Author Topic: C# Aurora Changes List 1.0 -> 2.5.0 / Table of Contents / Alphabetically  (Read 149633 times)

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Offline Demonides (OP)

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Hello. I wanted to make a table of contents for the changes that have occurred in Aurora C# because it's difficult to view the original post.

*** Full Updated Instalation 2.5.0 ***

112985596 bajt (107 MiB)
SHA256: 8fb67a0712a8095f05cd0a2cb1ee7a4c38e2524e365c153a11f381d7dfb2c07e
CRC64: 336242218EF629DA

Installation 1.13.0
Update 1.13.0 ==>> 2.0.0
Update 2.0.0 ==>> 2.1.0
Update 2.1.0 ==>> 2.1.1
Update 2.1.1 ==>> 2.2.0
Update 2.2.0 ==>> 2.2.1
Update 2.2.1 ==>> 2.3.0
Update 2.3.0 ==>> 2.3.1
Update 2.3.1 ==>> 2.4.0
Update 2.4.0 ==>> 2.5.0

Hot Keys

Cost of planetary installations

↓↓↓ I highlighted some important changes ↓↓↓

!!! Jump Drive Changes !!!
! Ship Class Templates
! New Missile Guidance Options
! Laser Warheads
Missile Decoys
Damage Control Changes
Ship Module Changes
Copy and Update Template
Raider, Swarm and Invader Start Times
Assign # Weapons

For those not in the know, Spaceports and Financial Centres can be relocated. Thanks to Froggiest1982

Minor changes:

1.0.0 -> 1.9.0
1.9.0 -> 1.10.0
1.10.0 -> 1.11.0
1.11.0 -> 1.12.0
1.12.0 -> 1.13.0
1.13.0 -> 1.14.0
1.13.0 -> 2.0.0
2.0.0 -> 2.0.2
2.0.2 -> 2.0.3
2.0.3 -> 2.1.0
2.1.0 -> 2.1.1
2.1.0 -> 2.2.0
2.2.0 -> 2.2.1
2.2.1 -> 2.3.0
2.3.0 -> 2.3.1
2.3.1 -> 2.4.0
2.4.0 -> 2.5.0

Star System Design:
Ground Forces:


Abandon Overhaul
Academy Commandants
Academy Commandant Display
Academy Training Rates
Adding Your Own Commander Name Themes
Adding Your Own Naming Themes
Additional Conventional Systems
Admin Commands
Admin Command Required Ranks
! Aether Gate Disruption
Aether Raiders
Aether Rifts
AI Ground Offensives
AI Threat Assessment Changes
Alien Artifacts
Alien Classes Text Summary
Alien Ground Unit Intelligence
Alien Weapon Detection
Ancient Constructs
Armour Damage Templates
Armour Repair in Hangars
Assign New Labs
Assign # Weapons
Assigned Mothership Display
Assignment of Ships to Populations
Auto Refit Tasks
Auto-Assignment of Naval Commanders
Automated Assignment for Colony Governors
Automated Assignment for Naval Admin Commands
Automated Hangar Resupply
Automated Medal Awards
Automated Parasite Assignment
Automated Refuel Option for Colonies
Automatic Bridge
Automatic Pop Selection from Galactic Map
Automatic Research
Avoidance of Closed Universe


Base Ground Combat Rules
Battlestar Greek Commander Name Theme
Black Holes
Boarding Combat


Cargo Holds Required
Cargo Shuttle Bays
Cargo Transfers
Carrier Operations Bonus
Cease Fire All Ships
Chance of Ruins
Change Scientist Research Field
Change to Maintenance Facility Cost
Changes to Commercial Hangar Repairs
Changes to Crew Training / Fleet Training
Civilian Contracts
Civilian Destinations
Civilian Mining Colonies
Civilian Movement Restrictions
Civilian Movement of Installations
Civilian Repairs
Civilian Trade
Class Default Ground Forces
Class Design Highlighting
Cloaks and Combat
Colony Cost
Colony Cost of Comets
Colony Cost Projection
Colony Governors
Collateral Damage 1.00
Collateral Damage 1.14
Combat Capabilities vs Planetary Terrain
Combat Comparison
Combat Reports
Combination Orders
Command & Control Rules
Commander Assignment Priority
Commander Bonuses
Commander Careers
Commander Name Themes
Commercial Hangars
Commercial Jumps
Commercial Magazines
Communication Attempts
Component Development Cost Changes
Contacts as Move Destination
Constellation Names
Continual Capacity Upgrade Target
Conventional Armour
Conventional Industry
Conventional Start
Copy and Update Template
Create Habitable System
Create New Lagrange Points
Creating Formations from Elements
Crew Grade
Crew Morale
Customise NPRs 1
Customised NPRs 2
Cycle Previous Locations


