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Aurora Suggestions / Re: Transfer Cargo/Liners/Colony ships to private companies.
« Last post by Edbanger on August 10, 2020, 08:09:00 PM »
This would be an awesome way to kick start civilian companies
Wiki Discussion / Google indexing of VB6 pages
« Last post by Magellanic on June 16, 2020, 11:53:18 AM »
Would it be worthwhile removing search engine indexing of old VB6 pages?
In the majority of the cases there is no clear indication on the page that the documentation is referring directly to VB6 and that might be confusing. 

For example on the page: hxxp: aurorawiki. pentarch. org/index. php?title=Installations - there is no indication this is related to VB6 and not C#; and since most of the people, I'd assume, are using C# having these old pages appear in search engines might not be ideal. 

If this is too much of an extreme suggestion, another solution might be to clearly show on each page for which version of the game a specific page is referring to. 

Also related: https://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Wikipedia:Controlling_search_engine_indexing
Aurora II / Re: Aurora II
« Last post by davidb86 on June 09, 2020, 07:41:25 PM »
This became Aurora C#
Aurora II / Re: Aurora II
« Last post by MaysaChan on June 09, 2020, 07:13:59 PM »
Is this still in development? or no

I feel like *some* of those features can be implement in current Aurora
Wiki Discussion / Wiki Namespaces
« Last post by Erik L on May 14, 2020, 07:31:24 PM »
These are the available namespaces for the wiki:
Ships - Ship designs and such for VB Aurora
CSharp - C# pages
CS_Ships - Ship designs and such for C# Aurora
Quasar - Quasar pages
Aurorawiki - VB Aurora pages

There are also the associated TALK namespaces.
Aurora Suggestions / Re: Choose the destinations of new jump points in SM?
« Last post by SpaceCowboy on May 03, 2020, 08:47:26 AM »
Yeah, it doesn't seem possible currently.

But, I also just realized that I posted this in the VB6 suggestions, and not the C# suggestion forum.  I'm going to repost over there, since I suspect few people look in here anymore.
Aurora Suggestions / Re: Choose the destinations of new jump points in SM?
« Last post by Black on May 03, 2020, 03:05:46 AM »
I dont think it is currently possible, I was searching for it as well. You can change the position of jump point, but there is no option to select the destination.
Aurora Suggestions / Re: Choose the destinations of new jump points in SM?
« Last post by Father Tim on May 03, 2020, 01:36:35 AM »
One thing I miss from the designer-mode in VB6 is the option to choose the destination star when exploring new jump points.  For RP reasons when I'm doing a Real Stars game, I like having Sol connect to Alpha Cen, Barnard's Star, etc. , and eventually having connections to sci-fi staples like Tau Ceti, Epsilon Eridani, Sigma Draconis.

Would it possible to move the old "Choose JP Dest. " checkbox into SM-mode on C#?

Can you not edit the system number a JP goes to in SM?  I thought I saw that option last time I was in System View.
Aurora Suggestions / Choose the destinations of new jump points in SM?
« Last post by SpaceCowboy on May 03, 2020, 12:11:39 AM »
One thing I miss from the designer-mode in VB6 is the option to choose the destination star when exploring new jump points.  For RP reasons when I'm doing a Real Stars game, I like having Sol connect to Alpha Cen, Barnard's Star, etc. , and eventually having connections to sci-fi staples like Tau Ceti, Epsilon Eridani, Sigma Draconis.

Would it possible to move the old "Choose JP Dest. " checkbox into SM-mode on C#?
Aurora Suggestions / Re: Should empires be able to merge?
« Last post by Father Tim on May 02, 2020, 11:42:37 PM »
Isn't that in C# now too? At least, for individual player-owned colonies?

I couldn't find it when I looked, but maybe I didn't look in the right place.
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