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Offline ardem (OP)

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The Clans - Part I
« on: November 26, 2012, 06:58:45 AM »
Much wheeling and dealing was done on the first research projects with Propulsion given 7 labs to work on a new style of powerplant. The council directed this achievement of reaching another planet a priority.

Krul the home planet is the second in the solar system of eight. The cold planet encased in a constant ice sheet with a vast ocean underneath the ice teeming with life. The Martek as they were called were Amphibians. Capable of breathing in the depths of the water oceans or on the cold ice plains above.

The olgians demanded to achieve research on cargo handling, The azuria agreed to help the Marbalines in their powerplant research and the Harodoki used it military labs to work on torpedo ejection systems, for faster reloading on the torpedo bays. The tenets sponsor geological surveys to investigate ruins or offwold complex they know must be out there. In the order of construction the folllowing was decided. Marablines with building a commercial shipyard for the launch of a survey vessel, the olgians converting 100 traditional industry into mines, the azuria decide the conversion of 100 traditional factories into construction factory, the Tenets wish to create a Deep Space Tracking station to start sending the message of salvation into the universe.

26.Ju.2400 The Military labs completed research into the Ejection system and started to work on on Feed efficiency, these torpedo systems were important to maintain order on the planet, especially from any disenchanted population member that did not like the idea of the council.

The council worked for 2000 years why not for another 2000 years. Administrators were selected from birth defects that rendered the person blind from birth with black eyes. It is said the greatest administrators were the blind because they knew how to listen. To listen to the people. These are selected and entered into council after the staunchest training in their clan and present to the council as a full member.

1.Oc.2400 with the research complete in cargo handling and a pebble bed power plant the research were sent back to work at a nuclear thermal engine and small engineering module.

16.Se.2401 the year was progressing fast with the military labs outstripping the commercial once, perhaps the quality of scientist were of a higher calibre. The first improvement of a nuclear design was about to go underway in secret, the council would not approve of this however the military needed a more capable design, underwater explosions were not as deadly as air explosions they needed the extra power.

1.Oc.2401 The tenets achieve the special survey equipment and invest into thermal sensor so they can sweep space to look for life forms.

1.De.2401 Nuclear thermal engine is achieved, The council commission for new space engines for a small 1000 ton ship to be created and survey nearby planets.

Offline ardem (OP)

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Re: The Clans - Part I
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2012, 10:44:11 PM »
1.Fe.2402 The Marbalines know that to explore deeper into space they will need more fuel efficient engines and decided reasearch into this field is a priority.The Oligians acknowledge that planet terraforming could reduce mining cost as well as encourage new trade and thus make more commercial ventures they choose to look a moveable terraforming modules to be a viable ship based ability.

26.Jn.2402 The Talron class survery vessel is completed and launched it first mission to review Martek I, and head home with findings. This is a huge day in the Clans history. All people look to the skies and Primary Administrator Dian Martohartonoyin delivers his speech optimistic about exploring space.

Code: [Select]
Talron class Geological Survey Vessel    950 tons     19 Crew     145.95 BP      TCS 19  TH 21  EM 0
1105 km/s     Armour 1-8     Shields 0-0     Sensors 1/1/0/1     Damage Control Rating 1     PPV 0
Maint Life 7.78 Years     MSP 96    AFR 7%    IFR 0.1%    1YR 3    5YR 42    Max Repair 100 MSP
Intended Deployment Time: 12 months    Spare Berths 2   

21EP 300 NTE (1)    Power 21    Fuel Use 38.54%    Signature 21    Exp 7%
Fuel Capacity 50,000 Litres    Range 24.6 billion km   (257 days at full power)

Geological Survey Sensors (1)   1 Survey Points Per Hour

2.Jl.2402 The mission only took 6 days, a true success. It now scheduled to review planets and moons with a deployment of 12 months.

17.Oc.2403 The Talron 001 returns, the exploration of minerals went well, with an abundance of minerals in the system.

27.De.2403 The Military labs finish, the risk of asteroids causing damage to passing the survey vessels instigated a plan to destroy them, gauss technology is being looked into as a suitable solution in destroying smaller asteroids that close in.

