Author Topic: Campaign Year 3117  (Read 2249 times)

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Offline welchbloke (OP)

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Campaign Year 3117
« on: February 05, 2011, 09:28:03 AM »
Edit to attach the map that I forgot - Doh!

1st January 3117 – After 2 years the extent of Celt space is as follows:
<<View Galactic Map>>

3rd March 3117 – At 0304, a JP is discovered in the Luytens 726-8 system by Survey Sqn #2 (Deputy Space Marshal Steffan Astley).  At 12:34 Waunoer 003 (space Captain Iola Gwaren) probes the JP and discovers the Van Maanen’s Star system.
Code: [Select]
Van Maanens Star-A  D8-VII  Diameter: 20.9k  Mass: 0.40  Luminosity: 0.0003
Jump Points
 1) Luyten 726-8:    Distance: 3.7b   Bearing: 120

11th March 3117 – At 1804, a new JP is discovered in the Luyten’s 726-8 system by Survey Sqn #2.

13rd March 3117 – At 1504, Waunoer 004 (Space Captain Avril Jasper) probes the jP and discovers the TZ Arietis system.

Code: [Select]
TZ Arietis-A  M8-V  Diameter: 181k  Mass: 0.10  Luminosity: 0.0008

TZ Arietis-A I:  Colony Cost: 97.06,  Temperature: 3632.8,  Gravity: 1.53,  Orbit: 150k
    Carbon Dioxide 96%, Nitrogen Dioxide 4.0%,  Pressure: 70.51
TZ Arietis-A III:  Colony Cost: 97.06,  Temperature: -195.2,  Gravity: 2.31,  Orbit: 46m
Jump Points
 1) Luyten 726-8:    Distance: 636m   Bearing: 34

24th March 3117 – The gravitational survey of the Luyten 726-8 is completed, the system has a total of 3 JPs.  The system survey was also concluded at this time.

29th April 3117 – At 0434, Waunoer 003 probes the JP and discovers the Heintz 299 system.
Code: [Select]
Heintz 299-A  M4-V  Diameter: 556k  Mass: 0.26  Luminosity: 0.012
Asteroid Belt: 29
Heintz 299-A II:  Colony Cost: 0.46,  Temperature: 73.8,  Gravity: 0.93,  Orbit: 16.0m
    Nitrogen 83%, Oxygen (0.12) 13.6%, Carbon Dioxide 3.4%,  Pressure: 0.87
Heintz 299-B  M6-V  Diameter: 417k  Mass: 0.16  Luminosity: 0.005.   Orbits Heintz 299-A  at 0.73 AU.
Heintz 299-B I:  Colony Cost: 20.22,  Temperature: 802.1,  Gravity: 0.69,  Orbit: 390k
Heintz 299-B II:  Temperature: 23.8,  Gravity: 2.62,  Orbit: 15.5m
    Nitrogen 87%, Oxygen (0.45) 13.0%,  Pressure: 3.43
Jump Points
 1) Van Maanens Star:    Distance: 1.32b   Bearing: 85

28th May 3117 – Terraform Sqn #1 arrives in orbit around the 4th moon of 70 Ophuchi A-IV and starts to add greenhouse gases to the atmosphere.

30th Jun 3117 – The 4 independent Marine Bdes are reorganised into the 1st Marine Div commanded by Maj General Amhar Bound.

2nd July 3117 – The first Celt extra-solar colony is established on the planet Newydd Cymru in the Procyon system.  The first 1million settlers are under the able leadership Hafwen Meredith.  The colony is protected by 2 Ynys Mon class monitors.

13th July 3117 – At 2034, 2 JPs are discovered in the Giclas 99-49 system by Survey Sqn #1 (Space Marshal Dyllon Buddyr).  

15th July 3117 – At 0324, a third JP is discovered in the Giclas 99-49 system by Survey Sqn #1.

