Author Topic: Ministry of Military  (Read 2256 times)

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Offline Detjen (OP)

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Ministry of Military
« on: June 10, 2011, 04:10:00 AM »
As I talked about and as you had no strong feeling one way or other on it,  may I propose the following idea for naming convention in our Navy

Frigate, Mythical Beasts (Dragon, Centaur, Cyclops) - Small defense oriented craft
Destroyer, Mythical people/gods (Hercules, Arthur Pendragon, Prometheus) - Small offensive oriented craft 
Cruiser, Cities (Salt Lake,  London, Moscow) Larger ship with normally balanced armaments for offense/defense.
Battleship, States/Territories/Regions (California, Essex, Ontario) Large ship offensively oriented.
Carrier Leaders (George Washington, Vladimir Putin, Winston Churchill) Size varies on carrier roles, meant to carry smaller craft into battle.

naturally within each class you might have sub roles, like a missile frigate,  or a fast destroyer,  a battle cruiser or escort carrier.  also the roles can be changed, I was just trying to start some ideas with this.

Offline Panopticon

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Re: Ministry of Military
« Reply #1 on: June 10, 2011, 06:02:39 AM »
  Senator Panopticon paced in front of his desk, reflecting on class and ship names. The discussion earlier annoyed him but did drive home the fact that he needed to exercise more control over his ministry. And also on the long term form the navy would eventually take. He shouted for his secretary: "Tom! Get in here." The door to the office opened and his personal secretary Tom walked in. "You know sir we do have an intercom, you don't always have to shout. Some of the staff are growing quite nervous." He chided the elderly senator.
  "Hah! Young folk can't even take a good shouting these days. How they are going to act when aliens from Alpha Centauri or whatever are trying to eat their brains I don't know. Anyway, I called you in 'cause I need you to take dictation for me."
  "Err, you know we do have computers for that, some of them are quite good."
The senator knew this of course, growing up in the west during the tech boom of the early and mid 21st century had given him a perfectly firm grounding in modern technology. However when the plague crash hit he had gotten used to doing with less and now rather enjoyed being curmudgeonly about it.
  "Quiet you, I'm old and if I want to do it this way then there is nothing you can do about it, anyway we need to get a policy out about how we are naming our ships, apparently some folks seem to think that if I don't say something about it now then it will give the competition some sort of foot in the door for control. Also I guess we should figure out some sort of longish range idea of the navy in general while we are at it, so take this down."
 He cleared his throat: "Class names can be left to the designing corporations for now, we can always change it if we don't like it, those image conscious bastards will give them neat names anyway simply for the PR boost. For individual ships though we need separate rules, I'd like to leave it to the naval officers themselves but it seems I won't be given that luxury. I will not be locked into a naming convention before the classes are even designed though, we will pick those as we go. Currently the Crossbow is our lead class and will be named accordingly for military leaders. The names for the lead two ships will be Marcus Agrippa and Fabius Maximus. later ships will be named accordingly as well [ooc]Basically in line with the theme, I went ancient rome for the lead two but we don't have to stay there[/ooc]

"I envision the military to be a cohesive force with its main combatants able to operate for reasonably long periods without need to overhaul. The main killing power in the early fleets will be the missile combatants, with support from other ship types as follows:
A fast, well armored ship with a decent energy armament for jump point defense or close range combat
A Gunboat sized vessel to serve as a picket, as well as a low emissions variant to sucker punch opposing fleets.
A Gunboat tender (carrier) to maintain such.
A Jump ship of some variety to allow freedom of movement
An antimissile vessel to cover the main combatants. This can be energy armed or using AMMs

Support vessels include Tankers, Colliers and maintenance vessels
At this time I cannot support a small craft strategy based on fighters as our production is already going to be strained. Though depending on what is found in this and other systems any of the above could be subject to change."

Tom looked dubiously at the senator. "This isn't exactly press release quality material you know." Panopticon shrugged, "Well, pretty it up then and send it out, it will keep the vultures off our backs for a while anyway."
Tom sighed, he had a long night ahead of him. And he was so hoping to be home for dinner for once.
[ooc]Assume the other ministries are exposed to the "prettied up" version of the above. I don't hate you I promise, and neither does the good senator, he is simply cranky.[/ooc]

Offline areyoua

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Re: Ministry of Military
« Reply #2 on: June 10, 2011, 08:04:12 AM »
George Payne knew that he could have simply sent a message by computer to the Ministry of Military, but he had always liked to actually talk to people. Therefore, he took his umbrella and started the walk to the Ministry of Military. He quickly set up a meeting with the Vice Admiral, and walked into the office.