27.Jn.2404 Research into fuel effetenesses have gone as far as they can, senors is another technology the Marablines desire to achieve, all research is thrown into thermal technology, which has made the tenets very happy as there budget has increase 350%. Enough componets have been made to make a several survey vessels, which have now been ordered.

2.Se.2405 Disaster is avoided as Talron 001 runs out of fuel but Talron 002 is close by to lend assistance and a fuel transfer is made with both docking, this is watched around Krul with fear and excitement.

1.Ja.2406 New council is announced.

2.Se.2406 Inner Asteroid belt completely surveyed, the Olgians are requesting a colony be built, they have been given approval but only a small colony, however industry resources will need to be diverted to infrastructure and a transport class ship. However the commercial shipyard is still not complete, but plans can be put into place.

17.Oc.2406 The out belt surveying has been put on hold due to the distance, lack of fuel the survey vessels have. A new class will need to be designed but the survey missions have been put on hold due to budgetary restraints.

12.Ja.2407 Finally a construction scientist was found, he started working on improved factory methods, the olgians are very happy.

17.Fe.2408 A commercial engine is designed for the future transport design.

17.Ma.2409 The military has unveiled it first super soldier, these soldiers have new laser rifles but lack and transport. They will be used as garrison troops for future colonies. The current infantry will be converted into these garrison troops.

22.Jn.2409 The first commercial shipyard is launched christened the Consolidated, this 10,000 ton structure needs to be expanded ready for the first freighter.

17.Jl.2409 1st Bn for the 1st Planetary Guard Rgt was created

2.Mh.2410 Since the Jump theory was proposed there was no way of knowing how to find these grav points however a new discover has made sensors to just that. The thought of visiting another galaxy has excited the Marbalines and have replaces resources to upgrade the survey vessels to do both geo and grav survey, the naval shipyard has been expanding so there is ability to produce these higher ton ships.

1.Ja.2411 New council with the Olgians taking a slender lead and focusing on the Colony drive.

Offline ardem (OP)

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Re: The Clans - Part I
« Reply #2 on: December 01, 2012, 02:03:07 AM »
2.Fe.2411 True to form the Olgians construction research finished, improvements into mining operations were delved into.

12.Se.2411 The military unveiled its new Mobile Infantry units, Fluxor APC's and troops marched were on display from the Future Tech shows the ability for these troops to deploy offworld was quite an amazing doco.

12.No.2411 The Talron First upgrade was complete on Talron 001. The larger vessel included the new grav sensors.

Code: [Select]
Talron B Series class Geological Survey Vessel    1,950 tons     41 Crew     303.7 BP      TCS 39  TH 42  EM 0
1076 km/s     Armour 1-13     Shields 0-0     Sensors 1/1/1/1     Damage Control Rating 1     PPV 0
Maint Life 4.9 Years     MSP 146    AFR 20%    IFR 0.3%    1YR 10    5YR 151    Max Repair 100 MSP
Intended Deployment Time: 12 months    Spare Berths 2   

21EP 300 NTE (2)    Power 21    Fuel Use 38.54%    Signature 21    Exp 7%
Fuel Capacity 250,000 Litres    Range 59.8 billion km   (643 days at full power)

Gravitational Survey Sensors (1)   1 Survey Points Per Hour
Geological Survey Sensors (1)   1 Survey Points Per Hour

27.No.2411 The first commercial freighter build, no sooner was it launched then infrastructure on it way to the new colony on Martek IV renamed after the previous primary administrator first name Dian.

Code: [Select]
Karhae class Freighter    33,250 tons     93 Crew     358.7 BP      TCS 665  TH 250  EM 0
375 km/s     Armour 1-92     Shields 0-0     Sensors 1/1/0/0     Damage Control Rating 5     PPV 0
MSP 34    Max Repair 15.625 MSP
Intended Deployment Time: 12 months    Spare Berths 24   
Cargo 25000    Cargo Handling Multiplier 5   

62.5EP 1250 NTEc (4)    Power 62.5    Fuel Use 9.28%    Signature 62.5    Exp 5%
Fuel Capacity 250,000 Litres    Range 14.5 billion km   (448 days at full power)

3.Au.2412 A Jumppoint has been found outside the inner system an amazing discovery, arguments about how to proceed have invoked, however a large sensor array jump ship a hangar for survey ships have been decided, however this process will take several years before even the shipyard is ready.

