Author Topic: Thoughts on an NPR race type  (Read 2785 times)

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Offline Arwyn (OP)

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Thoughts on an NPR race type
« on: August 03, 2015, 09:46:32 PM »
So, after re-reading Weber's Starfire novels (Bug Wars era) I got a bit of a wild hair and went on a 80s sci fi novel spree.

Then I pulled out my old copies of Christopher Rowley's Vang series.

The basic premise is that the Vang are an alien race of parasites that convert any living biomatter into their own Vang types. Their ships are biological as well.

Since we already have a biological ship type, imagine that coupled with a NPR that lands "forces" that convert population to their own, and increases military assets (ground forces) via conversion.

Just a an idea. Might be fun along with the xenophobic arachnids or genocidal methane breathers.

I thought it might be interesting to see what kind of other alien life/races/encounters could be added into Aurora without massive changes to the current code base.

Thoughts? :)

Offline TheDeadlyShoe

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Re: Thoughts on an NPR race type
« Reply #1 on: August 04, 2015, 12:20:36 AM »
i will have to check the Vang out, I have not read those books. 


it doesnt really seem that different than the star swarm. Aside from the ship converting etc, the Queens will fluoridate and to some degree consume your colonies to create more forces. I'm unsure of the exact mechanics.

if 'racial traits' were ever introduced for players or NPRs it would probably make a good candidate though!

Offline Paul M

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Re: Thoughts on an NPR race type
« Reply #2 on: August 04, 2015, 06:31:49 AM »
The Vang had to be one of the most terrifying alien races I ever recall reading about.  The only race worse was in Spacemaster and was some Ghou'oul type worm parasite that puppet mastered people.

I still recall the Vang book where the Vang got into a prison....uhm...yeah...unspeakable horror ensued.  I believe that was "Vang: The Military Form."

Basically if one is coldly logical about how to deal with a Vang infected would go for a burn off and nuke it till it glows.  I'm not 100% sure it kills the Vang but at least they can't breed.  After that anything attempting to leave the planet is destroyed, then the wreckage is pulvorized and sent into solar decay orbit (or crashed back on the planet).

Nuke them from orbit IS the only way to be sure.

Offline GreatTuna

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Re: Thoughts on an NPR race type
« Reply #3 on: August 04, 2015, 01:07:11 PM »
it doesnt really seem that different than the star swarm. Aside from the ship converting etc, the Queens will fluoridate and to some degree consume your colonies to create more forces. I'm unsure of the exact mechanics.
They irradiate planets heavily. The homeworld of Dorin race which I, uh... united with my empire, had only 100 citizens remaining (they just won't die) and 100k+ radiation. There was also another Dorin colony, but queen never touched that. Maybe they were waiting until the homeworld finally dies.

Offline Arwyn (OP)

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Re: Thoughts on an NPR race type
« Reply #4 on: August 04, 2015, 06:56:28 PM »
The difference between a Vang type race, and our current biologicals is that the Vang dont make the planet glow in the dark, they subsume the resident population into Vang.

So, the planet isn't uninhabitable, but its damn hard to get the Vang off the planet with out resort to Very Bad Things to remove them.

The mention of parasite races is a good point, something like Hal Clements "Needle"

Or a race that sends out automated "Seed ships" that pre-terraform worlds prior to colonist arrival. That might make for an interesting robotic enemy outside of our currently well know and loved psudo-Cylons. :)

It would be interesting to see some racial characteristics added that might make the game play a bit different.  With the current trends of planetary discovery and the discovery of more and more extreamophile life, you could see some pretty interesting aliens.

High pressure life isnt one of the more radical ideas. Deep ocean life on Earth operates at incredibly high, and very cold temperatures. Something in a high pressure atmosphere wouldn't be out of line. Current research is showing that higher pressure extends the habitability zone of a planet out substantially past what is currently referred to as the "habitable zone". As the pressure goes up, heat retention and heat distribution go up, insuring water stays liquid, even as the energy delivered by the star drops.

So, low temperature, high pressure worlds actually work as habitable, since the pressure acts to keep water liquid. And thats just assuming good old oxygen based life. :)

That could lead to interesting conflicts. Humans want a hotter, lower pressure, and the aliens going for colder, higher pressure. And thats just conventional stuff, some of the theories suggest far weirder possibilities, although as the heat index rises, the likely hood of complex life starts to decline. Venus like words, are still out of the realm of possibility, as they are way too hot, and way too pressurized.

Still, some interesting possibilities.

Offline swarm_sadist

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Re: Thoughts on an NPR race type
« Reply #5 on: August 05, 2015, 06:39:15 PM »
My thoughts on some 'race types'. Note that my suggestions mostly change how they would reproduce.

1 - A parasite race that requires a neutral or occupied race in order to breed. Management of secondary slave races would be required, as would culling excess or breeding more "livestock".

2 - A robotic race which manufactures population, doesn't produce food trade goods and can be upgraded via technology (in lieu of genetic engineering). They would be almost immortal.

3 - A digital race which exists inside a network instead of in a metal shell, which has server farms for cities. Military units would of course exist in physical shells. Basically immortal.

4 - A hive race which has a small fertile population, and a large drone population of workers and soldiers. The "queens" would produce clutches of infertile population, only producing more queens when expanding.

5 - A race that is always fertile, with both sexes having very little in the way of dimorphism. Basic human beings.

6 - A race that has breeding seasons, which would of course cause havoc to the economy during a few short weeks or days. Would also mean there would be sudden jumps in population, followed by large periods of inactivity. Sexual dimorphism would be high.

7 - An energy race of beings. They feed on sunlight, power or sorium. They require little in the way of living space, but require large amounts of constant energy to live, grow and reproduce.