"Hello, Senator Panopticon," Payne said,"I read your report, and I must say it was the most elegantly worded report I've read in a long time. However, I must question the sheer amount of different ships that are proposed in it. At the present time, we have one shipyard that is 9,000 tons and tooled for the Columbus, and future shipyards require a great deal in the way of construction time. In order to allow all the potential designs to have their own shipyard, a total of five Military Shipyards would need to be built and numerous Commercial Shipyards as well for the support vessels. At present, it would take about six tenths of a year complete a shipyard if it were the only installation we were to build, so it would take about three and a half years to build six shipyards. However, I am reluctant to devote all industry to this endeavor, and if only 40% of capacity is devoted to this project, as is the current level, then the total time necessary balloons to eight years, and that does not even include the time necessary to get shipyards up to the necessary tonnage capacity required to get the ships built on them or the time for them to build more slipways."

"Therefore, I would recommend that the Military try to limit the amount of ships they design to a more manageable number by perhaps building multi-purpose combatants. The designs of the ships are the sole duty of your ministry, but I hope you will at least try to limit the designs you will request of Infrastructure."

With this Payne finished his half of the meeting and settled in for Senator Panopticon's response.

Offline Detjen (OP)

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Re: Ministry of Military
« Reply #3 on: June 11, 2011, 05:39:24 AM »
[ooc]I wont take anyting personally unless you like point directly at me in the post and say YOU, you should be dragged out into the streets strung up and shot for your belief in the tooth fairy,  the tooth goblin is the true being the fairy only being chose cause of their "prettiness"  then I might be a bit upset.  and the class thing of course is completely conjectural, follow it as loosely or tightly as you want.  if you don't do it maybe someone else will,  of course assuming you dont have some evil plan that leaves you in control fo the military forever :P [/ooc]

Offline Panopticon

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Re: Ministry of Military
« Reply #4 on: June 11, 2011, 07:22:50 AM »
[ooc]Only the military? FOOL! Within a decade I expect to rule with an iron fist!
I'm kidding, don't hurt me[/ooc]

Offline Detjen (OP)

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Re: Ministry of Military
« Reply #5 on: June 11, 2011, 08:02:07 AM »
[ooc]Only kidding? aww, I had a flag made and everything[/ooc]

Offline mavikfelna

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Re: Ministry of Military
« Reply #6 on: June 14, 2011, 12:49:43 AM »
In a note to the Military Minister:

With the recent discovery of ancient ruins on the surface of Mars we of the Starion Foundation believe that Engineering formations will need to be brought up and equipped. To that end, we have begun a bond campaign to ensure funding for such formations will be available. Also in honor of all the people that make our Federation what it is, we would recommend this first corps of Engineers be known as the Federation First Engineering Corps.

--Orion Starion
CEO Starion Federation

Offline Panopticon

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Re: Ministry of Military
« Reply #7 on: June 14, 2011, 02:57:04 AM »
[ooc]ooc, totally spaced on responding so this post takes place before the discovery of ruins and is in response to senator Payne[/ooc]
"Believe me I am aware of our limited resources, this is a long range plan to preempt any others from sticking their noses in where they don't belong, I am perfectly happy with production of the Crossbow for the time being and I imagine it will be our only warship for a couple year to come, doesn't mean I can't push to squeeze component design in whenever I can though with an eye towards getting the other ships built. And besides, tankers at least would be of great assistance to survey and colonization efforts as well, I just want some seconded to the navy whenever we get around to building them."

Offline Detjen (OP)

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Re: Ministry of Military
« Reply #8 on: June 15, 2011, 06:58:57 AM »
To : Minister of Military Panopticon
From : President Jayne Casey
Subject : Alien excursions into our system

  While the discovery of the ruins on Mars is not only a great boon to the possibility of technological research and answers our long standing question of are we alone in this universe,  It also shows that extra terrestrials not only have been in our system before,  but a slim chance they may still be.  Attention will turn towards our defenses and either or not we can defend ourselves.  we have a fair number of ground forces,  with Three Assault and a Garrison Battalion, backed with an Engineering Brigade we may be able to hold of ground forces, but we lack any anti air or space capabilities.  I know the crossbow is still finishing its component research stage,  but what about a smaller stopgap planetary gunboat or even defense silos on the ground with some ability to attack?  I suppose you have already thought of these,  I would just like to know your opinion
   -President Jayne Casey

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Re: Ministry of Military
« Reply #9 on: June 15, 2011, 04:51:00 PM »
I must support the President on this point. It was allright to delay military spending when we had no ideas aliens even existed, but it should now be a priority. Some kind of armed shuttle that could take off from a planetary base would be a cheap, effective way to defend ourselves without clogging the shipyards.