6.De.2412 Another Jumppoint discovered again outside the inner system

22.Ja.2413 Another Jumppoint discovered again outside the inner system, very close tot he last jumppoint

27.Ap.2413 The Harodoki requested the tenets help with sensor research to produce a  point defence system, the Tenets felt this was a wise decision and complied with the request.

29.Oc.2413 All Survey ship return, as jumppoint scans complete with only three routes out of the system. Cryogenic research by the Marbaline labs was next priority as the need for colony and long range missions dictate such a venture.

30.Ma.2414 A rash of engines were designed using the new Nuclear Pulse Drives, also research into new ship hull, were looked at by the Tenets, this could enhance the current ship abilities.

10.Se.2415 The first civilian mining operation was set up on a Martek IV moon. The Olgiansdo not wish to purchase the minerals at this stage as they feel the general public needs the new minerals.

1.Jan.2416 The Tenets are now incharge a reshuffle of administrators and the gearing up of the Colony ship all in the last month.

Offline ardem (OP)

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Re: The Clans - Part I
« Reply #3 on: December 02, 2012, 02:41:42 AM »
16.Oc.2416 Research into Jump efficiency had been completed, wondering if more power from the drive could help time pressed courier service the Olgians look at research into increase the power of drives.

11.Ja.2417 The civilian mining complex expanded enjoy the resources it was mining.

11.Ma.2417 THe resource material of Gallicite has been complete dug up on Krul, although there are many sources in the system, this has not sent any alarm bells at the moment.

3.No.2417 200,000 Colonist now call Dian home, similar to the home planet of krul, however it is vastly colder at -142, compared to the -41 that the Marteks are used too. But the oceans under the ice sheet encompass the global, which is no different then on Krul.

6.Fe.2418 The last of the conventional industry has been converted.

14.My.2419 The tenets labs create alpha forcefields, these will keep the ships safe from radiation and the question mark about space jumps this precaution has been created.

24.My.2419 The first jump drive was theoretically test and was ready for production. The Talron will see a C series and add the jump drive to the series as well as new drives and sensors.

1.Ja.2421 Another Council shuffle as the Olgians lose power and the Tenet Harodoki Alliance strengthens.

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Re: The Clans - Part I
« Reply #4 on: December 06, 2012, 04:15:39 AM »
4.My.2421 The civilian shipping lines expand with Colony and Freighters to exploit and support the Dian - Krul trade route

25.Ju.2421 After successfully designing Troop Bays for long haul battalion transfers, military labs looking into engineering units to help support the troops in the field.

16.No.2141 A break through on a new type of power source was discovered the "Gas cooled fast reactor", however the council recieved news that the last of the Corbomite had been mined but deposits on  a methane toxic moon called Matrek VI, Moon 5 should provide any future needs. Thoughts on mining this planet has mixed blessings, sending people to Dian where the temperature and environment is close to hospital  but sending to a toxic planet made decision makers uneasy.

10.My.2422 Talron 002 return after a 14 month expedition to the furtherest dwarf planet int he solar system, finding nothing of value but confirm fears that the dwarf planet held an ancient race that they had banished to the stars long ago.

5.Jn.2422 Talron 001 has been refit to the class C series, capable of jump flight. The Martek wave there spacefarers off on a great farewell, as they journey to the first Jumppoint discovered. The Tenet controlling council give strict instruction to not engage anything they find but observe and report.

15.Ju.2422 Talron 001 enter into the new system called Valkha, which has three suns and six planets on that is close to perfect in habitable, althoug ha little colder then the Marteks are used too.However thermal imagery around the first planet show a large metallic debri of almost 9000 tons. Being atleast 600 millionkms away Talron 001 captain Least Claw Cahyo Prawiro felt it prudent to observe for a couple of weeks before returning to the Martek home system.

