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Re: Rise of the Wrix
« Reply #75 on: August 06, 2012, 01:50:36 PM »
Gonna need a lot more popcorn for this. . .    ;D

Offline Rabid_Cog (OP)

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Re: Rise of the Wrix
« Reply #76 on: August 07, 2012, 02:42:10 AM »
30 September 2016
"What is so important that you cannot even give me a hint outside the Bunker?" IM asked. She and Delta were the only two there, but Delta was positively bouncing up and down with excitement.
"I just got word from my sources in Gamma. The Xenology team managed to crack the alien language."
IM leaned forward. "And they didn't tell us earlier that they were this close?"
"Probably a sudden breakthrough, but there is more. They managed to get an ancient computer system working again and it turns out that the race that built it was known as the 'Ascendancy of Horse'. Wierd name, but that still isn't all." Delta was now grinning very widely.
"Alien technology?" IM guessed, dreading the answer. Whatever they found, Gamma would have her claws on it now.
"Not quite. Close, though. Based on some schematics they found of how the place must have looked originally, they think some of the buildings may be salvagable" Delta said.
"Salvagable? As in can be stripped for usable parts?" IM asked.
"No, as in can be brought back to full operation!"
IM jumped to her feet. "What!? That means Gamma has access to to these facilities now! I knew we pulled out too early, we should have tried to hold those ruins!"
"Calm down, IM. Gamma doesn't have anything. I said those facilities COULD be brought back to full operation, but they are still in really bad condition. It will require equipment and parts that are both hard to come by and, perhaps more importantly, bulky. No way a little Hecate is going to be able to ship all of that within a reasonable amount of time."
"Does it matter how long it takes?" IM responded angrily. "Gamma has full rights to the planet and everything on it. Technological details and such our team could have brought back, but all those facilities are hers and there is nothing we can do about it. What do those facilities even do?"
Delta shrugged. "No idea. Apparently these 'Horse' people have a very strange architecture and there is no way to translate some of the more technical terms. But there are only about seven facilities that can be salvaged. No, the real value of this is going to be how much this keeps Gamma busy and out of our way!"

2 October 2016
Lambda's hands were shaking as she switched off the playback from the recording device that had since that morning been hidden in the Bunker under Swarm Command. She had believed the ruins were perhaps a few stones on top of one another with some scratchings indicative of a sentient society, but now she realized that it was an actual, technological race that had once inhabited the planet.
When IM and Delta were struggling to put together reinforcements for their armed units on First Stop, Lambda had been very tempted to offer her own forces in support, but as she had only recieved word about the reinforcements the morning that the Hudson was due to arrive back, she eventually declined. She never did anything rash, and committing her forces would have involved choosing sides.
Now she wasn't sure whether to regret her decision or feel vindicated for not acting. On the one hand, with her support the Swarm forces would most likely have held out long enough to secure the Facility. On the other, the fact that Gamma now has control over everything that came out of those ruins meant that she had the upper hand again. Sure, Swarm Command felt that Gamma would not be able to exploit her advantage any time soon due to lack of dronepower and equipment, but neither of those were insurmountable obstacles to the unsuspected with few scruples.
What really bothered Lambda was the fact that there was a destroyed, transstellar civilization at all. Firstly, it meant that other transstellar civilizations could exist, and secondly that there was something out there capable of destroying them...

What is really happening:
Ruins finally translated. Ascendancy of Horse, TL 4 with 7 buildings. All in all, a nice little find but hardly anything to get excited about. I think I'm going to SM in an engineering brigade eventually to get started on fixing the buildings. Researching it first takes too long and the Wrix are quite productive and capable.
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Offline Rabid_Cog (OP)

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Re: Rise of the Wrix
« Reply #77 on: August 07, 2012, 01:48:40 PM »
Funny story, it seems my freighters cannot move quickly enough to actually catch an orbiting planet (specifically First Stop). This makes dropping infrastructure on First Stop a bit complicated. And I have no idea how to rp this. I mean, is this even remotely realistic? Being unable to catch a PLANET? How do I explain the Wrix not thinking of this? I really don't want to have to micromanage them into ambush positions for each planet every trip.
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Offline Person012345

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Re: Rise of the Wrix
« Reply #78 on: August 07, 2012, 02:02:48 PM »
Funny story, it seems my freighters cannot move quickly enough to actually catch an orbiting planet (specifically First Stop). This makes dropping infrastructure on First Stop a bit complicated. And I have no idea how to rp this. I mean, is this even remotely realistic? Being unable to catch a PLANET? How do I explain the Wrix not thinking of this? I really don't want to have to micromanage them into ambush positions for each planet every trip.
Sure, the orbital velocities for the planets in aurora are based on the real life ones (Earth's real life average orbital speed is ~30km/s, other planets would be affected by distance to parent star and parent star size - the closer a planet and the larger the star is, the faster it has to move to stay in orbit) and if your ship isn't fast enough, then you're going to have this problem. You could RP it as a simple oversight, or perhaps the freighters failing to meet their specifications (perhaps the engine designs simply don't deliver the power promised by the designers, would it be? I'm assuming the Wrix are essentially a hierarchic communist society). Maybe there was a clerical error, a simple misprint of the target speed on an important document. The only things you can really do though is to ambush it like you say, or make some faster freighters.