16th July 3117 – At 0034, Waunoer 001 (Space Captain Ffraid David probes on of the unexplored JPs in the Giclas 99-49 system and discovers the Gliese 205 system.
Code: [Select]
Gliese 205-A  M1-V  Diameter: 696k  Mass: 0.43  Luminosity: 0.04
Gliese 205-A I:  Temperature: 687.7,  Gravity: 3.1,  Orbit: 0.08
    Carbon Dioxide 98%, Sulphur Dioxide 2.00%,  Pressure: 159.00
Gliese 205-A V:  Temperature: -183.3,  Gravity: 0.05,  Orbit: 1.31
    Total Moons: 1
Gliese 205-A VI:  Temperature: -200.2,  Gravity: 2.84,  Orbit: 2.46
    Total Moons: 14
Gliese 205-A VII:  Temperature: -219.4,  Gravity: 3.3,  Orbit: 4.5
    Gliese 205-A VII - Moon 5:  Colony Cost: 5.60,  Temperature: -219.4,  Gravity: 0.23,  Orbit: 0.0024
    Total Moons: 22
Gliese 205-A VIII:  Temperature: -233.3,  Gravity: 0.43,  Orbit: 8.2
    Total Moons: 21
Gliese 205-A XI:  Colony Cost: 6.47,  Temperature: -251.5,  Gravity: 0.42,  Orbit: 36
    Helium 77%, Hydrogen (F) 23.0%,  Pressure: 0.13
    Total Moons: 1
Gliese 205-A XII:  Temperature: -260.6,  Gravity: 0.19,  Orbit: 57
    Total Moons: 1
Gliese 205-A XIV:  Temperature: -262.4,  Gravity: 27.8,  Orbit: 116
    Gliese 205-A XIV - Moon 17:  Colony Cost: 6.83,  Temperature: -264.7,  Gravity: 0.77,  Orbit: 0.018
    Hydrogen (F) 75%, Helium 25.0%,  Pressure: 0.15
    Total Moons: 23
Jump Points
 1) Giclas 99-49:    Distance: 20.1   Bearing: 213

16th July 3117 – At 0434, Waunoer 002 (Space Captain Garnock de Langham) probes another unexplored JP in the Giclas 99-49 system and discovers the Luyten’s Star system.

Code: [Select]
Luytens Star-A  M4-V  Diameter: 556k  Mass: 0.26  Luminosity: 0.012
Luytens Star-A I:  Colony Cost: 21.27,  Temperature: 815.0,  Gravity: 1.54,  Orbit: 0.03
    Carbon Dioxide 97%, Sulphur Dioxide 3.0%,  Pressure: 89.56
Luytens Star-A II:  Colony Cost: 21.27,  Temperature: -68.9,  Gravity: 1.38,  Orbit: 0.17
Jump Points
 1) Giclas 99-49:    Distance: 6.9   Bearing: 325

The system is uninteresting apart from a never previously encountered stellar phenomenon that is christened as a stable wormhole.
At 1609, the final unexplored JP in the Giclas 99-49 system is probed by Waunoer 001 which discovers the Gliese 1061 system.
Code: [Select]
Gliese 1061-A  M5-V  Diameter: 417k  Mass: 0.21  Luminosity: 0.008
Gliese 1061-A I:  Colony Cost: 13.11,  Temperature: 540.0,  Gravity: 0.57,  Orbit: 0.009
Gliese 1061-A II:  Colony Cost: 2.18,  Temperature: -93.2,  Gravity: 0.89,  Orbit: 0.12
    Nitrogen 84%, Oxygen (0.03) 13.9%, Carbon Dioxide 2.08%,  Pressure: 0.24
Gliese 1061-A III:  Colony Cost: 2.70,  Temperature: -112.6,  Gravity: 0.20,  Orbit: 0.32
Jump Points
 1) Giclas 99-49:    Distance: 7.1   Bearing: 281

19th Jul 3117 – At 1209, another JP is discovered in the Giclas 99-49 system.

23rd July 3117 – At 0939, Waunoer 001 probes the recently discovered JP in the Giclas 99-49 system and discovers the EG 45 system.
Code: [Select]
EG 45-A  D9-VII  Diameter: 22.3k  Mass: 0.35  Luminosity: 1.00E-04
Jump Points
 1) Giclas 99-49:    Distance: 11.2   Bearing: 189

24th July 3117 – At 0509, 2 new JPs are discovered in the TZ Arietis system by 2nd Survey Sqn.

25th July 3117 – At 0109, Waunoer 003 (Space Captain Iola Gwaren) probes one of the unexplored JPs in the TZ Arietis system and discovers the Teegarden’s Star system.
Code: [Select]
Teegardens Star-A  M6-V  Diameter: 417k  Mass: 0.16  Luminosity: 0.005
Teegardens Star-A I:  Temperature: 1782.7,  Gravity: 2.36,  Orbit: 0.006
    Carbon Dioxide 99%, Nitrogen Dioxide 1.00%,  Pressure: 141.00
Teegardens Star-A II:  Temperature: -76.4,  Gravity: 1.10,  Orbit: 0.11
Teegardens Star-A III:  Temperature: -157.3,  Gravity: 28.3,  Orbit: 0.33
Teegardens Star-A IV:  Temperature: -186.9,  Gravity: 0.41,  Orbit: 0.59
Teegardens Star-A VIII:  Temperature: -229.2,  Gravity: 16.4,  Orbit: 2.27
Teegardens Star-A X:  Temperature: -246.6,  Gravity: 0.03,  Orbit: 5.5
Teegardens Star-A XI:  Temperature: -253.4,  Gravity: 0.03,  Orbit: 8.4
Teegardens Star-A XII:  Temperature: -253.8,  Gravity: 6.4,  Orbit: 11.9
Teegardens Star-A XIII:  Temperature: -260.0,  Gravity: 0.019,  Orbit: 21.5
Jump Points
 1) TZ Arietis:    Distance: 0.94   Bearing: 73

At 0609, Waunoer 004 (Space Captain Avril Jasper) probes the remaining unexplored JP in the TZ Arietis system and discovers the Tau Ceti system.

