Man I join in? Modeling this guy after a character in my own book
First Name - Ignace
Last Name - Tegair
Homeworld - Earth, Sol
Father - Civilian Freighter Captain, died from acute decompression sickness (went flying out into space) before birth of Ignace
Mother - Sergeant Sol PDF, Killed shortly after birth of Ignace in a training accident
Background - Sought Officer Candidacy training, but was unable to progress due to Insubordinate nature. Enlisted at age 18 with the Marines. Granted battlefield commission following hostile action against Rebel forces due to a daring raid and successful capture of enemy craft.
Profession - Void Marine (Colonel of Marine Company)
Psychological Profile - Disciplined, Aggressive, Pessimistic, Highly Educated, Insubordinate (reason he began with the enlisted, even though he's extremely intelligent)