Damage Control
! Decoy Missiles
Deep Space Populations
Default Movement Actions
Delete Empty Colonies
Deployment Exceeded Condition
Deployment, Overcrowding, Under-manning and Life Support Failures
Designated Targets
Detailed Combat Events
Detecting Engine Type
Distance Measuring
Distance Travelled
Dominant Terrain Change
Dust Mechanics


Earth Death Spiral
Eccentric Orbits
ECCM Change
Electronic Intelligence Gathering
Electronic Warfare Changes (updated)
Engine HTK
Engine Size and Fuel Consumption
Engine Technology Naming
Engine Technology Progression
Empire Mining Production
Escort Orders
Events for All Player Races on Tactical Map
Expanded Refit Costs
Export Event Colours
Export Medals


Faster Save
Fighter Pods and Fighter Pod Bays
Final Defensive Fire Changes
Fire At Will
Fire Delay
Fire Delay for Point Defence
Fleet Active Sensor Button
Fleet Deletion
Fleet Distance and Time
Fleet Escort Orders
Fleet Interception Interrupt
Fleet Maximum Speed
Fleet Movement Auto Route
Fleet Order Templates
Fleet Point Defence Summary
Fleet Raise Shields Button
Fleet Training
Fleet Window UI Additions
Fleets as Text
Flight Crew Berths
Forced Labour Camps
Fractional Capacitors
Fractional Missile Warheads
Fuel Storage Costs
Future Tech for Prototypes


Galactic Map Restricted Distance
Gas Giant Effects
Gauss Cannon Research Changes
Genetic Modification
Genetic Modification Centre
Genetically Enhanced Soldiers
Change to Governor Assignment for Populations
Greenhouse Gas and Dust Mechanics
Ground Combat Events
Ground Combat Hostile Force Intelligence
! Ground Combat Research Costs
Ground Combat Rules
Ground Commander Bonuses
Ground Construction Change
Ground Force Fortification
Ground Force Logistics
Ground Forces Construction Complex
Ground Forces Detection
Ground Force Organizations
Ground Forces Replacements
Ground Forces Text Summary
Ground Formation Bonuses
Ground Formation Element Transfer UI
Ground Support Bonus
Ground Support Fighters
Ground-based AA Fire
Ground-based Geological Survey
Ground-based Xenoarchaeology
Group Contacts
Grouping Wrecks


Highlighted Civilian Mining Colonies
Hostility Modifier
Hot Keys
Hull Numbers
Human NPRs
Hydrosphere Changes


Import Event Colours
Installations without Required Tech
Instant Build to Carriers
Instant Build Naming
Instant Build Parasites
Instant Build Ship Class Templates
Interrogation of Survivors
Interrupts for Active Weapons


Jump Drive Changes
Jump Drive Size Requirements
Jump Point Stabilisation
Jump Point Transit Shock
Jump Shock


Known Stars Changes 1
Known Stars Update 2


Lagrange Points for Moons
Largest Planet Selected
! Laser Warheads
Launch All
Launch Ready Ordnance
Land on Assigned Mothership as Sub-Fleet
Linked Windows
Limited Research Administration
Load & Unload Cargo
Load All Minerals Until Full
Load Assigned Ground Templates
Logistics Bonus
Logistics Reports
Logistics and Cargo Handling
Logistics and Ground Combat Research
Lost Contacts
Loss of Cargo
Low Gravity Infrastructure


