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Chapter Three
« on: March 20, 2012, 04:52:48 AM »
Chapter Three

18th March 2020,2nd Engineer Regiment has recovered 280 points of abandoned infrastructure on Mars

18th April 2020  1st Engineer regiment has attempted to recover an alien installation on Mars but the installation was beyond repair

1st June 2020  A team on Earth led by Akira Kawasaki has completed research into Terraforming Module

1st July 2020  1st Engineer regiment has recovered an abandoned Construction Factory on Mars

1st July 2020 2nd Engineer Regiment has recovered an abandoned Mine on Mars

1st July 2020 Construction of Convert CI to Construction Factory completed on Earth

1st August 2020 A team on Earth led by Olivia Jenkins has completed research into Terraforming Rate 0.0012 atm

1st August 2020 1st Engineer regiment has attempted to recover an alien installation on Mars but the installation was beyond repair

1st August 2020 2nd Engineer Regiment has recovered an abandoned Factory on Mars and it seems to be an ordnance factory, probably to mass build missiles.

1st September 2020 10000 tons of capacity added to Sabah Shipyard on Earth

1st September 2020 2nd Engineer Regiment has attempted to recover an alien installation on Mars but the installation was beyond repair

1st September 2020 1810000 tons of capacity added to J. & G. Thomson Ltd. on Earth

1st October 2020 1st Engineer regiment has attempted to recover an alien installation on Mars but the installation was beyond repair

1st November 2020 1st Engineer regiment has recovered an abandoned automated mine on Mars

1st December 2020 A team on Earth led by Reece Whitehouse has completed research into Active Grav Sensor Strength 10, now we can probably build a spaced base radar system.

1st December 2020 Sol,1st Engineer regiment has attempted to recover an alien installation on Mars but the installation was beyond repair

1st December 2020 2nd Engineer Regiment has attempted to recover an alien installation on Mars but the installation was beyond repair

19th December 2020 Minerals Discovered on Sol-A Asteroid #149: Tritanium 4,356 (1)  Vendarite 1,156 (0.9)  Sorium 2,500 (1)  Uridium 2,116 (1)  Corundium 100 (0.9)  Gallicite 1,764 (0.9)  

1st January 2021 2nd Engineer Regiment has attempted to recover an alien installation on Mars but the installation was beyond repair

1st January 2021 1st Engineer regiment has recovered an abandoned Mine on Mars

6th January 2021 Minerals Discovered on Sol-A Asteroid #162: Duranium 18,818 (1)  Mercassium 196 (1)  Uridium 1,681 (1)  

1st February 2021 1st Engineer regiment has recovered 280 points of abandoned infrastructure on Mars

1st February 2021 2nd Engineer Regiment has recovered an abandoned Research Facility on Mars

1st March 2021 A team on Earth led by Mitsukuri Kamlyn has completed research into Mobile Infantry Regiment, it will be a rapid response unit, it has limited offensive capabilities but still a lott better than the engineer regiment.

1st March 2021 1st Engineer regiment has attempted to recover an alien installation on Mars but the installation was beyond repair

1st Mars 2021 2 Battalions of Mobile Infantry is starting training, should be ready in a year.

26th April 2021 1st Engineer regiment has attempted to recover an alien installation on Mars but the installation was beyond repair

26th April 2021 While 2nd Engineer Regiment are investigating an underground vault on Mars, they are attacked by hostile robotic soldiers, in a desperate defence they are driven out of the archaeological site. Desperately trying to contain the robots before they break out to the surface. Still no one has been lost, several has been wounded but have been evacuated.
On Earth the news about a hostile species shocks the Emperor that demands that the military does something, in the newly built African training facility a cadre of troops from 10th Infantry Division is in emergency training, still they won’t be ready until 2nd December this year.
26th May 2021 On mars the battle continuous, well really it’s not a war yet, sins the robots still don’t try to break out. In 2200 there is a loud bang and several robot warriors charges into an open area, the only guardian in that area is Private Jonas Bergström, he has been looking at several big crates and when those robots enter throe a hole in the wall and more can be seen behind, he reacts with a sudden move to the nearest crate, presses a button and a huge fire beam annihilates the 14 robots he can see, shortly afterwards the roof caves in onto the area were the robots broke throe. It seems to be an engine of some kind.
They day after Private Jonas Bergström  is awarded the Solar Medal of Bravery, the 1st to be awarded it.

27th May 2021 1st Engineer regiment has recovered 4x Nuclear Thermal Engine E10 on Mars one of these were used by Jonas Begström in his defence the day before.

