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Offline ardem (OP)

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Post 15
« on: May 10, 2014, 01:02:54 AM »

The white coats camouflaged the lab technicians in the stark white interiors of the research lab. The only thing that stood out was the dark googles wrapped tightly around their heads. The googles protected their vision from the intensive light that now  spluttered and then stop. The sighs and groans around the room signalled the end of the test.

Sakiko took off her glasses, looking down at the googles revealed the company logo etched in its side ‘Silcore’. She gave a disappointing glance at the project managers, this was the third test that failed she would have to shelve her plans for a 40cm Laser weapon. There would be no approval for funding from the imperial council based on these latest tests.

“That’s it team, we now shelving this project, please get ready for the project dismantlement. You will be all moved to support other teams by the end of the week.”

The investment in this project was lost, she felt like a failure. For 12 months the faith that her husband has had in her in developing new weapon technology for the navy has been for nought. She knew he would react as he always had done with more encouragement and more money, which frustrated her. Sakiko wanted to stand on her own two feet and run a successful research and development company, but failing at every turn only made her guilty in taking even more investment money or as he call it ‘love money’.

Her competitors were landing large contracts for smaller projects that did not require a leap in technological theory. Nori Heavy with their new large fuel cells, Kanq with gauss speed upgrades and Mitsui with missile magazine efficiencies. It was time to look at something smaller at least to keep the company afloat.

The technicians were packing away and slowly dispersing it was such a sad sight. She really did feel for them and did not blame any of them but some would have to be let go. She hated this side of business but business finances were a reality.

Sakiko felt a buzzing in her pocket, she reached in and drew out her mobile phone she noticed a message from her husband. “Urgent need your help. Meet me at the location I have pushed through to your mapping software”. Wow this sounded serious she hurried out the door tossing her labcoat aside to the nearest technician who stood bemused at her exit.

After an hour car ride to the industrial park she arrived curiously at one of the larger heavily industrial parks, the sign read CK Electronics System. She did not know her husband had any interest in this heavy industrial machinery plant, she quickly spotted his car towards the entrance of the building. He could be seen talking to several business men, bowing and making there farewells. Sakiko parked nearby and walked towards her husband who was smiling at her. The sound of her high heels clicked in the emptiness of the car park.
She was now uneasy, firstly he did not look in distress as she had expected. He also had that grin, the one a cat makes after drinking a bowl of milk, smug and victorious. Sakiko expression changed to nonchalance, she was not going to let him best her whatever his intentions were. Her glaze now steeled itself for battle.

“Why are you not hurt or covered in blood. Your message appeared that you were in great distress. I worried all the way here” her opening remarks here well-chosen. The best form of defence is attack. His face changed to mocked pain, Sakiko could see words formulating in his head to put her back on the back foot.

“Oh it only pains me to be away from you too long my dear, but this is still a matter of urgency. Life or death if you will” Her husband could not get any cornier. But at the same time this level of corn also melted her heart and turns her legs to jelly. Damn him.

Sakiko now standing opposite him folded her arms, resting her weight more so on one leg. “What could be so important and here of all places” Her face turned as if smelling bad fish as she gestured around the industrial plant.

“Well dear” quickly he moved closer and slipped one arm around her waist, standing beside her, both looking at large plant. “Today we are now proud owner of Chong & Kee Electronics Systems and I have an Imperial signed contract to deliver an industrial efficiency improvement up to 16.5% net gains.” With a small break he then quickly said “and you’re the CEO.”

Her mind quickly races this is so typical of him, he knew Silcore was not going well and he tries to buy my happiness. Anger quickly followed the shock and she tensed her body, his arm is wrapped around her tight she cannot spin too far away, but used force to spin enough to push her a little away and face him directly.
“You cannot do this to me, what about Silcore!” her growl was the best she could muster, however he stood there unaffected. Damn him again.

“Silcore will have to wait this opportunity is too big and too important to give away” he spoke in a calm and consistent voice. “This buyout is important to me and I have risked much in it. If this venture fails so does Silcore”. She could see the tension on his face even under the calm exterior. She could see he did needed her help but as CEO it was just too much, she could not handle it.

“Why could you not be CEO if it means that much to you” she protested much like a teenager not able to go out late at night.
“I will be chairman and my role will be enormous as it is, I have so many meetings to gain industry collaboration. I just cannot make the gains in efficiency the Imperial requirement demands. Also I cannot trust anyone more then you, as we are partners in life we also need to be a partners in this venture.” His sincerity shone through once again, making her swoon.

Sakiko sighed in resignation. “Ok, only because it is so important to you.”

His Cheshire cat smile returned. Sometimes could love him so much and sometimes she could just punch him. But for now she just cuddled up to him once more turned and said “When do we start” ‘Tommorrow’ drifted into her ears but at the moment she just happy to have ‘the now’.
« Last Edit: May 10, 2014, 01:12:35 AM by ardem »