Author Topic: 2016-2018 The Start of a Long Road  (Read 1795 times)

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2016-2018 The Start of a Long Road
« on: January 01, 2016, 06:03:22 AM »

March     China started to run in a shortage of Sorium for the fuel refineries. Production was then halted to gain more Sorium stock, Trans Newton Research was proceeding as fast as it could but would not be available till December 2017
June     Research into Large Fuel Storage completed

May     China wealth continues to grow, with 20 new Financial Centres completed there was with a wealth shortage.
June     China declares Syoans an Enemy of the State, only due to the lack of communication from Syoans
July     China managed to steal technical data from OPAB, obtaining Minimum Engine Power x0.4, this was not what they were after but was still a bonus. China will now switch the team to the Imperium, perhaps with more success. However the espionage team, was spotted by civilian crossing the RUS-CHN border, border police surrounded the building a shootout happened killing all of the team. The Imperium was suspiciously quiet about the details. Chinese scientist discover Fuel Storage- Very large
September     China complete research into the Genome Sequence
December     China completes Trans Newtonian Technology

April     China wishes to improve relations with the Syoans even though they have been declared a Enemy of the State. This might allow secret trades if they are successful. China upgrades it Academy to level 2, this will spring a Education Revolution, so the banner says.
June     Converted 20 Construction factory from Conventional industry, and completed research into Minimum Engine Power x0.3
July     2 fighter Factories, 20 Mines and 10 Ordnance Factories converted from Conventional Industry. China research into Pressurised Water Reactor complete.


June     CSU start to run in a shortage of Sorium, Fuel refineries were halted. Trans Newton Research was proceeding as fast  and would be available till 30th April 2017
August     Completed Research into Minimum Engine Power x0.4

February     CSU has declared the Syoian as hostile, mainly as much of the other Earth races have, so perhaps they may know something that the CSU does not.
April     CSU have  discovered Trans Newton technology, they are much behind the space race, but have some great experts in this area that will allow them to catch up.
September     The CSU research Pressurised Water Reactor
November      CSU has completed research into Engine Power Modifier x0.3

February     Fuel Storage Tiny was researched
April     CSU develop a NTE Engine, within two weeks they developed their first space bound engine, now they just need to wait for the survey sensors before they can start construction.
May     CSU detonates it first Enhanced Warhead in an underground test, it register around the world however the yield was comparative to a very large conventional weapon, The world knew it was only a matter of time before the CSU might have nuclear stocks, this has created angst and there will be a focus on future work for countries to develop offence and defensive platforms.
July     20 Mines were converted from Conventional Industry
August     CSU completed it geological sensor research, and a gain of engine fuel efficiency of 10%


July     Imperium runs in a shortage of Sorium, Fuel refinery were put to a halt to obtainmore stock, Trans Newton Research was proceeding as fast and would be available till 20th November 2016
September     The Imperium started to see the Syoans as hostile, the military would not target there ships this was a PR exercise by the Imperial Court. The Court is sending diplomatic communications to Syoans
November     The first Research Team to make the discovery of Trans Newtonian, this was a major breakthrough, unwilling to share this discovery mean they could be the first to explore potential resources in this solar system, all effort were put into Propulsion and Sensors. Scientists also completed research into Fuel Storage – Large.

March     The Water Pressure Reactor was finally completed, Thermal Engine Technology would be next then engine design. The Imperium was starting to become the largest player in Space technology.
September     The imperial scientists make another step forward to their space craft, development of the Nuclear Thermal Engine. The Imperium now has a working commercial engine, however the 10,000 ton upgrade to the shipyard will not be completed until 2026, a smaller military engine will need to be completed, to get to Mars designs are now in place.
November     Thermal Sensor research completed
December     20 Finance Centres coverted from Conventional industry, this made the Imperium the second wealthiest on Earth, just behind China. Gravitational Sensors complete, however on design of the survey ship once again the engines were too big for the require journey, a smaller engine was put into production, it was just a scaled down version on the 500 ton Kale-Marar 25 EP NTE M to 250 ton. A week later it was included into the Krivak Survey ship design.

January     2 Fighter factories were converted from conventional industry, a defensive fighter net would ensure the safety of the Imperium.
February     The first 20 Construction factories where converted from CI
April     Research into minimum Engine power x0.3 completed and Fuel Storage – Very Large researched.
May     The Imperium compete research in to Active Gravitational tracking and Developed a 10% fuel efficiency with engines.
July      The Bezier, a Kirvak Class launches bound for Mars, the first mission to Mars and the first outside Earth orbit since the Apollo missions to the moon. The World watches in wonder, the lead pilot of the mission who name will be soon immortalizing Kapitan 2nd Rank Helen Bobrov. The July 21st Arrival on Mars, the planet was now under geographical survey from orbit, with data streaming back to the world however sensitive mineral data was kept to the Imperium, the 6th of August the Beziers completes its final orbit and head back to earth.
August     Saw the first minor colony on Mars since the successful launch and return of the Beziers, colony would be made up of 5 Geologists. The Imperium declare Mars apart of the Imperium, this cause a major political upheaval and the diplomats trying to restore the peace, no other faction supported The Imperium’s claim, it was not until OPAB displayed it new laser weapon shooting down Ballistic Missile as a stage event, that the Imperium stop its threats but did not withdraw its claim. All Factions then note of OPAB capability, even the Imperium who though it was advanced due to its space flight had to reconsider where it was at against OPAB. The Imperium needed space weapons to defend its claim. If the Imperium was able to defend Mars, then the claim would succeed and any further claims it made.
September     The Imperium developed Duranium Armour this would be used on their combat vessels
October     Breakthrough developing a laser using Infrared Light
December     Research into Fuel Storage – Tiny, Beam Fire Control completed allowing the elements of a fighter to be produced, weapon development still being researched


