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Starfire / Re: Battles of the Empires Campaign
« Last post by procyon on April 23, 2011, 03:27:57 AM »
The Monster Slayers
(Part 11 in the Sunset Saga)

New Empires Campaign - month 42

Following the long range fighter and gunboat strike against the AI Battle Group the Pan Euro squadrons were reorganized.  One of the Anti-Shipping squadrons was reduced to a single craft as its remaining ships were parcelled out to bring the other groups to full strength.  The Arrows underwent a similar reorganization.
Vice Admiral Hermione Shepherd waited for the three Task Groups to assemble before pursuing the AI ships into the asteroid field.   All of the Anti-Shipping Squadrons were outfitted with sensor packages and escorted by the Arrows and Baltian assault shuttles.  Fanning out across the asteroid field the groups began to search for the AI ships.  It only took nine hours for the first group to make contact.
Sixteen hours later the assembled allied ships moved to engage the AI ships.

Baltian Forces

Escort Carrier Red Oak (Average)
                  CTfb / 19HS
[2] S1 S1 A1 H (Bsb) (Bsb) Db (icb Icb) Qb (Bsb) (Bsb) (Icb) [5] / gig x1, ast x3

Ast Sqn 3 (Average)
ast 7/3DP   ast 10/3DP   ast 12/3DP

Drakus Forces
Rear Admiral Levianna (LG/Average)

Light Cruiser Varkn (Average)
7XOb (EDMa x1/RbM x3)         CL / 45HS
[3] (S) x4 (A) x4 Zb Hs Mgs Qa (Ia) (Ia Ia) Qa (Ia) Rb Rb Rb Da Rb Rb Rb Rb Da Qa Yb (Ia Ia) [4] / gig
(Rb x7/ Da x2) RbM x94

Destroyers Devlyren (Green) ,  Dersyk (Average) , Drasala (Average) ,
   Daveska (Green) , Dravik (Green)
5XOa (RbM x5)               DD / 30HS
[3] (S) x3 (A)x3 Zb Hs Mgs Qa Rb Rb (Ia) (Ia) (Ia) Rb Rb Yb Da Qa (Ia) (Ia) [5] / gig
(Rb x4 / Da x1) RbM x64

New Euro Forces
Vice Admiral Hermione Shepherd (LG+3/Ultra)

CVL Destruction (Crack)
9 XOb (FQa x1/ReM-AFM x1)         (AM1)   CLfe / 57HS
[2] (S1) x9 (A2)x6 Zb Hs Qb Qb (ie Ie) (Ie) (Ie Ie) Ye Qv Dca (Ie) (Bfa) (Bfa) (Bfa) (Bfa) (BLa) Qb ?a (Ie Ie) [5] / gig, FQax4 +1 (La internal weapon), 20 CP FQ crew in Qv (Crack)
(Dca x1/ ?a)
FQa Sqn 6 (Crack) / 11DP   FQa Sqn 7 (Crack) / 20DP
FQa Sqn 8 (Crack) / 20DP   FQa Sqn 9 (Crack) / 17DP

DDE Thistle (Average) , Briar Rose (Average)
5XOa (EDMa x1/ReM x1)         (AM1)   DDb / 35HS
[2] (S1) x6 (A2)x12 Zb Hs Mgs Qa Re (Ib) (Ib) (Ib) Dcza Dcza Ye ?a Qb (Ib) (Ib) [5] / gig
(Re x1 / Dcza x2/ ?a) ReM/ECM1 x20 , ReM-AFM x24

Light Cruiser Lady Anne (Elite)
8XOb (EDMa x1/RcaM/ECM1 x2)      (AM1)   CLbf / 51HS
[2] (S1) x9 (A1)x9 Zb H Qa Rca (ib Ib) (Ib) (M1) (Ib Ib) Qb Mgs Ye Db Re Re Re Dca Qb ?a (Ib Ib) [5] / gig
(Rca x1/ Re x3/ Db x1/ Dca x1/ ?a) RcaM-ECM1 x13, RcaM-AFM x2, Rca-LW/ECM1 x1
ReM-ECM1 x60, ReM-AFM x12

Destroyers Queen Mary (Ultra) , Queen Mary II (Elite)
5XOa (RcaM/ECM1 x1/ReM-AFM x3)   (AM1)   DDb / 35HS
[2] (S1) x6 (A1)x6 Zb Hs Mgs Qa Rca (Ib) (Ib) (Ib) Re Re Ye Db ?a Qb (Ib) [5] / gig
(Rb x4/ Db x1/ ?a) RcaM-ECM1 x13, Rca-AFM x2, Rca-LW/ECM1 x1
ReM-ECM1 x40, Re-AFM x12

River Class Escort Carrier Tigris (Crack) , Shannon (Crack)
                  FT4b / 35HS
[2] S1 S1 A1 H (Icb) (Icb) (Icb) (Bga) (Bga) (BLa) Yb Dca Qa (Icb) [4] / gig , GBa x2(La internal weapon)
GBa Sqn 38 (Ultra) / 27DP, GBa Sqn 40 / 30DP(Elite)
GBa Sqn 41 (Elite) / 3DP, GBa Sqn 42 / 30DP(Crack)

AI Forces

DN / CVA 04 (Average)
18 XOa (RcaM x9)         (AM1)   DN / 130HS
[3] (S1) x24 (A1)x24 Za Qa Qb (Ia Ia Ia Ia) Qv Qb Qb Qb Mg Dzb Qb (Ia Ia Ia Ia) Bga Bga Bga Bga BLa H Qv (M1) Rca Rca Rca Qb Rca Rca Yca ?a (Ia Ia Ia Ia) [3] / gig, GBa x3 (ast internal weapon)  
(Rca x5/ Dzb x1/ ?a) RcaM x46

BB 01 (Average) , 04 (Average)
14 XOa (RcaM x7)            (AM1)   BB / 100HS
[3] (S1) x14 (A1)x16 Za Qb Qb (Ia Ia Ia) Dzb Qb (M1) Rb Rb Rca Dzb Rca Rb Rb Mg (Ia Ia Ia) Dzb Rb Rb Rca Dzb Rca Rb Rb Yb Qb H ?a Qb (Ia Ia Ia) [3] / gig
(Rca x4 / Rb x8 / Dzb x4/ ?a) RcaM x52, RbM x48

DDE 07 (Average)
0 XOa                   (AM1)   DDb / 35HS
[2] (S1) x5 x x x x x Za Hs Qa (Ib) (Ib) x x Db Db x Yb Db Db Db ?a Qb (Ib) (Ib) [4] / gig
(Db x5/ ?a)

DDE 05/b (Average)
0 XOa                   (AM1)   DDb / 35HS
[2] (S1) x5 x x x x Za x x x x x x x x x Rca Yb Db Db Db ?a Qb (Ib) (Ib) [2] / gig
(Rca x1 / Db x4/ ?a) RcaM x6

DDE 06/b (Average) , 11/b (Average)
5XOa (RcaM x2/RbM x1)         (AM1)   DDb / 35HS
[2] (S1) x5 (A1)x4 Za Hs Mgs Qa (Ib) (Ib) (Ib) Db Db Db Rca Yb Db Db Db ?a Qb (Ib) (Ib) [5] / gig
(Rca x1 / Db x6/ ?a) RcaM x18

Asteroid Belt.

AI DN starts atcenter of map facing radian 1.
All other AI ships start within 3tH of AI DN.
Both AI gunboat squadrons are launched and within 5tH of AI DN.
AI Bga hold 5 loads of K for external ordinance, and 4 loads of R for external ordinance.
AI datalinks are DN 04/DDE 06b, BB01/BB04.  Others at AI players option.

CVL Destruction starts at 60tH from center of map on radian 1.
All other allied ships and sqns start within 10tH of CVL.
All ships and sqns start at battle stations.

Optional start would use loadout and damage from previous engagement.

Vice Admiral Shepherd tested the AI defenses with an unsupported strike by the Arrows, 3 of the Anti-Shipping Sqns, and Baltian shuttles.  The attack destroyed one AI sqn and the crippled destroyers, but concentrated fire from the defenders tore through the allied small craft.  As the squadrons reloaded their external hardpoints, the commanders looked at the losses they had sustained in the two unsupported attacks on the AI ships.  With no illusions that continued unsupported attacks would only lose her the rest of her valuable gunboats and fighters, Hermione committed the Lady Anne Group and Drakus warships to support the follow on attack.  As the squadrons launched and settled into their attack formations the warships closed with the AI capital ships.
The next five minutes sent chunks of rock and splinters of metal and composite careening through the asteroid belt as space was lit by nulcear fires. AI ships and gunboats turned and shifted trying to keep weapon locks on the allied squadrons while trading death with the allied cruisers and destroyers.  The Lady Anne, Queen Mary, and Varkyn perished to the Dragon and Tyrant's broadsides.  The Dravik and Queen Mary 2 both were left streaming air into the void with many systems off line or destroyed.
But in the end the pounding the allied ships returned as they died gave the squadrons the chance they needed, and one after another the AI ships fell.  First were the point defense destroyers of the AI followed by the Kraken class carrier.  Then the Tyrant fell.  In the end the Dragon was torn apart by the lasers of the Arrows that incessantly harried the large ship that had cost the allies so much.
The last of the AI assault fleet had been destroyed, but it had battered the defenses of the Wolff Home System and cost the allies many precious ships and commanders.  Two of the Drakus' finest admirals had perished.  Most dearly felt for the New Euro was the loss of the Lady Anne and Queen Mary.  They were among the oldest serving ships in the fleet with records dating back to the first wars humanity had fought in space.  Only three ships in service held longer records.  Eldest was the Red October, now little more than a tourist attraction parked in orbit of the Imperial Captial.  The others were the sisters of the Lady Anne and Queen Mary, and were the Lady Di and Queen Elizabeth.  And even as the crews mourned the loss of the Lady Anne and QM, their sisters were facing the AI in a distant system known as Hera.

