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Offline ardem (OP)

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Post 17
« on: July 25, 2014, 01:59:43 AM »

Dasia Takecare was pushing the small taskforce very hard. The taskforce was to reach the Tamatsu-Shiminoseki jump point. Time was of the essence.

Not long after FF Kaohsiung relieved the FF Madras of its position in the taskforce, a distress signal from the now lost Tahio class Allosaurus construction ship was received. The Allosaurus mission was to build a jump gate on the Shiminoseki-Tamatsu side of the jump point. The Shiminoseki earth-like planet discovery, was a real feather in the survey team’s cap. However they only managed quick sweep of the outer planets as they were limited on fuel and already overdue from a long mission. The six months trying to discover new jump points in the Shimonoseki system, not once did they receive any reports of unusual contacts in the system.

Not until the undefended Construction Ship was ripped apart by massive explosions, was that detail discovered. Diplomacy teams quickly established communication, and TF Takecare was quickly dispatched to begin diplomatic negotiations.

With NIF blood already spilt this was going to be a difficult mission. A war on two fronts was not desirable, one against the now aptly named Bugs of Kure and possibly another against this new alien race. Intelligence was sketchy except they have space missile capability something the NIF had not really developed other than some initial prototypes.

Yoshi felt the weight of the mission, he hoped somewhere in this galaxy there were peaceful people, that wanted to collaborate. He pondered was that too farfetched to imagine.

The Tamatsu-Shiminoseki Jumpgate now came into view, Dasia Takecare had ordered an immediate squadron jump, which would land us a little away from the jump point in case of a hostile surprise attack.

This mission of peace was backed by the 35cm laser cannons on the prominent bow positions of the frigates and the new variant of corvette with it 25cm spinal laser cannon. The Imperial line established for these negotiations was simply put ‘Peace or blow them all to hell.’

No sooner had the taskforce jumped into Shiminoseki space then welcoming committee was on its way. New sensor information quickly fed into the ship computers and quickly establishing if these were new classes or checking against other known thermal signatures. The computers feed this back to the bridge. Two Medina Class 9900 tons, One Matrah Class 9900 tons, other analysis accompanied the data however this is what Yoshi was most interested in. Yoshi perked up this was boding well, similar size fleet of similar tonnage.

Yoshi relaxed a little. The scramble of verbal communication broke into the bridge, under a language he did not know. To Yoshi it sounded like a drunk Russian slurring his words. The computer quickly recognised patterns, then included various baseline line references of the previous diplomacy efforts and finally translated in real time. It even used the voice patterns and inflections of the original voice. It was an amazing bit of technology.

“This is the Tabiz Imperium, you have entered our system. State your business and hold your position”

Daisa Takecare could clearly be heard in reply, however it would translate real time back to the aliens in their language. “This is Daisa Takecare from the Nipon Imperial Forces, we request an audience with your leaders to establish dialog on the recently hostilities against our vessel. Also we would like to recover any POWs you may have”
There was silence from the other side, then a burst transmission back.

“I am the authorised person of the Tabiz Imperium, you will shut down your vessels and prepare to be boarded”

Yoshi was looking at the monitors they were still 10 million km away, but that was very close for comfort, but he paced about the bridge to calm his nerves. He could not shake the feeling that things now were getting worse not better. He hoped Dasia Takecare would respond in the right way without leaving the taskforce compromised.

“Tabiz Imperium, I cannot grant your request. As a member of the Nihon Imperial Forces, it is strict forbidden for me to do as you request. However I am prepare to have you and a small detachment of your crew to board for a meeting”

“Diasa Takecare, You will comply, or there is nothing further to discuss. Except your expulsion” Yoshi heard the infliction in the last part. It sounded as if these aliens were used to getting there way.

“Tabiz imperium an act of aggression is not why we have come to your system we are peaceful explorers, however we will defend ourselves from any hostilities.”

Yoshi could see Takecare was being very reasonable, silence was the firm reply. After about an hour the main ships had closed to 8 million km. Yoshi tapped the console in patient contemplation, the thermal sensor officer yells out “Contacts bearing 270 4 million kms”

“Damn!” Yoshi wondered, “How did they get so close”. The data fed back he quickly analysed and understood why. Tehran Class 900 tons, very small.

Yoshi called out Active Sensors NOW! Bring the point defence online. Since the fleet was interlinked the two other ships would be doing the same thing. Eight small targets turned about and left, but Yoshi already knew this was the range that Tiaho was destroyed from, he knew even without seeing missile would be inbound.

Daisa Takecare only reported a few commands to his taskforce. “Very well, Attack” The fleet was steering for the closest ships the Tehran class FAC. The FACs top speed of 2600 km/s  and the fleet at 4700km/s the taskforce would quickly were going to over run them.

The missiles eventually showed up but the point defence was equal to the task. The FAC were hunted and destroyed with the large 35cm cannons needing only 2-3 shots on the lighlty armour vessels. Even the Corvette Asayuki manage to score a single kill with its 25cm spine mounted gun.

The chase brought the taskforce into the range of the Medina and Matrah class  ships, a large volley of missiles were heading right for the taskforce. Yoshi noticed that there was a number of waves unlike the FAC that fired only one wave of missile. Over the next few minutes, a number of missiles penetrated the gauss point defence weapons scoring multiple damage on each of the task force ships. But with the last wave inbound it seemed the enemy ships had run dry.

The speed of the enemy vessels like the Tehran class ship was slow and the taskforce quickly outpaced. These were destroyed by the two frigates. Kanpur taking the two Medina class ships and the Kaohsiung destroying the Matrah class.

It wasn't long before multiple new sensors appeared, as well as some new class of vessel some around the 20000 ton range. Diasa Takecare quickly established that even though his fleet was still operating at a full capacity the engagement had damaged the armour plating and with our further knowledge of the enemy capability a wise course of action was to retreat back on the other side of the jump point. Yoshi agreed with these thoughts.

The engagement was successful the loss of enemy ships against no NIF losses. Also highly prised would be the capture of a number of the enemy.

Yoshi could not wait and get to the detaining area, a new alien species he was not sure what to expect. What he found was quite astounding. These aliens look remarkably human, they were perhaps a little heavier set and shorter apart from this their clothing. Mannerism and outside appearance were the same. The scientist will have a wonderful time working this one out.

The Prisoners of War cooperated as much as any other POW would, obviously taught the same techniques that the NIF teach its recruits. It was going to be a long ride home and the POWs in the cramped area they were assigned, was going to make life a drama. Frigates were not built to hold 80 odd prisoners, and that what each of the ships were carrying.