Author Topic: Timeline 2067 - 2070: The unknown vessel  (Read 2091 times)

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Timeline 2067 - 2070: The unknown vessel
« on: March 11, 2011, 09:30:17 AM »
March 2067
General Josh Barker retires at the age of 65. General Mason Walters take it's position at the head of the Army.

October 2067
The minerals on the asteoroid "Daphne" have been exhausted and the civilian mining colony is abandoned.

June 2068
A new civilian mining colony was estabilished Sol Comet #8, renamed "Pathway"

August 2068
The United System launches the second colonization phase estabilishing colonies on the 3rd planet of Struve 2398, renaming it Aries and on the 2nd planet of the Luyten 726 system, renaming it Taurus. Jump gates construction to link these systems is underway.
The mass drivers system is halted due to a new concept of self-developing of the colonies and thanks to the surplus on TN-Minerals on Earth.

February 2069
A new civilian mining colony is estabilished on Sol Comet #13, renamed "Fury"

May 2069
After the colonization of five of the six linked system to Sol, the USSD, the Scientific Department of the fleet starts the exploration of the outer sector, starting from Kapteyns Star.

October 2069
With the "Act of Centauria", Chancellor Reynolds declare that the US are official allied with the Centaurians, and they will be protected by US ships.

July 2070
The first two Warlord II class cruisers are launched from the Earth, the USS Cortez and the USS Bismark, they are an evolution of the Warlord class. All the existing Warlord class will be retooled and refitted, after 22 years from the launch of the first of this class, the USS Warlord in 2048.


August 2070
An unidentified alien vessel have been detected outside the Neptune orbit, its path suggest that it comes from the Luyten 726 Jump point. The First Fleet is alerted and is send to contact it.

September 2070
USV Baleares, after the build of the Luyten Jump Gates and crossing it, discovers that alien jump gates are built to every Lyuten JP. Jamie Hudson, the commander of the ship, report immediately the discovery to the Starfleet command, that pass the message to the Navy, who raise the maximum alert. The alien contact is still in the place where it was spotted on August but the 1st fleet isn't arrived yet.
Admiral Peggy Zhang, commander of the second fleet at the head of the USS Cyclone retired due to a severe medical problem, the fleet goes under the command of Commodore Fadeyka Zinoviev, of the USS Trafalgar.

October 2070
CMC on Nereid is closed due to the exhaustion of minerals.

5th December 2070 - 10.00
THe 1st Fleet approaches the alien vessel, and discovers that it's building a jump gate on Luyten jump point,
scan of the ships cross section revealed that the ship have an estimated tonnage of 67100.
Rear Admiral Katsuhiko ordered all the USS Typhoon weapons to lock on targets with all weapons and contact the Navy headquarters on Earth.

5th December 2070 - 10.01
Rear Admiral Katsuhiko is online with Grand Admiral Sophia Blake.
Kat. "Admiral, this is Katshuiko from the USS Typhoon, we have a lock on the alien vessel, it seems to be a jump gate builder, it's mass is nearly 70,000 tons."
Bla. "What's he doing Admiral? have you estabilished a visual contact?"
Kat. "Yes sir, it seems that it's building a jump gate"
Bla. "Have you try to estabilish communications?"
Kat. "Yes, the ship didn't respond to any communications"
Bla. "Well.. it a problem then... we cannot admit that an alien race, without any warning, with an evident technology nearly than hours can come in our system and start building gates, hold on, we have cahncellor Reynolds online"
Rey. "Admirals, what's happening?"
Bla. "Sir we have an unidentified alien vessel building a jump gate on Luyten JP, it didn't respond, 1st Fleet is in place and is observing the vessel, we have online Rear Admiral Katshuiko, it's onboard the battleship Typhoon"
Rey. "Admiral Katshuiko, it's an armed vessel?"
Kat. "No sir, it seems unharmed"
Rey. "Well, if they come to our system and decide to make their interest is a serious problem, have you locked it?"
Kat. "Yes sir, all four starships of the task force have a lock on it"
Ray. "Ok, fire a warning shot"
Bla. "But sir! The vessel seems no hostile toward us! We don't know them, we cannot attack deliberately"
Ray. "It seems that your geological tour of the solar system softened you up Admiral, you can assure me that this jump gate wasn't for military purpose? Can you give me a proof that this ship isn't a vanguard of an invasion fleet? They know our existence but they didn't try to estabilish contact!"
Bla. "Ok but we can wait and see what's happening, the constellate all the Luyten JP with JG, if they wish to invade us we cannot stop them anyway"
Ray. "But they cannot come back safely, if we manage to prohibit them to build a safe passage from home, we have the Taurus colony on Luyten, and they simply pass through. If we didn't itercepted them we didn't even know their existence! This is a proof of hostile intentions. It they wish to communicate, they can do that after the shot. Katshuiko, what weapons have you onboard?"
Kat. "Missiles, Gauss, Plasma, Laser and Railgun"
Ray. "Launch a small missile, now, this is an order from the chancellor"
Kat. "Yes sir"

