boarding Capable   
Kaigun-Taisa    Control Rating 3   BRG   AUX   CIC   
Intended Deployment Time: 15 months    Morale Check Required   

Koga-Murakama KM-1440-B Fusion Drive (2)    Power 2880    Fuel Use 32.20%    Signature 1440    Explosion 12%
Fuel Capacity 695,400 Litres    Range 21.6 billion km (31 days at full power)

Kentaro-Sakura KS-20B Far Ultraviolet Laser (12)    Range 384,000km     TS: 8,000 km/s     Power 10-5     ROF 10       
Takashi Kinetics TK-10C Railgun (12x4)    Range 50,000km     TS: 8,000 km/s     Power 3-3     ROF 5       
Type 41 Go-31F Laser Fire Control (2)     Max Range: 384,000 km   TS: 8,125 km/s    ECCM-3   
R-50 Tokamak Fusion Reactor (2)     Total Power Output 100.3    Exp 5%

Type 42 Go-21E Missile Detection (1)     GPS 14     Range 7.9m km    MCR 710.9k km    Resolution 1
Type 42 Go-11E Search Sensor (1)     GPS 15120     Range 116.9m km    Resolution 120
Type 42 Go-61D Passive Sensor (1)     Sensitivity 28     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  41.8m km
Type 33 Go-51C Passive Sensor (1)     Sensitivity 16     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  31.6m km

Electronic Warfare Jammers:   Sensor 2    Fire Control 3    Missile 4   

Ground Forces
1x Naval Landing Force

15th August 1984
The Zuijin forces on Tarawa II are finally defeated after nine months of combat across the planet’s jungle-covered mountains. Three full divisions, including the combat mechs of the 2nd Kurogane Samurai, were required to hunt down the Zuijin bots and mechs in an extremely difficult environment. With the planet now clear of hostile forces, two Xenoarchaeological regiments are landed to begin a survey of the ruined colony. While the combat was underway, a gravitational survey of the system was completed without revealing any outward jump points.

18th August 1984
The tracking station at Mauritius Base detects a new class of Bloodclaw ship, designated as Javan Leopard class, moving away from the Dominion home world. As the ship has commercial engines and a speed of 1400 km/s, the light cruiser Yura moves to intercept. She uses a single railgun to attack the ship until it slows by fifty percent, then sends her Raiden Sentai to board it. Despite being understrength, the Sentai quickly captures the ship, a small civilian freighter, without any losses.

19th August 1984
Sapporo has an F7-V primary, with higher mass than Sol, which makes a full re-survey a substantial task. Nevertheless, given that three dormant jump point have been found since the original survey, completing the resurvey is still a priority task, despite the belief of many Imperial Navy officers that the entry point of the Capella Imperium into Sapporo has already been located and the focus should be on surveying the surrounding systems. Those doubters are proven incorrect when Shirayuki, one of three 10,000-ton Asagiri II class survey cruisers in Sapporo, discovers a fourth dormant jump point. Why this particular system seems to attract so many dormant jump point is a mystery, but it only reinforces the need to complete the resurvey. Shirayuki moves to the new jump point while her sister ships Sagiri and Murakumo continue the task in Sapporo.

25th August 1984
Shirayuki transits the new jump point and finds herself in the same black hole system that was discovered four months earlier from Ascension, which itself is adjacent to Sapporo.  This new connection supports the idea that the colossal black hole system, which has an outer survey ring sixty billion kilometres in diameter, may be the direction from which the Sapporo aliens first appeared. The new jump point is only eighteen billion kilometres from the Xiamen wrecks, compared to thirty-two billion kilometres from the Ascension jump point. Given the recent combat activity at the wreck location, it is likely a jump point to Xiamen space, so Shirayuki begins a survey of the area near the wrecks, trying to locate the jump point. Due to the number of jumps points, presence of the Capella Imperium and the proximity of the Aether Rift in the Vanikoro system three transits away, Sapporo I will be developed into a new naval base.

23rd September 1984
The survey of the ruined colony on Tarawa II is complete. Fifty-one sites of interest have been identified.

10rd October 1984
The survey of the ruined colony on Saint Helena II is complete. Sixty-two sites of interest have been identified.

18th November 1984
Asakaze discovers two new jump points close to the star in the Zanzibar system, three jumps out from Mauritius. The first leads to Nicobar, a red dwarf system with three terrestrial planets, the second of which is Mars-sized and has liquid water and a thin nitrogen – oxygen atmosphere, although no mineral deposits. The other jump point connects to Madagascar, a far more substantial system, with an orange K2-V primary, six planets, forty-eight moons and almost two hundred asteroids. A moon of the third planet has similar characteristics to Nicobar II, albeit without a geological survey at this point.

There are twenty-nine wrecks in Madagascar, ranging from 7000 tons to 180,000 tons, all of which are unknown types. While most are scattered between the orbits of the first and second planets, a hot barren rock and a Venusian world respectively, there are nine wrecks further out, in the same general area beyond the sixth planet, a gas giant with sixteen moons. It is possible the wrecks are from ships of the Helgrim Protectorate, as only two of their ships have been encountered, or it could be an entirely new race.

Asakaze is out of both buoys and drone and lacks a scout, so she moves in-system to a point where she can launch her B1N ‘Ryusei’ strike craft, so it can scout the inner system using its small strike sensor. The B1N detects a new 7,482-ton ship type of the Helgrim Protectorate, designated as Gefjon class, in orbit of a moon of Madagascar III, but no other sign of life in the inner system. Asakaze moves in behind the strike craft to have a closer look.

3rd December 1984
A ground force of the Capella Imperium is detected on Saint Helena IV, a frozen world slightly larger than Earth, with a helium-hydrogen atmosphere, ice sheets covering half the surface and a surface temperature of -96C. A geological survey finds large deposits of several minerals but only at minimal accessibility. What the Capellans could find interesting about this desolate wasteland is unknown. Imperial Army recovery operations are still in progress at the Zuijin ruins on Saint Helena II.

5th December 1984
The delivery of maintenance facilities and two Yokosuka class orbital maintenance stations to Fomalhaut Naval Base has increased its maintenance capacity to almost half a million tons. This allows the deployment of two Takao III class heavy cruisers, Ashigara and Myōkō, to bolster the forces stationed at Fomalhaut to counter the growing threat from the Mizuchi-Ha. Seventy-one Nakajima B1N ‘Ryusei’ strike craft, delivered by the carriers Taihō and Junyō, are added to the Fomalhaut Kōkūtai. The B1N was superseded in carrier kōkūtai from 1979 onwards by the Nakajima B2N2 'Tenzan’, but can still provide the base with a useful strike capability. The carriers also delivered sufficient Rakurai II anti-ship missiles for a full reload before heading back to Earth. Further forces will be allocated to Fomalhaut as they become available.

Fomalhaut Squadron
Nagato II class Battleship: Mutsu, Nagato
Takao III class Heavy Cruiser: Ashigara, Myōkō
Nagara IV class Light Cruiser: Kashima, Kuma

Fomalhaut Kōkūtai
3x Nakajima J1N 'Toryu' Interceptor
3x Kawanishi H3K 'Shoki' Long Range Patrol
71x Nakajima B1N 'Ryūsei' Carrier Strike
60x Mitsubishi A3M2 'Hayabusa' Fighter
40x Mitsubishi A2M3 'Shinden' Fighter
2x Aichi E2A class Scout:

Takao III class Heavy Cruiser      27,000 tons       865 Crew       6,640.7 BP       TCS 540    TH 4,320    EM 4,260
8000 km/s    JR 3-50      Armour 5-80      Shields 142-532       HTK 169     Sensors 16/28/0/0     DCR 14-5     PPV 145.28
Maint Life 1.91 Years     MSP 3,652    AFR 417%    IFR 5.8%    1YR 1,293    5YR 19,391    Max Repair 720 MSP
Kaigun-Taisa    Control Rating 4   BRG   AUX   ENG   CIC   
Intended Deployment Time: 10 months    Morale Check Required   

Komatsu KMJ-270-B Jump Drive     Max Ship Size 27000 tons    Distance 50k km     Squadron Size 3
Koga-Murakama KM-1440-B Fusion Drive (3)    Power 4320    Fuel Use 32.20%    Signature 1440    Explosion 12%
Fuel Capacity 1,016,000 Litres    Range 21 billion km (30 days at full power)
Shīrudo-71A Shield Generator (2)     Recharge Time 532 seconds (0.3 per second)

Kentaro-Sakura KS-25A Far Ultraviolet Laser (10)    Range 384,000km     TS: 8,000 km/s     Power 16-4     ROF 20       
Twin Kentaro-Sakura KS-12C Laser Turret (6x2)    Range 240,000km     TS: 25000 km/s     Power 8-8    ROF 5       
Type 41 Go-31F Laser Fire Control (2)     Max Range: 384,000 km   TS: 8,125 km/s    ECCM-3   
Type 41 Go-31F Turret Fire Control (2)     Max Range: 96,000 km   TS: 25,000 km/s    ECCM-3   
R-50 Tokamak Fusion Reactor (2)     Total Power Output 100.3    Exp 5%

Type 42 Go-21E Missile Detection (1)     GPS 14     Range 7.9m km    MCR 710.9k km    Resolution 1
Type 42 Go-71E Fighter Detection (1)     GPS 280     Range 24.1m km    Resolution 10
Type 42 Go-11E Search Sensor (1)     GPS 15120     Range 116.9m km    Resolution 120
Type 33 Go-51C Passive Sensor (1)     Sensitivity 16     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  31.6m km
Type 42 Go-61D Passive Sensor (1)     Sensitivity 28     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  41.8m km

Electronic Warfare Jammers:   Sensor 2    Fire Control 3    Missile 4   

16th December 1984
Intelligence gathered via ELINT data from the home world of the Xiamen, confirms that the People’s Republic of Xiama is still at war with the Capella Imperium, formerly known as the Sapporo aliens. This conflict was first reported in February and the presence of Xiamen wrecks in the larger of the two black hole systems connected to Sapporo suggests the war is ongoing in that system, but, apart from energy impacts and explosions, no actual combat has been observed by the Imperial Japanese Navy. Based on the evidence gathered so far, the People’s Republic presents a formidable opponent with a substantial population, high levels of technology and a presence in numerous systems. Relations between the Empire of Japan and the People’s Republic are cordial, with a trade treaty in place. With so many threats to the Empire, this is an acceptable state of affairs, at least for the moment. The Capella Imperium remains a mystery, with only small, military-engined ships encountered so far, in the systems around Sapporo, plus the ground force signature on Saint Helena IV.

26th December 1984
ELINT data from the Bloodclaw home world reveals extremely disconcerting information, in the form of a Bloodclaw heavy cruiser design. Until now, given that the Dominion is plainly losing its war against the Followers of Zharov, and taking losses from the small Japanese force at Mauritius Base, plus its relatively smaller home world population and the low technology of captured ships, Imperial Naval Intelligence had assumed the Bloodclaw Dominion had a lower level of technology than the Empire of Japan.

The ‘heavy cruiser’ design crushes that assumption. The Simone Schiaffino V class is fifty percent larger than the eight Imperial Navy heavy cruisers and has an Inertial Fusion drive, which is a generation ahead of the Imperial Navy’s Magnetic Fusion drive, which has only recently been developed. The Imperial Navy is in the early stages of a refit program, with only four of thirteen carriers having received the new drives and none of the eight battleships, although the majority of light and heavy cruisers have been refitted. Furthermore, the Bloodclaw class mounts the same deadly particle lances as the Zuijin and has the necessary speed to get within range. Only in fire controls and electronic warfare does the Imperial Navy have an advantage, and that is mainly due to the large research colony on Osaka-B I, home to an ancient construct that adds eighty percent to sensor research.

Simone Schiaffino V class Heavy Cruiser     42,594 tons     1,497 Crew     16,485.8 BP     TCS 852    TH 6,900    EM 0
8099 km/s      Armour 7-108       Shields 0-0       HTK 307      Sensors 11/11/0/0      DCR 10-2      PPV 348
Maint Life 0.36 Years     MSP 2,419    AFR 1451%    IFR 20.2%    1YR 6,649    5YR 99,737    Max Repair 862.5 MSP
Magazine 0 / 104   
Line Captain    Control Rating 3   BRG   AUX   CIC   
Intended Deployment Time: 12 months    Morale Check Required   

Inertial Fusion Drive  EP1725 (4)    Power 6900    Fuel Use 11.42%    Signature 1725    Explosion 10%
Fuel Capacity 1,150,000 Litres    Range 42.5 billion km (60 days at full power)

Particle Lance-18 (29)    Range 240,000km     TS: 8,099 km/s     Power 55-5    ROF 55       
Beam Fire Control R320-TS8500 (3)     Max Range: 320,000 km   TS: 8,500 km/s    ECCM-3   
Inertial Confinement Fusion Reactor R6 (29)     Total Power Output 169.9    Exp 5%

Size 26 Decoy Launcher (4)     Decoy Size: 26    Hangar Reload 255 minutes    MF Reload 42 hours
Justicar Ship Decoy (4)    Signature: 5200 tons    ECM-3    Size: 26

Active Search Sensor AS103-R120 (1)     GPS 15120     Range 103.6m km    Resolution 120
Thermal Sensor TH1-11 (1)     Sensitivity 11     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  26.2m km
EM Sensor EM1-11 (1)     Sensitivity 11     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  26.2m km
Electronic Warfare Jammers:   Sensor 3    Fire Control 3    Missile 3   

This new information has both positive and negative implications. The obvious negative is that if the Dominion manages to build one or more of these ships, they will pose a significant threat to Mauritius Base. The three light cruisers based at the colony are powered by magneto-plasma drives, while the old battlecruiser Kirishima still has ion engines. The rest of their technology is in line with their engines, apart from sensors and fire controls, so they are unlikely to prevail in such a conflict.

The positive implication is due to the fact the Dominion has apparently suffered heavily against the Followers of Zharov and appears to be mainly confirmed to their home world, building only occasional commercial-engined ships that are destroyed if they try to leave the system. The Zharovians have made several attempts to attack the Dominion home world, but have been defeated by the orbital defences. If the Dominion really is weak and its home world has suffered damage, it might be possible to launch an attack to capture it and gain access to the latest Bloodclaw technology. While the Imperial Navy has the advantage of an existing base in the system, it is still relatively small and over fifty billion kilometres from Earth. Two thirds of that distance is via the territory of the Followers of Zharov.

A repair vessel is already en route to Mauritius, to enable a more sustainable presence in the system, plus a tug is towing a second Yokosuka class maintenance base, although the decision about when to make the run through the Zharov system, with the attendant risks of war with the Zharovians, is yet to be made. In the meantime, Daigensui-Kaigun-Taishō Takagi sets a new objective for the Imperial Navy; build up the forces in Mauritius, to the point where an assault on the Bloodclaw home world is possible, without causing a war with the Followers of Zharov, or weakening the Empire’s ability to deal with the Mizuchi-Ha.

As a first step, the light cruiser Naka moves within sensor range of the Bloodclaw home world to check its current status. She detects twelve ships of three different types, ranging from 20,787 tons to 26,151 tons, which are possibly orbital bases. At least one type is armed with light missiles, given the barrage suffered by Zharovian ships attacking the planet. There is also a large shipyard complex, which the Zharovians have plainly failed to destroy. Capturing that intact would be extremely useful, especially so far from Earth.

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Re: Empire of the Stars - Updates Thread
« Reply #24 on: September 06, 2024, 06:19:31 AM »
This is the 4th of 4 posts today

8th January 1985
The survey cruiser Asakaze detects emissions from what appears to be a shore battery of the Helgrim Protectorate on the second moon of Madagascar II, which is orbited by the previously detected Gefjon class ship. Shortly thereafter, the Gefjon requests that Asakaze leaves the Madagascar system. That request will be ignored for the moment.

11th January 1985
Combat is detected in the larger of the two black hole systems connected to Sapporo, at the site of the existing Xiamen wrecks. Life pods from a Xiamen Kaifeng class appear, along with a new wreck. The survey cruisers Sagiri and Shirayuki are already in the system, along with the salvage ship Kasuga Maru. The latter is moving toward the wrecks from the Sapporo jump point but due to the distances involved in the vast system will not arrive for over three months.

31st January 1985
Sensor emissions from an Incheon class ship of the Wokou Raiders are detected in Kariya, one jump outward from the Zuijin system of Beta Hydri and one inward from Katagami, where the Mizuchi-Ro have recently been detected. Shinzan Maru, a 60,000-ton small craft tender, is orbiting a comet in the system, where a deep space tracking station has been emplaced, and supporting a small group of Kawanishi H3K 'Shoki' long range patrol craft that are picketing the two outward jump points, plus a single Kawanishi H2K 'Seiku’ that is laying sensor buoys. Shinzan Maru sets a course for the nearest jump point, as Japanese scientists have determined the Wokou use a different method of entering systems and may not be able to use jump points. The H3Ks are fast enough to outrun the raider should it approach. Their light cannon would be no much for the railguns of the Incheon.

Shinzan Maru is fifty million kilometres from the Katagami jump point when it detects the thermal emissions from the Incheon at seven million kilometres on an intercept course. The raider has a speed of 5128 km/s, compared to only 2560 km/s for the tender. As the H2K is in Shinzan Maru’s hangar bay to reload sensor buoys, it immediately launches and heads for the nearby jump point at 4800 km/s. The raider pursues the small craft, so Shinzan Maru reverses course in an attempt to get out of range.

The Kawanishi H2K 'Seiku’ is less than 800,000 km from the jump point when the raider gets into range and opens fire from 154,000 km, scoring three hits and disabling one of its four fixed missile launchers. Two more volleys are sufficient to destroy the 1000-ton craft, destroying it just 650,000 km from safety. The Incheon, observed by a sensor buoy on the jump point, picks up four surviving crew members from the life pods. Less than an hour later, a new Wokou ship type, designated as Jeju class, appears at the same location as the original Incheon contact. Shinzan Maru is eighty million kilometres from the jump point and still moving away.