Offline xeryon

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Re: Rise of the Wrix
« Reply #79 on: August 07, 2012, 02:14:12 PM »
I had a similar issue where a conventional powered freighter only made 50kms.  Traveling between orbiting planets backwards only took a couple days, moving forwards took months.

That might not be one to bother trying to RP.  Time to redesign that ship with an extra engine or two and use SM to add it into the game.

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Re: Rise of the Wrix
« Reply #80 on: August 07, 2012, 04:05:01 PM »
Well not really realistic, merely a consequence of the fact that engines in aurora have a fixed speed instead of a fixed acceleration like they have in reality.

I think its fair to SM further engines to the design. Alternatively you could also use a tractor beam to strap an additional engine or two to the design. Could have interesting swarm politics consequences, depending on who has the power to build this booster pack.

Offline Gyrfalcon

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Re: Rise of the Wrix
« Reply #81 on: August 08, 2012, 02:03:59 AM »
Order them to the orbital path and follow it backwards until they meet the planet as it comes around? Even if it doesn't match up, you can then SM place them in orbit of the planet.

Offline Rabid_Cog (OP)

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Re: Rise of the Wrix
« Reply #82 on: August 08, 2012, 03:29:37 AM »
I considered SM'ing them to orbit then abandoning all transport operations due to 'technical difficulties' with the engines, but then I realized RP'ing this is going to be way too much fun to pass up on. After all, it kinda makes sense that the Wrix would make a monumental error like this; their space program is in its infancy. They never had shuttles and Challengers and Hubbles to practice with.

On an unrelated note, I'm going to be spending the long weekend (for us) at my gf's place, so no internet access. Will probably do one more post today, but after that don't expect anything till Sunday. Hopefully I can build up a bit of a head start again if I don't drown between her and all the marking I'm taking along.
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Offline Rabid_Cog (OP)

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Re: Rise of the Wrix
« Reply #83 on: August 08, 2012, 04:25:45 AM »
22 October 2016
Construction of the 'Swarm Communal Research Complex' is completed. Staffed by drones and infertiles of all hives, it is immediately put to work on assisting the other labs. After a quick bit of number crunching, the decision is made to immediately start on an ambitious expansion project that would make it the largest scientific complex on the planet. Unfortunately, that doesn't say much for the aggressive and warlike Wrix.

23 October 2016
US and PC came sneaking into IM's office. IM, who was very busy writing out detailed instructions for a couple of drones installing new equipment in the new SCRC, didn't notice their presence until they began speaking.
"Tell her" US ordered.
"I'm not telling her, you tell her!" PC responded.
"Oh no, this is your mess, you tell her."
IM stared up at the two queens. "Will somebody please tell me what's going on?"
"Well," PC finally admitted, "you know how we struggled to calculate exact interception times back when we launched the first Myrkul due to some mathematical stuff that we never did quite figure out?"
"Yeees" IM replied carefully. "I remember. Computer glitch or something, wasn't it?"
"Er... not exactly. More of a... Wrix glitch. It turns out the Myrkuls aren't fast enough to catch an orbiting planet. Not First Stop, anyway."
IM kept staring at the pair uncomprehendingly. "So what are you trying to tell me?"
"We struggled to calculate interception times because the actual interception time is 'never'" US explained. "The computer was designed to use numerical methods to calculate approximate times based on the assumption that a solution exists. In fact, it doesn't."
"So you are telling me that our Myrkuls can't make it to First Stop because the 'planet is too fast'?" IM asked incredulously.
"Umm... yeah. Basically."

"And so we can't actually ship the infrastructure to First Stop until all the Myrkuls have gone for an engine upgrade."
IM was on a direct link to Gamma down in the Bunker. PC was sitting by her feet like a naughty schoolchild, sulking. A constant mumbling was barely audible..
Gamma stared at the two of them for a few seconds then burst out laughing. "Are you serious? Who was the idiot that designed a freighter that can't even catch a planet?"
"...not my fault..."
"That would be PC here" IM replied.
"...said keep it under ten thousand tons..."
"And she will be replaced?" Gamma asked.
"With who, exactly?" IM replied. "She is the best ship designer I have. Nobody else even has a clue which side the engines go."
"Apparently, neither does she. I must admit, usually I would kick up a fuss over this, but it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside to see how incompetent our leadership is. At least when we all freeze I will be able to laugh at you as I die."

What is really happening:
LOL OOPS. Anyway, I've started expanding the commercial shipyard a little and will do something about the Myrkuls trailing impotently behind First Stop.
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Offline Rabid_Cog (OP)

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Re: Rise of the Wrix
« Reply #84 on: August 13, 2012, 08:29:21 AM »
2 November 2016
A new Myrkul-A was launched by Epsilon's group.
Epsilon had also been informed about the weakness of the Myrkul design, and had not taken the news well. Her group already had one Myrkul out and about and with another in the final stages of construction, both were going to be reduced to glorified paperweights.
As an emergency measure, she had ordered the Myrkul under construction modified to a Myrkul-A design with an additional outboard engine strapped to the hull, increasing the speed to 44km/s.
It should be noted that even drones, who normally have no problems carrying out suicidal orders for the good of their hive, were hesitant to serve on what they called 'the rickety deathtrap'.
Whether an extra 4km/s is going to be enough to make the vessel viable was not even sure. For that reason, Swarm Command declined to modify their ships to this design.

