Starting to figure enough out to play and am having lots of fun. Reading the fiction threads / AAR’s if helping but not knowing many of the acronyms is slowing me down. Sure wish the Search function worked for these things.
What is “GPS” as in MK I Light Cruiser Active Augur Array (1) GPS 7200 Range 52.8m km Resolution 120
And “DCR” as in Dauntless class Light Cruiser 15,000 tons 457 Crew 2,178.8 BP TCS 300 TH 1,500 EM 0 5000 km/s Armour 6-54 Shields 0-0 HTK 92 Sensors 5/6/0/0 DCR 12 PPV 72
GPS is the strength of the active sensor emissions for detection purposes. I can't actually remember what it stands for
DCR is damage control rating.