Posted by: Taeryc
« on: June 20, 2014, 03:01:06 PM »
I'm mostly using Aurora as a mechanism to tell a story, so this will be relatively "light" on game mechanics and may involve copious SM use for story reasons as well as things you can't do with game mechanics (Shipyards should be able to build shipyards, damnit! :p). I am relatively new to the game, but have muddled through a few limited sessions before settling on this. I am happy to take any and all design advice, as well as tactics (though not needed for some time, I don't know much and tend to favour beam armed ships because ordinance) - especially a decent missile usage walkthrough or a good energy armed fighter design, I've read through many of the tutorials but its not the same as someone saying "hey, do this and x happens" applicable to your situation, and what have you. That said, designs will probably not be mentioned unless suggested and ships will be described by role and intent rather than raw stats, but feel free to postulate what they are equipped with.
Anyway, before this turns into a rant, I'll do the prologue. [/ooc]
2018: World Population Est. 7. 5bn
The basis for the creation of the modern supra-national state we now entrust ourselves lies partially in the tragic events of 2018, and its subsequent effect on the world, both on an economic, industrial and social level. This brief overlook does not place blame or seek to gain justification, but simply presents the facts of the matter as they are now understood on the brink of the next era of human progress, though this itself is overshadowed.
In early February, 2018, the first cases of what would perhaps, be incorrectly labelled the "Indian Flu" by the media were diagnosed in a number of small Villages in north west India, Kashmir and eastern Pakistan. Given the lack of adequate healthcare in a number of these locations, it is understandable that its virulence and overall fatality rates were not fully grasped as an issue by either local authorities, or at first foreign health agencies such as the CDC. The reports of a few cases quietly dealt with in New Delhi, India, a week later were not of much concern.
Only when the Flu itself made its way into Karachi, Pakistan, in March, and began to spread among the urban population - who in turn began to flee as the local healthcare system collapsed, spreading it further - was the issue brought fully into the glare of the international media. Picking up on what was known, the Flu was colloquially labelled as "The Indian Flu", even though it seemed nearly all of the cases were now concentrated in southern Pakistan. Ever two countries at odds with each other, Pakistan and India reinforced their border - neither were particularly sure that one or the other wouldnt seek to take advantage of the situation. The movement of men into zones now rife with carriers and sufferers began to spread the Flu among elements of the Pakistani Military, shortly followed by peripheral elements of the Indian Military.
By May, Lahore was reporting hundreds of cases and 30% of Pakistani forces deployed in Southern Pakistan were either incubating the Flu or showing signs of sickness. With the Indian Flu seeming to, ironically, having a lesser and isolated effect on the Indians, the Pakistani Government made the overt accusation that India was engaging in Biological Warfare, either overt, or simply had herded the disease into Pakistan itself to weaken the state to ensure Indian dominance. The Indian Government, perhaps understandably, denied any involvement and pointed out that millions of its own people were now at risk from the disease, with many already falling ill or dying. Despite conversations over the telephone, neither the Indian Prime Minister or the Pakistani President could reach an agreement both of their respective military would find acceptable. The continued buildup of military forces simply provides a better environment for the virus to spread. A Pakistani Infantry Company near Karachi goes AWOL from its quarantine post and inadvertently begins spreading the Flu as they evade arrest for abandoning their post.
Indian Flu cases are reported in Southern China, Eastern Iran and the Central Asian States, as well as a handful of cases at cities frequented by international travelers around the world, notably Chicago, New York, London, Paris, Moscow and Istanbul. Given the rising death toll from the Indian Flu, the CDC recommends that any travelers from India and Pakistan and Asia overall are quarantined for several days upon arrival. The US President, wary of causing even minor economic disruption but notably clear sighted that the danger an epidemic would pose, both to the nation and his future election chances, implements the CDC proposal. A number of other countries adopt similar proposals, even those not yet effected. The People's Republic of China, wary of potential conflict and the impact of refugees and epidemics, closes the limited border access with India and Pakistan and institutes rather draconian measures on all visiting foreign nationals.