The Incheon reverses course and moves out of the buoy’s sensor range, while the Jeju ceases its active emissions. After a further six hours, a Jinhae class ship, known from previous encounters to be 124,000 tons and equipped with commercial engines, appears in the same location as the previous two ships, detected by its strength-5000 thermal signature. The location where the Wokou ships are appearing is likely to be their entry point into Kariya. The Jinhae sets a course for the wreck of the H2K, moving at 2000 km/s.

The nearest Imperial Navy warships are twelve billion kilometres away in the Sol system and will take sixteen days to arrive, even with the new fusion drives. Daigensui-Kaigun-Taishō Takagi authorises the dispatch of the Takao III class heavy cruisers Atago and Takao, with the fleet support ship Harutsuyu following in their wake so they will have sufficient fuel to return home.

Ninety minutes after the appearance of the Jinhae, the Incheon reappears, closing quickly on the fleeing Shinzan Maru. This time there is no escape and she is quickly destroyed with the loss of four hundred crew, plus over thirty buoys and drones in her magazine. One hundred and twenty-six crew escape to the life pods. The Incheon picks them up, then returns to the Katagami jump point and destroys the Japanese sensor buoy. The H3K ‘Shoki’ that was picketing the jump point has already transited into Katagami. Meanwhile, the Jinhae has changed course toward the wreck of Shinzan Maru, possibly indicating it is a salvage ship.

As the Jinhae passes by the tracking station on the system’s lone comet, where three H3K ‘Shoki’ remain in orbit, three additional ships are detected in formation; a second Incheon and two Bucheon class. A third Bucheon was detected in company with the Jeju class ship, which moved toward the Shinzan life pods until the Incheon picked them up. After ceasing movement, the Jeju vanished from sensors due to the lack of thermal emissions, while the Bucheon continues to radiate active emissions.

6th February 1985
The wreck of the Shinzan Maru vanishes in Kariya. Given the last known location of the Jinhae was at the wreck, Imperial Naval Intelligence classifies it as a salvage ship. A day later, the wreck of the Kawanishi H2K 'Seiku’ also disappears.

12th February 1985
A second ground forces signature of the Capella Imperium is detected in Saint Helena, on the fifth moon of Saint Helena V.

18th February 1985
The heavy cruisers Atago and Takao arrive in Kariya and move to the location at which the Wokou ships appeared in the system. The Bucheon that accompanied the Jeju is near the comet and still being detected by the tracking station. All the other Wokou ships have vanished, most likely due to remaining stationary after completing their tasks, which would place the Jinhae near the Katagami jump point. If it moves, it will likely be detected by the tracking station. The two cruisers have proceeded this far without shields or active sensors so they are unlikely to have been detected by the Wokou Raiders.

Atago remains near the suspected Wokou entry point while Takao moves toward the Katagami jump point. Meanwhile, one of the three Kawanishi H3Ks in orbit of the comet heads for the Bucheon and establishes an active lock on both the Bucheon and the Jeju that it is escorting. While the smaller Wokou Raider ships have cloaks, the H3K has a secondary resolution-1 active sensor with a range of three million kilometres, enabling it to track any of the hostile ships while remaining outside weapon range due to its superior speed. However, it is unable to attack due to its extremely light armament, which is intended for use against unarmed opponents. The two Wokou ships ignore the nearby patrol craft.

Kawanishi H3K 'Shoki' class Long Range Patrol      500 tons       12 Crew       100.7 BP       TCS 10    TH 80    EM 0
8001 km/s    JR 3-50      Armour 1-5       Shields 0-0       HTK 4      Sensors 0/1/0/0      DCR 0-0      PPV 0.98
Maint Life 5.30 Years     MSP 37    AFR 20%    IFR 0.3%    1YR 2    5YR 33    Max Repair 40 MSP
Kaigun-Shōsa    Control Rating 1   
Intended Deployment Time: 24 months    Morale Check Required   

Komatsu KSJ-50-B Jump Drive     Max Ship Size 500 tons    Distance 50k km     Squadron Size 3
Koga-Murakama KM-80-B Magneto-Plasma Drive (1)    Power 80    Fuel Use 165.73%    Signature 80    Exp 12%
Fuel Capacity 90,300 Litres    Range 19.6 billion km (28 days at full power)

MK II Light Cannon (1)    Range 20,000km     TS: 8,001 km/s     Power 0.75-0.75     ROF 5       
Type 42 Go-34F Patrol Craft Fire Control (1)     Max Range: 48,000 km   TS: 8,125 km/s    ECCM-3   
R-0B Tokamak Fusion Reactor (1)     Total Power Output 0.8    Exp 15%

Type 42 Go-14E Small Strike Sensor (1)     GPS 336     Range 17.4m km    Resolution 120
Type 42 Go-24E Fighter Sensor (1)     GPS 3     Range 3.5m km    MCR 317.9k km    Resolution 1
Type 35 Go-65C Minimal Passive Sensor (1)     Sensitivity 1.1     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  8.3m km
Type 33 Go-55C Minimal Passive Sensor (1)     Sensitivity 0.8     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  7.1m km

When Takao is eighty million kilometres from the Katagami jump point, she engages active sensors and detects the Jinhae class salvage ship. As soon as she does so, the Jinhae runs in the opposite direction and the Jeju runs for the Wokou arrival location, shadowed by the H3K ‘Shoki’. Takao is four times faster than the Jinhae and quickly closes the range, detecting an escort of one Incheon and two Bucheon as she moves within twenty-four million kilometres due to her Type 42 Go-71E Fighter Detection sensor.

Once within range, Takao opens fire on the Incheon class raider with its ten 25cm lasers and six twin 12cm turrets, quickly destroying it from outside the range at which it can reply. The Wokou ships are completely outclassed, with a lower top speed and short-ranged weapons. Both Bucheons and the Jinhae are rapidly blown to pieces. Takao initially moves to the Katagami jump point, to prevent any Mizuchi-Ro entering the system and salvaging the wrecks, then the original Incheon class raider is detected, moving from the location where Shinzan Maru was destroyed toward the Wokou arrival location, so Takao disengages sensors and shields and sets an intercept course. By the time the Incheon realises the 27,000-ton heavy cruiser is nearby, it is too late.

Meanwhile, the Jeju and its Bucheon escort continue to head directly toward the waiting Atago. When the heavy cruiser engages sensors and shields, they try to run past it and reach their exit point, with predictable results. The Wokou Raiders have paid for their attack on Shinzan Maru with the loss of seven ships, which should give them pause before trying to raid the Empire of Japan in the future. Unfortunately, their attack has disrupted the Imperial Navy’s effort to track the progress of the Mizuchi-Ro using only light forces, so the two heavy cruisers will remain in Kariya for several months until the status quo can be restored.

25th February 1985
The repair ship Fukuju arrives at Mauritius Base after passing through the Zharov system and incurring a warning to leave immediately. Its first task is to repair the armour of the battlecruiser Kirishima.

7th March 1985
The light cruiser Yura makes a sensor pass close to the Dominion home world, the third moon of Mauritius III, in an attempt to determine the size of the Bloodclaw ground forces using her missile detection sensor, which has a range of six million kilometres. Fortunately, the defending forces do not appear to have any long-range weapons and she accomplishes her mission, finding a ground forces contact of over six hundred thousand tons. In reality, that is likely to be at least two million tons when accounting for fortifications, although at least the dominant terrain on the icy moon is Tundra, which does not lend the Dominion ground forces any significant defensive advantages.

Three Bloodclaw ships of a new type, in excess of 100,000 tons and equipped with commercial engines, are ten million kilometres from the moon, so Yura changes course to intercept. As they are travelling at only 213 km/s, she launches a boarding action with her understrength Raiden Sentai. Only eighteen Kazuma Raiden remain from the original forty, but given their equipment and training they are confident of victory. That confidence is misplaced. Although they kill over a hundred and fifty crew members, the Bloodclaw are aggressive and use their natural close-quarters advantages. During twenty-five minutes of brutal combat, all eighteen Kazuma Raiden are killed. The loss of the elite boarding troops to Bloodclaw crew with light personal weapons does not bode well for a successful invasion of their home world. Yura takes swift revenge by obliterating all three ships within forty seconds. While the Nagara-series light cruisers may lack shields and powerful long-range weapons, their point-blank firepower is considerable.

12th March 1985
The survey cruiser Asakaze, surveying the inner system of Madagascar before returning to Mauritius Base for an overdue overhaul, detects five commercial-engined ships of the Helgrim Protectorate passing close to her position in orbit of Madagascar IV. Until now, only a handful of small, military-engined Protectorate ships have been detected. Madagascar, four transits from Mauritius via Réunion, Amirante and Zanzibar, is home to a total of twenty-nine wrecks, all of which are unknown types except for three Helgrim 7,482-ton Gefjon class ships. Despite her need for urgent maintenance, Asakaze conducted a sweep of the inner system to find the other party involved, or a reason for the conflict, but so far has found nothing. The first appearance of larger Protectorate ships with commercial engines suggests a more substantial Helgrim presence nearby.

Meanwhile, twenty transits away from Madagascar, a sensor buoy on the Katagami – Kariya jump point detects the approach of two Mizuchi-Ro ships; a Bolas of 20,149 tons and a Scorpion-Tail of 9.057 tons travelling at 3,215 km/s, suggesting that one of the pair is a non-combat vessel. The Mizuchi-Ro are considered a lesser threat than the Mizuchi-Ha near Fomalhaut, partly due to their slightly lower estimated level of technology, but also due to their distance from any Japanese colonies and the presence of a Zuijin fleet in Beta Hydri, which is why the Shinzan Maru and several H3K long-range patrol craft were deployed as a trip-wire force. However, the recent destruction of Shinzan Maru by the Wokou Raiders and the retaliatory attack by Atago and Takao, means that a heavy cruiser now awaits the Mizuchi beyond the Kariya jump point.

Atago is still deployed near the Wokou entry location, so Takao will have to face the Mizuchi ships alone. She takes up position 200,000 km from the jump point and waits. In Katagami, the ships move within 120,000 km before the Scorpion-Tail destroys the buoy with an acid-laser turret, which suggests the ship fulfils the same role as the Mizuchi Barracuda or Mizuchi-Ha Krait. Thirty-five seconds later, both ships transit into Kariya. Takao closes to 180,000 km and opens fire, targeting the Scorpion-Tail and scoring eleven hits, six of which are strength-4 and the others strength-1. The Scorpion-Tail immediately breaks formation and charges toward Takao at an astonishing 14,309 km/s while the Bolas moves away.

The assumption that the Mizuchi-Ro were lower tech than the Mizuchi-Ha was based on the relative speed of their attack craft, with the laser-armed Mizuchi-Ro Wolf Spider capable of 14,385 km/s, while the equivalent Mizuchi-Ha attack craft, the Sidewinder, has a top speed of 15,243 km/s. However, the Mizuchi-Ha Krait class escort has a speed less than 11,000 km/s, which is considerably slower than the Scorpion-Tail. The threat-assessment for the Mizuchi-Ro just increased significantly.

Takao runs for the centre of the system, while the H3K that was also close to the jump point sets a diverging course for the system’s sole comet. The Scorpion-Tail rapidly closes the range on Takao, with the two ships exchanging fire at 95,000 km/s. The larger Bolas reverses course and heads for the jump point to Katagami. Takao takes a pair of strength-2 hits that are easily absorbed by her shields, but she has yet to penetrate the armour of the Mizuchi-Ro ship.

The Scorpion-Tail has eight twin acid-laser turrets firing every five seconds and can inflict massive damage at close range, while Takao has ten 25cm lasers firing every twenty-seconds, with a secondary armament of six twin 12cm laser turrets. Five seconds after the initial exchange of fire, Takao takes eight strength-3 hits, dropping her shields to eighty percent. A third volley from the Scorpion-Tail drops them to fifty-seven percent. Takao’s 25cm Kentaro-Sakura KS-25A Far Ultraviolet Lasers return fire at just 31,000 km, scoring four strength-16 hits, accompanied by five more hits from her 12cm lasers. Even with so much damage, only two hits penetrate the formidable armour of the alien ship.

Twelve strength-3 impacts reduce Takao’s shields to one-third strength. Her 12cm turrets continue returning fire, scoring nine strength-4 hits, one of which inflicts internal damage and drops the alien ship’s speed to 10,731 km/s, still faster than the 8000 km/s of Takao but at least a sign it can be hurt. The range continues to fall as nine further acid-laser bolts smash into Takao’s faltering shields, now at fourteen percent, from a distance of eight thousand kilometres. Just as the heavy cruiser appears to be in serious trouble, four of ten 12cm laser hits penetrate the Mizuchi-Ro’s armour and it is suddenly dead in space. Another volley and the Scorpion-Tail vanishes from sensors, scoring a last defiant hit before it is destroyed. Takao’s shields stabilise at twelve percent.

Considering the alien ship was plainly intended as an escort design, not a primary combatant, and was only one third the size of Takao, the brief engagement was a sobering experience for the Imperial Japanese Navy. Until this point, the Mizuchi-Ro have been viewed as a lesser danger than the more immediately-threatening Mizuchi-Ha, but that perspective must now change. However, despite a new appreciation of their capabilities, there is little the Imperial Navy can do to address the threat in the short-term.

The current priorities for the Empire are building up Fomalhaut Naval Base to withstand an attack by the Mizuchi-Ha, refitting the fleet to fusion drives and other recently-developed technologies, establishing a naval base in Sapporo to support exploration of the surrounding systems and finding a way to substantially reinforce Mauritius Base until it can support an invasion of the home world of the Bloodclaw Dominion. Added to that list will be the development of ships and tactics specifically designed to fight all Mizuchi species.

If it were not for the seven Wokou wrecks in Kariya, Daigensui-Kaigun-Taisho Takagi would consider pulling back two systems to Delta Pavonis and let the Zuijin fight the Mizuchi in the intervening Beta Hydri system. Leaving the wrecks for the Mizuchi to absorb would only increase their numbers and threat-level. Unfortunately, there are only three salvage ships in service. Kimikawa Maru is in Madagascar, salvaging the Helgrim and unknown wrecks, while Kasuga Maru is in one of the black hole systems adjacent to Sapporo, salvaging Xiamen wrecks. Kamakura Maru has finished her task in Saint Helena and is heading back to Earth, but that journey will take four months, plus two more to reach Kariya.

The best option is actually two new salvage ships under construction at Earth that will be ready in July, so Takao and Atago, plus any reinforcements sent to support them, will have to hold the system for at least five months until the wrecks can be removed from Kariya. If they try and fail, their own wreckage will be added to that of the Wokou and make the situation even worse. In the meantime, Takao transits into Katagami, eliminates the fleeing Bolas, then returns to Kariya and takes up station near the jump point. Atago moves to join her, while one of the H3Ks transits into Katagami to act as a picket to replace the buoy.

25th March 1985
The survey cruiser Shirayuki detects a jump point near the Xiamen wrecks in the black hole system adjacent to Sapporo. Due to the system now regularly appearing in update reports, Imperial Naval Intelligence decides to assign both it and the other black hole system connecting to Sapporo official names, rather than referring to them by the mass of their black holes, which is in this case is one hundred and twenty and forty solar masses respectively. Given some latitude in deciding suitable nomenclature, the analyst assigned the task decides to name black hole systems after mythological creatures. The more massive system is named Orochi's Maw, based on the eight-headed serpent of Japanese mythology, while the smaller system is named Yatagarasu, after the legendary three-legged crow.

As Shirayuki approaches the jump point, she detects a pair of 19,835-ton Hangzhou class ships emerging. Despite being only ten percent larger than a Nagara class light cruiser, the two ships have shield signatures of strength-194, about a third stronger than the Imperial Navy’s 27,000-ton Takao III class heavy cruiser. The Empire of Japan appears to be falling behind other major powers in the technology race, despite the recent development of fusion drives. There is no sign of whatever force destroyed the previous Xiamen ships that transited into Orochi's Maw.

Shirayuki transits the jump point and finds herself in a large system, with a yellow G0-V star, slightly larger than Sol and orbited by two gas giants, a dwarf planet, thirty-six moons and a moderate-sized asteroid belt. A line of twenty-four wrecks, many of which are identifiable as Xiamen, stretch in a line across with the system. Whatever the power and technology of the People’s Republic of Xiama, it appears it is losing a war against an even more fearsome opponent. The only other race encountered in the area is the Capella Imperium, an Empire on which Imperial Naval Intelligence has only minimal information. ELINT data gathered from the Xiamen home world in both February and December 1984 stated the two powers were at war, although no direct combat between the two powers has been observed by Imperial Navy ships, so it is possible a third race is involved. In keeping with the nomenclature of Atlantic islands for the systems beyond Sapporo (black hole naming aside), the G0-V system is named Faroe.

3rd April 1985
Kimikawa Maru salvages the wreck of a Helgrim Gefjon class ship in Madagascar and finds a missile launcher in the wreckage. The 7,482-ton ship is classified as a destroyer.

In Katagami, the H3K monitoring the Kariya jump point, detects the approach of another Bolas, escorted by a Scorpion-Tail. When they are 560,000 km away, the H3K transits and runs for the Beta Hydri jump point. Three minutes later the two Mizuchi-Ro ships transit into Kariya and find both Atago and Takao positioned 320,000 km away. They open fire with their 25cm lasers, but the Scorpion-Tail proves a difficult target and all twenty shots miss. As the Mizuchi-Ro ships move away at 3200 km/s, they start to close the range and fire again at 255,000, inflicting four strength-3 hits.

As before, the Scorpion-Tail immediately breaks formation and charges, but this time there are two heavy cruisers and they are starting the action further away. Despite those advantages, Atago and Takao find it difficult to penetrate the Scorpion-Tail’s armour and it closes the range very quickly. It is finally destroyed at a range of eight thousand kilometres, with Takao’s shields at nine percent. Takao’s commander, Kaigun-Taisa Miyazawa Senshi, realises his ship was fortunate to prevail in the first engagement. The two cruisers run down and destroy the Bolas, then resume their picket position.