This battle tried my wife's nerves several times as she toyed with the idea of breaking off.  In the end she gritted her teeth and committed her dear Lady Anne and QM to the battle, only to watch them perish.  With the loss of two of her oldest ships, she pressed her attacks relentlessly.  In the end she had destroyed the AI group.  She vowed that the Lady Anne would be rebuilt, and that the AI would not escape total destruction as they had previously in the Empires Campaign.

The Lady Di and Lady Anne were the first light cruisers my wife had ever designed and built.  They had been with her since the first turns of the Empires Campaign and had fought in nearly every war the Euro had engaged in.  They had their own counters we had hand drawn out for them.  The battle board sat for days after the battle until she could get the nerve to put away the counters.
Starfire / Re: Battles of the Empires Campaign
« Last post by procyon on March 25, 2011, 12:44:53 AM »
Arrows in the Dark
(Part 10 in the Sunset Saga)

New Empires Campaign - month 42

Following her deployment from the WP to Ember, Vice Admiral Hermione Shepherd broke up her ships into two Task Groups, based more on their ability to cross the distance involved than on any war time capability.  The New Euro and Baltian Escort Carriers, with their heavy but rugged engines, were placed in TG 1, while the balance of the force was placed into TG 2.  Rear Admiral Levianna's Drakus ships were designated TG 3.  Each was given a dedicated sensor vessel to assist in the search for the surviving AI ships and assigned sectors to search.  Vice Admiral Shepherd retained the New Euro WP Explorer Rembrandt with it advanced sensor array and sensor drones.
The AI ships had approached the location of the WP to the Wolff home system from farther out system.  Vice Admiral Shepherd suspected that the AI WP would lie somewhere on the course plotted by Vice Admiral Embressa prior to her death, but had a hunch that they would not return by that route.  She had studied the history of the conflicts not only within Sunset, but of the battles fought a century before.  Armed with this knowledge, she defied her lower commanders, changed the course of Levianna's ships, and began her search in nearly the opposite direction from the WP that the AI ships were expected to be found on.
Three days after leaving the WP to Ember, the Rembrandt detected an unknown contact. As Shepherd had suspected, the AI had not fled for the safety of an unknown WP, but had run for the nearest area they would be able to hide from the allied sensors - the small asteroid field where so many battles had already been fought.  The AI were still nearly 24 light minutes out from reaching the AB,  while TG 2 was twice that distance and TG 3 twelve light minutes even farther out.  But suspecting such a move, Shepherd had placed TG 1 on a course to skirt the edge of the AB and try to block any AI escape into the debris fields.  But with only four squadrons of gunboats and two Baltian assault shuttle squadrons plus a pair of Cryocian destroyers there was little TG 1 could hope to do to stop the heavy AI ships.
Vice Admiral Shepherd ordered the slower Rembrandt to follow at its best speed and set the Destruction and Lady Anne to pursue the AI group.  With all of the ships in the group designed to run down commerce raiders, they enjoyed a large advantage in speed over the AI, but would still need over 19 hours to reach the AB, 3 hours behind the AI group.  With the CVL Destruction's interceptors designed only for high speed and short range interdiction, there was only one way she would be able to assist TG 1.
Against her CAG's protest, Shepherd ordered the Destruction's squadrons stripped of external weapons and fitted for external fuel and oxygen tanks.  Launched at maximum range, they would be able to intercept the AI ships less than a light minute before they reached the relative safety of the debris fields.  They would join the squadrons of TG 1, the Cryocian destroyers, and do what they could to cripple the AI group.
With the AI ships less than 20 light seconds from the AB, the interceptors jettisoned their external pods.  Joining formation with the gunboats and shuttles of TG 1, they prepared to face the squadrons of AI gunboats and heavy defenses of the AI warships.
This launch from the Destruction would be the first combat the New Euro Arrow Class interceptors would see.

Baltian Forces

Ast Sqn 2 (Average)
ast 5/3DP   ast 6/3DP   ast 7/3DP   ast 8/3DP

Ast Sqn 3 (Average)
ast 9/3DP   ast 10/3DP   ast 11/3DP   ast 12/3DP

Cryocian Forces

Destroyers Blazing Arrow (Crack) , Long Lance (Crack)
4XOa (PtcaMx1)               DDb / 35HS
[4] (S1) x2 (A1)x5 Za Qa Ht (Jb) (Jb) (Jb) (Jb) Mgs Qb (Jb) Ptca Dzb Yb (Jb) Ptca [6] / gig
(Ptca x2 / Dzb x1) PtcaM x26

New Euro Forces

GBa Sqn 38 (Ultra) / 30DP   GBa Sqn 40 (Crack) / 30DP

GBa Sqn 41 (Elite) / 30DP   GBa Sqn 42 (Elite) / 30DP

FQa Sqn 6 (Crack) / 20DP   FQa Sqn 7 (Crack) / 20DP

FQa Sqn 8 (Crack) / 20DP   FQa Sqn 9 (Crack) / 20DP

FQa Sqn 7 (Crack) / 20DP

AI Forces

DN / CVA 04 (Average)
18 XOa (RcaM x5, GBa x1)         (AM1)   DN / 130HS
[3] (S1) x24 (A1)x24 Za Qa Qb (Ia Ia Ia Ia) Qv Qb Qb Qb Mg Dzb Qb (Ia Ia Ia Ia) Bga Bga Bga Bga BLa H Qv (M1) Rca Rca Rca Qb Rca Rca Yca ?a (Ia Ia Ia Ia) [3] / gig, GBa x4 +1 (ast internal weapon), 40 CP GB crew in Qv (Average)
(Rca x5/ Dzb x1/ ?a) RcaM x80

BB 01 (Average) , 04 (Average)
14 XOa (RcaM x7)            (AM1)   BB / 100HS
[3] (S1) x14 (A1)x16 Za Qb Qb (Ia Ia Ia) Dzb Qb (M1) Rb Rb Rca Dzb Rca Rb Rb Mg (Ia Ia Ia) Dzb Rb Rb Rca Dzb Rca Rb Rb Yb Qb H ?a Qb (Ia Ia Ia) [3] / gig
(Rca x4 / Rb x8 / Dzb x4/ ?a) RcaM x70, RbM x80

DD 14 (Average)
0 XOa                   (AM1)   DDb / 35HS
[2] (S1) x8 x x x x x x x x Za Ht Qa (Ib) (Ib) Rca (Ib) Db Rb (Ib) Yb Rb ?a Qb (Ib) [5] / gig
(Rca x1 / Rb x2 / Db x1/ ?a) RcaM x10, RbM x12

DDE 07 (Average)
0 XOa                   (AM1)   DDb / 35HS
[2] (S1) x5 x x x x x Za Hs Qa (Ib) (Ib) x x Db Db x Yb Db Db Db ?a Qb (Ib) (Ib) [5] / gig
(Db x5/ ?a)

DDE 05/b (Average)
0 XOa                   (AM1)   DDb / 35HS
[2] (S1) x5 x x x x Za x x Qa x (Ib) (Ib) x x Db Rca Yb Db Db Db ?a Qb (Ib) (Ib) [5] / gig
(Rca x1 / Db x4/ ?a) RcaM x10

DDE 06/b (Average) , 11/b (Average)
5XOa (RcaM x2/RbM x1)         (AM1)   DDb / 35HS
[2] (S1) x5 (A1)x4 Za Hs Mgs Qa (Ib) (Ib) (Ib) Db Db Db Rca Yb Db Db Db ?a Qb (Ib) (Ib) [5] / gig
(Rca x1 / Db x6/ ?a) RcaM x20

Deep space map, with all hexes on the row beyond 30tH on radian 1 considered AB.

AI DN starts at 30tH from center of map on radian 7, facing radian 1.
All other AI ships start within 3tH of AI DN.
Two AI gunboat squadrons are launched and within 5tH of AI DN. One will be from XO racks.
AI Bga hold 5 loads of K for external ordinance, and 5 loads of R for external ordinance.
AI datalinks are DN 04/DDE 06b, BB01/BB04.  Others at AI players option.

Cryocian destroyers start at 30tH from center on radian 11 with any facing.
FQa Sqn6 starts at 30tH from center on radian 9 with any facing.
All other allied sqns start within 5tH of FQa Sqn6.  None may start within 30 tH of AI DN.
GBa carry R for external ordinance.
FQa have no external ordinance.

All ships and sqn start at battle stations.