26th May 2021 Colonel Anna Mann has been assigned to 1st Engineer regiment (Xenology Bonus 15%)

26th May 2021 Colonel Obuchi Rikyu has been assigned to 2nd Engineer Regiment (Xenology Bonus 30%)

26th June 2021 As a result of experience gained in the performance of his duties, Colonel Obuchi Rikyu has increased his Ground Combat Bonus to 21%

26th June 2021 2nd Engineer Regiment has recovered an abandoned automated mine on Mars

26th June 2021 1st Engineer regiment has recovered an abandoned automated mine on Mars

26th July 2021 The robots are really trying to break out in a important junction ,1st Engineer regiment suffered a 8% readiness loss and had to give the junction up.

26th August 2021 While 2nd Engineer Regiment  are checking an underground vault it finds an abandoned fuel stockpile of 4900000 litres on Mars, it´s almost a quarter of the total fuel on Earth.

26th August 2021 1st Engineer regiment has attempted to recover an alien installation on Mars but the installation was beyond repair

26th September 2021 Construction of Deep Space Tracking Station completed on Earth

26th September 2021 2nd Engineer Regiment has recovered 19x Nuclear Thermal Engine E10 on Mars

26th September 2021 18:01:41 Mars, during an attack by robots 2nd Engineer Regiment is pushed out of an important room, at the same time the robots trip an booby-trapped crate allowing the 2nd to pull out most of their troops, still they lose almost 31% of the troops.

12th October 2021 Minerals Discovered on Sol-A Asteroid #177: Duranium 65,233 (1)  Neutronium 5 (0.9)  Boronide 666 (0.9)  Uridium 4,442 (1)  Gallicite 3,370 (1)  

23rd October 2021 By picking apart 23 nuclear engines we are given a lot off new knowledge about their type of engines, as well as hints about a technique that will decrease the engines fuel consumption.

26th October 2021 2nd Engineer Regiment has recovered an abandoned Construction Factory on Mars

26th October 2021 As a result of experience gained in the performance of his duties, Colonel Anna Mann has increased his Ground Combat Bonus to 11%

26th October 2021 09:01:09  A huge explosion under 2nd Engineer Regiment main compounds kills almost 47% of its troops. They are still in control of the way out but in a bad way with less than 23% of its normal strength if help doesn’t arrive soon they won’t make it. It seems the robots don’t like 2nd Engineers.

26th October 2021 A team on Earth led by Renée D'Arras has completed research into Garrison Battalion

26th November 2021 3rd Mobile Infantry Regiment “Swedish Pagans” are trained on Earth, they don’t even get a leave before they are rushed onto the troop transport Zambia, to be transferred to Mars and help the beleaguered engineer regiments.

26th November 2021 Colonel Declan John has been assigned to 3rd  Mobile Infantry Regiment (Ground Combat Bonus 0%)

26th November 2021 As a result of experience gained in the performance of his duties, Colonel Anna Mann has increased his Ground Combat Bonus to 12%

26th November 2021 A team on Earth led by Leon Townsend has completed research into Nuclear Pulse Engine Technology

26th November 2021  2nd Mobile Infantry Regiment trained on Earth

5th December 2021 We need to build up our armed forces, so far we only have a mobile unit type, that has limited offensive abilities, a new type called assault battalions are being researched as well as a limited type of HQ to lead the troops. , 3rd Mobile Infantry Battalion arrives on Mars and is moved to the “front”, 3rd Mobile Infantry Battalion manages to trap a significant part of the robot troops in a trap and destroying some 57% of the estimated total of their fighting strength, it seems that the robots have tried to dig them self out, appearing in front of the 3rd when they were gearing up to advance into enemy held territory.

5th January 2022 Sins the 3rd mobiles arrival on Mars, the 2nd Engineer Regiment has been back on the job picking up pieces and in a heap of broken equipment they recovered 7x Electronic Countermeasures or at least that is what we think it is, we will have to pick them apart to check them out.

5th February 2022 1st Engineer regiment has recovered an abandoned automated mine on Mars

5th February 2022 1st and 4th Mobile Infantry Regiment  trained on Earth and directly moves to Zambia for transport to Mars.

5th February 2022 A team on Earth led by Okazawaya Sanako has completed research into Shipyard Operations: 5% Time/Cost Saving This will make it faster and cheaper to change the ships we want to build on a specific space yard.

5th February 2022 Colonel Abigail Sanderson has been assigned to 2nd Mobile Infantry Regiment  (Ground Combat Bonus 0%)

5th February 2022 On Mars the battle continues the Pagans are attacking the enemy and are driving them back against the blocking forces drawn from both 1st and 2nd engineer regiments , their losses today are around 22%, the 2nd Engineers also get their revenge for earlier losses.

