Author Topic: New Mars AAR  (Read 1775 times)

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Offline Jikor (OP)

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New Mars AAR
« on: January 04, 2013, 10:52:01 AM »
The archives had been very extensive and covered numerous subjects which have led to much advance in New Martian technology. The damage from time had worn most of the data away however enough was retained in order to provide the keys and point New Martian scientists in the right direction.

These new revelations broke down society in ways never imagined. There where several years of internal strife and much political upheaval but New Mars eventually consolidated the divided factions as the Martian Empire. This newly formed Government would be ruled by an elected council. One of the first actions taken by the New Martian council was to signify their return to the previous glory days was to address citizens as just "Martians".

Something else in the archives was quite disturbing, there where several mentions of a powerful enemy which would threaten all life in the universe if left unchecked. This information was kept secret however and only the Council and top level Military and Scientific personnel where privy. This information was worrisome. The new empire was barely in the stages of exploring their local satellites. The space program was only a few years old when the Archives where first discovered. It was decided that the first course of action by the Empire would be to find new systems to settle and exploit. This would be  necessary to preserve the race let alone the Empire.

With this information in hand and the technological jumpstart from the archives the Martian Empire took to the stars.

Offline Jikor (OP)

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Re: New Mars AAR
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2013, 09:08:26 AM »
Space is vast. So vast that even light can take many millions and billions years to travel. However occasionally a signal may traverse through a microscopic wormhole and arrive at a planet it would not have normally reached for over 100 million years. This is one such signal from a little planet known as "New Mars"....

"Greetings. I am Kel'Jaton with MNN your number one source for New Martian News.
We begin this evening with a story on how New Mars has undergone a startling revolution these last couple years. A recent discovery in our historical records has uncovered some startling revelations about our forefathers that brought us here. We have New Martian Historical Expert Pad'Shinoth here to explain to us in more detail what has been discovered."

The screen splits to show Pad'Shinoth in his office. He is an elderly Martian seated in what looks to be an overly cushioned chair with slightly unkempt hair.
"Thank you Kel'Jaton. What we have discovered is truly marvelous. It seems that our ancestors actually came here from a completely different Solar System. There is irrefutable proof of this. We have found a secured container that seems to have gotten stuck in the foundation of one of our historic temples. This box was made of materials we have never seen before. When our technicians where finally able to get it open it contained a large amount of data on metallic disks. It seems this container was intentionally left for us to find. The data was a bit hard to decipher at first as it was not in a format we could easily read with our current equipment."
Pad'Shinoth took a sip of his water glass and continued "It took several months but we finally figured out a way to build a laser array to read the 'bits' from the disk and then used several distributed computer nodes to run the data through multiple interpretations. We believe we have found the most correct one and have begun decoding the disks. What they have been telling us is nothing short of astounding. We have refined our metallurgy to produce what are now called 'Trans-Newtonian' materials (Named after the famous Martian scientist Ta'Newton that first discovered gravity. These new elements are able to interact with our universe in a way we have never seen before. This was only  one hint of many that our ancestors where much more advanced than we are."
Pad'Shinoth flipped a page on his book and continued, "We hope that we will find much more information from these disks over the next few years."

The split screen closes and only Kel'Jaton is on the screen behind his newsdesk "Well that certainly is exciting information. In other news the New Martian Government is still looking for volunteers for their new exploration team. They have not stated exactly what they are planning to explore yet but we know it will be an exciting day for all New Martians. The new First Citizen of New Mars has been appointed today. Citizen Hagargufish ran on a platform of increasing New Martian Factory Production by over 20%. We shall see if he is able to keep his promise over his next 2 year term. "

With this last bit of information the signal abruptly cuts off.

Offline Jikor (OP)

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Re: New Mars AAR
« Reply #2 on: March 21, 2013, 08:51:22 AM »
It was always suspected that there was other intelligent life in the universe. From the findings in the archives it was known that even Martian life had begun elsewhere. It was never clear on exactly where this was or any information on other races besides the outsiders.
Since the rediscovery of the archives in the leaps of technological advancement New Mars had once again become an interstellar species. Recent disturbing discoveries however have shown the Martians that they where not the only race in the universe and there are several signs that point to the universe being quite full of life contrary to prior beliefs.
It was still unknown what kinds of threats these other life forms may present to the Martians. Even if the other races prove to not be a threat there was still the outsiders that the archives warned about. A strong military would be needed in order to protect Martian assets and ensure the future of their species.