As the allied forces closed on the AI ships, the AI gunboats launched and formed up around the AI ships.  The allied squadrons closed on their targets with the interceptors in the lead.  The AI ships and sqns concentrated on the allied gunboats in an attempt to blunt the inevitable attacks on the ships, while the allied fighters tore into the AI sqns.  The Cryocian destroyers closed into range as the gunboats prepared to salvo, but were plagued with poor targeting and failed to lock on many of their torpedoes.  After only moments one of the AI destroyers had been torn apart and another crippled, two of the AI sqns were destroyed while the last three found refuge in the carrier's bays while they rearmed.
The allies also suffered losses though as all of the gunboat squadrons were damaged, while one interceptor group was destroyed and another returned short several of its fighters.  The Baltian shuttle crews shot down several of the AI gunboats, but lost 5 of their 8 craft in the process.  The Cryocian Blazing Arrow was lost to the return fire from the Dragon and the Tyrant as the destroyers tried to disengage.
The AI managed to slip into the asteroid belt, but Vice Admiral Hermione Shepherd was not finished.  As the squadrons were landed and reorganized, many were refitted with recon sensor packages and prepared for another launch.  She had no intention of allowing the AI ships to escape that easily.  

The allied player isn't going to win this one without taking serious losses.  You could probably press in and tear up the entire group, but the allied squadrons would get decimated.  My wife decided Shepherd would not know that the Honaw had been defeated and the supply lines opened yet, so her ability to replace/repair squadrons was VERY limited.  My wife's goal was to cripple/destroy as many AI GB's as possible, and try to tear up the destroyer escorts - without losing to much.  She considered the big ships to tough to crack without more support.  Sqns would need to be preserved to continue the defense of Ember until the AI's entry WP could be found.

This battle also found her plagued by very poor rolls.  She only managed to land two Ptca hit in three launches, with both of those getting past the point defense.  Her sqn attacks seldom rolled higher than a 3 or 4, and it took all of the GB external ordinance to destroy just a single AI DD.  Her fighters did manage to slip into the blindspots of the big ships due to a big oversight of mine, but her poor rolls forced her to commit all of her shots on the AI smcft to get just a pair of the AI GBa destroyed.  In the end she had to be satisfied with a lack luster performance and what she felt were excessive losses to just take out one DD, damage a crippled DD a little more, and cost the AI as many sqns as she had lost.
She really wanted to finish of the AI heavies, but wasn't sure if the Lady Anne Group (CL&DDx2) with a Drakus CL plus five DD's would be able to face them down.  Her squadrons were finding it difficult to push past the AI DDEs/GBs and she wasn't sure they would be much help when she brought the AI group to bay.  She knew in the AB that it would have to happen at close quarters and the AI BB's broadsides would be devastating.
But occasionally after an hour or two of fretting over the possible losses, she steels herself to it and digs in her heels.  
This was definitely one of those times.

Starfire / Re: Battles of the Empires Campaign
« Last post by procyon on March 22, 2011, 01:25:08 AM »
'Give me where to stand'
(Part 9 in the Sunset Saga)

New Empires Campaign - month 41

Vice Admiral Embressa's warning had reached the WP to the Wolff Confederation home system barely 100 hours before the AI force would arrive.  The survivors of Embressa's command arrived at the WP only hours before the AI fleet, and waited in Sunset as their enemy approached.  After the Sensor Vessel Dra confirmed that the AI ships were nearing the WP, they transited into the Wolff home system to assist in the defense.  A few hours later a single AI freighter transited the WP and was destroyed by the defenders, but it had served its purpose before it had even arrived in the home system.  The AI had monitored its transit and calculated the WP's capacity.  With the WP's size now known, the AI waited only a short time before the assault began.
Baltian Vice Admiral Penn had prepared his defenses as thoroughly as possible.  He knew this would decide the fate of his homeworld, and that no support from the New Euro would be available for this.  For better or worse, the defense would depend on the races of the Wolff Confederation alone.  They did not possess the advanced weapons of the Euro, but they did have the knowledge that they were all that stood between their homes and families and the destruction that would come if they failed.  They also had one advantage.  The AI would attack unaware that the far side of the WP was located in a nebula.
With the Drakus 5th Cruiser and 1st Destroyer Squadrons supported by a group of Cryocian Storm Corvettes in reserve should any AI ships break through, the assembled forces of the three races stood as one, and waited.

Baltian Forces
Vice Admiral Penn (LG+2/Elite)

Heavy Cruisers Peter the Great (Crack) , Alexander the Great (Average)
11XOb (ADMa x1/ RbM x7)            CAb / 67HS
[3] (S1) x6 (A1)x12 Zb Qa Qb Qb Dcza (Ib Ib) (Ib Ib) (Ib Ib) Qb (M2) H Mg Rb Rb Rb Dzb Rb Rb Rb Dzb Rb Rb Rb Yb ?a (Ib Ib) [4] / gig
(Rb x9/ Dcza x1/ Dzb x2/ ?a) RbM x150

Destroyers Queen Elizabeth (Average) , Queen Mary (Average) ,
   Queen Victoria (Average) , Queen Camilla (Average)
5XOa (ADMa x1/ RbM x1)            DDb / 35HS
[3] (S1) x3 (A1)x8 Zb Ht Mgt Qa Dcza Rb Rb (Ib) (Ib) (Ib) Rb Rb Ya Dzb Qb ?a (Ib) [4] / gig
(Rb x4/ Dcza x1/ Dzb x1/ ?a)  RbM x54

WP Explorer Picasso (Average)
                     FG / 22HS
[2] S1 A1 A1(MNE) (MNE) H Xb Qb (Ia) Yca (Ia) (Ia) [4] / gig

Mobile Repair Ship 1 (Average)
                     FT4b / 32HS
[2] (MS7) H H Qa (Ica) (Ica) [2] / gig

Missile Collier 02 (Average)
                     FT0 / 7HS
[2] Mgs (Mg) x3 Hs Qa (Ica) [4] / RbM x204

Tug 01 (Average)                 FT1 / 12HS
[2] H Ta (Ica Ica) Qa (Ica) [3]

System Defense Fort A1 (Average) , A2 (Average) , A3 (Average)
10XOb (RbM x10)               AF/60HS
  • (A1)x18 Zb H Qb Qb Rb Rb Rb Rb Db Rb Rb Rb Rb (CICb) Rb Rb Rb Rb Qb Yb
  • / gig

(Rb x12/ Db x1)  RbM x120

Buoy2 - 6XOb/GbM x3  (x120)
Buoy2 - Apew/E x2 (x24)

Drakus Forces
Vice Admiral Callasenne (LG+1/Crack)

Drakus 1st Cruiser Squadron
Heavy Cruiser Jasinik (Average)
10XOb (ADMa x1/ RbM x6)            CA / 60HS
[3] (S) x5 (A) x4 Zb H Qb H (Ia Ia) (Ia Ia) (Ia Ia) Qb (M2) Mg Rb Rb Rb Da Rb Rb Rb Da Rb Rb Rb Yb Da Qb (Ia Ia) [4] / gig
(Rb x9/ Da x3) RbM x150

Destroyers Dysyn (Average) , Dahlirn (Average)
5XOa (ADMa x1/ RbM x1)            DD / 30HS
[3] (S) x3 (A)x3 Zb Hs Mgs Qa Rb Rb (Ia) (Ia) (Ia) Rb Rb Yb Da Qa (Ia) (Ia) [5] / gig
(Rb x4 / Da x1) RbM x64

Drakus Support Ships
Missile Collier 1 (Average) , 3 (Average)          FT0 / 7HS
[2] Mgs (Mg) x3 Hs Qa (Ica) [4] / RbM x204

Tug A1 (Average) , A2 (Average)             FT1 / 12HS
[2] H (ica Ica) Ta Qa (ica Ica) [4]

Sensor Vessel Dru (Average)            CT / 16HS
[2] H (Ica) Qa Yca (Ica) [4] / gig

Cryocian Forces

Armed FT's 01 (Crack) , 02 (Crack) , 03 (Crack) , 04 (Crack) ,
   05 (Crack) , 06 (Crack) , 07 (Crack) , 08 (Crack)
                     FT2 / 16HS
[2] A Qv H H Qv H H Hs Pgb H Qa (Ica) (Ica) [4] / gig x1
(Pgb x1)

WP Defense Bases 01 (Crack) , 02 (Crack) , 03 (Crack) , 04 (Crack) ,
   05 (Crack) , 06 (Crack) , 07 (Crack) , 08 (Crack)
                     BS0 / 15HS
  • (A1)x6 Hs Pgb Qa Tb Eb

(Pgb x1/ Eb x1)

AI Forces

DN / CVA 03 (Average) , 04 (Average) , 06 (Average)
18 XOa (RcaM x5, GBa x1)         (AM1)   DN / 130HS
[3] (S1) x24 (A1)x24 Za Qa Qb (Ia Ia Ia Ia) Qv Qb Qb Qb Mg Dzb Qb (Ia Ia Ia Ia) Bga Bga Bga Bga BLa H Qv (M1) Rca Rca Rca Qb Rca Rca Yca ?a (Ia Ia Ia Ia) [3] / gig, GBa x4 +1 (ast internal weapon), 40 CP GB crew in Qv (Average)
(Rca x5/ Dzb x1/ ?a) RcaM x80