June     Research into Large Fuel Storage completed. OPAB start to run in a shortage of Sorium, Fuel refineries are halted to obtain more stock, Trans Newton Research was proceeding fast  and would be available 30th March 2017
October     Minimum Engine Power Modifier x0.4 Researched
November     Fuel Storage – Tiny Research completed
December     Shipyard, added an additional slipway, more slipways were ordered to be completed

February     The Syoans are becoming reclusive, OPAB Military has now declared them hostile, however Diplomatic efforts will continue.
March     Finally OPAB completed Trans Newton technology, and on the same date saw an expansion its Civilian Economy by 20%, OPAB did not have any great scientist for power and propulsion but always had a nice stable of weapon scientist, development in this area progressed.
May     OPAB discovers an enemy cell from the Imperium, a shoot out happens and all five agent are killed. OPAB does not disclose this to the world, as it also has agent abroad, but it happy so far no harm has been done. OPAB developed the first Infrared laser capable of being deployed in the field.
July     OPAB completed research into a Very Large Fuel Storage
September     Research into the 10cm Focal Laser has been complete the final stage before the first laser gun. The Gun mount was easily completed and creation of the first working laser was kept under wraps for now.
October      OPAB complete research on their Pressurised Water Reactor, they are still a bit behind in these fields, but are still happy with their progress.
November     OPAB finish research into the 10cm Railgun.
December     OPAB completed 10 ordnance factories converting them from Conventional Industry.

January     Active Gravitational Sensor research completed. Not Long after the Imperium built its 2 fighter factories OPAB completed it conversion, but without engine technology not much can be achieved yet. Spies were reallocated from China to the Imperium it could be seen that China progress was not ahead of elsewhere, as the Imperium could be seen building a space vehicle.
Feburary     Duranium Armour research completed, this will make the space vehicles stronger and lighter. Research continued in this area.
April     Spinal Mount for laser weaponry research and can now be included into a combat design.
May     OPAB complete Minimum Engine Power x0.3
June      Completed the Conversion of Conventional Industry into 40 Construction Factories and 20 Mines. Research into Beam Fire Control 10K was also completed, the final piece for a deployable weapon.
August     OPAB apart from its demonstration of laser weaponry, saw research into the field of stealth with thermal reduction on the engines. The Demonstration was a veiled threat to the Imperium but nothing more, a lot of it was bluff however as only a prototype had been developed and no land based installations where under construction, but the Imperium back down for now delayed any claiming of the current Solar system. The OPAB was spearheading a reestablishment of the 1976 Solar treaty, where no sole country could claim a planet in the Solar System. So far all were in favour except for the Imperium and CSU. If it could launch a combat capable space fighter before anyone else the treaty would be put in place.
September     The OPAB managed to develop its NT Engine, it now needed Hanger and a Base to store the soon to be made fighter aircraft. High Density Duranium was also made available for these craft. However due to Duranium being obsolete it was released commercial meaning the other factions also acquired this benefit.
December     Fighter Construction started, also completion of the Railgun project, however the power difference was not much different to beam weapon so improvements continue in this area.


June     New Papal States ran into  shortage of Sorium, Fuel refineries were put to a halt to obtain more stock, Trans Newton Research was proceeding as fast and would be available till November 2016
November     Beaten at the post by the Imperium, the New Papal States were slightly unhappy but overjoyed never the less, the Papal decree was to make sure they would be the first to reach Mars, and all efforts went into this.

April     Two slipways were created it was now time to expand the shipyard to allow larger ships to be built. 5000 tons seemed suitable. Also gravitational sensor were now ready to be added into the production. The New Papal States were the last to classify the Syoans as possibly hostile, with no diplomatic channels this could not be improved.
September      Improved the 5% efficiency of Shipyard operations had been gained

May      Papal States converts it first 20 Construction from Conventional industries
June     An Imperium Espionage team was captured in the NPS, they were displayed on NPS TV and relations with the Imperium have worsened. They were sentence and jailed for their natural life. This been a major embarrassment to the Imperium, who is denying all knowledge of the spies.


January     The Syoans became wary of the New Papal States and their doctrines after learning about the history of the Old Papal States, they now designated them as a Hostile Faction, but did not want to interfere with their progress as it may turn the rest of Earth against them. Starting to watch Earth progress, the Syoans are now wondered if giving them Trans Newtonian Technology was a wise move. The Syoan improved there Laser Weaponry to Visible Light, They were not constructing fast enough research need to progress in this direction, watching earth and how quickly they developed technology was troublesome, they needed and ally on Earth but who, so far only OPAB seemed interested in productive dialogue.
September     The Syoans now believe to be wary of the Chinese considering them hostile, since they only have one race defining their culture, also they seem to use the Africans as slaves for resources without providing much in return.
April     The Syoans now have sent diplomatic communications to the friendliest faction on earth which is currently OPAB, They are currently hostile but Syoan wish to change this.   
October     Syoans develop Damage Control, not being people of warfare they are soon learning from Earth past some of the necessary needs for them to thrive, also they switched Diplomacy to the Imperium as had become a space faring race.