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Offline ardem (OP)

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Post 7
« on: August 18, 2011, 10:17:17 PM »

Encrypted Communication established. Link with Terminal 34753 established. Waiting for response…..

Connection authenticated. Voice signal established.

“Katana, great to hear from you” the voice sounded distorted but clear enough to understand. The distortion was due to algorism designed to upset voice pattern matching software.  Osuma locked away in his luxurious cabin quarters responded “Glad to hear from you also, Red Swallow” this was Charles Whitely code name, the encryption software was based on password and dna sampling so there was no need for additional codeword. The secure names were just in case packet sniffing did happen to break the encryption.

“The sending of reports has been no problem what so ever, nor is there any hint of unusual activity from fleet” Osuma was referring to his daily reports back to fleet, these were routine maintenance and personnel reports, but hidden amongst the reports was a hidden code. Charles Whitely devised a plan to send the mineral quantities in plain sight within the general fleet report. If suspicions were cast based on the stock market outcomes, there was chance an inquiry would search for secret transmissions. It was also easier for Osuma as junior officers did not see anything unusual in his daily activities. In many respects these daily reports were sent from various officers aboard his ship, all he needed to do was make changes in accordance to his general duties, modify records by minor decimal points for fuel indications, navigational plots and water levels. These decimal points became the basis of the survey team mineral finds.

The encrypted communications with Charles were very rare, in his 6 months in flying around the planets of the solar system, he only contacted Charles twice, but this time however was important.

“Red Swallow I have received some bad news from Fleet, well good news for me bad news for you. I have received new orders I am to transfer to a gunboat within the Home Defence Fleet” Osuma had wanted to say take command of the gunboat Acid with pride, but the current communication method gave him some hesitation in revealing too many details.  The gunboat fleet was the last line of defence for the New Osakans. There were six in total, each armed with a small 10cm laser cannon, and capable of high speed manoeuvring and enough range for interstellar flight. When Osuma received the news he was ecstatic to be given command of a combat vessel. Although it was not a frigate, it was still a combat vessel. However he was hopeful his sponsor was not displeased, from the financial reports he was doing very well on the stock market. His transfer would mean an end to this little exercise.

Charles response was unexpected “On the contrary Katana, we are aware of the transfer. In fact the good doctor had a fair influence in that decision. We wished to reward you on your great work, but it is now time for the new chapter in your service.”

Osuma was taken aback somewhat, these men had not only used his services but repaid his services with gratitude. His cynical nature had not expected this, although he had hoped there would be a benefit to him. The good doctor did know how to inspire loyalty, he is a wise man Osuma thought.

“Well this is good news Red Swallow, I thank you for your kindness. We have another month before heading back to New Osaka, I believe you will find the next report highly interesting. Katana out”

The timer on their burst transmission was up and Osuma had severed the connection, keeping the transmission short did not draw attention to Intelligence Services. The Intelligence Services had a general policy of investigating long encrypted connections. Osuma knew the rapid growth of the society had now infiltrated the Intelligence Services as well as all level of government. The main threat now was the rebel or rogue agent who would turn the information over to the public that might hinder the final plans. But the time line for success was now shorter.

Osuma mentally clicked why transferring to a military ship was an important move for the society. The more senior officers on warships the more chance for a bloodless coup. Osuma wondered who else was a part of the society. His mind drifted to his elder brother, Yoshi and instantly dismissed the idea he was to loyal to join such a movement. Osuma did not think about his brothers often, and definitely not with much affection.

If Osuma was to be honest with himself, he was jealous of his brothers. His brothers seemed to go through life unhindered, with promotions and accolades. He was only reading recently a general fleet dispatch that Yuki Yoshirou, had been awarded the Order of the Rising Sun 8th Class. The award was for his merited duty in the exploration of space. Osuma almost choked when he read the paragraph, and was instantly angry that his brother was getting an award for jumping through wormholes. He knew the real reason was a media junket for the people in New Osaka, they needed heroes and the fleet were promoting his brother as one.

Osuma thought Yoshi would fine out soon enough, that real heroes were made with blood and sweat. Gone would be the days where Osuma would play second fiddle to his brother. As for his younger brother he was gone. Osuma doubted that New Osaka would ever find Earth again. If they did find Earth, New Osaka will not be the same it once was. Osuma laced his finger behind his head and rocked back on his chair and grinned in satisfaction.
« Last Edit: August 29, 2011, 08:19:34 PM by ardem »