BB 01 (Average) , 04 (Average)
14 XOa (RcaM x7)            (AM1)   BB / 100HS
[3] (S1) x14 (A1)x16 Za Qb Qb (Ia Ia Ia) Dzb Qb (M1) Rb Rb Rca Dzb Rca Rb Rb Mg (Ia Ia Ia) Dzb Rb Rb Rca Dzb Rca Rb Rb Yb Qb H ?a Qb (Ia Ia Ia) [3] / gig
(Rca x4 / Rb x8 / Dzb x4/ ?a) RcaM x70, RbM x80

DD 13 (Average) , 14 (Average) , 15 (Average), 16 (Average) ,
5XOa (RcaM x1/ RbM x3)         (AM1)   DDb / 35HS
[2] (S1) x8 (A1)x8 Za Ht Qa (Ib) (Ib) Rca (Ib) Db Rb (Ib) Yb Rb ?a Qb (Ib) [5] / gig
(Rca x1 / Rb x2 / Db x1/ ?a) RcaM x10, RbM x20

DD 32/b (Average) , 33/b (Average)  
4XOa (RcaM x2)               (AM1)   DDb / 35HS
[2] (S1) x7 (A1)x7 Za Ht Qa Mgt (Ib) (Ib) (Ib) Rca Dzb Rca Yb ?a Qb (Ib) (Ib) [5] / gig
(Rca x2/ Dzb x1/ ?a) RcaM x27

DDE 07 (Average) , 08 (Average)
5XOa (RcaM x2/RbM x1)         (AM1)   DDb / 35HS
[2] (S1) x5 (A1)x5 Za Hs Qa (Ib) (Ib) (Ib) Db Db Db Rca Yb Db Db Db ?a Qb (Ib) (Ib) [5] / gig
(Rca x1 / Db x6/ ?a) RcaM x10

DDE 02/b (Average) , 05/b (Average) , 06/b (Average) , 11/b (Average)
5XOa (RcaM x2/RbM x1)         (AM1)   DDb / 35HS
[2] (S1) x5 (A1)x4 Za Hs Mgs Qa (Ib) (Ib) (Ib) Db Db Db Rca Yb Db Db Db ?a Qb (Ib) (Ib) [5] / gig
(Rca x1 / Db x6/ ?a) RcaM x22

WP at center of map.  WP size is C.
Wolff system is a reflective nebula.
Buoy2(GbM) x10 and Bouy2(E) x2 on each radian at 2tH from WP.
Buoy programming at allied players option at beginning of battle.
Baltian CICb's may activate/reprogram/control buoys after the BS it is in reached battle stations.
Cryocian ships/bases on any radian and grouping at 10tH from WP.
Each Cryocian WP Def BS will have tractored its corresponding Armed FT prior to the WP assault.
Baltian AF are at 18tH from WP on radian 1.  AF's may not occupy the same tH.
Drakus and Baltian tugs are in the same hex as an AF - one tug per AF.  They have not tractored the AF's.
The two Baltian CA/DDx2 groups and one Drakus CA/DDx2 groups rotate GQ, determined randomly.
The GQ CA/DDx2 group will be at 17tH from the WP on radian 7.  
The other CA/DD's will be at 30tH from the WP on any radian.
All unarmed allied ships will be no closer than 35tH to the WP.
As this is home system defense - any allied ship may attempt to ram.

AI Bga have 5 loads of K and 5 loads of R for external ordinance.
AI know the WP size, but not surge.  Random facing on exiting WP.
AI transit order, links, etc. to be determined by AI player.
AI ships may ram, but not ST.

Notes.  This is a nearly impossible nut to crack if the defender has much ability.  Loading more GBa into the XO's would have helped the AI and could be an option, but is unlikely to change the outcome.  Any ships that slip past the defenders would face a Drakus Group identical to the one in Swan at Sunset, plus 5 Cryocian Storm Class CT's (as in Death in the Silent Places but all crew grade of Green x2 and Crack x3).  They are shields/DF down and on a random radian at 90tH.

Six AI destroyers led the assault and were met with only fire from the Baltian Cruiser Peter the Great and sporadic mine detonations.  Even with this light weight of fire, deprived of their shields four of the six destroyers were left venting air and more importantly, none of the destroyers' datalinks were left intact.  Thirty seconds later as the first AI carrier and two escort destroyers transited, the first wave's sensors came on line and assessed the true depth of the defenses.  Courier drones flashed back through the WP even as the first Kraken Class carrier was destroyed moments after clearing its XO's.  With all of the bases and Peter the Great link now at battle stations, fire poured onto the WP as the bases took direct control of the mines to concentrate fire.  The AI courier drones were to late to prevent the transit of the second Kraken Class ship and it also disappeared moments after appearing at the WP.  No more ships would transit after this and several of the destroyers would successfully transit back into Sunset.  Of the ten destroyers that made transit, only three escaped - all of which were damaged to a greater or lesser degree.  The other seven perished.  Two attempted to ram the Baltian forts but were stopped short.  They did occupy the defenders long enough to allow the two AI GB sqns that had launched from XO's to reach the forts and crash into them.  One sqn had suffered enough fire that the remaining gunboats kamikaze runs barely breached the heavy fort's protective outer skin.  The other fort was less fortunate and left with barely a third of its launchers still online - but it survived.  The rudimentary sensors of Baltian and Drakus courier drones sent through the WP showed the remaining AI ships to be withdrawing.
Vice Admiral Penn weighed his options.  With only a single AI Kraken Class carrier, two Dragon Class battleships and five destroyers -most damaged- if the defenders were to summon their reserves and give chase there was a good chance they might overwhelm and defeat the remaining AI ships.  But the damage had been extensive.  In less than five minutes half of the Cryocian Armed FT's and bases had been destroyed, two of the three forts were damaged -one heavily- leaving them unable to link into an effective fire group, and possibly most serious was that over two thirds of the mines had been used stopping the attack. And with no Euro small craft to counter the AI gunboats losses would be heavy.  With billions of civilian lives at stake - there could be no pursuit from the home system.
But one hour later Rear Admiral Levianna transited the WP with the Drakus reserves and sent a message speeding toward the WP to Ember and the defenders waiting there.  She intended to avenge Embressa and all of the allied crew members who had died that day.
Three hours later New Euro Vice Admiral Hermione Shepherd sortied from the WP to Ember with the CVL Destruction and her escorts, CVE's Nile and Shannon, the Baltian CVE's Red Oak and White Oak, the Lady Anne, and two sensor vessels to hunt down the last of the AI ships.  Four days later, and only 3 light minutes from where Cryocian Rear Admiral Xenexis first fought the AI in Sunset, elements of the two groups would meet.
Starfire / Re: Empires Campaign Scenario Comments
« Last post by procyon on March 12, 2011, 04:33:32 AM »
Ok, after finding a way onto the Starfire site I have been involved in a couple of topics over there.
To that end I have a challenge for anyone willing to accept it...

We used the rule that D can either be used in offensive or defensive mode, but not both in the same turn.
But with smcft firing last, that means they know who is the easy target for their external ordinance.
Thus no one tends to use their D offensively and the smcft are nearly unkillable.

An option that has been thrown around (and we are trying out also) is allowing D to fire offensively and defensively,
but that it will take the -1 mod to intercept numbers just like firing at an additional salvo.

I would like to see if anyone would be willing to replay our battles with the new rule and see if the outcomes change.
Let me know if you do and how it turns out.
Thanks in advance for anyone who does.
Starfire / Re: Battles of the Empires Campaign
« Last post by procyon on March 12, 2011, 04:04:35 AM »
A Swan at Sunset
(Part 8 of the Sunset Saga)

New Empires Campaign - month 41

As the defenses of the WPs out of Sunset became stronger, the need to find the entry WP of the AI into the system became vital.  No patrol had ever found any ship or sign of the AI anywhere near an unsurveyed WP.  It was decided that the WP the AI were using had to be far from the inner system in the vast empty stretches of space surrounding the red dwarf.
In an attempt to be certain that previous surveys had simply failed to identify the WP, another hasty resurvey of the system was begun.  With the combined survey fleets of the Baltians, Drakus, and Cryocians it would be completed in only a few months.  While this was going on, Vice Admiral Embressa (long known as the Grey Swan of Drakus) took the Drakus 4th Cruiser Squadron, 1st Destroyer Squadron, the Sensor Vessel Dra and two support ships to look for any AI activity or to intervene in attacks on the scattered survey vessels.  It would be nearly impossible to save the small unarmed ships if they were attacked, but the chance to find, track, and attack AI groups could be invaluable.
The first attack on the survey ships occurred late in the month, with a single Baltian ship being destroyed by a pair of AI destroyers. It had occurred in deep space near nothing of particular interest.   It was nearly 60 light minutes from Embressa's position, but she began to move to the vicinity of the attack.  Hopeful that a survey vessel had strayed near the AI's entry WP, she reported her intention to investigate.
It was 30 hours later that a second survey vessel was destroyed.  It had occurred only 7 light minutes from the first attack, but this attack was only discovered by the arrival of the Omega drone at the WP to the Wolff Home system.  News of the attack reached Vice Admiral Embressa nearly 24 hours after it had occurred.  She checked the positions and was suddenly bothered by the plotting of the attacks.  On a hunch, she set off at the best speed she could manage on a course designed to intercept any group maintaining the course plotted by the destroyed survey ships.
As she reached the location she had plotted, she turned her ships into the course of the AI ships that might appear if they had held their previous course.  Shifting her ships to a low emission profile, she hoped her small sensor vessel would be able to detect any AI ships before they realized the Drakus ships were hunting them.
Two hours later the AI Group came into focus at a range of only 15 light seconds.  Vice Admiral Embressa ordered the launch of all drones from each ship in the 4th Cruiser group, targeted to the WPs to Ember and the Wolff home system.  Most as code omega.  She ordered the 1st Destroyer Squadron and the support ships to break off and attempt to flee.  As she watched the AI gunboat squadrons pour out, she knew there would be no daring last minute rescue this time.