After reviewing the details of the second battle against the Mizuchi-Ro, Daigensui-Kaigun-Taisho Takagi decides to pull back the heavy cruisers, despite the presence of the Wokou wrecks. They have struggled to defeat a single escort ship of 10,000 tons, so any serious assault by the Mizuchi-Ro would result in the destruction of both ships. The alternative is to strongly reinforce the system, and the Imperial Japanese Navy does not have enough ships to do that without sacrificing other commitments. Instead, it will trade territory for time, hoping the Zuijin in Beta Hydri can cause problems for the Mizuchi-Ro, without gifting them additional wrecks. The H3Ks will remain for the moment, to monitor progress.

Offline Steve Walmsley (OP)

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Re: Empire of the Stars - Updates Thread
« Reply #25 on: September 23, 2024, 10:42:11 AM »
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7th April 1985
Amatsukaze, the first new survey cruiser to be constructed in thirteen years, is launched from the Saromi Systems shipyard in Earth orbit. Due to the size of known space and the many demands on the fifteen existing survey cruisers, additional ships are required. The Shimakaze II design is an evolution of the original Shimakaze class built between March 1971 and July 1972, five of which remain from the original class of six, with the engines, jump drive and sensors suite replaced by modern equivalents. The hangar bay has been reduced slightly in size and the B1N strike craft of the Shimakaze replaced with a second E2A scout, while the ordnance loadout has more buoys and fewer anti-ship missiles.

Shimakaze II class Survey Cruiser      18,000 tons       425 Crew       3,114.5 BP       TCS 360    TH 1,680    EM 0
4666 km/s    JR 3-50      Armour 1-61       Shields 0-0       HTK 107      Sensors 16/28/5/5      DCR 26-14      PPV 3.6
Maint Life 5.95 Years     MSP 2,811    AFR 100%    IFR 1.4%    1YR 136    5YR 2,035    Max Repair 294 MSP
Hangar Deck Capacity 1,050 tons     Magazine 216 / 0   
Kaigun-Taisa    Control Rating 4   BRG   AUX   ENG   SCI   
Intended Deployment Time: 60 months    Flight Crew Berths 21    Morale Check Required   

Komatsu KMJ-180-B Jump Drive     Max Ship Size 18000 tons    Distance 50k km     Squadron Size 3
Koga-Murakama KM-840-E Fusion Drive (2)    Power 1680    Fuel Use 8.37%    Signature 840    Explosion 7%
Fuel Capacity 2,508,000 Litres    Range 299.7 billion km (743 days at full power)

Type 29 Reloadable Missile Launcher (1)     Missile Size: 12    Rate of Fire 1390
Type 43 Go-44E Missile Fire Control (1)     Range 34.8m km    Resolution 120   ECCM-3
Zuiun-Ha Sensor Buoy (8)    Speed: 0 km/s    End: 0m     Range: 0m km    WH: 0    Size: 12    TH: 0/0/0
Shūsui-Ro Reconnaissance Drone (6)    Speed: 8,000 km/s    End: 9.7d     Range: 6,683m km    WH: 0    Size: 12
Rakurai II (4)    Speed: 50,000 km/s    End: 4.2m     Range: 12.7m km    WH: 20    Size: 12    TH: 220/132/66

Type 45 Go-11F Search Sensor (1)     GPS 15120     Range 116.9m km    Resolution 120
Type 33 Go-51C Passive Sensor (1)     Sensitivity 16     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  31.6m km
Type 42 Go-61D Passive Sensor (1)     Sensitivity 28     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  41.8m km
Gravitational Survey Sensors (5)   5 Survey Points Per Hour
Geological Survey Sensors (5)   5 Survey Points Per Hour

Electronic Warfare Jammers:   Sensor 3   

Strike Group
2x Aichi E2A Scout   Speed: 8002 km/s    Size: 5
2x Mitsubishi A3M2 'Hayabusa'  Fighter   Speed: 16000 km/s    Size: 5.5

29th April 1985
The survey cruiser Sagiri, one of ten ships of the 10,000-ton Asagiri II class, transits a recently discovered jump point in Orochi’s Maw. On arrival, the new system, comprising an orange K5-V star orbited by a lone comet, is of only incidental interest compared to the massive Capellan fleet stationed on the entry jump point. There are seventy ships of twenty-four different types, ranging in size from 7,238 tons to over 180,000 tons, half of which have active shields. Until now, only a limited number of small Capellan ships have been encountered.

The presence of such a large force partially explains the large number of Xiamen wrecks in Orochi’s Maw and the adjacent Faroe system. It also presents a significant threat to the new colony and naval base in Sapporo, which connects directly to Orochi’s Maw and also indirectly via Ascension. Increasing the defences of Sapporo moves up the list of many competing priorities for the Imperial Navy. From an exploration perspective, the new system, designated as Andoya, represents the best chance of locating the home world of the Capellan Imperium, so Sagiri abandons the survey of Orochi’s Maw and begins a survey of Andoya.

25th May 1985
A third Bolas, escorted by a Scorpion-Tail, enters Kariya. An H3K long-range patrol craft on the jump point shadows the two ships as they move to the closest Wokou wrecks.

2nd June 1985
Shirayuki, surveying in the Faroe system along the line of wrecks, finds a new stable jump point. She transits and enters Orkney, a system with a K-class primary and an unremarkable collection of planets, moons and asteroids. There are four unknown wrecks on the Faroe jump point. Despite the presence of Xiamen wrecks in Orochi’s Maw and Faroe, plus these new wrecks, there is still no sign of a link between the systems around Sapporo and the main area of Xiamen territory.

10th June 1985
Most of the exploration around Mauritius, including the encounters with the Helgrim Protectorate, has taken placed beyond the Mauritius-Reunion jump point, where a total of ten systems have been discovered. Mauritius has a second outward jump point to Comoros, where a partial survey revealed a connection to the Andaman system. ELINT data from the Bloodclaw Dominion and the Followers of Zharov provided full gravitational survey data on both systems, revealing an additional jump point in Comoros and two outward jump points in Andaman, As a result, the survey cruiser Harukaze has been reassigned from Reunion, which still does not have a complete survey, to investigate the new jump points.

Due to the potential for hostile Bloodclaw warships, Harukaze sends her Aichi E2A scout through the jump point in Comoros. She discovers Chagos, an unremarkable binary with three planets, plus a scattering of moons and asteroids. There are four Bloodclaw ships stationed on the entry jump point, all of which are previously unseen types: two Clouded Leopards of 10,756 tons, a Highland Wildcat of 10,894 tons and a Margray of 23,830 tons. Given their size, they are likely to be military ships, but the scout does not come under fire.

The four ships jump into Comoros, so Harukaze launches both of her Mitsubishi A2M3 ‘Shinden’ fighters and her Nakajima B1N 'Ryūsei' with orders to attack the Highland Wildcat. All four Bloodclaw ships run, revealing that the Margray has commercial engines and a top speed of 2684 km/s, while the Clouded Leopards are military and have a speed of 7495 km/s. The Highland Wildcat briefly has a speed of 3979 km/s, until the B1N launches a pair of Rakurai-Ho anti-ship missiles, both of which detonate their strength-15 warheads on target, after which it drops to 1326 km/s. The best guess of Harukaze’s commander, Kaigun-Chusa Devayani Mohapatra, one of the rare non-Japanese female ship captains, is that the Clouded Leopards are probably scouts, given their speed, while the Highland Wildcat was an escort, likely missile-armed, for the Margray.

The fighters strafe the wounded Wildcat until it explodes, then close in on the Margray, which reverses course, attempting, but failing, to reach the jump point. With the slower ships destroyed, the fighters chase the faster Clouded Leopards. Twelve minutes later, the two Bloodclaw ships have been eliminated, although the fighters are  both close to weapon failure. They return to Harukaze for resupply, while the survey cruiser deploys sensor buoys either side of the jump point, rescues the Bloodclaw survivors then heads for Andaman to explore its two outward jump points.

11th June 1985
Atago and Takao return to Kariya. There have been no further transits from Mizuchi-Ro ships and the H3K has been able to maintain contact with the Bolas and Scorpion-Tail while the former is at work on the wrecks. When the cruisers move within thirty million kilometres of the two alien ships, they activate shields and sensors, which causes the Bolas to run, accompanied by the Scorpion-Tail. As yet, none of the wrecks have been salvaged by the Bolas.

The battle follows the same pattern as the previous two, with the Scorpion-Tail charging the cruisers as soon as it is attacked. Once again the alien escort reaches eight thousand kilometres from the Japanese warships before it is destroyed. Takao’s shields are reduced to twenty-three percent. The cruisers destroy the Bolas then pull back halfway to the Beta Hydri jump point. Rather than abandoning the system entirely as they did in early April, the cruisers will now remain far enough from the jump point to escape if needed, but close enough to attack targets detected by the H3Ks.

18th June 1985
The six Engineer regiments at Mauritius Base, with the assistance of two construction factories retrieved from the captured Bloodclaw colony in Reunion, construct a refuelling station, which will allow replenishment ships to make a run from Earth to establish a fuel stockpile in Mauritius. As part of the plan to build up the base to allow an assault on the Bloodclaw home world, including the necessary replenishment ships, a new route has been scouted through the Zharov system that takes shipping on a circuitous path around the outer system to avoid getting too close to the Zharovian home world, before a quick dash through the Zharov – Mauritius jump point. As transports and colony ships are already en route through the six Zharovian systems that lie between Fiji and Mauritius, it is vital that they can pass through Zharov without triggering a war.

20th June 1985
A Kawanishi H3K 'Shoki' patrol craft stationed on the Katagami – Kariya jump point detects the approach of a Bolas class salvage ship without the usual Scorpion-Tail escort. This is exactly the type of target the H3K was designed to intercept, so it moves away from the jump point and engages the approaching ship. The Bolas reverses course as the H3K fires continuously into its armour belt, with one shot every five seconds. The first armour penetration happens after twenty-nine minutes, with the Bolas immediately dropping to half speed. The second requires a further nine minutes. After that, the armour penetration happens more frequently, but it still requires fifty-three minutes and eleven weapon failures for the H3K to finally destroy the 20,000-ton salvage ship. Fortunately, due to its function as a long-range patrol craft, the H3K still retains sixty percent of its maintenance supplies, but this is not a sustainable tactic. All the ships of the Mizuchi-Ro appear to have extremely durable passive defences.

27th June 1985
At the far side of known space, a Python class survey ship of the Mizuchi-Ha transits into Ube, adjacent to Sigma Tucanae and two jumps from the original Mizuchi-Ha contact system of Ryūgasaki. The Sigma Tucanae – Ube jump point is less than forty million kilometres from the Sigma Tucanae – Fomalhaut jump point, which is why an H3K 'Shoki' is picketing the former jump point in order to provide a potential warning about the latter. There is nothing of value in Ube, except its use as a tripwire warning. Nevertheless, the H3K takes the opportunity to attack and eliminate the unarmed 4000-ton Python, which proves much easier to destroy than the Mizuchi-Ro Bolas in Katagami.

As a result of the brief engagement, the Akagi III class carrier Soryu and the Nagara IV light cruisers Kashima and Kuma break orbit of Fomalhaut Naval Base en route to a picket position near the Fomalhaut – Sigma Tucanae jump point.

1st July 1985
Two commercial-engined ships of the Capella Imperium, a new type designated as Ogdoad class, transit into Orochi’s Maw from Faroe. Two Hangzhou class ships of the People’s Republic of Xiama are already on the jump point and immediately open fire. The Imperial Navy salvage ship Kasuga Maru is also on the jump point, salvaging a Xiamen wreck but does not have active sensors engaged, so she while can detect ninety-six energy weapon impacts at strength-5, she cannot determine the weapons used by the Xiamen ships. By the time her sensors come online and classify the new Capellan ships as 120,000 tons, the two Xiamen warships have transited into Faroe. The People’s Republic must really be concerned about the Capella Imperium if their warships are running from commercial-engined ships.

En route to the Faroe jump point is the buoy deployment ship Takumisora (Artisan's Sky). Takumisora and her sister ship Miyabikaze (Graceful Wind) were constructed in late 1984 to enable large-scale buoy deployment across multiple systems. Previously, this was handled on a small scale by the Kawanishi H2K 'Seiku' long range patrol craft, which has four fixed launchers, but the logistics became difficult as known space expanded and all but one of the original four H2Ks have been lost in action. Miyabikaze is currently returning from a mission to seed buoys throughout seventeen Xiamen systems that lie beyond the Eniwetok – Tulagi and Eniwetok – Bougainville jump points. Takumisora will focus on the systems around Sapporo.

Takumisora class Buoy Deployment Craft      4,000 tons       74 Crew       576.3 BP       TCS 80    TH 400    EM 0
5000 km/s    JR 3-50      Armour 1-22       Shields 0-0       HTK 27      Sensors 8/14/0/0      DCR 3-7      PPV 3.6
Maint Life 3.70 Years     MSP 270    AFR 43%    IFR 0.6%    1YR 31    5YR 461    Max Repair 200 MSP
Magazine 420 / 0   
Kaigun-Chūsa    Control Rating 1   BRG   
Intended Deployment Time: 24 months    Morale Check Required   

Komatsu KMJ-40-B Jump Drive     Max Ship Size 4000 tons    Distance 50k km     Squadron Size 3
Koga-Murakama KM-400 Fusion Drive (1)    Power 400    Fuel Use 35.36%    Signature 400    Explosion 10%
Fuel Capacity 673,000 Litres    Range 85.7 billion km (198 days at full power)

Type 29 Reloadable Missile Launcher (1)     Missile Size: 12    Rate of Fire 1390
Type 43 Go-44E Missile Fire Control (1)     Range 34.8m km    Resolution 120   ECCM-3
Zuiun-Ha Sensor Buoy (35)    Speed: 0 km/s    End: 0m     Range: 0m km    WH: 0    Size: 12    TH: 0/0/0

Type 42 Go-13E Navigation Sensor (1)     GPS 3360     Range 55.1m km    Resolution 120
Type 42 Go-63D Passive Sensor (1)     Sensitivity 14     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  29.6m km
Type 33 Go-53C Passive Sensor (1)     Sensitivity 8     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  22.4m km

15th July 1985
The light cruiser Arakawa is constructed in Earth orbit. This is the first new light cruiser to be built since 1971 and the first warship since 1980, when the battleships Katsuragi and Shinano joined the fleet. Arakawa is the first step in increasing the size of the Imperial Japanese Navy, allowing it to guard the growing number of Japanese colonies spread across known space while retaining the option of offensive operations.

6th August 1985
The buoys recently deployed by Takumisora detect several skirmishes between the People’s Republic of Xiama and the Capella Imperium in the Faroe and Orkney systems.

31st August 1985
The survey cruiser Harukaze transits one of the two unexplored jump points in Andaman and discovers Mayotte, a system with a G5-V primary, similar to Sol, orbited by a hot barren terrestrial world, an airless dwarf planet and a gas giant with fifteen moons. Given the relatively limited number of bodies, Harukaze begins a geological survey, during which she encounters a small Bloodclaw colony on the dwarf planet, including active emissions from surface-to-orbit weapons and a ground forces signature of 6000 tons.  Fortunately, the colony is detected before Harukaze moves within weapon range. She gives the planet a wide berth for now, but it will be worthy of further investigation, most likely by an invasion force.

25th September 1985
Protected by Atago and Takao, the new salvage ship Kochi Maru completes the recovery of all seven Wokou wrecks from Kariya, then retreats back to Sol, followed by the heavy cruisers. With all the wrecks cleared, there is no need to maintain a substantial presence, so the only Imperial Navy vessels remaining in the system are two H3K ‘Shoki’ patrol craft.

18th October 1985
A research facility is delivered to Mauritius Base, although there is insufficient population to operate it, at least for the moment. A second facility has recently been delivered to Sapporo Base. In both cases, the lone research facility is to allow disassembly of salvaged components that have potential to aid research, rather than having to transport them all the way back to Earth, or a research colony. In the case of Mauritius, that transport could take around nine months with the most common freighters, although new faster freighters are under construction. The facilities have to be fully staffed to conduct the disassembly, but additional colonists are en route to Mauritius Base, using the recently mapped circuitous route through the Zharov system.

One hundred and eleven of the Empire of Japan’s research facilities are based on Earth. Thirty-two are located on Osaka-B I, which has an ancient construct with an eighty percent boost to Sensor research, with a further thirteen at Takahama II, which has a construct that adds forty percent to defence research. Ashikaga II, three jumps outward from Matsuyama, at the end of a dead-end chain, is home to eleven facilities and a propulsion construct, with a thirty percent boost. The second planet of the Naha system, two jumps out from Fomalhaut, has a ninety percent sensor construct and is home to two research facilities that were recovered from Zuijin ruins on the planet. No further facilities have been sent due to the threat of the Mizuchi-Ha attacking or cutting off Fomalhaut.

30th November 1985
An newly discovered jump point in Bermuda, probed by the survey cruiser Murakumo, leads to a planetless system named Cayman. A day later, the survey cruiser Shirayuki transits an unexplored jump point near the centre of Orochi’s Maw and finds herself in the same system, with a substantial Xiamen fleet on her arrival jump point. Sapporo now connects to Orochi’s Maw via three routes; directly, via Ascension and via Bermuda and Cayman. Despite the ongoing survey efforts, the link to known Xiamen space has not been discovered.

6th December 1985
Sensor buoys either side of the Mauritius – Comoros jump point have detected several Bloodclaw ships transiting the jump point over a period of several weeks, including ships with military engines. In Comoros itself, there are Zharovian warships on the Comoros – Andaman jump point, but the Dominion ships seems to be heading to the Chagos system. A sensor buoy on the Chagos – Comoros jump point has a current contact with three 11,646  ton Bay Cat class ships, with military engines, and a single 32,000-ton Iriomote class, which has commercial engines.

The light cruiser Nagara, which left orbit of Mauritius Base several days ago with orders to investigate, is seven hundred million kilometres from the Mauritius – Comoros jump point when she detects a Javan Leopard class freighter on a converging course. Closer to the jump point, the sensor buoy detects an approaching Tiger class ship of 19,954 tons. The Tiger has commercial engines but its function remains unknown. Nagara changes course to intercept the freighter, destroying it in a single volley, then pursues the Tiger, which has transited into Andaman and disappeared from sensors.

