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Geoffroy's 4X project / Re: Antimatter's development (2022) - Steam page
« Last post by Xkill on December 28, 2022, 08:37:20 PM »
Wow, this is extremely interesting! Reminds me of Shores of Hazeron. This is a very good thing, as I loved the concept of that game to death. Antimatter seems to be rather far in development, which is also a good sign. I will most definitely keep a close eye on this project of yours.

Especially liked the attention towards tools that reduce micromanagement. This was the first thing that popped into my mind, before reading further. Was worried I'd have to be a *very* overzealous emperor  :)
Geoffroy's 4X project / Re: Antimatter's development (2022) - Steam page
« Last post by Jarhead0331 on December 27, 2022, 10:55:20 AM »
Thank you. i have very high hopes for Antimatter.

Good luck in 2023.
Geoffroy's 4X project / Re: Antimatter's development (2022) - Steam page
« Last post by Geoffroypi on December 27, 2022, 10:22:02 AM »
Thanks guys.

Will do, Jarhead :). Welcome on the discord as well.
Geoffroy's 4X project / Re: Antimatter's development (2022) - Steam page
« Last post by Kurt on December 27, 2022, 10:16:52 AM »
Geoffroy's 4X project / Re: Antimatter's development (2022) - Steam page
« Last post by Jarhead0331 on December 27, 2022, 09:38:30 AM »
Congrats on going public over at Steam. Hope that helps generate interest.

You may want to pop back into the forum at and post your year end devblog recap.
Geoffroy's 4X project / Re: Antimatter's development (2022) - Steam page
« Last post by Vandermeer on December 27, 2022, 09:29:41 AM »
Looks interesting, I wishlisted it. I especially like the planetary tile art.
Quasar4x / Re: Which feature(s) would you most look forward to? q4x
« Last post by the_jevry on December 02, 2022, 12:33:36 PM »
Quote from: Kyle link=topic=12015. msg142234#msg142234 date=1603598763
Cross posting this from Discord:

Now that I've more or less met my original goal of a VB6 replica, I'm in the mood to start adding stuff that isn't in VB6.   At this point I welcome input from people on what would be most likely to draw you to the game.   Currently I have a shortage of playtesters and no bugs to work on.   Here are the possible directions I'd be interested in going.   (So far, interest seems to be evenly distributed between A, B, and C. )

A.  Cherry picking features from C# Aurora that do not change any of the VB6 gameplay paradigms or balance.   My first two picks would be the prototyping system and the ability to change a scientist's specialty at a cost.

B.  Multiplayer experiments

C.  External scripted player-automation that can double as AI

D.  Tutorials and resources on the forum on how to design mods for the game

E.  Invaders and Swarm

F.  Or. .  "Keep VB6 purity.  I'll report some bugs for you to fix"

So yeah I'm open to discussion on what would be most interesting to you.   Currently I'm just playing through a campaign pretty casually and fixing whatever issues I run into if any.

Not in the set of options but:
Tooltips tooltips and more tooltips.
Heck tooltips within tooltips if its within the realm of possibilities.
I want to be able to read anything about everything from within the game.
Instead of right now when I hover over missile silo the tooltip just says "missile silo" again.

Its not just helpfull for new players (like me) but also usefull for returning players who need a refresher or even for veterans who maybe unknowingly have a gap in their knowledge of the game (like the exact rulings on some obscure mechanic)
Other Games / Middle East Adventure | Terra Invicta: Hardest Start - Episode 3
« Last post by SpaceMarine on November 23, 2022, 08:22:30 PM »
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