Drakus Forces
Rear Admiral Embressa (LG+1/Crack)

Drakus 4th Light Cruiser Squadron
Light Cruiser Vakyr (Average)
7XOb (RbM x7)               CL / 45HS
[3] (S) x4 (A) x4 Zb Hs Mgs Qa (Ia) (Ia Ia) Qa (Ia) Rb Rb Rb Da Rb Rb Rb Rb Da Qa Yb (Ia Ia) [4] / gig
(Rb x7/ Da x2) RbM x94

Destroyers Drannaeus (Crack) , Drassan (Elite)
5XOa (RbM x5)               DD / 30HS
[3] (S) x3 (A)x3 Zb Hs Mgs Qa Rb Rb (Ia) (Ia) (Ia) Rb Rb Yb Da Qa (Ia) (Ia) [5] / gig
(Rb x4 / Da x1) RbM x64

Drakus 1st Destroyer Squadron
Destroyers Drasala (Avereage) , Daveska (Green) , Dravik (Green)
5XOa (RbM x5)               DD / 30HS
[3] (S) x3 (A)x3 Zb Hs Mgs Qa Rb Rb (Ia) (Ia) (Ia) Rb Rb Yb Da Qa (Ia) (Ia) [5] / gig
(Rb x4/ Da x1) RbM x64

Drakus Support Ships
Missile Collier 2 (Average)          FT0 / 7HS
[2] Mgs (Mg) x3 Hs Qa (Ica) [4] / RbM x204

Tug A1 (Average)             FT1 / 12HS
[2] H (ica Ica) Ta Qa (ica Ica) [4]

Sensor Vessel Dra (Average)         CT / 16HS
[2] H (Ica) Qa Yca (Ica) [4] / gig

AI Forces

AI GB Sqn 12 / 30 DP   AI GB Sqn 16 / 30 DP
AI GB Sqn 38 / 30 DP   AI GB Sqn 17 / 30 DP
AI GB Sqn 39 / 30 DP   AI GB Sqn 18 / 30 DP
AI GB Sqn 41 / 30 DP   AI GB Sqn 19 / 30 DP
AI GB Sqn 42 / 30 DP   AI GB Sqn 20 / 30 DP

Standard deep space battle.
All ships start at battle stations.
Vakyr starts at center of map facing radian 1.
The rest of 4th Cruiser starts within 3 tH with same facing.
The 1st Destroyer and support ships start 20tH behind the 4th Cruiser in LOD on the same facing.
The 1st Destroyer MAY NOT initiate combat. It must attempt to evade in LOD (orders are orders...)

AI GBa 16-20 start at 20tH from Vakyr on radian 1.
GBa 12,38,39 start at 25tH from the Vakyr on radian 1.
Remaining AI GBa start at 30tH from Vakyr on radian 1.
AI GBa Sqn 16-20 have R external ordinance.  All other GBa have K external ordinance.
AI GBa have ast guns for internal ordinance.
Any Drakus ship that is detected must be followed by at least one AI GBa within sensor range to track target.

Hidden movement for the 1st Destroyer and support ships should be utilized.
Any Drakus ship that escapes the map but is in sensor range of an AI GBa is considered destroyed.
If any ship of 4th Cruiser is able to move 35 hexes along radian 1 it is considered an AI loss.
(Read below, you'll see why)

Comments.  My wife decided that she really should have had the 1st Destroyer in the lead.
This is pretty much about trying to get the 1st Destroyer away from the GB. 
Winning is about getting any ships out alive at all.

Vice Admiral Embressa fought ferociously against the onslaught of AI gunboats, trying to draw them all onto the 4th Cruiser Squadron and spare the rest of her ships.  Salvo after salvo ripped into her ships as they fought the tiny craft.  The first wave of gunboats destroyed the Drannaeus and left the Drassan damaged.  The second wave finished off the destroyer and left the Vakyr struggling to make way.  As the gunboats began to break off and spread out Embressa ordered the Vakyr to detune her drive and move directly toward the AI formation.  The gunboats quickly pressed in on the wounded ship and finished her off with their small onboard weapons.
Almost no one bailed for life pods as the approaching AI ships would leave no survivors.  The 1st Destroyer slipped away safely, watching the destruction of one of the most respected commanders in Drakus history.
Vice Admiral Embressa died giving a warning that would give the allies a slim hope in the battle to come.  She had found the main AI fleet operating in Sunset.  Her last sensor records showed three Kraken Class Carriers, two Dragon Class Battleships, a dozen destroyers and over a dozen gunboat squadrons.
And they were on a direct course for the WP to the Wolff home worlds.

Starfire / Re: Battles of the Empires Campaign
« Last post by procyon on March 04, 2011, 05:54:24 AM »
From the Wolff to the hounds
(Part 5 of The Tale of the Wolff)

New Empires Campaign - month 41

Part A.
   The defenders in Four Winds settled in to guarding the WP in the nebula, and were glad to hear that reinforcements were enroute.  The first to arrive were a pair of Gherilonn destroyers that had been transferred to Admiral Chuites command.  Both of the New Euro's Mobile Shipyards had also arrived with replacement crews for the 14th Anti-Shipping Sqn.  As they were capable of crossing the maser nebula Inferno, one Mobile Shipyard slipped into Four Winds bound for the Wolff system of Ember to support the New Euro ships in that system.  It was a gamble sending it, along with the three Wolff Confederation Transit Carriers, through Four Winds unescorted but there was no choice. The second stayed at the WP in Poseidon. Also transferring in from the Tauran front were three more ships that would form the backbone of the defense in Poseidon.  The first was the Light Carrier Duchess of Kent.  An older ship, she had been pulled from the Lady Anne Group and this deployment would get her closer to returning to her primary assignment.  With her was a pair of heavy cruisers from the Commonwealth Battle Group, the Phobos and Deimos.  Although not the cutting edge anymore, they represented a great deal of the New Euro's combat power.  The crews of all these ships had seen extensive action in the Tauran war and were hardened veterans.  Last were three small bases that were being assembled at the shipyards in Poseidon and which would assist in the WP defense.
   With the bases still under construction, and the cruisers still weeks out, the New Euro WP Explorer Raphael identified a contact moving through Four Winds at a distance of nearly 18 light minutes.  With drive fields clearly visible and moving quickly toward the WP, Rear Admiral Alice Krimmel sent several courier drones off to warn of the new threat, and to request that the inbound cruisers make best speed to the WP.  With the contact only twelve hours out though, this battle would be fought with the ships she had under her command.
   As the ships closed to 17 light seconds, they became visible and Admiral Krimmel was faced with a terrible truth.  With the Honaw group including a battle cruiser, a heavy cruiser, three destroyers, and a half dozen lighter ships it was obvious she was out classed.  As three gunboat squadrons slowly closed with the WP and began the task of destroying the mines that had been sowed around it, she gave orders for the last of the armed drones to be launched at the gunboats and Honaw ships while the group transited back to Poseidon.
   Positioning herself at 15 light seconds from the WP she awaited the Honaw ships’ assault.  Whether a Honaw ship had been damaged or had suffered some other mishap would never be known, but for whatever reason the Honaw waited five days to transit the WP.  During this time the slower elements of Rear Admiral Krimmel's command moved even farther away from the WP and dropped their drive fields in the hope that they would be overlooked and available to close the WP if the Honaw left nothing behind to secure it.
   One hundred and twenty seven hours after she had transited back into Poseidon, the Honaw attacked.  With little hope of victory, her group turned to run toward the only populated planet and its defenses.  The long pursuit by the Honaw and the repeated sorties of their gunboats would begin.

