Author Topic: 2039-2040  (Read 1936 times)

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« on: August 31, 2011, 01:45:03 AM »
The Esperanza's discovery rocked the world, while of course nonhuman intelligence was pretty much confirmed thanks to the Invaders, humanity had thought, and prayed, that it was alone in the Solar System. Xenology teams were immediately formed in the Northern Kingdom, CM and Japanese Alliance and transported to Mars on the Esperanza, this example of the growing trust between the 3 nations was both a hopeful sign for humanity as well as a wake up call to the more isolationist inhabitants of Earth.
On the heals of this discovery came news of tech transfers of engine, sensor and armor between the nations [ooc]they told me I could publicly announce that[/ooc]

The nations build programs began to shift, with the ongoing duranium shortage emphasis on mine production grew and several began focusing on greater shipyard production.

Despite the escalation in tension, the year was peaceful as usual, notable events included:

April 25, the second Esperanza class survey ship, Prosperidad launches and immediately begins surveying.

November 23, The NZDL finishes construction of a brand new shipyard, this 10000 ton capacity complex is the largest man made structure ever built, due to bureaucratic squabbling, the name has not been chosen [ooc]that reminds me, few if any of you have given me shipyard names, I haven't asked for them of course but let me know if you want something in particular[/ooc]

December 5, Unidad, the 3rd Esperanza class ship launches, nations without survey vessels begin to contemplate if they should simply purchase geo survey data instead of bothering with a survey ship of their own, national pride and inherent distrust of others wars with pragmatism in this case.

[ooc]There you have it, I'll get another year or two up in a couple days, I have sent emails to everyone with any events I found worth bringing to your attention. If I haven't heard from you I will assume you want me to stay the course and use my best judgement, the next few years are gonna be cool as you guys will finally have some decent tech and ships starting to come into play.[/ooc]