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Announcements / Re: Subscriptions
« Last post by Erik L on December 13, 2021, 12:01:05 PM »
Just want to say, for those that prefer a one and done deal, it is getting to be that time again. All support will be getting a 2022 badge, with subscribers getting the bronze/silver/gold badges as appropriate.
Announcements / Re: RSS Feed
« Last post by Erik L on November 10, 2021, 03:58:24 PM »
The RSS thing has been here for years. I added it and then didn't touch it again. I will look at it and see if there are any updates.
Announcements / Re: RSS Feed
« Last post by Migi on November 10, 2021, 07:57:20 AM »
Sorry for the slight necro, but it is on topic.  ::)

The RSS feed for the whole board works, but what I want (or at least what I think I want) are feeds for sub-boards, for example Steve's Fiction.

There is a little icon by each sub-board, which you can copy into an RSS reader, but some of them don't display anything.
For example the RSS for 'C# Fiction / Steve's Fiction'*
Code: [Select];board=279;type=rss doesn't show any posts, but the RSS for the sub board 'C# Fiction / Steve's Fiction / The Suns Never Set'
Code: [Select];board=310;type=rss does show posts.

Likewise if you grab the feed for the sub-board 'C# Aurora / General Discussion'
Code: [Select];board=277;type=rssit shows some posts but not any from the videos sub-board 'C# Aurora / General Discussion / Aurora Videos (C#)'
Code: [Select];board=311;type=rssdespite the fact that the posts in the videos board are newer (at time of writing).

So the problem seems to be that the feed only picks up posts which are directly under it, rather than in child boards.
I don't know if you would consider this to be a problem with how the forums are working, but for my personal use case do you know of any way to manually change the feeds to include sub-boards?


Announcements / Re: Subscriptions
« Last post by Froggiest1982 on October 02, 2021, 04:13:29 AM »
Hi guys,

I cannot believe it has almost passed a year! I am sooooooo looking forward to my new badge!  8) 8) 8)

But you are still on time to get yours this year as well

It is easy and extremely cheap if you consider the amount of info, time, and fun you will have on the forum. Yes, it does get sour sometimes, but that's life.  ;D

Anyway... all info is below and thanks in advance for reading.  :-*

I am putting in a subscription to help offset some of the costs for the hosting.

There are four levels:
Free - This is what everyone has now. No changes to this.
Bronze - $1/month or $10/year. Get a spiffy badge.
Silver - $2/month or $20/year. Get a different spiffy badge.
Gold - $3/month or $30/year. Get the spiffiest badge.

One-time donations get a badge with the year on it. I will probably backdate this one to include the 2020 donors.

All the badges can be seen on your profile as well as four displayed on posts.

To get a subscription, go to your profile, and under Actions you should see a Paid Subscriptions link. This will take you to a page showing the various subscriptions.
Announcements / Re: Subscriptions
« Last post by Erik L on August 04, 2021, 03:14:03 PM »
Thank you all :)
Announcements / Re: Subscriptions
« Last post by Arwyn on August 04, 2021, 01:31:31 PM »
Ditto, took care of that as well!
Announcements / Re: Subscriptions
« Last post by ExChairman on August 04, 2021, 12:44:19 PM »
I Have totaly missed this, so now I have paid my "member fee"   ;D
Announcements / Re: Email Irregularities
« Last post by Erik L on July 29, 2021, 01:03:24 AM »
Do you suspect some sort of foul play or is it safe? I don't use whatever this is but I'm curious.

No, just like every email sent to that server gets bounced back to me with various error messages. As far as I know, no emails to that get through.
Announcements / Re: Email Irregularities
« Last post by Demonius on July 28, 2021, 09:52:03 PM »
Its sadly a rather bad open relay server in Germany, one of the longest existing ones, too. I use it personally, but I did register here with gmail, so no prob from my side.
Announcements / Re: Email Irregularities
« Last post by Droll on July 28, 2021, 08:00:48 PM »
Do you suspect some sort of foul play or is it safe? I don't use whatever this is but I'm curious.
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