Baltian Forces
Rear Admiral Davidson (LG+1/Crack - Decisive)

Light Cruiser Princess Igraine (Average)
8XOb (EDMa x1/ RbM/ECM1 x4)         CLb / 51HS
[3] (S1) x6 (A1)x9 Zb H Qa Mg (MNE) (MNE) (Ib) (Ib Ib) Qb (Ib) Rb Rb Rb Dzb Rb Rb Rb Rb Qb Yb ?a (Ib Ib) [4] / gig
(Rb x7/ Dzb x1/ ?a) RbM x70, RbM/ECM1 x21 , RbM-AFM x14

Heavy Escorts Angelina (Average)
0 XOb                   CTb / 19HS
[2] S1 S1 S1 x x x Zb Hs Mgs Rb x Ya Dzb Rb (Ib) Qb (Ib) [6] / gig x1
(Rb x2 / Dzb x1) RbM x28 , RbM/ECM1 x6 , RbM-AFM x4

New Euro Detachment
Rear Admiral Alice Krimmel (LG+1/ Crack)

River Class Escort Carrier Nile (Elite)
                  FT4b / 35HS
[2] S1 S1 A1 H (Icb) (Icb) (Icb) (Bga) (Bga) (BLa) Yb Dca Qa (Icb) [4] / gig , GBa x1(La internal weapon)
GBa Sqn 14 (Vet) / 30DP    

Light Cruiser Princess Sophia (Elite)
8XO (EDMa x1/ReM/ECM1 x4)   (AM1)      CLb / 51HS
[2] (S1) x6 (A2) x12 Zb Hs Qa Mgs (Ib) (Ib Ib) Qb (Ib) Re Re Re Dcza Re Re Re Qb Ye ?a (Ib Ib) [4] / gig
(Re x6/ Dcza x1/ ?a) ReM/ECM1 x96, ReM-LW/ECM1 x12, Re-AFM x 12

Destroyer Queen Rachel (Elite) , Queen Rachel II (Elite)
5XO (ReM/ECM1 x5)      (AM1)      DDb/35HS
[2] (S1) x6 (A2) x12 Zb Hs Mgs Qa Re (Ib) (Ib) (Ib) Re Re Ye Dzb ?a Qb (Ib) [4] / gig
(Re x3/ Dzb x1/ ?a) ReM/ECM1 x48, ReM-LW/ECM1 x6, Re-AFM x18

Honaw Forces
!st Battle Fleet
Admiral Glyn'K' (Elite/LG+2)

Kir'lit  (Green)
13XO (EDMa x1/XOB-Le x1/ReM x6)   (AM1)         BC / 80HS
[3] (S1) x9 (A1) x9 Zb Re Re Qb (Ia Ia) Qb Re Re H (Ia Ia Ia) Qb (M2) Lca Dzb Lpa (Ia Ia) Yb Tb Qb Lpa Lca ?a Db (CICb) (Ia Ia Ia) [4] / gig
(Re x4/ Lca x2/ Lpa x2/ Dzb x1/ Db x1/ Tb x1/ ?a)  ReM x200

N'hi ro1 (Average) , ro2 (Average)
5XO (XOB-Le x1/ReM x2)         DDb / 35HS
[3] (S1) x2 (A1) x1 Zb (Ib) Le Qa Re (Ib) Mg Re Re Yb H Lpa Dzb ?a Qb (Ib) (Ib) [4] / gig
(Re x3/ Le x1/ Lpa x1/ Dzb x1/ ?a) ReM x120

CVL Eertnys (Green)
8XO (GBa x1)         (AM1)      CAf / 60HS
[2] (S1) x6 (A1) x6 Zb Le Qv (Ia Ia) Dzb (Bsa) Qb Qb Yb (Bga) (Bga) (Ia Ia) (Bga) (BLa) H (Ia Ia) Dzb Qb ?a (Ia Ia) (Ia Ia) [5] / gig, st, GBa x4 (L internal weapon)
(Le x1/ Dzb x2/ ?a)  20CP (Average) in Qv
GBa 5 (Average) / 30DP       GBa 6 (Average) / 30DP
GBa 7 (Average) / 30DP       GBa 8 (Average) / 30DP

Rli'm ga5 (Green), ga6 (Green) , ga7 (Green) , ga8 (Green)
2XO (ReM x2)               ESb / 14HS
[2] (S1) x3 (A1) x2 Zb Ht Dzb (Ib) Mgt Qv Le Qa (Ib) [6] / ReM x14
(Le x1/ Dzb x1) 10CP (Average) in Qv

DD-S Soihlo'r (Average)
5XO (ReMx5)               DDb / 35HS
[3] (S1) x5 (A1) x4 Zb (MNE) (MNE) Qa (Ib) Re (Ib) Dzb (Ib) Yca H Qb ?a (Ib) (Ib) [5] / gig
(Re x1/ Dzb x1/ ?a) ReM x20

Rlo'm fa3 (Crack), fa4 (Average)
2XO (ReM x2)               ES / 12HS
[2] S1 A1 Zb Ht Dzb (Ia) Mgt Re Qa (Ia) [6] / ReM x14
(Re x1/ Dzb x1) ReM x 34

Standard deep space battle with floating map.
All allied ships start within 5tH of Lt Cruiser Princess Sophia except CVE Nile.
CVE Nile may be up to 16tH from Princess Sophia on radian 1.
GBa may be launched and up to 20tH from Nile.
Kir'lit starts at 90tH from Princess Sophia on radian 7.
Honaw ships start within 5tH of the Kir'kit on any radian.
All ships start at battle stations.
The Bg on Nile have seven loads of R external ordinance and three loads of fG external ordinance each.
The Bg on the Eertnys have 10 loads of R each.
This battle will continue until either the allied ships are destroyed, the Honaw ships break off, or 36 hours game time elapse.

Alternate set up would involve using damage/ advancement rolls/ missile load outs from the previous battles played instead of ours.

   The flight from the WP lasted for a day and a half with the Honaw gunboats making repeated strikes, occasionally with the Rli'm and Rlo'm Escorts supporting from long range with their external ordinance or internal launchers as the gunboats closed for their attack runs.  First to perish was the Angelina, already damaged she was easy prey.  The 14th was slowly torn apart as they tried to fend off one strike after another.  One strike managed to break past the Sophia and Igraine to reach the Nile, leaving most of her engine compartments in ruins. Crippled and too slow to avoid her pursuers, Admiral Krimmel was forced to abandon her for the Sophia, as her 'flagship' for the last year was scuttled.  Shaken by the loss, she turned over command to Davidson as the pursuit continued.
   But the losses of the allied ships and squadron were not in vain as the Honaw squadrons were also savaged in the exchanges.  The Honaw attacks trickled off as their gunboats were eventually reduced to one squadron after several consolidations to maintain combat effectiveness.  The Honaw Escorts also stopped their attacks as return fire from the Sophia group proved too devastating even for their linked defenses.  
   After thirty six hours of terror, leaving behind the dead or abandoning those in their life or ejection pods, the battered survivors of the Krimmel's command met their reinforcements and the battle for the fate of Poseidon began.

Tips for the allies,
-Positioning the Sophia group so that its members are escorting/escorted by the Igraine group is a big help.  It allows one group or the other to bring its D into offensive mode while maintaining the protection of the other from the LRW attacks of the Honaw gunboats.  
-The time between strikes as the gunboats rearm also allows ships to reset their datalink groups to maintain full Dz sets so this is important.
-Keep crippling each squadron to reduce its effectiveness as you know that at this speed and over this short amount of time repairs aren't going to make much difference.
-Watch the position on the 14th GB Sqn and don't allow it to be caught away from the support of the Sophia.  If the Honaw can shoot at the 14th, make sure the big ships hit that group hard to keep the 14th in play as long as possible.  Never go after the Honaw ships or you will lose the 14th, and then your ships shortly after.
-When the 14th loses a few DP's switch to the fG's as they will keep full dmg longer.  Played well the 14th should cost the Honaw dearly.
-Remember if you chose to target those pesky Honaw ES that can catch you, your ReM-LW will skip shields and get rid of those offending XO’s.  They also give the Honaw an extra -1 on intercepts which helps get past their potent Dz links.

Tips for the Honaw,
-You can press in attacks against ships with your internal weapons, but be wary of the Sophia.  If she can bring her D into play she can rip squadrons apart.  It is usually more effective to return and rearm the externals. (at least it was for us.)
-Rearming the GB allows the allied shields to come back online, so concentrating on ships with weaker shields is important for the Honaw, as is breaking up the datalinks to reduce the defenders point defense fire.  The links might be repaired between strikes, particularly by the high grade ships, but once they fail on their repairs it will stay down.  
-Don't try to detune the BC to bring the allies in range.  They will just do the same and are higher grade.  The odds are against you.  Burn out and engine room and fall to far behind and the allies may slip into LOD and get away.
-Do let the faster ES support the GB.  Make sure they just get into the extreme end of their range at the same time the GB get into theirs.  This will help tie up the allies D.  Don't worry about your XO's as you can drop back, drop your shields and drive fields, rearm from the internal Mgt, and then use your speed to catch up.  Just don't stay longer than one round.  Even a launch from the Igraine can cripple an ES, and the Sophia can take out several in a round even at long range.
-Don't get all your GB destroyed unless you are sure you can finish off the allies.  You will need them for the next battle.  Even if you can finish off the Sophia group, it won't be easy without your GB.
-Try working for blindspots on the fleeing ships as their turns will help reduce the range between the groups, reducing the time between your strikes or bringing your heavies in range.

Part B.
   Waiting with drive fields and shields down were the reinforcements (known as Jude's Hounds for their relentless pursuit and destruction of Tauran warships) who had pushed their engines and arrived in position to assist.