Nagara heads for the Chagos jump point, on the assumed route of the Tiger, and soon detects the fleeing ship. Sixteen hours after transit, she destroys the Tiger then continues outward to conduct her secondary mission;  providing protection for Kimikawa Maru while she salvages the wrecks of the four Bloodclaw ships that were destroyed by Harukaze’s fighters near the Comoros - Chagos jump point.

12th December 1985
Harukaze sends her E2A scout through the second unexplored jump point in Andaman, while she emplaces a sensor buoy on the Andaman side. Two Bloodclaw ships, a 59,344-ton Leopard Cat and a 16,236-ton Lynx class, both of which are new types, are stationed on the far side. As soon as the scout arrives, they transit into Andaman. Harukaze finds herself facing the two ships at point-blank range, so she launches both her fighters and follows the scout through the jump point. The new system, named Silhouette, comprises an orange K5-V star orbited by four planets and sixteen moons. One of the moons orbiting Silhouette III, a superjovian, has a nitrogen – CO2 atmosphere and an ice sheet covering half the surface. Two unknown wrecks are close to the orbit of the third planet with four wrecks of the Wokou Raiders in a group half a billion kilometres further out.

In Andaman, the two Bloodclaw ships move away from the jump point at 505 km/s with the fighters in pursuit and firing on the Lynx, which has military engines. For forty-five seconds, the fighters strafe the alien ship’s armour without penetrating, then they are instantly obliterated when it opens fire with seven twin gauss cannon turrets, presumably after recovering from jump shock. As the alien ships are only 25,000 km from the Andaman – Silhouette jump point, Harukaze dare not transit back into Andaman, so she begins a survey of Silhouette while calling for assistance. Nagara is already in Comoros, adjacent to Andaman, to provide cover for future salvage operations. While she waits for Kimikawa Maru, she diverts into Andaman to search for the Lynx.

22nd December 1985
Nagara arrives at the Andaman – Silhouette jump point, after moving around to approach from the opposite direction to prevent any attempt to enter the latter system. There is no sign of the Lynx or Leopard Cat. Harukaze dispatches her scout to the Silhouette side to check if they have transited, but the jump point is deserted. As the jump point is secure, Harukaze launches a reconnaissance drone at Silhouette III to check for signs of life and starts heading back to the Andaman jump point.

The drone detects a very large Zuijin fleet orbiting the first moon of Silhouette III, comprising five orbital bases, nine 29,000-ton Vengeance class missile cruisers, four Ravager class escort cruisers and sixteen other vessels, totalling six hundred thousand tons. Fifteen Retribution class fuel harvesters and ten more Ravager escort cruisers are in orbit of Silhouette III itself. This is the second largest Zuijin force ever detected, which explains the wrecks in the system.

24th December 1985
All six Taihō-series carriers have been refitted to the Taihō III class, which includes magnetic fusion drives and the latest sensor suite. The thirty-six Mitsubishi A3M ‘Hayabusa’ fighters in each Kōkūtai (strike group) have been replaced by thirty-six Mitsubishi A4M 'Ryūjin' (Dragon God) fighters, which have a top speed of 24,000 km/s, which should be sufficient to combat the swift Mizuchi attack craft, as well as providing an effective missile shield for the Kido Butai.

Taihō III class Carrier      54,000 tons       922 Crew       8,449.5 BP       TCS 1,080    TH 8,640    EM 0
8000 km/s      Armour 1-127       Shields 0-0       HTK 242      Sensors 8/14/0/0      DCR 26-4      PPV 0
Maint Life 1.43 Years     MSP 5,042    AFR 897%    IFR 12.5%    1YR 2,720    5YR 40,794    Max Repair 720 MSP
Hangar Deck Capacity 24,000 tons     Magazine 867 / 0   
Kaigun-Taisa    Control Rating 3   BRG   AUX   PFC   
Intended Deployment Time: 6 months    Flight Crew Berths 480    Morale Check Required   

Koga-Murakama KM-1440-B Fusion Drive (6)    Power 8640    Fuel Use 32.20%    Signature 1440    Explosion 12%
Fuel Capacity 2,619,000 Litres    Range 27.1 billion km (39 days at full power)

Rakurai-Ho Anti-ship Missile (72)    Speed: 40,000 km/s    End: 4.4m     Range: 10.6m km    WH: 15    Size: 12

Type 45 Go-11F Search Sensor (1)     GPS 15120     Range 116.9m km    Resolution 120
Type 42 Go-21E Missile Detection (1)     GPS 14     Range 7.9m km    MCR 710.9k km    Resolution 1
Type 42 Go-71E Fighter Detection (1)     GPS 280     Range 24.1m km    Resolution 10
Type 42 Go-63D Passive Sensor (1)     Sensitivity 14     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  29.6m km
Type 33 Go-53C Passive Sensor (1)     Sensitivity 8     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  22.4m km
Electronic Warfare Jammers:   Sensor 3    Missile 4   

Strike Group
36x Nakajima B2N 'Tenzan' Carrier Strike   Speed: 12801 km/s    Size: 7.5
36x Mitsubishi A4M 'Ryūjin' Fighter   Speed: 24000 km/s    Size: 5.5
2x Aichi E2A Scout   Speed: 8002 km/s    Size: 5

Mitsubishi A4M 'Ryūjin' class Fighter      275 tons       1 Crew       137.9 BP       TCS 5    TH 132    EM 0
24000 km/s      Armour 1-3       Shields 0-0       HTK 1      Sensors 0/0/0/0      DCR 0-0      PPV 1.65
Maint Life 1.59 Years     MSP 25    AFR 55%    IFR 0.8%    1YR 11    5YR 172    Max Repair 66 MSP
Kaigun-Shōsa    Control Rating 1   
Intended Deployment Time: 0.1 days    Morale Check Required   

Koga-Murakama KM-132-DB Fusion Drive (1)    Power 132    Fuel Use 1661.74%    Signature 132    Explosion 30%
Fuel Capacity 9,300 Litres    Range 0.37 billion km (4 hours at full power)

MK III Cannon (1x2)    Range 30,000km     TS: 24,000 km/s     Power 1.5-1.5     ROF 5       
Type 43 Go-34F Cannon Fire Control (1)     Max Range: 68,160 km   TS: 24,000 km/s    ECCM-3   
R-1B Tokamak Fusion Reactor (1)     Total Power Output 1.5    Exp 15%

Type 42 Go-24E Fighter Sensor (1)     GPS 3     Range 3.5m km    MCR 317.9k km    Resolution 1

3rd January 1986
The third buoy deployment ship, Yamabiko, has replaced the buoys around the Kariya system that were destroyed during the recent engagements with the Mizuchi-Ro. Preceded by a Kawanishi H3K, she moves into Katagami, first emplacing a buoy on the Katagami – Kariya jump point, before moving to the Nu Reticuli jump point. The H3K enters Nu Reticuli, where she finds the same 2591-ton Redback that was encountered in October 1983. As before, it runs at 9,264 km/s, faster than the H3K. Yamabiko enters the system and places a buoy, then moves on to the Katagami – Yashio jump point.

5th January 1986
Nagara, heading back to Mayotte from the Silhouette jump point, encounters the Lynx and Leopard Cat ahead of her on a similar course. She closes in, avenges the two fighters by destroying the Lynx from well outside the range of its gauss cannon, before moving to point-blank range and firing on the Leopard Cat, which disintegrates due to a large secondary explosion. She picks up the survivors then continues on to Comoros.

13th January 1986
The H3K scouting for Yamabiko transits into Moriguchi, the original contact system for the Mizuchi-Ro, and is instantly destroyed. Waiting on the jump point were eight Scorpion-Tail escorts, six 18,105-ton Huntsman class and thirty-six attack craft of various types. Yamabiko, en route to the same jump point, immediately reverses course and heads back to Kariya.

14th January 1986
The Takao III-Ro class heavy cruisers Chōkai and Maya arrive at Mauritius Base as part of a gradual build-up with the ultimate aim of invading the Bloodclaw home world. The old battlecruiser Kirishima is already at the planet, along with the light cruiser Naka. The light cruisers Nagara and Yura are deployed in the adjacent system of Comoros, attempting to locate and destroy Bloodclaw shipping and protect subsequent salvage operations. Mauritius Base has now reached a population of five million and has thirty construction factories, plus a research facility. Freighters and colony ships continue to use the circuitous route through Zharov, which is avoiding any threats of hostile action from the Zharovians.

15th January 1986
Kitsune, the first in a class of stealthy scouts, transits from Fomalhaut into Sigma Tucanae, which is the last point of contact with the Mizuchi-Ha and adjacent to the initial contact system of Ryugasaki. The Kitsune class has the first Japanese cloaking device, which reduces its signature from 3750 tons to just 750 tons, or about the size of a Mizuchi attack craft, while the thermal output of its engines has been reduced by sixty-five percent. Even when moving at full speed, the Kitsune has a lower thermal signature than most fighters. Finally, a third generation sensor jammer will make the ship harder to detect for hostile sensors that lack the necessary ECCM. One third of the hull space is dedicated to two large passive arrays, for both EM and thermal detection, allowing the Kitsune to act as a stealthy, mobile tracking station. On this occasion, its mission is to locate and monitor any Mizuchi-Ha activity in the system.

Kitsune class Stealth Scout      3,750 tons       124 Crew       777.4 BP       TCS 15    TH 63    EM 0
2400 km/s      Armour 1-21       Shields 0-0       HTK 22      Sensors 132/168/0/0      DCR 5-13      PPV 0
Maint Life 7.36 Years     MSP 647    AFR 22%    IFR 0.3%    1YR 21    5YR 314    Max Repair 168 MSP
Kaigun-Shōsa    Control Rating 1   BRG   
Intended Deployment Time: 3 months    Morale Check Required   

Koga-Murakama KM-180-TR Fusion Drive (1)    Power 180    Fuel Use 52.70%    Signature 63.00    Explosion 10%
Fuel Capacity 580,000 Litres    Range 52.8 billion km (254 days at full power)

Type 42 Go-13E Navigation Sensor (1)     GPS 3360     Range 55.1m km    Resolution 120
Type 44 Go-66D EM Array (1)     Sensitivity 168     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  102.5m km
Type 44 Go-56C Thermal Array (1)     Sensitivity 132     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  90.8m km
Cloaking Device: Class cross-section reduced to 20.0% of normal
Electronic Warfare Jammers:   Sensor 3   

18th January 1986
The Mizuchi-Ro Redback that was encountered in Nu Reticuli approaches the Katagami – Kariya jump point. On the two occasions when this ship was detected previously, it outran a pursuing H3K. This time, it will not escape so easily. A brand new Kawanishi H4K ‘Kumo’ (Cloud) patrol craft is stationed on the jump point and it is capable of 10,000 km/s, over 700 km/s faster than the elusive Redback. Realising it cannot escape, the Mizuchi-Ro ship attempts to ram, so the H4K holds the range open and destroys the Redback with three minutes of continuous fire.

Kawanishi H4K 'Kumo' class Long Range Patrol      500 tons       12 Crew       111 BP       TCS 10    TH 100    EM 0
10001 km/s    JR 3-50      Armour 1-5       Shields 0-0       HTK 4      Sensors 0/1/0/0      DCR 0-0      PPV 0.98
Maint Life 4.89 Years     MSP 38    AFR 20%    IFR 0.3%    1YR 3    5YR 39    Max Repair 50 MSP
Kaigun-Shōsa    Control Rating 1   
Intended Deployment Time: 24 months    Morale Check Required   

Komatsu KSJ-50-B Jump Drive     Max Ship Size 500 tons    Distance 50k km     Squadron Size 3
Koga-Murakama KM-100-B Fusion Drive (1)    Power 100    Fuel Use 138.11%    Signature 100    Explosion 12%
Fuel Capacity 90,300 Litres    Range 23.5 billion km (27 days at full power)

MK II Light Cannon (1)    Range 20,000km     TS: 10,001 km/s     Power 0.75-0.75     ROF 5       
Type 42 Go-34F Patrol Craft Fire Control (1)     Max Range: 48,000 km   TS: 8,125 km/s    ECCM-3   
R-0B Tokamak Fusion Reactor (1)     Total Power Output 0.8    Exp 15%

Type 42 Go-14E Small Strike Sensor (1)     GPS 336     Range 17.4m km    Resolution 120
Type 42 Go-24E Fighter Sensor (1)     GPS 3     Range 3.5m km    MCR 317.9k km    Resolution 1
Type 33 Go-55C Minimal Passive Sensor (1)     Sensitivity 0.8     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  7.1m km
Type 43 Go-65D Minimal Passive Sensor (1)     Sensitivity 1.4     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  9.4m km

29th January 1986
The diplomatic ship Heiwa, stationed in the Madagascar system where she occasionally encounters ships of the Helgrim Protectorate, detects thirty-six strength-1 detonations and eighteen strength-1 energy weapon impacts close to an asteroid within the system’s main belt. A similar amount of weapon fire happens every fifteen seconds for five minutes, interspersed with the appearance of the wrecks of three Helgrim Lofn class ships. Little is known about the Lofn except that it has commercial engines, based on a previous passive contact. The wrecks are 39,546 tons. Weapon fire continues after the loss of the third ship, then ceases, so presumably some Helgrim ships survived to move outside weapon range. The identify of the assailant is unknown, so the diplomatic ship heads in-system in an attempt to make contact. When Madagascar was first discovered, it contained twenty-nine wrecks, including three Helgrim destroyers. Kimikawa Maru salvaged all the wrecks but did not encounter any non-Helgrim forces during her time in the system.

3rd February 1986
The Followers of Zharov have sent a message to the troop transport Keizan Maru, requesting that it leave the Paramushir system, which is two jumps out from Fiji Naval Base on the route to Mauritius. This is the first time any such request has been made with regard to Paramushir, which is four transits from the Zharovian home system, suggesting the Followers may have established a colony. In 1973, a Zharovian ground force was detected on Paramushir II, but there was no colony. A reconnaissance mission will be launched to investigate. If the Zharovians become difficult regarding Paramushir, it will further complicate efforts to reinforce Mauritius Base.

In Madagascar, the diplomatic ship encounters six Helgrim Lofn class ships on a reciprocal course, escorted by a single military-engined Vali class of 7,130-tons. If this was the Helgrim fleet that was attacked, it is possible the Vali was the source of the strength-1 energy weapon impacts. A few hours later, another Lofn is detected, moving at approximately seventy-five percent speed – probably the ship that was under fire when the Helgrim moved out of range.

5th February 1986
Heiwa moves within ten million kilometres of the asteroid where the recent combat occurred and finds a crippled Vali class ship 700,000 km from the wrecks. There are no sensor contacts on the asteroid, which has moved on in its orbit, although Heiwa’s sensors will not detect ground forces at range. Her commander, Kaigun-Taisa Kimiyama Masago, decides to move closer and eventually takes his ship into orbit, but there is no sign of whatever, or whoever, attacked the Helgrim ships.

6th February 1986
Heiwa moves to the inner system to look for any more signs of life. Her active sensor detects a stable jump point just thirty million kilometres from the star, so she moves to investigate. Normally, a diplomatic ship would not engage in exploration or scouting activity, but there are no other Imperial Navy ships between Madagascar and Mauritius, four transits away. Besides, Kaigun-Taisa Kimiyama once commanded the battleship Hyūga before being transferred to the diplomatic corps, so he is eager for a little adventure.

Heiwa transits into a red dwarf system with six planets and almost fifty moons, none of which are of immediate interest. There are twenty-seven wrecks on the jump point, including a Vali and three Gefjons of the Helgrim Protectorate. A further six wrecks stretch out in a million kilometre line away from the jump point and there are three more close to the orbit of the sixth planet. The system is named Sri Lanka, following the Indian Ocean islands nomenclature for this area of known space.

Seven hours after Heiwa arrives in Sri Lanka, a force of five Helgrim ships appears, comprising a Vali, two 14,276-ton Aegir class and two 14,137-ton Hermod class. The Aegir and Hermod are new ship types. Detecting them allows Heiwa to identify five of the wrecks on the jump point as an Aegir and four Hermods. They close on the jump point at 4728 km/s and transit into Madagascar. Heiwa follows and finds them on a course in the general direction of the Zanzibar jump point, but not on an exact course. Despite his ship being 500 km/s slower, Kaigun-Taisa Kimiyama decides to follow as far as he can. Once contact is lost, Heiwa maintains the same course.

8th February 1986
Heiwa detects another stable jump point in Madagascar, directly ahead on the course she is following. She transits to discover a G5-V star with eight planets and thirty-five moons, which is designated as Fregate. The third planet is entirely covered in an ice sheet and has a nitrogen – oxygen atmosphere of 0.94 atm, although only 0.03 atm of oxygen. The surface temperature is -99C, so it is unlikely to be inhabited. A fleet of thirteen Helgrim ships is on the jump point, including several new types, plus a single unidentifiable wreck. The four largest ships are a Magni class, at 21,406 tons, followed by a Hymir of 14,973 tons and three Aegirs of 14,276 tons. The five remaining ships, all of which are approximately 7100 tons, include three Valis, a Skadi and a Buri. None of the ships have been previously detected. Heiwa head in-system to check Fregate III for signs of life.

9th February 1986
After Kitsune confirmed the Sigma Tucanae – Ryugasaki jump point was clear, an H4K ‘Kumo’ took up a picket position. A Mizuchi-Ha Python class survey ships transits into Sigma Tucanae and is swiftly run down by the H4K.

Four days later, Kitsune, which is positioned twenty-five million kilometres from the Ryugasaki jump point, detects another Python seventy-five million kilometres away on a course for the jump point. The H4K intercepts and the Mizuchi-Ha lose another survey ship.

17th February 1986
A large fleet of the Capella Imperium transits into Orochi’s Maw from Andoya, then splits up and moves away in six different directions. Three of the smaller forces comprise a commercial-engined Hathor class of 68,855-tons, escorted by two Horus class ships of 7,238 tons. Two more forces comprise a single Hathor. The last group comprises a Sebek of 35,351 tons, a Hepi of 179,672 tons, a Khnum of 179,909 tons and four Khonsu class at 36,518 tons. All seven ships are heading in the same direction at slightly different speed, ranging from 1,369 km/s to 1,490 km/s.