5.Se.2422 Talron 001 returns to Krul and reports the finding on a successful Jump drive test and the related system information. The ship debris has cause the military into panic over drive. The Tenet see this as a perfect opportunity to spread the superiority of the Martek species, harking back to the old species wars that were started on Krul many eons ago.

21.Oc.2422 Talron 001 enters into the Gruzakor system, four suns and fourteen planets. Six also habitable planets and moons. The concerning details were a the four metallic debris of between 9000 to 45000 ton floating in two different inner systems. Observing and then moving onto the third jumppoint would be in order.

12.No.2422 Another Quaternary system was discovered, now named Alkumar, consisting of  11 planets and 2 closely habitable planets. The jump point is no near to the inner system that its next to the first planet primary orbit. Now only 4 million km away. The opportunity to explore these planet provide irresistible. After one day delay, course was plotted to the nearest planet.

25.De.2422 After survey the first two planets, the Talron 001 wanted to check out the metallic debris, thinking it was a strange site. What they found was even stranger, a 27000 ton spaceship broken apart, of unknown design and origin. This was too important a discover to not let the council know, Talron 001 plotted a course back towards Krul

18.Fe.2422 Emergency council was formed after Talron 001 returned to Krul with the news.

Offline ardem (OP)

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Re: The Clans - Part I
« Reply #5 on: December 06, 2012, 11:12:30 PM »
8.Ma.2423 Production and Research was retooled for the construction of a ship that could salvage such a big ship. This was such an important discovery that the whole government economy changed. IT would take just over 13 months for the research to be complete and probably another 12 months until the 65,000 ton Salvage ship with a jump drive could be created the large ever ship the Martek have attempted.

18.Dec.2423 Research into the 65K Commerical Jump Drive was complete, it would take 4 months to manufacture this drive in the factories.

22.Fe.2424 Dian unrest is getting concerning ever growing, the troop transport will not be ready until April 4225, already there is 8% of the population protesting in the streets.

22.Ma.2424 The 3rd Krul Mobile Infantry Regiment, marched out on parade. Deployment for the regiment is already know, they will provide garrison duty until the latest call up for a Dian Planetary Guard can be formed.

13.De.2424 The mineral Mercassium has been fully mined on Krul, there are other sources in the system, with Krul having a large stockpile this is not a concern.

11.My.2425 Tolchoi 010 is complete and the troops now boarding for Dian, there will be marshal law stated in the first troops landing. With unrest at 34% this is close to a civil war trigger, the building of the ship could not come a moment too soon. With 16 Million people now living on Dian, it was not a small population, hopefully one regiment would be enough for now.

5.Ju.2425 Major Military operations commenced on Dian, unrest would be quelled within a month.

4.Au.2425 A major blow to the salvage ship has been identified the retoolig of the COmmerical ship yard would not be ready  for another two years.

14.Au.2425 A second slipway was added to the Military shipyard.

1.Ja.2426 The Sixth Council was formed with the Tenets still in charge.

5.Ma.2426 To pacify the Olgians the Tenets commissioned the creation of a new commercial shipyard. The 4th Krul Planetary Guards marched off to the Troop transports to replace the 3rd Mobile Inf.

29.Ju.2426 The design of new barracks for the Planetary Guard Unit have been designed, the Tenets have allocate resources for the Military to help keep the Dians in check. The trade off will be the Military well help support there hold on the council at the moment.

3.Ju.2427 The starting of the Salvage ship know as Delgor 011 was started.

Code: [Select]
Delgor class Salvager    65,000 tons     237 Crew     1198 BP      TCS 1300  TH 280  EM 0
215 km/s    JR 2-25(C)     Armour 3-144     Shields 0-0     Sensors 1/1/0/0     Damage Control Rating 1     PPV 0
MSP 12    Max Repair 200 MSP
Intended Deployment Time: 18 months    Spare Berths 1   
Cargo 25000   
Salvager: 1 module(s) capable of salvaging 500 tons per day

JC65K Commercial Jump Drive     Max Ship Size 65500 tons    Distance 25k km     Squadron Size 2
70EP 1250 NPEc (4)    Power 70    Fuel Use 3.26%    Signature 70    Exp 3%
Fuel Capacity 500,000 Litres    Range 42.4 billion km   (2282 days at full power)

Firestorm I (4x2)    Range 1000 km     TS: 8000 km/s     ROF 5       Base 50% To Hit

13.Fe.2428 The Delgor is launched and now heads to the Alkumar system, Talron 001 and 003 advance into the system to survey the planets.