New Euro Detachment

Heavy Cruisers Phobos (Elite) , Deimos (Elite)
11XO (EDMa x1/RcaM-LW/ECM1 x2/ReM-AFM x3)   (AM1)      CAb / 67HS
[2] (S1) x10 (A2) x16 H Qb Qe (Ib Ib) (Ib Ib) (Ib Ib) Qe Mgt Mg Mg Rca Dcza Rca Dcza Rca Rca Ye Zca ?a (Ib Ib) [4] / gig
(Rca x4/ Dcza x2/ ?a) RcaM/ECM1 x80, RcaM-LW/ECM1 x8, Rca-AFM x 12, ReM-AFM x6, EDMa x2

Light Carrier Duchess of Kent (Elite)
8XO (FQa x1)         (AM1)      CLfb / 51HS
[2] (S1) x4 (A1) x3 Ht Qb Qb Qv (ib Ib) (Ib) (Ib Ib) Dca (CICb) Ye H (Bga) (Bga) (Bga) (BLa) Qe ?a (Ib) (Ib Ib) [5] / gig, GBa x3 (La internal weapon),
FQa x1 (La internal weapon, fG external)
GB Sqn 24 (Elite) / 30DP   GB Sqn 25 (Elite) / 30DP
GB Sqn 26 (Elite) / 30DP   FQ Sqn 2 (Elite) / 20DP
(Dca x1/ ?a)

Standard deep space battle with floating map.
Survivors of first allied group at center of map.
Allied CA's and CVL are no less than 20tH from Sophia on radian 1 with drives and shields down.
Allied GBa/FQa are not launched.
Kir'lit starts at 90tH from Princess Sophia on radian 7 or at last position of Part A.
Honaw ships start within 5tH of the Kir'kit on any radian or at last positions.
All ships start at battle stations.
The Bg on Duchess of Kent have 10 loads of R external ordinance each.
The Bg on the Eertnys have R as remaining from Part A.

The heavy shielding and armor of the Hounds, along with the fresh Sqns of the Duchess spelled the doom of the Honaw ships.  Rear Admiral Krimmel transferred to the bridge of the Duchess to assume command and took out her vengeance on the Honaw.  She avenged the loss of her Nile and the many crewmember who had died, never asking for surrender.  The Kir'lit was torn apart by capital missiles as her consorts were destroyed by the wounded Sophia and Igraine.  The last Honaw squadron died moments after meeting the New Euro interceptors while the carrier and its escorts died under the guns of the Duchess' gunboats.
Minutes after the engagement was joined, the Honaw had been defeated.
Several days later (after hasty repairs) the survivors of the battle left the Gherilonn destroyers and three new laser bases guarding the WP to Poseidon as they moved to close off the WP from Four Winds to Ruby and trap the Honaw ships in that system.  It was here that Davidson learned that two other New Euro groups had stormed WPs into Regatta Honaw space, seizing two systems and nearly 7 million Honaw colonist.  The Honaw then rapidly began negotiating for a cease fire with all parties and for the safe passage of any Honaw ships from allied space into Honaw systems.  The systems of Four Winds and Ruby would be returned in exchange for the withdrawal of New Euro ships from Honaw space and the release of any prisoners held by either side.  With only the battered Igraine left of the group he had brought to Four Winds, Davidson had found victory and freed the millions of souls in Ruby.  Rear Admiral Krimmel had already petitioned for use of the New Euro Transit Carrier to move the Duchess to Ember following a formal cease fire, pending the refit and upgrades of the Hounds with more advanced launchers and systems to allow them to cross Inferno.
The Wolff of Baltia finally found time to relax, knowing that at least this portion of the Wolff Confederation was secure, and that he would be returning with far more powerful ships than he had left with.  With the Duchess, Destruction, and the Hounds, the AI would face a formidable force.

He had no way to know that when the news of the cease fire reached him that his long time friend Vice Admiral Embressa, the Gray Swan of Drakar, had just died discovering and giving warning of an AI force.
One that would threaten the Wolff Confederation home system with extinction.

This closes the Tale of the Wolff in Four Winds....
Starfire / Re: Empires Campaign Scenario Comments
« Last post by mavikfelna on March 03, 2011, 01:48:14 PM »
I've really enjoyed the scenario posts and look forward to seeing what happens. Thanks for keeping such good notes and letting us share.

Starfire / Re: Battles of the Empires Campaign
« Last post by procyon on March 03, 2011, 12:58:33 AM »
Teeth of the Wolff
(Part 4 of The Tale of the Wolff)

New Empires Campaign - month 41

   Following the failed attempt to relieve the population in Ruby, Rear Admirals Davidson and Krimmel were forced to return to Four Winds to prevent their ships from being cut off from any support should the Honaw seize the WP into Ruby again.  The group again proceeded toward the WP to the New Euro system of Posiedon and sent a courier drone ahead with the results of the battle in Ruby and of their ETA to the WP. 
   The return broadcast surprised both admirals.  Following the Honaw declaration of war, Admiral Jude Chuites had ordered the WP defenses of Posiedon into the Four Winds nebula to prevent the Honaw from again seizing and sealing the WP.  Guarded by mines, armed drones, and warships the WP was now secured in Four Winds, but the Honaw had not left.  Three Honaw warships had approached the WP to probe it, but had been driven back by armed drones from Mine Warfare Vessel #05.  One Honaw ship had even been streaming atmosphere as they had withdrawn.  The Honaw ships now sat one half of a light minute away, waiting for anything they could intercept.  The Cryocian Transit Carriers which had loaded up with supplies for the New Euro ships in Sunset were now unable to return as they would be easily intercepted and destroyed by the Honaw warships.
   Davidson and Krimmel signalled ahead and a plan was formed.  The Honaw ships which simply evaded attempts to engage them from the WP would find themselves caught between the Wolff of Baltia and the powerful New Euro WP defenses.

Baltian Forces
Rear Admiral Davidson (LG+1/Crack - Decisive)

Light Cruiser Princess Igraine (Average)
8XOb (EDMa x1/ RbM/ECM1 x4)         CLb / 51HS
[3] (S1) x6 (A1)x9 Zb H Qa Mg (MNE) (MNE) (Ib) (Ib Ib) Qb (Ib) Rb Rb Rb Dzb Rb Rb Rb Rb Qb Yb ?a (Ib Ib) [4] / gig
(Rb x7/ Dzb x1/ ?a) RbM x81, RbM/ECM1 x35 , RbM-AFM x14

Heavy Escorts Luna (Average) , Angelina (Average)
3 XOb (RbM/ECM1 x3)               CTb / 19HS
[2] S1 S1 S1 A1 A1 A1 Zb Hs Mgs Rb (Ib) Ya Dzb Rb (Ib) Qb (Ib) [6] / gig x1
(Rb x2 / Dzb x1) RbM x30 , RbM/ECM1 x10 , RbM-AFM x4

New Euro Detachment
Rear Admiral Alice Krimmel (LG+1/ Crack)

River Class Escort Carrier Nile (Crack)
                  FT4b / 35HS
[2] S1 S1 A1 H (Icb) (Icb) (Icb) (Bga) (Bga) (BLa) Yb Dca Qa (Icb) [4] / gig , GBa x2(La internal weapon)
GBa Sqn 14 (Elite) / 15DP    

Light Cruiser Princess Sophia (Elite)
8XO (EDMa x1/ReM/ECM1 x4)         CLb / 51HS
[2] (S1) x6 (A2) x12 Zb Hs Qa Mgs (Ib) (Ib Ib) Qb (Ib) Re Re Re Dcza Re Re Re Qb Ye ?a (Ib Ib) [4] / gig
(Re x6/ Dcza x1/ ?a) ReM/ECM1 x120, ReM-LW/ECM1 x12, Re-AFM x 12

Destroyer Queen Rachel (Elite) , Queen Rachel II (Elite)
5XO (ReM/ECM1 x5)            DDb/35HS
[2] (S1) x6 (A2) x12 Zb Hs Mgs Qa Re (Ib) (Ib) (Ib) Re Re Ye Dzb ?a Qb (Ib) [4] / gig
(Re x3/ Dzb x1/ ?a) ReM/ECM1 x60, ReM-LW/ECM1 x6, Re-AFM x18

Gherilonn Forces

Combat & Exploration Destroyer #19 (Crack)
4XOa (RbM x4)               DD / 30HS
[2] (S) x3 x x x x Hs x Qa x (Ica) Rb Rb (Ica) Rb Ya Da Qa Gb (Ica) [3] / gig
(Rb x3/ Gb x1/ Da x1)  RbM x24, GbM x4

Honaw Forces
Vice Admiral Za'ish (LG+0/Average)

3rd Strike Group

Y'th qz3 (Green)
8XO (EDMa x1/ReM x4)   (AM1)         CAf / 60HS
[2] (S1) x5 (A1) x4 Zb Mg Qa Re Re Re (Ib) Qb Re Re (Ib Ib) Yb Re Re H (Ib) Dzb Qb ?a (Ib Ib) [4] / gig
(Re x7/ Dzb x1/ ?a)  ReM x200

N'hi ra5 (Green)
5XO (ReM x5)      (AM1)         DDb / 35HS
[2] (S1) x2 (A1) x1 Zb (Ib) Le Qa Re (Ib) Mg Re Re Yb H Lpa Dzb ?a Qb (Ib) (Ib) [4] / gig
(Re x3/ Le x1/ Lpa x1/ Dzb x1/ ?a) ReM x120

N'hi ra6 (Green)
0 XO          (AM1)         DDb / 35HS
[2] (S1) x2 x  Zb (Ib) Le Qa Re (Ib) Mg Re Re Yb H Lpa Dzb ?a Qb (Ib) (Ib) [4] / gig
(Re x3/ Le x1/ Lpa x1/ Dzb x1/ ?a) ReM x120

Standard deep space battle.
All Baltian and Gherilonn ships start within 10tH of Escort Carrier Nile, GBa may be launched and up to 20tH from Nile.
CVE Nile starts at 40tH from the Y'th on any radian.
Princess Sophia starts at 30tH from Y'th on opposite radian from CVE Nile.
Honaw Y'th start at center of map.
Honaw DD's start within 1tH of the Y'th on any radian.
All ships start at battle stations.
The Bg on Nile have already used three loads of R external ordinance.