Three of the Hathor groups appear to be heading for the Cayman, Faroe and Ascension jump points respectively, which suggests the other groups maybe on course for other, as-yet-undiscovered jump points. An hour after the arrival of the first fleet, a second smaller one transits into Orochi’s Maw, comprising two Khonsu, a Khnum, a 36,518-ton Chem and a 179,672-ton Busiris. They follow the staggered group from the first fleet. The sudden Capellan activity in Orochi’s Maw is concerning, especially as it connects directly to the key Sapporo system and two of the other jump points connect indirectly to Sapporo via other systems. However, a few hours later, all the Capellan ships reverse course and return to Andoya.
« Last Edit: September 23, 2024, 10:59:31 AM by Steve Walmsley »
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Re: Empire of the Stars - Updates Thread
« Reply #26 on: September 23, 2024, 10:46:42 AM »
This is the 2nd of 5 posts today

19th February 1986
An H3K stationed on the Ube – Sigma Tucanae jump point has destroyed two Viper class geosurvey ships of the Mizuchi-Ha within twenty-four hours. In both cases, the Vipers initially tried to run and would have succeeded due to their superior speed, except that as soon as they suffered a single hit, they reversed course and attempted to ram. The continual attrition of Mizuchi-Ha and Mizuchi-Ro survey ships by the H3K ‘Shoki’ and H4K ‘Kumo’ patrol craft is helping to contain the hostile space-dwelling species at minimal cost, giving the Imperial Navy time to improve its technology and ship designs.

21st March 1986
In August 1985, the survey cruiser Harukaze discovered a small Bloodclaw colony on Mayotte II, three transits from Mauritius via Comoros and Andaman, along with active emissions from surface-to-orbit weapons and a ground forces signature of 6000 tons. With the arrival of additional ships and ground units in Mauritius, there is now sufficient force to mount an invasion. The heavy cruisers Chōkai and Maya escort the troop transports Yasukuni Maru and Reimei Maru to within fifty million kilometres of the target, then proceed alone to engage the defences.

The two ships come under fire at 115,000 km, suffering minor shield damage, after which they withdraw to twice that distance and open fire. In the process of eliminating the surface-based weapons, the small EM and thermal signature of the colony falls to zero. All that remains is a ground forces contact of 4400 tons. The two transports move in and drop the 1st and 2nd Kurogane Samurai divisions, which annihilate the Bloodclaw defenders in twenty-four hours without losing a single combat mech. There is nothing left on the surface, but the removal of the Dominion population will allow a survey of the planet to discover what interested the Bloodclaw enough to create the colony in the first place.

22nd March 1986
The light cruiser Yura is picketing the Comoros – Mauritius jump point, so she can eliminate any ships from the Bloodclaw home world that transit into Comoros. She has already eliminated a commercial-engined Tiger class. The sensor buoy on the Mauritius side detects the approach of three Bobcat class ships, which are small missile combatants of 966 tons. As soon as they enter Comoros, Yura opens fire, eliminating all three targets before they recover from jump shock and launch.

8th April 1986
A sensor buoy in the Chagos system, two transits from Mauritius via Comoros has detected four Bloodclaw ships: a 32,000-ton commercial-engined Iriomote class and three military-engined 11,646-ton Bay Cats. Little is known about the Bay Cat class, except for its speed of 12,590 km/s. The Bloodclaw Dominion is known to have Inertial Fusion technology, so it is possibly a warship, but could also be some form of scout. The light cruiser Nagara has been stationed on the Comoros side of the jump point for two weeks, waiting to transit. However, given the limited number of ships available at Mauritius Base, an E2A scout from Harukaze is sent through first. When the scout arrives without any hostile action, Nagara transits into Chagos.

She opens fire as soon as she arrives, immediately crippling one of the Bay Cats. A second surrenders after being fired on, while the third manages to open the range to 200,000 km before its engines are disabled. Unfortunately, Nagara does not have boarding forces due to earlier losses, so she is forced to fire on the cripples. Once the Bay Cats have been eliminated, she attacks the Iriomote which promptly surrenders too. Prize crews find that the Bay Cat is a geological survey ship, while the Iriomote is a civilian freighter. Both have a pair of Inertial Fusion drives, which will be disassembled for research data once the two ships are scrapped.

11th April 1986
ELINT data gained from the Bloodclaw home world reveals that have a neutral relationship with an alien race that is not known to the Empire of Japan. Additional survey ships will be transferred to Mauritius Base when they become available, although it is a long journey through Zharovian space from Fiji Naval Base, located in the nearest Imperial system to Mauritius.

28th April 1986
All four Yamato class battleships have been refitted to the Yamato II design, which includes a 3000-ton increase in size to 75,000-tons in order to accommodate a larger engine design than all the other Imperial Navy warships. The 5000-ton Koga-Murakama KM-2000-B Fusion Drive has improved fuel efficiency compared to the standard 3000-ton Koga-Murakama KM-1440-B Fusion Drive. As well as complete replacement of the fire controls and sensors, the new design also incorporates larger shield generators and eleven percent more hull space dedicated to shields overall, resulting in a fifty percent increase in shield strength while decreasing the total regeneration time. The Yamato II will be able to withstand considerable firepower without taking damage.

Yamato II class Battleship      75,000 tons       2,364 Crew       18,572.6 BP       TCS 1,500    TH 12,000    EM 28,560
8000 km/s    JR 3-50      Armour 6-158      Shields 952-476      HTK 460      Sensors 16/28/0/0      DCR 46-6     PPV 385
Maint Life 1.44 Years     MSP 9,619    AFR 978%    IFR 13.6%    1YR 5,095    5YR 76,428    Max Repair 1,200 MSP
Hangar Deck Capacity 1,000 tons     
Kaigun-Taisa    Control Rating 5   BRG   AUX   ENG   CIC   FLG   
Intended Deployment Time: 10 months    Flight Crew Berths 20    Morale Check Required   

Komatsu KMJ-750-B Jump Drive     Max Ship Size 75000 tons    Distance 50k km     Squadron Size 3
Koga-Murakama KM-2000-B Fusion Drive (5)    Power 12000    Fuel Use 24.94%    Signature 2400    Explosion 12%
Fuel Capacity 2,146,000 Litres    Range 20.6 billion km (29 days at full power)
Shīrudo-119A Shield Generator (8)     Recharge Time 476 seconds (2 per second)

Kentaro-Sakura KS-45A Spinal Laser (1)    Range 384,000km     TS: 8,000 km/s     Power 53-5     ROF 55       
Kentaro-Sakura KS-30A Far Ultraviolet Laser (24)    Range 384,000km     TS: 8,000 km/s     Power 24-5     ROF 25       
Twin Kentaro-Sakura KS-12C Laser Turret (12x2)    Range 240,000km     TS: 25000 km/s     Power 8-8    ROF 5       
Type 45 Go-31G Turret Fire Control (3)     Max Range: 96,000 km   TS: 25,000 km/s    ECCM-4   
Type 45 Go-31G Laser Fire Control (3)     Max Range: 384,000 km   TS: 8,000 km/s    ECCM-4   
R-75 Tokamak Fusion Reactor (3)     Total Power Output 225.3    Exp 5%

Type 42 Go-21E Missile Detection (1)     GPS 14     Range 7.9m km    MCR 710.9k km    Resolution 1
Type 42 Go-71E Fighter Detection (1)     GPS 280     Range 24.1m km    Resolution 10
Type 45 Go-12E Capital Ship Sensor (1)     GPS 40320     Range 190.9m km    Resolution 120
Type 33 Go-51C Passive Sensor (1)     Sensitivity 16     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  31.6m km
Type 42 Go-61D Passive Sensor (1)     Sensitivity 28     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  41.8m km
Electronic Warfare Jammers:   Sensor 3    Fire Control 4    Missile 4   

Strike Group
1x Showa L1D 'Raikō' Assault Transport   Speed: 23402 km/s    Size: 20

6th May 1986
As a test for the updated Yamato design, all four battleships are dispatched to Kokura, the closest Zuijin system to Sol, along with the carriers Taihō and Junyō. Kokura, six transits away but only six billion kilometres in actual distance, has an orange K5-V primary and four rocky planets, none of which have moons. The suspected location of the Zuijin is Kokura III, which has a nitrogen – oxygen atmosphere but the Asagiri class survey ship Usugumo was destroyed in December 1974 by three Zuijin destroyers and an escort cruiser before it could detect any colonies or bases. Four years later, the stabilisation ship Koshu Maru was attacked by three Conqueror class light cruisers and a pair of Vengeance class missile cruisers. Both incidents took place near the jump point so the total Zuijin force in Kokura is unknown.

Kido Butai - Kaigun-Shōshō Kurosawa Rai
Yamato II class Battleship: Katsuragi, Musashi, Shinano, Yamato
Taihō III class Carrier: Junyō, Taihō
72x Nakajima B2N2 'Tenzan class Carrier Strike
72x Mitsubishi A4M 'Ryūjin' class Fighter
4x Aichi E3A class Scout:

An E3A scout transits into Kokura from Uchigō, confirming the jump point is clear. Since the Imperial Navy last visited Kokura, the wreck of a Jinhae class of the Wokou Raiders has been added to the two Japanese wrecks. As past transits have attracted attention, due to the jump point being only three hundred million kilometres from the primary, the E3A holds position. Within a few hours an Enforcer class scout appears to check the new arrival. When the scout is close to the jump point, six A4M 'Ryūjin' fighters transit, wait for jump shock to clear and then attack. Three volleys are sufficient to trigger a secondary explosion that destroys the scout. The fighters return to their carrier. Kaigun-Shōshō Kurosawa decides to hold his force in Uchigō to see if any more Zuijin ships appear.

Ninety minutes later, three Conqueror class light cruisers, armed with particle lances, and an Avenger class escort approach the jump point – the same ships that destroyed Koshu Maru. Sixteen minutes later, two more forces appear: the escort cruiser and three destroyers that attacked Usugumo, plus a significantly larger fleet with six Vengeance class missile cruisers, three more Ravager escort cruisers, two Conquerors and four Avengers. Plainly, Kokura is a far more substantial Zuijin system than previously believed. Kaigun-Shōshō Kurosawa requests the other four Taihō class carriers from Earth, in case even more Zuijin appear, then takes his battleships into Kokura, accompanied by the strikegroups of the two carriers.

When the battleships transit, their active sensors detect a further three Vengeance missile cruisers, escorted by a Ravager and an Avenger, at a hundred and eighty million kilometres. The previously detected Zuijin ships are all within twenty-five million kilometres. Kurosawa considered waiting until they were closer, but did not want to risk undergoing missile attack while still suffering from jump shock. The four Yamato IIs face twenty-eight Zuijin warships with a combined tonnage of over half a million tons and that does not include any further ships or bases that lie ahead within the inner system.

As the battleships reach four million kilometres from the jump point, they detect an inbound wave of one hundred and fifty-six laser torpedoes moving at just under 30,000 km/s, trailed by a smaller wave of sixteen. The seventy-two A4M 'Ryūjin' are deployed ninety thousand kilometres ahead of the main body, while the B2M strike craft remain in close formation, awaiting a decision on potential targets.

The primary wave attacks from approximately 95,000 km ahead of the battleships, placing it close to the fighters, which manage to kill thirty-six missiles and eighty-four decoys – an extremely good hit rate out of one hundred and forty-four shots, but at extreme range for the lasers turrets on the battleships, which do not hit anything. Fortunately, the Yamato II class has a speed of 8000 km/s and fourth-generation missile jammers, making them difficult targets for missiles with only second generation ECCM. Yamato suffers thirty-nine hits, each of strength 6.7, which reduces her formidable shields by just fifteen percent. The small secondary wave is eliminated by the fighters.

A second missile wave arrives seven minutes later, at the same time that three Conqueror class light cruisers are approaching weapon range. Leaving the fighters ahead of the battleships will leave them open to attack, so Kaigun-Shōshō Kurosawa orders them back into the main formation, preserving them at the potential cost of more significant shield damage, while allowing the fleet to engage the Conquerors.

None of the inbound torpedoes are shot down, but Yamato absorbs the damage without difficulty. The four battleships hold the range open, to avoid particle beam fire, and blast the approaching cruisers into wreckage. With rapidly growing confidence in the power of his upgraded battleships, Kaigun-Shōshō Kurosawa orders the fighters and the strike craft to return to their carriers in Uchigō, seeing no point in risking the fragile craft when he may need them for an attack on strong orbital defences. Yamato withstands a new wave of one hundred and eighty laser torpedoes by the simple expedient of letting them detonate and absorbing the damage. Eight further missiles move past the battleships, in pursuit of the withdrawing fighters and strike craft. One A4M is destroyed by multiple hits.

The main force of Zuijin warships continues to approach, despite the destruction of their outriders. At a million kilometres, four Ravager class escort begin launching waves of one hundred and sixty-eight light missiles every ten seconds. The battleships plough through them, destroying perhaps a quarter with their laser turrets while generating a bow wave of strength-1 explosions on their shields. Many of the light missiles miss their targets entirely due to the unfavourable electronic warfare environment. The resulting shield damage is so ineffectual that after the first few waves, Kaigun-Shōshō Kurosawa orders his ships to cease point defence fire to preserve maintenance supplies.

Once within weapon range, they focus fire on the Ravagers while keeping the range at 245,000 km, outside the range of the Conquerors’ particle lances. Despite the continual hail of light missiles and occasionally the large laser torpedoes, the Zuijin cannot generate anywhere near enough firepower to seriously threaten the shields of the battleships, while their energy-armed ships cannot get within weapon range. With the Ravagers soon destroyed, the battle quickly becomes a massacre. The Yamatos ruthlessly and systematically obliterate every Zuijin ship in the main body, then set a course for the trailing group, which is in retreat toward Kokura III. Taihō and Junyō transit into Kokura, recover their Kōkūtai and follow the battleships.

Once within range of Kokura III, the battleships detect three Devastator class bases, armed with light missiles, three Terror class point defence bases and a single Vanquisher missile base, that will no doubt add its firepower to that of the three surviving missile cruisers. Each Devastator can launch ninety-one missiles, so an attack by the three bases plus the remaining Ravager will be twice as powerful as the earlier massed attack by four Ravagers. Erring on the side of caution, Kaigun-Shōshō Kurosawa orders his seventy-two B2Ns to accompany the battleships and conduct a strike against the Devastators as soon as they are within range. The fighters will once again proceed ahead of the fleet to defend against laser torpedoes.

On approach, the four battleships come under attack from several waves of laser torpedoes from the Vanquisher and the Vengeance class cruisers. These fare no better than similar attacks earlier in the battle. Once within five million kilometres of the planet, the Nakajima B2N ‘Tenzan’ strike craft launch their one hundred and forty-four Rakurai-Ni anti-ship missiles at two of the Devastators. The Rakurai-Ni model has a speed of 40,000 km/s, five third generation decoys, second generation ECCM, terminal guidance and a strength-12 warhead. It is one of the older models in service, which is one reason why Kaigun-Shōshō Kurosawa is prepared to expend them. In comparison, the Rakurai II-Ro, which has recently entered production, has a speed of 50,000 km/s, fourth generation decoys and ECCM and a strength-20 warhead.

The first interceptions by the Zuijin light missiles take place a million kilometres from the planet and there are many defensive missiles. Even so, one hundred and ten missiles reach their targets, although more than half strike decoys. The two Devastators are struck by eighteen and twenty-five Rakurai, with four and nine respectively penetrating the armour. Neither is destroyed, but the attack should reduce their effectiveness. Kaigun-Shōshō Kurosawa orders the fighters and strike craft back to the carriers, while the battleships advance on Kokura III.

When the battleships move within a million kilometres, they are confronted with a wave of two hundred and ninety-four light missiles travelling at 77,000 km/s. Twenty-nine are shot down by the battleship’s laser turrets and more than two hundred miss their targets – mainly due to the effect of fourth generation missile jammers. The light missiles are too small to carry even the second generation Zuijin ECCM. While the Empire of Japan might be falling behind alien powers, such as the People Republic, in term of propulsion, it is a galaxy-leader in sensor and electronic warfare technology due to the research colony on Osaka-B I. Fifty-nine light missiles strike Yamato, reducing her shields by six percent.

The second and subsequent waves comprise only two hundred and sixteen light missiles, so it is likely one of the damaged Devastator class bases lost its magazine storage and could only fire the missiles in its launchers. All the waves focus on Yamato and her shield strength slowly falls, although not fast enough for the Zuijin to prevail. At 245,000 km, outside the range of any surface-based particle lances, the four battleships fire a total of ninety-six 30cm lasers at the three Devastators, inflicting multiple strength-4 penetrating hits on two of them.

After two further salvos, one of the Devastators explodes and the Ravager is added to the target list. While Yamato continues to take hits, her shield strength is at seventy percent and the number of incoming missiles is falling rapidly. By the time all three Devastators and the Ravager have been eliminated, it is at eighty-five percent. The only concern for Kaigun-Shōshō Kurosawa is that the battleships have used a third of the maintenance supplies due to the length of the combat. To avoid any concerns over shortages, he decides to deal with the surface defences before attacking the remaining ships, even though some may still fire additional waves of laser torpedoes.

Thirty-two particle lances fire when the battleships move closer. None of them hit. The Yamatos continue closing and open fire on the planet with their 30cm lasers and quick-firing 12cm turrets. The effect is devastating. Every STO weapon is eliminated within sixty seconds. The remaining ships, three Vengeance class cruiser, four scouts and ten fast attack craft, break orbit and run. Targeting changes to the Terror class bases, which are blown apart within twenty seconds, then to a second battery of particle lances that reveal themselves at 95,000 km and finally the Vanquisher missile base. With the planet cleared of defences, the battleship give chase to the missile cruisers while Kaigun-Shōshō Kurosawa recalls the fighters to chase the FACs and scouts.

Once every last Zuijin ship in the system has been hunted down and eliminated, the Kido Butai regroups and heads back to Sol, leaving behind nothing but a sea of wreckage and a ground forces contact of 38,000 tons on Kokura III. The follow-up invasion will not take place for some time because all eight of the Imperial Japanese Navy’s large troop transports are either en route to Mauritius Base, or have already arrived, in preparation for the eventual invasion of the home world of the Bloodclaw Dominion.