Code: [Select]
Tau Ceti-A  G8-V  Diameter: 1.25m  Mass: 0.87  Luminosity: 0.46
Tau Ceti-A I:  Colony Cost: 25.25,  Temperature: 987.2,  Gravity: 0.63,  Orbit: 0.15
    Carbon Dioxide 99%, Nitrogen Dioxide 1.00%,  Pressure: 6.35
Tau Ceti-A II:  Temperature: 629.7,  Gravity: 2.27,  Orbit: 0.34
    Carbon Dioxide 97%, Sulphur Dioxide 3.0%,  Pressure: 154.46
Tau Ceti-A III:  Temperature: 320.9,  Gravity: 2.00,  Orbit: 0.68
    Carbon Dioxide 96%, Sulphur Dioxide 4.0%,  Pressure: 119.51
    Total Moons: 2
Tau Ceti-A IV:  Colony Cost: 1.90,  Temperature: -76.4,  Gravity: 0.60,  Orbit: 1.40
    Nitrogen 82%, Oxygen (0.05) 13.9%, Neon 4.1%,  Pressure: 0.36
    Total Moons: 1
Tau Ceti-A V:  Temperature: -134.3,  Gravity: 0.11,  Orbit: 2.61
Tau Ceti-A VI:  Temperature: -164.9,  Gravity: 3.0,  Orbit: 3.8
    Tau Ceti-A VI - Moon 1:  Colony Cost: 4.12,  Temperature: -164.9,  Gravity: 0.34,  Orbit: 0.0008
    Tau Ceti-A VI - Moon 3:  Colony Cost: 3.34,  Temperature: -136.0,  Gravity: 1.32,  Orbit: 0.0019
    Helium 74%, Hydrogen 20.0%, Neon 6.0%,  Pressure: 1.73
    Tau Ceti-A VI - Moon 5:  Colony Cost: 4.12,  Temperature: -164.9,  Gravity: 0.28,  Orbit: 0.0027
    Total Moons: 18
Tau Ceti-A VII:  Temperature: -203.1,  Gravity: 0.15,  Orbit: 6.5
Tau Ceti-A VIII:  Colony Cost: 5.87,  Temperature: -229.4,  Gravity: 0.22,  Orbit: 13.7
Tau Ceti-A X:  Temperature: -243.5,  Gravity: 0.08,  Orbit: 35
    Total Moons: 1
Tau Ceti-A XII:  Temperature: -254.8,  Gravity: 0.07,  Orbit: 89
    Total Moons: 1
Tau Ceti-A XV:  Colony Cost: 6.66,  Temperature: -258.3,  Gravity: 0.53,  Orbit: 317
    Hydrogen (F) 86%, Helium 14.0%,  Pressure: 0.04
    Total Moons: 1
Jump Points
 1) TZ Arietis:    Distance: 17.1   Bearing: 183

25th August 3117 – At 0939, a JP is discovered in the Epsilon Indi by Survey Sqn #2.

26th August 3117 – At 0809, Waunoer 003 (Space Captain Iola Gwaren) enters the unexplored JP in the Epsilon Indi system and discovers another link to the previously discovered Barnard’s Star system.

2nd September 3117 – At 2209, a new JP is discovered in the Epsilon Indi system by Survey Sqn #2

6th September 3117 – At 0609, Waunoer 004 (Space Captain Avril Jasper) probes the unexplored JP in the Epsilon Indi system and discovers the Gliese 1 system.

Code: [Select]
Gliese 1-A  M2-V  Diameter: 696k  Mass: 0.39  Luminosity: 0.03
Gliese 1-A I:  Colony Cost: 25.55,  Temperature: 998.2,  Gravity: 0.92,  Orbit: 0.04
    Carbon Dioxide 97%, Sulphur Dioxide 3.0%,  Pressure: 25.20
Gliese 1-A II:  Colony Cost: 1.90,  Temperature: -7.4,  Gravity: 0.84,  Orbit: 0.15
    Nitrogen 98%, Carbon Dioxide 2.00%,  Pressure: 0.42
Gliese 1-A III:  Colony Cost: 1.28,  Temperature: -60.0,  Gravity: 1.11,  Orbit: 0.28
    Nitrogen 86%, Oxygen (0.15) 12.6%, Argon 1.40%,  Pressure: 1.23
Gliese 1-A IV:  Colony Cost: 2.88,  Temperature: -119.1,  Gravity: 0.77,  Orbit: 0.53
    Hydrogen 70%, Helium 23.4%, Nitrogen 6.6%,  Pressure: 0.59
Gliese 1-A V:  Colony Cost: 2.88,  Temperature: -164.0,  Gravity: 1.15,  Orbit: 0.99
Gliese 1-A VI:  Colony Cost: 2.88,  Temperature: -184.0,  Gravity: 0.96,  Orbit: 1.49
Jump Points
 1) Epsilon Indi:    Distance: 13.3   Bearing: 188

