Author Topic: Setup  (Read 2009 times)

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Offline doodle_sm (OP)

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« on: February 04, 2022, 10:33:23 AM »
A short thread for Silent Cartographer setup. I'll be making adjustments to this as testing leading up to 2.0's release continues.
The years and the lore is adjusted to fit Aurora.

Starting Parameters
  • All Spoilers OFF.
  • Real stars OFF.
  • Ship Maint ON.
  • Realistic Promotions, Political Bonus, Inexperienced Fleet Penalty ON

Research Speed is set to 50

United Earth Government
In the wake of the Interplanetary Wars the UN was transformed into the United Earth Government. The security council has control over the new United Nations Space Command. Earth is a massive production center but Mars is a close second. Mars and Europa have fallen to the Koslovic Worker's Republic. The former colonies of Ganymede and Callisto have fallen to the Frieden National Movement. Operations across Earth, Luna, and Io begin as the Koslovic and the Frieden rebels spark insurrection. Several UNSC vessels have been hijacked by the rebel factions.

There are 500 million working humans on Earth. 20 million colonists on Luna. 17 million colonists on Io.
Luna is a massive corporate center for trade and commerce. Io is a mining colony.

Ships Present in Sol
3x FF Marseilles: Bordeaux, Marseilles, Nancy
1x CA Elysium: House of Dust
4x FT Jotun
3x TT Utgard
1x CS Garden
2x TK Rhine

Ground Forces Present in Sol
11x Infantry Brigades
6x Supply Depots

UNSC Ground Forces are concentrated on Earth. There are three Infantry Brigades are stationed as garrison on Io. Five Brigades stationed on Luna.

Koslovic Worker's Republic
Navy intelligence reports three Frigates and one Cruiser have been hijacked by the Koslovic insurgents. All other information regarding the rebel ground forces in unknown. Mars has stopped sending transmissions to the Earth government.

3x FF Marseilles: All Guns Blazing, Runner Up, San Marino
1x CA Elysium: Elysium

Frieden National Movement
Similar to the Koslovic insurrection we know little of the ground forces but know which ships have been hijacked.

2x FF Marseilles: Amiens, Aquitaine
2x CA Elysium: Carthage, Valhalla

Covenant Empire
In the Urs system, the Covenant have already massive vessels from 30,000 tonnage to 60,000 tonnage. These ships are in scarcity however. The San'Shyuum and the Sangheili have no knowledge of the Humans and their Interplanetary War. There are 800 Covenant loyal in the Urs system. 798 million live on Sanghelios while the remaining are on High Charity itself. A deep space population.

This is the 1st Age of Truth for the Covenant Empire.

Warships of the Covenant Empire
1x CVH Kerel: Kerel
1x CVL Ruma: Ruma
6x CA Reverence: Absolution, Blight of the Profane, Day of Jubilation, Infinite Fire, Particular Justice, Reverence
1x CX Hopeful Light: Hopeful Light
8x DD Sinaris: Eternal Reward, Glorious Consequence, Holy Respite, Questor of Glory, Seeker of Truth, Sinaris, Unrelenting, Valiant Prudence
2x TJ Traveling Dawn: Adherent, Traveling Dawn
« Last Edit: August 30, 2022, 08:54:53 AM by doodle_sm »
Maybe, in the end, this was the best that any warrior could hope for. A chance to reconcile with your enemy, or, failing that, to fall in the pursuit of peace
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Offline nuclearslurpee

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Re: (2) Game Rules and Setup
« Reply #1 on: February 04, 2022, 10:42:16 AM »
House Rules
  • No more than half of my research labs can be dedicated to a single research project.

You might consider trying the "reduced administration" feature being added in 2.0, which would make this the case almost by default. It can feel very slow to start, but once you have played for a few years you finish projects at about the same frequency as normal so it is not too troublesome, plus you are already slowing research down anyways so clearly you do not object to a slower game.

NPRs are going to be handled by me to represent each of the canonical races joining the Covenant. In addition, I will be handling the UEG/UNSC.

Interesting. Will the aim here be simulationist recreation of Halo history, or will you look to deviate from history for a unique story?

Starting Fleet
1x Forerunner Dreadnought

Would like to see what this looks like, if it's not a plot spoiler of course!

Offline doodle_sm (OP)

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Re: (2) Game Rules and Setup
« Reply #2 on: February 04, 2022, 10:51:48 AM »
You might consider trying the "reduced administration" feature being added in 2.0, which would make this the case almost by default.
Definitely is the right way to go! I don't mind slower games, so having it would be nice.

Will the aim here be simulationist recreation of Halo history, or will you look to deviate from history for a unique story?
Up until the Human-Covenant War, it'll be an Aurora recreation of Halo history. Once we make contact with Humanity, it's going to deviate from the original timeline. I have a secret system of dice mechanics (and a spreadsheet) that will act and react to my moves.

Regarding the Dreadnought, I'm keeping the Dreadnought's ship class secret as to reflect unknown capability/prowess. Also because I got to make the Dreadnought be actually powerful. I got to keep myself in check though to make sure I'm not using it too much.
Maybe, in the end, this was the best that any warrior could hope for. A chance to reconcile with your enemy, or, failing that, to fall in the pursuit of peace
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Offline doodle_sm (OP)

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Re: (2) Game Rules and Setup
« Reply #3 on: March 28, 2022, 11:22:44 AM »
With the addition of Deep Space Populations and Ark Modules in 2.0, High Charity is quite possible!

The recent release of the Paramount Plus Halo series, I was disheartened to make this After Action Report. But with the DSPs and Ark Modules + other features, this campaign is going to be very fun for me :)
Maybe, in the end, this was the best that any warrior could hope for. A chance to reconcile with your enemy, or, failing that, to fall in the pursuit of peace