The Flu continues to take its toll on Pakistan, while deaths are still limited to the hundreds in Pakistan and India, infected individuals are now reaching the millions mark and quarantine, at least in Pakistan, is beginning to fail as more army units are stricken and others abandon their posts. In Early June, an absconding Pakistani infantry platoon crosses the Indian border and is fired upon by Indian troops. The ensuing flurry of activity begins a small scale skirmish along a limited section of the border that ends a few hours later, with a few dead on each side. Similar incidents over the rest of the month raise tensions, as the Pakistani Government is unwilling to share information on its military situation with the Indian Government, India continues to regard these incursions as military actions. In July, Indian Troops are given the authority to pursue any Pakistani Army Units that enter Indian territory, even if they retreat into Pakistan. In Mid-August, such an event occurs and an entire Indian army group crosses into Pakistani territory. The Pakistani Military responds, though in a fragmented manner. The Indo-Pakistani War resumes. With military forces now being arranged for active combat, Quarantine measures on both sides of the border collapse and the Indian Flu begins a violent spread as people flee the combat zone. Most of the casualties among military units but are not from war wounds but Flu.
The CDC and its companion agencies reach a plateau on vaccination and treatment work. While pre-existing vaccines and treatments for other flu strains lessen the symptoms and offer limited protection, they do not offer comprehensive protection, there is also, understandably, not nearly enough vaccinations in storage to protect anything else but essential workers. Most countries continue their research and begin heightened vaccination programs. The Media turns its focus from epidemic to war reporting. The 2018 Indo-Pakistani War will rage for a full year before its fateful conclusion in September 2019.
Indian Flu cases, despite measures to prevent them, continue to crop up in Europe and the Americas. China's measures are largely effective, but she too suffers a number of breakouts in rural villages. Questions are raised in the Politburo how cases are continuing to fester in Rural China, but given the movement of people from the Indian subcontinent along surreptitious routes, it is regarded as a reasonable outcome, the Politburo enforces its border controls accordingly. Elements similar to the overall Chinese measures that have insofar proven effective are implemented in Japan and South Korea, where cases begin to drop dramatically. Australia, Iran and New Zealand follow suit. Russia implements a vigorous border control campaign in Central Asia and deploys troops into the Central Asian states at their request. Despite Western protests, the Central Asian states are suffering almost as seriously as Pakistan at this point, barring Kazakhstan. These States, including Kazakhstan, consequently also invite Chinese troops.
By late 2019, the Pakistani Military is in shambles and the Indian military is only faring slightly better - but such an advantage ensures the capture of Lahore in August. The Pakistani President is found dead in his office - not from coup or self inflicted wounds, but from the virus that holds much of southern Asia in its grip. The remaining Pakistani Leadership is largely made up of either junior officers or zealous hawks - consequently, demands for Indian with-drawl are the only messages forthcoming. This leadership states it will utilize its nuclear deterrent to remove Indian military units and leadership should they not. The Indian Military is skeptical that the limited Pakistani leadership has access to Pakistan's Nuclear Weapons, but at the same time must remain wary. The Indian Civil Leadership is in disarray as the virus spreads among much of Northern India and no immediate orders are forthcoming. India's overall military leadership is in a similar situation, and Military units in Pakistan receive disjointed orders. Some units are ordered home while others entrench and others advance.
As September comes around, the Pakistani Military, such as it is, cannot read the intention of the Indian Military and both the Pakistani and Indian civil leadership is either gone, collapsing, or in no position to make foreign policy decisions. Consequently, what remains of its strategic arm approves the deployment of nuclear weapons against Indian Military and Civil Targets. While only a third of Pakistan's 120 Nuclear Warheads are consequently launched and a number are accidentally double targeted. A few minutes later, India counter-launches 50 Warheads. Much of both countries military forces are obliterated along with most Pakistani urban areas, and much of India's northern Urban centres are destroyed or greivously wounded, along with cities such as Madurai and Bangalore. The remnants of Indian Leadership are restructured in Kolkata (Calcutta). Worldwide condemnations are resounding but overall, pointless. To further complicate matters, the limited nuclear exchange is not the only obstacle to rendering aid - the Indian Flu continues to rage. What is left of the Indian Military successfully implements a quarantine around Southern and Eastern India, protecting them from the flood of refugees. Little can be done for Pakistan, with only Quetta and Gwalior the notable remaining urban centres. Iran states its intent to render immediate and full aid and begins a slow measured march through what is labelled "Clean" Pakistan by the media, effectively annexing the rest of Baluchistan and setting up a limited puppet government for Pakistan. The main priority for most world powers is now rendering aid, even through the complications at home and on the ground, and consequently little is done.
Concerns turn to "curing" the Indian Flu.