2.Ja,2429 The wreck was salvaged, the wreck was nothing more then twisted metal, however an interesting sensor array was discovered which will advance the Martek discovery into EM field detection.

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Re: The Clans - Part I
« Reply #6 on: December 17, 2012, 03:43:06 AM »
16.Ju.2429 The first PDC was completed on Krul this defense Center was to hold the the 1st Planetary guard regiment. This regiment was more a parade regiment that protect the council chambers. The 2nd and 3rd Mobile Regiments still provided Kruls Offensive capability.

29.Se.2429 The Savage Team returns with the minerals and a small amount of technical information the, mission was a major disappointment. With the Valkha system having a planet with attributes to Krul, it seemed wise to investigate further and perhaps build the first colony in another solar system. The Science Vessels will enter the system first and research the surrounding planets, for possible colonization.

14.No.2429 The Dian Defence centre is established, with the Planetary Guard moving in to take accommodation.

26.De.2429 Talron 001 locates 90+ Thermal 5 contacts, that head immediately away from Talron 001 travelling at 28kkm/s, Talron immediately alerts the other survey craft, with the emergency protocol to exit the system. The thermal contacts were soon lost.

7.Fe.2430 Emergency Session of the council was convened. The discussion about the super fast contact that disappeared as quickly. The debate carried on for days, but the Military and Tenets finally convinced the member that a warship to defend the border was priority and for not no excursion or meeting into the Valkha system can proceed yet. This left the Gruzakor system to be explored however only a single survey ship would be risked.

18.Ap.2430 Automated Mines have been shipped to Moon 5 of Martek VI, the moon is now renamed to Gusti, after the High Priest st.Gusti , the purchasing of Moon 5 minerals from the civilian factories due to need more more resources.

13.Au.2430 With research into Sorium Harvesting complete, the Olgians are putting pressure on the council to produce one of these ships. Already designs are in place. Using the need for fuel to explore new solar systems and the delay on Military Research the Tenet agree to support for one vessel.

Code: [Select]
Valkha class Fuel Harvester    65,500 tons     321 Crew     1409.5 BP      TCS 1310  TH 720  EM 0
549 km/s    JR 2-25(C)     Armour 2-144     Shields 0-0     Sensors 1/1/0/0     Damage Control Rating 12     PPV 0
MSP 161    Max Repair 150 MSP
Intended Deployment Time: 60 months    Spare Berths 0   
Fuel Harvester: 13 modules producing 312000 litres per annum

JC65K Commercial Jump Drive     Max Ship Size 65500 tons    Distance 25k km     Squadron Size 2
90EP 1250 IDc (8)    Power 90    Fuel Use 2.22%    Signature 90    Exp 3%
Fuel Capacity 650,000 Litres    Range 80.4 billion km   (1694 days at full power)

1.Ja.2431 The Tenets continue to hold power, so the production and research facilities see no significant change.

22.My.2431 With no contact in the Gruzakor System, the council dispatched all survey ships to review the last of the planets, the salvage ship will then review the two wrecks. If all goes well review of colonisation of this system may be planned, however their is 5 habitable planets as per gravity and a few other details only one planet has suitable icesheet to create a home.

12.Se.2431 Upon reaching Gruzakor A IV a thermal sensor was picked up, from an alien vessel. The survey ships once again scramble to the Martek wormhole. The enemy vessel was capable of 3500km/s and either spotted our vessels and shot off else or missed our vessels on their sensors and continued on the path they were on.

24.No.2431 Another emergency session was convened and again it was thrashed out. The Tenet, Marbalines, Olgians requesting to contact the aliens with the Azuria and Harodoki requesting to say nothing. The council proceeded with contact the alien species.

8.Fe.2432 The council announced the species to be hostile over the three month they have refused to acknoweldge even though we know that they can hear our broadcasts. Renamed Gruzakors after the system they were found in, the council knows that warships must be created to establish relations another way.