5th February 2022 As a result of experience gained in the performance of his duties, Colonel Anna Mann commanding 1st Engineers has increased her Ground Combat Bonus to 13%

5th February 2022  As a result of experience gained in the performance of his duties, Colonel Obuchi Rikyu commanding 2nd Engineers has increased his Ground Combat Bonus to 22%

8th February 2022 Minerals Discovered on Sol-A Asteroid #3: Duran 393,012 (0.9)  Neut 14,118 (1)  Corb 93,752 (0.9)  Trit 27,067 (0.9)  Boron 56,473 (0.8)  Corun 188 (0.9)  Gall 52,212 (0.8)  

18th February 2022 Colonel Isabella Long has been assigned to 1st Mobile Infantry Regiment  (Ground Combat Bonus 0%)

18th February 2022 With the help from 1st and 2nd Mobile Infantry Regiment the Pagans can destroy the last robots, for now the war on Mars is over.

18th February 2022 2nd Engineer Regiment has attempted to recover an alien installation on Mars but the installation was beyond repair

18th March 2022 1st Engineer regiment has recovered an abandoned automated mine on Mars

18th March 2022 2nd Engineer Regiment has recovered a strange object, while testing it sent out graviton waves, no one was the wiser until a young female scientist, Ohishi Kinsada pointed out that it looked similar to the strange readings that Viking recorded on its return trip to Earth from Pluto.
She reasoned that it has to be some kind of star gate or a device that instantly transferred a ship to another place in space.

20 March 2022 We need a space defence force, but what type of weapons are possible in a space war, lasers or other “light” based weapons, missiles or some type of kinetic deliverance, in the end we are trying to build a Magnetic Accelerator to be able to defend and attack.
Project Thors Hammer is born on 1st  April 2022 and will take some 3 years to get a prototype working.
We also need a special type of Space yard were we can build a pure military ship, these will be smaller than a commercial one. The first test yard should be ready in middle of July this year.

18th April 2022 Through experience as a project leader, Scientist Ohishi Kinsada has increased his Research Bonus to 15%

18th April 2022 Through experience as a project leader, Scientist Mitsukuri Kamlyn has with the help of the Mars research centre managed to increase our total research to +25%

18th April 2022 1st Engineer regiment has found even more fuel on Mars some 2000000 litres are added to the already stockpiled.

18th April 2022 Construction of Financial Centre completed on Mars

18th May 2022 5th Mobile Infantry Regiment trained on Earth

18th May 2022 2nd Engineer Regiment has attempted to recover an alien installation on Mars but the installation was beyond repair

18th May 2022 Colonel Gilles D'Arras has been assigned to 4th Mobile Infantry Regiment (Ground Combat Bonus 15%)

18th June 2022 A team on Earth led by Mitsukuri Kamlyn has completed research into new weapons for our ground troops, both light and heavy weapons have been improved, units offense/defence have been increased by 20%

18th June 2022, 6th Mobile Infantry Regiment trained on Earth

18th June 2022 Colonel Tansho Raidon has been assigned to 5th Mobile Infantry Regiment (Ground Combat Bonus 0%)

18th June 2022 1st Engineer regiment has attempted to recover an alien installation on Mars but the installation was beyond repair

18th July 2022  Construction of Ground Force Training Facility completed on Earth

18th July 2022 A team on Earth led by Ohishi Kinsada has completed research into Space Search Sensor SSS-1/6, our first space radar has been tested and found working, with a range of 6 million miles it should give the ship a clue what’s happening around it as well as painting a target for our future space weapons.

18th July 2022 2nd Engineer Regiment has recovered 220 points of abandoned infrastructure on Mars on Mars we have managed to get a part of the alien colony working so we can both have troops and civilians under its dome, the civilians don’t need to travel to the dome to work the factories.

18th July 2022 1st Engineer regiment has attempted to recover an alien installation on Mars but the installation was beyond repair

18th July 2022 Construction of Naval Shipyard Complex completed on Earth, it is christened Brest Naval Works, it is only able to build 1000 ton ship but will be increased to 6000 tons in 4 years.