At 2140, the scout Harlech (Space Commodore Teleri Byther) detects a new alien race in the Gliese 1 system.  The new alien ship is given the reporting name of TUOMI and Harlech closes for a better look.  At 2145, the TUOMI is determined to have a speed of 1000 km/s and an active sensor with a range of 336K km.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2011, 04:18:11 PM by welchbloke »

Offline welchbloke (OP)

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Re: Campaign Year 3117
« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2011, 07:55:53 AM »
9th September 3117 – At 2025, a new JP is discovered in the Wolf 359 system by Survey Sqn #1.

11th September 3117 – At 1555, Waunoer 002 (Space Captain Garnock de Langham) probes the unexplored JP in the Wolf 359 system and discovers a new JP in the previously discovered DX Canceri system.

20th September 3117 – At 0925, news of the aliens in the Gliese 1 system reaches Daear.  BB Div #1(Deputy Space Marshal Neued Evance), Cruiser Sqn #1 (Deputy Space Marshal Druson Nash), Carrier Group #1 (Deputy Space Marshal Isolde Pearce) and FF Sqn #1(Space Captain Cynbal Gullam) are sent to investigate under the overall command of CinC Home Fleet Chief Space Marshal Trahaym Mille.  Carrier Group #1 is reinforced by the newly built carrier Penyrheol and its recently completed fighter group.

4th October 3117 – At 2026, BB Div #1, Cruiser Sqn #1 and FF Sqn #1 jump into the Gliese 1 system.  The JP is clear, so Carrier Group #1 jumps in.  With all of his ships now in the Gliese 1 system, CSM Mille directs them to head in-system.

6th October 3117 At 0550, the previously detected aliens appear on an inbound course at a range of 96M km.  The alien ships also have a speed of 10 000 km/s and.  All of the fighters are launched with orders to close to weapons range.  If the aliens haven’t even attempted to respond by the time the fighters reach weapons range they will be ordered to open fire.
View Image 1

At 0627, the fighters reach a range of 20M km and nothing has been heard in response to the hails of the fleet apart from a bizarre buzzing noise that permeates all comms frequencies.  At 0628, the fighters open fire.

View Image 2

The missiles arrive at 0630 and 31 of the alien ships are destroyed.  Strangely, none of the ships are observed to stream atmosphere when hit.  Rather they stream a viscous liquid.  The remaining ship continues to press home against the fleet.

At 0631, Cymru fires 5 Arrows at the remaining alien ship.  The missiles hit the target at 0641 and destroy it.  The fleet turn towards the 60 000 tonne behemoth they have detected further in system.

View Image 3

7th October 3117 – At 0056, the large alien contact is detected moving towards the fleet.  At 1401, a massive alpha strike consisting of Arrows and Bolts is fired at the alien behemoth.  The fire sensors on the Roceds cannot lock on due to ECM, so they close on the target.  At 1406, the first missiles arrive reducing the behemoth’s shields by a third.  Another 20 of the 800 tonne alien ships are released from the behemoth.  The CGs and BBs start firing arrows at them.  At 1411, the behemoth succumbs to the avalanche of Bolt missiles from the fighters and is destroyed.

View Image 4

The last of the 800 tonne targets is destroyed at 1416.  The fleet moves towards the remaining aliens.  At 1537, the last of the aliens is destroyed.  The aliens don’t leave any normal wreckage behind, rather they leave some sort of biological residue behind.  Some of the residue is collected for analysis and the fleet turns for home.

1st November 3117 – Analysis of the residue from the aliens in the Gliese system has been completed.  Combined with a detailed study of the behaviour of their behaviour, it is deduced that the aliens are some kind of space dwelling species.  There appears to be no way to communicate with them.  The 800 tonne creatures appear to be a form of soldier, the 6000 tonne creatures appear to be some form of worker that harvest minerals and the 60000 creature appears to be some kind of brood queen.  They are given the reporting names of SOLDIER, WORKER and BEHEMOTH respectively.  The press quickly dub the creatures ‘The Star Swarm’.