Maintenance Locations View
Maintenance Storage Bays
Manual Medal Awards
Manufacturing Sector
Mass Modifier for Jump Points
Maximum Engine Power Modifier
Maximum Wealth Balance
Medal Import
Military Restricted Jump Points
Mineral Search Flag
Mineral Search Window
Minerals for Maintenance Supplies
Minimum AMM Range
Minimum Fuel and Supply
Minimum Jump Engine Size
Minimum Player Systems for Spoilers
Mining Company Names
Minor Races
Miscellaneous Components
Missile Decoys
Missile Engines Integrated into Missile Design
! New Missile Guidance Options
Missile Launch Detection
Mobile Repair Bays
Move Fleet to Waypoint
Multiple Warhead Missiles
Multiple Window Instances
Multiple Window Option


Naming Options for Ships
Naming Themes
Naval Bombardment of Ground Forces in Naval Combat Phase
Naval Organization
New Active Sensor Model
New Commander Name Themes
New Game Settings
New Logistics Orders
New Maintenance Rules
New Naming Themes
New Passive Sensor Model
New Planetary Terrains
New Rank Structures
New Species Attributes
New Spoiler Race
No Officers Option
Non-Combat Resupply
Non-Player Race Fuel
Non-Support Fighter Missions
NPR Generation of Spoilers
NPR Ship Design Changes


Occupation Strength and Police Modifiers
On-Demand Promotions
One Second Sub Pulses
Orbital Bombardment Support
Orbital Habitats
Orbital Mining Modules
Ordinal Numbers for Ground Formation Templates
Overhauls and Movement Orders


Particle Beam Size
Pickup Nearest Lifepod
Planet X in the Sol System
Planetary Installations
Planetary Terrain
Plasma Carronade Update
Player Race Banned Bodies
Point Defence Changes
Point Defence Fire Control
! New Point Defence Mechanics
Population Capacity
Population Changes and Ark Modules
Population Ground Units
Populations as Text
Potential Colony Locations
Power Plant Changes
Priority Order
Prototype Components


Queued Ground Formation Training Tasks


Race Comparison Window
Radiation Reduction
Raider, Swarm and Invader Start Times
Rakhas Generation Change
Random Second Stage Targeting
Reaction Bonus
Recovering Technology and Ship Components from Ruins
Reduced Crew for Short Deployments
Reduced Shot Railguns
Reduced-Size Missile Launchers
Re-Establish Ship Contact
Refit Costs
Refit Size
Refuelling Changes
Refuelling Orders
Refuel, Resupply and Overhaul
Regenerate Jump Points and Minerals
Removal of Ground Combat Command Bonus
Removal of Planetary Defence Centres
Rename Alien Ground Units
Rename NPR
Repair Task In Shipyards Window
Repair Yards
Repeat Orders X Times
Researching Prototypes
Resupply Changes
Resupply from Stationary Supply Ship
Retired/Dead Commanders
Ruins in Sol


Salvage in Orbit
Save Button
Scrapping Ground Unit Formations
Scrapping Installations
Screen Resolution
Setting Ground Formation Support
Shield Generators
Ship Achievements
Ship Class Components View
! Ship Class Templates
Ship Commander Rank
Ship History
Ship Module Changes
Ship Ordnance Templates
Ship Scrapped Event
Ship Thermal Signature
Shipbuilding Changes
Shipping Line Earnings and Tax
Shipping Line Names
Shipping Lines
Shipyard Worker Requirements
Shock Damage Update
Single Orbit View
Single Weapon Fire Controls
Small Craft Refuelling System
Sol Bodies with Water
Sol System Changes
Space Stations
Spacemaster Changes to Installations
Standard transits by Fleets with Commercial and Military Ships
Standing Order for Unload Colonists
Standing Orders
Starting Build Points
Starting Commanders
Starting Financial Centres
Starting NPR Locations
Starting Tech Points for NPRs and Spoilers
STO Targeting
Stockpile Transfers
Story Characters
Structural Shells
Sub Fleet View
Surface to Orbit Ground Forces Contact
Surface-to-Orbit Weapons
Survey Next Three Bodies or Locations
Survey Site List
Survey Speed
System AI Update
System Naming
System OOB


