Author Topic: January 2151 Update (5)  (Read 3498 times)

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Offline Steve Walmsley (OP)

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January 2151 Update (5)
« on: May 22, 2007, 06:47:06 PM »
I intend to make this a larger and more epic campaign than the test campaigns I have run in the past. Therefore, the reports will be less detailed in regards to explorations, construction, etc. and I will just provide an summary every so often unless something significant happens. The summary for the first year is presented below. Each race started with 40,000 wealth but because of couple of early bugs the income/expenditure amounts dont quite fit with that starting amount. In effect, each race gained a little extra wealth.

United States
During 2150, the United States concentrated on increasing the population of Lincoln and transferring construction factories to the colony. Two jump gates were built either side of the Sol ? New York jump point and two more are under construction at the New York ? Washington jump point. Research into better power reactors and increased wealth generation was carried out. Three systems were surveyed and two new jump points were explored, increasing the size of the American Arm to twenty-four systems.

Populations: 29488.6
Trade: 1010.7
Total 30,499.3

Shipbuilding: 5369.8
Research: 22940.5
Construction: 12007.9
Ordnance Production: 2570
Fighter production: 3025.5
Maintenance Facility Ops: 846.6
Ground Units Maintenance: 271.1
Total: 47,031.50

Current Wealth: 25,642


Vice Admiral Willis Reetz: Research 30%, Production 15%, Growth 15%
Population 1017.3m / Wealth 30519 / Trade 12
SY 20 / RL 40 / SP 1 / NA 4 / MF 2 / CFF
CF 706 / OF 200 / FF 200 / FR 400 / MN 845 / GTF 10
MS 100 / FB 5 / DST 4
Fuel 7.9m

Rear Admiral Christy Killman: Mining 30%
Population 212.3m / Wealth 6370 / Trade 12
SY 5 / SP 1 / NA 1 / MF 2 / CFF
CF 234 / OF 50 / FF 50 / FR 100 / MN 165 / GTF 2
MS 15 / FB 1 / DST 1
Fuel 3.7m

Commodore Lorraine Delfavero: Research 30%, Production 15%
Population: 42.4m / Wealth 1273
RL 10
CF 50 / MN 55
MS 5 / DST 1
Fuel 0.2m

Captain Angela Skowron: Production 20%, Growth 20%, Shipbuilding 15%
Population: 5.66m / Wealth 170

Commodore Brenda Bascom: Mining 20%, Shipbuilding 25%
Population: 5.54m / Wealth 166

Carter Mining Colony
Captain Porter Legrone: Mining 30%, Research 10%, Production 5%
Population 0m
AM 200

During 2150 the Commonwealth moved several million colonists and two entire shipyards to Leonidas, as well as establishing a small colony on the newly terraformed planet in the Alexandria system. Two jump gates were built at the Sol ? Sparta jump point to connect the capital of the Commonwealth Arm to the homeworld and two more are under construction at the Sparta ? Corinth jump point. Exploitation of the ruins in Alexandria and Delphi yielded knowledge of Improved Gravitational Sensors as well as several mines and factories plus a research lab that was transported to the research colony in Corinth. Surveys of Pylos and Alexandria revealed a total of three new jump points, all of which have now been explored, albeit without finding anything of significance. Two new destroyers and six freighters were built and an improvement in the rate of wealth creation was researched.

Populations: 29379.2
Trade: 1043.7
Total 30,422.9

Shipbuilding: 14,672.1
Research: 19366.8
Construction: 12350.8
Maintenance Facility Ops: 698.7
Ground Units Maintenance: 271.1
Total: 47,629.6

Current Wealth: 24,767


Vice Admiral Joel Cooke: Mining 30%, Shipbuilding 30%, Production 10%
Population 1008.2m / Wealth 30245 / Trade 12
SY 18 / RL 40 / SP 1 / NA 4 / MF 2 / CFF
CF 596 / OF 200 / FF 200 / FR 400 / MN 838 / GTF 10
MS 100 / FB 5 / DST 4
Fuel 6.0m

Rear Admiral Zoe Berry: Mining 30%, Shipbuilding 25%, Production 10%
Population 221m / Wealth 6631 / Trade 12
SY 7 / SP 1 / NA 1 / MF 2 / CFF
CF 336 / OF 50 / FF 50 / FR 100 / MN 170 / GTF 2
MS 15 / FB 1 / DST 3
Fuel 2.1m

Corinth II
Commodore Matthew Turner: Research 30%, Production 20%, Growth 15%
Population: 42.4m / Wealth 1282
RL 11
CF 52 / FR 1 / MN 57
MS 5 / DST 1

Troy III
Captain Ellie Baxter: Growth 25%
Population: 5.62m / Wealth 169

Athens IV
Captain Courtney Connor: Mining 20%, Shipbuilding 15%, Production 10%, Growth 10%, Research 10%
Population: 5.59m / Wealth 168

Alexandria IV
Commander Joseph Pritchard: Growth 30%, Mining 10%
Population: 0.62m / Wealth 19
MF 1
CF 4 / OF 1 / FF 2 / FR 1 / MN 8 / AM 2

Pylos II Mining Colony
Commodore Henry Brady: Mining 30%, Production 10%
Population 0m
AM 200

Manchurian Empire
The Manchurians have a less favourable astrographic position than their two rivals as the Manchurian Arm has only one habitable world and that planet is further from Earth than either Leonidas or Lincoln. Efforts to locate new habitable real estate have resulted in the discovery of four new systems, none of which have suitable planets for colonization. With a lack of research specialists, the Manchurians are also falling behind in development of new technologies and have not yet completed their work on improving the rate of wealth creation. Already voices are being raised within the military command council for a military solution to their inherent disadvantages.

Populations: 28902.4
Trade: 0 (two convoys near destination)

Shipbuilding: 9028.8
Research: 13060.7
Construction: 13627.5
Ordnance Production: 654.3
Maintenance Facility Ops: 687
Ground Units Maintenance: 271.1
Total: 37,422.4


Fleet Admiral Long Shan De: Shipbuilding 15%, Production 15%
Population 1019.1m / Wealth 24459 / Trade 12
SY 20 / RL 40 / SP 1 / NA 4 / MF 2 / CFF
CF 748 / OF 200 / FF 200 / FR 400 / MN 901 / GTF 10
MS 100 / FB 5 / DST 4
Fuel 7.7m

New Beijing
Rear Admiral Tsien Qiao Wen: Production 30%, Shipbuilding 20%
Population 260.05m / Wealth 6241 / Trade 12
SY 5 / RL 10 / SP 1 / NA 1 / MF 2 / CFF
CF 252 / OF 50 / FF 50 / FR 100 / MN 220 / AM 200 / GTF 2
MS 20 / FB 1 / DST 3
Fuel 5.9m

« Last Edit: July 31, 2007, 10:23:27 AM by Steve Walmsley »

Offline Steve Walmsley (OP)

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(No subject)
« Reply #1 on: May 23, 2007, 11:48:03 AM »
Just realised a problem with the above due to a bug in the code. Trade can only happen through jump gates and the US and Manchurians dont have jump gates all the way along their trade route. I have therefore taken away their trade income and refunded the trade points. The points will be saved up until a route is available.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM by Steve Walmsley »