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The Academy / Re: New colony must haves and have nots
« Last post by undercovergeek on March 05, 2024, 08:53:41 AM »
I have instead started mass producing engineering brigades. This is an incredibly efficient way of servicing a frontier colony with building capability. They don't require any population and in terms of build points, they are only slighly less efficient than construction factories for the same amount of construction capacity. They use vendarite instead of duranium and neutronium, which can be an advantage if you have a crunch and I never seem to use all my vendarite. They also allow you to construct them in parallel to construction factories since they use different facilities and won't take up construction capacity to build your mines, for example. For most colonies I would probably ship around 200.000 tons of vehicles with construction modules as a start. I don't have the numbers on me right now, but this was often enough to get started. Then as I build construction factories, the engineering brigades could be redistributed to newer colonies.

about to embark on this process and experiment - presumably when theyre built there is an order in their menu for constructing - or when i task a colony to build something it automatically uses these guys?

did you build a troop transport for 200k tons or send them over in bits?
C# Tutorials / Re: Returning New Player - Any tips to get back up to speed?
« Last post by MistaMeowmas on March 03, 2024, 08:01:11 AM »
Thanks all for the replies! :) Sorry for the late reply here, I honestly kinda forgot about the post after I forgot to send a reply. . .  But I did pick the game back up and just start one!

I started non-conventional and I'm slowly working my way up, using the research tree as a means of making my life easier to manage by at least knowing what I've got and what I'm working towards! It's pretty darn fun, honestly! And playing when listening to sci-fi audiobooks is a treat, especially hard sci-fi.

Thanks for all the tips and advice, it'll definitely be helpful with keeping me focused on whats important in the game!
The Academy / Re: Harvesters and refuelling wisdom
« Last post by Vandermeer on March 02, 2024, 05:20:12 AM »
An addition regarding refuelling hubs: If you have sorium harvesters big enough to have refuelling hubs so you don't need an extra hub station, remember to also put a normal refuelling system on them in addition to that. If you don't, you wont be able to deposit fuel to colonies, because refuelling hubs can't do that.
The Academy / Re: Fleets at home and away
« Last post by Kiero on March 01, 2024, 01:30:03 AM »
Excellent thank you - what does a spaceport do?
Nothing except enable the transfer of fuel, goods, and missiles.

And an ability to build Space Stations.
The Academy / Re: Fleets at home and away
« Last post by Ulzgoroth on February 29, 2024, 10:29:42 AM »
Note: ships 'at home' aren't actually not using MSP. They're using a steady stream of MSP from the planet through the maintenance bases there. That prevents running up their maintenance timers or suffering breakdowns, but it's distinctly not free.
Excellent thank you - what does a spaceport do?
Nothing except enable the transfer of fuel, goods, and missiles.
The Academy / Re: Fleets at home and away
« Last post by Kiero on February 29, 2024, 09:39:51 AM »
And for Deployment timer to stop you need planet population of at least 10M or a station with recreation module.
The Academy / Re: Fleets at home and away
« Last post by undercovergeek on February 29, 2024, 08:45:31 AM »
Excellent thank you - what does a spaceport do?
The Academy / Re: Fleets at home and away
« Last post by AlStar on February 29, 2024, 08:32:02 AM »
You need maintenance facilities - either on the planet or through maintenance modules on ships. Each facility can support x tons of military shipping - it's just a matter of building enough facilities so that your supported number of tons is greater than the fleet currently stationed there.

Manned installations on the planet will also produce MSP, if you have the minerals they need (Duranium, Uridium, Gallicite).

If you've got some facilities (but not enough to fully support the fleet) then your ships deployment time will be slowed down by a %, rather than stopped.
The Academy / Fleets at home and away
« Last post by undercovergeek on February 29, 2024, 07:51:28 AM »
Due to some pesky aliens I moved my colonisers, recon ships and various other unarmed vessels to a colony in Alpha Centauri

Fleets that I have orbiting earth seem to consider it home and happily orbit without using MSP and fuel whereas the fleets orbiting Alpha Centauri seem to be considered as ‘working’ using up their MSP and deployment time - what do I need on AC for the ships to consider it a home base
The Academy / Re: Harvesters and refuelling wisdom
« Last post by Garfunkel on February 28, 2024, 05:14:09 PM »
A refuelling system only moves fuel from A to B, never from B to A.
A refuelling hub moves fuel from A to B, A to C, A to D, A to E but never the other way around.

So, a tanker cannot both give and take fuel, they can only give. But the recipient does not need anything extra. While this isn't relevant for normal tanker stuff, it becomes important for fuel logistics with harvesting stations.
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