Tactical Map Events-1
Tactical Map Events-2
Tactical Map Popup Menu
Tactical Map in Background
Terraforming Installations
Terraforming Update
Tracking Time Bonus vs Missiles
Tractor Any Ship
Change to Tractor Rules
Trade Good Modifiers
Transfer Fleet to Alien Race
Twin Planets


Unused Construction Capacity


Water without Atmosphere
Wealth Generation
Wealth History
Wide System View
Worker Requirements
Wreck Detection and Alien Salvage Events

Edit 1: Update 2.4.0 to 2.5.0 - 24.12.2023
Edit 2: Update changes list 2.5.0 - 24.12.2023 - Minor Changes -
Edit 3: Typo ( thx froggiest1982) and add Minor changes list ( thx Iceranger )

Offline Demonides (OP)

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Re: C# Aurora Changes List v1.00 / Table of Contents
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2020, 10:34:49 AM »
« Last Edit: July 30, 2023, 10:14:36 PM by Demonides »
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Offline Father Tim

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Re: C# Aurora Changes List v1.00 / Table of Contents
« Reply #2 on: April 13, 2020, 11:00:32 AM »

Fantastic job, thanks!

(Starts alphabetizing furiously)

- - - - - -

Demonides made a table of contents for the changes that have occurred in Aurora C# because it's difficult to view the original post.  I alphabetized.

Star System Design

Abandon Overhaul
Academy Commandants
Active Sensor Model
Adding Your Own Commander Name Themes
Adding Your Own Naming Themes
Admin Commands
Alien Ground Unit Intelligence
Alien Classes Text Summary
Alien Weapon Detection
Armour Damage Templates
Assigned Mothership Display
Assignment of Ships to Populations
Atmosphere and Energy Weapons
Auto Refit Tasks
Auto-Assignment of Naval Commanders
Automated Medal Awards
Automated Weapon Assignment
Automatic Pop Selection from Galactic Map

Base Ground Combat Rules
'Battlestar Greek' Commander Name Theme
Beam Weapon Recharge
Boarding Combat
Box Launcher Reloading

Cargo Shuttle Bays
Chance of Ruins
Change to Maintenance Facility Cost
Change Scientist Research Field
Civilian Destinations
Civilian Mining Colonies
Civilian Movement of Installations
Civilian Movement Restrictions
Civilian Trade
Collateral Damage
Colony Cost
Colony Cost of Comets
Combat Reports
Combination Orders
Command & Control Rules
Commercial Hangars
Commercial Magazines
Commander Careers
Commander Name Themes
Communication Attempts
Continual Capacity Upgrade Target
Conventional Armour
Conventional Start
Conventional Industry
Create New Lagrange Points
Crew Grade
Crew Morale

Damage Control
Delete Empty Colonies
Deployment, Overcrowding, Under-manning and Life Support Failures
Detecting Engine Type

Electronic Intelligence Gathering
Engine HTK
Engine Size and Fuel Consumption
Engine Technology Progression

Fighter Pods and Fighter Pod Bays
Final Defensive Fire Changes
Fire Delay
Fleet Distance and Time
Fleet Maximum Speed
Fleet Order Templates
Fleet Training
Fleet Movement Auto Route
Fleets as Text
Flight Crew Berths
Forced Labour Camps
Fuel Storage Costs
Future Tech for Prototypes

Gauss Cannon Research Changes
Genetic Modification Centre
Genetically Enhanced Soldiers
Ground Forces: Part 1 - Unit Design
Ground Forces: Part 2 - Formation Templates
Ground-based AA Fire
Ground-based Geological Survey
Ground-based Xenoarchaeology
Ground Combat Events
Ground Combat Hostile Force Intelligence
Ground Commander Bonuses
Ground Force Logistics
Ground Forces Construction Complex
Ground Forces Detection
Ground Forces Text Summary
Ground Force Fortification
Ground Formation Support, Setting
Ground Formation Element Transfer UI
Ground Support Bonus
Ground Support Fighters
Group Contacts