5 November 2016
The Hudson arrives back at Wrixom. As per the agreement between Swarm Command and Gamma, it is supposed to be returned to Gamma. However, with the new situation regarding the Myrkuls, Gamma agrees to delay enacting that clause until HN-31's geology team can be transported to the next planet to be surveyed. In exchange, a number of Gamma's drones and their equipment would be transported to First Stop on the outward journey.

What is really happening:
I've sent the Myrkul's back to Wrixom. Then, as I am playing around to see how tough it would be to modify a Myrkul to get its speed up, my civilian corporation builds one of my designs! Stupid civilians.
I then decided that this is a good excuse for me to move my geology team to the next planet/moon so the Hudson is on its way to do that. I've also decided that I will be focusing on research capacity for the foreseeable future. I had no power/prop researchers at the start and this has really hammered my progress rate.
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Offline Rabid_Cog (OP)

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Re: Rise of the Wrix
« Reply #85 on: August 14, 2012, 02:53:01 AM »
22 November 2016
"It seems Epsilon hasn't been idle since we gave her the go ahead to begin interstellar operations. She just let us know that she had established an offworld mineral extraction operation on the sixth moon of planet five."
IM nearly choked on her breakfast. "When did she establish that? HOW did she establish that?"
US just shrugged. "Beats me. But I'm guessing she is in contact with Sigma and Omega. They are the ones who developed the automine technology and her mines must be either fully or at least mostly automated. By the way, she has asked for an Infertile to command her garrison force."
IM flailed her hands around in frustration. "A garrison as well? How is this possible? We have been struggling to move small teams offworld and here she has not only moved an entire mining complex with garrison, but she has built it here as well! I thought her production base was limited?"
"Some of the hives have been helping her" an Infertile said while chewing from the other side of the carcass*. "They think she is doing a better job of getting them offworld."
Both IM and US turned to look at the Infertile neither recognized.
"And you are?" IM asked.
"CO-78-KRQ" the queen replied. "Just got back from the Delta Labs. Apparently they don't want me there anymore."
"I bit my supervisor. But only because she refused to listen to my ideas. Said they were 'hasty' and 'foolish'. So I did what came naturally."
"Nevermind that," IM interrupted, "why do you say the other hives are shifting their support towards Epsilon's group?"
"No, no, they aren't shifting their support. They still support the Swarm since they know this is where the military power lies and they don't quite trust Epsilon with that. They are just hedging their bets by supporting Epsilon industrially a bit as well."
"That is outrageous!" IM hissed.
"Not really. It's working rather well. Epsilon operates under far less oversight than you do, meaning many things can get done much faster. She also doesn't need to worry about technological development the way you do" CO-78 replied.
"I haven't noticed any significant slowdowns in construction progress of the SCRC expansion" US admitted.
"That's because the projects are mostly using different resources."
"What about the mining complex? Now Epsilon is taking minerals that the Swarm needs very badly!" IM continued.
"You didn't let me finish" US replied. "She let us know that if we ship the minerals and supply her installations, we can keep most of the minerals. Oh, she has demands, but they are mostly for non-TN equipment and resources the Swarm has plenty of anyway. I don't even consider that an expense anymore."
"So we are getting minerals for practically nothing?" IM asked.
"Pretty much."

*Wrix mealtimes are nothing like squishy humans'. There is no dinner table, no eating implements and no manners. The freshly killed corpse is dragged to the centre of the eating room and after the choice cuts are removed for the Hive Queen, everyone starts tearing at the raw meat. It should be noted that the animals of Wrixom are rather large compared to ours.
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Offline xeryon

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Re: Rise of the Wrix
« Reply #86 on: August 14, 2012, 06:47:35 AM »
"...chewing from the other side of the carcass."  Nice touch.

Offline icecoldblood

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Re: Rise of the Wrix
« Reply #87 on: August 14, 2012, 07:47:20 AM »
Could you give a more detailed description of Wrix wildlife/cuisine?

Been lurking around here for while, I must say you should consider getting your own subforum.

Offline Rabid_Cog (OP)

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Re: Rise of the Wrix
« Reply #88 on: August 14, 2012, 10:48:26 AM »
I'm beginning to notice the need for a subforum as well. Originally, I just didn't know whether I would stick this out for longer than a week and didn't want an(other) empty subforum cluttering up the forum.

As for the Wrixom wildlife, I'll get on that. Already have a fairly good idea of what's there and how it works, just haven't had the opportunity to work it into the story (but I don't think I will get one). Expect to see another post soonish.
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Offline xeryon

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Re: Rise of the Wrix
« Reply #89 on: August 14, 2012, 11:39:11 AM »
(but I don't think I will get one)

Some rather ominous foreshadowing.