2020: World Population Est. 7. 0bn
The Indian Flu, aided by movement of people to and from the Indian Subcontinent begins to pick up pace. Cases begin to emerge in cities that had previously reported none throughout Europe and the America's. With no effective treatment likely to emerge until at least late 2020, there is little that can be done except attempting to contain the spread and offering what limited treatments have proven effective so far. As the virus spreads, both the United States and the European Union begin to experience economic disruption. This is largely related to fear of infection rather than sickness, but the effects begin to destabilize a fragile world economy.
Throughout 2020, the stock markets of dozens of countries crash into the abyss and both Europe and the America's overall begin to experience severe economic depression. While their populations are relatively intact compared to South Asian nations such as India and Pakistan, and those who were struggling before and now have largely collapsed - such as Indonesia and a number of African States, they are largely impotent to offer aid and their limited economic situation continues to impact their work towards treatment efforts. China steps in in Asia alongside, curiously, Japan. Joined by other nations in the Pacific who are largely unaffected, such as Australia, they fill the gap where national efforts are failing or have failed entirely. China - its own economy suffering and tied up in relief efforts, begins to rescind support for North Korea - now regarded as a burden, and nominally endorses Korean unification on a reasonable timetable. North Korea, cut off from its primary source of funding blusters but will ultimately acquiesce over the coming years. Russia and China combine efforts in Central Asia. Iran, with its own issues that have been plaguing it for years and despite the overall situation, holds elections that are largely and in some circles, alarmingly regarded as fair.
In the Middle East, issues that had been simmering for so long have largely evaporated as states themselves have either collapsed entirely or put differences aside to combat not just the spread of the Indian Flu, but the flood of refugees from failed states. Israel, Egypt and Saudi Arabia are co-operating on a level unthinkable all but a year previously.
The first trials of Indian Flu treatments begin in 2021 in Japan and are extended to Japan's "allies" in the Pacific and its research is shared with the CDC and health organisations around the world - by mid 2021 the United States and Canada begin full scale production, followed by European pharmaceutical companies. Flu cases dwindle to nothing in these areas and attention turns to aiding the rest of the Americas - though largely unaffected, and the patchwork of African countries, some faring well, some unaffected, and many completely decimated. After negotiations, The Republic of China rejoins the PRC under a Hong-Kong similar system, though retaining nearly all of its autonomy except in Foreign Policy. After negotiations with the United States, It retains control of its military in a domestic capacity and American manufactured weaponry may not be deployed outside of Taiwan.
The world economic situation, although dire, largely stabilizes by the middle of 2022 as the Indian Flu burns itself out or is treated. Total world death rates either from the Flu or the immediate or direct effects of the limited Indo-Pakistani nuclear exchange numbers at nearly 2 Billion, primarily centred in Africa and South and South East Asia, though many countries have lost between 5-10% of their pre-epidemic population. The premier world power is now arguably China, given its new found alliances, domestic markets and preservation during the Flu, but Russia, though now entwined with China, the European Union and the United States in NATO remain relevant and powerful, though their economic dominance is reduced. The Chinese-Japanese friendship seems to of matured into a measured respect given the challenges presented. With behind the scenes concessions and public platitudes from China, Japan issues a formal apology for WW2 Era transgressions. While domestically somewhat unpopular in both nations, the cleaning of the slate for both sides allows their relationship to become formal.
2023: World Population: 5. 6bn est.
The Focus of world powers and the restructured United Nations is now on nuclear cleanup, rebuilding and resettlement. New, but limited technologies will see the near complete reduction of radiation and dust in the atmosphere over the next few years, while locally lessons learned from Japan in particular prove useful. While the population in these areas are vastly reduced, the ability to make the land productive will reduce the stress on the world economy. Climatologists state that the temperature on Earth seemingly randomly has increased by . 2 Degrees, seemingly unrelated to events that have occurred. This information is largely uninteresting in the current world climate and is ignored.
These reports of a gradual temperature increase are made again in 2024, but are again lost in the noise. It is only with the launch of a new European sensor package to update a pre-existing satellite later that year that happens to make a connection by noting a tiny but incremental increase in the sun's luminosity. It is in effect getting warmer. It takes several months before the connection is made between temperature measurements and the near unnoticed luminosity increase. Secret meetings abound but are largely unnoticed in the advent of Trans-Newtonian technology. A Russo-Japanese team makes a breakthrough in this field, unveiling a wealth of materials that can be created or must exist naturally elsewhere in the Solar System. An American and European team replicate their results while a Brazilian Team apply the research to create a new material. The People's Republic of China notes how these technologies could revolutionize space travel and immediately, if quietly, restarts its Space Program abandoned during the worldwide economic turmoil.