Human NPRs

Installations without Required Tech
Interrogation of Survivors
Interrupts for Active Weapons

Jump Drive Size Requirements
Jump Point Stabilisation
Jump Point Transit Shock

Known Stars Changes

Lagrange Points for Moons
Launch Ready Ordnance
Linked Windows
Load & Unload Cargo
Logistics Bonus
Logistics and Ground Combat Research
Logistics Reports
Lost Contacts
Low Gravity Infrastructure

Magazine Design
Maintenance Locations View
Maintenance Rules
Maintenance Storage Bays - 1
Maintenance Storage Bays - 2
Manual Medal Awards
Manufacturing Sector
Maximum Engine Power Modifier
Maximum Wealth Balance
Meson Update
Minimum Fuel and Supply
Minerals for Maintenance Supplies
Mineral Search Flag
Mineral Search Window
Mining Company Names
Missile Engines
Missile Launcher Changes
Missile Thermal Detection
Missile Updates
Missile Launch Detection
Missile Engines Integrated into Missile Design
Multiple Window Instances

Naming Options for Ships
Naming Themes
Naval Bombardment of Ground Forces in Naval Combat Phase
Naval Organization
New Game Settings
New Spoiler Race
Non-Player Race Fuel
Non-Support Fighter Missions

Orbital Bombardment Support
Orbital Habitats
Orbital Mining Modules
Ordnance Transfer Mechanics
Ordnance Transfer Orders

Particle Lance
Passive Sensor Model
Plasma Carronades
Planet X in the Sol System
Planetary Bombardment
Planetary Installations
Planetary Terrain
Player Race Banned Bodies
Population Capacity
Populations as Text
Point Defence
Point Defence Fire Control
Potential Colony Locations
Power Plant Changes
Prototype Components

Reaction Bonus
Recovering Technology and Ship Components from Ruins
Refuelling Changes
Refuelling Orders
Repair Task In Shipyards Window

Race Comparison Window
Refit Size
Removal of Planetary Defence Centres
Researching Prototypes
Resupply Changes
Ruins in Sol

Salvage in Orbit
Save Button
Screen Resolution
Shield Generators
Ship Achievements
Ship Class Components View
Ship Commander Rank
Ship Ordnance Templates
Ship Thermal Signature
Shipbuilding Changes
Shipping Lines
Shipping Line Earnings and Tax
Shipping Line Names
Shipyard Worker Requirements
Shock Damage Update
Sol System Changes
Space Stations
Spacemaster Changes to Installations
Species Attributes
Standard transits by Fleets with Commercial and Military Ships
Standing Order for Unload Colonists
Starting Build Points
Starting Financial Centres
Starting NPR Locations
Standing Orders
Story Characters
Structural Shells
Surface to Orbit Ground Forces Contact
Surface-to-Orbit Weapons
Survey Site List
Survey Speed
System Naming
System OOB

Tactical Map in Background
Tactical Map Popup Menu
Terraforming Update
Tracking Time Bonus vs Missiles
Tractor Any Ship
Trade Good Modifiers
Turret Update

Wealth Generation
Weapon Failure
Worker Requirements
« Last Edit: May 08, 2020, 02:42:14 PM by Father Tim »
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Offline Demonides (OP)

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Re: C# Aurora Changes List v1.00 / Table of Contents
« Reply #3 on: April 13, 2020, 12:20:54 PM »
done thx

Offline Froggiest1982

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Re: C# Aurora Changes List v1.00 / Table of Contents
« Reply #4 on: April 13, 2020, 05:47:25 PM »
You guys are awesome. I guess now I'll have to port everything on pdf!

Offline Dog Meat

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Re: C# Aurora Changes List v1.00 / Table of Contents
« Reply #5 on: April 14, 2020, 02:40:53 PM »
These are just the changes from VB6?

Oh my goodness I have a lot of stuff to digest for a first Aurora play through!!!
This community is amazing!
You all do so much work and Steve is a Rock Star for the level of support he's putting into his hobby project!!
Much Love From The Great White North!!!