Additional transports are under construction in a shipyard orbiting Scimitar Prime. Several shipyards have been moved to that world, to free up workers on Earth, and are operated by the Scimitar subject race, which has been fully assimilated into the Empire. Fourteen hundred forced labour mining and construction camps are also in operation on the planet, along with a large number of financial centres, ordnance factories and fuel refineries. All the original Scimitaran construction factories and fighter factories, plus most of the mining complexes, have been moved to Earth or other colonies. The ground force construction complexes, along with those from Earth, have been transported to Luna, which is now the Empire’s primary ground forces training facility. Once a new troop transport is completed in orbit of Scimitar Prime, it will pick up an Arashi Division from Luna and conduct the invasion of Kokura III.

The Arashi Divisions, four of which are now in service, are a new combat formation intended to support the Kurogane Samurai in offensive operations. Each division comprises two brigades and a divisional element, with a total of six thousand, four hundred genetically-enhanced Arashi (storm), armed with the Nambu Type 36 Machine Gun and protected by heavy powered armour. They are far superior to regular infantry, although more expensive to train and equip, and are intended to maximise combat power in situations where available transport capacity is limited, without the limitations of the Kurogane Samurai in engaging large numbers of light forces. The two forces, Arashi and Kurogane Samurai, are designed to work in concert during planetary invasions.

19th May 1986
Mauritius Base produces its first fighter – a Kawanishi H4K ‘Kumo’ long-range patrol craft. Eleven fighter factories are in place at the colony.

23rd May 1986
Two ships of the Capella Imperium, a 120,000-ton Ogdoad and a 110,000-ton Bakha, are detected on approach by a buoy on the Orochi’s Maw – Sapporo jump point. While the Capellans were detected in Sapporo several years ago, they have not entered the system since the foundation of the Japanese colony on Sapporo I. The two ships transit, where they are detected by the buoy on the opposite side, then head in-system and disappear from sensors.

1st June 1986
The buoy deployment ship Miyabikaze transits into Sri Lanka, a system that is five jumps outward from Mauritius via Reunion, Amirante, Zanzibar and Madagascar, and home to large number of wrecks that were discovered four months earlier, most of which were subsequently identified as belonging to the Helgrim Protectorate. There are eight Bloodclaw ships stationed on the jump point, all of which are new types. In keeping with the nomenclature assigned to the Dominion by Imperial Naval Intelligence, five 44,620-ton ships are designated as Arabian Leopards, a single 20,774-ton ship is designated as Black-footed Cat class and the two 10,361-ton ships are Fishing Cat class. While the smaller ships are most likely military-engined, Miyabikaze does not come under fire and the eight ships immediately transit into Madagascar and set a course in the approximate direction of the Fregate jump point.

Sri Lanka is fourteen billion kilometres from Mauritius, so any deployment of the limited warship strength of Mauritius Base will require tanker support. The only permanently assigned replenishment ship is Kyokuto Maru and she is currently supporting operations around Comoros and Andaman. However, Yamabuki Maru has recently visited Mauritius Base to supply fuel and is heading for the Zharov jump point. She is recalled, so she may be refuelled and sent to Madagascar. The light cruiser Naka leaves immediately, relying on Yamabuki Maru to provide the fuel she will need to return.

9th June 1986
Two concerning diplomatic events occur on the same day. The Followers of Zharov detect the survey cruiser Yugiri passing through their home system en route to Mauritius Base and issue a warning to leave immediately. The recent success in moving ships through Zharov resulted in overconfidence and an attempt to shorten the route around the home world, with unfortunate results.

A more serious incident occurred in Sapporo, where the Ogdoad and Bakha class ships of the Capella Imperium re-appeared close to the important Sapporo colony. They were asked to leave due to the significant Japanese presence in the system, which includes a population of eleven million, a spaceport, a research facility and over eighty factories, mines and maintenance facilities. The colony has two Yokosuka maintenance bases and twenty-one Amateratsu class terraforming stations in orbit plus a permanent squadron of two Nagara-series light cruisers and an old Kasagi class light cruiser. Sapporo also serves as a vital forward base and is currently overhauling two survey cruisers. The Capella Imperium rejected the request to leave and stated that Sapporo was an important system for their own interests and they were prepared to defend it.

The Imperial Japanese Navy finds itself with yet another major commitment. All major colonies already have a pair of Nagara-series cruisers, with one light cruiser deployed at smaller colonies. Fomalhaut, facing the threat of the Mizuchi-Ha, also has a an Akagi IV carrier, two Nagato II class battleships and, two Takao III-Ro heavy cruisers. Two further heavy cruisers have been deployed to support Kirishima and three Nagara III-Ni light cruisers at Mauritius Base, while an Akagi IV class carrier is currently en route to Mauritius. The battlecruiser Hiei has been forward deployed to Fiji Naval Base.

Based at Earth are the four Yamato class battleships, the other two Nagatos, six Taiho III carriers, five Akagi-series carriers and four Takao III class heavy cruisers. Both Nagatos are currently being refitted to the Nagato III design, with fusion drives and other upgrades, two Akagi IIIs are also being refitted with fusion drives and two of the heavy cruisers are being upgraded with improved electronics. Daigensui-Kaigun-Taishō Takagi regards the Yamato class battleships and the Taihō class carriers as his offensive force, which he refuses to deploy on guard duties, especially as they will be deployed against the Bloodclaw home world once sufficient logistical support is in place for them to be refuelled three times in each direction and resupplied as necessary.

He is prepared to deploy the two Nagatos once their refit is completed, but they are already earmarked to replace their sister ships in Fomalhaut while they undergo the same refit. The three available Akagi class carriers are effectively a shield for Earth when the larger ships are absent, along with a group of light cruisers – although all eight light cruisers in Earth orbit are currently in refit. That leaves only the two available heavy cruisers, which are also scheduled for the electronics refit. Fortunately, two new Takao III-Ro heavy cruisers are close to completion, so they can be deployed to Sapporo as soon as they are available. That is only a temporary solution as no further warships are under construction, so the strategic situation is in danger of swiftly deteriorating if any more threats appear.

The massive commitment to establish and maintain a base in Mauritius has had a significant effect on both the Empire of Japan and the Imperial Navy. Mauritius Base is over fifty billion kilometres from Earth, two-thirds of which is via Zharovian space and the Zuijin system of Atlasov. The base itself orbits the same star as the home world of a hostile power and is adjacent to the home world system of a near-hostile power. A large portion of the Empire’s transport lift capacity has been out of regular service for almost eighteen months and the amount of fuel and other logistical support required to sustain that effort has been considerable. The ultimate goal is to access the technology of the Bloodclaw Dominion, especially next generation fusion drives, via a successful invasion of the Dominion home world. Given how much effort has already been invested in that objective, Daigensui-Kaigun-Taishō Takagi refuses to abandon it now.

Therefore, he decides that rather than deploy a large warship force to Sapporo, the existing force of Mitsubishi A3M ‘Hayabusa’ fighters will be transported to Sapporo as the replacement Mitsubishi A4M ‘Ryūjin' fighters become available. Any available shore batteries will also be moved to the colony. With those reinforcements, plus the two new heavy cruisers, Takagi hopes that will secure the colony against anything but an all-out attack, although one short-term flaw in that plan is a lack of troop transports to move the shore batteries. Even the nine small Shinshu Maru class are unavailable, as five of them are transporting an infantry division to Mauritius and the other four are transporting xenoarchaeological and engineer regiments to Kokura in lieu of the planned ground assault. The next few months may prove to be interesting times for the Empire of Japan.

10th June 1986
The two Capellan ships close to the Sapporo colony move into orbit and deploy a ground force that includes surface-to-orbit weapons. There is now a direct threat to the ships in orbit above the colony, but no overt hostile act takes place. The arrival of the Capellans highlights a new problem. Sapporo does not have defending ground forces, so even if the planned reinforcements can hold off a space-based attack, it cannot hold the colony against ground attack. The need for at least one division to be deployed to Sapporo is added to the demands on the Imperial Navy.
« Last Edit: September 23, 2024, 10:59:15 AM by Steve Walmsley »
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Re: Empire of the Stars - Updates Thread
« Reply #27 on: September 23, 2024, 10:47:52 AM »
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« Last Edit: September 23, 2024, 10:58:59 AM by Steve Walmsley »
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Re: Empire of the Stars - Updates Thread
« Reply #28 on: September 23, 2024, 10:58:34 AM »
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20th June 1986
A survey of Kokura III by the brand-new survey cruiser Tachikaze (Wind From a Sword Stroke) reveals a deserted, but intact Zuijin colony. She also finds vast quantities of accessible Duranium and Gallicite, along with deposits of all other Trans-Newtonian minerals with varying quantities and accessibility. From the perspective of mining Gallicite, currently the Empire’s most in-demand mineral, this is an even better geological discovery than the Empire’s primary mining colony on Matsuyama II, which has a population of almost two hundred million and over eighteen hundred mines and automated mines. Kokura III has an atmosphere that is almost breathable, a stable orbit and a temperature of -27C, although it lacks surface water. Eliminating the Zuijin ground forces just became even higher priority than before.

Kokura III Survey Report
Duranium:   16,715,762   0.80
Neutronium:   6,744,409   0.10
Corbomite:   866,761   0.10
Tritanium:   2,160,900   0.90
Boronide:   3,467,044   0.10
Mercassium:   4,036,081   0.20
Vendarite:   20,322,064   0.90
Sorium:   16,540,489   0.10
Uridium:   153,664   0.10
Corundium:   6,492,304   0.30
Gallicite:   10,458,756   0.80

Matsuyama II Survey Report
Duranium:   14,426,142   1.00
Neutronium:   25,782,978   0.20
Corbomite:   16,186,803   0.10
Tritanium:   18,382,227   0.10
Mercassium:   4,438,671   0.10
Vendarite:   28,360,986   1.00
Sorium:   39,269,154   0.20
Uridium:   15,659,727   0.10
Gallicite:   8,667,789   0.70

21st June 1986
Construction of the Takao III-Ro heavy cruisers Mogami and Mikuma is completed in Earth orbit. Both are dispatched to the Sapporo colony.

26th June 1986
Naka arrives in Sri Lanka and confronts the eight Bloodclaw ships. They immediately transit into Madagascar, so she pursues, then opens fire when she recovers from jump shock, destroying one of the two 10,361-ton Fishing Cat ships. Naka launches her understrength Raiden Sentai against the 20,774-ton Black-footed Cat, then begins to eliminate the other ships one by one. The eighteen Kazuma Raiden are overwhelmed by the Bloodclaw crew, so she is forced to destroy that ship as well. After picking up the survivors, she heads to the Zanzibar jump point to wait for Yamabuki Maru.

12th July 1986
The fourth Arashi Division is combat dropped on Kokura III by the new troop transport Togakushi Maru. The Zuijin ground forces signature is 38,000 tons, which suggests more than 100,000 tons in reality and indicates perhaps double the normal ground force, presumably because of the importance of the ruins. While it would be preferable to drop multiple divisions, Togakushi Maru is the only transport is available. This will be a difficult first combat for the Arashi.

14th July 1986
The fourth Arashi Division is evacuated from Kokura III after suffering fifty percent casualties in only forty hours of combat. While the Arashi initially fared well against the Zuijin bots, the larger mechs proved difficult for the Arashi machine guns to destroy and the combat soon turned against them. The Zuijin forces comprised several thousand bots and several hundred mechs. Approximately thirty percent were destroyed, with the losses much lighter among the mechs. Togakushi Maru lands the remaining brigade on Kokura I and returns to Sol, where she will load reinforcements.

The combat demonstrates the Arashi cannot stand against heavy forces without support and also causes concerns about the chances of success against the Bloodclaw, who are much higher tech than the Zuijin. Eight divisions are currently in Mauritius, or en route, including three Arashi, three Kurogane Samurai and two older infantry divisions. That will not be enough. Daigensui-Kaigun-Taishō Takagi orders the four transports at Mauritius Base to return to Earth so that more divisions can be trained and transported to Mauritius. That decision will delay the invasion of the Bloodclaw home world by eighteen months, which is the time required for the return journey.

The four transports currently in Atlasov, the Zuijin system two jumps from Mauritius via Zharov, are ordered to hold position. Daigensui-Kaigun-Taishō Takagi is considering a change to his strategy by attacking the Zuijin in that system to provide an additional base that can be used as a source of logistical support, assuming any ruins can be surveyed and potential recovery sites identified. Given the performance of the Yamatos in Kokura, Takagi believes the four battleships can handle the Zuijin in Atlasov without carrier support, which simplifies the initial logistics, and there is a ready-made invasion force on the scene.

1st August 1986
An H3K ‘Shoki’ patrol craft stationed at the Beta Hydri – Kariya jump point as a secondary picket, in case any Mizuchi-Ha ships entered Kariya, suffers an engine explosion due to a maintenance failure. The H3K survives, although it is unable to move. A few day later, a Zuijin Enforcer class scout moves into sensor range, presumably attracted by the explosion, and takes up station on the jump point. Beta Hydri is home to a Zuijin fleet which has been left in place to serve as a defence against any Mizuchi incursion.

12th August 1986
Tracking stations at Mauritius Base detect a new ship type of the Dominion leaving the Bloodclaw home world. The Balkan Lynx has military engines and a speed of 15,612 km/s, with a thermal signature of 3,450. At first, it appears to be on a course for the Reunion jump point, so given its obvious level of technology, it is monitored but not intercepted, as a Zharovian squadron is waiting in Reunion.

When it becomes apparent the Balkan Lynx is going to bypass that jump point and head for the Zharov jump point, potentially passing close to several unarmed Imperial Navy ships, the carrier Hiryu and the heavy cruisers Chōkai and Maya attempt an emergency intercept. Although they are unable catch the Bloodclaw ship before it passes, Hiryu launches thirty-two Mitsubishi A3M2 ‘Hayabusa’  fighters, which have a slight speed edge of less than 400 km/s. They move within range and open fire. Four strength-1 hits penetrate the armour and the Balkan Cat vanishes in a huge secondary explosion. The lack of defensive fire suggests this was a scout or survey ship.

22nd August 1986
Three more Bloodclaw ships appear on a similar course, designated as Caucasian Lynx. They have a similar thermal signature to the Balkan Lynx but only half the speed, suggesting they may be twice as large. Hiryu, Chōkai and Maya break orbit much earlier to intercept, but the Lynx retreat to their home world. A few hours later, three Golden Cat class ships also depart, this time heading for Reunion. The Golden Cat is known to be a terraformer, so the Imperial Navy Squadron moves into close range, where Hiryu launches the first combat mission of the Showa L1D 'Raikō' (Lightning Flash) class Assault Transport.

Until now, boarding actions have been conducted by the Nagara-series light cruisers. The L1D is designed to be carrier-based and perform short-range, high speed intercept. Each ‘Raiko’ carries a Raiden Sentai, similar to those of the Nagaras. Hiryu has a reduced number of fighters in order to carry seven L1Ds and a pair of H3Ks. Two each are launched against the three Golden Cats. All three targets are secured within six minutes, with the loss of five Kazuma Raiden. The terraformers will be moved to Mauritius Base by Ryokai Maru, a tug permanently stationed at the base. They are too large to be scrapped by Fukuju, the repair ship stationed at the base, so they will begin terraforming the planet

Showa L1D 'Raikō' class Assault Transport      1,000 tons       2 Crew       266.2 BP       TCS 20    TH 468    EM 0
23402 km/s      Armour 1-8       Shields 0-0       HTK 4      Sensors 0/0/0/0      DCR 0-0      PPV 0
Maint Life 0 Years     MSP 0    AFR 199%    IFR 2.8%    1YR 165    5YR 2,469    Max Repair 234 MSP
Troop Capacity 500 tons     Boarding Capable   
Kaigun-Shōsa    Control Rating 1   
Intended Deployment Time: 0.1 days    Morale Check Required   

Koga-Murakama KM-468-DB Fusion Drive (1)    Power 468    Fuel Use 882.52%    Signature 468    Explosion 30%
Fuel Capacity 13,800 Litres    Range 0.28 billion km (3 hours at full power)
Type 42 Go-24E Fighter Sensor (1)     GPS 3     Range 3.5m km    MCR 317.9k km    Resolution 1

Golden Cat class Terraformer      105,383 tons       444 Crew       2,561 BP       TCS 2,108    TH 450    EM 0
213 km/s      Armour 1-198       Shields 0-0       HTK 65      Sensors 0/0/0/0      DCR 1-0      PPV 0
MSP 15    Max Repair 500 MSP
Kaigun-Shōsa    Control Rating 1   BRG   
Intended Deployment Time: 3 months   
Terraformer: 4 modules producing 0.0019 atm per annum

Commercial Inertial Fusion Drive  EP450.0 (1)    Power 450    Fuel Use 0.60%    Signature 450    Explosion 3%
Fuel Capacity 20,000 Litres    Range 5.6 billion km (306 days at full power)
CIWS-200 (2x10)    Range 1000 km     TS: 20,000 km/s     ROF 5       

26th August 1986
Togakushi Maru drops the 2nd Infantry Division on Kokura III, then moves to Kokura I to load the Arashi brigade. The 2nd division includes almost twelve thousand infantry and machine guns, plus one hundred and eighteen Ju-Ro heavy tanks of the 2nd Tank Regiment. Over a thousand infantry are killed in the first eight hours, then the tank regiment is outflanked and suffers the loss of fifty-six tanks. Even though the losses are heavy, the Imperial Army units manage to kill five hundred bots and eighty combat mechs.

Twenty hours after the start of the battle, the 8th Arashi Brigade arrives from Kokura I to reinforce the 2nd Division, which swings the balance of forces against the Zuijin. On the morning of the second day, more Zuijin bots and mechs are killed than infantrymen and Arashi. After that point, Imperial Army losses decrease rapidly and the battle becomes a mopping up operation.

29th August 1986
The Zuijin forces on Kokura III are defeated. While the battle is a great victory, especially after the initial failed invasion, losses are considerable. The 4th Arashi Division is now an understrength brigade, while an infantry regiment and the tank regiment of the 2nd Infantry Division are barely above half-strength. All the involved forces will be returned to Earth for replenishment and reinforcement, before eventually being transported to Mauritius or Sapporo.