By 2025, the world has largely recovered and buoyed by new technologies of the Trans-Newtonian revolution begins to enter a stage of growth once again. Many industries are converted to serve these new outlets.
2025/6: World Population: 5. 85bn est.
Scientists working for the Untied Nations agree that the Sun's luminosity is gradually increasing. and while the temperature effects are relatively unremarkable at the moment, by 2027 it will make a net increase of 0. 8 degrees. If the luminosity continues to increase, which they assume it will - within decades the Earth, at the very least, would be rendered Arid, if not uninhabitable. At the very best, it would simply be unable to naturally support a population of Earth's current size. For the rest of the year, meetings are convened, options discussed and plans made and remade.
The majority of the civilian population of Earth is unaware of the true reasons behind the gradual but largely unnoticed temperature change. Most governments are simply make no mention or when questioned, attribute it to the limited nuclear exchange and in some cases, harrowingly, on the ash pollution from pyres lit to burn the many millions of dead that could be dealt with no other way. Such explanations are largely accepted.
Behind the scenes, the United Nations Security Council holds a special session with representatives from most countries capable of supporting its agreed points. It presents the plans where it has agreed that at least some level of colonization of at least Mars to provide a continuance of civilization is necessary, and trans-newtonian technology allows that on a far easier basis. Mars would also serve as a test bed for terraforming technology devised on trans-newtonian concepts. Further to this, mining concerns should also be set up either through civilian or state involvement in order to feed such industry. If the luminosity of the Sun continues to increase indefinitely colonies elsewhere in the outer Solar System will provide respite, given their distance. Ideally, the focus of high level research teams will be on devising methods to leave the Solar System. If such an extra-solar trip could be made feasible and a habitable or near-habitable world found, measures could be undertaken to leave the Sol System altogether.
As the only state with a operational space program, The People's Republic of China offers to lead such efforts. They are somewhat rebuffed by the rest of Council who desire a measure of independence. The Council breaks for reast. In the respite period, the Chinese delegation convinces its Russian counterpart to endorse a new proposal. When the Security Council reconvenes China and Russia argue for a supra-national "Evacuation Council" that would represent all of the members of the Security Council and would draw resources, technology, individuals and most notably selected representatives from all the countries present in the special session. Such a Council would be beholden to the will of its member states and would only hold authority over assets either explicitly assigned to it on Earth, but would have authority over all spacecraft, installations and other such affairs not on Earth's surface. China states it is willing to transfer control of its Shipyard that it recently finished to the Evacuation Council - the sentiment of the notion is not lost. Despite several hours of discussion and argument, the "Evacuation Council" is formed. Publicly it will be simply known as the United Nations Space Agency and will deal with space exploration to avoid conflict from national interests. For a populace recovering on Earth below, it is met either with a relatively cautious welcome or complete disinterest.
One caveat for the Agency is it will receive limited independent research funding. Most of its technology will be devised by member states and given accordingly. All research made by the Council must be shared with its member states. The Agency sets up a number of nationally based agencies and companies to devise designs from these technologies and to develop practical applications in concert with state and civilian research teams. The Agency is consequently dependent on Japan, China, The EU, US, Russia and handful of other nations for most of its technological progress - progress it can only advise and not control.
Over the next year, each major state collaborates and contributes by providing a shipyard. Civilian companies who are entrusted with certain knowledge also take part and a network of both Naval and Commercial Shipyards is established over a year long period both on the surface and in orbit. These Shipyards, for now, enter a state of expansion and capacity increase. As designs are finalized they will be retooled to produce the first Trans-Newtonian Space Craft.
The Agencies Leadership is organised by the Security Council. Fleet Admiral Edik Chernov is appointed as Supervisory Head of the Agency. He is joined by a multinational admiralty whom will make up the upper echelons of the Agency's military based leadership, though a number of civilians whom are granted honorary rank join them. These individuals are listed:
Fleet Admiral Edik Chernov of the Russian Federation - Traits: Optimistic, Motivated (Taeryc).
Admiral Hoshi Yamada of the State of Japan - Traits: Good Motivator
Admiral Harrison Atkins of the United Kingdom - Traits: Highly Educated, Candid, Pessimistic, Many Social Interests (Hydrofoil)
Admiral Lee Tian Qiao of the People's Republic of China - Traits: Ambitious, Highly Educated.