Alternate set up would involve using damage/ advancement rolls/ emergency repairs rolls / missile load outs from the previous battles played instead of ours.

The Honaw ships began to move away from the Sophia group as they left the WP, only to run into Davidson and Krimmel approaching in LOD.  In an attempt to break away the Honaw ships detuned their engines and tried to slip past the Baltian ships but the 14th Anti Shipping Squadron, still damaged from the earlier action in Ruby, made one pass and left both Honaw DD's streaming air and slowed.  With no chance to escape and their fire control shattered the Honaw ships turned on the Baltain group.  Even damaged the Honaw ships metted out a horrible toll on the Baltain group.  Even detuning their engines was not enough to bring the Sophia and her consorts in range to support Davidson until the battle was nearly over.
In the end, the Heavy Escort Luna was lost, while the Angelina was left battered.  The Igraine managed to escape without damage but Davidson's group was in tatters.  Of the seven Wolff Confederation warships, only one was left in any condition to fight.  The hopes of rescuing Ruby were quickly fading.

It may not appear so on the surface, but this battle is again about preserving missile stocks.  This battle was pretty much a ‘gimee’ for my wife.  She would pay for it in the next one.  Four days after this would find Krimmel and Davidson fighting for their lives and the safety of Posiedon as the 1st Honaw Battle Fleet arrived.
Starfire / Re: Empires Campaign Scenario Comments
« Last post by IanD on February 24, 2011, 07:34:01 AM »
author=procyon link=topic=3150.msg31243#msg31243 date=1298117477]
My question is should I continue with the situation in Sunset and ignore the other string of situations that occur away from this system, or would anyone be interested in the other issues Davidson and Krimmel faced.  For those who have read anything of drakars fiction on the Starfire site, it involves the Honaw (Heernaw) and an issue that complicates the situation in Sunset.

Just curious....

The more the better, its a no brainer .  ;D  If we can't have more of the Nemesis Campaign then this is an acceptable alternative, and I haven't looked at Starfire since the Galactic edition.


Starfire / Re: Battles of the Empires Campaign
« Last post by procyon on February 23, 2011, 05:01:32 AM »
Trials of the Wolff
(Part 3 of The Tale of the Wolff)
'A gem can not be polished without friction, nor a man perfected without trials.'

New Empires Campaign - month 40

The allied ships proceeded into Ruby, knowing full well that the ships near the colony were aware of their presence.  Rebel transmissions indicated that the formal government had surrendered to the Honaw invasion forces after nearly half a million people had died in nuclear strikes.  The rebels indicated that the Honaw currently had one heavy cruiser, a destoyer, and 6 smaller escorts near the planet.  Rear Admirals Davidson and Krimmel consulted for hours debating what should be done.  With the technical superiority of the Honaw ships in respect to the Baltain warships, the battle could be a disaster.  With the Gherilonn destroyer damaged it would be up to the Nile's Anti-Shipping Sqns to balance the engagement.
But with 11 million human lives at stake, the decision was made to releive the planet.
Baltian Forces
Rear Admiral Davidson (LG+1/Crack - Decisive)

Light Cruiser Princess Igraine (Average)
8XOb (EDMa x1/ RbM/ECM1 x4)         CLb / 51HS
[3] (S1) x6 (A1)x9 Zb H Qa Mg (MNE) (MNE) (Ib) (Ib Ib) Qb (Ib) Rb Rb Rb Dzb Rb Rb Rb Rb Qb Yb ?a (Ib Ib) [4] / gig
(Rb x7/ Dzb x1/ ?a) RbM x81, RbM/ECM1 x35 , RbM-AFM x14

Heavy Escorts Luna (Average) , Angelina (Average)
3 XOb (RbM/ECM1 x3)               CTb / 19HS
[2] S1 S1 S1 A1 A1 A1 Zb Hs Mgs Rb (Ib) Ya Dzb Rb (Ib) Qb (Ib) [6] / gig x1
(Rb x2 / Dzb x1) RbM x30 , RbM/ECM1 x10 , RbM-AFM x4

New Euro Detachment
Rear Admiral Alice Krimmel (LG+1/ Crack)

River Class Escort Carrier Nile (Crack)
                  FT4b / 35HS
[2] S1 S1 A1 H (Icb) (Icb) (Icb) (Bga) (Bga) (BLa) Yb Dca Qa (Icb) [4] / gig , GBa x2(La internal weapon)
GBa Sqn 14 (Elite) / 30DP    GBa Sqn 55 (Crack) / 30DP

Gherilonn Forces

Combat & Exploration Destroyer #19 (Crack)
4XOa (RbM x4)               DD / 30HS
[2] (S) x3 x x x x Hs x Qa x (Ica) Rb Rb (Ica) Rb Ya Da Qa Gb (Ica) [3] / gig
(Rb x3/ Gb x1/ Da x1)  RbM x24, GbM x4

Honaw Forces
Vice Admiral Ta'toonak

2nd Light Battle Group

CVL Eertnyk (Average)
8XO (GBa x1)   (AM1)            CAf / 60HS
[2] (S1) x6 (A1) x6 Zb Le Qv (Ia Ia) Dzb (Bsa) Qb Qb Yb (Bga) (Bga) (Ia Ia) (Bga) (BLa) H (Ia Ia) Dzb Qb ?a (Ia Ia) (Ia Ia) [5] / gig, st, GBa x4 (L internal weapon)
(Le x1/ Dzb x2/ ?a)  20CP (Average) in Qv
GBa 1 (Average) / 30DP       GBa 2 (Average) / 30DP
GBa 3 (Average) / 30DP       GBa 4 (Average) / 30DP

Rli'm ga1 (Average), ga2 (Average) , ga3 (Average) , ga4 (Average)
2XO (ReM x2)               ESb / 14HS
[2] (S1) x3 (A1) x2 Zb Ht Dzb (Ib) Mgt Qv Le Qa (Ib) [6] / ReM x14
(Le x1/ Dzb x1) 10CP (Average) in Qv

DD-S Soihlo'k (Average)
5XO (ReMx5)               DDb / 35HS
[3] (S1) x5 (A1) x4 Zb (MNE) (MNE) Qa (Ib) Re (Ib) Dzb (Ib) Yca H Qb ?a (Ib) (Ib) [5] / gig
(Re x1/ Dzb x1/ ?a) ReM x20

Rlo'm fa1 (Average), fa2 (Average)      ES / 12HS
[2] S1 A1 Zb Ht Dzb (Ia) Mgt Re Qa (Ia) [6] / ReM x14
(Re x1/ Dzb x1) ReM x 34

Planet in the center of the map.
All allied ships start within 10tH of Escort Carrier Nile, GBa may be launched and up to 30tH from Nile.
CVE Nile starts at 60tH from the planet on any radian.
Honaw ES start at 1tH from the planet, with one ES per hex.
Honaw CVL and DD-S start within 10tH of the planet on any radian.
CVL starts with DF and S down, GB on XO racks are crewed.
XO launched Honaw GBa will stay within 5tH of carrier.
Honaw Bg have full loads of R external ordinance.
Honaw GB have not been launched.
Honaw datalinks are CVL/ES ga1-4 , DD-S/ES fa1-2
All ships start at battle stations.
The Bg on Nile have already used one load of R external ordinance.

Alternate set up would involve using damage/ advancement rolls/ emergency repairs rolls / missile load outs from the previous battles played instead of ours.

The Honaw ships had been aware of the incoming allied ships long before the battle was joined, and were waiting with their squadrons crewed and ships ready.  As the Euro GB's neared the group they quickly launched their GB's and moved into their links.  The Honaw warships moved to hold the distance open with the allied groups as the GB's dueled.  The Euro GB's fought hard to hold the Honaw smcft in check, but the weight of numbers was to great.  As the squadron battle turned against the allies, their warships withdrew without ever having come in range of the Honaw ships.  The 55th Sqn was lost in the battle, with the 14th left nearly combat ineffective.  A second strike by the Honaw GB's was avoided by the allied ships dropping into LOD after they had moved away from the planet.  The allied ships were able to slip away into Four Winds and the relative safety of the nebula.

My wife was ready for a hard ship to ship battle, but found herself in her first battle where she was badly outnumbered by smcft that were the equal of hers.  As her sqns were savaged, she saw all hope of victory disappear as her group would never be able to bring the Honaw ships into range for ship board weapons due to the Honaw ships' superior speed.  Her manuever of dropping all but one ship into LOD but leaving one of the Baltian CT's still at standard emissions after they had moved far enough away to avoid being anything but a D type contact left the Honaw with a continuing contact and no way to know the bulk of the allied ships had changed course.  The Honaw gunboats followed the contact as they launched after rearming for a second strike, but discovered that shortly afterward it suddenly sped up, and then disappeared as it also dropped into LOD.  The GB quickly returned to avoid the possibility that the allied ships had circled around to get in an unopposed attack.
(Which I made a mental note could be a good way to sucker someone into committing their sqns after a decoy to allow just such a thing.  I was fairly sure the players had planned some such thing all along as they love gambits to win with, but they hadn't)

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