3rd September 1986
The Caucasian Lynx class ships, now numbering five, venture from the Bloodclaw home world once again, this time on a heading for the Comoros jump point. After waiting for them to move within a hundred million kilometres of Mauritius Base, Hiryu, Chōkai and Maya move out to intercept. The alien ships are 21,259-tons and have military engines, so they seem to be too large for survey ships or scout. They may present a significant potential threat. As soon as the Imperial Navy ships leave orbit, the Caucasian Lynxes reverse course. With a speed of 8114 km/s, they are too fast for even the latest Japanese warships, so Hiryu launches her fighters in pursuit.

The fighters are twenty-five million kilometres from the five Bloodclaw ships when they detect an inbound wave of two hundred and thirty-five size-7 missiles moving at 52,000 km/s. They immediately run for home, as do Hiryu, Chōkai and Maya, who are not capable of defending against such an attack. Fortunately, only five fighters are hit and destroyed, probably due to a limited number of fire controls, leaving twenty-seven in the Kōkūtai.

The senior officer in the Mauritius system is Kaigun-Taisa Kido Hoshi, captain of the battlecruiser Kirishima, who has had an interesting career, winning three medals for gallantry. He is the second-most senior of seventy-six Kaigun-Taisa in the Imperial Japanese Navy, so he overrides Kaigun-Taisa Mizuno Shingen, captain of the Hiryu, and orders the fighters to continue the chase. Each of the Caucasian Lynx ships launched forty-seven missiles, so they almost certainly are armed with reduced-size launchers with a long reload time. The fighters can close the range in less than an hour, so he sees a potential opportunity to get a few fighters close enough to repeatedly strafe the alien ships, assuming the reload time is long enough and they only target five fighters per salvo.

The pilots eagerly accept the orders and reverse course to pursue the Bloodclaw warships. However, they only close the range by five million kilometres before they lose five more of their number. Reluctantly, Kaigun-Taisa Kido orders them to abort and run for Mauritius Base. It appears the Caucasian Lynx has a reload time of about nine minutes. Given their speed and salvo size, they present an extreme danger to Mauritius Base and all the ships in orbit. In addition, the Bloodclaw home world has been produced ships very quickly in recent weeks, so they might only be the first of many such threats. Reinforcing Mauritius Base has suddenly become extremely urgent.

4th September 1986
The five Caucasian Lynx depart orbit of the Bloodclaw home world once again. As before, they seem to be on course for the Comoros jump point and there are numerous Imperial Navy ships in their path. The light cruiser Yura is returning home from a long mission beyond the Comoros jump point and has exceeded her normal deployment time, leading to some morale issues. The replenishment ship Kyokuto Maru is on a similar course, so both will run into the Bloodclaw ships if they maintain their course. Closer to Comoros are two ex-Bloodclaw fuel harvesters who surrendered when fired up on by the light cruiser Nagara, which has since arrived in Comoros and took up a picket position on the Mauritius jump point. The salvage ships Kamakura Maru and two freighters are nearby, working on the wrecks of three harvesters that didn’t surrender. Finally, the tug Ryokai Maru is en route to the fuel harvesters to bring them back to Mauritius Base.

Kaigun-Taisa Kido orders Kyokuto Maru to change course and move away from the threat, while Yura is ordered back into Comoros, despite her lower-than-normal effectiveness, where she will join Nagara on the Mauritius jump point. If the Bloodclaw missile cruisers transit, the two light cruisers will have an opportunity to engage them at point-blank range. Kamakura Maru and the freighters are ordered to finish their current task and also retreat into Comoros. Ryokai Maru will not reach the surrendered harvesters in time, so she is ordered to attempt escape by travelling perpendicular to her current course.

Finally Kido orders the heavy cruiser Chōkai to break orbit of Mauritius Base and run for the Comoros jump point, where she will join the light cruisers in an attempted ambush, if given the opportunity. It is a risk to reduce the defensive capabilities of the colony, but the Caucasian Lynx do not appear to be on an attack course, although that could change if they detect targets as they pass by. There is considerable relief when the five Dominion missile cruisers appear to ignore Mauritius Base, even though they pass within seventy million kilometres, but then they change course to pursue Chōkai. The heavy cruiser has a one hundred and twenty-five million kilometre head start and the Caucasian Lynxes only have a 118 km/s advantage, but it is a week to the jump point. Whether Chōkai is attacked will depend on the range of the Bloodclaw missiles.

7th September 1986
The deserted intact colony on Kokura III has been fully surveyed, revealing over five hundred potential recovery sites. It is very welcome news during a challenging period for the Empire of Japan.

Meanwhile in Mauritius, the five Caucasian Lynx class ships that were closing in Chōkai suddenly vanish from sensors approximately halfway to the Comoros jump point. Chōkai was holding an active contact, so it was not that they moved out of planetary sensor range. The only explanation is that they reversed course for some reason, possibly after detecting the replenishment ship Kyokuto Maru, which is moving away from the area in which the Bloodclaw ships vanished. Chōkai reverses course and heads for Kyokuto Maru in an attempt to locate the Lynxes, and detects them several hours later on a converging course. Chōkai changes course once again, moving back toward the Comoros jump point. The Caucasian Lynx resume pursuit.

The pursuit does not last. The Lynx move back toward the replenishment ship, while Chōkai tries to distract them, dancing around the edge of sensor range but unwilling to get too close and risk the missile cruisers getting within launch range. A dozen times, the Lynx react to the heavy cruiser before moving back toward Kyokuto Maru. Eventually, Kaigun-Taisa Kido orders Chōkai to resume her original mission and head for the jump point. The build cost of the replenishment ship was a tenth that of the Chōkai and in the grim calculus of the current situation, the heavy cruiser cannot put itself at risk in an increasingly unlikely rescue attempt. Besides, the Bloodclaw warships are not heading directly for Kyokuto Maru, but rather a location she occupied some time ago, so it is possible she may still escape.

In the meantime, two Golden Cat class terraformers have departed the Bloodclaw home world bound for the Reunion jump point, so with the missile cruisers several days away, Hiryu breaks orbit and uses her Showa L1D 'Raikō' Assault Transports to board and capture both ships before returning to Mauritius Base

11th September 1986
The five Caucasian Lynx missile cruisers reappear in the inner system, less than six hundred million kilometres from Mauritius Base. Chōkai is three billion kilometres away and hopelessly out of position, while Nagara and Yura are in Comoros. Kyokuto Maru is twice as far out and untouched. The Bloodclaw warships appear to be on a direct course to their home world that will take them very close to Mauritius Base. The only ships available to defend the colony are the heavy cruiser Maya, the light cruiser Naka, the virtually obsolete battlecruiser Kirishima, twenty-two A3M2 fighters from Hiryu and three surface-to-orbit batteries intended for ant-ship combat.

Given the desperate situation, Kaigun-Taisa Kido orders a captured alien freighter and a pair of H3K ‘Shoki’ patrol craft to move away from Mauritius Base, in an effort to lure the Lynxes on to a different course; the former due its size and the latter due to its speed. For some reason, the Dominion does not seem to want to engage Mauritius Base directly, perhaps because they believe the four Yokosuka class stations may be military ships, so Kido wishes to avoid any accidental engagements due to simple proximity. The distraction works, as the Caucasian Lynx move to investigate the contacts, but still has a cost. One of the H3Ks is struck by a salvo of missiles at a range of thirty-four million kilometres. The other makes it to the Reunion jump point, where it can transit if attacked. The freighter, a Javan Leopard with a volunteer crew, is capable of only 1400 km/s, so it is a suicide mission, but in a very good cause.

Meanwhile, the Bloodclaw home world,, on the third moon of Mauritius II, launches another three military-engined ships of a new type, designated as Chinese Mountain Cat. Strangely, they move into orbit of the first moon, which is not known to be a Bloodclaw colony. The Caucasian Lynxes pursue the decoy freighter, but for some reason do not close the range, or attack it. It seems unlikely they are out of ordnance, so perhaps the fact the ship was originally one of their own is causing confusion or hesitation. Kaigun-Taisa Kido will take whatever time he is given to get Chōkai, and possibly Yura, back to Mauritius Base.

13th September 1986
The Bloodclaw home world launches another five ships, this time a new commercial design designated as Marbled Cat. Given the Dominion’s astonishing rate of recent ship production, especially of new types, Imperial Naval Intelligence is soon going to run out of feline nomenclature. While the Marbled Cats head for the Reunion jump point, the Caucasian Lynx missile cruisers decide to ignore the captured freighter and suddenly streak across the inner system, perhaps in response to the distant approach of Kyokuto Maru, which is seven hundred kilometres from Mauritius Base and trying to reach home. Kaigun-Taisa Kido begins to suspect the Bloodclaw home world has an extremely long-range tracking capability, which combined with the deadly missile cruisers, is going to make life around Mauritius Base extremely difficult. It appears that the Empire of Japan may have waited too long before sending a significant military force to Mauritius.

Kyokuto Maru changes course, while the H3K near the Reunion jump point attempts to cause a distraction, albeit without success. It soon becomes apparent that the Bloodclaw missile cruisers are actually on a course for Chōkai, which is much further out and reinforces the concerns about long-range detection. Kaigun-Taisa Kido orders her to change course and deactivate both shields and active sensors, to reduce her passive signature. As soon as she does so, the Caucasian Lynxes reverse course and head back to the inner system.

Suddenly, the captured freighter, a Javan Leopard, is blown apart by strength-7 missiles. It is over four hundred million kilometres from the Caucasian Lynxes, but only a hundred million kilometres from the Dominion home world. Either the assailant is a ship that has yet to be detected, one of the orbital bases has long-range missiles or the Chinese Mountain Cat class is also a missile combatant. Meanwhile, the Marbled Cats continue toward the Reunion jump point. Kaigun-Taisa Kido decides to let them proceed in the hope that an attack by the Zharovians in Reunion will attract the attention of the Dominion missile cruisers.

After the destruction of the freighter, the Caucasian Lynxes move toward the two recently captured Golden Cat terraformers, that are very slowly making their way toward Mauritius Base. Once again, the chosen course will take the ships close to Mauritius Base. Following his strategy of distraction rather than confrontation, Kido orders Chōkai to engage sensors and shields once again and attempt to pull the Lynxes out of the inner system. This tactic has a time limit because Chōkai cannot get past the enemy ships to Mauritius Base, due to their superior speed, and cannot run forever as she is down to two-thirds fuel. She also has to be careful not to draw the cruisers close to Kyokuto Maru, which lies between them, as that will result in the destruction of the replenishment ships, and she cannot lead the cruisers in a direction that places Mauritius Base between them and their home world.

The first Marbled Cat enters Reunion and immediately comes under fire from a Zharovian squadron on the jump point, comprising two light cruisers, an escort cruiser and two escorts, with a total mass of 80,000 tons. Chōkai disengages her shields and sensors so that the pursuing cruisers might investigate the events in Reunion without distraction. In Reunion, the Marbled Cat withstands a massive amount of damage from the Zharovians before it is finally destroyed. Given it has commercial engines, it may be some form of armoured troop transport. Unfortunately, it’s loss does not interest the Caucasian Lynxes, which set a direct course for Mauritius Base, or possibly their home world, as the two are now aligned. Chōkai is forced to resume her distraction efforts, which causes the Lynxes to head out-system and disappear from Japanese sensors.

15th September 1986
Chōkai reaches a point in the sparse asteroid belt that will provide a clear run to the Bloodclaw home world if the Caucasian Lynxes have followed her. Unfortunately, they are no longer on sensors. She needs to reduce her emissions to disappear from the sensors on the Bloodclaw home world, but remaining motionless and deactivating both shields and active sensors would render her completely helpless if the missile cruisers are able to locate her and attack. As a compromise, she deactivates sensors and moves further out-system. Her active sensor has three times the passive signature of her shields and engines, so he hopes that is enough to make her vanish, without completely sacrificing her defences. Meanwhile, the other two Marbled Cats, having seen their sister ship destroyed in Reunion, change course toward the Comoros jump point.

17th September 1986
The Caucasian Lynxes reappear five hundred and fifty million kilometres from Mauritius Base, on course toward the Reunion jump point, or possibly toward Kyokuto Maru, which has almost made it home. Chōkai is over two billion kilometres away in the outer system. It appears her distraction worked for a time but now the missile cruisers have returned to the inner system. Kaigun-Taisa Kido orders Kyokuto Maru to move to the Reunion jump point, where she can escape if necessary and Chōkai to head home.

Meanwhile, two transits away in Atlasov, the four Yamato class battleships are approaching the Zuijin-held planet in the system, followed by four troop transports. Daigensui-Kaigun-Taishō Takagi ordered them to the system in July. Since that decision, they have refuelled at both Fiji Naval Base and the temporary base in Kharimkotan before arriving in Atlasov. He now considers ignoring the Zuijin and sending the battleships to the relief of Mauritius Base, but the Zuijin are close to the direct course anyway so the attack goes ahead.

The defending force in orbit of Atlasov III comprises Devastator and Terror class bases, three Vengeance missile cruisers, two Ravager escort cruisers and ten Ghost class fast attack craft, plus three fuel harvesters and a tanker. Surprisingly, there are no long-range missile strikes from the Vengeance class ships or the FACs, possibly because the Zuijin have calculated they would be futile.

The first Zuijin attack comprises one hundred and seventy-five light missiles, launched from the Devastator and the two Ravagers, followed by further salvos every ten seconds. The battleships do not even bother to activate point defence, using shields and electronic warfare alone to defeat the attack. Even when the Yamatos close to half a million kilometres, there is still no launch from the Vengeance missile cruisers. Kaigun-Shōshō Kurosawa Rai, commanding the battleships from the flag bridge on the Yamato, begins to suspect the Zuijin have expended all their missile stocks in prior combat against the Followers of Zharov.

The battleships halt at 245,000 km and open fire on the Devastator and the Ravagers, initially reducing their fire and then destroying them. After picking off the Ghosts before they can, they move closer and engage the surface defences, at which point the surviving ships break orbit and flee. The particle lances on the planet are rapidly obliterated, the Terror class base is annihilated in a single salvo and the remaining ships are quickly caught and eliminated. In destroying what would once have been a significant target for the early Imperial Navy, the four Yamato class battleships paused only briefly as they swept past the planet and wiped out its defences. They head for the Zharov jump point while the troop transports move up in their wake.

An hour after the destruction of the Zuijin, a large fleet of commercial-engined Zharovian that have been stationed at the Kharimkotan – Atlasov jump point for a considerable period of time, all transit into Kharimkotan and set a course for their home system at their best speed. In aiding the logistics for the potential invasion of the Bloodclaw home world, the Imperial Japanese Navy appears to have inadvertently assisted the Followers of Zharov.

In Mauritius, the Caucasian Lynxes abandon their approach to the Reunion jump point and set course for home, which always seems to result in a course that will pass close to Mauritius Base. Chōkai switches on her active sensor, which attracts the attention of the alien cruisers, pulling them further from that course. Her fuel is down to fifty percent.
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Re: Empire of the Stars - Updates Thread
« Reply #29 on: September 23, 2024, 11:03:15 AM »
This is the 5th of 5 posts today

19th September 1986
Against all odds, the replenishment ship Kyokuto Maru arrives at Mauritius Base.

23rd September 1986
The heavy cruiser Chōkai continues to play hide and seek with the Bloodclaw missile cruisers in the system’s sparse asteroid belt, which has allowed the light cruiser Yura to make it back to Mauritius Base, slightly boosting the planet’s defences. Her sister ship Nagara remains in Comoros, acting as a jump point picket, while the tug Ryokai Maru has towed both captured fuel harvesters into Comoros, so they can be shielded by Nagara. The two captured terraformers continue to make glacial progress toward Mauritius Base.

25th September 1986
The 3rd Kurogane Samuri Division, the 3rd Arashi Division and three infantry divisions are delivered to Atlasov III by four large transports and five small Shinshu Maru class transports. The planet is a cold high gravity world, dominated by vast rift valleys that are entirely covered in ice. It is not an ideal combat environment, but for once the Imperial Army has a significant numerical advantage. The Zuijin defenders are completely overwhelmed, killing less than two hundred Japanese infantry before they are wiped out in less than thirty-six hours. The transports begin loading the five divisions for transport to Mauritius Base.

The swift victory cannot be quickly followed up due to a lack of xenoarchaeological regiments to survey the ruins. Two of the Empire’s five regiments are still on Kokura. A third is on Earth. The final two, plus two engineer regiments, are on board the new troop transport Suwa Maru, which is in Proxima, having recently departed Earth en route to Atlasov. It will arrive in four and a half months, so Daigensui-Kaigun-Taishō Takagi hopes that the Followers of Zharov will not launch their own expedition to whatever ruins are present during that time.

27th September 1986
The Caucasian Lynxes reappear from the general direction of Chōkai, but this time on a direct course for their home world that does not take them anywhere near Mauritius Base. The four Yamato class battleships are already in the system, running without sensors or shields and one hundred hours away. Chōkai takes the opportunity to head for safety, still with her sensors inactive, but the missile cruisers reverse course and try to intercept. It seems that beyond a certain point, around one point two billion kilometres from the Bloodclaw home world, she can only be detected by her active emissions. Any closer and her engine and shield emissions reveal her position. However, with the Yamatos moving closer, Kaigun-Chusa Kido is happy to have the Lynxes out of the way so he instructs Chōkai to keep their attention, despite her worsening fuel situation.

29th September 1986
The Bloodclaw missile cruisers are out of contact, once again trying to pin down Chōkai’s location, while the four Yamatos are still fifty-three hours from Mauritius Base. The Dominion dispatches seven ships toward the Reunion jump point. Leading the way are four are Chinese Mountain Cats, a design with the same size and speed as the Caucasian Lynx, but unknown armament. Following at a slower speed are two commercial-engined designs; two 78,557-ton Marbled Cats and a single 22,600-ton Pampas Cat. While both have been previously detected, their functions are unknown. Kaigun-Chusa Kido decides to leave them alone and let the Zharovians handle it.