Vice Admiral Luke North of the United States of America - Traits: Calm
Vice Admiral Ma Song Liang of the People's Republic of China - Traits: Good Judge of Character, Impoverished (Deployed to DD Amundsen in Earth Orbit)
Vice Admiral Alejandra Elizondo Sierra of the United Mexican States - Traits: Decisive (Deployed to DD Black in Martian Orbit - (JacenHan))
Vice Admiral Charles Weston of Canada - Traits: Focused
Vice Admiral Paz Nino Ruelas of the Kingdom of Spain - Traits: Aggressive, Follows Orders without question.
The Agency consequently approves plans for the Pathfinder Survey Class and begins construction of 5 Survey Ships - 1 per National Shipyard, equipped with the first generation of sensor suites - firstly to gain closer readings from the Sun itself, but secondly to survey the Solar System for resources or other items of note. These Ships will be finished in Late March 2027 and named by their patron nation in whichever scheme they so choose. They will be officially launched on the 1st of April, 2027.
April 1st, 2027: Earth Temperature increased by a total of 0. 8 Degrees. World population once again closes on the 6 Billion Mark.
("Play" Started)
The Five Survey Ships, Pathfinder, Discovery, Zheng He, Timofeyevich and Shinyo are officially launched and tasked with surveying the Solar System, notably the Moon, before extending to Mercury, Venus, and Mars. They will then be issued conditional orders to survey any notable body, but focusing on the Gallilean moons foremost. The Shipyards will continue to enter phases of expansion and capacity increase for future construction projects when not providing the Agency with new ships or retooling.
The Survey Ships detect a number of gravitational anomalies with their sensor suites and research teams note that these are likely points that could be surveyed to locate "jump points" or naturally occuring weak points in the universe that could be transited as a form of FTL. As potentially vacating the Sol System may be a necessity, though not immediate, no Survey Ships have been tasked to perform a "jump" survey, as technology would no doubt be needed to exploit such points. Agency Command requests that its survey ships maintain active sensors on in order to detect any previously unseen asteroid or comets not yet known. As the Discovery nears Mercury, its sensors backed up by Deep Space Tracking Systems on Earth detect a single, almost un-noticable contact located near a gravitational disturbance. What appears to be a Jump Point is located in the inner system but it is the presence of an artificial construction on the Jump Point that interests the Agency.
After a few hours of analysis it is decided that the construction is old, perhaps incredibly old, perhaps older than Humanity itself or relatively recent - while the impact of the existence of Alien life is not lost it remains largely unimportant at this juncture, either way it is labelled as a jump gate - its function seemingly stabilizing the disturbance in the local are and allowing access by ships without a Jump Drive. This is a boon, and perhaps a risk to Human exploration efforts. Knowing what to look for, Tracking Stations on Earth turn their attention to scouring the heavens for any other disturbances on the scale of the one in the inner system.
(Immersion breaking note: I accidentally revealed all JP's and forgot to deal with it. However, given they both had gates as I ticked the gate option for /story purposes/ I made it fit the story relatively well. )
On April 2nd, Sensors Detect a second jump gate in the distant solar system. As no ships have been detected since more modern Deep Space Tracking systems came online or since Deep Space Tracking was first implemented, Fleet Admiral Chernov with the agreement of the Admiralty assumes that the constructions must be relatively old and unused. If such a gate network persists beyond the Solar System, further questions may be raised. However, with no other gravitational disturbances noted, the Agency surmises there are only two Jump Points in and out of the system. However, as surveying the Sol System is a priority, exploration of them is not a concern.
It is likely that a reasonable quantity of trans-newtonian materials are present in the Sol System, and consequently the Agency draws up plans to place an automated mining complex on Luna with a Mass Driver System that would be extended to other worlds that merit a Agency directed complex. While Luna has yet to be surveyed fully, such a plan is approved for use when a state owned freight capacity exists. Further to this, a low capacity freighter is put on the drawing board. As it stood however, the Agency would have little to do for the coming period. All it could do was wait for Survey reports to be completed before any expedition or colonial ambitions in Sol or elsewhere could be achieved.
Thats the introduction, forgive any mistakes. I will be returning to this after a play session where I will make some notes and provide brief or extensive run downs as appropriate. If any particular period of time is stale, like now, I will probably jump around a bit. For now, thank you for your interest :p.