Author Topic: Mechanics inter planetary civil war, mid game. Possible?  (Read 1385 times)

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Offline Shipright (OP)

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So the long and the short of it I want to simulate an inter planetary civil war between Earth and all other colonies confined to Sol. 

So I am pretty novice in generally but very much so in the empire creation.  I understand that I can go to the F9 screen and create a new empire that are also humans on the planet I want to rebel.  I can't however just give them the player empire populations and facilities on that planet.  Would not having any troops on those worlds I want to be in rebellion and declaring war on the new faction created mean the new faction would just take over that world?

If I create this new faction it will also start with all the facilities of a new faction on a supposedly colony world right? Even if I go Newtonian it will deposit hundreds of CI correct? Is there any way to prevent this?

So then comes the question of how I make this new rebel faction control ALL the colonies besides Earth.  As far as I can tell I can't make new colonies for another empire and then SM population into them like the first one, so how would you do this? Can you?

And finally assuming I can get the above to work and the new faction does take over the planets they are now occupying the population instead of them willingly supporting the rebels (if I understood the wiki correctly).  Any way to fix this?


Offline kks

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Re: Mechanics inter planetary civil war, mid game. Possible?
« Reply #1 on: June 27, 2013, 10:09:33 AM »
When you have created a colony on a planet, you can modify most of the points you mentioned by the SM Mods button(colony window, third button from the right).
What you can't do is giving colonies from one player to another directly, as far as I know. But you can delete them at one population and create them at another(with the button above). You can also give troops or exchange techs. (troop and research tabs)
If you want the complete planet to rebel, abandon the former rulers colony then. But you can also have a civil war on the planet between the rebels and some loyalists.
Them only thing you can't change(or at least I don't know how) is the status of the population. It seems to be an imperial population all the time. If you want rioting pops, you have to conquer them first (=> 20% level of production, research, etc.).