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Offline ardem (OP)

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Post 13
« on: February 21, 2012, 09:57:36 PM »

Snowflakes drift down settling on the city streets only to quickly melt leaving puddles. It was a gloomy and frigid night. Osuma’s hot breath created small puffs of air which clung to his face as he strode down a back alley. He carefully avoided the various trash and puddles as if stepping through a minefield, not wanting to dirty his polished shoes and uniform. Osuma spied his destination a door to a rundown apartment block marked with a sign ‘The Mayflower Club’.

He casually knocked twice and stood back from the door, giving a cursory glance up and down the alley. After a brief moment the door opened revealing an elderly woman, half his height and wearing some dress that went out of fashion 30 years ago. Her inquisitive glance allowed Osuma to give the passcode “My friend John has lost his dog have you seen it.” Her response was expected “I haven’t but you can ask Mr Mayflower” she then followed with “he is down the stairs on the left”

Osuma look past her at the stairs near the doorway. He stepped forward as door was opened to accommodate his entry. The old woman shepherd him down the stairwell, with friendly gestures that he should continue. Osuma looked back at the old woman after reaching the bottom of the stairway, enquiring with his eyes if the door on the left was the correct door. She nod politely and disappeared from the top of the stairs.

Osuma check his uniform and then opened the door, not showing what to expect on the other side. Opening the door changed his perspective of the dirty gritty building above, the interior of the large open space could be described as a command centre similar in equipment and personnel to Fleet headquarters.

The centre bustled with activity, with personnel going through there assigned tasks. From what Osuma could make out the command centre was checking air traffic, space traffic and seemed to be tapped into every major security force computer network.

Osuma surveyed the room looking for a familiar face, eventually his eyes settled on the large body of Charles Whitely who was in the middle of a conversation and a full bellied laugh. Osuma walked towards Charles catching his eye in the process. Charles turned from his companion and strode over to Osuma.

Osuma met Charles’s handshake and was warmly greeted. “Well Chusa, tonight we start a new Era for New Osaka, what do you think” waving his hands around the room, as if showing off a prize.

Osuma was impressed but also concerned it seemed other than the old woman security was extremely light. “Sir, I think it is impressive but there’s no security other than a flimsy wooden door and an old woman unless she is something more then she seems. Would it not be wiser to increase security, for such a sensitive site.”

Charles laughed heartily, Osuma was not sure what was funny but he was guessing it was nativity on his part. “My dear boy” Charles smirked “You would not have entered into the street let alone the block had you not been on the cleared list. I will not go into the details but suffice it to say we do not just own this building but a four block wide grid of this area. Each street attached with its own security process and protocols.”

Osuma had been naive and forgetting the scale of this operation. He did his best to hide his embarrassment redirecting the discussion. “Why has the schedule been expedited, are we even ready?”

Charles took Osuma by the shoulder guiding him from the command room deeper into the building. “We have been given a rare gift. A unique opportunity, we have just received word that the taskforce is stranded and will not be able to make its way back to New Osaka for several months.” Osuma look curiously at Charles “It is not known yet but an alien vessel rammed and destroyed the FFL Haiphong.”

Osuma was now in genuine shocked, and for the first time he thought fearfully for his brother. Perhaps Osuma still had a small semblance of affection for his family minor as it was. His thought now turned to realise the opportunity to replace the government, from a public relations point of view and also the unknown quantity of the fleet captains of the taskforce.

After entering and exiting a series of doors within the building Charles led Osuma to an underground carpark. A limousine was parked waiting with a single guard holding the door open. The limousines internal power source and interior condiments where vastly different to the 21st Century, however the external body had not changed much nor the function.

Charles attempted to ushered Osuma into the vehicle, inside waiting was Dr Hiro Akira. “Dr Hiro” Osuma said pleasantly surprised quickly bowed his head in respect to the doctor. This was Osuma first time he had seen the Doctor since their meeting and the day Osuma fortunes had changed. The doctor responded by waving his hand to the seat in front on him within the car “Please enter Osuma, I am glad to see you again” Osuma complied and Charles slid in after him.

Osuma then realised he was about to be driven somewhere, up to this point it all had been a whirlwind. Osuma built the courage up to ask where he was going. The doctor replied “To see the Emperor”

The Nihon people still maintained an Emperor as an office of state. The position had become a figurehead of sorts, but did not have the power or god like respect the Emperors since the Second World War. Many of the Nihon people saw the role was nothing more than a connection to the past.

However to Osuma this was a big deal, as the past was important. He suddenly felt self-conscious but settled his nerves as he stared out the window into the city streets.

An hour later they arrived at the palace gate which they were permitted entry.

The doctor stepped out the car and turned to Charles “I think it would best if you wait here” Charles nodded in agreement. “Come Osuma”

 Osuma stepped out of the limo and walked up the stairs of the palace marvelling at the opulent exterior. They stepped through the opened front doors and were led to the Takamikura throne room by a palace official.

Osuma hesitated at the doorway to the room the raised octagonal dais and drawn curtain drew his attention, this was a strong symbol of their past.  In front of the dais another small platform where three cushions were assembled for the Emperor and some two advisors Osuma assumed.  The two rows of cushions were positioned left and right of the small dais towards the door, this is where the emperors guests would sit.

The doctor entered and kneeled on one of the small cushions located on the left side of the room, he gestured to Osuma to take a cushion located to his right. Position in the room was important as the closer to the dais the more important you were. Osuma was surprised that his status allowed not only a seat but to be positioned in the middle of the row.

Osuma kneeled on his cushion and took a formal pose. Other people now started to enter the room and take their position at the various cushions. Osuma look around the room all the guests were of the high elite or positions of influence he felt very uncomfortable as if he should not be here.

Finally the Emperor entered the room and all guests bowed low as he took his seat.  The Emperor was followed by two consults who sat either side of him.

The Emperor was dressed in traditional regalia and carried a closed fan in his hand. He was of young age like Osuma only twenty eight years old, his face was fresh and but his general persona was one of seriousness.

One of the consults spoke “Doctor Hiro are all plans in place”

“Hai, the various teams are in place to take out the governmental leadership and ground force commander not loyal to the emperor.  There will be a press statement in the morning that due to governmental incompetence and corruption the loss of the FFL Haiphong by an alien vessel had happen. The Emperor has taken appropriate measures to remove elements of the system that does not have the best interest of his subjects at heart.”

The Emperor grunted in approval

Dr Hiro continued “We do not want to remove too much of the existing leadership outside the government, as it will be necessary to use their talents. We also do not want to create mass fear for the majority of the population.”

The consult asked question to other people in the room around details of law and order, sanitation, power grids and various other essential services.

The emperor interject after some length looking directly at Osuma “What of the fleet”. Osuma cursory glance realised he was the only fleet officer seating in the room. Osuma swallowed and hesitated, he only knew of two gunboat captains committed to the cause. He had not the available time to gather more behind him and it was slow process due to the need for caution. Now that the taskforce was unavailable and the only available heavy ships either in drydock or currently under construction, three ship captains would be all that was needed.

Osuma spoke calmly “We are at your disposal”
« Last Edit: February 21, 2012, 10:08:51 PM by ardem »