Offline bro918

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Re: C# Aurora Changes List v1.00 / Table of Contents
« Reply #6 on: April 16, 2020, 05:18:23 PM »
Thank you guys so much for this! Been looking for something like this since C# released.  I never realized how much different C# was going to be until i actually started playing.  (which is a good thing, learning a new game is always fun)

Offline Napier

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Re: C# Aurora Changes List v1.00 / Table of Contents
« Reply #7 on: April 16, 2020, 06:19:58 PM »
Thanks for doing this!  I had been working on something similar locally.

I think only difference so far was that I grouped several other things that seemed pertinent to just ground combat into that category:

Ground Force Logistics
hxxp: aurora2. pentarch. org/index. php?topic=8495. msg109760#msg109760

Base Ground Combat Rules
hxxp: aurora2. pentarch. org/index. php?topic=8495. msg109786#msg109786

Setting Ground Formation Support
hxxp: aurora2. pentarch. org/index. php?topic=8495. msg109807#msg109807

Ground Formation Element Transfer UI
hxxp: aurora2. pentarch. org/index. php?topic=8495. msg109808#msg109808

Fighter Pods and Fighter Pod Bays
hxxp: aurora2. pentarch. org/index. php?topic=8495. msg109885#msg109885

Ground Support Fighters
hxxp: aurora2. pentarch. org/index. php?topic=8495. msg109886#msg109886

Ground-based AA Fire
hxxp: aurora2. pentarch. org/index. php?topic=8495. msg109914#msg109914

Ground Commander Bonuses
hxxp: aurora2. pentarch. org/index. php?topic=8495. msg110196#msg110196

Non-Support Fighter Missions
hxxp: aurora2. pentarch. org/index. php?topic=8495. msg110233#msg110233

Ground Support Bonus
hxxp: aurora2. pentarch. org/index. php?topic=8495. msg110281#msg110281

Orbital Bombardment Support
hxxp: aurora2. pentarch. org/index. php?topic=8495. msg110310#msg110310

Surface-to-Orbit Weapons
hxxp: aurora2. pentarch. org/index. php?topic=8495. msg110500#msg110500

Surface to Orbit Ground Forces Contact
hxxp: aurora2. pentarch. org/index. php?topic=8495. msg110505#msg110505

Collateral Damage
hxxp: aurora2. pentarch. org/index. php?topic=8495. msg110508#msg110508

Ground Force Fortification
hxxp: aurora2. pentarch. org/index. php?topic=8495. msg110539#msg110539

Alien Ground Unit Intelligence
hxxp: aurora2. pentarch. org/index. php?topic=8495. msg116121#msg116121

Ground Combat Events
hxxp: aurora2. pentarch. org/index. php?topic=8495. msg116159#msg116159
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Re: C# Aurora Changes List v1.00 / Table of Contents
« Reply #9 on: May 04, 2020, 06:40:10 PM »
Why when I open just this page on this forum that I get a warning from my antivirus saying it prevented opening a webpage to piratesonline something or other? Is there some kind of embeded web page?

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Re: C# Aurora Changes List v1.00 / Table of Contents
« Reply #10 on: May 04, 2020, 06:58:07 PM »
Why when I open just this page on this forum that I get a warning from my antivirus saying it prevented opening a webpage to piratesonline something or other? Is there some kind of embeded web page?
Father Tim's avatar is hosted there.

Offline Father Tim

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Re: C# Aurora Changes List v1.00 / Table of Contents
« Reply #12 on: August 07, 2020, 07:17:33 PM »
Thanks for all the hard work that went into this guys. :D

Offline Froggiest1982

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Re: C# Aurora Changes List v1.00 / Table of Contents
« Reply #13 on: September 05, 2020, 03:31:45 PM »
Edit: Update to 1.12 (last new post -Ground Forces Replacements-)

There are 2 T

Offline Iceranger

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Re: C# Aurora Changes List v1.12 / Table of Contents
« Reply #14 on: September 08, 2020, 10:48:08 AM »
A minor suggestion: maybe also include the 'minor' change posts for each version when available.

For example, for 1.11 we have and 1.10

Again, thank you for maintaining this list!