The Mountain Cats are within a hundred million kilometres of the jump point when their course deviates to their starboard by about forty degrees, in the general direction of the distant Comoros jump point. Suddenly, without warning, the two recently captured Golden Cat terraformers explode, amid ninety-one strength-7 detonations. They are a hundred million kilometres from the Chinese Mountain Cats, which is the same distance as the Javan Leopard was from the Dominion home world. There is now no doubt the new design is also a missile cruiser, which has grave implications for Mauritius Base. The Yamatos have travelled over fifty billion kilometres to reach their current location, but they are still over a billion kilometres away and unable to intervene.

Rather than immediately launch against Mauritius Base, the Chinese Mountain Cats continue toward the Comoros jump point. The salvage ship Kimikawa Maru and two freighters are directly in their path, although over two billion kilometres away. The commercial-engined Marbled Cats and Pampas Cat follow the course of the missile cruisers, although much more slowly.

1st October 1986
The four Chinese Mountain Cats have moved beyond the tracking capabilities of Mauritius Base, while the three commercial-engined ships are still within two hundred kilometres. The Yamatos are only eight hours from the base, so they engage both shields and sensors and set a course for the Pampas Cat, announcing their presence in an effort to draw in the Chinese Mountain Cats and the still-absent Caucasian Lynxes. The missile cruisers engage active sensors, confirming their position, but ignore the battleships and continue on course to the Comoros jump point.

The Imperial Navy battleships close to point-blank range and blast the Pampas Cat into wreckage, then change course to intercept the two Marbled Cats, which are suspected troop ships. They run for the Reunion jump point, but cannot escape. After destroying both, the Yamatos finally head to Mauritius Base, arriving to a heroes’ welcome. While they do not guarantee the safety of the base, the situation has improved considerably. None of the nine Bloodclaw missile cruisers, five Caucasian Lynxes and four Chinese Mountain Cats, are currently on sensors. The former are still suspected to be hunting for Chōkai, while the latter are presumably still en route to Comoros.

While the battleships refuel, Chōkai engages her active sensors, then leaves the asteroid belt and begins heading for Mauritius Base. In the past, this inward movement has attracted the attention of the Caucasian Lynx class ships, but on this occasion there is no sign of them. Their location remains a mystery. Two days later, Chōkai finally returns home.

6th October 1986
Daigensui-Kaigun-Taishō Takagi considers ordering the four Yamato class battleships to test the defences of the Bloodclaw home world. In orbit, there are three Snow Leopards of 20,787 tons, three Jaguars of 20,875 tons and six 26,151-ton Caracals. Little is known about the three classes, except that they all have resolution-1 sensors, which suggests they are intended for defence against missiles and therefore are likely armed with light missiles and short-range, fast-firing weapons. In April 1982, the Zharovians moved within weapon range and their ships were hit with over thirteen hundred strength-1 detonations in a single attack. Considering the Zharovians have a similar or greater level of technology to the Empire of Japan and those detonations were only the missiles that actually hit, Takagi decides to exercise caution.

Four of the six Taiho class carriers are already en route to Mauritius and have recently refuelled at Fiji. Four hundred anti-ship missiles have already been stockpiled at Mauritius Base and the carriers will bring almost six hundred more. Once those missiles have been used to test the defences, Takagi will have considerably more information on which to base a plan of attack. In the meantime, the priority task for the Yamatos and the new system commander, Kaigun-Shōshō Kurosawa Rai, will be to eliminate the existing missile cruisers, if they can be located, and destroy any further ships launched by the Bloodclaw home world.

Less than one hour after that decision is reached, the five Caucasian Lynxes are detected on approach to the Comoros jump point. This is the exact scenario for which Nagara and Yura were positioned on the Comoros side and Chōkai was dispatched to reinforce. Unfortunately, only Nagara remains on the jump point, along with one of the two captured fuel harvesters. The other is being towed to a gas giant in Andaman by Ryokai Maru. Kaigun-Shōshō Kurosawa considers dispatching two of the Yamatos, but the jump point is five billion kilometres away, which means a two-week return trip, and the Yamatos are slightly slower than the Bloodclaw missile cruisers. Given the strategic situation, they will be better used protecting Mauritius Base until the carrier arrive. Instead he dispatches the heavy cruisers Maya and Chōkai. For the next few days though, Nagara is on her own.

The Caucasian Lynxes transit into Comoros. They will suffer some degree of jump shock, so Nagara immediately opens fire with her twelve Kentaro-Sakura KS-20B Far Ultraviolet Lasers and twelve Takashi Kinetics TK-10B Railguns, inflicting a dozen strength-10 hits and forty-seven strength-1s, several of which penetrate the armour of her target. All five ships move away from the jump point at 8114 km/s. Nagara is only capable of 6400 km/s but her captain, Kaigun-Taisa Nishihara Kintaro, is aggressive and has no intention of wasting the opportunity of attacking the temporarily helpless missile cruisers, so he pursues.

Nagara’s railguns, despite their short-range and limited damage, have a high rate of fire but her main damage output is from the 20cm lasers firing every ten seconds. The second laser volley destroys the targeted Bloodclaw warship, so Nagara changes target and keeps firing. A second target is hit by two more laser volleys and blows up. Forty seconds have passed since transit and the missile cruisers have opened the gap beyond both railgun range and the range at which the lasers inflict maximum damage. Kaigun-Taisa Nishihara orders a course reversal and Nagara runs for the jump point. The missile cruisers change course by about a hundred and sixty degrees, not quite following Nagara.

Their proximity allows Nagara to target a third ship with her lasers, achieving ten strength-10 hits, once of which penetrates the armour and reduces the Caucasian Lynx to half speed. The damaged ship moves away, so Nagara fires on her fourth target, one of two ships that now parallel her course. The missile cruiser vanishes in a colossal strength-350 secondary explosion. The remaining undamaged Bloodclaw warship reverses course and moves away from Nagara.

Nagara could risk a pursuit, but the Caucasian Lynx is already over a hundred thousand kilometres away, so she continues toward the jump point and transits into Mauritius, having destroyed three Bloodclaw missile cruisers and damaged a fourth. Almost at the same moment she transits, the damaged Caucasian Lynx launches forty-seven missiles at the captured Andean Mountain Cat fuel harvester, utterly destroying it. The same ship continues moving in-system, toward the Andaman jump point, while the undamaged Lynx moves back toward the Mauritius jump point and takes up a picket position.

With the engagement over, at least for the moment, Kaigun-Shōshō Kurosawa has time to address a longer-term issue. While Mauritius base has four Yokosuka maintenance bases and seven maintenance facilities, that is insufficient for the large force now stationed at the base. To reduce that burden, Hiryu launches her Kōkūtai then heads for the Zharov jump point. Four of her seven Showa L1D 'Raikō' class Assault Transports are transferred to the four battleships, each of which has a 1000-ton capacity hangar bay. The other three, plus her surviving H3K and twenty-two A3M2 ‘Hayabusa’ fighters, will be stationed at Mauritius Base. Kaigun-Taisa Kido’s ship, the old battlecruiser Kirishima, is dispatched to the Reunion jump point to adopt a picket position. She can remain on station for twelve months, which should be enough time to resolve the assault on the Bloodclaw home world, one way or another. There is still insufficient capacity, but the two deployments will ease the situation.

Even after Nagara’s heroics, another concern is troubling Kaigun-Shōshō Kurosawa. When the two groups of missile cruisers vanished, it was the Chinese Mountain Cats, not the Caucasian Lynxes that were heading for the Comoros jump point. The latter were presumed to be searching for Chōkai. Which leads to the question of where the four Chinese Mountain Cats are now. If they also approach the Comoros jump point, Nagara cannot transit as the undamaged Caucasian Lynx is waiting on the far side. Equally, Hiryu could encounter them en route to the Zharov jump point, or Kimikawa Maru and her freighters, which are still trying to make it back to Mauritius Base, or a pair of colony ships that recently entered Mauritius via the Zharov jump point. Unfortunately, operations cannot cease entirely due to the unknown location of the four missile cruisers. Even so, Kurosawa decides to split the heavy cruisers, with Chōkai continuing toward Comoros, while Maya moves to protect Kimikawa Maru.

11th October 1986
The four missing Chinese Mountain Cats are detected by a sensor buoy on the Mauritius – Zharov jump point. The first three Kuroshio Maru class colony ships recently transited and are less than two hundred million kilometres away, albeit on a different vector than the Bloodclaw approach. Further out, at one point two and one point seven billion kilometres respectively are the fleet support vessel Hayasui and the carrier Hiryu, the first heading toward Mauritius Base and the other toward Zharov. Both ships change course, as they lie between the Bloodclaw missile cruisers and their home world.

Kuroshio Maru class Fast Colony Ship      88,970 tons       506 Crew       3,816.9 BP       TCS 1,779    TH 7,000    EM 0
3933 km/s      Armour 1-177       Shields 0-0       HTK 97      Sensors 8/14/0/0      DCR 1-0      PPV 0
MSP 26    Max Repair 400 MSP
Cryogenic Berths 200,000    Cargo Shuttle Multiplier 6   
Kaigun-Shōsa    Control Rating 1   BRG   
Intended Deployment Time: 3 months   

Koga-Murakama KC-1000 Fusion Drive (7)    Power 7000    Fuel Use 2.80%    Signature 1000    Explosion 5%
Fuel Capacity 1,250,000 Litres    Range 90.5 billion km (266 days at full power)

Type 42 Go-13E Navigation Sensor (1)     GPS 3360     Range 55.1m km    Resolution 120
Type 42 Go-63D Passive Sensor (1)     Sensitivity 14     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  29.6m km
Type 33 Go-53C Passive Sensor (1)     Sensitivity 8     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  22.4m km

Moments after initial contact, the Chinese Mountain Cats disappear from sensors. The three colony ships cease movement, as they cannot escape anyway if already detected, in the hope that a lack of thermal emissions may avoid pursuit. After a few minutes, the Mountain Cats reappear and transit into Zharov without further hesitation. A fleet of fourteen Zharovian warships is stationed on the far side, ranging in size from 10,000 tons to 26,000 tons and all equipped with shields. One Mountain Cat explodes within five seconds of transit. Two more are destroyed within a further twenty seconds. The fourth manages to escape outside energy-weapon range and the Zharovians are not fast enough to catch it.

Once recovered from jump shock, the surviving Chinese Mountain Cat launches a salvo of forty-six missiles at its pursuers. The target is a 26,089-ton Soci class with shields of strength-110. It is struck by forty-one missiles and heavily damaged, with its speed falling from 4645 km/s to 774 km/s. Seven ships continue pursuit of the Bloodclaw missile cruiser while the others head back to the jump point. The damaged Soci transits into Mauritius to avoid being attacked by a second salvo. The next two volleys from the Mountain Cat focus on one of the pursuing ships, a 10,811-ton Andropov class. The first has no obvious effect beyond reducing the shield strength to zero; the second destroys it.

By the time the fourth salvo arrives, thirty-four minutes after transit, the Japanese sensor buoy can no longer detect the shields on the Zharovian ships, but a second Andropov falls out of formation at half speed. The original pursuers fall back to the jump point and the other group of ships takes up the chase. A Soci is damaged by two salvos, dropping to two-thirds speed, before firing ceases. Despite destroying three of the four Mountain Cats near the jump point, the Zharovians have lost one ship with three more damaged. All three damaged ships take up temporary residence in Mauritius, while five ships remain in pursuit of the Mountain Cat, which has left sensor range of the buoy.

Close-range observation of the combat has revealed the armament of two Zharovian designs. The 26,089-ton Soci is armed with eighteen 20cm lasers and a single 25cm laser and is classified as a heavy cruiser, while the 10,811-ton Andropov is armed with seven 20cm lasers. As the designation of ‘destroyer’ has generally been given to small, missile-armed ships, the Andropov is classed as a frigate.

An hour after the combat in the Zharov system, the three damaged Zharovian ships, two Soci and an Andropov, leave the Mauritius – Zharov jump point in the direction of the Comoros jump point. Meanwhile, with six of the known nine Bloodclaw missile cruisers destroyed, three by Nagara and three by the Followers of Zharov, and the other three blocked from Mauritius by the same forces, every unarmed Imperial Navy vessel ends their careful manoeuvres and heads straight for their destinations. Six hours after the battle, the undamaged Caucasian Lynx transits into Mauritius from Comoros. Nagara is waiting. Two volleys are sufficient to trigger a strength-228 secondary explosion and the number of remaining Dominion missile cruisers falls to two.

12th October 1986
Having somehow eluded the five ships that were in pursuit, the last Chinese Mountain Cat moves back into sensor range of the buoy on the Zharov – Mauritius jump point. Five Zharovian ships remain on the jump point itself; two Andropov class frigates armed with lasers, plus three Kazan class escorts armed with gauss cannon. The Mountain Cat takes a pair of strength-1 hits at 218,000 km, then six strength-4 hits fifteen seconds later, providing Imperial Naval Intelligence with useful data on the Andropov’s range and rate of fire, although it is deemed to be an out-of-date design. The Kazans fire at 16,000 km, scoring fifty-two strength-1 hits, and then the Mountain Cat transits into Mauritius before the Andropovs can fire again. Despite the damage inflicted by the Zharovians, it emerges at full speed and sets a course for home. There is no threat to Japanese shipping as it is evidently out of missiles. The challenge will be locating and destroying it before it can reload.

15th October 1986
Chōkai joins Nagara on the Mauritius – Comoros jump point. Unlike the smaller light cruiser, Chōkai has a jump drive, which means she will suffer far shorter jump shock using her own drive than relying on the stabilised jump point. The buoy on the far side cannot detect the damaged Caucasian Lynx, so she transits, relying on her ability to return before any missile salvo can reach her. Instead of the Bloodclaw missile cruiser, she finds six Zharovian warships, which appear to have picked up the life pods from the Bloodclaw wrecks and the captured Harvester. Chōkai remains near the jump point, allowing Nagara to head home for well-earned shore leave. The Zharovians depart on a heading for the Comoros primary and its two dwarf planets.

17th October 1986
Chōkai transits into Mauritius to destroy a pair of Marbled Cat troop transports approaching the Comoros jump point, then returns to Comoros. A few hours later, the missing Chinese Mountain Cat transits into Comoros and runs for the Andaman jump point. Chōkai pursues and opens fire, inflicting massive damage with two salvos. Unexpectedly, the missile cruiser surrenders before it is destroyed. The ship is barely holding together after the damage inflicted by both Chōkai and the Zharovians and has lost both engines and three quarters of its launchers. The tug Ryokai Maru is in the adjacent Andaman system, where she has placed the captured fuel harvester in orbit of Andaman. However, there is still a missing Caucasian Lynx somewhere between Ryokai Maru and Chōkai.

Chinese Mountain Cat class Missile Cruiser      21,254 tons      389 Crew     4,126.8 BP     TCS 425   TH 3,450   EM 0
8116 km/s      Armour 6-68       Shields 0-0       HTK 115      Sensors 11/0/0/0      DCR 5-2      PPV 96.6
Maint Life 0.19 Years     MSP 606    AFR 723%    IFR 10.0%    1YR 3,117    5YR 46,752    Max Repair 862.5 MSP
Magazine 1,939 / 104   
Kaigun-Chūsa    Control Rating 1   BRG   
Intended Deployment Time: 12 months    Morale Check Required   

Inertial Fusion Drive  EP1725 (2)    Power 3450    Fuel Use 11.42%    Signature 1725    Explosion 10%
Fuel Capacity 500,000 Litres    Range 37.1 billion km (52 days at full power)
Size 26 Decoy Launcher (4)     Decoy Size: 26    Hangar Reload 255 minutes    MF Reload 42 hours
Size 7 Missile Launcher (30.0% Reduction) (46)     Missile Size: 7    Rate of Fire 635
Missile Fire Control FC119-R120 (2)     Range 119.6m km    Resolution 120   ECCM-3

Active Search Sensor AS103-R120 (1)     GPS 15120     Range 103.6m km    Resolution 120
Thermal Sensor TH1-11 (1)     Sensitivity 11     Detect Sig Strength 1000:  26.2m km
Electronic Warfare Jammers:   Sensor 3    Fire Control 3    Missile 3   

22nd October 1986
The salvage ship Kimikawa Maru and her accompanying freighters finally arrive at Mauritius Base, escorted by the heavy cruiser Maya. She will now begin the task of clearing some of the wrecks littering the inner system, while Maya remains as close escort.

27th October 1986
The damaged Caucasian Lynx is detected by a sensor buoy at the Comoros – Chagos jump point, which is seven billion kilometres from the Comoros – Mauritius jump point. The ship will not pose a threat for the foreseeable future. Chagos has yet to be surveyed, so it is possible it is host to a Dominion colony. The tug Ryokai Maru, which has been moving through Comoros expecting to be attacked at any moment, tractors the crippled Mountain Cat and heads for Mauritius Base.

9th November 1986
Five Shinshu Maru class troop transports trying to move through Zharov are detected by the Zharovians, who issue a demand for them to leave immediately. While careful travel through the system has significantly reduced the number of warning issue, there are still occasional problems, any one of which could be the trigger that leads to war with the Followers of Zharov.

14th November 1986
The relationship between the Empire of Japan and the Followers of Zharov appears to be deteriorating rapidly. In Mauritius, a group of Zharovian warships at the Zharov jump point demand that a pair of Japanese colony ships should leave the system as a matter of urgency. Simultaneously in Atlasov, the four carriers en route to Mauritius are ordered to leave the system immediately. In retrospect, eliminating the Zuijin from Atlasov may prove to have been a mistake.

With demands issued in the connected systems of Mauritius, Zharov and Atlasov, it is difficult to see how Mauritius Base can be maintained without causing a war with the Followers of Zharov. It would be extremely unfortunate if that war were to start while the carriers were travelling without escorts. In addition, tensions are rising in Sapporo with the Capella Imperium so the Empire of Japan faces a possible war on four fronts; against the Bloodclaw Dominion, the Followers of Zharov, the Capella Imperium and the Mizuchi-Ha. While the Mizuchi-Ro, the Wokou Raiders and the Zuijin are also hostile powers, they present less of an immediate threat.