Author Topic: A Slice of Life: Knight 3rd Class, Cortez Meers  (Read 3381 times)

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A Slice of Life: Knight 3rd Class, Cortez Meers
« on: May 20, 2019, 02:58:48 PM »
23rd of August, 1st Year of Renaissance

 Yeah! It's finally happening! It's all over the news, in every herald, even the ones in Otslanspanse!

23rd of August, 1st Year of Renaissance

I don't really know how to do this whole, "journal" thing, but I'm just so excited! I just have to write this down, I just have to! Papa has said we're going to the fair! They have a wonderful contraption there which defies gravity!

7th of June, 12th Year of Renaissance

     Greetings reader, I am Cortez Meers, newly graduated Knight 3rd Class of the Principality of Sidon. I fell that I must apologize for my ten year old self, not too terribly fluent as I was and thoroughly disinterested in writing anything. in truth, it has not been so very long since last I wrote in this journal, but it feels very long indeed. In just a mere eleven years I feel as though I have aged an eternity, the Trials of the Knights were greuling, the education was laborious and my pride at having overcome them is... considerable. I am again taking up my journal in an attempt to leave behind an account of my experiences as a Knight 3rd Class in the service of the Princes and our Principality, if you are reading this, I hope it inspires you. I will take my leave of you now, but I feel compelled to remark that i am still unsure as to how this "journal" thing works, a thought which make sme chuckle, so much older and yet still so young.

 --- Those last words fell heavy from the mouth of Rachel Halcyon, the newly appointed Master Retainer of the Knights of the Principality. Her voice choked as she addressed the assembly, saying, "Kinght 3rd Class, Cortez Meers, who was a nexceptional Knight in conduct and prowess, is today no more." She hesitated for a moment before continuing, going on to say, "Yet on this day, we learn from Knight Meers that even the most dilignet of us can fall. Knight Meers hailed from Otslanspanse, a land of poor people and poorer opportunities. He worked harder than anyone here, and passed the Trials at the top of his class. He was mighty, shooting straighter and fighting harder than anyone yet. He was cunning and smart, having gone from barely literate to a wonderful writer with equally wonderful poems..." she trailed off as she stifled a sob, tears rolling down her cheeks, "and above all he was a good man." It was here where she finally broke down, and the other Knights assembled here wept freely also.

 --- No one wished to note his death, yet all who were assembled took it to heart, but none more than the Master Retainer. In the young Cortez she saw the makings of the next Master Retainer, and in her memories she would forever see his broken body at the foot of the stairs. So promising, and yet brought low by so humble a force. Emboldened by the thought and it's importance to her she sprang suddenly into a passionate tirade, "Fellow Knights!", she cried commanding the attention of all who were present. She carried on through tears and sobs, "Let us not forget Knight Meers, and let us not forget his lesson! We should remeber the warriors of myth, brough low by a single arrow! Let us not forget our diligence! Let us know him as Saint Meers of Diligence, and let us revere his lesson, that we may not be brought low by such trifling means! Let us not be brought low! ...let us... ...not... be... brought... ...low." Here even the will of the Master Retainer, would be Master of all the Knights of the Principality, was fully overcome and for a long time there was naught but the sound of weeping soldiers and the pounding of fists and feet alike.

 --- So it would be that Cortez Meers, Knight 3rd Class, hailing from Otslanspanse, would become the Patron Saint of Diligence for the Knights of the Principality, to serve as a reminder to them all that no matter how hard you work, how diligent you are you must always be still more diligent. When the Knights became formalized in the 15th Year of Renaissance and the Hall of the Knights would be founded alongisde the temple, Diligence would become one of the founding pillars. Cortez Meers would become known as the "Humble Saint" or the "Good Saint", and his patronage would become associated with charity and comradery. Some would call him the, "Saint of Brothers" as well as the, "Fraternal Saint" His name would go down in history in the Brotherhood of Cortez, his surname would come to mean "beloved brother" and his memeory would inspire others to band together as Knights would use his story as a rallying cry whenever the foes of Sidon would seek to break them.

[Based on the following In-Game Events]

7th June 12 00:00

Cortez Meers has joined your officer corps as Knight 3rd Class
Cortez Meers has died in an unfortunate accident. Assignment prior to death: Unassigned.

Offline xenoscepter (OP)

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Re: A Slice of Life: Knight 3rd Class, Cortez Meers
« Reply #1 on: May 20, 2019, 03:00:35 PM »
Just something I threw together in an hour or so, and I'm sure it shows. :)

I'll have higher quality ones later, but I was in danger of losing this opportunity for some dark hilarity. Got carried away enjoying the game. :P