25 August 2022 On Mars the testing of the star gate goes wrong and it explodes, luckily no one is hurt and we did get some data before it blew up. Hopefully this will enable us to do some research in the future. (I was a bit hot on dissemble the ECM -1 I found and happened to do the same to the jump engine  ::) )

25th August 2022 60 research points for Jump Drive Efficiency 3 have been gained as a result of component disassembly

25th August 2022 Colonel Conor Nash has been assigned to 8th Mobile Infantry Regiment (Ground Combat Bonus 0%)

25th August 2022 The Survey/Geology Bonus of Lieutenant Commander Mercedes Saiz Rodrígez has increased to 11%

25th August 2022 30 research points for Max Squadron Jump Radius - 50k (Size x 1.0) have been gained as a result of component disassembly

25th August 2022 By disassembling the electronic units they are found to be some advanced Electronic Counter Measure, ECM, units, we are disassembling them one after the other and see what we can learn.

25th August 2022 100 research points for Electronic Countermeasures - 1 have been gained as a result of component disassembly

25th August 2022 50 research points for Electronic Countermeasures - 1 have been gained as a result of component disassembly

25th August 2022 150 research points for Electronic Countermeasures - 1 have been gained as a result of component disassembly

25th August 2022 50 research points for Electronic Countermeasures - 1 have been gained as a result of component disassembly

25th August 2022 250 research points for Electronic Countermeasures - 1 have been gained as a result of component disassembly

25th August 2022 100 research points for Electronic Countermeasures - 1 have been gained as a result of component disassembly

25th August 2022 150 research points for Electronic Countermeasures - 1 have been gained as a result of component disassembly

25th August 2022 80 research points for Max Jump Squadron Size - 3 (Size x 1.0) have been gained as a result of component disassembly

25th August 2022 1st Engineer regiment has recovered 4000 tons of stored Tritanium on Mars

25th August 2022 7th Mobile Infantry Regiment trained on Earth

25th August 2022 8th Mobile Infantry Regiment trained on Earth

25th August 2022 The Survey/Geology Bonus of Lieutenant Commander Märta Lundin has increased to 16%

25th August 2022 Earth, new deposits of Boronide have been found on Earth by the Emilia Hedlund Geology Team, The total amount available has increased from 2529178 to 2629178.25 tons.

25th August 2022 2nd Engineer Regiment has attempted to recover an alien installation on Mars but the installation was beyond repair

25th August 2022 Earth, a new geological survey has increased the accessbility of Boronide on Earth from 0.5 to 0.9

25th August 2022 23rd Mobile Infantry Battalion trained on Earth

25th August 2022 The Survey/Geology Bonus of Lieutenant Commander Emilia Hedlund has increased to 16%

25th August 2022 The Survey/Geology Bonus of Lieutenant Commander Francis Rochat has increased to 11%

25th August 2022 The Survey/Geology Bonus of Lieutenant Commander Hasekura Rinji has increased to 16%

25th September 2022 The Emilia Hedlund Geology Team does not believe any new mineral deposits can be found by the further geological survey of Earth

25th October 2022 The Emilia Hedlund Geology Team does not believe any new mineral deposits can be found by the further geological survey of Earth

25th October 2022 2nd Engineer Regiment has attempted to recover an alien installation on Mars but the installation was beyond repair

25th October 2022 Helena Lindgren has joined your army officer corps.  Ground Combat 15%  Espionage 20%  Ground Forces Training 50:  Promotion Score 294

25th October 2022 Colonel Helena Lindgren has been assigned to 24th Mobile Infantry Battalion (Ground Combat Bonus 15%)

25th November 2022 A civilian mining colony has been established on Sol-A Asteroid #3 our first asteroid mining enterprise is operational.

25th November 2022 1st Engineer regiment has recovered an abandoned Terraforming Installation on Mars, the second one is started at once

25th November 2022 18:01:00, Earth Emperor Carl Philip I is rushed to hospital, he collapsed in the Earth senate during a speech, at first there were martial law enacted due to the fear of a coup. Later when news come from the imperial doctor that the Emperor had a mild heart attack and will be leaving the hospital tomorrow morning, the army units were recalled to their bases. It’s not sure that the emperor will be able to continue with his official duties has governor of Earth, only rest will help the emperor for now.

25th November 2022 The Emilia Hedlund Geology Team does not believe any new mineral deposits can be found by the further geological survey of Earth

25th December 2022 1st Engineer regiment has recovered an abandoned automated mine on Mars

25th December 2022 The Emilia Hedlund Geology Team does not believe any new mineral deposits can be found by the further geological survey of Earth

25th December 2022 1st Garrison Battalion trained on Earth

25th December 2022 The Xenology Bonus of Brigadier Anna Mann has increased to 16%

30th December 2022 The Emilia Hedlund Geology Team does not believe any new mineral deposits can be found by the further geological survey of Earth
« Last Edit: March 21, 2012, 12:25:19 AM by ExChairman »
Veni, Vedi, Volvo

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