5th December 2070 - 10.05.11
The USS Typhoon launches a "Viper" missile towards the alien vessel.

5th December 2070 - 10.05.16
The missile is destoyed by a ray that is fired from the alien vessel.
Kat. "Sir, the missile has been destoyed by an enemy ray, maybe a laser system. he vessel remain intact and continuing he construction"
Bla. "We are making a big mistake.. Chancellor what we have to do now?"
Ray. "Repeat the operation damn! Open fire on it!"
Bla. "Admiral, try with a laser blast, combined with another missile"
Kat. "All right sir"
The Typhoon fires a laser salvo and another Viper missile.

5th December 2070 - 10.05.46
The second missile is destroyed, the laser blast is delayed because it's gaining power for the shot.

5th December 2070 - 10.06.06
The blast from the Twin WehrTech turret impacted the alien vessel, tearing its armor. A flow of air exits from the tear, it seems that the ship is losing pressure.
Kat. "We hit him, we make a big hole on a flank and it seems that it's streaming atmoshpere"
Bla. "Ok admiral, now retry to communicate"

5th December 2070 - 10.06.46
The Typhoon try again unsuccessfully to estabilish a redio contact, despite the damage, the vessel continue to build the gate.
Kat. "Nothing sir, they simply ignore us"
Bla. "Chancellor?"
Rey. "Annihilate them"
Bla. "Sir, we cannot just blast them only because they ignore us"
Rey. "I choose what to do Admiral, I am the chancellor, blast away that damned ship!"
Bla. "Yes sir, Admiral Katshuiko, open fire with all energy based systems"
Kat. "Yes sir"
Katshuiko ordered all ships of the task group to open fire towards the alien vessel.

5th December 2070 - 10.07.06
The first wave of shots hit the ship and explosion is seen, but the ships is resisting, Katshuiko ordered to join a missile salvo.

5th December 2070 - 10.07.26
Before the missiles impact, a laser blast from the USS Austerlitz hit the alien vessel that explodes. Life pods was launched before from the ship and only wrecks remained.
Kat. "Sir, the target is destoyed, we have life pods on out monitors."
Bla. "Bring them on board, I'll contact the Starfleet to send a recovery team for the wrecks".

5th December 2070 - 10.36
USS Typhoon recovers all lifepods, rescuing 225 alien survivors. It seems that they are similar to humans on the exterior, but they wear masks and suits that seems integrated with the body. They are confined in an isolation cargo bay and the fleet is now headed towards Earth while navy officers try to interrogate some subjects.
Kat. "Sir, we finished loading the life pods, only 225 alien survived"
Bla. "We made a big mistake, if they were ablo to build a 70,000 tons jump gate builders with EVEN point defence systems we don't know what weapons their starships can mount. How they look like?"
Kat. "I'm transmitting you a photo..."
Bla. "Damn.. they look strange.. Humans like? What there is under their mask?"
Kat. "We don't know, none of them took of their mask, even if our ship medical officer suggest that they can breathe like us. We are inspecting some members and trying to communicate with them, and they strangely look totally without any fear. They simply stand still in the confinement room, nobody talks, nobody moves. I really don't know who we have in front.."
Bla. "Admiral, return to Earth, now, a ship of this tonnage may had at least a thousand of crewmembers, I don't think that they will be happy about our attack, and soon someone come to search them."
Kat. "Yes sir"

This is an photo taken from the interrogation room.

« Last Edit: March 21, 2011, 05:31:53 AM by rawghi »